BsRAUCH@S SLUMSER SMOP 15% Sh.wuuM. A., U»L ZM* là W "DAWN IN LYONESSEI@ 16Y, Mary Elhrn Chase $1.7.5 A iterary masterpiece mend. àwor- thy succesorfo "Màry Peters.': 'SiI.s Crocbeff,."i"his Englandi enid "A Goodly ll.ritag..' 1724 Orrington Avenue OrrIsgton HII SMgj. Gr*. 0227 real l.ifei an oboe player in a synipbony orchestra. He is married, cbildless and lives witb b is matter-of-fact wife in aà typical suburban apartment.- Inlnst. Leit Buthbis u n-real life is wbat makes the story initeresting. Mr. Simpson- like most of usý-is a dreamer, and, again like most of us, worries not only about bis own personal future, but about, the--futureof the world. He inclines to-, ward the Left.,. In fact liecalisbiniself a Democratic Communist, He wanits to see justice prevail, and believes.that. a major change Ws due in the government of the ,iorld, but is be- wildered by the dismaying amount of wrong mixed up .witb what be thinks is right. The novel deals witb three actual evenings in Mr. Simpson' s life,. while it covers several decadès and two con- tinents ini bis imaginiugs. Here is Mr. Simpson engaging in Baccliic revels witlx Russian nobility i 1904, march- ing with the proletariat in Petrograd in 1917, fighting witb the Loyalists in Spain today, discussing current affairs with a reporter and a fellow musician in a saloon, and drifting drunkenly into a marvellous vision in wbich. the rulers, dictators, war lords and party heads of the world unburden their souls. Jamies W.-Manný, teacher ofEng-, lish ,and, socialstut Skokie school in Wiinnetka, is theauthor of "'The Student IEditor," a pro Çti- cal mtanuial about. ,ekoolpublica-. tions just brought out by the Mac- millaitcornipasy. First Novel Typifies Universel Poor Farmor Charles Curtis Mutiz, whose first novel, Land Without M oses, was published by Harper and Brothers on Mýrch 22, -says: "The Idea for Land The problem of directing school publication s-newspapers, magazines, year books-is a situation which the teacher of English bas to Ineet in tnany elementary and higb schools today. Until there was issued this spring by Macmillan' The Student Edtrby James W. Mann, faculty member of the Skokie school. in, Winnetka, no adéquate manual on the subjetbas been available. "Througb nearly al my..teaching experience,". Mr. Manin says, "I have beer. meetinig the p roblem of publish- ing -school papers as an dutgrowtb of Eng.lish classes- or of school. activities. The only, help bhas been in tecbnical journalism.- books, designed, for col- lege. use. The resuit. has been that many teachers have trieci to apply journalistic techniques to non-jour-- nalistic materials. A study which I made in-connectiont Masters degree convinced me that there was need for a simple, practical pxanual buit around the type of material most generalIy . found in school papers." WeIlI Ilustrted Macmillan corroborates this opinion by bringing out bis work in at- tractive textbook form, illustrated with numerous photograpbs, charts and allied material. Chapters and subbeads are well organized for quick reference. N éVs__atbering, news writing andi editorials are simDly resented. but - ~ ~ ieaii ge-isln butaefr prountable advertising, now to Iceep inteldlgn, weHi-mlandnin but confosed rop. simple fnancial records, how to order indviual'"e was arrowing, or dragging, printing and engraving, ow to. dum- h is land with a knotty log; the man my a paper, and how to read proof N e Boks onfasihimself was raggecj, the mule. was -thlese are tbings every teacher NewBoos C n'tastskinny and tottering, the mul' ut know if be is to -supervise aý Diffren Am ricns arness was mostly of rope. Theprsentable school publication. though struck me: bowever hard Printer and Saleommna Lr Biographies of two sharply contrast- that mani works, be cannot escape Until The .Student Editor w as K. e types of Americans are scbeduled by from the doom of his own helpless- pae ntemreatahrral Macmillan for March. ness. He bas no money, no tools, lcdothmakatehrràly "Uncle Sam Ward" (brother of Julia notbing but bis own puny bands, and needed to be a printer, advertising Ward Howe).. of old New. York. 'he hevarennt4 ri hsàlesman. and ecitor as welt. i r I W. -e Peo ple, that b ter exhausted. o papers at bis deai Holbrook now lives in Portland, published at thec His Holy OId Mackiniaw,: A appointed by the' S nil History.of the American Lum- the. Comniunist pe c was published by Macmillan conImittee acts as airch 22. executors. ui iRussia. Ti ns novelist's literary I0,