LA A .1HAR ER0oGive Sermon ut ISSUES Lentes. Observance~ TO HARBOR BODY The third in the series of Union - Sunday evening Lenten services wil be held Sunday veningi April.3, at 8 Move to.Strengthen Yachtsmen o'lock in the in Long- Battie fr Impoe First Presby men o Bainterian church, ment o Boeinunder the ,direc- tion of the Rev. A strong move in the ýbattIeë to James T. Ven- prevent the abandomnment of -Wil-' ekiasen, miinis- mette harbor was -made this week t er o f. t h e when Secretary of State Edward J.c h u rch. The Hughes issued in, Springfield a pece o u charter to the Wilmette Harbor asso- wek wiII -be the ciation, a not-for-profit corporation, -Rev,. David R.,I whose objectives are the maintain- Rabele,. pastor ance and developmnent of the, harbor of the Minmette and of the mooring facilities provided R.v. DavUICd Kb. tnglish Lutheran therein. .Teeuin evcs.wihwl The new group is the outgrow*th of cu nThe unon hsevesich o wPail the North Shore Harbor' associationclint n bdeeig fPlm informai organization composed of Sunday, April 10, are sponsoi.edb local,. yachtsmen . and civc leaders.teWlet inse' no~ which has advocated the dredging and All 1peple f the commuWnty, are enilargintz of the hiarbor before gov- cordially invited to participate in the ernmenital bodies for the last few. observances. ..years. The service on April 10 will. be in SteghnPosition the Wilmette Baptist church and the. The incorporation, it was explained, Rev. James T. Venekiasen will preach. would strengthen the position of the. Six, Protestant churches are join- yachtsmen, and by giving corporàte ing in the. services. entity to their organization would aid in legal' and inançial matters in Warn of New Law on the fighit' for eventual developiment. Not only may the yachtsmen soon Driving by Minora in Council Conference Audit BookÂs o TownshipPrior. tAn.nual Meet, Preparatory' to. the annual New Trier town meeting which will 'be held Tuesday afternoon,- April' 5, at 2 o'clock, the .annual town .board audit was held Tuesday evenin'g of this week at' the township office ini the Winnetka Village hall. Reports were submitted by Mrs. Gertrude M.. Thurston, township supervisor and treasurer of the road and bridge fund; Lloyd C. Ayres, township highway commnissioner, and Seymour H. Olmsted, relief admin- istrator. The foregoing reports wili be sub- mitted at the annual town meeting next Tuesday afternoon, which will also be held at the Winnetka village hall, and which is open to the public. Tuesdmy's Aài&t Tuesday evening's au.dit of the supervisor's books revealed total re- ceipts in the general fund during the past year of $81 ,101.69. The ex- tyIpnditures were $38,826.92, .leaving a Delegates Prom Illinois Higb Schools9 WilI Mooet at New'- riler This Frîday, SnturM*y The fifth annual convention- of the Illinois State A ssociation of Iiiab School, Student Couùncils w.ill'be held at .New Trier -High schoolths rdy' and Saturday. Registration f rom.2* to 3 o'clock on Friday af ternoon will be foliowed- by the first business session, which will be oened, by thé president of the association, Lois Fullerton. The Rev. George Dre Wlof theWietaC- .gregational church will' deliver the invocation. Peter Bachrach, presîdent of the r~ANew Trier sttu- dent couticil. wiIl rep- ro i v stationed there, which patrols the stretch of water betweep the mouti of the Chicago river and Kenosha,ý will be unable to use it. UL i ncorporators The incorporatbrs of the new har- bor association were listed by'the of- fice of the secretary of state as Arthur S., Van Deusen-, Jr., andi Arthur W. Friskey, Jr., both of Ev- anlston, and Wesley E. Bowman of Kenilworth. SPRING' Bill Penick, soi F. Mueller of 6091 at home last w Nortiwesterfl Na' sprilg -vacation. tor i. 1 The law fornieriy provided that suci. persons could drive a car if, ac- conipanied by an aduit or the owner of1 the car. A number of North Shore police have reported violations of the law, as amended, and il bas been requested that attention be called to the change in its provisions. I ~-N- .wW Yx ii u 7 E'I iliary of the Winnetica voman's club Friday, April 8& fundead y relief rax IUUUty. ..irow teiGain, andrIlold the Itere No Road Lv Respect, land Cooperation of the St As reaure ofth tonshp raddent Body" will b. presented wi As r~surr f ti.towsbp radBernard Rosenberg of Pekin Hil and bridge fund, Mrs. Thurston re- schocol acting as ciairman. ported receipts for tie year totaling $5,193.31; expenditures of $4,486.23, T6 Be TinI.IeOper and a balance of $707.08. Student speakers (net selected The reduction of this fund to the the time of publication) wîll talki present amoux>t, it is. explained,' is outstanding proj- due to the fact that the township ects being carried hicrhn j mmnissiner 'diA nt vv out. in t h- e i r observatin anaU Jpast ten days. greadtly improved. (Continued on page 14)