d ~/ ~ - IMCoePAT.. JAMEl.S-CRABBl DESIGNER BUILDEI TH-E 1225 Ce i i., ayre development, Mr. Nixon .an- j. nounced tbis week,. contemelating a total of 60 bornes to be completed by 4' the end of this year. Ten, homes now junder various stages of construction orý Icompleted serve to show bow the com- munity will appear, Mr. Nixon'pointed 1out. The first.- spade was turned to Create the> ne* Glenayre commun ity April' 18, '1937. Before the projeet was begun, ac- cording to Mr. Nixon, officiais of the, FePderal Hîousinig Administration were called into conference, and, 'plans for each borne were discussed and approved for a 100 percent FHA rating bef oie the plans were put into operation. Five significant factors ýwere involved: l. accessibility .by..automobile and rail transportation; 2. installation, of al public improvementsý before construc- tion, neéessitating no furtber special as- sessments; 3. surrounÏding protection; 4. restriktions assuring that io lhome could be built witbout complete ap- proyal of plans and location. of« eacb bouse on each site for a barmonious wbole; and 5. land utilization- each home to be built on a plot flot less than one-haîf acre in extent. T. Co.t $18,0»W t. $Z0,W The bornes will average $18,000 to $20,000 including land cost, and eacb window of each bouse will overlook ai avorable surroutndings as weII as care- ut planning. The Glenayre tract is stwrounded by atural pr<otectio s, the North Shore olf. club adjoining at the north, the Men View Golf club adjoining at the ;outb, bundreds of acres of forest pre- ;erve adjoining at the east, and the illage of Glen. View adjoining at the i'est. Tbe Glenayre develôpment is ituated on the north side of Glen View Baumann-Cook, 553 Linicoln ave-. nue, Winietka, report the followng recent sales made through their office: Herbert Weil sold bis property it 812 Rosewood avenue, Winnet.ka, im- proved.witb an eight roorn, two bath bouse to jan undisclosed. purchaser., Baumann-Cook represented b o tI parties.. Mrs. Charles Jacobs of, Wiinnetk.'t, purchased a wooded ývacant lot az'the northwest corner of, Lirîden street and: Sunset road, Winnetka,. fromn the Exceili estate. H. F. VanSteé*nderen sold bis prop - eryimproved "with *an eight-room. residence, at 222 S. Green Bay road. Highland 'Park, ,to ,an ,undi,;closed purchaser. W. G. Ruggles andi co,n- p any representedthe seller, and Bihu- mann-Cook, represented the. pur- chaser.. One acre of wooded property on Briar..road, in tbe Sunset Ridge dis- trict in Nor4lifield, was purchased by Norman Waite of Evanston. Bau- mann-Cook represented both parties. Arnold Holmes bas purchased tbe property, improved witb an ~English residence, at 1112 Tower road, 'Win- netka, f rom Lachian W. Maclean. Baumann-Cook represented b o t b parties. The ten-room Colonial bouse at 844 Prospect avenue, Winnetka, was pur- cbased by W. Sanger HIincbnign. Baumann-Cook represented b ot h parties. undisciosed purcliaser. ills Kea Ity represented the seller and Baumnain- Cook represented the purchaser. Robert N. Golding sold the prop- erty at 1095, Pine street, Winnelka. improved. with a red, brick. Sou)thtrn Colonial house of eleven roomns anu five baths to John Dawson c; Chi- cago. Baurnann-Cook represented the seller, and Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. represented tbe ptarchaser. Associatedwith Miss Florene.. S. 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanstûn University 0283,.. Wilmette 2486 .: Rogers Park 0271 IUxupltelvy Iuvvg ail requirements of the goverrnent and FHA weee avail- able. The government b as practically guaranteed tbis one because if was not begun iti baste." 514 EAST RAILROAD AVE. MNT PHONtE. #ENILWORTH 262 '12 4 laamai .4 a TRADE MARK 0F QUALITY BUILDING tral Ave. Wilmette 456 or 3513 LOANS