.1. Us » lteer .-rssbard ansutt i5lýTN47-4tp w« osiussreplae& f rameu r.mrt JOSEPYH P. KUSS 17 03049leAL REPAIIRENC WE FIX ANYTHING. RADIOS, ELEC- trical appllances, door belle. boume -wirîng. etc. Prîces very reas.. Ail work guar. 1330 Central, Wilmette 1330. 17LTN47-4tp MtusiLDisN D AP UAlà Reoelng& Modernizing PLAWIW-A m UUMTHE BY SOMBONE WIJO KNOW5 110W Add a bat.broom or recratton room RemodeUing of entire home AD under one contrsct By competent designer anid bufider P Hl A long or short terme arranged U T. MoGNNIS-20 years on N. S. 1348 Ridge Rd. Wilmette 6064 S1LTN47-4tp FLAGSTONES Aloo tonefor wuiIs, rock gardons, etc. BRIKCUItENT WORK, TÛCIC- pinltlng ree ~XÇ.advlce and 'wameueè 4-4tp E.v. s.. au PAINrttNS mo mGO irATINS floors nmde 1k. uew by dustiesa ma- chinery. Our speclaty on wmhlng wadlis, and woodwork that'doesn't hurt the sur- face, 3ret at a Iow coat.. Our work la done to.your satinastton by a record of, good rfereuce sud best mat. at lowet prices.] ME VN WIL. 3413 25LTN47-ltp LOUIS SICOLNIK PAINTING AN»D DCORATING. IN- terlor aud exterlor. Good workman- sh!p. Best referencès. Carry comnpenss- tion. WINN. 258 WIL. 3503 25LTN47-ltp EXPERT E PAINTING, PAP ýTI se HoMte MAO£ FOD PODUCIS CATERINO. OPEN FACE iAAND- wiches a apecialty; ý'decorated birthday cakes; roll. Lunebeons and tes.L Mmra Balker Wlet4151 3OLTN45-4tp 30,00l0 PANSIES Giant, llowerl ng. $3.60 per HU.NDRED S20,000 PEReNIALS Good healtby stock. $12 per HLJNDRED Rôtotilling-Land-qcaping Specialize lu lawns and tipwer bordera. Maintenance. Gardens located 3 blocks south of Willow Rd. on Skokie Blvd. SCHROEDER GARDENS. Northfield CALL WINNETKA 3945 THE flEST IN Landscaping Products Ibult ~ACEIS Grimm-'s I PAINTING ID lor. Paperbi Eastiuates hi Diversy 71 Service Gardener EXTIR Wlth North -Shore ref'er, as work. work by day. or month. W 4677 Olý .TN44-4tp ____________ F.4 52 42LTN46-4tc ALFRED LINING McKay Nursery Compn Landuca e service-mainteflalce 799 FOXDALE AVE. WINN. 3690 SZLTN47-Stp, BLACK SOIL 1yd., 8.35;'US do.,$4; 5Ydsl&e 53,LTN44-4tP ALFRED MARCHETTI.LANDCAP- Ing service and materlal. Supplies. Tree surgeon. North Shore'n Most ex- perienced'gardener. Willrette 3478. 52LTN47-ltp Plant Your Evergrecns and abrubs now. Also selY fertilizers, grass. seed, and black, dIrt Wil. 3073. 52LTN47-4tp Landscaping, Maintenance PLANTS, SHRUBS, TOP SOIL, MAN- u,,e baul1ng. Frank Kares, Wlnnetka 3622. 52LTN46-4tp RICH BLACK SOIL FOR HUMUS. PHONE GREEZNIJI& 3542, 52LTN46-4tp, Laundry to Take Home WILL CALL F'OR AND DELI VER. All band work. Phione Wluuetka 869. GILTN45-4tc Laundry to take homei, ourains. blankets and other laundry. Uztperi.esd. Call snd divr SSLT1144.4tp Laundry to Take Home WILL CALL-DNLIVER Whimette 3246 63LT47-ltp 3A WASNUN MACHINE BaREEVICE IF YOU AR19 INTEiR] or used laundry equ lu and soc our dis North Shore E 907 Linden Ave., Hub. fD IN NEW ent; corne r or'cal) yShop RI( 1, yd.,1 PHONE WIL4mE Deeo,~fDreumaklng. Attel drem andcoata. 6 &8418 Raefrencesà.1 851/rN4S-ltp sud Eveungw or restled. te 1562 LL<. L, $9. ELM TREES 7 year old Utt 418 Ridge Rd., 7-4tp ý7-ltp Draperies, slip covers, curtains, ibed- apreads. Ail decorative furniebluge made to order. Samples and materlals of all kinda. AUl work guaranteed to lit and hang properly. 10 years on north sbore. IH. »ell. Glencoe 1]1OS. 71LTN44-4te Don't let this changeable weather fool you. Suddenly the real Spring will be here to stay and you'll want to be golfing or fishing, but you'll have work, to do in the garden or around the house. CGet- the work 'done now- With help from the people, who, make this:page' A DIRECTORY, TO HOME. COMFORT