TMy 4 oooe, $184380 8. general imalde, 115-418 7general maide, $12 Several at $10 SHioRLINE EMPL. GCY. 746 Emm st., Tel. Winnetka 3012 97LTN47-ltc 2 PUYS. E D. INSTU. SWI)4MING lnir, a speeialty3. Must have train- Ing and exp. Those with cars pref.. Day and full time camp starting June 20. Worth wh1Ieý sal.. Ph. Wilmiette 1068 for appt. 97LrN47-lte GIRL FOR PART TIXE HOUSE- Work-afternoonsi through dlnneir. Adulte onlyý. Refeernces.,Cali môrninegiq before 9 :30, Wlmette 2598. * . 97L-rN47-1tp COMPETE'NT* WHITE HELP WANT- el wiUI good -rot. Appiy ln porson. ALL BXPJlOYUENT' SERVICE des Vernon Ave. Giencoe 251 97LTN43-tf<. WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housrn-work and washing. 3 adults, nu chldrenln raily. Stay (je go honme nights. Wilmette 3677. 97LTN47-lte LADY, PLEASING PERSONALITY, ambltious, willing to learn . .. sales experience preferred ... good income, steady work with opportunity for~ ad- vancement. Gre. 7908. 97LTN47-ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. N U'AITTYLATTNDRY. GLENCOE 1049. 97LTN4 7-Ite WANTED: AN APPRENTICE for dresosmaking. None but yoipig 971.TN47-ltp. WAITRESS FOR TEA RQOM. Experienced preterrýed. Apply 8-10 P. M. San Pedro TeaRIoom, 918 Spanish Ct, Wiluiette. 97LTN47-ltc WHITE GIRL FOR (IENERAL Iiousework, willing and ml lable. Muýet like children. Referencos. Wilmette 41 EXPEI 97LTËN47-tp WHITE MAID, 4 t laundry. Owxî room one.$10.00 a week. 97LTN47-ltp Ford Sedan...... Ford Coupe, dlean ... Ford,"60*' Tudor. radio 1936. C ord Beverly Sedan .. Ford Conv. Sedan, radio Ford Tudor, trunik 1935 Forci Tudor, snap Chevrolet Tudor ... Ford V-onv. Coupe.:.. 1934 * 54 5 85 .. . .$495 *$385 . .. .. .$275 -$275 . . . ... $325 Ford, Vietoria ......$215' Chrysler 6, Sedan... $295 Ford Tudor $195' You get a beêtte r e car at ACE M©ftCir iue,ý 435 Green Bay Road W-11. 55,(-PEN SVNDAY GRE. 0535 105LTN47-ltc A REAL BUY 1938 1ST 4-DOOR TOURING sedan. Only driven 3,000 miles. Will take trade or down payment and personally finance balance. J. D. Stinsonm, Wllmette 3341 or Winnetka 165. 105LTN47-ltp FORD TRUCK (JITABLE FOR GARDENING OR paint truck. Glencoe 1807. 105L47-ltp 1938 OLDSMOBILE BU SI1N E SS coupe. 7,000 miles. Ail deluxo equip- ment. Ileater. Perfect mechancail con- dition. Finish and tires A-i. Wlmnette 17.. 1oSL'N47-Itp 1930 BUICIK COUPE WITH RUMBLE seat, $35. Car in use every day. Call Winnetka 2291. 1OLTN47-ltp 113 OATS &O@UTROARP MOTORO FOR SALE 15-FT. SAIL BOAT Exe. <eond. Reas. Winnetka 29ý1. 1 13LTN47-lte 111l' FORU Plea.gnt -singlei Light, culot. con DOMS 110 M@TE14 ATTRACTIVE SUITE FOR 1 OR 2 persons ln residential hotel., Con- venient to transportation. Home cooked moals. Moderato rates. 1405 Judeon -Ave., Evan., Greenleaf 7991 IISLTN44-ttc lie voitMEN-LOT NKpa. Oome 1-8. RM. APT. AND. 1"--3 RU. APT. 1bea.utfully ýfuru., newly.decor., large light roomès, Interspring, mattresse, big yad, 2 bîks. troM achool a.nd N ., Sta. Gan, light, heat, linon, dlshes and olec. wash. mach. furi 60-$65 per imo. $16- $18 per w eek., 1021 Central Ave., Wïl- mette 2791. 119LTN47-ltp lis OAD *oAND BOO»M LARGE SUNNY ROOM ADJOININ bath. Douicou meals by cateress. Exclus1ve, large, eaBt. side homeé near- "L." Wilmnette 4151. 121LT1N45-4tp WILL GIVE A MOTHER'S LOVINO care to an. Infant or a young child under '7. Plenty of wholesomo 'food. Reasonable. Wilmiette 4963. 121L47-1te WILL GIVE CHILD ROOM AND board in private family with children. Write B-135, Box. 60, Wilmette, 111. 121LTN4 7-ltp lits iotFOU rE-APATfmuNTB 40»-412 Lee St. EVANSTON'S FItNEST APT. home. Wood-burning fireplaces. Spaclous well arranged layouts ot 4-5-6 rooma with 1-2 baths. Located la a choice residential neighborhood.. Conivenient to transp,. and the laite. I1Qard R& W.armir 522 Davis St. Greenleaf 1856 Winnotka 4551 Hollycourt 1855 S128LTIN47-ltc .4 LARGE ROOMS $........75 5 LARGE ROOMS, 2 »ATHS ..... 106 CH ELTENHAM COURT .A"13Apq ýfxTr r)22 Dsvlu. St. Wlnnetka' 4511' -areeleaf 856 ollycourt 1855 llreeleat1856128LTN4'7-ltc- The Chaumont Building N. E. COR. CHICAGO AVE. & GROVE 1st. Available May lot.- 3% roome für'n. and unfurn. Woodburn.. fireplaces. LIV. rmn., one Ige. bedrm.,'dînette, kitch- enette. ýTile bath with shwr. Roll-a- way bed. Apt. overl6ooki French Cout Yard wlth flowers and beach parasols. Exq. rurntshed and decorated. P. A. COOPER 160.5 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 30.10 Chimneys Apartment Building 156 GREEN. BAY ROA,WINNETKA REAL BARGAIN' Luxurlous, 5 large rooma $85, reduced, from $120. WiII also rent furnished to Oct. I., Phone Winnetka 1492. 128LtN47-ltc DESIRABLE LIGHT, 6 ROOM UN- furninhed spartmeênt. Alo 2% ROOM FUJRNISRED liefficiency" apartments. Avalable May 1. Harrison 1043, or after 5 P. rm. Wilmette 432. 723 ELM ST., WINN. APARTMENT with 1 huge living room, 1 huge bed- room, kitchenette, dinette and bath. Lots of closets. Call Winnetka 3500. 128LTN47-ltp 4 RIT. FLT. 1ST FL. LGE. LIV. RM fenced yrd, 22 biks. to center of town. Suitable for couple or amali tami- fly. 410 Prairie Avenue, Wilmette. 128LTN47-ltp Modern 4 rm. apt. Living rm. with roîl-out bed. Bdrm., tile bath and show- er, dinette, kitchenette and brkfst. noolk. Close to transp. May lot. WIl. 1724. 128LTN47-ltp 129 FOR iENYr-pu5triSHEb .ApS. UNIUIYAL, $UNNT, 4 ROOM artment. Newly furnished. Higbly restricted. Caretaker, 548 Michigan Ave., Evanston. 129LTN47-ltpý' UNFUflNISHED 0ORtPAR'rLy TUB- nished 4 room apartment. Excellent location. Adulte. Call before 10 or after 5. Anytime Sat, or Sun. .Wilmette 2834. , . 129LTN47-ltp 4 IROOM FURnN. APT. S1UBLEASE MATY 1 TO SEPT. 30. 1101 MER- RILL, HUB. WDS, 1% IBLOCICS ALL TRANSP. ,WINN~. 86S. 129LTN47-ltp 10 WTD. T 7 N0APU mne of, 4- adulte. Winnotka 3012 à MI. eAAUtle i n. irent. I lec. Apt. tile Vînnot ng Park; ha shower. ,62 South Ave., Glencoe. 5 bedrms.,3 *baths, H. W. oil heat. Garage. Co&n- veulent location. Possession Ma y Ist ... .... . 1.... ... ...$130.00 CUSACK, Rn,ÀLTV O 795 Elm st. Winnetka . 715 .Winnetka, 111. Rogers 'P-k. 2321 133LTN47-ltc