5160-5161. * PL&COCK TENDIER-PROCESýSED IIAUS The tezide&tii g'proceàs that thl8 nationaily Iaznous "A.rltoCrat o! ýAl Hama" bas undýergofe. makes t, the nlgarvel of ail. It la ready to serve. To serve hot, place In a znoletate oven, allow- ing 8 to 12 minutes to thé pound.. For. frying or broiling use 10w flame; it's reade to serve when thorou.ghlY, heated. Pialace. Foods give this ham their unqualffled eùdorýem0ft. 14 t. 10lh.. a*wg-WIÎole. 0%4y SnmalI Si..Hama, 4-. 29r.ç, 7 t HA .Your. choice 'of 2 famoue, brands. Armor' Star with its fixed flavor or Swift's Premlum, (oveniized)212 là l bs. avg.......l. 1 , to.1< 10 to 14 -ib:a. 9v., lb. 271/ c - i210 ROAST OP OBEEF. StanfdIng.ý The finest Utprime beef money caîr buy. Fuliy aged; as, Rtender, julicy and succulent a i-oast as 'f you could wieh 'for'. 6t? and 7'th riIý, tlb. 25C POT OAS? '1Thefinest of choice prime 0. beef. Very tender, juicy and savory, lb. 19C Selected eu ts, lb. 24e Try Our Boneless FRun' and vEAL STEAK 3b. Try Our Boneless BEEF TEIIDEIIETTiEs ... lb.45 15164 In the performnce of "Blossol" Time"l by -the Lake ,ÇShore 'Opera Playersj, at, Orri;igton, school audi- tortion, Ez'aiston, April 1, 2, 4 and 5, Richard Wrightson, (above) pl Wilmette took the part of "'Kip- pelzzeiscr," the poct friend of Franz Schuibert. The. production of Sig- mund Roiiberg's work was undcr. the personal supervision of HIowad *Tooley, weIl-knozon direct or o! musical shows. GO TO OZARKS * Mrs. Patrick J. Mullally of 852 Park avenue is leaving the first of FRYINS CH 'ICKENS Fancy dressed. The fin- est quality. Milk-fed, plump, and flavorsome. 3 lbs. avg. 7 lb ...........J37 TIIiKEYS. Fancy dres- ed., 10-13 lb. avg..... lb YOUNG DUCKLINGS They make a delicioiis morsel. 4½' to 5ý' lbs.. avg.19.Pe Rabbi Charles Et., Shuiman's sermoni at the North Shore Congregation Is-' rael Sunday morning, April 17, when' he. speaks on "<The Heresies of the Twcntieth Century." The sermnon, assuming that- it is worship of. false gods that bas as much to ýdo .with modern social un-. rest and misery as any.other factor, wil1 treat of some of the heresies that have weakened man's moral fiber and 'Made hlm an, easy prey to the demagogue and. the false 'Mes- siah., Services at the North -ShoreCon- gregation Isra'ei, Lincoln and-Vernon avenues, Glencoe,, are held cvery. Sundav morning at 1l o'clock aànd visitors are alivavs cordially invited. .A special service for. the first day of Passover will -be held at th.e temple Saturday. morning, April 16, at 10:30 o'clock. Young People to0 loin in Mammoth Easter Services Early Eaeter morning will witn.ess. a great cavalcade of young peopleý, of ail denominations f rom Chicago and environs streaming through the portaIs of Soldier Field for' the sixth, annual Faster Sunrise service which begins at 6:30 a. m. Sunday, April 17, and continues for one hour. This year with Easter falling three 'Mullally ivili be wihtfl inmc week-ends. 'Mrs.. Bur-ks is lier home ,vith the Mullallys. N. Y. H erki mer, Yellow Danish Bleu, F a n cy Gold'n'Rieh. YOUR CHOICE ...... LB. Ceddar,, Sw i s S, .New! It's VIS ITS PARENTS .Nms. George Wýhitdord,,th e former Genevieve Snmith, is speniding two-- weeks with her parents,. Mr. and Mms. Howard R. Smi'th of 1115 or-. est avenue. She met her father and mother in Buffalo while they were on a trip east, and eturned to \Vil- Dr. Charles E.' Fuller of Los Angeles, radio preacher of national farne and director of the "Old, Fashion Revival Hour" broadcast, which is heard e'very Sunday eveningý over the Mutual Broadcasting comn- paxscoast. to 'coast network, is to be the spieaker. *Mrs. Louis A. Suekoif returied me- cently to her home at 819 Chestnut aveniue, after a month's trip to Hot Springs, Ark.. and N.ew Orleans. ........ pkg. 1b SALTINES. WelI baked M rx*r . ikg. 15C Pint ZC tor miu Quart Mor.ing GoI.ry T@inslo leverage PI,. M.II.w I. one siri Dozen' * qc- Julce, us 5doz $1 Telophon. WIImtte .1