wee k, visitiiig relatives. Miss Lraig t bas returned to the Cranbrook Aead- emy of Art in Michigan to resume ber studies 'ANDSÇCfJIN1G UlACE DIE-T - FresTKlLIZING Speclalizing là Rock Gardlena, Pools Get Our Pries on Shrube Trees- Evergreens - Flowers Cor.;Skokie lvd. ALakq Av.Wiinet te4 42]U IJY )R O lThe prizewinning posters ainiiuc-ý CR Cela >fmasprnghecard party of the inntkaBusiness and Profes- sioal onin'sclub were' done by 3-IATE SROKthese New. Trier High scbool stu- 3-EasteR eIel* dents.*>Betty Janie Pose of Wilmette, senior. left; Pat WVill of Kenilwortlî, PAcCAGE junior center; and Debby Kraemer Fresh Strawberry of W'innetka, freshman, rigbt., Ice Crem.m......... PT.22 Two local artigts, Mrs. Maiitiel Hahn (Nancy CoonsWian Hahn) and. A ftL. ~ Mrs. H. R. Mathias (Helen Mathias), Ffide àve. haracy the judges, were unable to choose La. smd Ridge. b.d first, second, and third places for the Con wU..tt. 316 winners, and so gave them equal rating. SodrCazel DuI Te b~party announced on the pos- WIIm.*. and central April 18, at Winnetka Coinmunity Cal WitIff 40 House, to ftîrther the philanthropic work of Oie club, Tickets may be ob- FLORIDA FRUIT CO. FIEE'DELIVERY AMPLE PARKING SPACE GRAPE-FRUIT <seedless . ....>.. fo ORANGES romp, ...... . .. . .. . 27@ 1717 okAve.' taiiied at the batik. f rom Mrs. Myrtle Carpeniter WVîietka Tr.ust anld .Sais Aijr Mail Weeko -Be Observed From May' 15-21 Postmaster Herbert L. O'Conniell announces that the week of May 15- 21 has been designated by the federal potal department as National Air Mail Week, in commemorat ion. of -tbe first air mail service, established,,be'e tween Washington, D. C.. and. N\ewv York City on May 15, 1918. The object of the celebration is. to rivet the attention of the public on air mail service, which has been broadened trernendously. in the pàst few years, and now reaches to every village in the land. Not only has the air mail pushed back our horizons, but days-yfs, weeks-have beef Cut; f rom the traveling time of the mails. A letter may even hé sent aIl the' way to HongKong by air. The post office departmeiît. it is~ stated, bas visions of stili further extensions of the service.. Among other things it hopes in'the verv' near f.uture to send ail first class mail the destination of which is 400 miles,' by air mail, at the postage rate nowý in effect for the slowver meaiîs of transportation. litoriuitn next Monci&y eve- )'ock. Metig Cor-n- 4L. ~ selves ivill be held on the following schedule. Mon.day,. April 25,- Skokie schooi,, Winnetka. at 3:'30 P. m.;.Tuesday,. April 26, Central scbool Glencoe. 3 p. ni.; Thursday, April 28, boys at the HToward. schéol and girls at the Stolp, school, Wilmiette, 3 p.. m.,; and Fnî- day, April 29, 3 P. m., joseph Sears school, Ken.ilworth. Dean. ID. Charge The meetings -will be conducted by Miss Elizabeth Packer, dean of girls, Miss Ella Shaw' Freshmnan. girls' ad- visor chairmhan, Frederick A. Kahler. dean of boys, and C.-William Reiley, freshman- boys' advisor chairman. 1Private scbool pupils will meet at the high school for tests and instruc- 4tion on Wednesday,. April, 27, with .Wesley.L. Brown, business manage r. in charge., The meeting is, to be h .eld in Room 205 at 3:20 o'clock. On Wednesday, May 4, will be held registration of private school students at New Trier with the deans and thu advisor chairmnen in c ha~r ge. This, meeting will aiso be held ini Roorn 205 a id wil1. start at 3 :.30 o'cdock. SPEND VACATION HERE Miss Patricia Piper of Rochebter, ýMinn., came here Friday of last %vek from Carleton college with Miss Jean Ann M.\oulding and ber brother, How- ard, of 1025 Elmwood avenue, to be with the M.\ouldinigs during the Easter vacation. Miss Eleanor. Moulding, wbo is an assistant iii English anid economics at Carleton college, is speiidiîng ber vacation with friends iii Northfield, M\inn. RETURNS TO STUDIES Bill Spinney of 619 Forest aveinue ret.urned Sunday to Dartmouth col- lege after a short stay with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Spiiîney. 'Miss Sue Spfinney, Who attends Con-, itecticut' college, spent her spriîg va- cation wyith friends in Florida. bi q.ou Rd power of nis Chfrist" f(Kev. 12 :10). are seen to be a b Ti'uc&s I WI The lesson-sermon aiso included sin, disease, andd WIS.54280I 542 the following passage from the ing place to the sc Christian Science textbook, "Science tions of divine .5. and Hiealth..with Key te the Scrip- spiritual, perfect n entiîic iexn< rit and' to n"(p. 99).