Bell Toue Chopper Canaries Fine singing canaries in full plumage. 30 days written song guarantee $. Rgarii .95............... $49 New Oblong Bird Cade andi Stand Modern designed cage and full loop stand with in-a-drawer bird bath. Enameled $.9 in colors. Regularly $8.95. Çoniplete 6-9 Bird Cage and Stand IEuaneled in colors with chrome trim. drawer bottomn cage. Regularly $4.95. Special........... Sliding $395 FLOWRINGSHRUBS Including Rose Of Sharon, Golden Bell, Syringa,ý and Weigilia Roses..31 DAVIS - VANSTON formation about civic,; ecoQuui",an social problems of American Mie. To- dayr we :wish te present- one of the practice which are mployedt give. reality to some of thèse pr beS. It isalways cifficultto maie institu- tions of the government., cither' state or, national, seem ýeal t the bigh school student. From tune totime,the social sdies departmnent dramatizes one Of these institutions, >and presents, this dramatization to the entite school.,Sev- eral gains resuit f romn this procédure. In the first place, the studeftts who participate: Wn'the dramatization ,learn somne lessons in civics which they neyer fre.Secondly, the audiecoth rsofthe' student body, get a vivid lesson in government because of the presentation of f ellow - students, which often holds their interest unusually well. Again, dramatie presentation is f re- qutfty fkmre.reastic .tlan eitiier the, oral 'or written word. One of the most successful projects of this nature lias been a session of the United States senate. We sent te Washington for a floor plan of the senate then. isession. When this was received, we set up our senate on the large gymnasiuni floor in as nearly exact imitation of Washington as we could make it. Members of the United States, history classes represenited the the senators, bringing in tneir mail and letters for their signature f ro.n time te time. From Congr.ssional Record For the discussion on the floor of the sèinate, about à month of the proceed- ings of the senate as'reportied in "The Congressional Record" -was condensed iute an hour's program cfi debate. 0f course, much, very mucli, was omitted, but one measure was followed through te its passage. The speeches which of 1787. Foderai Convention Aiter MUchfstudy the Play "The Fed- erai Convention,-» Araiattzed by Mar- a task wiiiingi? talion over by the home~ econornios department. Teamwork was the, keynotei, and so. the business of organizins the numerous .details wenit ferwaàrd smoothiy and raply unftil the project *was ready for presentation to the schoQ. Presoat Higli Llghte Condensed ite the space of an hour, we had the high lights of -the constitu- tionai convention presented... We know of nothing which. Would hiave made au dramatically. effective the important is- sues and compromises of the constitùu- tion., The great characters, of that pe- riod aise came te light,' and no, student could bave.seen it without feeling that Frankli Washington, Alexanider' Ham- fiton, and the delegates from the various states were living, red-biooded men.- t alis made clear ln a way that-,no iread- Ing ýever Opeenthé tremefldous differences of opinion, the conflicting interests, and, final solution ýwhieh made the constitu- tion the documenit It la. The resulta Justified the efforts put forth, for it.was a success. Yes, litwas a succe8s but not o1lyfrorn the point of view of entertalument. The cast, the other workers, and the audience had ca.ught the. spirit cf thie framers of the constitution-theO spirit of cooperation, the spirit of deterinination te do what was best fer the country regardiescf the consequences, and above ail, the spirit of greatness, of strength, and of lntegrity possessed by those men and- woven into the doument wliich was te govern a mighty nation. The dramatiza- tion of this Impressive event ln our his- tory aise developed ln the studerts the thought that theira was. a noble hcýritage, fresiimarl student at Grinne.ii colleg', bas been elected secretary of the Womlen's Athletic association for the coming year. She w'as chosen by a general vote of ail women, held last Friday. Miss.Booz bas also 'been treasurer of ber ciass thisyear. IMERMAIDS 'J Adair Phot These youngsters, members of thze dvl*or room of Miss Dorothy D. Walker at, N.ew Trier High school, recently won. the girls' ad- visor room championships in swin' ming. They are Muriel Foreak, Jcmann Fleming, Helen C7arke, and' Nancy Bercaw. (j j 1' Il