SHOES $ and $5 Bàail-Wilson Photos * * ,* Both these pictures: were taken last week during thé April blizzard (rernember?), and illust rote2 thate wuinter is a fine thing or is not, de- pendin onDesyolir vicw point. Il youý think of it ers sornething like the sont whcn ali the world is coziered îvwith a blanket of putre white. If that doesn't appeal to yo;i, look at the above phioto taken at Watikegait anud Willow roads, wvorkers diggistg *into six-foot ssaozz drifts to let automobiles through.- Imogene Complet e range of styles and sizes St SC HýLER.S in. Ivanston Spring gabardines that are designed to idealize the foo wih dinines and grace You'll love the'shoes fori their flattering unes. and better still for the way they fi HOSIERRY A NODBAGS TO MA TCH SECHLER'S THE FLORSHIIMSHOP 1607 Sheruma Ave. Iv..stm 1616 Orrleg*.m Ave. *4* Show Jungle Film Gorbam's Drug store in Glencoe. Uv. , ,There is also a limited number of e at Highland Park served seats for which tickets may Osa Johnson, wldow of the late be obtained from Mrs. John R. Todd, Martin J oh n son, internationaly 433 S. Sheridan road, Highland Park. 'yReservations will be made in the known motion picture explorer, who order of the receipt of checkcs lost bis life in an air crash last year, will present the lecture and film,, There are over a thousand reserved "Jungles Calling" at the Highlanid seats as -well, ami tickets may also be Park High school Wednesday eve- obtained at the box office that night. ni, April 20, at Highland Park The doors open at 7 o'cloc k. aWorthwhle. Rate I the Uunited States 1126 IS YOUR PROFIT,