MuS--&, mýh C "% p=and 4tm ai im»iWd MA wule I b Id f41 M ~1k~*NU'tt etgt ' !,-hm A e ~ I84* e eor.otx1 W« * &sd" ewmvig.zr * çd tt iypz-cv'i '1 4-u <'~~ ~M'~Jery a$rv j'r. ~~st~w~~ ~ leitnw el;Mo '917.s>t- au.4 W Ur0 *, re % wA(4otoe fi.Jin W 'A do;twtx pftt6t i be %Sr IL l a: tht '*ii¶y, htrd 'dtional $~ aiu Mrê Mm". '. J) ksi$?1 New Presedent "o, î«,Mtl*7Offt a IW.k- py i., Uk s8;n, ln& ývottd -made at the iefn of the C wbach will 'b to continue t ýhe ce the ,y, M 30. at 12 «'cl giv'en b toit ýri 21 . A fter lui a book revitw Irmna Fisher of WILMTTELIFE Il be ,-ans- I~i"~ 1$I A \forma iti ,no-r y r. inthe ' ,1aI cwiArie o29.i0_ ~ ~ » ~.-r ~naiIt"Ajril 21 at 7i <f$ý-clo b '& Çý.- C .4 < va < Iun~'yJiIy aIlti.,,the rw jr'irv ne fi-n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ colg thq~iÎrJaJ ~tiit,»i Ji~wilI 'e_ Dr. -Ham' Fra~k. While tri 'z.h,1<ki rstfdl i.I v Jicg Y -A-1 bleeritl dpart of tlitir tim'- in illEt he ýuccte4t4 3Mar E., i hw wttir.tpart twttd for il% Iist VooIle v. riut-tand'2flg mwCixan ~ FcmralC thy mi\or te .<ucatr and f'.rmer presidet. w%ýay à wý Sweden. andI w,'1 arrlvivt, wh(> ritired last year. tb)-t UnidSa~ in AVI ii lo)rence -Huth. pretidin%,ô thitclulb, ha#ý beenma hrm o f Afwtr de,«7kitig iiiNtw York. M \r ~<se.adsrigo e o axA Mn. J).-cki-r will .go idirrctuvly I * iîb ~ U> as tht hoWme cf Mr, >e li's;arentttï-.ât:-.. (JiHighland Park. 'Mrs. james ý4r..21 Mrý E.L. Dcke ofSt. ~ t ~~~ ¶ r.i*Frcr%tal of Wirnnetka, Mrs. Gtorge Wiý tfb hiand Mtr.son, M%j; s Jr.F.Spaulding of -Gkncoe, M.Paul Ikckt-r11Nir a d M ýD Deke 'All CaSterlinit of NWilme-te. 1MiS5s Hlen 21 coupler. adfMn eker wii(111 1N¶0nt-ho4v of Chicago. andd Mrfs. A.-W ~ped acoule f weksat . '(*(otr of Park Ridgt. 1*k~ Mi,,. beoreretrnig t thir 'ident Ham is w addresz the hor m-U.t in Kenilworh. 1) r pnk their ,-t, but his subjetct has not vet iJ~ nCe heirf«house iii Knlk r th he n anrmOunéed H t. is.,a rativ-e o1 he i chrgecf caetaer. California and recenved his BA de- -gret- atthe n-e5t i aiona later filing the positiéofi nsnc the-r- and] at the Vnivtrsity cof Wîash-ý Wifl anPtaedinton. In 1925 he receivtd hi-.7 c tor'- <egree ini Eng1ish1Sratr Charge of Tea Dance frei the Yale graduate 'cocXand 11- iit il)Stlc 1 f Nl S Jo n .theî' was appointed a-;s:;xaZ17 proes- oith Highnd Pa rk,. Johdn tRsor at Yale and in 1934 asz-oda-'te pro- 4ci iteConnecticut College club, Mssfeor 'ixeeH e acr efoe beYale L.ô, Trutsdale of \Vinnetka bas 'beeilfrintü er eo, ecmn pcdin charge ofi the tea dance to prcsident ofi Holycike. antd od hon- be .ed a Vssa husefrm 330orary degreés of LLID from. A71*hers'_: 44- (1dat Vssa hose fom :30alrA MNil I'zcoleges» io( iclc Saturday afternoon, April 1(). and reports a large number of rçv-ervaâtions for this affair.» .Arnmong those who-have table res- 4trati,n re Mrs. Frank Karsia'ke -Brownson Ciri. WffiI cfi Wilmette. Mi1s. John Taylor ofd Ktn i1lworth, Miss' Eleanor Sherma' H ld.nnruai ,meetng ànd Miss Truesdale, of Winnetka, Mis etyArhrr.Daie Ail At 10 oclock April 1 S. the annual NIir. s BedwyArcaher. Mrs. anel a. meeting of the Brownson 'circle UilI HMrs. F-I. D.Hilcie be held in the Rogers Park W'ýoman's