to Msrry Seturday Members of the two families wilI be the guests at thie mar- nage of Miss Mary Jane Ctrtis, dsughter of. Mrs. Raymond joseph Curtis of Chicago, to Richard Lawrencçe Nelson,. son Qof-Mir.and Mrs. HerbertUn-' deen Nelson '.f, Winnetka, at 8 0'clock Saturday evening, April 16. The Rev. 'Martin M1. Mc- Namara of St. Francis Xavier church will 'Perform the cere- niony in the. home of the hride's grandparents, Mir. and Mrs. Ed- war(I J. McArdle of Wilrnette. Mrs. Gertrude McArdle, cousin of the bride, will. bc ber maid of honor, and another cousin, Nancy Curtis, is to be flower girl. George Browning oý Wilmette wiIl serve the bridegroomu ai best man, and Mr., McArdle w*ill give bis granddaugbter in marriage. Abbott Lawrence elson, brother of the bridegroom, will return f rom bis studies ýat Princeton in order to be at.the wedding. Mr. Nelson wilI take bis bride to French Lick, Ind., on, their wedding trip, f rom which they will return:to be at home at 702 Reba place, Evans- ton, after May 1. After cornpleting bier studies at New Trier High school Miss ýCurtis was graduated frorn St. joseph's Hospital' school of nursing in Chicago, and, for the past .year, bàs been air host- etss for the Transcontinental and Western Air, Incorporated. Mr. Nelson's alma mater was first, New Trier, then the University of Chicago. where bie became a mem- ber of Beta. Theta Pi fraternity. He is now associated:with a realett Management coinpany in Chicago. Reý,Cu,,,,nteraaning in.,bonor of Mtg Crts 3asincluded the linien shower the Misses Sarah and Ruth Mary Cardy. gave at their home in Chilcago the afternoon of Marcbi 28. nhe evening of April 7, Mrs. Carl J. car7los pbtû Pririnf/ a Ica ai their home ut 1216 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, lasi Sunday ajternoon from 3 to 5, Vr. .and ,Mrs. Lorin A. Rower ait- nounced the engagement of. their daughter, Helen Elizabpth, taI es ter M. Freidinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Freidinger of Saginau', Mich. Miss Bowc-er is a flraduate of Swarthimore, her-fianicé "ýf Northwestern uni versity. Hle is a- *ize;iilber of Sigmia Chi fraternily. Amongj those' assistingq at: the tea :was Miss limily Dodge who cain e frontlMadisoun, Wis., for, the oc- caion. Hansen-Fullerlon Wedding Day Is Sel Miss: Helen Charlet Hansen, daugli-7 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hansen of Evanston, will be married'to David Fuilerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .H. Fullerton of Wilmette WVednesday evening, May 19, at 8 :30 o'clock, at the Wheadon Metbodist church in Jivans- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rudderow Lippincott, 1132 Ashland avenue, WiI- mette, announce tIhe engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Welles, to Chester Nelson Goltra, son of Dr,. aridMrs. John Nelson Goltra of Ev- aniston. The- engagement was made, known at the miovi ng picture party given -ly Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence l)ennian Saturday wbich' ski pictures of Sun Valley. were shown. The anIi. nouncemetnt was flashed on tbe screen at the end of thepictures.-1 Miss LUppincott spent several weeks. at Sun Valley %wifh the l)enmans in February. Announce Marriage Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Snow, 1320 Asbland avenue,' Wilmette, announce the ýmarriage of their daughter,- Fran-, ces, to Festus Walters', son of Mi. and Mrs. Ralph Walters of Circle- ville, Obio, W\ednesdlay, April 6. Thec bride and bridegroorà. vwill be at homne Ini Circleville. Mrs.. Jared Darlington and ber baby daughter. Sarahb-Anne, of Richmnond, Výa.', visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Comly Michener, 1530 Central ave- nue, last -week, while Mr. Darlingtonl attended a convention ini Columbus, Ohlo. To ,M.rry in M.y of Helen Aldrichi A\ io iho1shower given SaItirday Ihy Mrs.. Charles jen-:-- sen. of Jviitothe former ulw Irst f the parties platined t<) holor Miss.Helen Nlav AI-ý dIrichi of, Winnetka, who is to be ilarrC(l Saturday, May. 21," to Williatni Il1. K. Bennett. Jr., also lir. Clharles Howard Taylor, who cliristencd the bride when he, was pastor of a Nw:York -church, is corning up from his present home 1i Bloomiington, mId., to officiate at the wc((ligat- 8:30 -in- the evenling in theý chapel of the First Metbodist church in Evanston. Miss- Bettie :Buckett of Evanston _-is to be thé maid: of honor, a .nd Miss Aldrich, will have four bridesmaids, Mrs.' Jensen, the bridegrooin's sister, Miss Betty Beninett, Miss Betty Horsmnan of Winnctka, and Mrs. Arthur Larseti of' Milwaukee, who was Miss Aid- rich's roommate when she attended the Royal Academty of. Dramatic Art, in London.. The bridegroom, who is the son of, Mr. and Mrs. William H.K Bennett of 579 Hill terrace, bas. asked Samuel Moore of Wilmette to be bis best mnan, and the tishers will be Roy E. Knauer of Kenilworth, Robert Hertel of Winnetka, Barney Fitzsimnions of Evanston, and the bride's brother, Edwin Aldrich, a Purdue university student. Following the cere..aony, the bride's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul 1. AId-, ricb of 389 Chestnut street, will hold the wedding reception at the Georg- ian botel. Mr. Bennett and bis bride will, be at home 'at 1617: Fargo ave- nue, after their wedding trip. He attended the, University of Wiscon-. sin and Purclue University following his graduation from New Trier. His fiancée graduated f rom Ferry hall and attended the Goodman theater son of; the Jate Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph odist cliturch '-iii Evanston. Scars of Kenilworth, wàs annoulnced Loghty, a student at Garrett reCcntiy by ber parents. Mr. Sears cal iist-it ute, 15 pastor* of the 18 going east iiu a few weeks for the odlist lIpiscopal hclic at Mar wedding 'whicbi wiIl take place on and Wedron, 111. Miss H-oosi May 3, at Dedham,. Mass, colitinuýelier- work after lier. wc i. of Illiînois, and Miss Wagner was 17 a stindent ut Newv Trier High school. Th;y u4ll bc arried May 8,ina* ich,îriicerioya S..sý her moi] of Wiln as bier g of bey S( Havana. ring vacatin with Louis. A. Suekof brougbt with ber Y-Clare West, onte whose homne is in WILMETTE LIF.E