* Gvoss Point Gar4ens LAN~SA E MANAC ý 'eS Evergen '0èhrubs -Prnil A largevarietyof FRUIT TRtEES and IHARDY. HILES CENTER, 287 Guaransteed ai Reosonable Prices" XSed The WantAd SPRAY, TREsow ... b.f.a'. Me leeves coue ont IEXPERT TRIE Catalogs have just been publiShed and join the broad cooperative programn to ins pire home building irterest and ac- t ion. Newspapers and magazines througbout the country are giving tlcir strong- support to the. idea: that' the Great. American Family should' look for better living in a niew home of their, own. "The current emphasis on the case of flnanfcing new homes is showing inarked. resuits," says. T. O. Morgan, Chicago manage r of Home Owners', Catalogs. 'The February building contrâcts in the 37 easterni states for one-family bouses to be occupied by the 'owners were 30 per cent higher than they were in Jan- uary. The, promise for March is particu- larly good. Based on the performance to this time, it is expected that ail resi- dential work .in the month will nearly double the February figu;re." Sinc~e 1934, , W.' Dodge corpora- tion lias published "a guide to the se-! lection of home building niaterials, equipment, services and furnishings." The book,' Home Owvners' Catalogs, reaches niew home building families ex- clusively. Complete descriptions. and color illustrations of well known home, building products and services inakes it a one-volume library. Readers of this news-magazifle who are planning tô build homes for their own occupancy in. Although building operations iin the. fouyr North Shore villages of Wilmiette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Clencoe during March showed a slighit increase over Fehruary, there was, however, a decrease of, 58- per cent, froi Marci.. 1937. Tu March. 1937, a total of 28 ncw residçnces were built. ata cost of ý2.32.0O, à% cmpared to oilly.14, cos t- ilng $232.800i. in.Marchof> this year. The, 1937 alternations totale<l 29 anid c ost $57,640. compared to 10 permits and only $11,560 last tniontb. Fîve private> garages- costing $2,1 80 were liilt during March Iast year, whereas. tbere were .only three, costing, $700 this, March. In 1937. a total of 62 building per- mits for improvements costing $449,420 were issued. as comipared to 27 permîits and $209,00., the, past mronth,ý a -de- crease of 35 permits and $2%0360. Alteration. Jobs and Garages in Permit List Seven building permits,,' five for alteration jobs and t wo for private. gýarages, were issued in Wilmettedur- ïng the past week. The permits for alteration work were issued to W. H. B. 'Steplieis,, 1628 Highland avenue, $700; M. Kel- logg, 826 Chestnut street, $300; A. H. Anderson, 918 Tenth street, $1500, J. Heinzen, 1466 Lake avenue, $1 200; I-I. Tohnso, 1517 Maple avenue, $400.*1 Building Record By Greenebaum J nvestnit Company Permits issued for new building in the Chica~go suburban region during thé mouti of Marcb showed an increase of $940,000 over February,. the total for March being $2,028,093 and for ikbru- ary $1,185,498.,This increaise of over 71 per cent represefits a. widespread im- provement ini building, as the total is ilot affected by any unusual proj - ects. running ,inito large figures. it represelits an upturn,. large or smn1ail, ini forty-three of the ýsikty-five com- munities reporting to the survey. which is miade by, Greenehaunm Invest- ment conipany. The change for the bet- ter is largely the resuit -of permits, is- sued for nlew homes. The improvemient in ncw building ini March failed to indicate. the tremen- dons seasonal urge of past years whjch in March, doubled, tripled -or. even quintupled the February figures, as mnay be seen in the following sunimary: Shows Uptrend Inspection of the March returius Shows strong building activities ini a number of suburban towns. HamnondL. which led the. entire list so mariy tinies last year, is again, ahead. Joe P. Guy, the building* comm issioner, reported, a total of $212,000. The closest approach to this is Highland Park, froin which the building inspector, S. D. Morris sends ini a total of $165,000. E. M. . Grin,-21-~, ii, j'mn,.aeitier of. FA- -'y c rpai, ~Chicago, giv- ing such information about. their new- homes as location, when work. will strapproximate cost and architects' name. The book will be sent postage paid, without cost or any other obli-ý gation, to those who qualify. It is not offered for sale. $30,000 Residence Is .Recorded in Winnetka Anew residence, costing $30,000, anîd alterations, mainly interior, to the Ah-, bott Trust company building at 1073-, 1085 Gage street and 940-948 Linden avenue, and costing $15,000, were auith- orized in building permits issued ini Winnetka durirîg the past week.* The nèw residence, two and one-hal f Storifs of brck veneer construction struction are Berwyn with $104i,00; Fast Chicago, $99,000; Evergreeni Park. $140.000; and Wilmette, $11.000. Park Ridge with $84,000 is ai so outstani îiig. The commnu nities . hich report new, homes,.started in Mardi in amounts' ex-, ceeding. $25,000 are Berwyni with 12 homes to cost $94,000-,, Elmhurst, 4, $28,000; Elmwood Park, 5, $47,000:' Evanston, 9, $98,000; Evergreen Park, 28, $140'000;~ Flossmoor, 3, $29000;, Garv. 11. $27000:, HammnE10, $34,1 I N D ist-N. S s,ke-N. S,t Autoaatic C oke S toker WILMETTI COAL& MATERIAL Co. 1301 L, àk. Ave.. Wilmee Wihnette 4200 settings. In addition to the roomn ar- rangements which are sponsored hy the Wall PaperInstitute, there will be a group display of wall papers, sponsored by Chicago dealers partici- pating in the Style Show, and occtl- pying the entire Gold room.