v.) For the gay carefree seas on just ahead you'IllWant several pairs of these niodern-as-the-minute sandals! Ideal accents for your sport clothes, as the perf ect cç>mplement, to your summer f rocks, ý for play,.- and with your print housecoats. Note the, wedge soles-"they're the newegt fashion bit. s m a r t piga1dne leathef hm a Ught and 4r ivedge soie. Blue, ta%, brown. and white. 11 .< Siues 31/2te 8. Norr.w end mediumu wdtls. leothers Limes. N.vel*y Fobrlcs Wl.., Ton multe c.lers pras,. $2 TUfE MODERN IJU8T PRO*F COVERING Because of the enthusiastic acceptaiwe of Pliofilm products, Wieboldt's bas establisbcd a Pliofilm department in the Notions, lst floor. Pliofilm is a 70% rubber fabric, imisture-proof, sturdy and transparen.t. You'11 find many, many uses for P.liofilmn in yoir homne. Single GarumeuitDres. flag with bias tape ties 75e .75c PRIE PARKING WILMiUTI1100 sil I E i. i WIL METTE LIFE