MVr. and Mrs. Emmett. -D. Yar- ian, 1021 Central avenue, be- came the, bride of Dudley W. Steen, son. of Mr.- and Mrs. George T. Steen, 1441 Forest avenue. Following the ,cere- monyr, a reception for about onej hundred guests was, held at. the New. Lawrence botel. Many anelbrEastei hues, and several baskets of pink roses décor-, ated the. churcb. Dresses of the co-' lonial period were, chosen by botb thé bride and her attendants. Miss Yar- ian wore eggsbell satin trimmed with bands. of lace- insertion, and, her mother's lace veil, which was brought from Paris and bas been worn by a number of other brides in the family. A seed peari. cap beld the veil to ber head, and s9he carried a 'colonial bou- qutof Mies. of the valley,,forgket-me- flots and Iater liles. Her sister, Dorothy,' the maid of honor, was dresed i Alice blue point d'esprit over taffeta, and a smal matching bat. Miss Edith Knudsen, a cousin and the bridesniaid, wore'a similar costume of flesh pink point d'esprit, and both attendants carried mufs of spring flowers and orchids. A long dress of peach point d'esprit and a peach bat were worn l>y six- year-old jean Wallace, the flower girl. She is tbe niece of the bride- groom. Mrs. Yarian, mother of the bride, was in rose pink lace, and Mrs. Steen in deep Alice blue crepe. Their cor- sages were spring flowers and orch- ids. Charles Stiles of Wilmette served Mr. Steen as best man, and the usb- ers were Emniett D. Yarian, Jr., brotber of the bride, Marshall Peter- sen of Wihnette,,and Gene Crane of Rogers Park. Mr. Steen and hig bride bave gone to California and *Mexico for several montbs 'nd wben tbeyý return will : make their borne in Wilmette. Wbile i in Los Angeles they plan to visit tbe bridegroom's sister, Miss Rita Steen. A riiirber of guests came from ou* J uni or Schôol'. Frieds ponsor. ýprogram and ,Tea- The, Evanston 'Friends' of Chicago *Junior schoôol i s Iooking forward witb great anticipation to its April meet - ing, this year. A program tea on Sunday afternoon, Apr .il 24,, at 3:30 o'clock. at Shawn1 ee, Country club, Wilmette, isthe event Planned espe- cially for, its associate members, wbo are the husbands -of the active mnem- bers 'of' the organization,' and- other friends. Mrs. Cbarles* H. Warner, jr., of Evanston, preiet ilpe side Thenominating committee wil make its report. Eva Gordon Horadesky, widely known concert contralto, will give a group of selections. Madame Hor- adesky is a singer "possessed of a ricb, mellow contralto of warm and tbrilling quaiity with unexpected cadences of emotional feeling, and a magniicent personality," so says R. D. Mclntyre of. the Lexington -........',.* 45rJ in the artistic triumph of a sincere concert career that bas won her tbe title of ceritalist extraordinary," Jo, seph Mossmnan, critic of Rock Island Argus, comments. Madamne Horadesky bas sung in many of the large cities of tbis coun- try, and with numerous musical or-- ganizations, among tbem the Apollo club and the Musicians Club of Chii- cago, Tuesday Morning Musical of Detroit, Louisville Artists chorus. SCHOOLI Nomfbmo& Lwrriu L. JOHNBTON WÂxxi GRUEMUN for bfruo~ i GI..... - AUCTrION. m*»A'yU 1US.*Y d WUN!S APRIL 25the 26*1., 27th.--2 P.. aud 8 P.M.. EACH DAY and EYENING Contents of the residence of MR* and MRS. HAROLD C. BODMAN of 461 N. Green Roy Rod. Lak oi.Frst.11. (1 Bloick South of Derpeilh Ro.d) Antique Americen, Italien,, Englsh*and Faefich Furelture in Bedrooms-.. Twýo Diann Rooms, ivin. Rooi,. Studio. Fameus Hanc*.c&<Chair.Fim ,Severn 2/t4rm a'au ir e fare for the N orth jtnd circie tiv- %I-i netmeeting Monday, April 25. Mrs. bard, M Charles R. Bixby, 1104 Ashland avenue, Mrs. Orl will lie the bostess ass isted by Mrs. nue, Eva Herbert B. Mulford-and Mrs. Frank Hansen, A. Simmons. mette. Mrs,. i or Mrs. Walter A. Blackhawk road, Wil-. Sp ortswear 704 Church St. Evanston 714 C Shop ,h St. Evanston 714 C FARM