i reri~iign sinuuion rriay and Saturday, April 29 and 30. This opera has flot been given on the North Shore for some time and peope are becom.ing quite . anxious to see how this 'group will put 'it pin. One of the- outstanding features of the opera will, be the sUper scenler%* Each year ie spectators have mnarveled at its perfection but this year Miss Catherine èMurphy, of the art departmenit, h as' designed. everv scelle. with the aid of her as- sistants. and thev are really beautiful. The huge background of country landscape lias set' a.go«al of realism for. future years to aim for. However, an 18-foot tapestry, u*hich hangs in the chateau, will, without a doubt, cause, a. great, deal of favorable-com- ment, Robert' Harpe r.. head of the stage1 crew, has carried- out Miss. -Murphy's every detail with niuch skill and wvith the combination of the two. the scenery, will be cerv* im- Ope-ra birector -Nrs. \larian Cotton. director of the opera. is výery proud of hier fine .arra%, of beautiful singers, and righ t-- l3, so, for this vear'.s cast sparkles with inany talented stars. Ann Burnhain and Louise Vates take the part of Germaine, a simple peasant girl who falîs into one of those situations girls dreani about, becoining one of the nobility. Both these girls are excellent singers and will really gi%,e a fille portraval of the part. Dick Kix.\iller, who has developed a splendid tenor voice, wiIl take the roinintic lead of Henri. the Marquis .of Cornevýille. 1)i ck is a veteran. singer ini school operas and, no doubt, iwill torni in another colorful per- formance. The village trouble mnaker, Ser- polette. wilIl e take,î by two flne singers and, ac tresses Virginia, Von libers and Phylis Trump. Comedy Roles Th.. leconedv of, the Bailli, Don Berblinger and Walter Loewenherz, will keep the spectators in gales of 'are now on cusplaY. The public is in- -e vited to see the exhibit and hear talks vby Carl Scheffler, director of the Ev- anston Academny of Fine Arts; Thomas ýs, Tallmadge,. wid ely recognized archi- b tect; Miss Jessie P. Lacey, Art Insti- s tute teacher, and Maeble C. Perry. and It Peter-paul Ott; sculpture teachers. f Award wlniners shown la thé ex- Shibit'inlude: "Summier Morning.oh the Des,. Plaines," "Street ln Sorrento,"I - "Tranquililt,I" "Sweetneas and Iight," 34flsIn St. New Orleano," ",.The Kinder- kartien Child,* Poetry Before Bek fast," "Peonles," "'Place du tertie. I 'Paris,", "Rose Beads," "The Cross," ""Mildred,1 "T hé Road :to Adventure,"1 "Guatemialan Mlerhôorry," "Gloucester, Harbor, " "Forsythia," "*Spanish Chiid,' ,mrq. Frank Karsla.keiI" "Flowers," * "Ciovelly," ""Blue Macaws'ý, O"Rural Michigan," ISan juan,-- "Running Tree," "Market DIay," *1St. Wandrillîet," "01ld M111,11 "Aunt Winnie," ýand "Portrait Sketch."i Mr. Scheffler will conduct a tour on Friday afternoon f rom 4 until 5 o'clock. Mr. Ott and Mrs. 1Petry will give talics and a demonstration of sculpture on Saturday .evening f rom 8 until 9 o'clock. Charles E. Hotze, 749 Twelfth strieet, returtied Thursday of last wveek from a short motor trip in Illi- nois. He first went to' Peoria, and then to Champaign to get bis son, Wayne, a fresliman at the University of Illinois, and three of the latter's college friends, Richard Chiapeck and john McGregor of Park Ridge, and Raymnd Schieid of Hubbard Woods, who. came back with him to speuid their spring vacation wth thear families. Ge orge E. Shipman and his wifc of North Muskegon,Mi., spent the week-end visting 'his mother, Mrs. George E. Shipman, .432 Warwick avenue, Keillvorth. . Mrs.- Shipînan stayed on a few davs anîd slîe.an(l lier nîiotlier-ini-lav are goilig ta Omalia to spcnd a wveek visitinçi a daughiter, Mu-s. L. M. Branchi. Duning their abisence another daughiter, Mrs. F. W. Lewis of Highland Park, and Mr. -Lewisw-i Il stay at the, Shipman home. i.. uisas ter vacation in uenison, IDAyig VEJE numJ a,. with bis s i st er, Mrs. Price i721aNas.,. ,aut.. u'naIN Ive. l During House Clearnng. Time Have Your Pitures Reoovoted Frames Regllded -Peatinegs Rd"St@red OUr shopý is -upecially* eqUapp.d for thii work. Our em pkiy.. have years ,of .etxperaence. We -c«lifo rsud deliver. EÈvanston Univ.rsity THE, KELLER CAMERA SHOP, 505 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Announces an, luthorized EASTMAN -KODAK IlAGENCY to Our Line o/ A61FA end DEFENDER Supplies Corner.. Film Everytlzing Photograpluc- Personal Servieand Isruto Accui merlu PICKWICK PRE-SEASON RATES South North A i8 Course Course 9 9 18 18 Hoe Hoie. Holcu Noie@ Week daYs, a. & pm..M& 0.85t0. 50 i.75 Saturday, ar........... . 404) 0 .75 .J& Saturday, p.m.......... .50 .50 1.0 1.00 Sat. Twilight, after 4 :00. .40 .40 .75 .75 Sunday, before 7:30 a.m - - .101.10 Sunday, after 7:30 a.r ., - - 1.25 1.25 'Sunday, p.m., after 12:00. - - 1.00 1.00> Sun. Twiiight, after.3 :00..5àO .50 .75 .15 Leeker for the enire SeaSOn - 55p Lockers, s ho wers and dining room accommodations for 200 pýeople are: now available for tournam~enits atd indiv4dual. Players in the new addition which has-just been completed, kooms Wi#h Private Bath 24-Hour Service 1$54 Asbr MAi.. Evansten *EEeoeleof SZ5Z GREAT WESTERI Office: 896 Line. Ave. RY C. -Winnu.te