ti aUfeo u w tao eVLataS Plter 0QSW )Muaph S m a etllini o(MT 1Thons tonds mllât ot ho rOUfounde IL1 allthaInwaho. lbthéordinar oewi !d. lit ~ Awerio~ lgln S dialhia nd ent imonl andicnenetytr lEibe Ëknte -rd over. and but they azie quadruple ilier on fi» W11111111 Oawchsiams is Ira tn-Cla.s Sble ln avors' parilu lar. M bo. WMC1SI v*-0offer helo'., and w. ae J .rders Who need a wietLh eegvstnus offe rt mful. Wm te show the diferffnterns Of Musi.5, but egar.leht aeaor Obtanei.p reml beo zýiythe mare vaie s asit thae le shown. Ibath as t te[dtamà Most o" Ibo pr pregivi 'Rfof coms te rpu-With Ibis ('mîra B«Y mAM, voman ochfld rIL a ts athsofe con take pture. s ai of -hn equai tu the oko n O ýcnt.more lhanours. wrd "e rm hlelo gnsiiva e AY. No dark routor prtirets 1 nacemuaryAmthe lu dei red Delieredlllc.aid we Pat0-id. 1Camera tan ho Iotud iin bsad d4ayi1khtbj capPuil l et of I'&nma steleu tîcmt.merelI droippug in a light-erW 1film cartrAdge. t tI:s yl A- sa sssh Ltnec ae. and tlsese tertrilles tan hedo6at by SmMilE 1. & b sueOur Finest tPr, mm lewithout douht th ft-ctory or laiton tob.nyphtgnddslro vI C lme nduWat rmr. a IltnecaTheaite 04Fuhion ligit Arm Singer Sewlns Machine. lphotorapier Inhav lottheTm iiled, or e.ndsattg nsefalsreuanltvf tasagooet tlisThe 'Singer" bhm .'ood thm test of 40 years 7y" on llni8h IhL. jourself. lita~~ rata5' t eo ennianamÏd a Pnioe fOR and mîadle princely fortune* forit' v TIE RC IUM CA E provemmaîsThe -Fmshiou" *Singer.,Iovever, la auim- la i gdto ud nt ltiet In utis e hat mams.. vit prnvementionuthe original Machine, as I i bs ied hrt erry em nd bas un' eromatie O 1,. altmodern linrtivemento up ta date which lntwlieh 1q met Io tae.pc t, ndis- are ut n o fuuti n aniatciae nu ~ ta rie 1lrnm ehit tout up. :anti le:ef=f un. i am kiow orfoud i a fistcla fa *y t- Fulilirectliis are sent lu a Ulîle book t l~~ng na'hu. iih, tacît Cnétra. Tlh Prenium.Camera te The auttoatie bobbin wioder VillaIl citels c"nt alrnady InatIeti anti extra cartridges ean ofthIreoti ,ýn the bobbin aismlly s.a aspool uf ho ordereS rom the factry (h acdreso ais thread lis wuud. vit haut rre.or attention on given , 11h the Ca.xenualetW 0 cnts aach. pot-l the part oftiihe uplretor. axoept to keep the sfl 8 cents etrbs. toIlermovi-g. Owing ta benmachine bat iiz Oui Termis for this Camnera are as foit whtt le itrd a tight andi Invea wheel, the O i bohbin ca e a wountl vithasit runnnng the l 57 i onpe naothlb...Cameras elready worini parts of the machine. TIhis ia quit. loaleti for immdiate nmm Irlaml I an onue 'wiudiug usai îaw yad-up ,eeriy subcriptiona an adivantsge. " it doms lot necessitate the lte- tu 1hk~itolser. or fur Iii new pald-up yearly ib.. - nlît.j a:the gooda <(m undersetth the arripi ions and f.la ati t:-.or e eub.oribec presser foot, nor aven unthreadlng the t, «Onuasbt>'a Cetoerrefor o001YS06». bent pro. rouI4 ti l.whétlterM' e hine. P m or porch.. The needle le short andI strsigbt. thos Instr- As an evidence of resi menit va oulditta themjala t ILr thar t,'W __ self-setting. e vejsaitme o os geoite indumes 90i no 0& n Usa Patote0 ta pqlo. iîp e.o.bere - Thepresre8e Tolb. êqwinfootinauijustable. ae r e. a tv. ~twoplates. Çnn~ehtgo~t~~.~ iertlai - s oiomsed12ctO .as %t miles tbee n. N Â S rion rom the t mad theb.gnW»d eaut uieu-M, Abilen.ý. Tees.. moved fron thebmmarbime is vlso t bendlng the coure satIsfa t'Iara otin«ge lln needia or brre.king the thud. Evel'yoperator . reusisfacioer1ym Utatyiule. i. on clii style machinsevi» appreciato titis û gsii W. Ir. BAIIIL. teaiste oint. Alsan. ese. bu m orKacit machine la furnish.ed vithIth. follow- ire--Have made several fiue nematves wvil [aaccessoiria am-i attaehimite: ý 7ameraandhil at hot e go as.&avp OU 0" au"U iti cOU. 12n.edle. S bobitina. Tr-i 10y eVyoseu Srew v iiver. ls.leeuUeboo1S. r osselmer.. mea. ra. tlelsi.Mode'. Mdla Mt et 6 ometioma-il»Meneh e.8 = 29%ii~h hammimet nge"" 11d WflusW. ah.fu.nls ltrmlO"Ila' oeUm ê i a vrillen gaa.kmsee *Èmtng liemeciine s u I bedin h.e a = va for fIv. yrs. brmakaae Mf noedles and shutties Cmn iiehs lvttm nm gMej»ae<eexcepte&si.This shows te great confience w. ieee n.edtlealîeet fbiA 1 ât. tOmpid àT UPt 111111»bh ae 1.machins. vbiah vs matit cia.im t geVr lml yus 0 tti. r ut o 1.moner oves offered. (int .S AUT ow tPoi, inIs rJ3 WeBrooklyn, N. Y. vil mat tits macine ISU, fenghl men-i tiink thle Caem ala grrat. I WiH redthismacine rRIIC.frieghteisotumami ust- ont vth Il sa 1 Cao Pisîdi10 noaret raliromisidepo4 ta any une viti tmstun's K ofn%&me sis. ithch selle for $Wf.UJ in soume places. I amn a ple%- y&nqsiucspd L ptions. or for @Jial photograpier andi ki aiIna Vut Daia0V a > S b lacash. cld ___ . Inl., ta , bc 'bers. ony for 1119M 0ce is ralîroa.ji - <tei> *,sm , macine ïW'.T17os regultr ratali lo <tiliâ it' jç,i19ManufacetIurr': e uriae LÀFavnrr SPt rm; iics.y, utter 16!VfhWIUE OFFERS i date t June 24 lti2-ll-es: Ih.t,t-- tif - ~ ~ I ~~ourH hArnt See.tng NMachiet. Wt,1' trAT USCIES --r Ibedlab ut3 eore.and ilthbac roven te RS inn lu i and flSSi.. <eami ipitces paon RoîIder me I lstasirgocl>ýr r.rt tetl. 1? ,,M >M We have arrantreti îtit s h ling agents of 1. se-1. one of t, hat mc.hînem à%ncur u$âiiO1rbod tise just ly c*erated irminof Roceres Haînîl- ILkMM t&ktet tc.ht.s tt y WILL SE CIVEN FREE byalwht hasamecu IV' la,hoeegocete have a worln.wide repa- o Enibatit itila satisaction on an oneut ending us,40 nets'paid-up yearly Mt .SAtLie CLI. N eeugKy' do<n.andi vere purvltaeed excluslveiy by te tii a"s t s uhcrîptioo-...tr for 16 uew ped-up >ar y sub. unuter date or Jonc ±=. t1,«',srite,:. Iýv oldoFi omsioesfrueI « hver te w=tcý Celtemachne anti ut deliglitedmnitiit . Il dors Administatiolln Building of the <Vueid's Pal,* "Ie .at heow sets sw--'udp Iloreiywork. Thera [s nulttt-ri tnittnl ICiao ale nu nmrbr iepo ripsb onsie, or toc 15 sld.u lser l urlo tufr vlicit I ouid atîlingl> estisassge tCiaotafertousu*fe"dsp. becri S for 811319 ashon. delsmrs do at..Il A6, a parrect gt'm n ltmaI I thtnk 1d 81 vis cncrnatwofrasie prices. A tosu be 1.0 as. olveodwlll h ablhe lu :end ytou -onsrdero by taI>. glance.et tha teroesalteoffr Ibese magolicent a ahisac.Everyoîte [int thitiue su ut.'vereet ahI n o doubt create s.ttrnsbn.nI PECIL OFFRFORLADES.Y,t o rtu to. 423wirlesb K tînîer and canse an enoi-mous demanti for theni. g k .I o ifi, Id f ul o n T ie se ar e m t C e& p J lu is gr o ds . p o o r y p la te d . Ild Id a!Machine là (lite hast asmi et-ý:el' a.-r I onld but are &Il heavy triple culver pitste on steel or onot gise it for any f nsy cegtr. ,m fi( ce ,dvi at îeît.a ieal U'ength.white mutaiwd" atalflme st el a matie -Ibyeaeid hn[a' d o huns, sa Ie hrna po pltes lotut AR. -e ar cornes on a epoanu or tori. This la ual C)dune by any othor manufacturer. ci i - A LUCKY PRESENT. Solid*Handie Steel Kuives. TeJouits Lut Coffee Sitoun s tan bore Porks tamasstch. fialldozen of elther koires beaj' aIl te emblern iino4o lc.nmy libe or tor", iv eir for I10 new >eacy.b- W " ~~f or Ina! r,,ter. bornee o wish boriebor clpltn.oreiltalusulicribere for w$101u n. tariptions i IIAlu cash. or 1 in tUb. .ald kot ansd forget-me-nute.Tis unson e uad n.$1& . iItprie.ai lite. godsla1 taProucse. , or *il<10 lu casi.h- Sat byeI folid Coiniblit ()one f th$.I5 ir dpon.Pontgetrpitailae. Thi Setm alais elegasi ddmsg Presitm. &oites a beetitui souvenir preut.C H I.D s s E'. Vte ahIlgi. onue ni houe L D S S r BABV'S SET. ~spoons frise e t om. one » sNIFE. 90R ANOU teliorO Ut .& aman aii nqluTis quadruple gsiRer plati et. a4ongisting subeciptions, or focr se q «_tht 'iesmanufac useMa u.fou oomin~lan aapald-up yeary sunluIPEin siui. Ifc vn, es.TueX- 104e ae aIsatsmyand I 121 In cash. or it wvi>o.s me eadmeibs.lady or getema., NWl. aerchante Bay thai payS.* ~rm awàd.correapondenta NniMber that It takes time 4" before a paper Man be r. Troti W'JI gratiY Oblige by r t your oepy eariy. CopyV uUS,Jpeafter b. ln car banda . Weduemlay iloon, eS" ST*aay to aettuag up th, #e-aluu te pritit the. lx, ft~~lmot grdyatron o fil h ow re4en n ibi Fr.l«y If you wanlt handbila, If you want envelopes, If you want oolored work. If you want bustneua carda, If you want neitt bl hea<h, 12you want taaity letter heads, If yon vaut nice vWUUln carde, 1tf ou wat wedUlng ýiwtations. lf you wat any kind of job workl Leave your. orders at theLUDEPR MIT offie, LibertyvMle, mad ha tiseM executid la* the ehorteat th poosible. Rave you a friend or relative' whom you would like tà b. held plOU00t rensombranoo every week1 the comlag year? Makàe tbat pers a promet of a year's aubscrlption the IwXsZMMMwr. cash, l0c. postage mus$ b. aide tu el ahcase. COLUMSUS SOUVENIR SPOON S<1nked la <m-c>' un boit, gisen ire. for Clsimbus Souvenir Tes 18 bu ecrlpctt.poutagre p-Pivp> Spoons mre nov aul île w.e everpbody shoohi have o& Sugar Spn 9 lButesr Vssff se how a beautitufl s-Spon-seesm gravet upeon, iaing aeu g«A lTE-PONSLOUE tellemt buat of Columbusat _______&___________ enravina of the ves et Ce-s' - lumbes la"ing nou. lIasse. plat@& i. xdlstd.antihebovi me ~le goiti tned ti:1Mviib. givu t.f« ftrnev PMd-up YeU.ly s snbsctiptions crame* ne'. PalS-____ ftup yearly subseription a ne. l for adai;or Il viii b. saI for $oe. Sau PtNPosaa Bi e uiao ie o.gvn fm pAUa .ta m-y addrssu 'He Who bloweth flot hie own horD Wood Wa nted ln Exchange fOIr the eame saal flot b. biown. » Moral- lâub@oriptionl. get out of the riitq and abvertis or you *01 get left ln the shufMe andlltwlI D iserve yen riglt toc. for sonA. AMM uPh*Wïo*PIW "by tk*e OffId IArtiat 01 tho UtIl9TED STATIES OOVERN mbe Inter Ocean, BEAUTIF UL IL l IGART PROTOGR.A PORTFOLI8 lj ~JREPRODUOI llow to Sfdure This =, Educational Seules. cIsT tPofoo O=Thone<rm isaiter Oceon aMd tend titeu wlthlO mata i orct.toan t01f asa,,wrmctlng, %e 0 Art Purtfolin cliiit Oceen Building. Vtcg.ld ost a folAo. enn oi le 6tetres 11.13 inch" lu ieîreiîgatlSsteaiadosristosu. elE e &aieta1. . Tise, calIese i otiosgSSPsolo5 ifsb . mis.e d1celr. woutiti cesiaetaa mv es icst,212à. opowtlnoli>' v e foe prummld nsmi potul oscu gl . BACK NUI~1~RS Portlc~,r lie hadforameton f vee-du 'and 0»e N10l cesta for each pontf.~ q sprpri.t', hlt . .Ooanms 0o Ce iaepus fsci U.iver the exprnse of tor hafor pnmeecOic 1.archivea et Washlnst n. RUMBMB eR ie nIe# Ocee n08 Siu.tRigsi1malt' lte dil~bl e e rouctions OfftciaI Gseroenl Photoraphe. ~~TrIWJET FIs.. arorvont frinda hnmay not ttc rernlareapa TO 1% l o btltrmlog tbem uOf thes.partit'ilréois f a PROVIDE FOR BACK NUMBBRS Thlseen ob"gaaîqov. a-du ok seenreilinexahan<ccton' SW 0 I AN A1I ItUNDAY COU ON. H .t e tirecous toisa.00 eetal tmPnfl i om106con thiun ha essih>'obllitd. CAtftlON 10mnia-frPot l ,ne 01lnde ite >'otie' oOator rQnsm»w - 70, 91crtpr od e .Il1 a n lse anuve es a ýjtis.s dPantsnl.LB isisily te PF oi= yan deMm .--Akving îlunum ber. lasso ouse aie 10 ART PORTFOLIO DE PT., 2cr %oc" BW(L., wA THEI.NTEROcEMI 15 TUF- MOST POPULAR RIRJOLICÀN NEWSPAIPER OF THE WEST > HICS THE LXRGE$T.PIRGULRTION. M 0AILY (ulWIM ludIRY), $&00 pu 4. *AILY <with $"ulY), $8.00 p« Poe the Weekty, Inter Ocean, per year, $i.où 'As. a.»wsPep THE IXTER OCKAN bmsabnreset of the tintes in &Il r0spm9w Il;« sa.. eitber pains so sapa se urilg ALL TIH£ NEWS AND TuE DUS? 0F CURRtENt LITERATURE. T/he 'Weekly Inter Qcean la edii m ecimi e he« b %. bc. su accem of mail servor, &,,y, ~felei,* am tmme *&OF ut.la 1km eduuma me te b. iouad lthe of .0me Mmli* @Mao~ Md % bme c«MI49ithe Uuy h.tiae.aofth% s»Jly. AA A IILY ?AI IT EXCE j,. i w-a »sutna1ar Su A Suple ent "'.. srated, In Colors, of RIGHT ADDITIONAL PAGE' making in 51. SiXTREN PAGES, Thtis Sspph-w mnt, cont.mat SIX PA' t &oF RKADING NATTER .d TWO FULL- PAON ILLUSTRATIONS1 . lfou worthl the prie Chsrrgd or th. Papen. ie ..Ma OCLAN 15 PUBLISHED INI CHICKCO, the ne-@ and nOcU oni..m f %il west of lthe Alleghteny' Mountuat n. d is better ad.pted teta, asées of the people ci ltai section thon aay poper farîhen En.t il l einacord with the people et the West both ln l'oilties sd a" ..tt Mlesse reinteiner th51t te pnice ciThe W.skiy Ier Oceau 18 ONLY OHSý DOLLAR P&R YEAR. Addrte THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. 13y Speciai Arrangement with the Publilher of the INTER OCR W. are able to offer: The Weekly INTER OCEAN , Ber, SA iD Am - Olt The \Veekly INDEPENDENT, 1 YEA, Choice Books Almost Given Away C.M. & St. P. Ry Time' TO READERS 0F THIS PAPER.. tN4 StTII: lie Be"t Books, by the Most Popiîsus Cn. ' , j10M 2,M Asthora, St ode-third of 10, i49 2 41 thefr -Value-. j bti -t ,2 2 Mi p OUR GREAT BOO0K OFFERS. U5 .,4'I c 107 BWCK COUPON No. v. làty t t i ESOUT CENTS andi TWO et tb. IWome ,rh~'I 328l Coupons psesmtàd utahe lb e. et Ibis Ru-,t1,- 1 a 44~ » pape. wUlti tli. tbe holder t.e.u bool fro m heaI give. belarw. IEaeh isTI be" a e lbon aut upaper eo.. o dI . a a0. SUE. .antana feue. 1151te8a0 page.mae- i$tleOO lar pie » met.wadsworth îsou 17 OI1>ENXX BT MAIL *uclooo (inruee m il I wtb C.mpemmatud Egb Coet. .uMr Werrnitst f Ummeasad 'dd 0"BPmti pthebm maret iLIiIFTYVII.t.K 6T, 30 tbie paperM" ea1w.a adtis, a. ih»bm ondout £15id 43 .. Shah bseer sud aiidirte the 1.pub- Everetit, il217 bd llm .THU AXMEIA3 paBlaVU De.rfleid Il ré8 us... 00., Olt Vate.bu Ib Uailiu. NWu shermerville Il 31 809... TeeS. witb wbOsa we hAvm arrmAged te Chicstgt). arris e- î 00> BU 10% IO U tmr aml erders promp7,. pre- SUNDAY TRAINS& pmid ~~Lv.Lihertyvii1e11.n r Ememe et ?pae.......................... .v. Rondout 9:30 a- m. Ar. Lhll ................................* ... Lv. Liberty ville 2:6àtp.m.Ar . ............. Lv. Rondout 3: là p. m. Àr Gels B VblUs..M ea mmar anByleiA au bna. îl imttn.Hnca. AleeaS oi.Rae f Roeo.Hall. Hp Ettia W. Eple allas 's r a EsvO. B y a mf c e rBeir " loaie. B>' à- laA.Durivage. A Brve UticWomnBe' Mrs. Mary A. ;huaengo. BBy vamns Cobi Jr. Tii ..l"GRjaTyroL B l. T. Caidor. AmISLici Idlle.B>'J. ILBarrie. Derrck augha. 'ovelUat.B>' Edna Lyail. Thes.karaoI. Loch aet the red tag on your paper. ài shows the date te which your sub- seriptien la PM&i If yeu owe, pieas. pey up and vevil f urnia you a bei- ter paper., h requir. mooxey as e an bruina te producea good newe: Chictago- .. .... Prainie Viev. .ý.......... ....... el Leitittun............ 0i Rlockefeller-.............. ....S94 Gi-a) 5 Lie........ ... ....94 a. s Gro~sLu i.' *f5 am 8a Prairie View. . ...f.In45 B Chcago. .. . .... 7 là I le .Daliy exts'it Suntiay. f Stop only on sfgunsi. s nta about sunday lit reO8ttcurry p~qfers. Elgin, Joliet & F&»«$ TtuE TABLU. I 00150 SORTE. 51A114>UL Qol 4:30 pus arrtve Watikegan dap'î 4:00> pu ic de .Rosdout.. (lai 3-- 1,.sar f<i 2ôj5 pîts...Lettiton. -:4.5 pt ... Diamousi ao., 2:351 pin. (... ilmer ... 2:20 put. de .La e Zurlih.. 1:40 pin. Banngo.,, 12:45 Pmt...Spaiiîlug .. 11:00 am ....Turner. .:0A ....Plainfield:'7. 40 amt......jqiet.