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Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1894, p. 8

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bas writtea a book en- to Treat Your Own Ic Viho Ulgve@ nmre eni- kbua tioplc that in of great plgImportance. Re statea èCy 31l the evils to whicb the Wbj.ct are due t 1 Iti..ung l'he routîdly scoldu those cdlle beaith andi comfort 10 bdt feet look soulIer Ibm.> iMlîam .Ho urges women to NOWwith room enouch for live ~10017 Iwo tocs. It la sugf- âatL t.bo ta et were desigiiet ýroQ yý men, and tat any mesw'It tbe turai growth t aoments 4Auo coanes wion. Tro *4tockingm a ha gm1'be'xtety semothligo e .t rloi>r.. W",jgrat1xtet. Ibo Lyuiph la Trmatrred frOm the A N144a etf. COW te tte Ariaof a Humn-How A mlft.ng ex the Points Are, .de sais. gate sone, Ari _____Denver capitalii Wmrd. qîf Biga"s. and reporte the The production of vaccine virus la markable natur a curious but very siurie proceeding. tree of agatize It la generally known that the virus canyon forty-tix, Cla obtained troin cows, andi there are tree had at som, a number of vaccine "faruLs," as they and becorne ir are calleti In this country. Ini order some great lli to secure ail the vaccine when ina- ter uverflbw. Th ture, andi to, malte neat work, the sandstoone. ani cows are plsced In stails, with the pa>seti through movementa of their binai limbli care- irzation until il fully impeded A role is piaceti in tree of aolid a slanting position on each side of the water washed ai " binti foot and the animnai cannfot step atone until a ca about tu any great extent. Then ihe width ha& beec ZCi~~"'~ operato r shavea ail the hair troin the Ilke substance back part of the bind legs, from the having resistc -hips down to tie knee Joint. In the water-fiow. Fi broader portions of this part of the tree restaenon anatomy there are locatod the mIlk traced, but how -glands, andi iti8 there the prupagator buried lu the sa ey are never the same propose3 to secuire his lympb. termjnod wltho, lfright of thia sort. The ahaven parts are sponget off rock. The trui to 'gator one myseif, c]eaniy anti then marked viith numer- canyon v;trics ir er. 1 had been atay- oua littie scarificaittons. Into these to tiîree feet in ,nd flnally agreeti with ijt.tie eut places a portion or warm bark lias been t to go huntîng in the fluiti lymph, taken froru a cow In the the characteris distance from town vie ad vanced stages of the prod taction. ls andi agate are i maîl streani abounti- poureti, beiog gently and persistently cye the wood il After pitching camp, rubbed by thei operator tillihe l5 sat- microscope ur valk, and before long I -bole. Froin the stroog, iuiog froro it, I knew t be at home. to capture him, and îanions. Several times ong pole into the bur- ' we heard a snap lik-e gxan, andi the pole re- The 'gator had seized ,~_ esuggtcd thatwey eThe mule was led hoie. a chain fastened II K7DMIRAL BENHAM'S FLEET AT RIi.) WINTER DIEI. a tact that they atter a gefluine A V.w Hinte by Wh eh (Go d Ile.lth Un, I belpedti Be. Attal. >ed. wrltes a travele }'cw peojple secin to give a ný' ng at Ocala, ar thought to the appropriatenes 0f several frlentis1 foodtu theUi seascnofu the year, says south. Somed vlm cwlathe New Yrk Led :er. With te lcte po T'he badly fttlng rooms which are often kept et a blgh founti a 'gatorb in for a vigorous ten>perature andi with, of coure ut odor Issi )ubles OBusedb ey uhIs fehar hnte teonrmust mort anxious to creato a feverisb c9ndltion of the w àmdaIo in alittlesapace system that shoulti be counteracteti row. Finaliy ' stom, lte author by a froe indulgence ln fruits of aIl the 'report of aj orrowOd froua the availabie sorts. mie at -"'~ ~--'-'~ ~ tlr"-~la nqkh)ng - Uarer than more better than good Ipples'caten raw. and adeforrnlty. If chiltiren were permittedti 10eat al otiicnmsome. it roquent bath- the fresb apples Uiey craved tbrougb-dwotth water la of mach out the winter there would be fewer dw to mathe h tnd la usually the diseases andi deaths; while for adults, encd animal ww adopteti for the those who arc of falrly quiet habits Thture wasaa irai growtbs nnt anti wbo remain indooFs. a grèat deal, roar, and an ali it Of the water there la notblng ln the whole re lnthcn b ad pliable anti of food producta as useful. the mule starta( f theouupcrfiu ous It Is claimed that severe cases of the road. moveti. Il la ad- gout and other rheumatlc difficulties Tesuin sprt f r-nay be cntlrely cured by the free tise del ntep lbh.- Shoulti theo0f apples.- In the absence of apples, tieei ratelf, *aame02d, mous 10 raw potatoca, caten vith a ILttle sait, ees iaî t o a fester, a arc a most excellant corrective of bad polu nd il.g tiseed poultice humors. An erinoot lawyer of this rund, hlin boforegoing 10 country daims to owe bis excellent t he nghie washers sitoulti heaitb largely to the habit o! ea ining blinin W re lspot lte neit raw potaLes w.th -ait. Wbenever main street of ut friction trom he fecls feverish or out of condition anti bis qucer a sualce of lemon this la bis medicîno, anti fdr years ho hausteti, ho waa bas taken no other. lat .ie men near the pc Oranges, lemxona, grape fruit, pane- The apples in their season, anti al aciti and ti gator W fruits, are valuabie for people o! seti ed, but the slç S eutary habits. Almoat aIl peràons hoshmIt S migitt Improve their bealtb If they tbrowshm o would but give a littie attention terrr some o! the most simple oif nature's lOa.k@ i laws, anti vhen Mbi boon la so cheap- Another piec ly purchaseti the Wonder la that It la etige vorth Dct FO mucb nogic suiphide of hydi mv une.,meespaper be aoake Thben vntas lsefailure o!lie ugar of le"ai ity viii selleve, u a vûastealr oth over a botle oe Wai, lte trouble. Atebison, Topeka, and, Santa Fe the btttng pal Mt. a marof Bilway Company, occurring In for- dark-brown oa 4*a"m oftl of el- merlimes woulti have precipîtateti a chemlsaml Chang sey a.ou ho re panle la xtheinidtiaLo! prooperity, or sulpisur or the g rIoIewtIted vornd bave Incrcaued vastiy the ter- unîtes wltb tii oel appear lits rors of an existdug panic. The fall- leaai andi a aulp bmlp tbe. îOtheure of Jay Cooke andi the balf-tinisb- suit' whuch ta Melmauy ho douc cd Noethern Pacifie Pailway bln 187 The prasticali of 11.1ot nde, tbe crcated tise pai cof tha year. The the tieleciion 0 Iedeaawy t10tura inrtercala bovoived ln that catastro- Almo&t ailt fu t. unils relnts he wre ot e-tenth as extensive anti drains ec 1 eiopmn of ana or Important as tbose o! the Santa of hytirogen. I r advce,»saysFe. Yet ibis occurrence did nuL la suspectet i persnes afiicted affect t he money or stock market ta blotting papers ne Oalla, or Who chietent o! one-balf o!fQonC per of sugar of leaB tresiiet wllbout cent. un the total volume of business. of the pipes or, s to procure bsh The boss on securities fell s0 lughtly pected will aI baeadlb, andi ful- and were su wldeiy dîstributeti that baki hr vw plent! tot roolu the resaIt amountedta t but littie (Iten at summn socialy for lte more titan a ripple along the ,,hûres ba"k rooms au@ ______of lte business world. plcasant, antiý The tiLster ta the Santa Fe la the ceaspool la sugg resuit of nothlng but misdirectcd en- A piece o! blot terprise and errors ln managemeait. ( lrecteti above In igsl tiha stock of the >anta Fe the rouin yl solti at 154e,. Front 18.8rV)a 1(158tise of thîs poisoro - stock vM but a point or two below clusivcly that par. T['e plan ot extension then ti- c- uain gain. [The e0 Uhicago was bu tocuaon andthie Immense terminal propcrty Justt on State atreer. vas acquireti. An Irishin The Ulàicage exteneion never paiti, the ron vorn but ..ausedi s ot business tu the was advised by main line The business o! the main somne employu Une, whick bad been divitiet et the was leas severe. Mlsmoê>i River among severai roads. largemient of1 kep t tena aitlnb a !ricndly spirit anti ceedeti, therefo IOM lbrves "he m;et& Fe recelveti their com- grocery, whichi - bined transcotinental trattie. When by bis frientis. l__it bhuil a rival lino tru Chicagu It 105h He was not1 mU~iaioee.f &i. li the Chicago anti eastern traMe co! bainiz bis proul - other IUne. Pra(tcally the sanie ceas by giving i la aftSOOhiO Nait iolioved the acquistion of ail one alternoon. ________il exmsioem andi subsldiary uines, for a pountiofo! j" %sep oc enterprise exciteti the by pincis until1 S bolily of rivailiUnes vho.o terri- -Fit," inqulr émm atw h'ui vs invided. The main Une ing up lnnoi twtff* klls raft ad the branches titi not velgber, "pbw; Ik -. 18M 0811m d a #M Jpp"ogbusiness. Every saiti was ailin' 6 0010M M:>MM la eque»r ther vorlds in- "Iniaargensl 00 a tb = 0$M4Umvaue oet ts uwn vend as averet Pot vit 1161M àouf PimS "Weil, thir, lb b boaM» b"eto-y of sucb great it'a tolme yey t b ortbern Pacifie, the ther, Pat; the #%w«_- a~ te Frlc. thc Santa Fe 00w aion't und *0 M$ el u ismaprofouati. lessons me b'y. Yert e s r » b . u b a i ul a t e s c e n c e f m o l g h î y f a t , i te 0 «jh" me mt. and e.pecially ye are!" e *geol M be womb off raliroad financier- XRc do e * Wwb s - business prîncipi« "Stan RATf ýF 1b PM _Md btjr Osa basil.of ma nage-. tn hr wod*mma&« m %p a ty orne of Ibaee ailroacis Courcy! Adva> blIMe b%&@ e Avmiet andi paring gond 1 I yl tel y Vbno b ovu. goS I. . toct. Worlti's Fair!" MO_________bu_ the villain, ai "Umae.dMule." hat Phladeiphia1 Tb. Wuangton Nevs aysat a TimEaverag %sa.weovu lne" le, accordi1ag to0 Fi or- voman's journ a adlalet a mule that bas been from 10 Inch .~~B8mn drivea panrtiaiy Insa»a by an alii- fi ve yoars It gao.ltero are hundreda cof sucb are men vis ffe uflW De n"Ix. et lna ayear 10 a Bridge or Altate. ipert, sent to Investi- rizona properties for atst, recentiy returnei, r finding of a most re- rai bridge forrmet by a Ad wood, spanning a ve feet ln wldth. The ne remute trne tailen rbeddteti ln the sult of and sea or mighty wa- 'he silt became lIntime Il the wood graduaiiy the stages 0f minerai. t is now a wonder'ful agate. In after years nd ate away the &and- anyon forty-tlve feet ln n formed, the fiinty- of the agatizeti wood d tbue erosion of the illy fty feet of the one aide and can be, w far its other end lie& ,andstooe canoot be de- out biaoting away the unk visible ahove the in size from four feet ilamueter. Wbere the liroken and tomn away Istic colora of Jasper scen. To the naked is beauti fui. ilnder a mriera magnifying A VA( CINE -FARS.' lalbtidail the lyiaphi brs been ab- sorbet. Thon the animal h placoti on un elesatet platfonni andi madie entimciy couafontabie vtable tise diseasi prie greses. The littie cuis firaL scerul to iveal over. Thon la a few days tire sc.abs grow langer anti arger Liii tbey extent aimnoat over bbc colite binaI portion of the leg. In foyers tir sthe ceuv ma meatiy for the noît rjucration The afected part la dan;om rti cach lilte point of acanitiu'atuirn lé; avolien anti nalseti. ike a tblister, witbî a bit of depression ln the tente'. The blistern a puni-toN-t om ibornie cases removet.t nîderneath lies the libuuiti seram or vaccu ni'iynpb, am it la calleti. Thon upon the urtioary ls'ory poits, wui arce0(1w gcnerally useti, thetuperator gathers bius storeý lie duos ii, simply bu ilîlulinitthe point ira the spîtîr of scrtnî lefître hmm andi iaying tinudiîwn unurdeon a Lmay whlch nielolis bi Iis Clu C, lie sits bobbithe animal. The parts tncated w:ii countinou tri soi-rote lvnîpb for several taYux, wluon the sccretlon cornes mono anti nire slîuwly, tries up, anti tirgs thi' r'hanr racla tisrugh svhl it bas fieusn, anud finaliy subsides to a scau. bour or tive tiays later Llîi, la meady ltolue re- mou cd. Thero la ina u ,nmail qîan- tiry o! real bymph, hliothLuc lamure o! hisaîn membrane anti other foreigo nuiatonial. That gatheri t 'ru ther ls'ory pints la pure anti ountain, nu iuthu'r substance. Botttuf thîs latter' snuch vacclnatbng tujatemial it ade. Atter bcbng tbionuugîuly tradtheit ivîury points are put oh Lu pcekages ouf ton anti are matie trou! u4uauo-t eutiner air or vaton. Tlieu anc tlen niea(y for the muarket. 'l'le plurut secureti trui the last day "acib" is alsu prepaneti by polvermiri. It bas a certain atmcngth utndicoiiidsaa reatiy Raie. There are a kuit îuîany ssays ti> malte a proint salie. IL sometiis happons that C civ viii not protuce active lymph. Noi, attn hîtw velu the blusters may appear they wiIlnot yuebd a virus that wiii prtv.nt smai- piux. No une cuin tell hy looktpg ut a cuv viiether lber proiuîct viii proee effectue. . Ila lîke certain ponseuns apura vhomn o ansunt of vaccinatioun viii "tako." 'Tu lrovide ag.airas.t any bass on thîs account, pointa are dippeti otten ira the iymph of tvu cows. Il la net iikeiy two viii be touantstanad- i ng togethernoetheofu whicls agroti. Anti those points are muimkcd vth a duble X, anti are solti ut a bigher price. And ti ill others arc diçsped in tbc iymph of Lhnee cuva. mankoti vith three Xs, and soit at a stîli highen prico. They can bartily feu etf cffect- ivonesa. The Lvory points are treatet chemlcally belore being tused, that nu diusease-cxtending îuatlitltus îay llienr aaîîbush there. one)0 luarge cuv lias roo n 00gb tfor a tozen scarifications. b In )e cases there are even mure. Anît fmom eacb blister a score ut points may bh o at- et. There la no bat effcct su, far as tise Sw is concoruiet. She viii neyer ho o! any account as a producer of lympb, or not cane cov mn a hundreti niay ho se usoti. But ahe iii atîili be as gooti a mulch crsv as ase ever vas. Ani evea wvile site la urader the treat>nent site seouns to suffer but liltie. Site beoomiss Cevenlsh, just as glass the hrilliant coloings arc clear- ly bru.ugbt ouot lnCri theun vont nous beauty. -(Oregon State*man. Mr. Dusy bad a bard aftomconsi wîîrk befîîme bina, anti as ill lui'k wouit have t bis friend Smaithsaun bat coine intu the office for an idie chat Mr.lihuay bat given hlm irone (un twî, lints to go. luit vitheut avail.1 'ilear toc'" sait Iltsy, whîî toitj thuit sormethiog muist beu'die. "I'm1 su overviielouet with vonk titat 1 w..urceiy bauvt tiuuîe to live. If tisa rush cofitinues 1 >hall hase ta engage sauniehady ciae o ti ct m v aucais for nue." sotv, nov, sit Srniuîib.n. Whuo like nuîst idbe nier), wmîs a gr-at octet, "iaaj at arrChiance. Ilime ia-ilý do, il cheap." "No, Sou tlusîîn, ' answeredt llnîy. "I ulnt thiîk iut wîoulltue safe. Yiou klouw l'm "iîîceltri îiyspepa, abliPur ifruti il O i liuiuu'nie lk. Cià li ýii of' ai llea,. A viuliuliur ' tn ii.ilias ufrîn urget auî ril wuîuimuiri mhis uîamlsh Pt' ,in ut, r'hirh. :audri u,- anfar 1 eCileil on hin tîtat -h,- attetuietio) unisn"iay rrmno. i Irivîs or, lu' nitaî-hanc site got itt,î ia 1w ýlîrigiiig te a rn guilan attendaunti. i he verger wer'u t 1 .lîri l ran eî'kr oneil ber toir tiî ot. At tiret sanie instant the' harmoniui 'ouuî nouncoul 1pbaying. vhcmeiiun tIc it oriY,r skust~ig ber heari ai the vonger, saut, "ICt'a ea uu -c us k iutg Inle, yui urî r i gît. *rsootiy isc, us ah iCant tance." Fm.r- Ille-Mill mu-r. Tise Womani'a JouornalI bas hourd utf a littlO girl wh i u, d uî ito uitapt henseif tL iciiuitutni". She Wrutec iiniptsutiurn entitled, "The ti.k)" 1tluiîuui tvîugreat nuerits. brevlty anti trutlu lb. raîithas: fTle cuisi a vcry usofol aniniiai." Tiiet aftrmruun tire minister cahotr at the huî,iuse, anti the littie girls miother usked hon to neati lier, c'uupositiimn tii hlm .Suc roati11 ltuîti emticoatiins atii mpoements: «Thbe tow 'is Liie'muat asefui an- imai excoit reilgionu." c'ause anud Effuc-i P'copleo b uîtiseedu not often -giî'c hemselues Csvut3" in their et- vei'tisenient. Lt inust have been a vcny almpbc-ouintiod ruan indeet visu pot up ouer bis shop a notice to thse effect that ho vas ut "House-tecurator, Piumber, and 1Urîtentaker." TalE danger of coovictlrag a prison- er on incociuglve clircunîstantmab evi- dence vas torciriy anti practicalby deuionsýrated et a reeeot isanging. Whiio standing on the scaffobti the prîstîner corfessedtot a naurder for vhich an Innocent iman la 00W sorv- ing a life's lmprlsonnient. The cir- cuinstances surrounding tise mortier fixeti the gubît on thc innocent man. Ho bat hiati trouble vitis the vîcîla.- vbo waasbcaortly attervarai murdereti. He was arrestoti andi etenceti anti la 00W ln the peniteatlvry, vier. be probmbly voubti bave *euu.,aned batl not the murderer confemmeti. Tisa man who valks over a prei- pîce viti bis cyes &but la »usmure 10 kIbieti as tise une vbo Ibrows bhimit froilt. 'l0F +MIE' Many Odd, Cîtriooas.ad IisugmbMUi et HnaasNature 0raphfr.fl» by.Emtinet Word Artisaat 0cr Ou -A Budget of Fun.. SloIaof Spir.. Aor asenîs to Increase the value ot everythin« except women andi butter. -Texas Sifrting.. THE WOrld ig fullOf people Who want te dû o ot, but t.hey are luDon hurry to comme nce. MAY-If you were I what would you do?" Jack-"Well, firot of &Il, Ild let me kls,; you."-Lite. WIIEN a muanribas no bila nainht hlm, he raiu4 hfel as If be helonged to the nobility. Texas Siftnga. «Is PcrErnîv a giot thinker?" aRe never Induiges in aoythlng but a Pullman vestiI'ule train of thought." -Jutige. CUwRTO'u XH--Vl.If,deYor Calilthia the "aftcr Clrî-tiiîii" roise? lloriot -Because t îrt a Ff .nt.-In4t- anapolis Journali. "TrOmif,i ,whu w.i. an of Arc?" arikpd the teachr. "Nuali's wire," sali Tumniy. vi lu s great at gucss- inz.--Nusic and D[raina,. li11E -Wh y ilo 'iuiregard nîarriage as a failuir(.' ' umans'malte useo t ito t<, , rî beionging t'O others -N',w Virk Ileralti. ~NI%' son, el-e he îcpotage stamp -it, i se1 u1nvs. deucrîds upon Ita ability to stickte uoýj tiling till it geta thore. l'.rjirî a îtte. "S" i1saî '.rvalyI iguiru t, bc mar- rien?" "Ye. " 'l suîppose ,.he tbinks of nothiog luit the future." "WVeil, she (inly talks ufthte preseiti." M. mel ,, r,-1,'0'Olh.- ' rer _s,-, ý Ne,.yl-.. lirai wi ,iranb. P'u it ff Iî r - or - BuffaloIIIri1 TuF moan euih an reson)- "Wh:it kiniriof chdars (If, yrru turn out at tIiýýi.slia i t i n'- ' 'r:ncIpal "Thuse viliedoi lit,t iiiiy.'Sift rits. UsiN( 1,F. ci, liîlie, lirw diti you stand at sirl , a.i trnirt - ltbbie- S>0etnc ru il h 113' face i n the corner a1dru )I sOiillif','il) at the' tý,her'i dosk. -.14)mn,"suid ati bruine fîtier, "do yuîî k nuis u bu1 b arnulgrtIt Iu wbip Vii'." ' ipps uis s oiCre th.- tîlggest, " .uti 'iniiy-Siusi anti P'utrî5 Svct 'r sÀ What yull yrrî puiy rocte)irnuIertake a fuirt3v-tay fuut ait yîir inu suri-u Manager-- 'Weil, l'Il pay punir Nauurîi usil yu tiuîlot tht nik îuîy 1hilion vas siapho- nîîînrc.didiue'Siteý-N'. On>0the ('unirami. I1n lirruikzlît ut %wa--sr-îher 'tresi. "It ooxklu nriLife. Il 1rDo'-uiu titli n ,K Icouiltigeot a pase l inuîr futluî',r moBi Site- No; tiie3 <iront pt.. :inythipig but dividunis uni lis . r,<i lu eard Iiiii ,u sC> Su l'ni lai'iphbla preas. fectly st upiî NI)us tr' ai îhliuuirapbcr te015lls ile tir r ,plva.ain. M l'ta Tlart] y' lrw icult t iui-t, lut4)toknow youil i 'a i. fîr tLrpil'inul'. uiar. crnnsi-t'u ,,îturîu-ul, ,Il 11t,,si'luior 1ha, sit" i ii rnili- % 1',en;in 5'iu l ever ioît"'l' iiinglia.t -"It us a ta t. lii-îtl rsare ail 3.riji.' girl--"- ,Irg trc. 'fir" Wiusu l., ;if fIbm-t nuîv(leur, th,' iii nuri tliîruight t1ja utr r-uc-uit sir'k lul liii si!"r'ter ulr brai i. 1 Th' 11i,îri. Ih- n!uîu'hiîi, -t, iut .."rr,, rrru l ' Ii I l ' I) . s lit 'It tlein', coî'rri.m ;ituiIl,lu I h. irrIi see ail titi'(, î i u '-lu Ii). t' r l1i1ni. noiir. 11 N kLii suri wul trI i.in N Ili-.s sev- uit,.in-'oi'îîckn 'Tt:reatlYi v 'r uîîiusthre fellow us ii knuruv., us ii%%Il it' uuutiipolar '. 'lire tire gr, iil Iii fratiipublier jouilips un it. IL l un îu'uîlr be ne- inurkeui. partilirti 'allyilit iehola rrgIjtv scamie. Ar 'ii iw lW suu. Xil! i-Say', Jack, lies uîîîi l Yi ouii ay for tho'-a sats .Ick-->ix îiilurs and a hait. 'ii ' ilnexu finre iJrUs save our utiior uiantig, toi iiituuliutet s upotulng. -lBosto in 142u'oun. Pr-r tii piruru. vutu bits tlnîsheti whistliilriuCr'ib au i' tJtiecu"> hou gruune flther- an iet. if ici wus a cinamy i'î tw.tIit ertiueck fer ycze lrîknLifu 'i'aA( a un i l Itiind u i yv oneo ilii ke l'i o 'ur Oxl'rî'îse. "tu iave cpar.eil phiînograpuh a,4 aut ur i ut ter)inine, gendier. Why tiid Yîu dothat? "'Cuist 1 tiîuuugit t ifws une uif the rnachi nes th.tt rcpeas svi'rythi ng plîu "Ilt tsaAS Yuuiiuig 1' ustl ii, -'ucceedi-t out WVct in tht' u'mîtkery buiuness?» ",Splcnduully! Auuimssct a large for- tune In tbrceeam."Mîraculousý," "NiL t aila]] ou sec. he secureti a contract tii sipply <lislies Ina an In- ane asylui. "'luck-. Iitpsiu)FN'n o! the KiteliyeNs' Na- tional Bank-"'u'ui;at's this item ina aur statement o! asseti-95,ooo.2i?" Cassier-"Yes. Sir- I t>aiougbt those oddtivents vi'ulooiîîk mighty vell." Pnregitent,-"Wcl, tlîcY munitilook better if tire' iteua vaan't goiti coin on. liant.'"-Life. WIFE-"'t'orge I1viisb yîîu ho- lungoti Lu my chu tub. Tire new mitn- ister la a man y'u voult Ilike." ln- band-"'Notsiich a tuigoteti Methodiat as ibe:-tther, tben, la be?" Wife- "No; be's very broai! Ho beileves Ibat Episcopaians, If they repent, cao h ae ti. "-Puck. epole, andthebbcfPLgbt-i as starteti. a creaklog of chain. a lligator fuily seven feet ne out wiýh a rush, as utd on a wi!ti run for ' teetb vere sunken su po'e that he cotild nio, fanti away ven t mule The alligator spun like a steani-ongbne: on, whiie the mule, toi!f pursuet, soorteti efollowei. Into tihe Ocala flew the mule loati. Completeiy cx- as stoppeti by a panty of' uosîomce. ras teati. We skinnet m. The mule recover- lçbt o! a swamp now to a perfect frenzy of in Drain Pi",s cce o! ehemnicail knowl- ohlng la the action o! ,rogen In tise p'csence If a plece of blotting cd vith a solution of Sandi be belti near or of suiphitie of bytirogen aper wiii at once Luro )r black. That la, a ie haltes place anti the 's*uiphite of hydrogon ce leati of the sugar o! Iptaite o! lcad la ther' e- 3black or tiark-hrown. application of this la o! loaiks in drain pipes. ni odeurs f romu ceaspools eontaio the siuiphitie If a leak of tbese odîîrs or notl.ced, a pleceofu soakedtb l, a solution bandbltd i t thejoints1 ir viere thc odor us sus- ýonce tumu bruo or r la an escape ot gas. muer resorts some ofethtle .ggest an odor flot L0>0 a bati drain o-r leaky eesteti by a tai nt smncl1. ýttlng paper treated as ve anti but to bang In tictect a sllght amowrnt ouagaâ-anul prove con- the room ila îînfit fon the O3,posite. an who vas cmnpl)yed in -s in C Western town >y luis physiclan to aeolt uent visere the IChir .on aecount of au en- the beart. lie pre- fore, t'O set up a Small tý vas veli iuatrrnu',ed In the habit o!ftliiubuui upects of linancial sou( g "tiowo vc4glat," andl iwlen aeustoniem askeul faiugar. he atideil pbnch i the scaie bareiy tur'eo mcrd the customer.lo- reotiy aSt bis careluil wat was It the tiuiîht 'rý dut av the heai't," ari Lbt prido. i," saidth Ie cu'touem v er.' changin' yu'r te- v an tbat's tinidin' ye dersthand y3'r tiusease, 7baart la gettin' amaller an' btIs i0 great tangiýr froin a nov 0usd ne you are, Regînaîri de ane one stop nearer and 'ou wbat I Saw Ct the !"ll'oiieti again!" basset as be fadeti from i vc.- Record. ag vabat of voman, a nal asserts, bas 1increaseti tes te, 24 boches within tlooks elusive, but them ia vil] enticavor tu get, blilatialpbla Letiger. i

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