g~AI<Ps~~ UNtNS, * *EISiSWSer. ftuching. eto. M1'114 £SWIFT. >hn. Kaiser. M~eoe-me.1~er~ uuw~mm. ~khusu1~ SU. 171 0.71 ~MIoe" 750 ~ Nais lujia Strap w. hamss 14.00 à~i sLGW' AIS TUE I.OWEST. WMI close out my stock of 4»1LANKETS* ANçI)s ROBES* - A DISCOUNT. SIModoMnu U.aUy end qulckly Don*. 1' iBU«TVILI.m. ILLIN0IS %J. IJi, BRUBAKER, ýàMOTOG]RAPUEH.R, ~tsSo...et. Wouhegn. 'SBUAwaotion asgured to *veryone F. BAIR$TOWD USS.en.... et., Wauk.gsan. 1 ALWAYS IIAVE - - NwMilch Cows and ~~rInprsfor Sale. .0 JOHN AUSTIN, Jr.J Julîiclous Advertili'îs Çreote, xnany a nov busineusu. larwges many an old business. IkMvvm .guîv a duil bI)tness. ltffome.niaruy a lost busainess. save. anay a failing busineus. Keep the in lown fo Try our iequai t( Coffee. Our TE beet. Buy on1 /keoene, smýoke no] youû, canng runth is yo«ïbuild YMwitm w.Wh&i elfi log. wOmy bv*bw id Tm. 0. a. Fo teaet.mu*daes" on Ou Ptir Clo ubvblngL&. tesauy uther publcation à I£RDUCIWl> ÙATES. The foUfi a few of the aaooe popular ne and muagazines.Whoî. <more la deulred, the. amomt tW N the. extras mxes eau ho auert deductlng 81. 50 frorn-the prie, Publi 6 ahe 4 Adym«oNae Chicaaïl ý. ....s Chlgsl ..... . ... 1 . ClukOgo 6saroocu dey. .0 C"±siely......... Cbimuago u Zetung,. 2 - few SUWb'. 2u NallamulTi bun a, waah. .-. 1(S New York Voet ...... ....1 Pw*ie 1 ....Io Cuzai »s. Tus-ber ....- ý20 rwg4~, ae...... ......au roi (Aud 1i7 Ametîmas Tw'a*àr .... s... Clark,* ava Iaviw Ms W ii uirnimfr ....Il( O.o~.gmier ............1 Pis. ~ otily. S84 Mr&IA.Loe sMisme nà"-.l ne..Y Uehiaeetu.........1...... ... . 0lnb. O ~......... ...... 4 sabld-d DicO ery. 12 W If ym ~ 5,iriiia Sleed la the aisove lt, li OL drousLu, as o Cai gis-e yoi rateR on any 1»ulilicatimu in the Save 50 Cents. Those vbo pay in advaulee i editor to produce a btter Pa aide saving money for the Beo our subecrlpiion toi-ms. 4",-0otE BUIiDING O Sale ini the C. Y'. Wright to Laertyville. lnquiireo Feed Mill NotIce. 1 will du custom gnndlng Co oob or mixed graln'fu Tueadays, das aand lSsturdays. G. H. 8t à tara nla -1f t- Id you bbie- corner weor'u -r, 'do ) vhip s-o tihe c and b vîll ty-day Rer- ie you ai$ 70 sopho- MN tbe ratber fl à sue- v but bonad par- rapb knov 'r. dI yo r that dear, recent tsraln. soi il nt ln Win ta ueo aIl v It la ms 8ev- parlng fellow opuhar public be re. isola SSay, r thç-ça à baif. use Our scning. nlshed wun") - 'Dg Yeu raz vas ck fer ulatake parud moieine thalli rf thse nu you 'oecdeoi lae.aP r. for. clousr nrod a au ln- 1 té* nod-. natap - - MI i i N » P E I EJdurd o y u SWpprand mgaiswa or you y MI., u*g~s pOar OW~ ~ and soaeyou from ift«u ~to. geenty cous W p prfe n or oee«s. M00 IlBe eenlts On eacb, bealdes the trouble_______ Y" MU al, ébeY or dcharise pouroW ms orCVOf writing and danger of las. a.Md. bainu, or >WpROu r oa daughier <tige ar- R. W. Stafford, of Chlngo, was filnT a ocyGena F1 ¶'S oeeortchen pour a.igiibor gea" U town the pat two deys maklng t was lotely Gre n Sbaby, or, in a t,,rd, if yott knowt or heur pileIe ontractsanam rranging forAthsltedi euna q2h aaj dih ofiuîtc,eIota lAspublc, the removai of hif3 famuly Who -WllAs he strolled the strct r. biqos send il ù#, «sîd the INe»zrxig»- OcetàgY tige ouuI J. W. Miller place, On the eve of valentin U. NI, wiflulyw1 ;<ubUsà1. i. whlch ho, reeently bogtut, April 18t. ,t*ren cor- W" ývlcome ilim we a -tizen.,orh cvee a ot M. emember Mrs. Williams, openiig. location here wilI mean tite puyment That would make hirr 5-Yrl1 iIîsbux-ýs leut xxix Fitla ai - (0f sevfral thlnisaîîd dollars more per But every one he wooed 3. Wayi< tige bot, ut G. Il. t5hanck's. Iyar to the farmers or titis locallty. f eue,<o People who thîink before tlîey speak Lîberi> ville is etirgiîng to tige front Tobe his valentine. vi.deigire tu alwasys manage to economize, on talk. and wc aail p. i t. Ife looked in aIl the wiri FOX te efi- Are you going to get married? If F. (,. Lavton, r.-presoaîting the. There were suits calit( NONNI, at so comte and look over the a<segidit Franklin Lire- A88sodation, of Spring- But thcy spurned the lit, ownîg are wedding etationnery a& the Indepen- fleldl, Ili., huis been in town the past When he 'aid: Oh!p ewSlPPil dent office. We eau print It <eat and two ws-eks and writteýn nu) several phaldra O ehepa no desirable risks.Atter tbref. years i-saur- At last hie stopped befoi Liined b) The Universallit ladies will gis-e ancewiththisscuritv lire "ompanv, Read Colby on the sig eus nantecd A Natural Hlstory Sociable at Trîige we most Qleerfully recommend It as And saw the very suit hit rs u lb& Ta>lorle hall, Wednaselay evenlng. the cheuipeât reliable lnsuiraee we T chsvlnie ,,.pe,. Feb. 21. Supper served from six tW know of. Tige Gei,'l agent bias gone t ob i vlnie 1088U Waie o'clock. Corne and have a good Gailesburg to pay a los anda attend lie praycd, his suit wasr nea 0' laugh. buiness at Springfeld. He expects o But with a smile benig (MU a du Sond the anEJ'uE~Tsd Inter return in about two monthsa and we 00 g go Ocean Wo your Mronde as a New Year 9dvil.e ai] tO luvestigate the Praak. Colby gave themn to eaci W 2 3 preigent, and give them a Chance to fi -a"îd improve ther opportunty I h aeo ae là 3 secure the valuable Art Portfolio. It when lie calls.Yonme ihgeb- ut) ilo-, cannot be baught with foney, only Miss Gai-net Coihy 18 the Most tu1 isulsoeîbea.s icn get it. persevering agehoolma'am we have Who in new clothes w( (lhaLietyîle2 atesanai.iiard of. She braved the blizzard Where other mercharîtsa bav :rab lest Mdondav, ttjok the train for Deer- Yulfn ob s- es fisempn 1 hmetlet,4ld, thene walked one mile and a ce 386a Ized andi will gis-e their initial enter- una 4 a10t t T i g s & T y o r s H l q u a r te r to h e r s c h b o l , in D i s trc t N o ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ou 9 4à tanret Mnay igb.gis tisle so s l 3 remained there alone al day with- 50 295 orit a Single s&bpl ' vutts inlaait op- as t s earty rep 00,r. perance, 'tai-ted iiack on thea even- 61 ! A WA Miail expect W Aec Bro. 3f&llory tng train and after lkeing 'snowed In:' N é- 'W'io du 8 of tige Nanda Herald a fro<jUentthe uîseoeRnot eee 35ei vsitor now thet is întended 'a a homle t 10:30 1. m., havlng perforrned * resident of Llbertyvîlle. but we biard- lier daily diiti-q s ~ilýiîl. AIl credit A--vn vi iàI~ ly think hie willI drive ton utlles out of tu ber valor. Ariig Ee ce 4a bis way on bi& neit trip une ieh.bas .I Dl~,r'oîl o i ~Iay at-~ ou $5 plaat conpany as hed Tbureday. @Q 4 us Was it a mitake on Iurpose, old stfbtoweirans s s L we boy3 Manager of <lue Ntn'la Herald, maule o ut b mi yuC boysme o un a pleasaut, fraternal esui t -day. (lot 0 s tor kie ee a buiemao r la Wenote witb admiration the may mm~ ~ 0) à staadsral odand Ite the Improsementà inaugurated in that Je Il fpohkaow through thse mflum oueeasic headitrton heXci* Tiadî< Soicited. not !n'n, it, iome papet wbat lho bas tW mclipprbsbe nagdt i k eolamn quarto, the bandsomealt and nu or ad- uj ve A stelg-1z bmoat conven lent size of newspsper nepplean parongeM . B. C O L E arnn ad ats orpelet drop In bas s'u ' av e ubsrîbera sud sec wbat lho bas to oeil. u' Io itepr cwn0 xr heilp tise Robrtngersoil give8 the folowlng eshowts.t foPret. on ofW tt- > b,-deintios."Apoliticien la a man lrm. 1ci-elî-os laye ewake nigbts thlnklnig how C. W. 'Miftniîl0iîgeneral manager the people are going to do somethiug a.dd hait Owner of the Bishiffc for hlm. A stateamnspends e i.oý tste Teey for eic, ~l~SForhietim tringW doeomthumg or liuoie on furîishing the. eelebrated atiditton tise peoplie." We aribe to a?3k our BWeboff steel roofing for Mexicau (,f F. p. readers isow ,namîy statesmen we have goverument jobsa. He expecta tW b In politîe at the present time? a absent two we--kt3, toîîplng off go- pr ndIeople have organized a literîury sud1 a city ball job; Ajustin to see ýouadmusical society for bi-weeky iparier architects; llempseta job on Waller eTiThur*- entertairâmeuts. The i-st rs-gular eounty court fliouse; jfrt Antonio tW henck. meeting vas bield et Mrs. Mr. 8trong's start tje work on at goverajrnt job - ospitable home, Tittýi-ay evening for the war depajrtment for whiclî * and tbe next yull meet lit banker they, reeentîy sbippeid e car load of cije wîlî C. F. Wrigbt's residenee. Tuesdav nsaterial from Lilbertys-ille. Return- , 1 iq o14 vening Feb. M6 vhen we antit-imae a<itinghevill stopu off at Auggtil:. Hemj>- uîgei. liue programn. stoad, Housaton, Galveston, Taylor, M, À ête, dayfà ago a Waukegatî sitizen, Waoo, Dallas anti Dennison whereý la a mt ,out lot. a posmai f butter whb l le las appoiatm nts. Mr. M nichb is e had puteard et a grocery wbose hustler for business5aîîlesaat gentle- i~ ,wopfIs~ oiies flot edvertise, <and man to deal wtli snd fias a nici- l.,fumd à e«»B Un box with a smali farnily wiseequa<tito<, oui- people~ Couaul r>Al-. et pelliar tiierein bearlng the. %ill Ctjoy andI valne. tegai., wrItea ln a neat femnin;ne Mrs. Hcnry Williains las renited I3a«ilt àW: a1 mgi of 19, good lookîng, Mrs. Pennlmaî's building where ehae ,k "I Mill au excellent bousckecpeu-. sili estabilsh eand eondîîs.t a restau- Sdlt boid s" lho found by sorne îm- rant, confectonea-y and home baksrry. dcii arri <hritiau gentlemenm, lie vuli hhe will alao liandle stiitionery snd______~, oc*. pleate write teothe oaloio ng addrees," wchool supplies. tWe welcome tilt. etc. The. auder, being a baciielor, iiew buminess ns a long felt Want, Sride docided t. unravel the sifair, and sie- ee§Peeially thse bakerv. She will opien BE le, in- oeeded, only ta deetroy tise romance, witli an oyater supiser, FrlE D %Se, gv ere as thse gMrl visa id written theaot ing, Feb. 23. Ticket, 20 cents eau là. 1place bad diod many years ago, leavlng au Tise Bisehoif factories have recontls gIlL tventy- aged husband and a growfl up ftiily. completed an order from a New 'Yoi-k ISAAC HriEIAT Hn Tissu Limaz.aria, Ii., Jan. 26, '94. wholcsale bouse for two plecos or r framEoaIrrn n~eieqgthat etatuary. Tise designer, wvoisa aLibertyvi île, --- sà v.io yoai Intend ta, stand Up for the righs talentesi. artiet, Iooked around fer a af the peuple and uhat yau vlll gis-e typîcal specimen of Phyuîoei Man- gont. oaob and ail a faIr, Impartial isearlng, bood snd vo are tWld vhen biseaie I ladiot dts oplstie. You sald in a felI on aur popula.r City attorneyc 0. rent ditrlal ttpotica le rotten N. Durand, ho mmedately chose hIù ou Pt of ton acti 1 beIieveA t, espeoialy In Lake as thesect Perfect model lhe had frCountY. But vison shall ve Purify ever seen. Thou. who wauld lke 18 the, place to y p ur C. IL tIf Il continue la the marne old rut? t-ou eo the statue and sample of TTA IfED oear Public oMoies have boon promlsod for fine wolkmaatiîp aboulaI visit the W ATVM S >, te everal torm abad. t. bny off preaent factor. vw thse voulai-be osadldatos, Now ll bas The llterary society had îtg usa iau as beome a publie fnul5isaad tise interestlng meeting last Sa turday amable people cmli for a hait. Our electlons ngt ota ietn.vsdvta E ~ ~ Y 0, yola mae a farce, thé mmn lected, je often, tue debate, The eortvrs a rTT D N A L ds d, nolt t ue ooic o tof the peopl; but a >u me e uy s o e o r atis er iutm. . & I V ~ L . eeuty machine Candidate; foisted IIpoIIthse bard timosta eoalrpbîas e .. ittpublie. It ls already undcrstood tlîat bad Wo go over sud help the enemyTh ab v l te e. thse. thse "Big Four" have isola a clani. out 0f their dileMm; but even Prof. W t1 destine meeting andI parcelled out Devis oouîdn't cnoti ay lasi le* ct f alI who ha . ýi îck, repine, et so sadly, ine. - smart and finè, 1,' reCused idows, ed superfins, ttie Greenback, pray be mine! )re a store, e craved ;flot repul',ed, ch other itne. aàcks rather fcw, vould shine; ask you X, :you fline )cs.. ry &rices FOR & SONS My a large business. Teachers' Meeting. ________Vie teachers Ixeaiillg ciri [uoeo!atI vaulno,Februtury 1U s'l'ie tollowuamg progi-amn lu erra V l.ueu105-137. ...........A V E ~Pages 1.3853 £.... . lttieBil L<TEItArit'<, e Best Coffee cib.ti loti'elirounie,.... Kte1 >rthemnoney. uavîd Page ..........ismSi 28c grdeitThmackeray, ...........nBai 28c grde itNATrI I itSTuiit, :o most 35ct V*oelemteta,.......... F. ýN. Meetiaîg wyl open et 10 o*eIa, a Mi aitteudance là degired. F. .N. Gooîzs. ps-mai FAS are the E-i M. Amio, Secretary, COMMUTATION. ly the Best On~ Febritary firsst tise e t oesrot idal an sd tenty-five rid r smell and vîtidravu frorn sale and lu ot afford ta theroof a ton-ride bearer, and t, *~,* fise-ride hoarer, put on sale. sk oTurning ticket& are limited tW one yoa. lIng for a few date o! sale.1 Rate for ton ride& ed on oil. if for tventy fis-e rdes09.75. E. L. DBtA a Cheap Oil .11 you the OrTise.Wortdds Palr for JSait ~oeIIr45cIn Otýer vordése s one.$.0 whiseh am on"Bi at tie & St. P. RY. dePot bere.. Te La Duchesa tuefftnest. thi et omrpie botter. than eaauaiotbe beaten. if you "q ela* WrIds Piryon vant tues kept e - s eL eetual souvenir O! a mm visit. If you aidet get tisore vaut thiem t ueo viset you se -th C1~and tO IIlYoutmmn<yyîUtise b, (~ g~Jjjand 9017Y eftishe Wite City. one veek iarO and tisesaleor rYVILE. bock* vil cloee at tuis station. E.L. DuBors Agq Trust? Nol P&y as i'ou 00 Mauy 0f aur customers, visa 1 lctishink Of s*ing u'to land urnaaeYteaOsk us to 'bouok" a net thlnking. that vo havoa t. pay for aur stock and cash ta our every Saturda.y uight. W.s, hadj Pdrtee for Job vork on ,* very p~sr~n ad fi t Muob osui' S coleetqae-Oitelfr~ython te lilpronsPtlYeafer yard. 'if yau N1ýOt bave ItheImoely to psy tfa vjem yesgi tvi . t deglu j (