W4A oR WWr!Foui THE su. juCasatie atehfer£s gOnresseOr I!ÇBusd by -a rresideut Cievelau i asd Coouirued by - tihe Semair 7rttswith iTithost Oppoat'vi Seatt [r, Thi 111.w Juatirierî. pu dm t M usPreslilsnt (leveland n-mînateti Son- trP ubu aloi' \hite, of Louitiana, t,> bc A&.o-_ B U cle Ju*tîce ofthtie Suprome C'ourt, EL___________________________ $rd tise nomintion wai et orce cou- lis B (lt. 50 a CLItS. OATS FR01 ONE ilts. hait i.] rmied y 11tise S e can So a rsh «A poot c,,uld write on 'The0 Decs rle- This renrlable, almost uniseard-of, bnirthedeti oftaheilate JI cac am- Village' vitis %.Irginla City as a ub- yild îwaa repor±.eilta thse John A. Sal- Wi Me*lisUU' net F. Blalchfiril' of New York. Tise ject and curpaw Go(Jadmis'es immortu z r SoeilCo., LuCrome Wls. by Frank hl" a~~Prouilent nomlnated Witie aler tise Production On thse »Mne topic," ë&id E- 4intor, of Montana, who pianted ono ceSonate his efrtusedte tcontlrm Horn- L. Hearne, of San Francifeo.-The hlofGoa eriornetca ,b lcswer andiPeceisai. fTe selection firet lime tisaI 1 vai ever tisore tise t ulofi1GraN crgthedrnet, Iand bu- STi ofeRiO a a Justice fron Loaitslaoi a great population of Virginli City was greiter ileve thut in lf i hgoicane'gr il fr-m surr e, thougisIt wa admite Im- titan tisat of tiettttie Stit o ytilfOW tua hu1.91fbGreat Nt-isromis lt mdely atrPorhms tî - hEertsn cnvd oe.iund railbuohelèî. It'c a ondertul oet.ttr Irait heen rceed ha hoPeàident cn slsudniol ea a pa, l aIr T o. WiCar Tit. iot sud ».ud It Li ronqldored hlimkolf enlirely fie 3tri go retidences. étores tisat woulti have dor.e vî".i ct<ot iea o o o rl outilide of Now York State in makîng crledt.tO NOw York,' millicn t1e vS wh vili reccîve farnole package of above an tise appointment. Saine surprise was il nt money feiy. mantiing a NO-> cati andi theit f arin aeed catalotgue. C ___ manifetetd tisat the President vent so ciOe*ty titat for brAlt.5'tc3'anti gayety p fafrnt NemoYrk. could net Le equaet in the United Where He Got Hic@iinformatin. Case Edvail ouracaWhie vll akeStalffl. I va8 ttiore a elhort timi a&go. Agent-Poil parti m, ma*mm, but i hies eat on the Supreme hench aitishe Tireisoes anti opera iosueî areabite been te uc tud by a numnber of youngest of thse justices, ati., with tise ciOcet, thse resldences ililty, th iseIlVS erdous to i alil tere and show you oor ý cexception of Justices Fildît and Hlarlan, removed t) oher andl more prosperofflS novpatent eië- tric vakethedeati dcor- Cd ha viii have entereil at an earliei: place'- Dvelli.ngets ta coet hundredis heU. Il's eyard on hande te bave _____ -of ibousands of dollars are given over ta knci, maarn, and everyisady say lnt to tise bats, and tise brolien panes oftheb. oly reason why you havent a bei ll glose, tise isuttera tîangtng upont a la becatise you nover thought of il, inge bing. and flapping in tise wind, Hauseoper-That>e very true. I gtt-o a gevIWome Oson-e of lonelinos. really bail fargotten tirattise. vas i o In yesroite corne Ih viUafforil magnitl- bell. Pat oeIn.al cenut spectaclesa-of ruine, andi even nOW Agetnt (hait! an heur later-Ite9 ail in tome sectVn f tise towu thore le a do.., aanr Here's the bilîl Thaek. ceose to tise beisaldersof heing in a ct yo:%. . Fu receipt ItL 1--pvemn lma f tise pilai. Millions wero maie ana Klofflkeeper-WC-ulti yen abject tg toet, andthe tiobstory ni Virgînla City telUia me viso tise porsons veeo s ara n vin heaV on l ho one of tise mot thrilllug oomdôtned that Iisati n-) boit? mmy ho lve bt-trie oe r ritten5"--Glob-DCIo- Arpt--They vero pedders, ma'arn saieja m ,wt rat. Goody, mg am.-Neiw York Weekly. Ther va eu ovrsigl m tie Oeai We àw chs a nto1drDolars Re.arSd toe-any of te pre qui Thrs u o* oersgbtet he rea' eq at tavis that essonot ta oreit bu- alla embracd in bY P.J. CHENET & CO., Propu - Toledo, . Fie liew. bu- easy arrangemenlt. noms campai- vB tis.ndolgaei hava knosn y. J. Cise. dueteIt peantti zative vital tatistics of out oVls genelal a"foritâtlat flte.uryarS assit blle'. hlm isdet i peini eiatis ecouapared tb th lor nations, aâmsublyain&Il usiest mtaione *is'rereaiug sudtly end of ue cientlflcfacilltiéaftse eIfmdeb- rBrut.. of aperfct 1ax-cf bamant sufferinir. Ilhbn it would have Wicr SIma, WisotoutiDrulsgs. Toiedo, 0. tienet, appeareit boa muchb are momrepreeented kMsI.Vtsta ru- ~~ feverm iRVhUD DOUGILL88 WHITE.mutho.evn1n3I ltmemne iii bics ; u atoislotkeio tem.iystt beadechesadfvr D o.ee attos, miner<ho blod stmucousurfaceso curingcoenstipatin. o--lotiin lifo tisan any o! tise other taset ssakn,o.eare master' of cure andait01, ?vin. s-tsîl arotti& SBoId. by at -Maiwmtion ta miilionsuitd ;u ticem. ant i viiihave tise exiception- alleriationu instise lin.o! generai &ili- D= 10ia.. Ta.tlmofis a seý Uwme ppioval of tise medicAIalai long tarm of twenty-oflC geare 10 teaet&,ehîchisat nationa have ln Co-mn!OO. lmaitDahs becauce il acta on tise Kid- sai vc befitre reliremnont. Hie ,ai bon sucb as rheuruosit or neuralglc afflitios. Owadu orneti ait, ersdBovelà vithout veoik- in tise pari:is o! La Fourche, La, at ieaîu rmtn eant ue acaswt alde inor .44J dshe tist l tudi laperfetlty ficOfrom w vaýS iyeasfaet gtLt-t NoveInher. Ho teeI opop n emnn uei aat ae141 ihsta atasla ssubstance. wus educaleti at Mount St. Mary , tise waciltihe equaof w aat ase couSit have contil ait b-- ,tawed away in a comic n e LYg a for sale by all drug- neir E-n,.mitsburg. Nid., at the Jevuit b mStJaos01frinacefrth bl.Tsiuthorcorw aii bottles, but it ils man- t o'ege in New (irleanq, andt inally uettiol purtis. . st it have tateen any pro- a:-e tld tisaiP'ope Patil Vo. counleti b ieCalifornia Fig Syrup C rgetown College. H. enîerOd tlie mlum that might have taon effered.It itiern viti tise aid of a pair of sliec- ,,,sme inprnted on every (eý nfeaerate arrnv. andi aler lise vor bas doue n ai mant' et the great taieo! Indleà made by tise dish artimt. Si. istieame, Syrup cf FigeA- a la'rnîi ta twise bar by tishe - ls- the Voit. A.,for tise ordiîani'castoaltea cUnis. Repubtic. nuliInformeds ven wainet lcria -up ente (izuct. anti practiceti his o! creru-dzy. buc If ie. aucto a s&priies. Have VoisHeard (Of alliatitte i o&.-& ofe ston tiuring tise trotîbird years bruines.irastrus.and%, or culs. e! coursetise marvulous yoo00g city of Great Falls? 1oLt hewng tis p Jontutic eioti. ir ceItla woilt kuovis snthes iperior remeitiof et bias timter. powerrgreuilor than eNtagaru- _________t :4 o bc-an is P tlc~l e-.î-e-ie e aaje- Pertompo tectoru dusagrue. tbut Maaonteu e(uuai eduinlthe %N'etut »aaaMeica Discovciy aîaat tale Senatar. Lap in, int tise tiectitepoNts- grnormteit bu water-faitt. 7,loaw again ho leu-me Asset-late Jusî,tice tbd people are nuyer mistaken n ta noalit Mountains ut prectouu and base metale. ef ta. Ae.of thse Supreme Co3urt of Louiîana in Visait 1Abs. Bit pajr-ratts netrprieinn people, health- P. h t agin tirni~ t olitîailpur-fat cluat&. Ogeieri. Reitoerlest liaiu- suol le i 1),.tas elteiil ta> otie f nit-d Pregrervtit Gamin onetanae. .1e.Vos-tl ,.dasilieu. XMtng. tcit onwaelta uce t Sent Theise n a ny h'snn, buffalo0 Itork-irewbtu. Aitriculture A placeefor U0~~IEIVLMY t-- ptruesent Ambassador te F'rc--ulorCiinese pieasant ta forbitidon n ioeiiStm nd lBorne' rt .Ctth III@Ui1Iifl~ia'iing h!s -est Marris 1,lit l. y histb 1vli ontania for ton ycors. tond LoAss Rmyfli -lutyreat Fattula, t îU . iollte will leeve a vaeancv of thikii-img.o any moose, elk, otler. n - THtE tempering oft teel la a tielicn.te ~DT 011 SWJJURY * ,l i 1000yo-ai-in bie Senat-risi tern. heever tor tirx as e a rc .pî-ocet-i A vorknson wnied bis isende ; 9 OF_________MI___ 8ý3. i________ n a tank of watar u-cti for tisai pur- i n e eOf Our commOn STOCK YARD SCANDAL- Brucetise Mrves. lxse in a Massaaeistlts factory anti a a rentedy that cures cvery Sedaivles &adoptâties woflt doit. Tlese nerTviswole baleisoo! steel vas sold as second mer, fron tthe werst s(rof uLa Inioopî - I..eoit tîl im ;Iuzte end o at'nl Inca do ut mairo the nerves treng. nd failOtegrade. à oa iPml.f-rronus.si t Csî-o, te do titic fait cherietofpreduolIn thse essenttal DY TotRI.150 TiaÀ COLO. mau- a eoe fl lt lIn luover eleven hundrcd lîi-i s .emtingdtis-a-ed leef. Il o thotr quetude-VtOt And while in etreme caltows hiuusustt Wodrlfi lite a condtîiti îuneverfa'led except in two cases c o apsmsn ttme 0mk-Or rases-andt tise.ou-tfnerveus Irritation ta-rsbtie t0 the devetopment of soins latent tunu neiuttr). l-lhaanowlnhit jp! 16 an,ît 1hitîg for (isicag, ans t) con- such droicts maeaditsable, thelr frequent ue die-e-, wtoch threatr takee fult po- om rtwo hundrocl certflcates t.':.t)lltC but it ta tise trais l, a l'et ,O in s l-blprejudital La the delte ttitimsri itlonu-fthe su-te1os.Btter cure t'eue vallir, *Il witin twenty miles of ay thohcago papota. nponwbiclther'ait. andlta eder toren-. their At OOai olt Du- 1. J.tynes Exporte- Wi.o.Send çostal card for book. Btiit- t ult, theis 1not a ,-hadov.of quiet lflieffect n5toeased mnt dansecronsdoses ront. ustris1remcsty for Throat-alla and r - eventual behoorasenecesâtry. otttCrs Lung affections. 1A wbo is at wavs exWelnced front a -on--clt but that fron l 10 i.5 di-i, ttemsch flitera it anuofIiet on',t;ut, te, m~ebtItand apetfet tcure ls var- c est I ani.maIs areaprite Olut of tise such pemiitius dtgrt quiets tht nerves by THu. firre8i ea mirage te tise Fate m hw nte rtgit quanttty la taken. ar,!a cucis eek withotitt aoy in@e c- raini toeflingirtengtheatlr5 them. Thse cou- \luîraîîa in tise Sreits o! Messina. ~e eunp are affected lh causes t htityisefiiioapi tai' tit'Vâte e raus of d,ilon tis a ~gogpals. Ikenecile pesmn for tisat pi-,pose: are cettier boliglhy tan-iitm-o htica n i e Btterst hie iii 4otceter' SasiîngBout ait, ta sisent; tes h the iver or t oiks or luugbttd iyioeeli'eo~flicU5ti e it' y other cotluma. Thsis cusdby thteduct bîni tnoun upn -ncommission tandti utpofln iteaoe -seuaîîcO hirotu das t in a wcck thse public rmarket. With tise 0x02p- lrut. -e bIittillso -t'se it it. Redthe abel. ison po..ile of one or teno o!tise Ioger to, lu mpera.cutmiofl b udai I aking it. the label. 'uking estabît.ismenus. tis paertaie.-ueir trouble- V LE A E 0 if tie stotoadi 1 foui or bilUaus It wiliU h akr n ic- Cllcin i ermr tiif clu IMttsilb féaetl i tp olughfering houre e e.,e more or leis Princes; Marie et Roumanie, vife oniW Nocaneofdeteerncts,% a in tise netarinots trade. Witi tise Cr.an Prince, bsas an unubuai CRMCLTU tise best you cals get, andi enougfit !I. poasi1lily cie or tvo excepitions overy hobby-tise collection ot perfnmery Dose one tableýpoonfuI.in water at lied- tîo.mrns&on fitin coing bttine a et tise b:Leo. In isihaie utebbo be time. Sold by al Druggist& Union Stock laîdeir, selling disieuiri gantmoise. tse at Emroa o Itussia, wvise utlecollection e anti- fuI port umery alle> aluet e *0,00 . joh ",Almnost as IÇO SAVER I!ESEDY co be hait furY Cougise ad Oolds. or any trouble of the i Palatable as M 11k" Thruat, ttan o.Browr's Bmtwlltet Trothu-"i.1AT t'rlce 25 ctin. Sud enly in box<&. îTitis is a fact with regard LIEUT. JOHN H. ALEXANtIERla ise a î*S t' rision o o first coloreti man te hol tise profetFF:- Pm sho oft' .u fCde tnüitary science andl tactie in oaetfv«"ndmi Lât«, Oi. The difference *'~ aivinttution. He vas rcni p bewç th o'i ispan ýLtad ta tissposiion iu th ise b er- a v 0»«»E VU WN r1 bO*WCçfl theoul, in iLs plainfc, Univerity, 0hio. ULE AIIOOuITD is eyapparent. In _WALTERmm _à ___________ Emslion ORTE PASIRO Ietect no fish-dil taste. :jN is a help to dies- Dt.is akotulnia. od àhr stOa/e c TTrpic s casEOF armer Jaw- P. EL. OOAT. Çlv 7. gtyqdeeect. Kee vWhsausiErmu eltioe plist aer o.as S ttsEnusion cttie te tise epesiulatarô o io ee promoterof flesh tisI eir only bu-Inoss Tise Union proroterof fe8h Stsck Yars Company folde iis ban&d.ab i~bewhknown to andi closes Ils eyee, germlttlng tise018 * business ta go on viliscut interruption.I Luutpy javaor actiaomycoels in a eg- - mDua. i adliOu etable pa atic dîseséte. due taithe lu- \ - ar treducîlon inta tise animal o!1lise i &y- '>tAij<1 t fur irui tisough, an abrasion or vonti' e 1s. L___la_ af tise moulis, longue, or aheekB, or , **t* ~ S U LN gainseutrnao îonta eieddigotats M i s eck. ?oceay sud Tbnd&Y. re ave 8i 80 a d a*Iy to i trt car ni-vICe. tour Sutberi route. tbrtoth e beau- 1u ludionTerrito tad iFrt WOrth tu Ang@1l4oRiad Oaa Franeceta à':ho tour- car rate via this routé.i. 116 ss&AP- Rt ock leland ticket office. 104 Clark ,John tebt.tlan, . . A.. C.,BEL1t ýLEC'rRl(, light is bdingr used M~ t b' fishermen who ply their calling tisle Pacifie cowt. no ouvrEits oU is ltie,. costipation. ios til. pour tIt),.o or 11lte«-take ecbaz'ï Pilla. tOf dr-rgita s25 cents ,wi largest building in thse United ,tes ltis te ('apitl iat NW f3hinton. Pm !LU un THEi relief god cure of . c.ld ln the r-end The a2 e nM."oto otscy in ElY ..<yeamBals tissu la 2tiFw tu ju in le i t a po ts he te pr acrib .. T u la p e - glsc i b ,u bu..h&for y"" spaut heef i ngSa torillant sona ne nmdy for raid in th. tooss. cAaith pitoirmnBaàmIs, P-tta Atta.io. delet aunt o îlt,.yiptmaos ,hile a moot oosl. M ane on, yccofftoi radical ores of h onie ce h sand sbsec9.r iter 911 cth.r troatooPot, ta c cnd of Do a.oil- 1 ýAhI Toms. tiera la ne grester chae u iau & sUk Seh-blocs, complez4ou n su éthse 700"D l"?i ,d arewd OitoiLas G U 'alsSolphsir SMa.. Sýc2 letQu 1.11 la DlRA Dirosoisun t.. Usoalue. TiLLE WALIO PAFEiL M O. E i ous .0. c a m e Làoso On8î.Uo* %O %s lk iE..ýAf 1 t ( , 0cdfUb i . lhocs O A a cnahCam.M cta. 0 St» a l. esOum W.-e i &U in t.en trbitof i in , iorr o Rat o . 't bt mthr and c bildasthuttns wh aeusdi t iy atrnd sle vy. i vse asto as t Unqi tsPauru oIMMhlebl tA rknaw hi ifuce uM u aîied' fa ew eek bot iirabcon- finment, ofbsait od f irPing a r nd ia*vwsafJ Ato fsaf otai cAild-,-Mand. SAldHas thoNuqadswh avSpu-Ing, Mit et andk ta Mthery ma led hm e can tiolng theuntdry toftimordaa- toknwi t1by se COLLA FtuN&frS a Nfwwes tw ocon- ~TTE Pq arc heBcstand Most EconoicuR The, LIRNEcoflt=anad CuifsWor Thet'eethée ouly 900"da" tdc ti en-dne»sd geaieum aeau a la piaaa or linaes. Try thent. You will like them - tisey look wal wear well andtlit well, Re- versble; both sides alke; can Ili wae twce 'a; long -.jny oIher. collai5 When onc side is soileti ucse lt ter, then throw il awsy m A tak sfsh one. "ki tise Diera fer thaus. BUd lfe as routa fer- e Dms a0te C*uMtrs- iPai fr. uf C A u Ceue. ad a r, À.o.gi, ao IVaaAo REVgPtSIBLE COLLAR CO., 27 Klby Street, Boston. Mas*. 16 sud NewU Tele fâ lha '-a, ~ 4 TisA.la lte titI. ot a ut4l oo~ jideaec,r:bamdîcal d sovrtui M A »( we? s u ¶ a s V o r k v n d r c w t st h i = ,.e.tl a i o f e LiRAIS~~~~~ ~~~~ U. U itFi ilEiAauamaoWho hall uffrdb' T . d C O Ct h o n p t t t t es t , r t s t s. i os J%?~~*~WeIIeIlyouthat fint daWy la ans =M0-oos d i S à noereufou-gel. Ijust bubble ti sîi * 51.AoO.050 a ntemsu ta hug everybodyand te .~ tI d11. - t e- tisat ml ol slf h d9ld ;es ete 4-j .b h. b. b- I.-Wmy vw sif wui horstto-day. Wh LOuis..d %qs 005o srlO fosotié Tisot mano wasnot 0"made whole" ib s-4 lI.T- .da.à - t- magi ua day-no man la-but la a m '.4., prO. meot ho caw-KffEw-how ho wau l e un a 0 cl *I aIlîttlo whlle-he *"caw tIse lighisbuft [JOIE 4, rC.,a.c ,cahoéas h bai nlisod thse Irtchapter. suou , si ro.mll îusaeSlMs~ Every mano wbo would knov tise gr"* est- -. l sZ=PHotol it s.*.e. truhie plain tacts, sthe new m*w ast~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý l.oo.so op..0o I u !mdcal sciece-Who would atone fwu ~urlOsoui ios. 000île St ;1CJ. sfolîlea andi avold futurepitISlauon Vcss fso uS swya. sas i e ceure tis ebook. IL.A V s155' AST tIS To smple "curtl ty ceekers"- IO tis is cal phs"condition l8 perfect-tabda a IL a: .? L Fsuit àp IT ho aee pno id-ta boya-we s u lu CUI»Jt SA icr ON SYIIumt.cally e"Aabook t <a rdu:, a.&0 i~iuti~us sucs.~umnso - . J la purely medical asd scentfl,Y tI! muis~ ~~~~~e ts u..05aiisJu "'5 malle knast a systeul Of tf0aInr %~s5La~ os~t~ incalculable value ta e motîvho* ,e uSsI oeo-0. aM su- .u Il you ars IookInq fer asoineIhîf1 'Il èàltu bmbwésmentalfrlvola't, impfOr, d' ~ asIsysslobealR5.vutipand ouseby vrtb*a. TbsA.la les i~e~ fr jcu.vant adice, wisdotn5 ep, noble ma"h If-lts att lk ý, : the e ai. te. rio Modere 419 1=7 ô lot:eI(anhood.it TisJu7IR ef~1fl, ma vin onvelome.eo yftùe ., t &H1 4 IL à ega .u tim 1. ltree.1 as* NeO ite Il ie wm 0"a1» rks a vo. à m ded sical lite .here la i mrt la rnt t u . thwn Ait irl au L. tis a