~I1,~i~h"arà Ç irs, a Marlbormwnb. *aDi In 1Main lemasi1. 4t the passage of a futne rgaroou- Tolisat, a Bolivar, a cà~e a o n of .lmsoW I5 gCar UartiiâNo Ne Sl4y An Made 1 sa un.s@eu. which always golmnizotî sensile Robert flaikes, a Harian Page, who vrai establî.hed hI Up bo-Raaeus AIi.g.d 010d,<> 1n lBaa Byitliedrn."hd l258abbath acholaro. 84 of whnm May or It oma) o bl The disappeurance of the dnoter on coddaudence.-Te hê l in that group a young man becirne Chrittians, and six of tham- true-the r-itter tg Arnerican raiiroad trains wai releont- "TeLhtning or the who iimak.ni a great struggle againit ministera of the goopel. c on t ro ve r ted - ly polnted out as a chang~e wblcb bas taI seec bengJobxl,mtptation and prays night and muiOifl Let Tour Light »Ibine. whether s h e saved corne over the travelingz public In the maketh apath to mhine alter igndedab in ble and là 5oking But mark vou that the phosphor-es- P1IO<A.AteîefCp.on utfeyaswt~ttrclgh odor.hi day by day. But that ec-uco has a glow that the night mo- ai I'AJK Nfithte fanions i lightest notice. Every une once wore the next tiouaand yearsra mm- gjffaw againat (hriatianity makes him uovolizes, and 1 ask you not only what LONDO>N explorer and founder a duster. No one nuw dues. Te of religion ahouid reaeh trom loise hja grip o! saered things. and lie 1 kind of influence you are gigtu of Virginia, whien he vas takgen pria-. llailroad Gazet&e-llas recntly beer. Sthere wfltyetbc text0alin- miras u batndand churh bnd letointhewoldaeouas tbrough oner before ber father a& Werowuco,- pub!ishing a number ut Jettera on oiand unexplained hall enap-. o-i adgo rmbdtowr.,llilii, but what light are you gomng to ieêWhat littie hms been md 1 le ftga der dislpations, dies in a throw a-rossj the world's night of si moco (f00 Shlelby, Gloucester Coun- another change as sudden and as coin- Mnig thia chapter ln Job troin la a- houue andimi burled ln the Pot- and sorrowý People wbo are maiing ty, Va.): but It la certain that alter- Plete. Ymi-e Years ago ail berths on mny ext fl a ken beara on the ter's field. ou SMuOh oliC and at noun do flot neul yard skie ,aved the lite uf Smlth and sieepers were made up wlth teet to vemsas te what Itho Anuathûr young man îwho bieamd tba it mli sympathy. but what are you go- the party wîtbhlm: that on mîiny the englue, unless the reverse was han ecird as diturblng tr o 'Il%-skeptici:§ni male up hia ,njtid that in., t o )for ,eopie in the n.iht out ceasions she lefrlcnded the Ciofi- urdered. 'l o day neariy a 1 b-rths are What creature il was 1 know flot. *~ makges nu difference what we duor, ni-fortune! Wiil Vou drop on, them iits, teedlng tht-m wben starvation 1 uade up the other way on the main aly It vas a whalo. Some gai agay, for Wu will a'il courne ont at last ut ,Iado,0o wi'l you kindle for trier astrnghe nhefc.adlnadalateeetinttte iaercodle. My own opinion ih a' the ight place," and began as aun.i ph,:poueccne that by ber marîlage to John 14)1 fe old position is retalned. No une or asea monster now extinet. \.o Itquenee to purloin. Some money that At this moment there are mure peu- shetrdbi ephre ofow the Giazettes carespondents bas ~auenow fioatin, in Mediterrane:an1 calme lnt bis banda for others ho ao- p~cryii.i than laughing, more peuple 8etreh epbte fPw ~ Ustc watersdeni,-eapondi, te Job*s ;îlld te hi owa uses, tbinking perhapiluon the round woi-l thia moment hua- batan aigaltist the culony of .lames- given a reason for this. save une. tbat n.ho would make it straight mone ther gi-3 than weli tcd, more households be- towa te as deep triendshlp for the o n au eievator nu une objecta going La<tac. of the 84M. lime. and ail would hlie el even if lie i-et than humes untiroken. What are whlte. i1up, though a de_.cent la otten disa- ,-1wia moot inîcreats me lathat as it didnfot mace itstraight. Ie rndigin %voîîgoing te do abolit it'? "el" Tie story ut boy she lea sud to bave greeable. There li,;thre addltional q#isd on through the deep it left the the penitentiary. That écoffer %vhu days yonaor soul, -1 uold like te do saved the flefe tSmilth at Werowo reaso)n that wbatever draft la created ý#ru llasag and res lendent. In uttered the jokes against t2lristianity .,oaetiing toward, illumining the co icol familiar - almost to aIL la more agreeablc- If it cornes froma ho- ~wgordofthe text, -gec maket a never realized wbat bad work he was geat ocean o. human wretcbedness, SIth's head vas laid upon two hlnd tbe head thau If It blows in the $Uteshblne after - hlm. ' What was doinir and hoe pa-ssed on thruugh fleitebti1 cannot do mucb.,bok fsoeadteIdassodfc h hnehsiocm iv IIBilmined ih? Itwas phosphor- and out ot it and inte a future that 1 Can vuu do as mr-basnchotth loWautaone of h Idassto ae.Technebsheocrn ic 9000»m. You ni4 It in trie vake of a ar n ot now going te depict. . phoophori in the mIddle of the Atlantic around with clubs ready to beat out the p)orter's or the aleeper rules, one *5, an the nlght. eseilyator I do not proioàe wth a seare hli lit Ocean, creaturis o malle,- than theopoln his braina, when Pocabontas luîldbe or both, were leus stringent as to ~-~ougwethe. Pos oraceco t. hwte.raea ftewul - ! hr In- "Oh. ye,', you. say. ova head on bis to save his lite- T eclosing windows In lower bertbs. If Ug1ihtaing of the sea. That thia on vbich that ahip i6 vrecked, for myI Then do that. Shine. Stand bejore chier spared Smith anc the latter bc-; a wlndovhI open an lnch or two tbe figure of speech ià correct in describ- business novn, te watch the sea alter the looking glass andJ experirnent to carne armorer to Powhauan and trin- passenger's cornfort le greatly In- la# its appearance I arn certifled by an the keel bas plowed t. No phosphor- see il you cannot get tbats.Buwl 01 your ket maker ta Pocabontas. D[urlng' creased, and the open wlndow lo nat- stusidnt. Afler croésing the Atlantic escence in the wake of that ablp, but fore bond, thiat ree vish look out ai your Switb'scpviyPuot eed raletheerenofhebt. lâge fiat tire nd uwrltiniz front Béaie. behlnd it two onis stragzorllng in the lipi. fHave at leaBt one bright rîbbon scpiit oaona e nd uasy atua the r ed fthea madeh. »? Wharland. tb an Auwrican magazine vave.-two ynn4men Ilatroyod by in your bonnet. Exnbroider ut toast to love the white man and vas lui- Iada aual h et amd m *.!=unt o! nmy voyage.,-'a wvkiel reckleils acepticlata, an unilluminedod ne white cord ornewhere In the mm- tlated Into sorne ofthie trutha ot vitb the plllov at the head. What- _,iWKmore tascinated me than the ocean beneath and on ait lsoof tber. nigbt 0f yor apparel1. Do not any Chriatîanity. It vas throughber u-ý ever the Cause. the curlooes tact te- ýï1Osphorgescence inu"the sbîps aair, I Blackneaa of darkness. longer iprsoaate a funerai. mbine! tercesslon wvlth ber father tbat Smilth mains that a habit utfrnaklng u&) - li~h~t the lightninir of the e&. Re- You knov vhat a elorlously good 1 Dopay ïonetbung cheerfui about so- vas allowed to retuen th e colony berths vith heade tw the tesr bas wagte my butel1, 1 found a book of mari Rov. John Newton- vas the -most ciety and about the world. Put a few at Plymnouth. Subeequently when auddenly beeun altered by the gemeral Je". nRuskin, and the firait sentence of bis Lllte, but before bis conversion drupe ut Heai-en inte your disposition. tarvation stared the colon lis lu thecneto rv rvobv I -07 & ell pon w-i bis description ho wassa very vicked sailor, and on Once in awile substitute a uveet lace pocaona whbt one0fbr onsn oftav evsc o bved to elhopboresence. ln whîcb ho called board the sfllp Harwieh instillod Imi- ragefor a mour lenion.ahnsetyr gota t w ' e.cm 1*ellgbtning or t le sea* deluty and vice lunlte mind uta young iemomber that pesalma bas- peuple gave tberncorn and ga~eîyasao htt~i" wn oa SDown te the ixstole I hasrtened to man-principlea which destroyed hini. phenîy and tba. optîitni la Chriuti- anmd vben, lu 1-509, Powhatan lahITa1 fortable on a steeper la to vtrke a maIrJta ibgetAtradtetomt n etnanity. Throw morne iight on thenligbt plot to mîrder Smith andI others oft lower lîerth, bave the bead to the j6orand sorn e x;eîie got lxaaesosionj tried te undo bis had Aork, but in vain. ot-an. If 3-ou cannot ho a iantern the colonlats, who had gone on an Ioenglue and vedge uptherear window j et the rnagaiinc sarticle and "ut quota- iTheyuung maibecanievuorsand worse swingiug in the'rigging, ho une ot the ,xpeditlon far- frîru Jatmcstovn, USan inch or Ivu, so as to let In freigb - W m ~asrks around liait ou.'> sentence. duied ajrofligate, horriing wîtb i tini- ilîomphoririback ut the keel vas the Inîllan maden wbo i Iffthough it W" as or.gi laiwitb me aw1prfautties I hose wbo stood by hlm m iii in L our light s)shine hc- w' ith John Ruskinî. Iippb . that aine-Ilils lest moments. f m-ertn that others seving your good COMEDY IN THE KITCHEN. .IS»thsof von llviî1 . onear the -sea- iBetter look ont a-hat bldintitîenc .-kAs niay gluiiy >oi-rFather which____ $oat have wat-h,-d ill' marine ap- you tart. for- voun nay flot be able tu is in Heaveim -ý Brîor the dGi agmoetu Qua. ,j eae called pliupoî-i -cad , tph ldusntruie eygelMake une pertion happy eery day, hoetaIthe ,hi:'on-enth may force to tin Wr.\hy w"asit Ihat. and do ihat for mwenty r.-arîî. and -- hefstudbe az po1h smre day bc se laîî;N a. ta viesit. îîîany yearî ago a greatt'oiti nearly de!- w. ll have made 7,3,00hapy. Yoîîknow bard. unpitylngz face of the bired -ltlaethe- a a;'-rof tbr -a diamnded; tr,ued New (Orleans., A -ria iish hbd ,a mari vbobas îOSL ait hi, prop.-rty by f -girl, says the Detroit Tribunje. __It la the iulloreee ' the lw:burroIldinto Ithe banks uf th-e i [uutobnteii b% o vîm-I~-"And it la truc," she faltered, "tbat the vaves oif 1Il.'- LL-a -iinsoued as was uultil bhe ground Was-aiire-led a id tinbij hs naneOn the bai-k 0uta tri,-ud's.ynlv-mym-ubu? the deep aftt- '-a ýict of Lepanto. the batikas eîkened uutil th, - ibùId o. After you have takun a brief .Sacî rabn h wle h the wat., -t the, '~ n lir-. lurst. uap, which every man and woman la cieybetin hwle h o!eTherei are timner wJen i-ounhorion %vlâtodirgary C.., entit'od lte on a S-inday afttu-noon, go- answer. ta horizon the -entii-t-o-eau saBoom ln Tht-re acre !luthc sai-ititeg--uth -en- and eheer up that matn. Von (-an, if eoollaxgration with thu,,tt-anges Iendor tîîry men and wiîmen whose naines vu o(-d belpo you, say somuthing tliat vil "Ad-atd-" g m ntchang-m r-erv ioiuient tet;ruler ineyer heard ut sho are tdumv intluec- do bilm.guod aftter hothut you have .'lier voice ank te a vbisper. In aramore da:tliîîir oloi on ai! aides 8ff nsboscleucuc ,ntos been dead a thousand years. liher agitation she trembled violently. you. Y ou ;it lookîmua iýi itheu tairail You can no mur-e measure the the gra- Slîine! You know of a familv vith a I-- - --ca yuu flot ho nduced Lu givo oth cht or tx-r-ai teamer, wsleh- 'clous result4 of their tifem than yon 1 bad tioy who bas ran away frorn home' . h'nu up. Ingant waituîîg 10 si'-. wlat nov tbing couid measure the îeneth and breadth Go heoro nught and tell that father "ee. Ib o f bta uty wull do ,vithî the At- and depth o! the boophoreseene ast and mother the parable o' the prodigai - en-" lanlc.It a te ot-ai l trnsfgur- nghtlulowig te hip of the White i son, and thab momne ut the itfustrious ~Uo h ntn e enao SUon It 1 i->m limrîet-orîd casting its Star tLine i ,5oamiles.ount aIsea. low and usetul men now lu chircband State Uoith -stntbe -meno jarments ut g:ory ini thi pathway ot the courage and cousecratiou of others bai a silîy passage ia their lives and cbanged. Sho vas trausforrned Into t he Alright a- lie v.ail,- 1he luel: hiuanptre us wo follnw, as a general lu the iran away troya borne. ShiincI VueoLOtvtO 5(W(CU5 a triulDpnt being. 4sa a---e irwneiuit w:îh ailI its ANmeri-an army, coul amid the tliving iluw of a famiîy that bas lusta 1 141v01csPOCAUOIEY5 vAS UAP-U.-1 shail Insat thrat you rîso at, gonu dou whth:1 Nu il 1u-0e I llet, inspirod a trembling soiàier, and the silence of t -c niirse--3 glooma _________________5 'îc utomrig une n Oaprestnt it. for piauto,! ap)her s cam- who sald-aftorward, -I was neariy tihe wbole bouse fromu usîJlliz- I u iLt garrt. er wrnig î tht vinter; that yon take but one atter- lors cannot ho-uc ,'I.tî-ained te suared te deaimu. bat 1 saw tLe old Go be'ore nîght and tell tîmumu bow n- r ang s çuctch it. sud h-ture it ti- lîand oftIlle man's wiemutceu;t i bu-mthta idbshuîl -aethey escaped back ta the ahelter ur nutu a veek to yourself; Ibat 3ou - <pointer drops iLs poil :1. o%;-iawu'd asd der aud vent un,"A3 e, we are ait mince the most pnilier-uns lite on t-artb their guns. For tis shre vas perse-gesuerSna ait;ttyo .-~~; poverlem~ tolloving somu-body eitbu-r in right or is a struggle. cuted by ber fatber and she Wkrpaealdae o ra u uî 4. Tbis hboro---eiî- ;,g th'- appear- , îrong dire tlions Shine. You know etf nvne invalid abrIter among the Potoemac Inîliaus.Êtires withcut kerosene.» suce oet m3 r ifýu t lfb,' aiinuîl kiiiuzom 1A tow days agu I stood bosido the who is dying fur lavik ut an appieltt. lly tbe-o she vas hotrayed Jute the The domestic Implored for mercy, rhsng. tailiiig. plaiunir. îîa-hiu:ý,. liv- gam-anded ca-.ket ot a gospel minister. She t'annot get welI ht--se slig- eai- bauds or the clîstvohtIbe but met uniy jubilant obduracy. :-~> -tg, ding Ti--- -uiîuo:sanmal ul a< in my remarks hall occasiun te re- nul mtit. 3r-iî s chiî-ken andt take it as a hostage for ier father*s mis- PRDS O RZ IHES -leafor neai-ly l-,() î-.h %- en the cull asnowv night ina farmblouse vOeu lx)her beforc nigbt and citieutr poou l. ed-a Sruîh haFOu-atime une t - ______ - - tudy ot nalimra1i-t- and tI li .. -ination -1ivas a rioy and an e% angelit sponding appetite inte keen elsb. Suiliel Voa ___ e1 ndusoloiîi,atioti of ail w:àuu hart-brusn anigbt ut my fatber's bouse, who aaid knowu orne ouawhu ikes o.i :d lEnglaad anîl upun the repreienta- t)ppourillea for Siuggere Offored by - eaougb te) thinit. Now. t J wigo puts something su tender aud beantitîland y00 like him, sud heouught t iii jeathuai that lie was dead abe reccîveil i..n .. tn he <'atfonia Coast- in d a ible notbing tri, ji! or usele-aS. impresive that it led me int the king- 1tChristian. Go tell him what irg the advaaces of another EnglIshman, The Island ot Sauta Catalina, mClatentto! ii (,f -loluie iurbur- thi or. dnd .d eil dmy destiny for 1 bas dune for you, auJ ask lui utif ,.lJohn Rolte. In the cburch atJammes- wbt-re, it la rcported, a numbehofu scetitofhsda.to1hs )oý)o- hswr(and thu nu-x. Youm l, b.- cao pray for hlm. tovu, the taver of vhieb stîlIl stands, vealthy Loi Angeles men vîlI build - esceagce. and as the lu-ttaaihn outh1e fore bwety-four bours ,o bs-, moet[ 'IboP.iior of EuEocy. ahe vas baptized and n imed llebec,-a a large atl'lethc club bouse, sudvilii deep aveeps î.ast points out the fat-t me man or-vomnan with a big packof Shine! Oh. for a dispo.sitioun4o and bore soan atterward abe vas hereafter Invite ail prUze figbta to that "hc maketli a pauint u shine ater cre and trouble. and yoim mnay aay 1 charged vtth sweetnemsssud lig lut Ilat married to Riofe. Tbis marriage take pIacc3n Lu u.aI about thirty mles W.s .d. ry* . somthimng te hlm ar hrýr that viii ou- we cannot boîp aut somue: lcnuember ternented pence betwecn the LwO) off the Coast of -southerla Calltornia, - a a t ue n s î u n w.l s ugg d io n . h o d i r e g un t i l i b i s w o l d m h a l I h a v e bW en i f > u c n o o a I i t t a a s b , n e p t n n I I s d a h P y l h S n P d r , e g t e i e r t ethâteo ue of us w>-luand %mm? ill sgo far lostbin the nast that uotbiig but the ocean unto tut-y you -an ho une 0fpo! hatandmanthe riu t the Loth anuedo, h e m ilsport. l truefuàweiive he areWillthestrech0f angelie meerory ilb th phosphoni, doing y-unr Part lowai d anre ielth indoteLsAglsheeas pL I j tho ere ileuetlightordknsl able te realize that it et-en exisled rnakmngz a patb o! pbosphorescene vhito m'an. Ile uever deigned to a lar5 e and bIlliy Iland, mauv thon- WIIs hore bc a trait ut glouta or good at aIL Thon 1 vill tel you whaî Impression visit his daughter, hQvwever. thoîîgh saads ot acres la mitent, and bas an chaloir? Ceaî anyone between nov and 1 ar nonu taikiug o! remarkable men j'uu vil leaose as you pasis thruugh thir be sent ber presents. lu 1616 IPoca- excellent barbor. CaiLI a tev years ---- the Dort 100Oyearm say of ns tuhfyand vornu, but ot vhat odnr foîka lite snd atter voir are L-one. 1 wiliîtoit hontas,. bIh er busband, weut tO'o twsIabtdolbyahf Jste e 'Hgaysofthi leviaiban of the cno anotspeakugoftte pbo vouuteyonr faeana not leave ut fur Eugland aud vas presented at court. dtzeii Mexican haîf-beeeds. vbo dee. "e mket a athto bne atter phoreacence Intho vake of a Cam - -ibe minuter w-ho oliciates [t your oh- Oue day Catit. Smith, bomu aellegrazed theirflocks un the green bill- Hîi?" For vo are muving on. WhiIe paniabut o!the phosphoesocence in se loes.1 dadwo ieb!ivddulsds vnnwteeaeol ve live la the sanie hou,ad transact the track of a Newtfoundland isbuug Te t ailure in ail eulogiuîm ot the de-o dsdvo h e'ee ed ie.Eennvteoaeol busmIness la the saine tereaud write on smack. God malien thunderboîts oui a-e sta to atha t. ilvsled ber. The Meeting vaâs a- few h(ousos ou the Island, thouzb lbo sanie table, and chmuel in theesarne o! sparkcs, and out of the Braitl orQl a eari except the one moat mterestrd. fatal biow to ber bappiness, sudt in rancbmuoen have discovered lt2 cap&- etudioand tbrass in tbe sanie barnrsud and deeds uf a omaîl lita e au launurh Th s, in substance, is what 1 t. or e Ilil- vhite prepariug tu return to bilities and bave transferred con- wooship lu bbe sane cbtrcb, ve are in a power that wilI flash and b-arn d oieOise will say of you on suvh an o.- lier natIve land ahe died ait Graves- sitierable stock there. The pleasure- S motion Ild are lu many respects mov- Ihunder ihrough the etei-uitiert. Jcaion: - We galber for offices Ô! re- end. ________ lovera o! Southorn Caltornîa have ing on, aX vo are nut wliere we vere 110w do y ou like this prolongation of 13ie,-t to titis departedl one. It is hu- _________ ton yeaa, ago, nor wvOl-e w yl hoeton your earth ly lite hy Jeathiese lu- Ipossih e btotb oy rnany tears hie THE USE 0F PAPER MONEV uul-o found out thmmt itre are mauy at- -4-yearvhee. Movin un luemqce? Many a babo that Jled ati; i wpe away, boy rny hurdens hg-taclnviersd uanrlth Look at the tamily record, or the monilha 0f âge b3- the anxuety createdi li(ted, or boy many fiuls lie tri Co-mma to tic.riy AiE CiiEsemi <ou»trien vay otflsblugc, bathing, and rldlng, hauSnac, or inti the mirror, sud see if lu the parents@ huart tomoettihat child under Gudr instrumentali. an -. sceor Var5..q %Nations. ou tbe Island, whilh troua 0e main-, ýàÙyofm of you is whea-e youu ere. Allunrmalmns seraphic ih living 3et in the Him influence vili nýver ceag . Almost, if uot qulte, ail civîllzed land seerna hardly mnoreo Uiut a dita la umoilo. Othor foot may tnpp and transfurmeti hoant sud lite of those are agil betisrrtft- haviug kny hm countries use paper money te facili- blue huimock rlaingtfrum the oct-an. ttduble and halt, but the feet of nul parente and wiii live ons torovor inthe -Thst pillow otf oyers amitibe casket tate paynents witbiu their ovu juris- -Nov York Tribune. 0» MC«pontn for the lait sixty centuries blsteryuof Ihat tamily. If IbIs ho the vas prolsentedl bv bis Sahbalh aelj dictions, says the Gloho-l>emocrat. r -pod or stumbled. or haited. opportunty of omdinarv souls, vOnt la tiSarall of vhum lho brought teE bnrist.The United States use papoer mouey SucCeeds (leu. Grant. oncoiemmî-n u!Totheo opporîuit 10f tiOse vhO have That cross o, flowers at the w haoad vastntthn nyote ~-wov1id mov4mmg on! ifleavon movlng un! esooclafi ntelectal or social or mu- mUreenledibvthe urphan asylu i hihb laa gloaer eton tha seothrDTenv sssan Scoaruc- >--taauniverse onoOn' Time rnov- netary equlpmenl? he berienLed. Those tbn-eeo lugle country, sud lu notes ot amaller do- Wr sp ovl owusc logega! Eternity muviug un' Thora- Have you any arithrnetic capable of floyers- one vas sent by a pour vornan nmnto hnayohrcutyceaOaGat eIg Jnevs bor 6toeia stop. as we Muet move with andigrcInstmiend vho a fev de 8 one vas bysafaluthe street wh mn per bIlîs xcept tbe gold certîfleates Wl. ,lin 1855, sud wu4iSberosi. Are we ike tho crealure ffo vent 't p to reit - GeorgeW. Chilàoslho roscued tbrouglx the nidnigbi rnis- are in tbe denominatlous utfSI.,82, for the past three --t io tort. making oui- patb te shino of Philadelphie,? Frons a newapaper sion. and the other vas trorn the $5, *10, $20, MO5, 8100, #500 and $1',-. yearas booms muat aflm!îmao It may hoe a peculiar quel- that vas printod for uOymars vîthout prvan ceîl whîch he had often vislted 000,ou goîti certîfleates do nul ai>- a< the bond of the 4 soi eM etslgseIL. one word of detamation or scurrillty or tu incourage repentance in a young peaeln denomnations !esa than 82u. States mlit ila. Wha llner o ae go e lave la Ibis scandai. and uti iugchiot etapha-la mia who hati doue wroug. The 1Dominion of Canada Issue 81 baving been ai>- " aayer bvegn roughit? ouvirtue &alticbarity sud dean illl- "lThaethree luose lovera menaan sd 82notes sud varIous baniks issue - t. plIted brigati lot - a noton 0f thofvocan; gene., ho Veaped a (ortune for bin»Isf qulte as m4ch as the coatly garlands umotl.adto iurbioIsv-taou tnvbeîigaoiaon bog oe ayu rt 5~.,0.-genou ai by ov - u.aller vo are out o! thse It among thse poor andd atr-iggiiig, pat- this saddened home crovdod vîth sya- MextxiIsues papor moaoy of 10 PocIL Ho leatg Il vAîl b. as though vo nover timmg hbistmvaild anti ageti reporters on atîe. 'Biessed are tho doaiw oO pesos aud upvapi, and the Souith - lavyer hy prores- Il."Youare ron la ay-pensions, untitlitsl name standit evmry- rile ln the Lord. Tbey resu frota their Amnerlcau states Issue paper of sm- --Se aIla 't - I1 pae sdova Ibrough th w hore for largo hearteduesandi syni- abori, simd their vorks do fulio liear denoninatlons. The IBank u of.A - fsuti anti eloijlint adnthrougb 1e. gal- patby anlWhhp im d higheat styleo0f Ihem.." lt1Iratar, a man of fine executivo abli- - g orBoneon Curstangetlma.Or if il aboutitb. the more solemu ngliantiosses £5aIl 10,u£25,s£.50 1 t, andi utattractive personality. Ho Damot find. In an ors vhich bad in the chairs of burial aI ses, lot it beattenthe sunt bas dniia-oso ILO Jr£O ~- king forone who wvili haveono is iomrnalm a lorace Greeley and a gons donc. andi the captala bas neati£E<~£0> 30 5 n 71h aecnnceivt h a yeah« nl 4, ý r $rom HeuryJ1-Raym lb. apponriate lturgy, theal-'- The bamiks of Scotiand nd lati mati utGua-d et Wiscornsinu l 114, ineilaS,4 ou un di tion et le -w aisbort là gland Ior S *ê years a go. ne emms to tbIs eeanta- *A& the age ut 17, simd. i e di antipractied law andti fnally en- teredth 1e rlniautry. mmv mv The oloquence outheii.Masu attention anti ho vas calfle pastaorate ot-the Fimst BaptIoý a! Jackson, Tenu., Borne t1ue. anti veut to Ja(kson as ei erIc Blurgoyne Hovard, dat corne of a tilstlngulsbed tamsily. A uiuarrel vtb bIs cougregalim gulteti ln Dr. Howard going te" Yorrk for lhe aîtcg d pal-pose of ' ticlng Iav. lie matie sepraI trt Europe, anti returneti to Jack" the taill ut 18212 anti made cautq speeches. >Soon after Ibis ho Op a collection ageacy. lastihe son if 189)3 rumnors iOi5 ln b. Il that there vas something wtIU the l)octor's busIness. lRe took a to the Wurlid't Fair. A fev dayr afater bis depBrtWri plice telegrapheti for thse a"~ the Doclor la Chicago,' hlfi«, doue. Elizht bille of lndlote vere founti, cbas-ging hlm 1wth t the mails for the purpose of det lug the public. Durîng tJi. * vas establîshedti tisi ovat4 operateti a swiDduing daimiatg lu Londion anti se-vo oi1-ih Nov York, after hein« d$i.a, vOhilOho matie Jackson i )1 quartera. Hovardi vomiltiadvel' 1151 uf- aimes v *oNSb-- W, cîsirneti aci lnberitanCeav tbemqjn thobnnc*ry Colsf landG'Tbla rentraulybro~is aver anti upon the -paymn~ arnaîl aur, say 825, to, co'-er T etc., their irnagiuary cases vers loto. Atter thîs lit las l~ "agent» voulti write sayîngq4h case vas oncouraging, and tÎ voulti undp.rtake to recovreM'i beritance, wblcb vas rarelyrN oesa than a million dollars, for mission ef I per cent. la Uln report voulti0e rmade tteleb pectan t Ibat a favorable de«i<ê buron obtaineti tromth Re Court of Chaacery of ULo=sig that upon the payment of $35 itl ho forvardeti. Howard vas M guly sud sentonooti to »riW ton yeara SUPERSTITIOUS WELSiOt A Redhot Pitebferk ]nuc" Sa. i poe.d viib-. torpM , An old wvuman lu, a villa" Salsburg receutly ailet. IIee- gave grurat satisfaction to. , M vîllagemsfor ah. vas cosj a witcO andi foareti accordl the Cardiiff (Wales) Mail-M fuineral several o! the càot 1- ants repraired to the w4rtho celebrate suîtably the >àel perienceti ai gettlog ibis I persan satoly undierground,~ they were drinking pgla* camne a meEse nger to, aay t,ç cow ot une ofthioso e al, i ber ufth1e deccaieti, bat iAîd e ly without suy apparent cause' meeting, borror-stricken, adm5 ln à body te examine te coq unanimously agreedti iaItIhe a bad been bevitchoti. No <i vere entertaînoti ut ta thse Ver> or tif the deeti. Evidently b vas o nuculato stol) tia fi ous olti lady and ti w as dogetd arnoat dIscuasion, te adopté . plan of making a hers julmip'e witch's grave andti tus put-an s ber povers. A horse va% accrrdinely 1.0 but, strango te -ay, noiin# - lnduce hlm te jump ou-or the'i This lnconte.5table pruof of l holv Influence einaatnDg f"~ sai t aused tbe public eue*Iu tu-oInroeaso. Thse Mayor cf lii lago decidedt t use a soQmewIîa, tic motus. much ln fayot la tb«o die ages, namney-to atab tise l body vith a redhot pitoistorhi,', bodiy vil-s xhuameci, lh. fork Ih andtie w0 hole ceremjouy cari. B>- the lIme the ompn»ay_1i Isbe he i1r vork anti gone s fresb themuselvos at thseW the authoritles ufthtie n tevu hi dheaitiof viaI 38- on. A party of motinted ot sent te the village andi al tW lînti been coacernedd la thse SJ takqvu loto oustudy. Hotrsefiesis la Cb nib', groalt delitacy forcl habitante. hoveve%-r, 4r, ofth imekîcison, u lm anî1malîs et emi is blian poules, vhlcbba aud amailiboues su lîttle foodi. 1beyai tlrely ou grass anibv ISla mot tCo prtvele for tolu reamon Muyf tboîr time almot ou log tise boises foriW' Tua steaini vbaw saidti tebave salIed w%àll1a