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Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1894, p. 6

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aqs eu nolnothe St bh rgughout Ibe PL fr r Talmage la as 0 wrt, f1e vs ar wt'bemJs ions.u bo. eenete ttithe Img&'lou for a quarter Sandth le sutdon termi- rerationa v iLe lanthel prf bls power asaba roou' ýýw lostest liaI boeile- , ate a u tion by lita s- hee bubreletoe employeti te bond op the Tabernacle sîudying for aller levtng vws a clapialain lahlb *-.j 11e cvil van, but bai = 04 muob attention hévent ho, Brooklyn, ai- be bai gtained a local ýmla PhIliel pila by IWWý bl éIqpeaoead lis Time corchte çw as beoken tiov anda diuis statiiilmhgaed. He IfUý lotolaIlt, dirov a b4macet from theb.start. R. W0 aMont.Ir(, ionont eto sd te alliter. ,Tbxe rom- Iss ametaivays oemplement- ~h maieanny w rfieuda, Ossr <uvani l gurlsieti. fuoshtact 1111laIlU bis 5*hahpepÛlar attention eofmibis sosation- Wàt*m àMtbodt Hesbas WpNi* o W Slm anIne* or Wb#u& Bebas left nov ux ltisneWporeti, sud bas temOgsiùm lne oliaiýo la Ideeti, hm doean'h Iltt etlêy ay iort on bis No rtialon o! creedi ever Lhmor bis church. Ho Sbeil Ire o! CaIiin, but ~~Iatu about th. fate o! - tante or worries over 't', lmb thiraen la dlsrpt ni wlblboard. Hieseavereal ~vrbve brogl amy Impu- telYagluatil; notiier ~rlatechracorever been ~thel guestu of lie Briggi flsturduy vas compwl*mng o! U7t1i nti udlaqulteti atthe couit titi a goot ion- thé e4 I lorumalon o ut ta lind relief, vbeni Dée W1I&Unilleti a a funny &h."Iiall neyer forge hIna lcdent that occurroti a ,*yoabngater,* ho e- «My"K unce, *ho vas a pby- aiagreal. big, talwart 1a noIûr a servant. Bis name and, is neday 1e vent inla isers aanti complaineti i. o!f bis teeth vas nearly kIli- M. y unle ativiset i hm la ya* Il takea oul. Buck oh- Mj ,av, lndeedy, bats,'i. ox- ,11W1 vntdois fa'rly kilI me 445 toQ!Ju6keotint.MbY - ii buli taI b. oulti :ht ang alllile mate. u'pe mi ailD lb, iiM rw lit t..t. "Ail ralîroati presidents are net zara," remarketi a trafflic offciai vbO àd been dovn EBut attentiing the. onferences on the. rate situation, ya the. Chicago Post. «I saw Uhana-. ey Depev do a thing the otiot day rhici shouiti cause you nevapaper :îava Ws ohol i hm lu grateful te- embrance for ever anti evor. One ornng, jusL as One of the Mst lm- etant tLntei'eDcO vas about tWngo nta a.aion, a caîti vas stnuck inta Las hanti. It hati been sent lu bY a eporter of the gvtninu Sun. Chaun- *y neyer refusédti W&ce a nevapapel' Da 'Sbov hlm lu, he saidti o the nesienger wbo bronght hlm the carti. , tWeil, air, what can.I do for you?' i remai keti ai suavely as Imaginable sthe reporter entered. He wva >ung feiiov, iooking ma tiough bo ,d jst tef t achool, but atatet iei )usInes. quit. lnteiligentiy. « -Weil, nov look berel Il la nov [:30 o1clock. Tiiere is a mcttlng of Ùl the preaident 071 tie trunk lUnes in central traic assoclatlons la ses- on at Ibis minute. I siionît b. Iere, because they cannaI very ol bogla tlUi 1 get lier., sud I Wii bard- I afford tla keep them valing. Their bime la very preclons.' a 'I am very .orry,' ald tiie young man. 'I have jnst atartoed on tuis week, ant I f I aucceedeti la gtthig a gond Interview vatb yon I thhnk il mouId help me conaltderably.' .'Am .yo a stenographer?' aiketi xr., Dopew of the youiig !ellov. - 2 No, but I tink if you vill grive m. an Interview I can reproduce Il as satlsfactoriiy as If I took notes of rhat 70u aay. 1 s AUl rigiit, thoen. Here goes!' Anti hotelkedt i hm for a conan or sa "The.interview appeared la liaI afternoon's paper. Mrt. Depev took paais ho so.is t, anti It seemedti lahlm eu le a complet. pintagraPh Of viiat hal been on bis mmnd vhlle he waa taWhng. He at once mat dova anti wroloi the. managing Mîltor com- mendin lhe yonng man for is gooti woan. Mort mail irougit hlmn a let- er o! thanka f rom the reporter, atat- Ing liaI ho bati been promoledti laa position on the. morning papor anti bati iiatibisesalaty ativanoeti.» a Montan& Bear Story. «Montana la a zoologlcai garde. la ts native stahe,» sld, Colonel.Jlm. Struthers la a "Star» man lut lght et thieArlinglon. "W. have &Il kinds of vilti beus from grizaly bears andi pirie tdogietiovo. Spoaklng of bwaz reminds me ot once upon tint.. Il wu belote the State îgotl jeuted by the trolley, anti wben It vas'h good fernit ho ear a collar. ltvu before Montana fgohtto b. hegreatestÏ Shahs la the union. I1vas prospeclini avay lunlthe Bull Mountaina. I badn'1 mon an, tilrt Ihat loeketi as tboutht hadtheii nIglit ring tW Ih.Tii. sun vws lurning tu anti shadova vere coming out of the ouat. I took the packr off oue of my hors.,, picketed the animals, anti mado a supper of hot coR..s anti bacon anti bread. Then I colieti up la a blanket anti knev nc more. The. night vas about ball apent, viien I began ho tiroam tl. I vas vashing My face lu on. of lbA geysers uofies Yellowstone. Tli semauton bséuio 50 reallatie that1 avoke. A 11h. breatii vas breatblns on my visa, anti a strang. langui vas .vabbing nie dove., I vas soi o! diazed i vth fear, anti remaîne porfechly atill. Presently the licklni proeas ceaseti andtihte bot breati va witiravn. A big, dark, awkvar( acmelhlng shambleti off, anti I eau] ta rest once more When day cam, I founti that my provision boxhbal been raideti, andtihle sott eartl arounti me vas funll of bear tracks 1 mhîvereti a lttIe bit, anti moveti on. Tih. Colonel toldti lias though h really vmntedti bho.beloeveti, andtiht reporter lft.-Washington Star. Uffiy Wind. Tii. moit perniclous vintis are tih samlels. or bot vîntis, of! Egypt Tbey confL f rom lbe deserts to thi soutbveat anti bring vtb hem la limite quantities o! fine tait, vil penetrates evon Lhe mînutest crevice Tii. ahermome.ey often tises to 12 turing their continhianco, andti tot îsauda of humain beinga have bee knovu ta perlihfrom suffocation1 th. flery bist. It vu odeo!the@ samiels liaItioestroyeti the armyc Senacberib. Alexander- the Gros n.arly lait bis viiole force ln auolbE andtih1e armY o! (ambyaes vas ul What'a Iiq a Naie. Misa Sawyer, vho la poot, vas Il Iroduced tiah.alunch parYty laMil Taylor, who la ricb, -andi vas coldi reoiveti. Miss Sawyer la brigit en knova her ovn antecoenti, andi Kt Taylor'. &lm~Si. was nubi andi spoke choortlly: "I'm so glati1 meot you.ly. Olten vantedti Itis so funny, wM mame la Sawp Upoe u Xs IXM0*f4 «.< uluB Torrs, a iuebom& àswiu-gý bila la thie Pbaft <anI, aa thé$me of .REobluatin Oumsees ipntiho fairiy hetovt.l'or bers di tut bazdy bumoneer, Alexader Sekirk. o! Largo, Scolanti, apenti more thani four dreary yeara therebY suggeating la Defoe bis Immortal narrative. 1h. muet h. remmmberod, bopovst, that other spots upon lie eartb s ur- face Iay daim tW Bobinson.Crumoe, too, Tbus TobagoIlatle.West Ia- dios, laeiilti ho b. lie Irue.Ctusoe'a Ile. anti turing lhe lest colonial ani' Intilan exhibition belti la London thore vas sent as an exhubit frein 11111e Tobago a skuil actually pur- porting toho b. lat of Robinson Cru- soe'a historte goal. But lie Scotebé pirate Cerhainiy suggested bis romance. ta Defoe, viierever tbaî autiior may bave ciiogen la iay bis plot, anti for Ibis roason Juan Fernandiesaaluet i lnterosing toalal readers, f rom lb.e crovus o! Its volcanlc peaka ho lhe sîlver surf icil breaks eternally upea ls shores. Amitiat lie ialanti'sforest of Ire. fera titi Selkirk Ilie, bmii blm a habitation anti cultivate the soi; freIn lie mountain cape muet is voaryoeyes bave sougilaa aslt Irough the long year. of Ioijoly waing, saya the. Philadelpbta R Dd 'Seikrkls Lookur la a ragged mountain draped lu toliage, thIinnlug tovard th. lait rounded peak, and la 1868 the tablet, wbicb forma qn Il- lustration, vas placetiln Its preaent1 position upon the mountaln'i aide at apoint judged to be aacred for many a eary month of the. foriorn exile%î aolitude. Scratched and cut about it are to b. read the pamea of Innu- morable nonentils wbo have sino iUitedthet .spot. Nothing la aanctl- fled, no tract of grounti too coiebrateti or too sacreti for Smith. Jones ýanti C511505B LONZLY LOOKOUT. Rlobinson. Givon a shump o! leati pencll, andti tey voulti gl.efully ID- scribe their historical names lu _tue holy o! houles, togstier vitih h date anti their atidreasea la ]Peckbam Rye, BrlEtom, or l@evlrq' But vhlle denylng sncb ai these thie satisfaction o! tbelr Dames ln painit, vo May copy the. memorhal. Tbun il ruas. vo! Lived ou iwL'UnÏ (n Complet.: solitude f«i Fou,'naasa11 pour Mosibu g5 Teu i nua. LrD. 1706, And ira. so i. t b. Due. a. DiedLi Leh5l M .Wy. T t. à.bl lrm'e Near Nrra tooulby Ând Itheocm..Tw%"] Selkirk'a caee la al1w a pont cf la- teroat, tbougbr I ln"ayb. doubted viiether lier. la mmlii more hban ant iaaginary connection belveen tli cavera andthle solitary asiion. The liuttory of juan Fernandex presentm nev tealutea of particular laherst. Tic isiauti vas diseoveret la 1593 hi TADBLUI OS JUAN VUUtWA14,UZ 18LANU. li;g and slaying meal or sea lion viien opportuuity offera. .Motto to (7oat-of-Arma. The. art of compouIng the mnotto was subjecteti to severe rulea. The 'body" and thie oul" were reunireti to be ln sncb relation to oacb other that the asoul» sbouiti invariably o- plain the. "bodI." Tii. legend mnet b. concise, neatly turnuet andi Ingoni. ously auggetivo--llke th1e "Desdlcham do" of- the dîsinheriteti knight ln "Ivanhboe.0 It liat always to be applicable to lhe persan as weil as ta the matetial abject forming tb. "bodiy," anti il mueI mot b. drava !rom tblngs un- known, nor muatitIlb. loo enigmatbc or toa facile, ton humble, or, above ail, too arrogant. Again, l vas es- sent.ial that lb. figure aboniti bt sgreeabie tW lhe eye, anti ils Idea tt lhe mind. Finally, the device vas perfect on! y vien tho "body" va unique andtho "soul» or mollo lu à language wblch vas net the motber tongue o! bim wio bore il. The.mata ought not Wo contain more hban elght syllables. That of aur Orter of the Garter, "Boni soli qui mal y pense," contalmet oly sev. on; that o! aur King§, "Dieu et moic diroit," only four. The. tevice o! Le( X. vas a yak.vithi "Suave" for lbt motto-"«Tie jolie o! tbe Lord fi sveet." That o! Henry III, King oý Frailce anti Pulauti, Ivo crovns ot tie eartii anti one Up above, vili lbq motta, "Manet ultima cieio;" liat c Charles V., lie pillais o! Hercules anti the legenti. "Ne pins ultra."» Dovicea vent ont o! voguelu 1h seveateentb centurY, anti nov sur vive only la the coats of arma o! thi eIder fsmilies, viere the renter,1 he b. go disposoti, may atudy tbem a leisure, anti examine iiw evnarly tie approa.h tie ideai embodiet in thi foregoiag mies. -Al lb.h Year Round A.-Navel Potage Stamp. The French Goveramont bas jue createti, as an experiment only, pestai service by camel express la thi Freach territorles o! Obock andtihI Somali coul. la connection vith th] service a speclal provisional saai viii be isuedthelb value being francs. The nov atamp la triangulai 11km lbe oit Cape o! Gondi Hope vie otes. In the conter li a inehari, or racng camel: lu tho backgroun a'desert landacape. Arounti are fi scriptions lu tirme tifferent languaff -Abyssiniaen, Arabie, and French- meatiatilng the year o!fIsue andt l naine o! lie colony. Later ou, 1the experîment la aaisfactoty, a fu lier lsuee a! sIsal» mil b.md the values tanglng froint 2 tW5 franc A Begausw4en A a ?rLslabegar basb blmvnv comfortably by hanglng Imaeîf. Y vouiti choase a Ireviiere yout Vhlldren ver. plsylng, string bimse up, anti groan ta attract tbelr a tenttioen sa t they vonîti mn fI heip, He voulti b. cott omnaia rtured, anti a letter n l hîs Would explain lisa attempted suuli aby à statement of bis tietibutlc , e kpev boy la athaci the nom. V as toavoli strangulation. cuulbg thedefoadant ÂiUlùwb it wuasontraI atempt lu openl coqf hoe h mad itt le1,or no Proparatos, thinklai tuat ho couitil get througii aomehow or othor when tha tine Camne. Thng, viien the counsel for the defendant came tata ourt that moraing ho vwu greatly aurprlsod antd Do lois agitated la aos the. big crowd and roait» e i.ide publie interest la iii. trial Lt band. Ho iaw that ho bail looked uPOD tb. caue tonliUY. T Tuepoacn* tion was itrong, andthb atimadie flot oven à alight prepâmat4on. ,To loge ocam. manthe lois Of a hcped.fér repuhation. Conîti hoafford ta commit tbis blander by diaplaxima bis ignorance o et cmsa? Boy CoUlt hoe gelout of lt? Thoes ore a fov of tho questions têat wore knovu ho have fiahbet lrough tb. Young lav- yer'a boul, for aflerward ho hiasoif toii or!tho awfnl perpiexiti of, the hour. Being a shrovd inventor, hie de- viseti a plan. Âo soon as the court bati been calieta order and th. crier bai sald bis 11111e say, h. arote and ashot for a postponement of ithe triai, on lbe grouni that h.iebil Just e ceiveti a toleffram announcing the autdeon andi fatal ilinoas of bis mothor, viio residoti at Nantucket.' Scarcely bildthe vorda of *ths&ap- peal proceedtiirom tbe l1p6 of Young Uoffn, viion an olderly woman quiet- iy arase in the. balcony of thie court- room andi gave utterance to tbese varda: "Timothy, Tlmotiiy, boy rnany.tImes have 1 ciiaitla.ed tbee for lylogi'" Tlmothy recognizeti the aound of that voice only too well.i. 11 va that of bis mother. This beinr I mothv's drat public case, the old lady bati ie- cretiy coame up tu New Bedftord ta mee boy vei bier aon vouid do. Ber presnco was, of course, totaiiy un- known to hlm. The. lurther devei- opmnts neeti not b. recorded here. SuMfce ittaW gay that Timothy Çumnm ln after yeara madie Sure that bli ex- cuses vould nfot lb. hrovn back lit hlm by any member of'bia own familY. Large SaItngUhille. The. largeat sailing ship alloat la the French live-master La France, launchoti la 1890 on th.e<Clyde, and owncd by Meurs Ant Dom Bordes et Fila, vbo posiesa a largo fleet of sail- ing veomes. In 1891 &lbe came train Iquique t4) Dunklrk ln 100 daya, vitb 6,000 tans o! nitrate, yet ah. vas stopped on the Tyne viien proceeti- ing ta ses vltii 5,500 houa of coal and compelledto Wtako ont 600 tona on the. grounti that @ah. ;ras ovorladen. Tiiere la not a ingle five-mste8d aailiug aiiip under the British lise. The United States bal tvo live- masters, the Louis. o! 830 tons, anti the Governor Âmes, of 1,778 tons, boti fore and a! t schooners, a rlg peculiar tiitheAmerican cost. Shîpd b avlng live masta can h.e counted un th ti. ingers of one liad, but, strangt ht o say, tiie ateamship Coptic, of the. 1- Shaw, Savîll & Albion Company. o11 he er way Wo New Zeatand, in Decomn- 7eber, 1890, passedthelb Goyernor Amei -in 14 degrees South 34 degre-s veal, Sbound for California, and two daYi LO later, ln 6 degrees sa,uth 31 degree-, is west, the. French ilve-master Là as France, bounti south. a Passengers and crew o! the Coptig er might travel over many a weari league o! aes, andi neyer again a.. tvt In stich object Iciauna lu tbe growho ý' sailiig ships ln quick succession. Tht ýi laigest three-ntasted saillog abip 1 v- the Dîttoli, of 2,850 tons. -Chamber5 )n Journal. eo le Feminline xtravagance ln DIeu,. as one hears n grear, deai about tem of lnýn. extravagance ln the dress an rn lts; deterrent elTecL upon th. mai eo riageabie young men, who abrini of back in lerror fro t he aitar viie S, thc*y consider vhat It coets to drem a girl according Wo the dictates c e modern fashion. Thereiore lt ls ir r- terestlng t) read of a certain Um e Pnraser's new guwn, made ln tb if year 16-j6, wbich cost $1,676, and c at wblcb ltla recordeti: "It !rigiit ey >-ir Carr Scoop., vbo la mucb ln ION li. witi bier, from marrylng lier, an i. bis estate, viii scarce maain bh la clotiies."» Veriiy there la notbing new undi lt tbe sun. MoL in centuries bas ti a been matie a govu sa resplondent i ,ho that woru by the Medicis Queei éO viiereon ver. embroidereti 3,2( bis pearls andi 3,000 diamonda. Ar MP what belle la the lait cycle bas be. ý arrayeti su reaplentiontly as that Mm r, de Montespan, wbo vere at a grar rn- court festiva "a gown of golti ou golq '"broioereti ln golti, bortiereti witb goli 1ù ad over that golti frieze stltcb. In- witii a golti mized vinh a certa ge gold, whlch makes the most tiiviu 1- atuif that bas ever been imagineti If No more Hand-mlrrora. ur- Dreslng tables wîti plain gla de, winga movable on hînges toanyang le& are ahovu anti are a great iielp d .ea-ng he ar Th 1hAt-1.i Tue diai;anti bai tbe but the vlntov-g Ia dlS gocd- Tac pa@sion somo vomea att.uting auctions la a laite. -Siftl iai Or aIl queer slghta lu a the, crtiexan)iner li the qe Yenkers Gazette. Tain British altack toi ait sprlng ont of the Sofas et Leuie-Lovell Couarier. Tait reason those people auoe4 vlvbwo mmndthbeir owu bocause lbere *Iosao 11111e lion. Oua experience lu Western bu been that everythingfl plessant until the . sinlgbugltMWI" AIchison Globe. Tue King o! Italy le not over five feet lu height; Uncie alsa, la rallier short at preoi ]PhiladelphieaLetiget. Cusvomau-T at' squeer-si piece of pie. Leka aometblag - a turnover. Walter-No. air; l1 left.ver.--Good Mevw. Tae only tîme a man eau control baimsel! unter excit viien hb.la buutlng a bugi, Cleveland Plain Dealer. M». Mouis-Do you mIni baving a dreusmaker lu the qié neit veek' lMr. Morris (crafhiIy- No; Dot If sheas pretty. tsvboita-Tiatla à queersa pece o! pie. Lnoka ometii a turnover.» W~ater-'Mo, ars-W leftover."-Good Neva. ONE of the urnes vben iL vouas- bas nu mercy on a mau la vho»u4 cornes hoo ber store Wo buy a ba0i for hls vife.-Itait's Horn. «BILKEIN*g la a strong face, or nojudge o! pbyalogniomy.» Ioga ho be. lil.ant i&lwviole famlly as' living on IL."-IJuffalo Courier. ORIGINAL Sal U asLe.cause o!f1116 fal o! man, andi novwvien a M"a folle it le the~ cause o! a gontid esIE original sin.-BinghamWn a epulg.1 ArmRathe Ince t: Miss arkava-. "Antiboy di you get on aft*r l. §rat fence?" 14r. Nwe-Niarois 'Oh. i-er-gotloff a tie lirot terneS' -TIi. liiis. "Tuxar zare a goui rnany Ilii.rle-" ers about," said the baardlng-boff miatress, quit. a number o!fbs vidtima ver. out o! vork. -Yoabat'-, Statesutan. MIL.IWîxNH-"I bave bai 5ub 1a queer iummIng noise ln mny boul' aliday." lMra.Wlckvire-"WbydoO you try a lîttie rnachine oi"IiW anapolis Journal. PiEn-I bear that a nuaber ê rballots vere tbrovn out ta my dig strlct os defective. Dyke-Wbat W~ à ie defect? Pake-Cast for lè0- e irorg candidate. Ai-Nril-It Iant oi fora ho b4 1 your fork in hhat way. LlttloN se' -Auntie, do you think 1la golà s 8 Wo stare aet!folks wvile they ae«Pl log?-~Giood New&. IIE-Diti )ou ever hear that hg sons vwite ,peaks tvo languagow-P aSbe-Y es. lie-What are hbep,. She-The on. for conpany andtii. c other for Jagson. lil.USTI-1)o you mean ta may that 1 amn a Ilar? Bister-i hope Ihat ZJ could flot do so un2entlemanty .a thîing But 1 s( e you catch my Ide&. -Bo4ston Transcrlpt. Iliv permlttlng smoking ouly a s reward for goui behavior, theii. eg"a prison authorities bave been able lio veeti out a great mai2y petty tirou- id blei.-lhlladelphla Letiger. r- A î URGLAN vbo vas seizeti asb. vas Uentering tbe seconti-story wv1'i ndov trled 1bard ho gel off on lhe Pl* , t lat be betongedt o a iook and li. )fder corpany.-Lowell Courner. 88 « UT Say tnt cour union Z. le work llke ligbtning," sais theoo ,, generai manager. "How ls taasked the propiletor. "Tiiey re strîke lwice in the same plame'. .-i gR Touth. - 'r o!Tuavwhite fo'ks spendi a gresal e lf ime anti money trylng te r their hair, anti the colored re patronize every petidier vho as decoction varrantedt W tae.the nout -Atchison Globe.. 00 Youio WîFr-What le ah d lng tW aay, dear? Husband live' n up. H. seema ho b. trying t e. facture a word about lvenl.y d bues long. Young WiIe-Isn'î d, loveiy! He'Ilib. a gieal se t,: somne day!-Puck. Y, ti SUNDAY-SCIIOOL T&&CLma- n lie deati arose fro t hei rvea ne appearoti ta many-" Undi L.» 8mall tiaugiiter (lglg-. they muet bave looked awftil YoN knov the sbrouds ouly,0o.ý as6 vay 'ro6und. "-luige. le Tvo LADIES lD a trolley tc dlscussing a Young gentleman lisRas be amy talent for di

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