Sa ferilite bick. bie aspeo1alprovidence bang- .»aOw auyikins about bard PtswdeuiL gomnaaed Thomas :t-o eb. Ministen t-o Bolîvia. 1*seouabiy te expectdt-o 'o*if itb$tithe bonseshoe 700 <-ýb dor bas at leuone aaof WWiais lftI lu il, elue it's » ~sMpa Vokeal The ecboes ~Ilg laughter.sili ri 'ng ho W,»(f ber Anenîcan adraimers -t- WwIquke in ]Persadestroyed b~olie an sd 50,000 rst- ~*wate prospect-s la Ibat- ýiw"êbe Ve17 sbaky. stN, h as an ibe Ènital amy aud one o! i0m Balaklava Six Huntred, ý~bter day lu Wchia, Kan. VCOi7ltùi"YLilan Bu*- Mat linabanti, ahleved lame k Ue . Ho look the firs1 pize Ïfforiginial baby show In h.LLicEGOO»ALL 15 lie onîy *4itor ho indus. She pub- li Blimula Oardlan. She does a gardon truck anti cord wuoti *»MpSous, oIt-ber. %ULe=a uys ha bas discovee fo's heatis gros untîl tiey 'T lg"d Lehapretly bard hodue. Vaillant, Ibe docapi- ls bolnubtkirower, ta b"ciîeve àr, yo r reeord dlean,"» as John oi *aansdsilthoepeas o! Odtfflofetconscience Ilt rrhngs efaesur stand auythiag. It ýýthatins sowaltli cananot le liings lbe Information dm onlord bas ordorefi s ble isfàvenite ukini dancem, 9lIiag te o te leven fot blgh. O$ ho sauted ilta oshowbohk . wyiliedforebeatis sand pro- 0y gray haire flot tu mentilon le beadaches sud stomaclu ý%%ay mena that you are jo. brat-r t-le thlngs thal ý1" st enuine lapplness. îbISî for Clinîs Evans em Ïý wrtualiy lise aliauoned. b ue laceut-Ivo la t-be shape of Wl*là tliae, sud lb. chance ated ndit yl iead a ,:Q"fledIltln t-ho future. -pepsed improvemient of Sby layhng steel rili tbu nord by wagons and sut bardly uatîufy the ,wm hom &U thebocredi t foi la favor o! bottor roadE rawsl oethie Princesse *Il social fctions i tao ber iacrtaaing doaf- jourhlhfl1neyer ree an open secret t-bau beuina, le t-horoi reasor agexact t-hme ai t-b Onatoery ab Washiagtot do 00!4 as le genet tes. Thir dodue çaly froen t-horeiativq 4A ieooea nepepenu Y Ockebd up fa lazu haIk.Clos glu« bl.dth -nù lo.*a~dhto sa Mxoss1ill4e diiit brs] Juis"typ. Stuc - offé, Paie sud Stauk 4by -owed their rati .~ouN ~ ~uuîýdesOUjiq" )E. usloa 8 pklà1, acarlsUtia li g ow gl bül1hbas trW ora vIvtte scorulutoo bi e 007of other l eDpt7.. b artistie efforta lin ollterary çbalaets.Wefl, My dear.» snid the entle, P6410 -lt"h.LYeeum la intenseiy bitter, that. It le sald tbat glas bas already sub- man wbs Iiad'Rien wayth prizes, Théater wore kille<l, bas a pleasant ad sweesW tntediansrit t dios ntas*n yoellb me wby It tg cruel te wopriftiliustrtion&s third Wonder la a cave rî contryd.andsrthato editrbave beau!oek borses tails and triai doge' The Vaillant bomnkitbere Issue& conostantlian counry. arswas meÉé'iy a tin eau wl ne, wth such force that a pronounceri remarlfabllr bruitant. 'Bocause, " answered the little girl, charge with soin- nman le nul able to stand Up «what (bd lad Joined togethor lot no Mot o f diueront IL. A pine foÊlest WbIi:îceu-* A EA.ILKo-AD)COMPAnY rs Dot bound îîle man put atiInder." aeld&. The lntertor oradicated constitutes the ; as~~AUW a ato L otaifrts Dntntc ha baa.-contained nalse, Wonder. asapr ifIi otac e h ontntc hi han.Colla. BlmkIng the News. whicb, when the ex- No matter what lnjury mifV trasprttin ! tavlehoisSince they got Ibat rig they think Lie Dot.-Mamaia, 1 as payln' plofion occurred, iffne ta the roots the Younfg t$ traveling salesman for a trading tirai, tbeyreasgood*asanyone. Buttbçir wlth your best tl8 set while you vere scattered éprlng ni) agaln like the pho(eniX according to a recent decision of t at e ntaeb die eir.wore away, ain wben you briag Ih out ÂU -bogith ui- t e. h nf tniarli Supreme Court of Kansas, to carry as car-rn. Cut thiai dead, Cella. for coinpany youuil be shocked, Cauze IbM. log wounding many. bowe'.er. ls the MOlfth o 0 r. kils personal tuggage a case otuample youli think one of ithe cupe lbas e The bomb thrown la Barcelona was famuoushoveringcstone-whioh5. ruerchandîse beionging to bis en- hillng bair la If, but it îsn't a ha: r. manutactured by Anarchist Sorasol, or rather arîrears tostand, Ia, fru ploverrs; and wkiere It recelves and Matnma-What la IL?> now under arrest, and was a gond a palace erecced t0 île honor. checks such a cage witbout knowl- Little Dot-It'a only a crack- speclien of mechanical art. is a massive retangular block,. edeo! s cotena ad owenslpQuips. ____ Among the extraordlnarY Methodé on ail side. Two men standlit, a part o! which is afterward stolen The ïRess@n. einpioyed by the aaarcblsts to de- on earhend, cati draw a card 0 frtaIsbiRg omwihu e.Little Dot-Isnt papa ich? htroy those against wboln their èn- neath the stune, f:om sido ta, frenon thebj aertoof th out neg-Litle Dick-Yes, everybody sayîiity ho dlrected are canes and uai- whthout eoco)unt.±'Iing uny okis Igetanceotc i atheon o the 0. brellas that bold conceaied ln their The sixth wonder la a hot a iL s nt hbleta ie wnes fr te - .4Little Dot-Thon wkiy does ho Say bandiez a deadly homb, quite amolil, whlc b las been Iying froni tiare value thereof. oho wants me to leara how to earn lit la true, but w-th suilient power memorial on thie summît or a -1i1 my own living wkien 1 grow up? tu destro7. The plan la ta take the and evolviog a glowing bout. Mus. AaTnuR DAvis, who ha on- Little Dick-So sonne ono wili caneoOr umbrella Into the theater, seventki Corean wonder ts a sweOl rolled 'tus year as a sgtudent at Johns T larry you, 1 guess. store, or stock exckiange and lay itl Buddkia. Trhis la guarded In a g 1ý - upi.n the floar or counter. The set- temp!e. ln wkiose 'court for t Hlopkins, la a riýther remarkable ting of Ih uprif t h Its naturai poqi- yards on ail sides not a single womant. Pefore her inarniage skie Manima-Do Y0D know what ha: Ilion will cause fit te explode wiiki fa- or grss grows. No iree. nDOlio studied in Couba.<ollan' pens ta uitile boys who gt Up brigkit tai resuit .wliI ihourish on the ured i pl4t.. Washlngton, and graduated with i and oarly In. the aiorniîiae The explanation la that the kiead vienwIld ce,,abures are caroful acf.ý hopors. -S$bc ws one of the- compet ilNed-You'ai Tbey got awfuily Of the cane bioldo two gus vessels profane If. ltons for a position ln the Nauticai saloepy before lunch tîme. oblone la shape, and each tilled with Almana office, aud passed ber examn A'fts,.. a..,. an explosive liquid harmoss iln iteel! FORMS 0F BUSINESS. Ination- making 100 per oent., shIle Little Bertba wus ofttn trouhled so0 long as It lis kept away from thke v fAci-4ope yl th. un nabfite taslfe te' proi> wéCL't:bs ootbaeche. OIlh day @lieothen. __The c&A tg a catred hy tDl » 1 #e4 ~n ,,~4otd u tes e n al o l thea ôfe gro Little Bob (readlag a yellow-backod nemarked: «I do wish I had false snarotilst ln perfect safety by being Fomeof'sieszpeàn te> aeaweebook)-*Cheeseknife Chaniey utopped te, and theu wbon they achod î1keld horlzont.aliy. But wuhen liftel bForm o! sne epre-inata "- lems preéented. Skie 18 the author of short. Before biaisoothIrty-seven could take theml out. ure fro-a the ordinary always creteà a Washington.-Greenwich table suai taiwart Indiens. Tbey were arned becoriese.> Forcu4i>essr thaepa*.tt s now used tln the observatories. Skie 1. tie teotb. Cheesekaife Chaniey's HN AUHsA RW urg prIe.For uisessnone bfcau orit sstuyng for the dciree of otor fae' n al.Nta ucentmal rccît riven t10 a resldeat 0f of Prhilosophy. a nerve ln bis magnificent, physique A pennayvanis 5tateaBiu ~w1th ,Ga ______________quiverod. Itsas amaomentof desd- Politkcal cibtecore!atams Non- g.Gc Wouldn't1Fet theplace, su disthecii a t I ly p eril, b u t l he n over faltered . N n s ve y ' l o t a v n ti*it o ti in lo rses. T h e i i en h d o r REPORTS recelved at the War De- cbalantly rolling a !Igarette-" fascination of p(t)ias serves ta dra Ior a vain thattlhe thought would suit partment o! recen t smail-srms comn- Msig Ge Wudnt1 e a man out or retiroînent at tbe Ihmaiapin syfilsawyfo petitions among the troops In the fair be- i!o! sevcnty, but the rira.lcmngdt m West show concluslvely, relates the A * oug.- nomination o! cx- WAOthAaRRRT wer place adlioe iiasa i the Wa-hlngton'Star, that tie noble red A Corrsodn ! h odnSpeaiker Galusha A. [VailluriLs bonb. The lanceliona b"r"' 1une who had maie(, a suvcv, i furai- man as representcd la Undle Sans& Globe vouches for thc trulli o! a Grow for Congresa- up and pliced againfit the wall the log. and evidently liaI exal" d d ldexl milltary service does not compare god story o! ten-year-old courage. ruan-at-large liy the fudI h lpr101ern o~rgrbgt, arsxtaa, very favorably wth his pale-face An old Duteliman bad sold biss - iepb In otle lower, and the explos~ion habeq i for mfana;lng bu,iiie-;s. Afteu algroat brother ln the malter of siarpshoot- scasions lu the Cape Colony, and ac- 1ennsylvafaf-* pacte. k9 - 1da ibargaîrubug, in shich the lng. There is s poplar Jdea, galned companled by kils graudson had gone ! wute eavei aiteerîdeavorcd ta show off liat frm oocrsLethrsokig alsto the country o!fithe Masionas pros- - atvlieCan lu- WEATrHER AND DISEASE. sLuîerlr ski!l wiiî ha-i made ki« !rom Coop rDsLeatierstockng Talesfar" tenesting personaIl- t uce.-,ful. wnle litimer ariiiers o!fIkie and even more modern literature !rom Fort Salisbury, wben h1sherd:g- GÂLUSUA A. 0R0W. ty. In 1860 tho An Impor.,tnt îavmttgrîo, on tl- 'Il- ;tr.,, se. hd !alled ail about lier..- about the "duisky denizeus o! the for- mn broukht word tual a lion ha e a oe0 porbexsek- Sr«.SCltl odLl&onth,! . once sas azreeiupon. *WeB. est, iltiai al sarriors are superlor Ik îed and pr cy aten one of the wa oe fthe forenmosi hmenlnli Secretamy Morton lbas opened a kIIw j- ie 700 lu:, che k f)r the mankamen.- Army statistlas prove oxen). Tieolpari y c;oeenational affairs. He ent.erod Con- field of a-.efulness for the weatbcr a. (,un, u a dtl- East Ender. 'Iou iiat tiis la a romantic delusion, g0 ides. No lo od ntureh- onged tn 18-51, wben hoesas twenty- buireau iu dîrecting that IL shalh col- Idont catch mn 1h11ay,"etyrted go fan as the Indian soldien is con- the camp. lie fel, sure. seven years oid, and was re-lected leat- data espectlng the relation hie-the woman. I wanî. cash -cold cerned. 'Lol's go and se," said theboy.><»i ve limes. lie had been a stancli îwoen certain clilîatie conitions uoe-r >ou cant Lake the htr-e.e ____lie badl beaid wonderful4kiings about Democrat but ieft ils Party upon t-he pd the prevalence of certain cpi. Thýlle;*gen.tlviian ib.d ber ho did Dot Tua "green glass" cure for every- the killlng o! lions. The grand!atier Mmr compromise question, and demnics o! digeaée, suai, for inlitance, lave that arnouint with 'nim. but. tkinguncertheSu sii e raim- lced p is ile, aned iscar ke was alnio4 lt maedbately elected as thbe present visitation o! la grippe, 1would aend )t out i Ut b' the fuloôS ' tridge-belt 10 t-le boy, and t-ho two seke ! h ouebybc euli ay acP edi'l ecr.'n~e next, day lie di-patckod" bered by those shose memonies etou.cans. When ho sent tefore bis con- That such relailon docs existi h bis achouan !or the b rsiv uU%;thibh sirtai back ûftfeen or tsenly years. rucogtecraso!he stitueflts for a sxt-h lime lie was de- somtbing more t-han a m tttero!mneaniulli bIrg a ro.-' Il wag laugied away, but liko manY! bad been partly eaten. The Dutcb- feabod for a renomination. From moral certainty. The archiîeï o! ceipt. Th'le c, a liui7in ru,41t tthe- anoîhor huto! ridicule l bas ivod man and the boy heat ihrough sev- tbat tîmeunt-il tie present lhe ex- medical science Lthl a, hume andti horss andi a rtic f rliai cr ha-k. ona ta see the tab:es turncd. A German oral patches o! dried grass, bol saw speaker lias taken no prominent part ahroad ten ti lth vdeacc sbowing Ille ii or %-i a % ri urt heti " 101l physiclan bas recentiy announced satno lion. -"ot far off sas a big ant- j uligrilbtladvtdlustopulch 1hiiîgi eenet~ the h- 1..Ig I to' lv 'îîi cure for small-pox by the uie of rcd bill. - energies ]argely to the makinir of upon atmospheric conditions; butl siguil 1,v t-he ofuert.! ic ' ligbit. A correspondent o! a Chicago DeHanigbt bebehindt kit ant bil," money. lie bas amasaetl a large for- t-be investigation of t-he vitally lm-j sugesed heboy. The man inspec t une la Soubliwestern ralmroati opera- portaut subject from the meteoro- tcontemporar ny sotte elt ed It (n tbree ides. but saw notbing. l ions.__________ logicai stantipoint, and on a t-oui- (No h iis euiAailtu o! ibis metkiod, skiah iehaterme "ex- "Look mbintbat bunch o! tambeo 1 iigfo rdMn~ hs. prekiens;ive national acale-wbîcb bu stýintt", sebave accuii* ithat o! a Iii. clushon o! daylight" ln the prevenîlon kems"sadIebtime miglit readily develop luton an tic girl in ILocheite ..%ew Yr1k, whin, kl rgs, 7 h by Walting for dead i nen's shoes ts avr International systen-couîd nt fail last timouier rebuketià alIdriver' o! pitllag. There are two or tdree bad adl the oman facet that olti proverbial expresion, and ln con.1 ' afot ! i~ ra for ill-trcatlng hi., horse. Tac an- cures for consumpetion and one for ady e peddloessrn ecinih ylcr n hi f Ina mal bîî'kcd thle wagon v lcnty; j say whn a spledid hîoefl sprag neaaroierti ay oWaorsaestlie choiera nos under discussion in the out, i-ho ianded tipon huas houlders sbves sîil bas a remankable signuli. nostquarter upon ahquestion o! in ifnedIcal sonld. This lateîi vies o! her seight- carricd hlm ta thegroofld, jcne -i nolcrsst eaportance to > manbeaîîb, îaîpnes Iba i os nmaoai.Ai *small-poi as a skia disease, due ta the -and alie fasteneti ber 1001h iln bis eeig ic:" odaiet aeand progroas. lgilswtepromnad * nluneoflghl temos urosshoulder.le lsy flat, wltb t-be ile u p an Army Register and scan thle slndil l sarcnotfposihe tbat -e gr a -epromne u oilec. !igt at-i otcnoscrosswise under hlm. pers5onaîs 10o ea Ifayone outrank in 13bureau migbt constitute la wlime île sometblng muslt bcdoue, bult- e sus o! ail ____________Theboy neither ran away non bub- the Capain la il], or ta keep an eyq olvlubefntinbadpc I o lit-tic andi hago b'g t-bat a tirt whuz a conîmaci o! be g n ah red. led nsendon on I t-o n- ç upea the oîd officers andi figure outi en IfDot la t-be popdlar estima- alie di uit know wbaîut-o do. WrIte 1atrd cadeh rnciay irs - i, m eweahnol t ecisen tbey sili bc rellred. But I ai lien, and il seema likeiy, to, Iiatloig on a piece of p«iper thbesna iere har, an theprinipala tre icrifle, tires Lbout, Iooked at t-be not as bad as sonseailiers. Why, ils evolution la Ibis direction nigbt- li 1o - . kndt- auWC at to furulais totý rcolIgn- ça rt.ridge, taok tie besatmîhe coulti, they getl lfe hasunance ta bles and be pracuhcaiiy accomplisbed itb liît,~ that canait sî eak.", ie nt- iota /- te ment certain art14 ,eti a tipulated aad fis'aJ. The huilet book offeatlnl study' notuary probabilihiies ta s e île if any apprealable enlargement o!rtho gardon, îluckct a band!ui o#)t er Pl ita ho pahd for shon sold, Itie thIe loin o! the lhouais, and 511h a so mcrmy1epooo b 1wrsadIe duuey1akIu a Sîipnezn Court of Appeals of West' sasni aie bal! rose, someshat- un- reason o! death among ofilicens oui-t,' xpadbre.t-at-le man. As she Ibres the flows Vigiula holda, afiter caefully oîam-i nenvhag the lad. Tiat sas 0017 for ranking lina. If some officers die as Orighux of Faithions. ors with- writing attache i aI bis fceel a moment., osever. Hee mtt ack 1tliey sbouid accomting to rmie, the Mr.swihh oe a e b rau asse. lie, touuctidau inn an eioo oàteabjaafew foot., nemoved lie ompty abaîl. 1 Ciptain sîllîte a genoral Pe!ore ho la mcm ber hos many cards t-oleave amused. pieketiop the liosers. jea le roait h atespen o ie rnipalInserte aolier, ineti again, and 17o years olti. bot Lt samean insu- sben caîîîag. the message, anti, for t-lat, atbernuot remi th untioso erta osfite pncialrkillod ber. re#sata thlak about.? But we geL Old Centlemn-Tbe ule, are Tory a estrae-i areknl% uni odt osfd ucae, Some natives nos cana ruaning paid back, for wbe- 'ny liusband la simple, madame. You hîati one to______________ tandi they cannotliho levhed on aad sold up. An ambulance sas matie, t-heolod ail the nank and :lIe willi te ln- the servant, and thon on departing TuE wcsk p'iot la t-be vtt.roay aunder exécution ta psy the deble of sountied man sas removedti tacamp, tiuiging hD the sanie klntio! specula-ieeasancrdon iepseso!bcin hîlaidbtr u- the agent, aad, If au sold, Ilie pur- andi a toctor umnooed. liou, anti wonderinu sby olti Genomal Ibare are y ad aiteso!le a lic te Bturîctf hcame ohJiu- clisser gets no tItle 10 any suaki anti- Bakdentdet»Cnint rb They Ent Mazei Nula&ln ientde."Cniut nh fanuly, adtiing tso o! your husband'a osooti a disputeti goal by alleiozilb. as auaunst sucu pincipie. More- iDîi 'uu ever kappen to be la t-be une. _________ carda, aud ocasîonally dumping ln a brouit hlm up onl a botLie sasth, 3oven. the agent'@ ight to a lion for' country'skien bazel Dabese ripe? Sm'@ Cnating. tes for good measure. Do flot be presentaton o! the bot-iliti court, . conr aoaadepnuue d- Or diti you ever happen t-o satLh An i Chicago lady sho sas mak- niggnrdly ln dealhng out carda, as The ides t-bat- tbe animal wtilot o. - le larod te lbe one patronai to .hi seif, t-ho itIle out o! doon crosturos thatInlg ian sas cahot upori iy a neigli- ibat suggests vulgar povenîy. have eaten Ithe boLtie a!tor drinling,- ; 0-net ianstrable, sud eue o! shach lie esta thon? bon. - "I am over onrmuahi obigeti. Are the milk sas se idiculous t-at- the realone bau the ight to take ndvan- Sons one Who could say yes ta ohou "Sam, y00 rascal," skie sald ta lier YOu Mr. MeAlister?" goal sas gi ven ta, the ot-ler mari, îrhâ tage. tbe-e questions cao tell 700 aIse Iliat negro servant., «u ih eiugm No, madame. I an iMr. Bristl 1 imdl ae ikdhm up i es' ihere are ikre.e reatumea. thbe oqulr- jan skiom l'ta away." the card manutacturer."-Pu-k. lict on t-be iewaweo, a pronuuefaties BERaSO Ca09»«4114 a bannit, Ily.r"l te 14 oiadth brSmprotested ho sould -die rsi; - - ofprairie thal ha humbiy commendffed, 0, log alqe 1 gt-Ai. bead of CicaiRHiver cee nutlâ halc) shicli live on bazel but tbe shutes of bis eyes olled TEE Rusuhan tiutie nos oceupies t-o kie folklore societies as rich tu hW r el>eta 1-.remWle lietore bis deat- nota. hs hungniîy tosard the bubbtîog criai- about 30,000 square miles ha the Iso den Ph logICal signlcne ?a hDeEsBahof t itlle croaturea.-takes sou.- Dakotas, and la roaliy troublosomo and novai thenles o! the orîgin ofai th ledresýW 4«wSolser h Te OoMImgan ent.irely duRferent- means tu get "bee bore, Sam," saldt he old lady, lu about baf! o! tis terrilory. in animais, Includilug goats antei o, - et Race,"» and produce a fling apparatue , hrougb ikie sheli sud buing out the takiaL op a plece oet alkPiu-'i Iis area about 640,000 acres are de- bave heen bull on bas bbuis tisaMa, lu that. cn o3 put on arnd off the bu- food ho ha se fend or. châlkt yonr lips, aud on mv reluru I,11 voied ta siesi growlng, andi the lie eontainet ha LiaI. ': man body hu the say ie which Bal. IThe uquirrel, holdiçig the bazel nut knos if youl vae etenay. a seed ha aused àa Inu of fuily lOve 10 son'em en sud sotuon denned and lu bis fore ps, raspé off tie amalli Bo saylag, ah. pusoti ber forcfinger boghis per acre. If ibis sere Worthi FîîoiT tain-srocker-Great hou)S doffedt heir singas. For yard tiisend o e belol, thon spits tain ha o ovor tbe thick lips of the darky, holi- 01117fifty ceuts a bushel, t-be E on se mate yesterday, sasn't it?" Setn uoliary od man bu asdboomslooting wi1h bis long fore teeth, as a boy log the cbalk lu the palm o! bier sheai alone wonld lie si$00,000. trailn-wreckr-"I uhouit Us> sî4 ) and eadylog iasks. Ho bas- dia- niglildo sIth bis pocketkaito. band snd no etoting ir taneli hie. The loua hn otkien cropu hjured bly Witki a iLle more luck ike tiat Wê'4 The fildmotase takes t-ho mt nul1ho Wheuaie came back osedld Dot the. opines snt the tires canard liy cotiltiboy a coutroiling laterest in" eh sete1 ovn ucel ii O1 l oepsboadst i eiino ta sk aay -question, tor Sam'& tue plants jumping line -breaks sîi lite roand, anti smeck t-be siole hlauzet h t -b:kiag of ftyons sud made dras- bores theo meut beautitully rglnlp oe bij ure o uaoltolist ,0,0 h ttilag al, once."-I'uck. ho lue ofsaohte l #l stIons. HO bas iiîîîe bolsID lu pi. ~, and, thougi Inch thick.-Thiladplpbia Poil. bosever, - wsed 'tba nord fot be