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Lake County Independent, 9 Mar 1894, p. 12

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1mn «I= W«DUICDAYO. Chàries Galloway, l n Lo0veI'a Drug store.t «'11Io 2 0& 6 to . M.- 1 L*ct>yýile,- Illilnois. -TAAVIS. M., D. rMc, P èWSurgeoio, norO O-cthartoke sHardware UbtOtu Lbe rome formeriy oc. OupfleI y the latO ;r. wbeler. ~l4aneto47 to8. p. m. lodêssi Çsr. ~ t à .a iri St. ~ .P. EWING, il1 Iod. M.-$ to a P. m. end afier 0 P. m. NtRA L PARR &fArtsts toud ide tîeîui. ~ yo waît utNiee, Sktuit tsiuavi, s ,ssli1osiuileIllitr Clt. or Sluuuuii t)i. SAlwsvs Colu othe 9*zn;YVILLE BARBER SMOP. AIAI4 AND NYURIO Bu£$ for SalelUnLîtngstroth JesAlaoCurnli andi Extracted lloney. F. GRASE, FIRTTVILTE, ILLINOIS. w FRIDATM&OJ 9 194 ldaidtntthei fui ti gI mnd earlter, fbaveslbt IVAN HOE. Mu..Harry P1'le la rapîtfll3regaini- ,lng lier former Ilealtli. M r . a n d M i s . h e ir G r a l > b e t o k I l trip to Chicago lat wedulesdaîy. Alfreil :itîilJ, of 1111lri i slil frijenda i hre at week î,îd atteiitle.i tlie iiiudical couivenîtiî. mimses Alice 'hîith .uîd Itte Braillndtrtt urvel t,, t ci r selîuol duties lit hMliburuîat Stindaîy., Mr. Iltibli,îrîVs people bave rnoved tb thie Jolîîî leirî,iaîoIkI8faimnwliicb tliey have revîtetl for a terni of years. -The pulpit tins uccupieti last Suiiday morntuîg lîy Mr. Dilîble, uf Chiîcago. The people were ail very nitîcli pleabed wthlitls discuuîi-e8. CAI<PET WICAViN-hlauiig purclis- ed a Newcornb Fly littie Luoin I arn prep»red to do ail kinda of weaving lit low priees. Agnes 9. Payne, iv.anlîoe, MI., B. J. Sabin, a for er teaclier lit this place, was -the -tîest <f A. A. Puysye, lat Friday aîitl Saturday. ne- turîlig Sui*îday tu lita home at Suniers. RHe who blowetti flot hia uwi !,-. thre same shah flot be blown." Moral- get out of the ruts and abvertise or you wllget left li the ahyffle audit wfii erve you ight too. Thie yotung pîeople were 80 weil pleased witlî b. M. Spafford ast week that tliere ta a inovernlt n font to secure hlm as liiîîrouctur <f a singtng cis for utine îiglit eachi week for tlie corunîg tlîree moutîlîs. The misical coîiven(iuiu held liere last week closed Frtday eveuiug wit(l at grand concert, wlîtclî was ini manY respects jhlw beat ever lîeld here. The cliorouaea and solo were ail well rejîder- ed the duet l'y lie iitritetor, S. M. Spafford anîd litai brother w.SS excëp- tionaIilyfille. ITYVLLE. - -IL.L. Teachers' Meeting. bui mucS axperience ln A uetIoneer- The next regular meetinîg ofth(le Oiii arteS j)Ow'1am net. - ii< l vanlîoe readiug circie will1lie lîeld at bwIe l riert01 Lake asu o valîluari#7 etveyLo ates. ano ac17 rito, OI4AtTUUD. CIVR " à G ALL.. 'UOtM _______ ______________Chariott8 Broute.. .Mss Simnpson David P. Page ...... >. .F. N. Gaggin SW. M. 'rhackery ....... Il. C. Abhoth ~e Oouilty Ba TiIEOUY ANDS t'IACTIiCit.4tIu moitli. Miss L ottie bMehride, fright, Parkhurst & Co., Mtassa Enie Ames, F. N. G ,Pie's. Iifl5RTYVVILF. ILL. Euîîie Ai>c Sec. *boas Interst-Bearing Cer- 4ot.s Payable on Demand. toHorse Owners. Tlary bad habits of bouses have Wètp- caused fuum their teeth, ji 6à* bas been discovered by Prof. te iD. Hunebatugh, V. S., Pressdent r, tivetinary coliege at La- P ~te,,Indiana. Such as siober- <'nuwing mn'hngers, weak eyes,t plng suddenly, Iuss of flesh,g ng on onè line, bahking,, wing the head and bad breath *been traced 'tu bad tetth. iYoung drivers have becîî yspoilêd before the direct - was discovered. Rough andshairpcornera lacerate nioeuth, ahid.produce nervous- and irritaIbility.; uneaven - ,ept»gated niolars and incisors a :,t tiseproper mastication of e-foo4 prbdâcinû',indigestion Sgenwral ' debility. Decayed ~Iatcause, necrosis of the bone, ~psses, nasal igleet, fisîda. of the iec.' These causes should be 14 ecayed teeth should ted, sharp corners andI 4dc>should be smoothed cu ~ The common lé. eretofore deemed te .ccomplish this, will C i t, specigl. instru- s e4 for the purpose are C6 $e Vetînary Den- !.à , fPý%mtéconfine th t.th. Cam GI LM ER. .1. F. Clark took a tript thue cily, Frtda>. Miss Cura Markîy wiII leacli tii the Murray district (lis apriîîg. Miss Fannie Morae Cluseul lier scliuoi ta (tlie Shultz district, Tuesday. A faily by tlue narne of Stroiug lias rnoved outo George Vowlers tarin. N. Boggart lias fiiisied lis wor k for S. S. Wbeeler, anîd returned lu Elgin. Misa JulieahIarden, o!flRockefeller, was a welcomne vsitur ini Gilmer, ne- cently. Rusaei Ilubbuird, ut Cary, at(ended the basket social aI Fairfield, Friday oveaing. 1The basket social aI (lie Fairtleld ciurch was a dectded aucceas ini every s'ay, tiotwi(liatandiag the ruade were almont impasatble iand tIhe . attenduanee conseqîieitly ail. i>rior tthle aell- îîg ofthe baskets (liera was a fue entertatineut consistiuîg of suilga, ecîta(iuii anîd a aelectiun frorn the Penof Sutniantlia Alleni, îy misseibora tiarkly, wlulcl brouiglît down (he ouse. D. hhîîutiuîgton cted as aoc- tuoser, aiddimposed of thie baskets ini sucli a creditable muîîîuer that $27-50 t-as reîilized trou» he sale out (liui. EVERETTr. ,Ei Frahltz & Co. havte lteîy pult inîa sîuly ut grouniti eed. Tue hi nehirds anid nian>- indicat(ions of apritug are noticeable. .Miss-Kitty Yore bas ra(uned tram a few weeks viait fin Chicago. Magmie Tuliy ut Chilcago, apent a few flaya wit her parants i era this week. Thelau sHeery neceived-twucar loada ut lumber Ibis week, (o ha usedili eOU- a(ructlîîg a-bhen. The Evere(t Eticlire Club belîl ils st meeting at the horne uf Chris Lau- son last Saturday. Win. Whalan and Frait Stuist eaptured the final puize. Aucthon Sales. tVni. Lemker fivill selI e Publiec tîoîî, on the olti Bennett tanin, na mile soîîtb- empt tof l)amond Lake and une mîile wegt nI Theo Milis, Munday Mîîrcb 12, 18194. Commeicliig aI Oua u'ciock p. in., uuîaup, the followluii property, to.wlt: 16 Choice cows, S. New itclicowît wltiîcalteu by their oi!., 7 Haffers ooming two jean 014, alotiels bull îuoming tewtr es d, Clyde <lAit oissngfour y0am 0!#<, sevewel bug,~ 4reO4 bu" fl N oas oan * sotlty oêbj w Uî i!h * 4» l'a reportai! alck The tbÀw soi receut raina lias swolle Io er hti mmense ize. Marh cme ajlgalamb, aund if tlaq oh! adage la true wîIl go out hake ai lion. àdi. J. I. Talcott tiasabeen vitait- Iîig at lier sou S. D. T;tlcutt'b in Ivaukegau. Ernest liertel stîll imakes weekly tripe tu Chicagu, wliere lie tusl a large cltsà iLà music. Trai noe, Dw»late Tneadsy mon- Mr. Dntyoon ba kept rallier bsay purnpitg foûtw»o atiiona. Charles Whittey le aley yreeever- ing fror the ltàjury recelved sornetîmne Work ia progreeaing on'thte reaidence of Willinnm Knlgge, Sr. mid ita house bitts fair tu hean iornamentto utlja paîrt ofth le tuwîî. MA euitderatd A. 'attel*Moîî la abolit 10 restirne 1l.usnîess nt Souîth We uiîdeistaîid t(ha theifanît clild 1DiiOl, tInlie la a iD il 5Utiti of Mir. anid MrsIliat, Of Prairiae , jan of strict iiitegrity alîîl succes i:i tot exliectedtl ive. I 0 ii hîfllow him. M u F tltxau ~îîdil îli t>î(':11, \ ipuîîiv of merry îikers gatIeri of Ai>itkisie,viitîcut îiendîs ,ît t uthiiîîîeu "ii> iii>? liIW piae oie ay ai4%vek. IlstIav et&îIlîg and lmalle tin pl pîace otie da litaI week.len d shotuît gillis uring,.à oweoiet We uare thaîikftil for (Ihe Iii iii t r theI ew ienna rriedl temiple. (of citir. accommondation graîîted bly the V athle t l lioued aiid ;111 h iiiaa (îsî Ceoi. R. I.Lhb îlachiîg a Iiîglit oprtî ime. >t Our statioji. - We lenrilit a voiiig Oeul~f LEITHTON. Chilcago coîtctiîllates locatiîîg teje Aîtlîur Kîikniaui ta qîlîte atk thîssiaîruîîg. If lie? ducs 4a liîg e Maî:tie ('î.llV uof1taniilLake, waîit will Le illed. wîerkilig at Ch'ax>. litîîul-erfiîr. The 'eoible'Canetis for 10ilîntîtiuîi of Vernion Tuwîî ofilcers ija. called tiox Saturday, Maichi 17. The fîlloaiiig seerna obe ha le pipular ticket wlîtctî will doubtiesa hea uiimonaly nomin- ,ated: For Superoisor, A. W. Wald() Town Clark, C. C. Gerbent Assemsr, lermati lloltj(-;E ollector, Alfred Stan- ctiff; Coulniiloiir, S. T. Foute. GRAVEL ROAD REPORT. HAiF DAY, MasEch , 1894. Iii-order-that the taLcg.ayers of Vernon Township may thorough- ly undcustand the cost of our34 miles of graveled road, -we the undersigned, present te followt- ing statement of cost to the toivn. and amount of donuations -n cash and work, which stalement please read carefUlIy., 2,323 loads of gravel werc taken fromn Schroe- der's pit, which cost the town be- tweeri 9 and 10c peu load 1(1 have put on the road. Donators of work are as follows: J. A. WVells, S. T. Foote, A. Riggle. F. Staniciff, J. T. Ayerm H. Shueler, F. Schroeder, A. \V. \Valdo, H. Segert, Wm n.Shuelcr, C. Sprague, C. Englebrechit, F. Arnhold, H-. Englcberry, F. Behuendt, J. S. Gridhcy, J. Brentotn, F. Foote, I. MIeyeus. I.. Shueler. P.' HoIsI 1). Mowers, Knedier Bro., J. Richard s, J. G. Lansurtn, A. Stancliff, J. M. Foute. J. F. Hertel, Mrs. Talcott, F. Sexauer, W. Whigam, D. Spers, C. Heiftman, W. Mann, J. Peghow, W. Bailey, H. Riterithalher, A. Maet heu, H. Kaiser, 241. daysv 18.1, 13-i lo. 61 6 6, 4 3, 21 2 2 dy 2 2- 2" 21ay 2 m ouk. work. Donators'of Cashî: Jahn Kamer, $100. Dr. Fricke, 25. Clybourn Park, Co.,' 10. Knedler Bru's. 5. Alfred Mather, 5. Total cash $ 145. Amount expended uf cash donated,hEauting gravel, 867.50 Shoveiing grave1 in pit, 6.25 1aid-for gravel un station grounds, 9.20 Cash on hand. S 62.05 SrANLEY T. FOOTE. ALFRED STANCLIFF. PRAIRIE VIEW. We are aware thal lIait Day already bas a correpondent, and a guod one, but we beg the pivîlege ýo ay a taw words lut praise of- gravel roada. We tbink IL a fit (ime lu observe thie dit- ference 'betweeu rnud and gravaI. Whil.at Prairie Vtew we ihied Iiiah (ha tearna frornthie western pert ut the town wera havng a bayd lime ho gel througb witb Ibre anamIfouir boraas uthiioed lu amaîl liards, kMhil se froin thoeaut èaunela oh a Inut, the drivers witb arli3g faces. S. T. Foot fa the reipient ut a lôtter frow J. Kummer, aaylîîgi hat, ho a taWei pleaaed with the work -thah ligs been dons and hopes hhat .the çltizena will e t&niel make like tlhupruementa. ~ra mar leone of our hpgeçal . do- la aduroalsa id~gtbê<Ul iii 'i. mis. (clins. Btt4,rteld ta sisffertîîg frurn a set-ere attack ot rlietiminen. Fraiik Frimble ulo huis lieeii visittîîg i MI&eqouri.liais i'turtedl. Ask Jin liow tlie weddiîîg corne off. Measdamea J. Ph. Allaaun antd E. W. litittergield eaclî received a lîutîdsoîîîe golil wateh une day last week. l'lieue was no sclici>l a week agn Frida'*., a4 the sclilars attcmided the fiîîieral (et Mr. Tholimaus Dtiîldles, at I)iînoîmd Lake. Ittrt#t. Nicksiley uas m(yved oîîtu the Fmier place ani Mus. Ev-tii Davis lias mutved ti thieliotise vacated by Nickoli'y. IIAYSEED. DIAMOND LAKE. lie a siiell lif i fbentlih Li-zzie a tteiidedI vaîi Ioe micalen C<ivti ?ltilul. 1 haive îeard tof dogs, cats ani even mice beiiîg mile tîlito liets luit a skunk? never. Go ih wlile 3*tiýe 3iuliîg; but alienl iild and graîy ieaded, keeli yotîr moufli aiîîutadi duî'h n lyotirn îetghtîoi- d'îa n itl the litue. "Big Jim' ma ata to leave ius. Ie êays Ithe îld tîîwer sînelîs tîto îvut-h and oui for i lti, anîd lie lonulgs tor îasttîres îîew and ii brîglît St. Patrick's I)uy. Tliere wasaian oyter supper att he Cliiircli and ultliougl thie tondse ace Li.iili, ere W8a a large alteîîdazice oltI andu youî,îg tlîey feitEted oni oysters ii aIl astyles aittu cîfice aliilcake;thie wrter knuws ahat lue ta talktuîg abouti wlîeîî liesanys there acre sortie pretty fine caîkes bro't anid especiiilly une baked by Miss hleleîî Baulett Sai certaiill- fit toa- nthIle lieirhtiof any onle ahio eijuyathie lessiig ut a gooiîl cuiîk. The pastor a-as great(ly stirprisl aAthIle procecula frorn (lie suililer. Wna_-t I'd D. If 1 wasasailricli as croesuis. IhoJi-,,. id Ca111st auokuknîd for so>nîciug tu il.: sonne foies cîiîî-ît saine '.iucs ii@ i :4lfafshion8 mru-ii. .soin> wuog. il redrecs. l'il punch oui htioltutoînd iitake off the, lii And raise Cain litigeuicral wii, the wa>u tlulngs are diii. id fiirnisti s duiîi witic a bucksaw or spade. And fi the worntoiler scek rest ln the shade Id wipç out the fines uf caste dd0f birtb. Andi let people stand for wbat tbey are wortb. Not tn dollars aind celuI, as hoanded gains. But tn mouasanîd it-utrt, lu talents andi brains. i'd vote for the man wbo la worthy t0 trust,. Andi let paty distinctions go to the duelt. i*d sop robbtug people over the bar, Andi honor my nuighbors fur juai what thliy arm, Id tet women vote as weil as the mon. And osent lazy scoundu-cis up to the peu. i'd soie that the kids wcre kept lu seltool. Anti not loatag 'round and aucting the foui. il tuet evMr one r-eipuetful andi kinti. Andîlceer the despondent needy and blinti. W. R'AN Me.ran. Aqk Sabiti liiw (lie ronuls are. il. Sunitlî lias ua iiew hariies8 mae .Ask Sabin i lie liikei Saturday 's dlimîier. Suiiîca iust blie ciliîg Satittilias Ask Eî n if lie ever goca to utalplace twice a day. il. C. Ual bail sore e> es abuit tîuree Montha uago. Ask Lou if sue kiiotîs wa isaood for sure eyes.1 Ask Ez and Billie lioî'.the wahkiuîg Wonider why C. Fattler is goiug ho woik at Rockefeller? Thue. ingng chasa culled ah E. J. Weiakopt'a lest Suuiduy. Aak IHelen bow 'lonîg a hurrel of keroeeine lab*sa1 er fatlier. Aak Ltzzie if shs has beeuî vac- clnxted oui the chin, lately. Wonder if Sabinu nua'aout niy Ihat ta getting gooder every year. Woder wiîere IL1. Smitlî's wliisisers are? Wuuld like a arnoke su Fat sauys. ,Cauctoi u a ei ed nathie atone fuir (hoe norntiatiouî uf Mayor, Saturday evening. SWeddlig halls rung at Rockefeller mina Mary Cooper and_.. oawiller "blgtiie pwrUe. 'q I'liciaiiis leracriptlona and 1rivate Foruriîlas Carefilly Conipouoded. LIBERTI 10Oto 20 PER CENT# SA Until Apri lât, I will riell lowig GOODSat oui Boots and Shoý Rubbers, Calice Olothing, Etc.' As 1 buy my Goocis for Cash, have nn pay, and light taxies, 1 can c'Qn with the cheapest reliabl dealer. B]espectfully Yours,.,. - J.- J. ROUSE9 Rockefelletr Who wapts to get FOR it's a chance [)ot Offered very often, but TuiE jVODEkL,. Holds it open to you for a short timë,ý ing the continuance of its SEM I-AN NUAL Sacr-ifice-CIearipg CoL1 MEN AND BOYS' CLOTI FURNISHING GOODBC. Reliable Goods--Every Article of" which we watranr--at from O 50 per cent. les& than actualF,,ý value. The "Mlodel" Clothing Temperance Temple, Waukeg WA COMPLETE ST Lime. Drain Tile1 Farm Wagons-,1- Agricultural mplements1 E We have a new Stock of the Fajnous WeberW -And the Bloomington-'~~t HarberB8ros. Buggies ¶àb 0 sponges, t B rushes, Perfurmery,Ols Fancy Articles, Varnial SOHOOL SLJPPL.ES A SP -OC

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