X oti PR0F, MARRINO- wre INVMSIGATIONS. wbo -ab» Vins, caued bp lie Wlin * Ustest Impocisms-tate temcsTour te1 Tacts. Milesa a y-MU. Gladstone Vet7 j çlcofoeai M ovemess Plat Naiiegie.. Chier ai lie Wether ba"bie, ies bmitate li héamSe-tory et A~tu thu b e ealte oa i lovestiga- IIIIIIId la cateftenl t i rent laies Cat- Ubig . e mmer- seas jof 18002sti 101là 3 nos' tona l ipersîble te moie amp X*)se e ldeoctlqas tram botllo5 fâld lt lie autamo, Il vssascor- tstluel siathlie r mtour gemermi corrente l10Oe obeerveti la aIU tle laies-lie utaot tevath le oullet oathla haes; a Monmus sCarreai mffectlng thc attir. MMsof et ler and pr-esding sloviy yul obnacienaryp 0ev, tomaIt ing lai moto or beele et a cifclar Currontarcuoan the ale; a surtae.caretanluete prevailul vînîs Anti coonsi.Uget s- maussta sler driven hefire tboiseuaimdi lcillngie a te- t»$or wMreaiuapcoressi causeti bp lb. 111 1I5W bi cpls mde vacant blpthlieloin eOfte tur elau carr.mis aid lnalir 11111«1molles. Tie laiscamaentsares amp- eeal msu setaarata orftram tar mler lnt lvemeilcs a day. EU LA1I0ONE laIl JL1 i:, »t Uxteis b u esti atiliArer Km- 5$-- amet*p xbm g limecIl -Ilem40Mlos ies etfMr. Gladstone lh auisand %wutvapipsiclans an la et- lealm e aiil s d&e. icla ssfferbngt troa aCilil cSutct*d la valling bone th@.O flietUigrotesBreaks Club @miter *anse Cotédandtiamp, A"a ]a'p«Moar "a "noa schuss mas misit ikve itiatm i te vl the distance. lMn.Gladstoneesel 6 u ageOq plrlto, tut on arbving homo vwu atlaed viii s cliii anti lad r'c te le mait a bel. iiig uthe e- lt Of ai lkimsVoult soeau pals mvmp. Mr.1 Oladtesieproiesteti "&[net Imelur a piy-1 Obd"a sMMcUed lbutimasimcondition diti1 B5l.*WievO tIc ex-pesmiers abjacilons9 , ý_ e 0&id.Tic pipsiolsantonnatiebm P61tIiM9sffrhag ueely temuébiseirapra-1 ' demi exposure. lut as tle Chilhi uot1 Iteeseiaftlr folio w.d lp ligi lever-. le ex-1 Premeti ihe opinion tIat tie» vas no groat1 dasez, Anotban Physicien vas calieti lu.1 »àl, eltbangi the venenabis s4taiemas lame Bot Conalier hie condition serons.1 liehf, «reaomaigUlves iim la proci liaI %b«: tealieht attendants are leus con-1 losi tOn liai Poinitihn hlupatient4 Mfa Gtlasone mhires lIaI ho la suffeinulu uMeley tram boaxcenses, adth physiciens1 4"re enOaaveggim la tli alltett.1'ley1 'tsar, bOlfever, ihstlulaMr. Gladtmone'% tu- Iteeisi gmeral condition tiiere Je i rani dééter liai lo a myout l iy tram tle shea »JI itgs cf Mr. Giastoc'hlens ~va a eeulhait iaetilu effet apen i eople andthîe liveliesi ympalip tut lie icieMau isleoinaIl quartera WAOE CULT ACCEPTED. ]'Rol»volet ai0Fer Cest. Affecte Great NOethimeis gîmee ntiFireici. S Grandi Mater Prgent. of tha Bilter- isoal aiLocomotive Firamen, sud Grand Chiot Atar, ai the engluser' brother- 10.1. viitich*cotumittée ofille timaisaeti emPW7ayeofethle Great Nortîcra Balbvuy. Wel*dmp yCalle 1 an General Manager Cas. iRutraul lthue madifitti cIodule oh vag., mubraittci bp tle mon lu ansver te lie edweeeiaclelale prevloneiy anoncea OrS" ieManagemnt.alDuriong liu dis- aesife Grand Cioet Arhur recammeoicti U»il aocpiance etithé coe, scbedaule. ._ýàWkis* lia&i il eabotter thimatIof MV eller sortîvestero rond anti *0 $0 the test roateIn luthe ~17ts. Hie aivIce basbean accepteti t' tic mec vilI ofirane bartici epkosi- Ue la me talerview on lhe expense af Ns. Ua trla siIaL bis orgat&&m- lad fà" et six yeare beau paying 15o a mflb tealveup-ive former Chicago. Bar- getsand Qalncy engLacera via lad tuen %ail. taasc"r vorkelaewem TIIRRDlON THEItEBITISIt 111eeeuler Detweec Portognsand l ue Jaeetla Aies. Frt Natal adients sap tic PortuZuena b*iiobtxactd the progresaorfthe 300@h itéanIes cagagotila constructiongtle te,»gr*ph linoa Isiveen the Britli sphare *bda V.e. ,on tie ZmmbueiLieutenauntanti ~ ~mspam ea-Gerge . .Cary. la commandt cS ie 4ste stera-wheci gunboui Mosqauile. flg-p-twe tans lanloti a parip of bine- Isoits tram tle river geuboaitoieerredtt. fo tw aerotee hesIlcn mat vvrl aupon ftleitapb lise. Vie Poriaaguem lrd lie rila ing Party aldlie IMa roeraed. Vie late4i alitet., rai ocoteft hie eccouiet say $bat Gveor- Qeuiiaae, île Porngaée seletcii, et tie ditrict vitla t he Paria-o Wcmlaiemblas becs sunmnasita webicleu hnCamtlle teck Place anti Wd al e saon lis vup lerc yul tu 0 ee.. guabats ua a nunîter af iCavales &aFo i mes.Trais lato tbe Dapve M. Osr. ei dugi0 11M adl ecokcale sona ao10r* Veangteva &of Asîblula Yffl li eWayne BeaU ver. pain- Ceae l. iulp miles vest Oa i F111 .ioa»vp lIiIdeema levs the 04 aute tic tuais lai e a caver p Ib &tlm« a nstvelp ecpi 'b«ho aul gelce vllb Injuiée 01ai b eb bo 0021etmtra.y" alle ut otae viti isdtds of io« m«1s" deIngsd tea£fe iar several a U q ueuol'«Wtm fâ ls, an theell atyo tlhpe .10 alhiana e ts yo b10.1 &coneras ln the img colie bae lip a ieaithetaIl leanvema)* cof aut opos m btytai mxcu hefoo adsseU bae en 1e, rviid onticof the Moutins, rcelenos wthougon, teailm. audl e & aiierlilerot«ed ev enoand la la thle clipeha ba ettri aneiomovllio. n nunall almavand evsornm tHatrabae maniane bve depthe itylliie andl animait e an app oetuaitp ta 3»oeu boland 0hept lavlon gtl a otaiUc ontl reven N yul hngar, aOUSEk &l i jl Ir. T.EcaneFai laIeth. Bousills et Prisan Lite. FrIdap met-t.lge 9 bthecomvicIs tu eliit Bing prison wveomateliofottra ieir celleaItheli lover dock tle lest man on tise lino vas Jolta Y. MeKans filmbauds metedon licmisoaticu ofai a orse-iet tra icsewTor. MeKane viti bls cous- painions filai mlotoîte large braakfaite-rccm a»I sali down dn a rade vactien toc. la froni t o ien vas a lin cap vli aà plat ef black cotfes. matie oi burmi bavaI caseas, viti timeslces 0f mn- Osuteetileal.TVis tvas DcKueaIfret breakfast tn prims. As sean as breakfast vas -over Meaauswvusmarcîcdta tei elotkisg sbop, vicie b. vas placet! la lia bacins ai thc in-truetor vite vas Io rive "l lia Oiraitl sson lu commengroaseras MCADavaspnt a mIeeplsmnigtla bis Ceoi sti vas ana efthîe fttmeo p vie. le goul; vas seuniet ln is galler. lHe axiaushlI nquitoti if lier. toas any danger oi the sesai-pox spr.atbag Blarbseos Hspital Alttisants. An o1l[iIaI ftprt madtie atîe Pallie Service Camomilles, ofthîe Board of Caun y' Oomnsleshonarm Scostin peiLcaions ot charges cf cruel ant i shsmetul tremiment ai Isane paients ut the (lîcago Delon- ticu Hempitail utin; i18n Varins rnoni- bIndtions loacîsînq lieobitter contact et the laspit-il le thftane vene lyrsmeti- alp anmi s maaiitoasiy concurret Inl. antia aumber of atteitlanLgn isplicated ln lic &ases coîcplaingd of veresuamisarily lsclage& I. lu cmo t bbeeel b>' the coimîie eu timilar abuteers oxiaetm the lompital telse e.tn, but *teps vol - talion te mnnue îlot, immediatsmn înedy sinatt goy tic tonal. Vie docties mut attendants et tie delontion iospital dotienthe charge, made by île canînlîrce anti sry tiat tle Investigathon vas partial antiunfair. They soir, ha proue oft 11e smerion. îbatneiler Dr. MaGrati. the heati oi the iar.ptal lu 1803, nor lte ther physîcian caunet- ad viii il vas, aliaise tleteslify. Porno veeki ago Dr. Ciar:c apen. super- intenont ai the Ili mals Eastei-n Hospital for lie lasage. ut Kanimice. sulnîiiîoh a communication tlh'rei-ien Ftueim*a. ot lic Couniy Boardi taliing exarainaiono et insane patienta recaiveti front Cicago Detantian Hospital. s atlug liaI tle bs. tom ot Iantlngpatientsetaithe hospîtai luriart a part. et laet. of lest yosr. «wms cruel ani labunian toa ravaltlaig de:tree."- VT* matter vues placet lthîe hboudeof the loapital cammbttee of lIse toarJ. un i an Investigation reauitl. Ho Biol Titre. Me. AIt <ocilak. Miss, a abotîn; ali'rp occularoi tltuiday ltetycc ELP.A. Jackson. a les.ing business man at tle tavu. and lie nesly eleceati ,ember of the Legiala- tare anti W. P. ilaltif. edîtar af the Aili- ence Vtal'icntor. tle Formera' Alliance mand Papulel ergun n. lu thtue persona veto illetiandi eue fatally rountiel. TIc killet tire: iP. A . Jackson, tiiember of île Leisliture; Fanelo Ru-mou. a by-stmnder, bit lu tle Mouil by a strmy ballet anti lusîantly kîlleti. Fatalp vauuded: William PSan- tier-, alsaoa bysiautien. bi t trougi lie tigh anti iatmlly sonate.ViThe twa last menlionoti are youn fmrmiums living a fev miles ul ai lova. Itlastiaugil ithatit of tbem voeeîlot by Ramlbff, vioqe pL.toi eee ta bave boen very dealyIn'ltta aItm for Ihs îlots illetior n.arlally vauntiot lIree pensons. I oc otlnc irat a ditof tic laie Feustanbal electlon, sudc resubitid ln the selection et M. MaLaurin. PeIxoto's Bucce.A»r la Cbosen. Te Brarlilman olectlans toai place on 'lbarattity,antipssaid etf qniethy. Il omes têlmoni certain îlot bonbon l'iudent. do Norîci las teen e'eclod Presideut anti Fenhar Victarlna Vice Pisent. Pru- dente te Morses. via l is lahought las boome ecledti tasucceeti Premitient Peixoto. la mu excellent laspor. anti la about 60 peau aif âge. He vas kuovu. even iariug thectlIme et tle empire. as au ardent Bopublicun Mo le vcihy anti lives on bis large coffOs plantation lit Cam. penas, la lie FeuaeofPao Poule. iel.l Dow Peusldcni efthîe Penale. Preuldent Peixoto lorthte Vice Preîidoncp recolveti lut 1ewvtotem. lenlor Doraits miiimaie nt the Preuidenibai office on Nov. 15. I le l hapedti laI tîleutaLof teîle cions vili bring île mat l uend.ut. Vlo reige men- et- var are aitlelavîn: lihe lbaru on mc- coanule! île ycl.îw fevor andtihîe laci oi provsion% He Kits tle Peace-Mabor. Ai a fairm-iouae m 1evulles front, Eu- quarreled und Davidi Cabman, a tarmer living neuriitl okies sviii île ftler, Young Mue et aonce vout 10 Colemaas loue manlcommeufclabosiotecai th. tamili. He £rat amlthe rnarried tiaugîtex o! Colemsan. Iiul h er instat- Ip. Mi enon aatLuelier Imugiter thrugb lic aaitamd inIalli atialkedCpleia, *boailobt tîroogi the abdomen, la. 181cllg xtitil iu!urleà. Mose thon %ent home sud 1111.4 hlIssoîf WitaeuContinuai taeImpreve. Unitedtetets Claul GealdCrittentica ae, tle cet? et necxi. tceive I informsation frees Dai Ugdetood, Ultmiding Coagreet- mmnWl«so IGeaiisjara, la vîlcitie ceetinueti iprovement af ihs Chir- mon oi lie W&." atd i elansCommilîce ai tlion»Bouse e vrsentatven la reportai. nessilaels l ai e mg«" Ia an enraemteusi etvpu en icBrausilit Octim»s txcgaamdI- leameuceaime Savasdlthe r golusresa lteot. I. OsetiltaI g orrblemam&cre. Pour b"dfflIce *»e vbghvvert leil demà i othe *etI TOse gvu îsleult omco éan ecap- tearamessi' poehmYi NéeriK*p laite.Oemmîaler-putt- Iler Db.. a Gatiug. I lale lvassla"i lIa telriklnt mIsets ifl te An"i.. ELVa.., tveaty-seven large dyiAisate esrtridges esste un îl te vorle land deehv e Mb.eora.AI rocouenton&si tie anangomoni vib maie ato teta CoL Wpaui. et tb mllîlia. on a varrat deug- lirg itre vitiSeing ai sirikors. briDE lien la Nonlomtn, anti turc Mm over toaa mol ai êtriker..Thie wuas iat lie cartîtes wve.ta e bu tatwnamne lie traops viae conte viiitictheaer. ire8 pat. .Govorcor licOorkle hue 000 eftltheltombe lnu«fis possession. The Plan Vas mcxitea k11 Wyat andi thon go dovu the river te il lhe voris, buralug. kfiliinganti tïioyin& The plan vas frustratel by iVpant'sbbelg tairen Io l'apeqtîevIlbs. il. mavimg Wyants llite a thc 11-ves i he sollers. I# ln andeuioto tholtîte entite plot vus givea avoir bp s stirer liolay. wvia couti net lesrthel volgit of Ilian his mimd. TIc Qovornor las ortiered a (lat.ilng gon andi a campe.- toat crow lte hege ne, »10O FIEES AT DÈADWOOD. BasPortion or thc Lit, Destroyeti-LeO Over 8160.000. l'Irelimite Oun ea îaooti, PRD., Mon- deyp IDmorIa etiôo'clcck tn asialt'a 01a01and 4l tsroyod &Iiliai part ct the cIp ylar D9botwcon tic conter of Main straessanti (ilaevaw. No vind wvas 13ev lat ai the tispe or île vIéCity w oulti lave beau leâlvoyeti. As h s . tle béat Portion Of thse place la ln ratas Ticlosm ut rougi estimaI. viii r-oci ovor 8150,000. Dem»onte.ý Wialon & Graves. tarr & Wul- loch. Maits & Hesin amdal 01Stone & CO, are tle hoîtrieat suferis.Thesgraterea seemel te lave np contrai of 1Iletonils tact t I originamedîna a trame structure lali et rougI plut mnd tie iemdisap il madie *asaappaillac4. TIha insarancu utUI net-exceed SM5o« MES. ELACEIIANà LATEST OItDEB. Lesvmevr: bs Poile Vomn.imelner Noti- flessa Vricip Tkenter te Cinto. Mts Ev& Biackman. thse taman police commlsloner ai Lcasenorh, Kan.. vIe bas creaiti mmucl a lurrp anti tubtub lu lIai organisation,.ga ncostne4taeh front Fie served notice on a varleir theatar t) quis lusines'. abandon lti prce- eut resorl ati leave tic city. Fie turmeti 10a"serhe totecie-iiansd. upou loaru- Inn tiec clracter of the place. ut once gave orders for imbmie ment. itlisîald icr action vas expedîtol by ticbot of a the i hater People tlat ihep helti a cdue a11 tie officiaIs. or certain one ofthoira. TIe vmrtity troupe consista of tirty-týve peuple. mcsty retammes. h rau a regula- tien bat and vas repuloi ta be doing a land cDce basîneos. CEANK AT TUIE WHITE iIOt'SL Ss!a aie NMules WM e taveite eExce- utivo Unusia enries the.Populiste. A mi.Ue-a:ieiman ai reepoctable mp- pealanepriu tedhîmait aihlicWhlîc lianes Maudap and notl heti guardthe&ia ho vas Abrahamn Julins Eisder, et Bali- ruera He ald holeiaiticame In obedlence te a divine r.,veimtion ta take charge of tie buildingi. lie calleil attention te tic pap- .lis navtmeuitaeaecc.re centrol of tic otier branches citie geveraentn anti lis ultImate succe, ad deciareti p eiiively liai lhc lad ieen eratoweredta e ave lie cxecutivc mansitan and turu h aovçr ta tie Je%4 tori smtî. Be vas ual embarrasad tbonn ie credea.nîlal emre dti'asted, but began lasuinii arders and artin,4 ia mach a tiremienlu; %&y liaite a aarrestei.. liais ta Puy Fanerai Expcn.s. John P. Bavard. et Jenuingà tauniy. la- liamu. Io ln isil under entence af ivo peari In the penitentiary for embeuzitng 870 tram ie isemployai-n. Cohen lirolere. et Laureucoburg. lad Oing ta lhe cir- curasiances e1thte caee Jutige E ring aidl'taeecutor iieyer; assured île prisoner tathuiiey maulti do ulut tIse carnit ta sacure bis pardon. Tvc or iov. ard's childrem dieti et diphteiansd le. lui vitiaut fonds lhe appropriateti enangi ai lis emplopers' mouey la pay thi ~ca expenses, inteadîng te maletehle amanni goed s as t as heo coud earn il. Hi vas arreeteti before hle d my oppartunliy ta carry out liasien tiens. CorneS ta a iàIf..iEn1. Mi" Ia mVan Elten. tle Amcr-icmn velter, vh ia lau living for soverai menthe ai the Continental Hol l a Paris. dued Mon- Say mariar. Oie sent for a, docier. bal vlem bu arrive'1 iftOttominutes later le founti ber a cerpseaamîdtheli ment pitiîli maOiadIngia Il 1s tid that île uniorlunata vornan lIed af saatlon. Mr. Enstie.the Uniltd Slaies Ambassador. bas 1dmýt charge et tle caie. TIe tieeed tlady'a body viii le placed lu Ibo martuarp clapael rthîe Amerîcan Olurci on tic Avecua. de l'AIma tan avait the instructIons ai ler irlenis la tl. Unted Plates. Tic cause oi Mise Van Etten's ieath le Malfcmly cerilfa tlana icart fla t. VkileOfeta White (mpCemi s, Aitilsaver Ciy Nel, PË M Leter, viae aloi anàd 1111.1 William Elnleture menthe &gc, wva cqaltol. Lester, an In- Offensive tllas. vas si> Trougîl op over vhitle cap outrages th.$ le armed lîmsolt Elleot: came ta hils iov none nicit leaua effert te irigîteÇbibm. ant iALeter sai viiis fatal affect. ___ Tuwlmago Win ea. Rev. T. PoiWtlt alinage bas vtbdr&vn kW res'gaaîioa ats pamltoraoi loki Tabemnacle. l.vlug reolsvel ms 1sociétéé AbIa i cirli dole bas bec srýtisitO. 1 117 Mrrangel.Dr. TAlmaçe vlii go abroal la Jone. remlning li autaran. vein"ur Foerut Dis Tie Italsa IbeCat Lat ai. I. Jnefia, CîguarCt Bet4a. liaI cf reblo vmvs liespued0f ahov ee cnlam Abol 10 eoilemn anfferrngt rain tho lises. T01v$e4 Cisesa lii Ot SIL Te,silam«i orser ibe h.ng th 11te-un &, V"vas&"altd b oemg6- jTiié~s oke the. oduollanor thel~m*e u téerpavra povaloss ta do aeptiI-foréules te place au obstabie la th~e ,t lie buLAUl lh. amixdmeets 4ie ed masiséby lis opposabls mest votes bong Mr~ . ubiw"tt.lsamend. ment ta stuike ou& ith e *nd section. ]PoUt TheuaideMZ E..d Ont la Jacâ- Thb*itder of match vua mgalIZ4d la the Oblo coal.snlolng disict lp a genta cloolua 01otheb.milns. laJackson conaty i.000 miaou eue caatou%. snd tu etber Sl- calils a siaular Ooedltlmexite. Tb.re baie bae ocplon the pau t o eprator fot smre urne la rodece vmaA fÀ oi coninence vua lid ai Welsetoa. la jehc- son Cnty. Tb. upecators beti prevloeslp giron alice liat rates voniti b. redMee ta oui epond yu tie RlkeesValiey rtel. whltcbvau 63 cents a ton, a rodaction ai 20ceaie. TICoporatoge vatodttic te luction "> taie efeci iimoediatelp. Tic minouevanteI Ils îpmeelUpon titis rock thep split and elon lIai lhe mines tiers ordered closeti. WOUAN £ILLIED DV TXAIM Atteadte Trit aDe isie IKepI 00.000 la Au agel lady. Mras, as'h Baliner, Sired! bp heeersi ma KUtHeênry. 01.li e vas quite weiti. Md kept a large signat ai rnowey 1li te loees.asichoted lie banisevoteotmasecure. Bar bodyp vas 10o0@4 Wriiapmetueoser thle bara. vblte ab* bail Ume tla geed tic chicema Bbcli lai ien kacekol douavia wdisib.>a4d, alter bais gkOhol.vos loh e l. la£vc. "0Iffla tolle&, vile tihe obbcre veuti ibrougi lh. bougs. sccnsing 00.000 la meoner anI oliier valuablea TrsMa tees tle porpetrtiofathIe crime. Silai thrnlt and a bu. .var-' ff cuci for tleir capture Ta kes HBc Tres.for a SharlL E J. Keller. a veaitly Milwaukee res. Ostobte mon. vbo bas bien quite mck ut Denver for Ibo paut teu dar. i i asthm$. lucarne uumanaeablie ntisr tle belloe lIat a Fierif vms alaer bm. Lsbosing under the Impression ihatbis nonatrossc voete l ailcer againsi vbara le vas mo embitteroti ho daeled thera tiroagh tle viudov andi sent the coai scuttle alter tem lfot ccmpanty. Amerleans Les% In MaxieaWilds. A party of Amerîcaus left tDuango, Mexico, an a iucîlng expodttion lu tIe Sierra Madre Mounntains .'le iocaliiy le a vIlI and lantferons rue, andt io af the parlp vr esbt. Thcbodies wve S oundi lying close taffetaci ln a ravinei. Ticy lsd been parir devoured bp viii Icaute and whetber the y dled tramà exposure or vere killeti by a panthor could nfot be learnedi Conviets Foor Worksmcn. The oteration of tle ahne imctory at th& Fart Madison (la ira) liste prison vaus dle- continuel. 1 ho teson civets by the con- traetors lla atic vorn cf the con victe vas flot smtisfactory. and that hSt 4m OÀ- cuit ta mauket the gonds. Croier ut Hlouston. Tex. Richard Crat.rlite Teatmeurchierf. cn (loy Ho.,n and party, more emertaineti ai Hou»tarî. Tos.. by.alo Left-handed I Ishin4 Club Alter the banquet lie Croker party proceededti laFan Francisco, stopptng at Fan Antonio andi El PasA. Enahetallng Teiler @enteneds. Theadaro P. Baker. former paylux ielli ai île Cansolidatio uNaàtlonai Bank, Phila- deîphia, via niale 1W7.000. vas e.ntenced te sors ur@eaand ixIsmontha In the pont- tentlary andto alaythe coeé ofaitîe proe- cutIon. WooenMUIi Fatilre. AitBilabeo. Ohia. the large vooloe miii of 3. PL Elitrite & Co. las hbin cicuet an .iudgmeuts for about 818.000, brougît on hy thc mysterlous dîsappearance of J. B.Elifritz. senior meraber USthtirtOh. Kessuil lIesSuffereti a Relapee. Louis KomssîtI. the Ilungarian patriot. la sufferel a relapse ant inleain saýrIous- Il IIL Dr. Bassc.lle plymiclan. dospairs c: bis reaatery, as lo efiusas ta laie re; ular metilcai tetment Got lam OMfciais Suicide. Julu VULully, Bcroiary ofthîe Aque- duci Board of Neorko(-lity. c)mm ittet suicide ly shoott lut himnecîf yu a revol- ver, vthcwusafounti by île body. CICGO. CAITLg-Cemmm sta Prim ...,. t3 500 H a-ilsOrades ....4 Woo i25 Psxpxt eClaie. .225 840 WUnUav-Ne4.2 Rd. ......... $7 05 Oo-lio. 2 ................ 3 COmN-X. 2.......... Evs.-Ne. 2.. :............. 4 BVi'vms-CbeIeeCrsamciy ....280 Eooe-Etesl................... 14 0 la PoxAxOas-Per bu .............twe(0 s0 ... 200PO 0 àh25 corlu-o. 2ippisg...........5 W * 4 8 OATIo.I2 WIlie......... t0i t ST. LOUI&. .. ' 6 ~> E rN. ....ol..m3 a-e.................. 3v si I CY - Mhins.................. 200 8W2 Mani -' i Iîý*ale aMt oý ........v.............le9S8 B ......... 0 a 1 oeu~t . .........doa d i ....oe...........Usi et MEV PORE.1 White0 .te l wm v ar for Seam la Upseultlve irele -Deeli (leesti MNi.ers la lis Dopils ArDoaIW m00 et hIée Eual-Whth prlag, tLI 0*11cm VSemukumom - res Notali.ptm erCagit.The r91adIr1 hli aLittle IonIse" ilgsolos. an expert 5i0r- jor ermosg W41. liler inov a te cpolice 9t mIl tie large the Vsa éd~a e i cllas 0f the Unied 8States. &Bd vanteilp ya vot tlial. tbtqngbenl Grout Blrtala and os tle Con- Vas l Isbn eton a ttin et uroae. s arrota by Dele- original txiet slb. lilvesCrouse aldStevens, ai Cbeago. feai&",t" i 111.A Tneial aternosa. Tvo vornen. local vte oosta abophtters. veeovîib ber vhen &he Bepuâblicaus. asud, a vs» arrestel. 'i bey yl le givea the ai - voaitlfor il. and 1079 teruative et ieavingtov.i or ervisX a terni Dmmcats (tala i34E0veIl la lh*B. ridevoil. aLitile Leubsa." as the bllfor the receu f tie lit kuova 13 the police erurr, l a le- Wvteakaeateurga p1101,141111 brate t nl y s a lrer p itter. ibutl@Bule sok vs& conmami aléo as havr'; e% bo lieh*vite etf1la50y joal iutmin&tbos - 1 1 Asion. an Kaglisi ligîl veigil demi. tenture- Granvlelo àq pien. anti alto thic poe ofaiT-m tana. EvOf-ExtsOfI»* Bislgeova als humer ati tîlet Pl*nipot*aslmry teW W a-W et national reputulion. Anther thing tbt collecter ec M rî.~ addeIo er olorit la he bsece r agatnOollecter@ top poriien et ber loft Ver. I b la alehoJames W. BuUis..f.lîi "mark ef Cala" put on ber over tlity ar. lhni:T~msA poueu99gowvila servieg a Second term for Tascols. Thsomas IL Ompet @bop-httiag lua a"dson prison. ThsVisl- Charlés C. cautIe Due ioiuusbiagmark &situeashopi cm- Usait as matlcon. erats cealel vies ouithc sireet unaer a heurt, et Wilmlngton. Tic Ceacte, Vei. TR014arattrcon. heiptt«tit cc$lomci muay. ver &0the VienaflteCo.enl Sational VIlieuse Fridut egiterc uer.. Lioutenant BHaseattempiaI ttalkettm)n of appropriaio Ofita ves va&Ob@ reSistel. triel ta scratch *.eoLWO. vas pa lale hé»iO facensdd telen ch*vas lIssuhit. lies sud-t Ibea hie jêtisi Tic Veil vW»hlta «or. ovever. and tic lui vas tIks aut> AusmIt leiOccl«ITa fonltedalten a stit1lîlber' butlve KILMaeiti ef V Veil 09 tIep silI alvaps recogules aLitle Funk et Illinois oVert la 1»01» laMe ftur&ta prove liat tlie r MO »VX EDZAD IN A DINE. M.leit l.tue I« -racial aver ta tte pa Cuve-Km mal118811>14168 e Os la s Peau- Funk vas aiandlig and e rlvsaa Couilei7 1 tihelattts lace. HOa Four mas eut aifa a nlg oai ne Shart- but b"iad% tetirl. s s'akers noe killed lu the Ricimonul*bitf. stoOti arier letor s Sylu *sr Seranon. Pi. TVi, accient vasMr. liankiaml. Ciasuce noupublic Buildinmgs. ooe . caused by lie bfulaiaetla*bit rrock for tic appola ment & a su trn lic sida oflte li htait ar lie 10>11cm go nW -e>5 - -Lr 1' ý .uZd"a comuquent explosion ort g blaser a offiace Bnliltig lIeravite ges. The mon wseas wvrk amansot 4e00 lg l qetinot1 feet tenon tle surface. cloarlng savaer'ami Banokielti xpisiti ut lie tout cf a shait Abave them vasfrgeani T h onee bunn; a bil-llo piece ot roci. Biaa. u tu multe a recommandation detached Iil and tle lIre. eto recaughi perýoîai lnientlgatta- b ati croseIta Insaitatit. Charge- c&rnieti&a appmrptltiofa men ilolwill rush"tiaway s tic pa$sa full came Witt, Ov* otiarg aI tle men.il. 1 Tie delate cu île pension 0l vont inrtbar loto the apeutlar tian listftel- cill nisutial 61dmPaOd os-vorîmen. H li tllcarrni ei aetiHMu*% ,asd as lime lamp an bis.hesd. IuSiaoiiy iiaerc vaia . s sdipsîuvrNusesDel"W, shcot offine th&& cuioboped i tain in hEa a, anti Useon Tirs laz.anti viii a ceatt 1rorl îudoo n bldaahritaSesion. *antil lO Putut tahîe §&mes ithela- osu toril,' bat butea0a shver vas pre iplltati 1101o1% theY suCceed le vas dose. Thc îantion axprensei by tic VceF~ 9ftordamnpqalckit, galberatiand ti varein îthe Blanti selxnioraeS boimJs&beau recobl e m oniy b prpompt acîltio i t Iss ur% IvOr. tathe Finance Co1mulile DucceetiiluInreachiur île fontot f îleart o eruas. oppooet lt ilmU sat. aid sî:nmîîag tle eurîner sert t ill1. aud masîcth&&iaitI bu &nu 'sa@ le Itu île aurf.ca. an ile table ubjeel 90e ig s ______ mai limte. This vos eSahi ENORMOUI T A )sEl% Stewart ai the lame tiens. alilvoramonîmanite lieOs utioer aventlf ainttoe v Sugmi Breaks Lene. ou tic New Yerk Board llor Na r.Moegsnl. et o'Tiade. isealalion loakum a eh Balvoeu 13o'clock Tucaday morning. Isiif cmmissioa. vilei be vIes business opencti. andi 11:30 about a..sedmuet e tastif-IO lanAJ3»btaron ot sugar stock chagenitUrbis aifmrutiSpila"40 baudset t* NewYorkC-b-mer o'lie 1 thofoulroeetthla ee bandemi 1an ovureztrose I.lcr ag Cet - lonne 1 utiday avas tis e mere. al tarin thse eaiiug holeprice Daniel E @ickles. oifageler l Of thse crtilcaîca movuti or ratier rusieti bu, (Bop.. Nsao> magiea trou! 88 60 1050. tuaIsetmipar ald recetilg laver ort iltrally la as iaplslly as tleybl adwlvncodtietin . oilovel by Mr Grasveo Aller anotier apparti spart the Pries Tic charge thi$i tie »me4 ta setIde about sva The excita- sala fronti!Inlaise gendloe moent ticnding lies. extraSodlnary Gresvenoa- smp at ai se~a¶4 Mr f.«Coocate (DesNK.yi sale va Intssi. s the cdestins tant attonspéS la maie oiol s reliectetli n tîle quoatioîaumvene taot eut af the pensioa itfsces Irrogular. For a sîîs ile & 11chr btee'un)ust charges. et icsltUip 1te seemoti et a etand4tlî. Durnsg the rusi tom Ouso.tlin otier. Eep cjmpraIltcly his s ock ch&ugetibandstislites.Thc boulier. mrembotu. at extrem 3 figure..Atiblicround 10 te erladqaielly acquI0sCed lauliahe sales vrere 4,0 cerlceates. M net e for Pensions. Thcy titi not evrnlil ortetice1at1ni .ftictler aile. XI mles vers. letseeu 93 anti UJ.,ut bîl IîitP,. N.BK l I at thec ryltbi price tic amount tisaIt luawuas ormous ery that thc Pension MTel1vasaà toi il vras ta corner the lelaîilshort*s ual lamer. tainteA 5111 trani, l aI lent the drive s matie. amd tuere vas noi- hbard lu tie laun& As fern»ticINt Ing for Ile gentlemen Who bail sait abat In n re to ici t e h i t liey hlad nal goi but ta go mlot he rhouai- ol v* ketbol nd dlive, o moie tishottLe . Tt vas exbmmueti la. dici. ebuy aneijurebi er rmleirist .commaai17. and ti sfet as it rhlcatet ty ie trc mrafot on" algle. mliary Case oetnr _______ tevelopeti- Mr.. aison 411e9. »1O FEAR TUX mAL tO.iB. Ciudad ithé ebctte for tilhepe. A#1 etbis remartis île commuttes Met Express andi Battre" iOMlmîliPrepae for Dockery prstenti a bll frotte Ob Ralitrois tic Ouitaira. coinmttee an expenlitures la i. Tie;Amerîcaàn Express andtihîe M.i< ment tu improve thc melînlu etu uas aandTi exas offciais are maci dis- racconnt4 ln thse TneaqerpDqsvtml tai-ed i ncm tam îe îrrl.rpo! lienIet a5:40 ocloci thc HOn»ne .11 turbd b nes fonitheteritýry f teVie Penate conrrinetia nnmbq6ýi movemenlaetftic Uastn gang oi autiawn. mastera. Fur severai moahis the" crciminels have ' lie pension apipropriation WIL *1 boca quict.fortifOiin laapulpe mountain, Ssilooo.OOO. vas pacdW.ietal* forty mllesvsat ai Vnlis. Frlday nlght. ih la on w itlu dilvisian. ?ýreamu Toune&tbe brkecam. ad. ea l ebate Ibere lad bOcamsme f leauct. topIras cmpani. cavipof tle ae.ý.uni carried li t armeti endi aiervisa tloronghlye qulpped. 1AIl tle aniontimete t te 10bil.e rode lavarti Vili6 Errpindilcation 1ti at ofait. Pîdliler ta uescheil poinelitua sraid on lie Missoari. Eau-teeIlperte ai lie examiming sitii<l0, andTioVsas Roati undi@a aresuthelisraads i Ile inspection ai tle 211118111 officiais sud tlIe eof the Amerîcan El- lis attornieys, vers.dtent*&elMme" proiesCampany bave pat on extra gusrds, 1! under piOnt- of Oanar 114V il. il ecci uppici sîwti a abolgun stase abolsr gorasn.Vie Oneu*bIcatttai oacIcantîn sxtee tu~îaattetoion ivai lIai of Dr. Ego"s. q. ls cou îatarnsti rme gang shot.noteî r ption ofthlelProvsion bactudtsl basbea bardfrin he an s ilet.7 1otflasi DecomertLapreventle u brie camp. ____o ap1051l xcpo Gatoses Papers Bis 'tila Paris. n . eta peritt Upon lnlormi.ioi given by Prince eon n casa ofthePiaf4s ,is Coloana. JuIn W. Daclimysaon- In.la v,' curet i Is pension be lot Parle oMfCOr ei zetliHcopiesorethîe New or otlcr palpable Iraul. Tii.1ý, York Çerid ai Pcb P vilci voe. fferoi vas offored ti atîe augtrMlo for sale. Prince Colonna tieciaeeci aoner Locliren btmlessatevle. tisai an articie i ubli-lot î i nI 01.on of lie Attorey il- n bt If tlehetI, fsit De - World oft ial data vas lîleloas. è50o.90e o îI lbave te b VIe pata&grapi le vlicl lo et. pendeti penalofiers vIa 1 e'. ecied most strenaoutaiy@amidtlaI le blTrend ail question net sa licou expellet firantIhe iJockey c"ut 1. thlti 10 the penelg Rame fcr chaleait wyul car-lit Jie lavyer, bten dravuar. Ur- Outlil hav" ervetiSa vri aPen Jaseph Pulitrer. &a.,oaille cnrmitteo 0(-». af tl. Warld. clalmIng 1-, 100 francs' ever ruld leamrea daags.Mrtn'@peint of rirtp damags. .germent, TIeSoenate Fcrestry Cangues. J yulticeseIgulor-age oiaau R1,urenialive mconlalauroshesilai tle .aileOuto tp rir. vDiaIe tor.uîry quasîls pamesparedla thle open- gt e u îe va"".tOn lngr OfaIL tueo lp sesson oethle National pmo is ln 114-pa1,1) orthle Foreslîp Coagress mt Albany, N. V. prmemtland 140000 fthi Lige- adNi î - - .stelînen KeaMig&u. 1