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Lake County Independent, 9 Mar 1894, p. 8

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ý-Amncan for This BYEB. ).1 'pqhmhabit forq tum ~hlm-l person1 cisponitioa.oThe iasarhantubic ~b te labt ride Thoa- . ompaninetsaitnts su h bit e-io.aIf lue .odan al sdaufoe1 Mieleichanc ite h dleoor t hat pairTh etvmnmay wyvitelappuesof q bla d e sit=ea fume t ee; uit or u appro balone 1 ~Iie ~ad _olnepe &adi b1 g. hgel itei ~ gem. dipon oen hstbruslttrbli est earlHer i t anepsd aiaburle v a neofthe Thurlb ut al @Se ins; ad esept sglassIf te Mm boc to m bn thce1 ay' sd itît daros el pecel ! dv MdonteIe ob. f pair, on and h hly resed t saI oinnlch lasboy 0.2 gal gent n- wthat i lit itele pl oulstd ha tb la aie o item tno. wutset tochlm10bu- hdnt psol itor to tke oivfn G Io cna- ,t uprt euovIbalyo ce.uTf4za l, sud asotoc s0da=tdIna ,w ous mehoa.tIf ho and o yeu kne Hin- Pubis .prper drin tb hydidnet ste Romance. Written '"» o a 000 1Lmth snd bies ua qùfl - Pa e. lyDwsy, for eh. W$ 4t n > - Pap r..2 wl hthom; but L = vas kuovn 10 ber, and l e.mlght have nutled hlm if the tulal "e Ul-ro bal absorbod hor att3utln4lm..AS ]BEACH. for Helnrloh hlmaelf, ho notioed -b relationsansd Herr Marter..telg fe &White.1 1 As hé' sd Lousa s uated themselvoa .No!" criefi Minus. "1 never wvlhah .1th.he ta l e emgd le the vine mer-1 to heer hlm vme agsln. I vil nave chant aud Ihose *Ith him that Uolu-1 Rolnrlcb, i11ho waats me, bute.a for rich voatille fiuahed snd 101,a HerrMsrtelutlg, 1-I-Bacchuse hbn." tBre M, -",u 9 Poor Minus! heou" of ber speech oomapeltion with Leelas forh b died suay foolahly la s ohoklng eob, semson sud bad beau besis .cm= 1s and ber oye. DIumbei with lsars. At nsrr0wly. Holartoh vept -ai th1h thia moment a couple enter.d the spous ad kaivea sd torkivlthU is 1 room. Ono e.usalady,rloildesereuh together ino a pile sd hied- iu black, heavily ve!ied ..vea d g1>..W hem lth hiaearmsas e.tboegh h. red roses on ber bcsom lb br m sfearod Ihat mre oft tbm o st* Horr Martersbeig. They wated them- if not M orly horded; =hon vsvud Loim.. t a table --tt, he vine Mer- thé bill cf a=e omon uouaiy »suOA 1 chant aud bis ulos.Minus'.bock "Watter»in loee yllable ,thon dle- vas turnel 10 them. asud Herr Wacha- o ,erad hbis tber sud those vith ltlm. muth vas no aetcmiaed snd disarbed Rlsing, Hoinlch vent ovor 10 hie ne- by the girl'. outbreàk that for a qu- lalluna e .reted his fingertipsuo ment ho dld mnet.sotice t»e nevoosuera. thlr- table sud smiled &Ubytog 'For a Moment, t10e, MarterlgVueas mevhat vacu3ual. Howue«U obilvieus efthIo we eleMizna dressed as a brigand, and stiii wone tb. sud ber uncls; h . wa ayag himmeif green alîppera wlth reil sud yl vitb the disposal ofhi b isnpsnleu's roses won at Hem Otto Kleilnaeildel!' vrape sud Sachet, sud hsd not yot raile. Preetly the ammUos on Relu- glanced about hlm. luanowther mo- rlchs face gave way to su expression meut, hoveor, be sud tb. vine mer- of the mcml profound sud imprudsve chant ieoked up as mveéch othor. grsvlty. When Ibis had endured-fors a Herr Wach>smulb' eyes woe. mlii moment, ho spoCe: rounded, t thefr full extent, sud filled 'Fsther," ho Faid, "the lady oeor at wlîh sympalbetie patin. Pdrerstelg tbat table -th. beautitul lady-lb.n- eaw ltaI Minna heki ber hend dovn, as exceptionable ladly-the very nioe lady thougb shunnlgpublic observation, -le Louis» a"d bal ber-hsdeolf lu ber hand' Herr Wscbsmnth did not apposa- te He cressed ~ er eronat once, and ha very much enlil«tenod. a1001 luaome porplexlty beside ber *«LoiLsa, contlnuod Heinrich, lasthe chair. gir'l that I sid Alex Marteratolg 'Alez," blurted eut Herr Wachs- klésed: but ho did not. Aloi uevor muth. vWhat le the matter between kis ad ber. I klssod Loulsa myaelL ye nd q "Liula is avuryrninesgirl; eh. i. a yI rusm, .teW , aMss," vory beÉtl*2 .ý' .. Fatiserl iBlnio steig. b'-~, upon MInus a&-look full wentân, wlth a solemnlty whlch prom,. of ment tor alicitude. lse« Wtauymoment t.)me luto But Mina bal sae astantly mb test'. "Luisa corne. trom Iettin. oît-possesaon on heartlg thi.e== ama- Mdrt.lly 1mnew c ur family very watt. tien et ber uncie, sud ah. mid lu s low «'Is s Niemeyer. father. You know voice, quit. oalmly sud very docidedl .them. Nood every whla-pareil a word «'egye te beave us, liera rtdr- againet the Nemeyamr- Loulas i. the etelg; su I havenovw"h eer m eo bestoftbem ait; -ebe 1h. mostçen- yu agLu. fted ef tbe Niemoyera. Father, I amn h^D o o.. vlsh me te leave you If I golng to mana-y Louis&" hedoue you no wneng?" Herr Wschsmuth vueaan whose 'You have doue me a vnong. - good bones *ved hlm at oee ime e. "May I proseut 10 you s frlend!'" veil as anüther sud whoie democracy «Herr ?Murtsrateigi" v ai brosd &ad honeet. *Helnrloh," ho "Yen vIll net houe ,-aonable as said, "if you are lu -tho e mm id lu to condemu a man unheard. You viii the morning comeend 1.11 me about il." permit me tte a11s riel utony belon. Hclnlch vaas efthe, samo mmnd lu you make Our udmnt fui Mar- the moring-"ilthe. bllowlug menth teroteig glanceat .copnon; .1111 of Jiue behld Ivo veddlug lu tb. velled,ah. sl; slowlyf=anlu herself; wot hy vine marchant s family. ho sed hlmselft athIe table vîtb vu nu Minuïs sud ber unclo, sud tbld bis story. Copyright. An ig eî reeerved. "lu Cottiagen 1 bad s muet intImaI>_________ frlend, s Russisa named (Jarciuekl. H. va. 19 vbeu ho came 10 the uni- 814E WA8 FROM VASSAR. veratelenden and girllsh lu figure, but ef trong mrnud sud indomîtable And Sb@ W.. Atrl; er Ksovldind a 1 aeii.Sevozal of hie 1.ev uwtudonts.»akteizuu§ ndertok to guy hlm; ho ohafleuged She vas a V.ar graduan]u on. atter suother, sud l5uniaed tbem 4Jdn't know a 1 bit about houaP- ailvlb îuh evelt ha hovq'keplng when marrlod ber last nover guyei att., vsrZ oHevas Ithe bhmaand sett.led lova te ilomestie hast svordemsu I over 55v. lu 1he. jjf I Ibro3 yesra of oun conipsntouablp l Hinrt rdrat Ab L Gottingen ho t ought aeveuly duels e ie re tteKam vith the sobager, andl nover r lvi a, crusher; but that good man vue1 a uratcb. lb va. asasylug that tbe usoci to al sorti of people aud could stripling had s vriat oet rou n d feared Interpret Vassar as easlly a. plain ne man. Oue featur ofetbis physiosi English. make-up vas Inslgular ountraot t 11 ai 1"i aut ton pounds of paralyzel the neet. He b#â a dsrk bo*rd ef augar," @bo aid, vlth s businessait. streng liber snd thick sud rapid jrovth- nm Anythlng oie.?" Ho sfnaed Ivice a day, aud hisc in Tocaefcnem d lk bore aiwas that biuo-black colon vhlch Tocnofoue edml. mark& 1h. abavon faces of heaviiy "Yos'm.» Ho &et dovo "puiverlzed bearded men. He trettel a great deai sug.,» "condenacd mllk." aboutbhis strong board. l'or thraee Any thlng more, ma'ami?' yosra thero va. uethlug in Garzlnaki "A bag of trosh sait., bu sure t.hat different tnem vhst i have outiloed. it la fresb.- He loft Gottingon a yesr butor. 1 did. "Yeaxn. What nexi?" 1 vas grieved 10 part wlth hlm. He "A pound of deeecrated Lbs." va. a brave -su, s rare ucboar ImiaigcomCnlo£, a true triend. "Yee'm." Ho viol. glibly, deste- InetsaGan kiontheTrve,tî.o atedcod. mhlp which bnought us bilh 10 Ameni- "Nothing more, Ma'am? Here's cs& A veman-tho voman you aueo morne uice borseradlsh, mml lu." uitn Itat table-linttoduced ber- *iNo," shoe ald, vith a sad wabble se thmea.ïy old friend, my amiable 10 ber fiexîl le voice, «i would bu 0fr coenpanlou, the slripling vîth the no se as vo dont keep a herse." vrlst eftrmon vho teared uo maul You Thon the gzrocer est dovo on a kit amile? No, yen Wouder; so did 1. He î would give me but oue peint ef intor- ofmakerel and tunned himselt villa matien negandlng hlmaelf; ho vms a a patent vashboard. Vaeear had Rusclin py. 1 bave met hlm tviC3 taken the cake. -Detroit Free Press. sînce oun arrivai. once st the Ambg Theator, ono., to-ulht et the =29 > ~ Codreed Mlk. Why h. la lu vo-n'a lothes I do flot Svitzerland exporta anuually con- know. He mav b. vise; he may bu densed nilk valued at ever mai. Tho tact la amazlg-ont of $2,500,000. gear vîit the reo.n etour uurnound- lug-. violence 10 the orden sud the THis country le likely t, have no cmon sens.et tho nluteeutb eau- aid frem England la elcaring the tu!y outaide et Russas. LouIs!" ocean of derelict vessels vblcb are The name vas w itly pronouuced! nov se great s danger toi commerce. as 10 bu audible only to tbgp wine mer-' h fteBiii di chaînt sud hie ule~e sud thté h.e raou heser eyo h rts 10 vbom t va.s ddroee-ed-the vc man rly repouedte a call for co-oper- vith tho titiea roses. Site toided berI ation vlth our Coveroment tbat It fan aud,.naint, apoachod Marter- could net give auy aid. This un- stel sma stoed beeide hlm. w vllinguemete h elp lu vhat It dld "Permit me,» ssid Martersteig, to net erîgluate bus alvaya been char- Prenant 10 yen My tieuls, the Hrrî acteristle et John BulL lt bas, boy- Wachaanuth , the Fraullen Wachernutb, ever, gîven te groaler houer to thha hie uleci." The voman vith the ltree ro. e3 country ln dolng lte verk sIoe.. I seated. hermeif, and for five minut3s vas tb. United States vhlcb tirst oonvermed vtvsclousiy sud brnlHlltly proclalmed lte doctrine of neutil with the vine marchent sud bis niocus; rîgit anso the freedem et the bigla theu oxcused hermoît sud rose te go. 1 seas. Se, tee, viit lbh. general Hon vole.e 1ev suad gentle; se tar as pestal union, vhD ov 1luile veic e oat.rsu or vernanbethepar eariy lb, vboie cilize venld. luic -oc a rwmn utI at nl i au afford te taireth inshe accajtod as ofchampag ea i lalgIohg ese e. an a rsianirber v. llghtlly t duk "11nclern h ih so oe it-p-rhaps the revelatkiz v e. pur- c& When tbe job ls once loue i!osed-expe Wld frsamoment a heavîl Itbeo wnesof tEnglisit marchant ahips chia.', nevly razored, blue-black vili cenipel England te do is parn ______ Ia keoplng lte seas dean ef lb. YWO G#IIAT, DIVISION& OF TUEI acomd ltbe d= ea ligwm of tqoday. 1~.va t ttng.matThey have rasa-ee b. tatlatof Ltb rter e end oFthera lhe vorld, aud d"im le have dUoovomd à 5hs Noubere su Southoa tehe ithe b.chosp produot 01 BUsela, Ini besta te Exhihi.Symptoafs a»ssrs ed the Southern homisphoe, vhleb fer xeeaielu.bahse atel tunnael -su simost Inox- haitutille sup11y lute the manket.oe Forlb,~ ~Lov-Us.LEurope, villInalydrive bbtAhe a rcos co o ut Ex Oedtothattaircom- Fo fh irst lime ilu oihaItscentury ptihion, bhoy argue that vitrais- the tvo grisait branches of the Mette- IQg wli-w<me day bueme an Ameaican ià diaI Chu roh in Amerîca -tii. Metho- quettion, 10 bu treatel vîtbout -ceter-p dlat Epleoopal Church, by, hioh name eue othe exrert mat ket, sud on ' t. lb. Norbberu body la de.,ignstel, sud teey itIrQ ii bu suppliait the. Methodiet Chumcb Fonbh- have frWin the lie di thatkint lb. Bailec crne tagether la s love-fout. 'pisi froe nthe nlch plein 4etfIls suacd frosa South Amorica. mayhobu salItht hma Iueb taken place lu St. Loui, and Ibis gloomy nv i. n Dt ahred by thée i. especlally notlcoable a. having taken petaslonalbull, vh, vlth bd bisr place litaI clty, berause thon e b. u--,yscy, offers ne promis etofsu early pensioens aroused by tb. civil van rau returo te p oue price. sug ad vith unusoal vlruionco.Il Itle couoed by ail spocalatore,ea i. epeclally elguificaut es shovlug the Wvol a. by thoie vbose utoresta are grovlug stnongbh ot the frateruel grroster thsu mai-gin profits or loue., feeingbeleenIh boiee vbch sythab vbest doclîned durng the poei feeingbeteenth boies whch aythitreagtymp.alhy vîth other stozke I yet lead te Ibei rgauic union, sud eemm-dllies. It vould ho nes- a The question ou vblcit the 0100 senablo te expeot it ta standl ransd a nted Metbodist Churct ef theoUiJuted alono lu the geueral col!apse that car-a Statuesmpllt va. ltaIofet mavery, sud tb. miel oerytblno" e ove, but 1h. le- came lin. that inankel the eeoding chune connaît bu oharged exclueiveiy to States lu the van mankel the division lbe pante, nor ilaIs c9utlnued prostra et the citurcit. But this question, vbii tlien, a(ter othor et ck-i ralliel, .cx- 1 alvys cuseo! iseuson u h, o-plainel by tho, e vbe poinbt t thia l alwas acaus ofdisens'n i thed lbthecause et prie.prevallug nov. a nomination, and condamnait by the The acroagze snd the yleld aofviteats le of the cburoh, bal been tl>lrsto u inte United Statei vas les& in 18153j for yeare, bocanse the cburch recog- titan ton suy year @Ince IM~5 and et nize titat unIon tho lave t of ne of ltmrie, 2 conts, va. Ur bulo the States the emaxlcipalion eft clave fhto pein years. It le undeul- va. nol alvays possible.- Houe l t sla ntcon-hebemno ,ovr tented lîseif vith coca louai fulmina- peidine 81 and 1891, vitich iefb lions ounlthe subject of slavony, but diI s I.-etin isibl""pply titanlthe cana- not dobar bte ovuers of or doslons in try baavr nv, Le responible lu s aves frnomt znmburibip. Thoe x- , meaune. for th. presout loy quota- pro Miens piea.ed te Nez-tem senti- tl ni. ment, sud vblle the South dlii nDM 0 Stat[itica of vile supplies, acreýage, loto -ecstasem ovonbem, Il took 9. 1yIed and tarin prîces f romt18861ta18vi3 malter quietly a. long a. it2q pet Insu- llisive, are thon quated, an analysls lution aDot penacel. of whicit follove: hi b.od eena uoreneabet- but t' o farm prices reachcd 7. 1cents. taraienl h e rlCofrnc fFrontlthaI ime back ta l* IMthe a re- 1844 sud thtoeeeeffloln spîi it icitmg=nVer teit b.!ov 36,3M*,319, snd thte later titreatenedl tedisrupt the nation lov i l a ,8,00bse maeitl nul miefst h Teli m prie rangel freint64. 5 conts couference, viticit va. bll InewovIn 1384tale110.3. lunl>81. Only tvioe Yonk, vas requirel t) take action on mince 1880 bas lthe Unit -d States crm an appes rtre lte Baltimore con' alien buelthe ignui e. of18nfi6:9e ference. The case va. tttbf-lthe that va. lu 188N3, vithe b.tarin pries ,od foucsAr telrevtoitadbeo vas 4.1 centi. sud in 1881, uhen lthe9 suspnde forfaflun 1> aaun~tyie!d va %.;80, 280,00 1, sud lte prieait claes db tagng10bis vile, thelthe ftaa110.3. Balimore conteronce holding titat the fl with a visible supply aof61,- lava of Msa-yanl penmitted sucit8K) 50 1, th~e bigit and 10v prie record manumision. Thte Geucral Conter- waa 744, 7>f, and lte. Herald resns eue upbeld tii docilon. that the pcedent phenemenaily 1ev The decisîre ca3o. bovever, vts of 1r 'ces are net unrcssonai In îvîev et Bisitap James A. Anîrevi ef Georgis. bte glutled condilicn of lte principal Bieitop Andrevs bail marnied aGoongl itotpuigmelnsdltIlt vidow, vitcse former buabsul, &inca tact et lth eeai being vertb lees otiter poS»mions, badi ot hon sevoraititan lthe as liceot ef priducllou vili slaves. Wbon the BL-itep married ho but ton i to divert lb. present acresg Focured btes. slaves tb bis vif, by a h.poucino cremoepoil- d.ed At trust. Inbte rp. ono ouem The connc ciln ot s geuer.&I upenin- Itble sald, .anitn'elta tie tenient vit'à elavoitolding ta-isol a 21,<x).CO) bus',ois raibed in Miciti- profounl et n allon lunlthe N n herz citucitsol l v. clI.nad ~ gan. onl),!9,00 .010 have iteen brougit vou'l ad intascl idte provisn abumarket. Titeseefigures may net rpltio wo Ge nralctte oince bc< correct. but lthe Impression la erbèldlug lte GnrlCneec ota amr r os damtrOyoy plen1f1het lt tine raI Gen- ageer tat frera.inaniciputiun eral Supen o edency, sinco it "nuild 4ie eerenv usuilpto bu impssi.ble lur s slavea-holding B eh- ever bell bock. Mys1 tonlena arrivai. ~pte pretlde ovinr the Norzbe: n con- et Du!utit, Minneapois sud elter foruco Tte oinlo o ~ edillci' heavy trading points e t te nontit, wa. ton Bishop Andrews ta tiosisetOf @3m t)a aiî elgitto tle Iuesua- islslaves or resgn.hie M;Ilo. The irsI P horuli o ;rte lsue-hie peplo eU of a-te ofTraite men, itouever, an. ailov hlm Io (lm sud ltaI theafflect of lt.b u owpriei DtivEul.. tà < Pý is. by nu mosan. a. disastrons as mlgit Stope wvon. et once teken tovar1 ýe i sppsl 3uning a division etflte churcitand is _____________ neel.The South demand- a pro- WAT ECTYH LSIE poto sihar. ofthiteapit:i. asi-e.e A H IYHL IE etc., ot the Book Concerts. anl I tis di- ,oC oma(.t, oau,.a,.. ake a Big viiion vas generally asemoul i a s> »*.Pd 0 (bb. quabeby lte Nertiton coufereu ea , A h etnetn ftqCu Ow >lthe opposlition ot a feu w.ttt zWInia±tnautlt Cul aven, lthe United States Sup em -itI I i-si- ofet(ook (ouuty lhestiret igun1 itad- fiually te docile lthe ,uesîn, uilb i t in u a¶ 1oeai bàtIle, lthe1 witich Itiin lu aver ofIthe tSonthu. ilgiration oftwlài- it wil preitsily nibliebu A cal to a cnvetioncf Sulteo. easure b., tthe presactil generation,1 N!etbodi,ti vas thon Issue', and t»vtn eL;Alany.wi rmt .NIay. 1V45, dolegales from ail t o a ave- an orIer ton the' 120,il s approvel msk- holding State.s s4embled 1t L.ouisville. ung a fermai demnaul upon te city ot Ky. Bore an ongsnizaticn vas effe-teil, (1hcyo orlit p ,sle utalb. ct sud the tiret gneral cent.ence de-baiprîpet;,xcrty. <t(ily 0on ie îas a cldelupon fcr May, 18 6, aI Pele- 1peeIicie 0 oedrttia bung. Vs. SînelthaI t me lthe orgs-si-' juke, oý.. t ILest, a bluff un lthe part of lion bas etc ily p reese 1in mt 'engt 1the ( OuA; jC'mmiosioners. Il le aud riches. although lthe war sanie-,Ihan - iai it ate ans object vhat impoed lils progreas. h bai ta In. 1h.eunature <of viicid e t 701 nov about 12,(») citurchi ani the apparent. camte number o! eli-ngymen snd n ai-y Altorney.ludil sali, a x-er,ling 10 a 1,500,010 communlca-slî. disuistei, thât lthe ci unty,ë intentions BisbopAudr<oeecontinuel activeîy a,,,-, cerious. -1 xhali. ealtd ho, -ssk ongagol lanlthe IninL.l y untll ithe L'oanly Boa il t) pas. an ender death lu 18-.2. %M ay lo~ i tat year h.gmaking lthe demand on tite city menely or-esohodlainNov Urlean,: t o nexî " a nece-46ary legal tormallty. The dey, ho lied i.uddenly of heartl alIure. c7 it li, ot courie, refusee tacomply, .e va. 7 à yeamâ elî. a dtlitI shall fil. . b Il for zthe c t.un'.I,-. il li pr bib y coerne ii>in WHEAT IS A DRUG NOW. t l i rcuit Court. 1 expect ta gel a i leeiulon and cari y the cse"bufore lte rsamers H.Idtag Beek uith th. iH.P. .1 Supreme Court in Iheý October tormu ot Obtafez mv lab.r Rate.. Ibis yOlr. The Chticago Bei-aid puablisitea, udr »I a n ut the o. <f100 thu theb.ceunly the caplien, "Wbeat le a Drug," albei a legal .-ight t. the land. Ais ton thre-colma rtice, biiting ithcompelidating lthe city for its building, saicthree-clumtei-lic.wba-ellintvelt I s.id anotho-r question, but 1 don t preosentlowevprieo etitat islthe nat- I hn' i the coui te.viii tink ilnoce- uval rest te b prevaling financial sany. Titis le net preclmely a qîuesb8ion depnssie, asisle by nerpelu lOfe equily or justice, y.,u mon. ether aud lte holding bock of marketable bs d te t b. îeipbbti, v'c vre suppîliesof lte farmens. Interviewé ets ie v zzilplte r mttnbankereansdiencitant. are aise 1praclicallv lthe cama. The ity rays citel the trendet them vieve eemîng j ee'en-elgbtthsetflite couuty taxes, and t0 ta àimte Ihal lte affect o! exisllug the pis esue unf Oleiflanlitheo uese c:nUin nfinance are net gresI, but prv iot a lel tre are direetly sîbrîbutabie ta the 1sv Ior Tetl daled tru enpply sudemand. The maltiez taken 1 y ofre thtie County Commiîsieners by lte Herald ie oxtrome y bearle, a ir hetlaoslteao!uitridiHl vUIi ho moon by the subjoined excerp!s: wr trs ion lthey gel Item. A Wbeat in proilmalo In aU tbe mai-kelt@ 000b-uilidhzg tour county purpasea, of the vorld. For veaks ltbas t in51wl i n uloziure in vitici t tebuthe clrug-aI prices uuprocedeuted sit jai, Io ure otflthe proloté dimcussed. peulalle, n lufarr rut ua.1Corporation Countel Rubon. lhlnkm [iba. suk -uev IXI ev marksct e b l 1-a1 etsettiM uAa. - -net- NI "4W lutmE il ENGL.AND. LAnuoifewm'5t or ekd.s.m.s .tsm5at 1. M.t. )q th.eOses. la a Comi hm. irr-our UmJ.sti r i, Ne Mevs'- sketch .orHM@ car.., Gir.. Up "H I. Us.. Mn. Gladitone ha. resigu d the Brit- eah à nemiershlp. the loader.4hlp et bis panty, and hietest la the Cabinet.He wili retalu hIz e st in lb. Rouie ef Commons s 1ev menthe longer, pi-ob- îbly M-illi a di smolution et FaIlaMUit whlch canuot b4 delakyel iteyond the arosent year. Arcitibild Pbiiip im- ,cs, Earl et Hoeeoy, la the Grand Old Monu" eue. sà. .Mr. GI& lz.tone retires full t ofso and itone s, wlth lb> reputatlen et havln- tccompliahed mos f onrlte oomon î op:e et Great Britalu sud Iroland tl &ai any British abateoman et mny tUne or ago. Enteng Panlimeni daty-oe jean ego a.sbte nemnie et a Tory Duke ton a pocket borougit h. ba. advanced pellticafly eu-ery year ine that lime. Ho bas alvays boon p;rogresoive. Hailed lu bis yeunger dave se the z islng hope o et te tri and nbn lin-Toi les ho quitteil Ibeir service for liazt cf lthe people viteDlteé WILLIAM UvARu GLAI)5TOIÇS. retorm cf lte corn !usWB . p n pcsed. He becamo the = occst et Cobden in tast great agitation' andi @cu o rn.lped Eobden and bis more nad'cal. col sarne, John BrigtL. He took a firm attitude bintal e1 unlveraity retemm.sol and s u cloquzent advocale In faver otflthe removal cf ltbe ioulait di@abiltîl, et 1847 sol 1548. Servlng le the nareoua Whig ministnles balveen 18414sold1800, b. devoted bim- self te question. oftfinnue, le uhicit ite became lthe acknovlodgel master. He surpa-selBrigit andles.= u inthe energy viltb wich ho ungel the sec- ouI retenu bll. He citamplonel ltbe ballot set. Ho disestabliied ths ch urci te Ishaaitlnrily. He on- operatoil vîit tite late Mn. Fermier ln e.tablmblug lte Englisit public sehool svetem. sud later villa Mr. Acia là maklug thal uystem tree sud popular. The Irith <enanàts ove blm tIbogreatest debt of gr-atitude. Ho gave theni securlty et tenure aaaaicol nt aa L eteary in'eret in titein ferme. .7rovniug glery, as hih. tmumlt thougitt, vas the passge efthtie Irisht hoe. ule bl li trong thlie Brillai Comoame<,atter mlxty jeta se gtatin io I re'n an sd nmo. ou luGreat Biil. Tonmy V at ho ha. beau the greateet reformeof elthe &go vould bu 10oex- vrom It lîdequately. He tau probe- blyiteen théegreslesl neeomer et lthe Failsit speaking race. The Grand 011 Msonnov retia. tom publie Ilte in lthe %5ti year of iîaganresd lu the sixty-,ecoral of hi. publie uteful- nes. Thte Queen's announcement efthlie ne- tir.menl et Mn. Glalsime t) lthe peo- pis id coulainel in lte court cîrcular ad la wrilten by a court officiai Thte klate ment le adae ltaIlite 111.Bon. W. F. Gla"ton., hal an audience et lthe Queen and lenderel hi. reigna- lion, viticit vas graciously accepte 1 by item Maýety. It alle ltaIt te Queeun bai summ-ne lsrl Roebery, K. (.,, Socrotary of State for Foreign A ffaire, ani ottere hlm lthe pieot of Prime Minisiter, vacatoil by lthe Et. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. membir ut i'arlamentt and tit Le d iVosobery bas acceptel iten Maiesty*s otte. PrimeIilnl in-rBe eerry iteld bis firnt cabin t couneif at bis residence. AIl lthe minlle r e.proet except 'ti. Asqulith a d M,. HOnnI Fovie, lthe preo-il -nI oft1he -local goveî ument bsard, vit', bovever. %vlU relsin their euh os. Tite c .uncil vas In session ton enashort liae. Upon île ctnolusit n Lord Ttosbenry sent a nwusge te theo Queen. aubm tting ute names 0f îLe members oft tii new cahinel. AN EXODUS TO CANADA. A <omy of HUgsrians t. asoute en Xo,theste.n lFrz,&. Tite eyes ofthlie HUgarianso! lthe Ufltol ýý,at-s,@a. IbiM lime, fixel upon tien. Joitia Novae.% posteof.elthe Grac. 1 eformel Citurc' t ofPlttabi-e l. - Mn. Kevaca lesa Hungsnisu hlm- soifan ol . esBounte bitaa colmzy et 100 familles ç,t hlm countrymen into lte Canadien Norîluveet.there toselîle sud tollov the occu.pation for viticit natare filtsd them, vhicit Ia fsz-iung. Thte exoduu vii lakre place about April i sud sonorsi Amenican ciés vil i thus lose part ceteir foreigu population. Ameag lts-mo trom wviicithe langesi numbun yull bu laken an. Nev York, Buffalo aud Nwark. Only titree taint. 1110e are goîsag treim Pltaburi , but quite a numben viil1ev. lb.eok e e g on le the vIcInlly e1 Unloubovu. IThitea of gettlug lthe Hunriu lu Amerlos le mollie on the àrnn leuIs e! thb Wesltbas be pzi sciteme wltb )Ar. Kovacseover since be came le tlois country sud setie la Pittbumg Ivo sud a halt yesreag_ Ho ssye lb. Hungarians an. pooeei adaptel te lthe vomk lu tactocloNait lte cokeoevens sud l ithe mine&evioh ltey bave te penform. Titoy wvan .tsr et 1home, audito vo nidb"voeÎ lbem, famnens hor. eHo bas»en ne- getiatug viith lbe Can"ad Goven. meubleir even 'a ear, sud, h4g M lus it ekte. arraraue, thmq 1ileivent 01, th.,hlad & À 1jp k

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