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Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1894, p. 3

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asmu I T UNm1Hie reuowOla eble "tups as ~*hu.is-aay elpf .1l eu- jwpasla ith e «M LDe Witt Talmage, D. U AXa estSunaySMitse- 4he 1w e.Ialan truIl À-litb, vas1îlot doa b7 lb. lacily o! ville mnigllen- lre,-sometlmes oseie 7qeoflte boalorsiomia th le ammof Paul, li sIO. Tie borse1 où. ieantylj hd is lus lefol ! vanb.- linte fleihihollter- Chrnistiaa but afler bil frcibli orse i. vas a sua md prencbed Christ Ln tthlb.clty vas abaken teIts Ueyvlvesauatiorlly for bie thbe popuiar MryIo: "Kiff * ~ TRe City uasur- aê y the olcelet l.Cil- bacir os-ape. - Marti!hie »a but ou lie vail, sud theu ,Vmjiecfl dcléarover mmd bar- tegarions ouhslda. Il Ï Wése loer baskets onl of te bouleu= & k opgforuiPa"b inIen.Lalenlii deo nstrai B ha9f1ele ls voh, laModuee amler h eon.?"lnehabiats.g vui prole aouai an- 5 Pasebouioignito rouagi abu rets i s!!ow lae ose io Soiete i i pU olace e o he fobmesitei okl ndce iaI b hieay o!he pviosobouetean-o blie dal. *Hers h. le!tBer.h lh of ifermiloa"ani bims lgqflersute boare tIoie. bave veai Whdee le ho?" lb.ouasketnete itil. bosketlslofieitalhoedgcof lie lâl enit leral mmdl!i leh ignilismoQI te Ioverm, are t ty mit emlllusl, Lot usbanl s (enlier d letai wber ovn, uo?" lie askielnkeeliserile, Pui hi *~~~~o ipui tp aigo" fatouandalou. shits u iaIPeourls lnmr aur tea teryet vilcI bsteaslonile eeket ml Ha lve. Ap thra prioftoe =adoIn ataetl, vasd ltown b Oberve fite val eiten-o motb r bodIvioerswli aI fslne * ta lia bsakt eyer kneboy ul vonli depettau"lie sredongli0fil. Htovilîl bai bhea rthken d the àprUeotpe ont a" on fotanhd &oute *tubson aba varks insPomphyltu, Cp have nMgaccomApplii.AI ilsr * wlgs liaI momkraelo goinu usal niti ceng a urt o Ilet.Jw Tes- ObertveoBretnver ba aveeen I- Tiresier e!resuarocThelon vul maeyer ho te-ben w glord usly bd a hobld ee. othexampe a! hoi How fuI h"bmlenu rnanPithpi mle Mile aanenenrodah o.un- What lsllhavemmd ahle oieadlng, m Nse ave ok la dlei lica Capp! _dc h, Olti&4 Mdos. Butl oerI brlnptat keb o ndcisdpenabl gadencatqammpartn gr ewle- 'wm e wsldpefman h ua men it-n iq 1 eyer bave sse nlrob uptolne ut tit nce a oaet bavesp, ~'te rolyd.or tut en n eie vblarproofby * a ietheo ganIe & Uflc l? hal 1! old otIl? Vcala o n rsom-e- efos whiei seemiblu buavenic Important - erac:Tiere arefonr l1,1ou" livef.thei f#mirh o! a ugntuo. pp»gl fgou a drint y tul e envali. de. Oe boao NabWfailfelgbled ilid Ti alp o! hn iiii bré .tb.i Oe4 ie. lot Ivmeeiyle freu inte Daim M.sWall thle cable tbai hold eIl ourinir the sbtp of the churcli la the. northeasat storai of the centuries. reor« 1ervicei, epua th ropeY Wbo lied 1;1te te basket? Who steadled tl llklous prochr s e stepped lote it? Who rebutel moë,a musle of Ibhearmor db.mlued m aeux- tom lool f ront ilm fnual» lbhe sake toncheil the grounil and diselmaqre I is magalicent cargo? Net isotor mm« hm bam ose toaua, but thoi à ves no von doue thal day l Dmewa or iD &Ul the esth omsparod vithhlia-u Portance of! hou vîek.Wa I hy boit la tbers liea a hast could el1? Ifthe soumitet the mob et the imer hait 1lieu tommy « "Paulmuet lob. mmnof ilh ai, aM vo viii teke mie -ç« ouracîveel" No, no! Th"y beld lb. r=o ei ilag go did4 me for thie V eta hurci th ah bouud et9nM eveir ulil bc- complsh. Bt CW kuovo adham made etermal record of Ibefr undoriak- lug. A" thh.y koov. Howvexulloatà uhey must 'bave fait vien 1h.y rea ie lm lors ta the. Ha- mas, te the Ocrulnlhlans, 1 the Gala tlls ate eEphdluiste0th. Pblllip- oisa, to lhe CoI<ln, la the Thes- salordma, to Tuuelhy, te Titus. to Philemon, le the 1lebrows, and vheu they icand loy ho a ikei onl of primon, u'lt le emiliquake uulockim<5 the door for hlm, and ook coummail o the Alexandrlacarnsiip vheo ithe sallors were nearlv cared ta death, and prebed a&mormon Ibal DrIy shooli FeiLs off iesjuigment @st! 1 bear the men mnd vamen vho helped liýa dovu tirough the. indow and over lie Wall t&leIn ls.private ovor am IU Ive effected MM I escue! In com= Pahliwothera amy gel 1he glory b1 l rr, buno one @hmll rob us If thesatisfaction o! knowlng îl.; e held th. rep." ' Thers are al to b. about 69,M0 miniatueaof reUgoien la h).country. About 50.1 I arrant, Ceame nm emrly homée vhichitmte10srngfor th.e ecmarlem of 111.. The.e ich tunkers mmd merchant. geraUly become baketuand merchants. The mont o o! is viebecorne minltere ame lethemeoft tis. holiadt terrifie alngglt10.1holir everydagbread. The &"lgtle th le lthoola edncmtmut! ha" son toeveryu1 r tnom tie parental table for elgt yers. The cher chuidres vere morn mcnily appareled. The on et collego vr litile wille got à bundle tomhoe la il vee the eocks %bat motiar lied bull, sIting up laieetaInlght, hien sigit olt as gond os once l vas. And there m" wer. sme .dollcacies tram tie siterle hanil for the voracious appeie of a iungry slddent. The y= m oby,,mnd the aou bas bein o0 d inlaprecblng ihe glorions gospel, à"d a great revival comesand masis by scores and huit- dredà acceph tie gospel front, te lApa of that youag preacher, and fater &Md mother quit ov , are vlstlng the so mou theb village pansoage, mnd at th close 2f a Saohiielofes luibre*dng father aind oUer ratire 1 rom, the.amn llhtalag the vmy mas klng theraif heoeam do atblgtemki lient more coafotaile, m-7.Dg il ihey vant anyihhlg la the ight itut 10 rkack on the "mL And thon aU a efatber mnd moth- or talk overýhe gracions influences of the deand mmy: 14Well, il vas worth ail vo vent ihrough 10 oducate that boy. It vas a bard pull, but we held on 1111 the vork vwas doue. The world may fnt know it; but, mothor, ve held the ropo, dldn't vo?" And the voice, trcutulouà wth joyful emotion, re- sponds: "Yea, faher-, vo held tie rope. I feel my u-ork la don,. Nov, Lord, letteat thonu thy servant depart in peaco, for mine oyes have secu thy avaon"F"ahaw,'say the father. '*I nover feU ws muci 1k living in my Ille as nov! 1 vantt 10 sec vhat that follov ia going on to do, bhehbasbegun bc velU'1 Hiddenm Tron thev.,rtd. Oh, mon and women here assea- bled, y u rag sometimes how you have fo0ugit your vay lu tie world, ebut 1 thlnk lier. have been helpful influences tiat you have ne ver fully acknowledged. Ha Iherenot heen smre influence lu your early or prea- eunthborne Ibal lie vorld connot ado? eDoce tmere fot reaci b you from among lhe Nev Englmnd lis, or front Western prairies, or froui Soutiern plantation, or tfront Engllsh or Scttii or Iriub home, a cord of influence tbat f bas kept you rigit vhen you would - have gene astray, and vhici, aller y ou 1had made a crooked track, recmlled -you? The ropeiumy b. as lonz as thlrty . eror 5W1 miles long or 3,000 miles 1ot but hanfis liaI vent ott of mor- tisght long mgo .1111 hold the . rope. Yeu vant a very êvifl home., and 8 you ueed te rovel hlm vili siarpeat t »pure, and 101.lb. hereins lie lbase up- on tie ueck, and 10 give a about 10 a rracer, if yen amreuolte 0ride out of breaci of your moherae prayers. Why, b a ship crosing the Atlantic la moen , da csn' oil away froint1h.! A , = fi d hem i b te lookout jas ho a lakes ils pla nmd Omds hem on the cmut e shée omasthe rattinesto disen- itaugle a nope l inte bempest, and finds Iktetti ainglag on lie bammock wien ho tm urn i.Wh ot b. frmuk and 9 acmowedgeîtThemost of us wrould *long mgo have been dashed te places bad noe gracions and l.vlni bauds stuU nilovingly and mîgitl, held yad ba h. vent lieré le -prmyfe» her beuaeboid, sud vile IbeeMo oienin ébevrote ltaI beallfui evemnin a ili agtmfor cieerlag I loto te Iaiabib «MWa Shallibe. h o »revend for sucli unpretending jet everlaatng service? W. go lute long "inoù laprovo lt" ve vittb.oable o areoazepeople tu esa vbehouthe" la on. reeaoe.Wv fat te preosl, a"l thaif bellar lima mll-God vWin iinoiuc ns. W. shahl bave IhemUi.elout. Tounbouil' au o b. 9il of the lmpolllenqasci bavlng mirland la your perler moinIi. lroiloo, aileelial peilbemesvii teom&" laiwv hb.mou atemquat vllh ail lhe icavenly heumaholdt What rehe«i er ld ime,&M - otal of .ilmafreminimceuoe.. If chier fait te glve Iatroductlioa, Gai wi» teksemata rougb, unitbefore our tsiretomlny-teur bours la Heavoa -if Il vers câleulmlod by eanliiy lime- places-have passai veoWohm eeetma tli vitb more hcavealy cebobeillo Ilain aOur salir. mottai stalse emet wih ert&ly . c.ebriie. my Wvie ma"e greal noise of uneoulnus viiiI# on tlt1aI est by the fromîdoor of the heaveuly temple. wvile tght np viii. im erm's reaeh o0f the beavenly lircue vill b. mmy vi., tiaugb they coul no preacb lernavos or do great ex- pîote fer Ccd, novertheleae hel lte rope. corne, lot us go rigut up mnd accost thone on Ibhis cirele of hoavegly tirome. Surel ytiey muet bave beea hurjod viti aIl h. cathedrale' souail- !mg a dirge miii ail the 10vers of an lie cilîes toling tih. national grtIef Who art thotu, mighty one of Heav,.e? 1*1 llved by choice tie unmarrlit 4a~hier lae.%u, l hmelit mi t take c&n.ýof my prents tla ei '0 ffge ,, . o *1d, itidul don- plaints ail their querulom asnda ministered toa litheir wmtfor tveffy Lot uspason round lhe cire.of thronosl. Who art thou, righty oue of Hesven? 'Ivas for lhirty yezré a Christian inemld dsuffe-ed ail the vWhile. occaionmly vxitlng a note of "ypmlhy for thome vores off thea Il anddvas getioral confident of il th"s vie bai trouble, and once iD mvbiii. 1 vas utSogenougi ta mako a gbr- meuh for thal paon fmmlly la lhe bock Ian.." Paus ou 10 anober linon.. Who Mt thon, aplghly one of Heavea? 11 vas the mohen who raisci a viole fsmily ot cilidren for God. mmd ibey are ont in 1h. vorld, Christiamer- chante. Chistianrnecbmnice, CirIstia vives, and I bave bai fIl revara of il my toîL"l Let us r7ass on in lie circle of tiraDes. 11 iehd a Sbbmli scbaol clase, and tiey were alvays ou my heart, and they ail enterel lie kîngdom af God, mmd I amling for their arrivai." But vho art tion, the mlijrty one o! Heaven on îilsotierlirone? -In lime of bitter persecution levnod a hous lu Damascua, a banse on 1he vall. A m-m vii. presched Christ vas boundeil from street to streel, and 1 bld hlm trou lie assns, mnd vien 1 founil lieu bvemkhing lu my bouse and 1 could me longer keep hlm safelyl1 advlsed %là, 10 fiee furis ilt, mmd a basket vwu lot- doua over the va»l ihie mai-' treateil mm a nit. and I vsu ane.vbo belped holi the tope." Andss mi, " Iai thst mmd ho answored, "That And whiUe I wvastoinlaamazernent 1 heard a strong voie.tiat eounded as lhougb Il migit once bave beeti bourse f rom ,mmiiyerure mmd triumpiant a. thougi Il migil b a vo b.longed to one of!the martyrs, mnd it saI, "Not mmny rigbtý, not mmmy noble, are called, but God bath choen lie weak Ihîngu of lie vorld la confouni the thînga vhlch are unlghty. ind base Ibings oethle voni, and thîngs vbich are deapised bath (lad choen-yea, and tingsvwhich ame not- to hriug tb naugit ihinge wvich are, tiat no flesh &houli glory lu Elis preence." And I looked to ase.froinvhence lie voice came, mnd, Io! itwas lb.herq one who bal sald, "*Througi a vincow. in a ba.kct, vms I let dovn bç lite vall!.' Irbe alory ef tbm NIL flenceforti tink of nothlug as ini- significant. A Little thmg mamy decide your aIL. A CunAnder put out tram England for Nev York. Jt vas woili equipped, but ln putting up a stovo ln th. pi lot box anmail vas driven 100 near tie compase. You knov boy liat mail vould affect lb. cornpss. Tii. ahip's rofficer, doeeelved by Ibm!. dlstracted compaso, put lie milp 20W miles off bier righl course,,mmd suddely lie man on the lookoul cried. "U.nd, bol" aidlie Ship vas ialted vilhiu a fev yards of ber demnolilion on Nantucket ehomîs. A sixpenny nail cameo near wreck)ug a Cunarder. S"rnnopes hold mighly rdealinies. A minister seated lu Boston et bis table. lackini v ord, 'pute bis bjiui behiud his e ed mmd tiltu bgckhlscflmlr to link, mmd lbe ceiling fallemand rruses tb. table and would bave crushed hlma. A iiniâter in Jammioet nighl, bï thli lit o an usetciclled f the mdely, l.laetfrein stepplgver a precipîce a bu r fot.t-W. Rob- ertson, the celebrated Eagllsi clergy- Sman, said liat ho entered the ministry th* akn fa o.-H h vin bloauoua va, an a certain day, lie Spealsi nquai6îîon vould have been establshcd la England, but Il blev lie e tber way, ad liaI dropped tie se- cursea lasltutlon, vili 75,000 tans or IsippIng, 10 lie bolca of lie se& or liung the apliulerod loge on tie rocks. * Nthing unimpori-lan uyéur lite or COUGIffN M FIL'E. DECLARED MOT GUILTY 0F CR0. NINS MURDER. wu &»*ess.la JeOge Tatbita court Whemt tie Aunnsmonuetb laiMde - The Film- - EsU DaM Otby Mis GOod Foruum.- mn 0Out but sm omma Ena Pîmom aCame T'he second trial of Daniel Coughlla on the charge of camp lcity la tho morder cf Dr. Cronin («IDe W a clou. Thureday ln Chicago, by tte unes- p6eteil return, of a verdict of aoquittal Ddu Coughlln, afler nearly Sv. years of lmprleonment. wau declared a fiee iâ. Bym'vrdictfhiîpemhevse dselared innocent of oorapirlng le ciméesor particip.tlng ln the murder of Dr. Cronin. Few ezpoled thaI DAN COUGELnt. lb. verdict ivouli bo vial Il vas, mad no Oanmtîcipated liaI an Magree- msnt vould te reaebedilunow aint a lime.Il vas elgit minutes 10 il oWolacinlathe torenoon visa Zuilge Tutu» bai onnluded is lacharge, mand at lvenly-five minutes lu 5 O'clook la lte a!terun lb. jury flled itt court à"l lireugi Foremin Hoisman ianied il., brio! verdict 10 tie Julge. Thns Il obhem leàs Ihan lv. heurs ta deaide one o! the maol noted vas oma tramblu e nila the Wladsoi Tueaior ieck May 22 bihm msilated b-sdy vas foami lua *catch-bast aS"b coumeot of Ibîhe trest mai tvenstom avence. Foui play iWl. fearmi. T. T. Comblil. vltb vboni the Dacior lirmi. vas ouvimea i bat blm !riend ba* boem mur- dored. Dr. Croulna. ioma lu the Cise- n"-Oml ver* loud lu doclmrlairt t hob bai beem deeoyed tram bi hoime sol touliy joua r. asoos COONSW "T-iras i." deis li itiaTTi.oasih,.dmlusiemd la the nounber. of the mcimiy Wuloch ibai 1h07 id mol ei mies dare te venture os plama- limes, Ssmog preaaed. ihey &,id the &tory o9 tb. oma5iltut ia . e»09t le Claes- Gaei and lése mimty te De .Croule. The noirycii wblcb the polieb.d te tari Uw» la untsvellnu lthe uysiOr - ruuadlrig thm dlaappoma.co t fDr.- Croula vue a caii lots la ishles coby Ibo mmneho omibad i hm 1 bie demi b. This card bore the amre Madl.m8jmal tPalrc t'iulll- Vlew.luso amembe et Campm~ot lhe Clau-na-GaeL.Tb* mia Who boklthe Dactor away au Ml @aid ihat, oeeet the employa. of the lot. mm bad boom lnjured.mnd an O'Bullivm bail mde &coméract wlîh Dr. Croula 10teaen amiy of his monm% ho veetfl io ahould mnto à11 ocident the Doctor re&dlly amaotod ta oote LakeVlw. o'ullvan. them m $ai& trmo l et tovu. The flottai »t list a buggy dn&va by a White boume vihlc tbe man bmd fia wmlll& ng.d tlut1man m wbo smv the Dodtor olive sas Frank Bemulant. aho tatlkod iuth blm wbIt o h wmaoli glu the-buggy tm front ai hls honteetmi648 Narth Clark mreat Snday uoîtegitmi y I. ihiee mcouonm buanRf *zoodtiou, touad a truick hall 0"sd *sucoitoc saminateil vllb, froitb blond lb a ciump of bush.. by the roadalde inuIEvamston avenue. nemI lulmer sireet. Fra" YWodruff vas aaiastd for horso- ettma ou Mmy B. field a tory o!bay- log drlvexa wavgon Ibai hauled the truck cotaielug the body of Dr. Cronin. A souermi ordor vm u uu"barntIbhepo- lien dapauimoml te lok foirmabite hae ihm vo oi u bo tyi o My&Il vas disoovered thaiPlth ima loy aue reopei la Notb Clark au"% . cuir thmeaZut Chiago &tenue latilon.bai lest t ueh a bouma ou% ?ha idecipionof lb. maWho cailed fur $ho bor'o on Ibheaibit bn queiom vas foi te correspond wi tbat civea by Frank SoamimuandMri sa Conusaof the mmm vho tbob Dr.Cronin trom hie oillca Further developmeuta brouffihiouitbthlacs tbmi Danil lCoughill. a daetoilvo ot tb.e Rut Chicago avenue station. lied bir thé lborne for tb. mon. The @mxme day ihu$ DE Croulu'. bailli d.comDomed body wlu found lu the' catch CAUgLo O cAOUADsu muacNi As . j Il arat»Mma 1) (DCARLaon corrMua (2) caUS9as. mSNe(3) 0ouLLIVANm sas. <d) 0out.Ltaz5 EoOUMe criminal cases la the histiry of th. counry-& came vhich 1<0ok over four mouths for the recounting of ieci-ol dents and bloody datails, and which toal able and brillant couel moyen- teen dm7010 analyze and explain the teétimoqy. It vas no vonder thal thoe vho listened vure sstoniehed. iohnP. mUssA sMiARTe mOUBa The obeeru came naturally fromthle bhrale .! frienis of lie acevsed. Whountho verlot bili heen ruai.,samys a Chicago dispatoi, tiere vai a fual luinute o! silence. Thon a man, vbo shood near John Kuze near thie voa wall, siou*ed. 'Tiree cheers for Daniel Couilin.* The yell vhlcivent up 50 excited Judge TuthilIl liaIho eauoi ta hie fel sud ecammuded the bmliffs ta lock lie icora. But sorne one vas t o quick for tie court. The vords bai hardly talon ftm iebiion 's Up' wien achear rang tirough lhe building tram lie crovi lu lie corridor. Avmin and gandld the val). ocho tie eIs o! tie mat ibth insidamaid onîsie lihe courl-room. Coughlin seemeil dzei nutil a voîl-knovu momber o! the sa- ciety to vich lhe prisoner used. lu b.- long graibed bis band aud multeied bis congmtulationa. Al lb). lime .Big lenati meil 10 b. lna atrance. [udouly ho put'ed imlnei togetier aid turncg 10 lie jury vilci siooi Smillagupo bhlm renced ont is iad andviii p emotion eemd hu& lbmnks ta lhe juro. IIIUTORBY Of TUM CRONIN CAS&. principal Frt. C bnmoainu thle Grat Trli Wb la KmNoewied. The eonpiraor whib luînated la e . mutiler of Patrick lleary Croula on the nl t lis$, èy. 1850.te Lake Viev vas omemmateld ai a timo Whou Le Caren wus lestiylng lu a Briish cort, btai- lmg theoIrish causa Thsft. add muai- terst a thIbmcrime la %Kgland, ani the London dm111.. dovoei colunims ta lb mutles- Drn, Cronin va. a pomleni pbyetlamuao Chicage loi yomrs ho bai piscticai lu baln. Opt. Sohsoiuer homoS of the Carl- b in ommuil Deacilr voe put la cbibgo et th ibon sud m bemmly thorags vGr iport tuat «DIS Dam hîd beaIsu ibmhraa abol titem hfore tb. merverr ta compsay vlîb Jobhn1P. Kme. Patick coouy. lail» eCoc.aer IbmFox," amd Icommu 0'Uullvam Tha folleo- lmg dey. May 24 Il55 Couibltu vas arr«smd. May USPatick OSuUiva vas ta&enoou mesumiad Jod.ueoU vailm liourk wusek etai the bars A cmus5 0 mvides,* vas collected. The &menu$i 0 esmilmany Ioehbue vus no are&& Ibai the coraor'eslalqu"ai. whbcoimmenceil Joue 4. did mot finih mb la ibprs 111laoe IL P'rom thielkmno asociationslii Couzbitn. BeVaundmi fimia vu.bailfor trial. DBoguvwuoulot urdima ot Camp 20 ar tbe Cim-na-Geel. and prold.d vha tbm vole wv atkem to expol Dr. Croula ftmhebmorder an th. *round ibatho va a Briish epy. Lttle Klao vwu belliou the testimony o! Saloon-looper Nimman. -ho Identlfled hlmaà s bavînz boou vllh Daniel Coughtlm la bis place a#Iil oclock the nlght oaithb. murdor. The liai. va% lucliumd ta blieve ihat Mnitmai talsm- tairai. Hia description etthbe mm aaere ln every dotail!ta Aacro Foy, but et the Foy'a con ectlan wllhhe.case.ma swuorua to by bis Uil. it mi naiknown 1ta the po- lice. WUUaUPI& C*OiINe aonv vAS îouVa 12ho triai o! Couablins. Daurk. Ot1ullvam. Bogas and Kumme vas bugus Augt n0188&S It vu. inashoiDec. i1 and the verdlCi seut Coughin, Douih and OSauil.vau la tbe peu- lteniay for 1f!. puiKunbo thmro oto hoo yjean andluruiz go tm tic The flul« aimsKun» wu ver emn- farcod. bmo oJudge o oneml. ho pie- aidedat ailietrial. metr$4b&ed doQbte ibat ImRi 7'eaj Ci U qaj THOUGHTS WORTW< 0ur CA REFLECTION. A Plaat. Etresdmg.me iaa" aa Luaas. m«A Who i s alDe bsi A LMWad mileme Mewwlet cf Wl,,. a orksr. Tne lesson for Sunday, MaxoitIX may tie ondinluPro,. D>: 1-24. Tiauk (Cad for a tiiuperce'5 onca la a ile. The tri lb la Ig~ word, andiso Il geti lb el(,~l>ie1 bernaltial sortes very fropolyW are 6o aI t ta nogiecltt ' IsU'u Every wvile tien, lua oesa i bactilities as regards.lishe vils ct- tomperatce. But lie olior i. nal negleolftul. Salinunmd bi. gorgbon dlngvbmat lhey a& and dontestlc Influence, 4md4. uonmllty mmd lntýg rlt u !Su Lien viers vîgi ac.laexeok iold lie insîdicus adianeo i one. JusI nov tiare hbbambi* teaus, wrlllng ave d fon eronges '; gb-liene etia u Union, the record o!. lventy-loi o petîtiona for bars in a yad - thhr:y-nlLe already exîi4tTi1hm vwell-vmlched utunieilpmlty. Pc1b tion dce; nI probhit. el-l licanso-ltcen o6; POINTS IN THI ERMLse( "Wlue lq a mocker." Tiare the lezeni. The flIustratloê,. upon lie streel, and have tie word vas writ. As <luotos, sadly enougi:, 'Tu* di unkaida mliinoyercv i.ei&,, à nla a ibtm te telout'i To mock means firet O!cet to mer, masofaf forege Sit1 Our lge. Hv o l "li lbuemdbabo brutahlty ratier.0, W, nothla mrcai t liai uuion civilisationan a 'flre-vtor." Moiàeeys Ing in our idelis lia aid derlelcu for hely devl # v" n l mittel la easIo l drink la ra«mg i noise. Yes, hovag ly smamsung le1 or, bremklng boait-.l lng hearte. Bmve 1011 saloono ipola bouse? Rgn eel -The fesr 0 a ig 1Masth of a lion." The)"aghm.pwtS stroy. litî wi. vIse tor eut of bis vay, as you doiMoth#t of a roaring lion. WO1 IO hM !0 Anger stnaeib agalimt iIeiO soul." lla ies ranmgtul*t tie hungry lion$.. F-3. Su t riflevl1ti ulrong drink. Andinh1 atrocig? Il la "klng" osr MMue ig iKlng Alcohl"-eail O boy tru«" iowm.el"emlà le kingt The Itag liaI folbov*amo iba lbal govwithbnebrety, lte mut. et drink; ttrife, sing M to peuury, meadicaucy. ihtrq, bellty, failhloàsnesa. Tiers are, legl#mate progeny of druua4#àa" But of the just mm a valka teg rity, anolier sort cf psoiy ohIldren are blesa terim d bringlng out perhma mnoclan0 l sen--e o! lie orginlastoel Doumiy: "Slîail leavae hihmbsl HINTS AND ILLUSTRATION&. Bore la an opportunityr fcr soue gond, praclîcal talk, priculmly le lbi young men of 10-day. bpeak oi plait.ysa. plalmy a4 dees the Bible a tho cur.-e of drink and on the tte loliy a! a lite gîven 10 vorllinees a fîIvoitlty. BHo isleî.vers h et la kindeattthli e ul. Whn Ju18 Buvard sent ils son Willim le collosg ha gave hlm *$1,000 vithi iltia1>go a. oducation. Young Sevpàt eau home at lie end of lie frosiasa X«, vithbthe money Rone eid mmoy babils learned. "You've gaIaIl hb«l eau gzive you," aiid hIi fatier. T*b muet work >our ova vmy thrui .everc, vms lhe not. But kIndia k nd la the eacu, sud 1 tie s304M whicitbalthoroiliy meeyosa WVbat ia Il te b. %'a mn eof ii standingle" Said Mr-. Mallçilaoo liche some yours aince. la ip Fotru -rhe Objeet o! Lite".' 91he £%M c and suffering ilathe univergelaet oui proilea tote eChrisde mii infdel mlice: but teth1ludli o knoltiat toms lante a naae, th athalal bang. iaself t a 0l oag "A an of undorstandlng vi 41 tl out." A deep vell raquires s A ihaîn. Goda owu cable ani b. duva mnto is vola e!faMaallee. "The just mma a eth is l rlty." Gýel a giod*urciase 0 tec-t. Be rcady; tiu'ai a loffl sitead. Au Infidel Imy upon "l bei. I). trienila gatietit With tintsam i mpateno!"« wIvicibunian kini shov e romtpaniona Irled 10sti Holl on, bold n adM. "bld an," h ee miment, and HlifI iag toward tiomn, la GoI' have 1Iloftto hold U t "A talitful a=m ieho Wben you fini sueli am fuînas la auflclet io ireons, andit Ilal s proof of b.taess nsed ta vimi Wo arMvos lu a certain tova- !udenly one of llius vldo A 4.w u' li

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