The B1 ou teO n o n l~ Ia Boud t Sty here.) The May Saeds wIli not be ln It-ua jttS IKT yPett~ IKT yPIIm - - For Town Clerk, , Vote the straefhlTicket and E HRYPYR weil, Weil! OId HBe ed! Are You 1For Asessor, For Assessor, stili ambltlous to dabiJle lnlb oitk9E lkA ,EBP THOMAS, I thought we hall efft-etlly, t8(uelorClletr 4m 1 ed you~~~ir sIy penchant -ut teFrCletr cauicus about two weeks ago. Now 3taire my advice and attend to orF ASAI JOICE, farxmlng. It lanow seOed Urne sud if FrC Wiiiiný von don',t put ln tbe grain lu season, For Comrnissioner of IlighiwOY8, Fr ehuîor of Highways, how can yn'O expect a harvest? YooCO M ,JONOINEN are flot schooled on politici' You are n'ot and neyer ci tiecorne a site- E FrKD onst RSI iJHN KNLIN esaful politlelon. N'.e have 11o lse FrCntbe _)r you un eleetlon daN; uAuet eu SI ,H ( gttalong mueh better withaott you,.... so jîk-ase stay away frorn l'oraiîs ,*Sc1t<ol Trustee, F'or Schooal iTmstse bFr Selool Trustee, ieemrber tItis eletion ts of great E IRA QUIIWII E REfl SUR, Ipoli tial i Iportai fae. If youkkere§!l MICHIAELDBNER, NUSi,~ le do corne, and vote againstithe étraîight' Rupuilicn tiket, we'il ihatnt N ou wit aDeroatghiost for t lie lris lI>, iaP tix u Dtb is)tric t Laltur in I Pri ul ty LRal IT\ in -Lahor. two Yeats. If veau ive us tii' olmelT -l Rlu lai i Itt,4t ibis'tar v l a saleet a tiîî,i(iih .t v IN ), I I i uti-l4atlnbradPlgî~ Itîd Tixi a,~ 'o, (",erure. Now, (1011't v0l _____________________________ it wuui't dIo to defenat our tiorniaslt li lilas been 1îrorislld the joli 1, 1,ileI niaiy yenrs? W~ait 'tilI afler s I owol ,and we'll grait aray fiîv.ur yeî é akif it meets our app'roval. < N EP BLIANDEM CR TT do b ic otent with vor lot juls &*li,0 n TtCA 01 M l 1once &nd ie'Ilbremr'mber vou il C M I S, . Iy r1. ,rale i UA iz< le tel t .31de elas betris?1p -idlli ' .,'e-1, en y * .T IFos SuperiWer, ediot i. s mlebngable thilit -Eldeu l ýn ~ ~TH1OMAS GRLE!!TE ELDEN YWIMâ. 7' is-r musqt lu' deeated at ail litizzrrd, , , > 42 Pl r, A i 2' i Ï ci 'n if we liave to sjriug a viilipaigii i?-< i, i i it 1 11 1 i- . I> 4. yaru ut tlie lat minute. Evern tliiiig v ",V iilia." tI I û or Tove ao (ek -, For Ti nai C lcrk, isý fuir iii wir. Lies coulat whert' triîîh ,~ aEDPZ 'iid resn oufuil. Then repenit bsfore ARE M R h>E CARE>HhMIH it k too Inte. YoLi waflt to l>e ou thle i- vvi wiiiiting ide-wlether right or wrong F-o îu i:1or As'scss-or. For -,.vr MaItke haste. We'll aeceelt you ao - Iî'î. i cn. i. iP In, Une lf dity or ilglt-before E DA NEL LEU. E JOHN H. L1IFIERT, JR retbfl a elle s firbe amaloIW l r.PêTI the1b0N dlal ad -à 1 _î lei P 3> s-ciFor Collecter. rud hr 1. R»IImLL, V.or xa wr c!ard««»fdooeer letueol oein *12 -* E WILLIAM B. SANBORN. E E .K H.WELLS. me o ile Fot i l.C LV o l.IPit Nat'1 Vet'y i senad.1--.S ,2.... 1 a ta6 Pq.,aurg'y aild Bor" s..-.---W. Y. col. of Vot. sur. and Si". of Down With Bossisrn. pice'riervitiv 1;Hsella...1 1 le608For Cornrns,îoner of llighway., For Coniii tocre Figi:s -We Control :" was the elet whbii iaa arv.1 Il, -i r. 00 )4>1 liSLyo »UNT c(roI)& ., V. S, Ut.Vernon, 0., Preast Ohio State ernaniated severtil years ago from the - T'N a. î.% 1N.E XR W.UfRF LDE V NK fLIGT . ~ùLPAUINM. D. . 8.,Colurabla. Mo., Prof. (Jompar. lied., sanetufliofttie Blg our Ring, so fat c..r:îu-ttîIî.lii,..IL5Ar. .l m.ra Labtaor I apetr ud ,Pr&t Mo- Assn of Vet'y lstlîe office of Supervlsofis coneerti- LV.i. ou #an-N » nii.Ar. Itilri'. itI 4.0 Stir. ne. ' . vlIter>ii.p; v mAr.lîntu3:r Pm l'or Scheeb Trustece.For School Trustee, id um >E,.VeePe' ih.SaeVtyed. And, "AVe (ontrol" has been litBua :Hu . rIiir~tl. '" VI., DeUe,4Mich.. î.-Pe' Wh tal etypwer ever milice. Voe lie to the L% ISEON 8. 3:15p.NliE.VVille 3:25HvRm ffl A. McLAUGILIN, D. V. S.. Providence, R. I, ex-Veteriary candidate for that office, who roaits1BN8 LA0. E W eBRHRN »i . J, taeBoard of Heath. couiner to the ediettitus prormolgated Wsc.Cent.R .R.T ime Table. U&. A. MEYER (demed). D. V. S., Editor Voterinary Gatte~, by ils magutates for. the rinig's edict Cn- ci's.E F01i, l'ayinug the Land and l 'ei-mttl Priiîu-lty I)ii-tricetItoad Tax B. UTIEIvà ,&V. S.. Ett saglnsi, Mich., ex-pmeat wM 1-3labw asud lae,'arrled out witl liteles. . Iiin 1ut46 ~".unerring eertairtty o! an order o!re fle p ltV e . t A GAINST Pyigthe Latnd and 'eroutal Proiîa-uivDistrict tu à1_ mn. B.V> IBT AteCreek, Mich.. Sc'y Mich. State Vet'y AV'lt, Czar of Russia. Tlie Iing soilucled N-ïlc tet; 3 Tax int Moîîey. ob . cd. of science antd oif. Path. , s bugle tilast tlîat omie (o! itmsblle .. le.1 i 4. SL.V. 8», Ana Arbor, Miclh., Pres't Mieh. State Vet'y As'n;D aeltsms enmndfil . V.S.. Jückson. étoi., o-Preet Mich. state Vet'y Ass 2 aelie rs b onti.iefi .i. c ..n~ ~RUTON, aIl-Sonate <, ~ sud luis agalu this ,eair aîîd its Z;~a~ 1 .io 2 Z~pi.~ «,rk b helact esud lest aluable Pàr.era Bok la the falthfulcdants answered to tleàIAitiMt ' ' 4, S :14i.. =të DW P U abtean le ieas nornlnated. Now whrst arei-e Cte, :CI* l e to", ra t., wth wtlo'are oîposed to Ibos:5unrn, go- tî)aî i-i -"4,îiî T«$ t. lela0 110l hiag todo aboutt it on filie3rd day f ¶JtojI 'le~t~ . n ru blé .r~,U4Atril? Are we goiug te hîzg the-ire rreiwuîi h -ri .. .(,.ý l~f ikt.Q e~ esTc P~.d T.lab.t&Etn,"l srite.u delusive hope tîtat l'y votiag titis lEsgin, Joliet 6 Eastern Ry. TOWN 0F ELA. TW F£A Ïý.year as dletated by bosï4isr we il TIME TÀtlLI.O eyo AV BARTIN v sTE lS JIIRBLL W K. taire better uet year? The sieEN OT.VAIN.GiaSCX o uevsr o uevsr ringwhih bs , edhusfatthiIle t, et ~ti 8e1wl b.oopbte la18pata ~sedwekl. O roeptyear, If itot oppose(], wlll ruide the 4:ca i. (if- j- a en.E DERISON HUITINOTOI. E DRIISOI HUITIIGTO. 0Wle Winlmal you p5rte ti l tweuave mybe obtained 1next. Titoe wlto compuose It have t orTon lek 91111111111. r nreaili i 195wu wiUue Md Iffl *0entire Sre" &&fU8t had a taste of power, antd tîat triste li......n- .. !tele .... 8:e înFo oxn iek qrsM unei Gepurt to beImudem esk-ek. , guinlg the. Brut will grow upon thernttî_ tty :45 t1 iticF'":57 . .PRH, Bl A ICE îecl tce uis î tbemieit a b.....tîD H. L.t:, 11111 Fo Asessor. desîîotlsrn without we rîse in cr i .I ,;%I 0 l* 1(: ai orA,,'sr Indntndpl, amM05yvalti -0,-Couny Indepedent, Lbertyvile, 111. nlght. disadaloit teir edliets, assert onr 1:40 pie. iiil~i .... 1:30 , o AseSm Fo-ssssr .......od and dowrr the monster' 1245 jeuî. ,itil ...... 12.-' l)E D. F. KRUEGER.E D. F [RUEGER. ïr uderîdent wlose tentan-bes have heldlvis so long jan.o..... .... 3:5 îPm For Collector, Fer Coilector, r e .la ts emiîrace. ,At the election 0ou 6:40 $elei -.. .... .........- 41 paie 1I illrcat>y .,marille 'oui 10 cent. for P'art 1 of '.Mtcgter's§" Sandard Hou-e th 3d o: Arilwecariado sol If we __. -EC. [RUCKEMBERG. E W. S. BfUTHINSOl. ?qe lln o I2 o ie(iupPo ue Ii îttes for lberty and vietory. It la hlgh J. H, BRUBAKIER. l'or Comi-ni1biier cf Highw\%ayi, For Cotmîssioner of Higbways5, té me auN tolnwtttirne torebtuke a bossism whiclt uellfes P1JfI7IIfI 1)A1>U1EI E ERED GREVER, s3viaN. E ICHOLAZ BAIED, S3nas. - public sentiment te îîerpetuatel ts u~.azA --i. iowers ti deffance of the wlshes of a lie GenoeoesSt. Waukegafl. For Commissiouer of Hlighvvays For Corm'ssioner of llighways. -- i a .................. ........ majorty of our people. Let ois then The higbut dtI.tiut >rk rtjou. go to the poils on election day with EA E P. A. UgIES[E! 1 jour. " .r....... .... ............ the otto "NoBRing Coftrol" and we satisfaction ass àreci to evCjryofliSP. .IâsESE, Ijour. will down b)ossism and vlctory willl For School trustce, For School Trustee, AL perch upon our banner as sure as tiîltea x.j F m ii« ,u onfy gtoold for Sube«"irns who have Pold ln &Advance.' day dawns. ROCIEI'ELLICB. .J .~A To the Votera of Lbertyville. TWSAA AATI one year ago y0u voted a $3,000. - O..i 2 Os11à.u ~ 3 t appixlprlatl to e uild a Townt Rail. TOÇMIWOMMJa'17 w Did you stop to think what it meant? Lùe outylà* m ntýIt meas» thia, Il means* that the town wltve a u lIng anîd lte, $wh la bound to keep up with the times and bas ate nelu , il n notlte. *,00. iclket. ...0./ TIa? -tyloit, Contracted for a Stries of the............... luraomente.tisa enteruîîab. ovIr lusraoi onths moilet ilUe ve For Town Clerk, $â4.oo, e.rch year, besîdes the wear El-.R DAS NI) ESiror lu lg. The. lown people ause a -------8 bîritdineý'ib0ut four days ln the year, .1] ROYA MS maktng a rent of over $60.00 per day, For Assessor. For Asasasr, WOTIQS dîvîdual. o! ordLsilt aYma ns, l totim E1 n-IAVYE l C~ 8 ~taiiiPaidin Advaiiee, for only 4he ol&y cf LtborlyVIlht, sud ottlI4 Ivo ,toey brtekbulidlng40xssies wllh a irait abor. mad two stow.e bes JW. HANIhL!ON# y 1e'7 1' *1 Il c I 4 I I k'g