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Lake County Independent, 25 May 1894, p. 8

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John <Jrekblte and lae~v2eh 01110990,Saftirday. ur nv.p asunr la nlcely Woateti ln tise Aynuley hzoue.. m asonate aI uSor uIse founda- ton pf R. P. Wlcox's neov bouse. F. N. GaWgn andi vifé attendeti the Edîscat.lnal lecture et Central M usic Hall lest Saturtiay. Liglng, utruck andi demollsbed , a tree lu Get%. Hardeli's yard dunplg' one 01th be reqUt storms. * G. * BsWely bits Basiheti shearing sheep andtMosof iet men have re. turfiedt 3 their homies. Robet Rous la. puttlug a nov couler ln bis Market. This vil ho a valuablo improvement. A. J.Leonard vîlImuse bis famlly to Grays Lake this week. One ut the facoryuman vil occupy the noonis vacateti by hlm. Mr. Cmmer's tamll have moved into o0f theoomb houas. Hlm- self anti son are thorough Musiclans andi am a delable acquslition to unr socety. ia Oglioway, Ws Drug Store. IF store. - Iliz s The "Kaiglts of the, Gqden Rot! ledgigolà Laavery fUourisblîg condildin. Tbrao ov aensbers vere Inîllt su Mlondil nlghlaad eursare golig in naeai-Monday. Tb#lotgo vM iSgve thieinraIqgand anhual picale Salon- tay June le,vwben sbiglimeislaex. pected. Tors will bhi lise music for thoseo bo vsis ludance. Bicycle nacIng, 864k raolng, a gteaseti polo to elimb andi muci other short tfor thoee wbo do nul dance. A f ree hua vil meet ail trains. à f The following article was lefr out by UIIO.sistake, last week: The editor having heaiji au many cou- bIth. llîctI11g tones1 about the atnike and riot ut tire brick yagrds recently, visit- ed DerfeldTuesday and' obtatnged the followlng reltable Information.. In the Birut place tige employees of0 the &lIMp Brick Company appear to be satijed wth their work. aud vages; but about 200 Strikers froni yards at Blue lsland camne to Shermerville and endeavored to get the A 190 e mployees te join the union and dictate to thre rManagem1ent ho, the businesfhoulit re»Orteâ, to intimidation and brutallty. MaY lot. 29 trikers biteoeepted 13 u'otlwn o their way to the yards musi t whom retreaws, but tigree 8aa& Parka, Jaune Parka and Morris Pt" . er. set upon andi more or lm 1 POonfflti. TIIeY xslWrMd to10 ov n »d WorM out a OOMWMilarÀ befmresquire Potlia.Armed wvIlha, varrut t ie coaal,e soOpaffd bi tourdopa- lin *eMt tO fSbstgery.,andi arresti ffl utrikere who wveldntlhed &W taking part la the aaniut. :Tbey t1<4 *a cbangof vsn*loteutitce 8tt'ykq who helti tht,. ot them la bouda $1000 eacha, 10 anever botore the neita grand Jury. 'Tbey wvestaken tb Itil, but balled oiut ln a fev dayu. This la ~jjbellevedt t be tih ardeüVlegal battle ever taken place betpre 'a utlos lnu Lake couty., tate Atldrusy Rai- deke pved h& bisality ta CMevfth thewags 2 cetsa dsavof ail who otooti by the. ooinay dulng the OjdUke. The yard contin u o-union Md nov h» anlaw a~fo«» lia.erer, ____vokwgUqtn Ibuoea day, turn1.blg1 a16dy ns1o~uut f mon AbOostbeopft C 5ne Wla »o plvdilt. Mie woliiid be.-Ia ra 1 4 abasoo lu thebo. rted. a lttle -better ut ie le wltL er dasgiteî- Miss Rse Alleu left lut Thiutaqliy fur lier bome.int<Vermmît vIer,> bie expecta tu speildthese umnier; will returu by the firt of September te teactiste Volo seoul another year. The yowîg peuple ot Volo, ilI gîve a strawberry andi ice creani social' oi tise evelnig ut Decoratioi day, May 30, ln tIse Vole M. E. Churcli. Ttteir will bc a short and i nteresting pro- gram. AI] will ho wecume. PrSode for thse benefOt of thesealibatit scîs.oo. Durlng tihe terrific tlîînder showers lust week. The - barn on the, .. Compton place wus struck by light- îing. The Fiuber Brus. vere ln the barn ut the tîme. Two horses wje knocked dowu one carie out ail right the other jeu stili quite lame. AMa Fluber recelveti quit. a shock ho still felathe offets ut It There vas îno Bre frein the struke wbihicu as very fortu,îate. ýNesxt Sunday there will ho memorlal services at 2 P. m. in the M. E. cburcb, of Vole. Thse G. A. R. of Wauconda are expected to be presont. Ail the comiates are cordlally invitedt t Most vltb thom n ubonor and memory of theln departeticomrades. The Fort Bill Choir viii asslut ln the slnging. Bey. Josephs Caldwvell, ot Mdfleury vill preaeb the menldai senot. Mday 17, Albert and iAmbrose Raugbt with pbetr 'vive, attentied, the funeral of Her Huwpbey, at Lake fùnbI9in V6iô, Ilu ls ila'irsfes. ths; ~lneumoula wase the cause uf tbisautiden deatis. A large concourso nslgh. bora, friendu andt relatives gathereti to puy their lait tr.bute ot respect 10 hlm wbom tbey ail loved andi respected. Assother tie is broken. One by une they are passing away. LONG GROVE. Wbat's the mattor wltb graveling roads, isuvi -Miss Emma Storm visited at Glus's the otbsr Sunday. Chas. Stempel madie a business trip tthe city, 8aturday. Sophia Slarulngbansn vas out buggy itilng Sunday eyenlng. Chas. Hersoberger *Md vifs left lutI Saturday for a riait at Joliet. Ail Who vant Freb ifileb Cuva, cau buy Ibsin at priva. sale of HUMr Bous, one rmile iouth oft tocireteller, a»ho basa mnlogt! of uice onets coming from i Mn nasoa. DEERFIELD. au I tLhlns'~ ~nevs evsry veek. Senti un yout' items ve'il approprlate everqiiing Iutereutlug tou ur readem. Mim. John Knecbt, danghter.and grand-oblld visiteti ultifrieuds bore iast voeek the Birt tima Bine, tbey MoVs ay about four yeanu ago. Our farmers have been lookini veny dublous the laut veek on accunt «f lise eatber- One night lutveek wu bail qulte a beavy frost but uo gfeat damnage itas doue to tbe crope. NeXt Saturday evenlng May 26, lm Etta Lloyd, et Chicago, au elocoi.slslandi drarnatlo ressder of greet neuit, vW give an eutertaînmoent under lise ajipices e . O.A. C. toobty in Ibui-uporrooni01ut hé e sool bouse., As:se preceeda vili ho for the bous4e t!he orffl tond, everyoue laeutii tie -ahool vil be ex- utieWd i14 attend. Mm. -àper Mubîkte, vhoss husbanti Wa hmember ofth*bp otipa Wowti imon . Aeea réelwd a ,thouud dolautia.11 Hiti ,ip by reso of édâo a lu . rc.8h ishes inWne# t0taifn lu ber bobait âhd lihe fisSfuIlousof Condolees. hat vore TI-IE LIONT RUNNI'N" LANO BINDER, Th m"f WITlt THE OEWLL1y DA~AL 0F ITS PAÎZ0LUSFLT WLILEL. LEADS ALL CO011~3 TM CAUSECA he i'lau* Riozlrn(e "a'Iillrcretl. n> otheriiind.1r TOR .WI CAU he 2l.Plauendor ta ru% ,lightIF over iuf t,,rwet jgrounlwhere otbcr BIcdrs vwula tmiro. jasa Y.II CUSE lb.PIai tder to remtain ln tùuIm a-hile O» idng a eornpr. 111 F.V-1I~LCAUEatibean better bouud buudlet e I ,dm'e Ibau la pnraible tu llrke with anyotbet'lfnGr. ÇA-W L eSU ven. a4al'power. and no extra pull on the Leam in tIhe moment the buadle 13 bouid,, MLY.WN'. ÇAUSSthe Plano lider tu end aW d lacbage abondie afer thho br *toit Secit for Beau-tlfufly lluatrated Cataloge, "Fun and Fd otePwo.Fr*. ~UU .ould leeuar butho*lES CRATTe NOWER before ynu buy. Itlta a PoueKel waaMar, abd lbhe dpb.ut- <J J mdl !b ousdrat mwrIn be world. Itl work anywbr-nruho uOhlu nes 0 mrieg a to 90 repair.. nô 1ost motion: un vibration; n awkw v it; t lO ~ l efriction titan ceg uols. Tht aastntofS.Where grote;wlo l W OtIta 11W bu THE -PLANO MFG. CO., Manufacturers, West Pullman, Chkago, lIta FOR SALE AND ON EXHsIITON DV OST ýBROTHEMRS, DIAMOND LARE, ILLNO . .FIER ibertyville, MI. O peoàl Arrangement with the Pubilaher of the INTER OCEAN. We war bie te efr Thé Wookly'INTM OCEAN BOTH TeWeekly INDEPENDENT, ýyEAR, For oonl $1.90, Cash in advance. -A 00M PLE TE STOCK Lime. Drain Tile, Farm Wagons, Buggies, 7gricuItural Implements, Etc. We have a new Stock of the Fawnous Weberloil Wagonms ýAnd the Bloomington- Zarbýýr Bros8. Buggiesqb Oaariages. "?MaII end e Weart .lwajWi m & et. P. Rv Tomé ta Chicagro. Leave* 3081!M5 9t200> 5»00.A Shermer-IlIe tU 10 ii i 21>S 10 Deerfleld 834 i ±2 2 m .6 lit V E vere t 8 42 P > 01 0 1 7 M Roxioul S>48 Io6a 80a or. 36140 Lzîrvr ..10 45 .... 0 o. Warrenton. $51 3 15 . Gurnee4 9 Co 3 11 Wadswortb 9 lu a le 1unI (arrive) 9 18 3 44 (OINO StOUTII: a mi. a.11. &m. p.us. PAR liuasei 838 6511 WasMworth 90 69 torns911 584 Wwrrenon 9 17 sas LxamaYVILL% ô010 7 30 ...1230 .. tiondout 626 1.43 ... là05$111 Everett 6 M 7 54 ... 12 40&SU Deeorfleld 63851 53 0 Sbormfievilte fa@ 8>0 .... 12 u04Oa Chicago. arrive.7 26900 10561 M 700 SUSDAY TRAINS. Lv.LIbourvlo 0:10 amn. Ar~. C'Iago Io:% &.m Lv.UoeOvIlS:3p..LAr. Aondout 8M7 p.mà Lv. CàIngo 2:0 p. m. Ar.Ubeotyvlllo :M p.m No treàufor Chics.o frocs Mondout &fier nm Wis.Cent.R.P.Time Table. GOINQ No».. CMbca.... .. ..U t 4 10 Apali. S .:« Rookefollev .f. 10- J221 55a hi810 Grays Lakie ...f O10 0 211 s ... pUL . M. p. M. Praire Viow..... fsi U 0- . fia 4plakti .... 549 908 7 a Cilefl ...... .T.1611(6 810 O *Dlty oxept8Sunda>-. f Stop cuir on qlnai. AMk aeabout Sunda>- trafins;a&le frelgbta ta" IMM pu'aNtffl, Elgin, Jolait&Eastern Ry. TISE TAflLI Qum n OurT. STAIIONSL 001110 @OVum 4:80 .um arrirl4Wa ikegan dep'rt 7 -00am 4:00 pm. de 1 Rodl t r. 7:30 amn 2:155 pin...Leitton .... :60am 2:45 pin ... Dannd Lake..8:6î am 2:85 Pm ..... (Mier .....8:12 ame 2:20 pin. de t . .Lae Zurich.. 9:88 amn 1:5.1)Pmn. 10:05ams 1:40 Pms..Barrngton ..10:80 amn 12:45 Pin ..8paslitig.... 1:15 Pm 11:00 ain ...Turner ...125 Pm 7:50 min .....taintield . 8...8.15 Pm 6:40 am ..... Joliet .....4:16 pin ian ~ ms...'i weoqweq. i fur Mat Lmbdenstock bas gons for Ai bniet sojouru u the sotbenn partor Minu. f 1-The dance given recently at lb. inov barn ou the oRchon place, vas vewon atteuded.- UmaB. L. NMathen lsaannamong us having graduate! trons-Mm. Bartm'a ttauseuttlngoiau. We viMl bon sucomen ulier nev vocation. Tboe e il ,'be no services at the ciiuràb Sundai M R.,. C. A. Starck gos le lutm the conterence at Cbicago. J. Lli* viii accompany hm. A bfisat srlby 18, may hi rsgarded es a &curoitUy. Conslt!enable damage vas dons, yet vo veto vsny fortunats eonsldonlng vhat other. places ex. penleucet!. BALLIE MdANDERt. BAIRRINCTON. A number of nev bouses are being erecteti boss this mummer. Connty Supt. X. W. Marvin attend- sti the Mag naising at tihe White itcjoo)l hougs May il. Tbe conustimi social beld ln thse M. E. cburcb unien tihe auspices of the Berean Epwuntb Leagne vas a 8ucce8s., Bey. E. W. Ward wili - Iolti a memunial service for thse deceitatt soldIons Sunday lune 8, lu the Metho- dist chnrch. The German Lutherans are to hsve a ssev parsouage the olti une bas beets removed andi a nov une vil] ho erected at once. Momnlral services will be, beld lu the B4ptiet cbnrrh Sunday lnurîslng. The Post vîlI attend lu a bodiy. Bey, B. Baily vIn preacb. Decoration Day yul ho6 obuerveti boe as uuel A marahai baud fron Chicago hbu beau secureti antiarnd mente are about compteted for ot progfram. Mmns L. E. Bunyan vho veu a dOegate to the Stale Sunday scbool connion aI Paons relurnoti homne iday evenlng bavîng onjoyed a dOlIgbtful veok. Anti tormeti aume aqualatance vlit a fsv ut the Lake D iet Ibis bnt u tuvu ut Cuba, Lae o. May 1%, Prauk 1Hoilister -lu --il 68rt!y a. He. vus sck four week efore thtb leset i hm fromib tis world of nlg. Ile vas a iember ~t tb. Chtamand . stisrbnluth ivilo alo oue of the "Boys", Who tought for, and! as a coatrado yhy ie Post of vblch ho vus!""mlobr. Tire tuneral vas t. ~IiaO,.a -ILL. clos iVi -Cent- Mi ng. to Lit Il - SI ry r, bis 10 k. te re ýy 1.1 k D n .1

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