B.Vsth flegimmeus 2i5 aee .wugb P.. a" dTbe.7 Ob, Ne Restasseste OSaes, mlib- -Outy Ofts. B.taîg Appm-tdd Wh.v- Ami 11dlsetfa., a buae, am vebe Fessais Osa. oggiii blek, a" »medaube n%"eam.~ a Just la iInlhs Cowed byails. Treills. Awonig the coa'-iuing diktrict', wblie ,9efuaed t bUd, by the Co.um. Bars.- ius agleemnonîWaà Mount Olive. Ill. jpgjlStrikgi-,there inf.jter.d wvus the runing o.« coal trains on s rosi whlch = tl C U OAcgy lsla n hohe anliif sreceiver, aixi a tame AoabirE o . thrcateaed ether avrie àmees Do uly oeuaam.pa- Unted italîîmai-shas rmCaicagu 801811 ou tbe &tn&" di-wnt ,dox n io enfo:-ce order, 1lut ver. r mml atesaheam b atema. oit idSalai day la a ylcbed batlle. gehvt ont&a. levra e behver. G veruior Altgefd theu ordere i ont ilh. Sflmies a aturaI.buatlîy usas.. li,tils refrasbfua mie,. eventh Itegiment, I. N. G, and the troops resched tbe icone Monday UflU'O puis argeemPl maai OLOSmal. rorning. .e.b0 arl@ reveaged themaîl es on Iba ut -ioru. Fo: ty a imileuve et abe 1%hm. roste vers made. laci bthe oops te, k Il voudprobably b. fourni thst a chà, g. of the prisonors.- It la exteul- Mootbsrfgio 01 réorasteelia beLt ed 'bat fully a.sirany more viii te spý lim voel bib v oa gi'.10 urprehendei. Almoilivithautexce lion mibO. a m chi0 v ouaivre bis rthe minera arresîed si-e non-abs OUP llroyOb@mie hoal saeh in'mea chny SlavaHusItitniema =0.&t~ Pr&î of stcrt (-ermana. Thsmxuera Iere frlght- ontact wllh 1t. v&,ther by moWuea euet evenbufor, the arrivai of the bt#wtllamor therwise. Tbereby h b a hiVue. ln the moraing a a -ge- fflgr a t mediatecontact wiJ the ]yaitemiimeet nz bihben held and voeeseor bottella tedrauaeeatagram bi on sent te Govera i- VIM, hier, émoitls partialle.# conmu tgld la hhm ave the troope 111111» "r motion te an culer c i-oiecfa i ome anlaZreing te sutrenier poulie..,namigoeCatill a vaut ,,.al the pnmoaers thtal I en t"on mnofrWmin nitei States Mai-shalBr nten vaser fi set cnsîxnt'y in motion &longaibidptis audy ng. Thiet u proisoy vbat ire wa T oetub %o A 0ue foremoît inthebma- MtOU.,aSi oemaen.cof the riductionEsault upon the mar.shalâ vers nov ln 49da ftietrion 1» ta slip eèaaly tbroulth me t a..., t femr o! 1he troapa. Tbey lb. ~10 wih Ih îoat ouuî~. t.-knev enough loinb.oavare ef th. tactîa lurbanco.serein U00 s 1 llm b ininterfortng vith a govergiment cM- ltme era atalse cf th.esurfacecielithey hal aornitled agnsvense. sl-turq Of the fiib t. w ould prol>- DePuîy She IlRaenry flillirShallem fbYb ourni by exporimant 1h5au lvWrranta for more than one bunir.d eJialmod-l (! a 1mlu lnany erdimay adilicuai strike.-.. BeHasma largo Ilertaias vooi, iroi, steei, t.,fora, Of doputy sheriffe vithhlim, ami la bt O ve Itb"ug b the water et a ho,0 ii PrRe lethe earch untU h e vowldomuaaieat.pOt~O -la «vte nlda.tZ!,dtm a'revs or là» w0Uro. au ahfan i-ester ca ent en srro*1ed, t lz fcri-sitits any thr011191 tevater ailbthsme eh Eiflrment on tht. point voul b h git il ertl av ea@Y, amd vunld b3 as imînable and iteflr lb. Iopaarived and phlched R«ml %e wena plie teiliffren cmpin the à,T,"rr !t-elin Eva ngï- and mliue h e s asei 0dforernîist hburcb, lise nemi work beg&a Mai-- maial ud srfaes ao hs e fowrer hah Brinton bai United Statesa-- ,Msrgubs primRenionbo. o rant, for the f- ur men vbom ho ami -..o-eupoar- Rt li.=r ii depatiea baiunader &arrest for a short t m3 on Satui-day. He aise baiI .Lweeii O. ut aman order f rom Juige W. (). Alien, o- of Fomnstdales Mass., vas utterly the Unted SIates DiitrIct Court st Udiserable and sick 8Brlangfie'd, toara-iegt eterybody wh He spine, l-r erand brain couli bu ideallfiei a. bavlnga.îd Inl s ~ ~ ~ ~ h -.,u ,ie, ert1 rsifthe four prisonuera on - The weigt of - Ifvon vant t j make mm.a-got, - er body *«i ailI <olanel Cohby, - 1 bave mone mon terbl anse imlay ta lake cars0f them. Tht vas terrblepain in aiirsed te Mai-chaI Brintan and Act- ber back, and it Ing Shertif Hillier. B1y this lime the was somnetimes old-famblonei boird febe.ý arouni the - several houirs be churcbysri b r. a val of bumaeily. fore she could gh ma4asa, ipt br dres. Ths :Ibeen carefulv watcblng the dresi This faces cf tbe mon along lt.efonce. Womnan's trouble rArnMg tbem vas an oh man with a was in ber womb, - aeer 0onlis f-ce, andinl broliea Ger- ber tig 1man ho vas m"ckting the c immands of affctng tise oMeer. of tbe guari. Tvo deputy f v -diatlubon. m-rbals valiied out te vhcqre be va. Shà EuMdn5w lit-e ia Lyda Atarding. O)-Re atembah ideo!elmai VegrMbl cmainde1 0a«»maie a prisoner. He pro-. PSNJ**UW Vgrièit <"* - te ld gata I bis inemI, bat hbew Sbe amys: Iam WSlne eraised r urt-led bac k tb)Ite we, aide 0of7the froent the deàd. 1 vas sîck ta long churchy& 'il and piacci in car.etithe 1 thOtight 1 neyer could get weil. gtai-iL. "The auffocating, gazping h- 111iI aver toi-gel that feliov, - sai tacks and aMai-shah Brdonta-ee. "For an instant last tads mi aful eanug-doa te j - aturday e%-eni g9I1vas Of the opinion ing left mc, My appetite returned, Ibal ha va. thse instrument b y whtcbl I snd myfienda wondered at my vs te b.uneheeaiitetrnitt. In looOed10ka. 1 believe th.Ie îbick of tbe fight, vben w e ve Pinhamà rmedesare a rs. trylng te retaln oui -prioners4, hoel Pinaamsueredes aoutiii-relver inlt my face andila cm Wfo the mimey ot our sexL' hel It there long enough foi-me le feel II muazle gratin g amnal m teeth. Hov Ilhappenadi d6ont know, but one o! tho deputies wsnaeeita,] knQ'ck the gua from hi. murder..u, gi-asti. I1arn sure that Ibis action aaved t( mcY lite." l'apily te piisanera ver. Lrought in, andi 83 famillai- faoe»ap- be e ob of vomen &roundithe a Duo ty vema ka se, ienle__J ered 'ai the sldiera la a f renci-. S1CR uU»ACHi, itdoueM& ani rlanvilc.f lmomatfow. TORPID LRE4 ri DIZZN PRELINOs, ?ewtUlMA. ir o0 -tiv s! .dv.Wrm PlinI..tates deuil, b LKEH- ____OFNAGRX C aiol 0 0tise gratest achemea of tle.It Z é tmix diatass aitcentury 1 weilIstartel tovard teahhza- O tu tiet - P . . uw ie. thon. Te cadi-ad for tho PropSedif ast a.w developmeats et the Des Moines lisp- t eta5im or0nosi t the 9 r id. wateaîopower basbeen signeti andini t= en.msW-li.a i uZ saor. n.,work vii aobegin on lhe canal and 1N Li aahi1<o e 1 à t là ver stéition vbich jlat 10 eta e il ~ ! b.saakiu.k and tbe aurrooniing country pov- t .yehii5ials - s lim a uiaer viiic-h as<ura tbe wh..is 0ouI- it ",as.a -sAl*. Wdi doa. t, duitry ail theytneyer lui- ei before ilaIt et al1 the above nsik d.osou. th tichly nombp. o&. mol by ad druemtc. tu oai - 1i(i - mu e titan twenty<re 1 easrail maamrs.au~ Mbai been tb. iream af engineera and SI ý fflINiU'A tI, uu.n e thera te barnt-ne l. imen. natiah ol ~.mJieu~ ~ Pover Of te lb. isiaipivîer as It il s. oc-aover th. rapis u t tisat point, eg Nany surveya bave been n aie aid O ManY plana dravn, but for some i emon M or ether the malter vas iropped inl - fléverY instance uIl Io y e« s ago. - vihen capt.. Jani Anthony, an nul6 ongineer, bek the projet lancharge. 'y Thon il bugzan te assume prarticil r, 'MInUSE formi. The achem3 Ji le confine the v a@ &bmemdrr as Il flevu averen b ait nawar S cantal, and use 1il in lb.aoperati on cf.î1 a e" eu turblie valet- weels, vhich in tu!.ai .9 pe.4 hallOPOrate dynamo i for the generis- ktranamittsd bv- vires JOtahlb.sur- *a.,aas~m..,i.u..asa rouniing îcctalitia . Tilashr M8 horse-power, capable of opastil dynamon generating by tà* direct m« rnt systew 27 000 ehectrical botn E ýW?'- t eà aie o bthepou, fcoi, vide, set belven mclii mc piera 26% foot high, vith a 40-fcol b& ami 10-foot ci-est. By oponing the gaos e ecanai mav lb. empti.d lu heur. Tba vorking heàà of vat viii be 1 fret and t o va t la theo pMcIty of the canal ah 'ilI1the flow 1 bit c ut Offlttheplant couhi b.c0 eraled.36 hourg vit", lb. supp'y ( band. 't isàettmatol thaot Ibiil ri-arement vii 0051 st tw,ixe. It la 1 t inde 1 ta 1 arc the canal completi andi la oiking order by Jmnuary THIS BEVOLUTION SUOCEEDEI Th. OGvaruMeMt of isîvadas- Oveetheas Afici- a i evolul on of but & montl duraton thb. goverriment eofSalvai bas heen o'-ertbrova ni bo the dent. Gen. Cai-ioî Ezetai, bas lied ti country-. The Vice Pregident, Gel ,A nioaÇo zeta brother of Ibo Preà dent, ani tb. piîi cipai gong.-sicfÇ l gcvernmsent airmy, vas kîllei aS» thrOe veekn agi, but bit ioaîbhb bOen kepît secret until nov. Nai 1 livod. Il 18 safe 1 say, the outcoined the revolulon wouid- have been diReé ent, for up to bis death the goior ment biait everything its own way, a« Is enarnies couli malleb lithoe progre vllb lb. rebahiion. lie leader o fil revOlutionttsfh Gen. Rafaei Geler. amd it la teieved that bc vii isun the Pi acide ncy. Gen. Ezeta, wh, le nov a fu2ititi beca«e President li 1,,jvb en hbevi succesaful ln orerthroving the Goi Cramnent of Cen. Menandez, wboo.esi [Th, forer%&@ u.Vica P-euîde il and con manded the army. Hie w..s kIlled. Th atie,. lt.eb'resdeuf. .isfa uiVve J bltrary methols bai i-edi:c2d the coul try te a condition oIr fermient and e2 citernent. Strong efforti vwers mail te oust Gen. Ezeta front tbe posittoi ho bai gaind, but wit'sout auccea end evenlual1; the stlvalor Congrea met and ratif cd the choice of th, arm_- As soon, asithe cuntrv va. eac4 more ti-anquil Gon. Eîeta al hi brother, Antonio, 'abo vas maie Yic Pi-enient, directei Ibeir cueiries I rnoting the advn entent of saiva ornet-en'v direction, and sueceedet ln placing il hn an enviable position New roass er. mai. and nev parki open-i, telegraphs moeoconstructec froui state IL) stat3, taler bon. fi-ort cty te cit; i i shor-t, the vbole ad ninlMrattoti vaï ore of ps-ogifeP aowovor, tbe nisks of eoaa-'apove ai-e as great for the i-nier as lhe ruled and Con. EzeIn ha not escaped thb fate vbich sec c lmonly befallm autol A DARING SOHEME. r. Liit HIudson Ha, and th. G.lf Representatire McCleary, 'tflui- nos( ta, vbo l6 a memb-r (it the con nittee on rivera aid caniais, bas lWi the touadation of a scbeme to c nnec the Gul! Of Mexico vitb HuaIon ha3 tIr. McCleary proposes tt- at the Uahta: Si ates and Csnmi an gox-crrmeal.i cari out tb. project togetz'er. His plan il te bate tb. surey maie by vay of!th( alînneet&sr.ver, whose bemivater and th(,s@of tbe Red River oft îb N~orth netîrby jota th rougb Big Stanc aid Traver~e laites. la hlgb satei poatii o! conie-able size have ci-o .e from one lake ta tb. other undil would tnt requi-e a xery large canal tc connect the waters o!ibthelied ané Mlinnesota river. iNbile the diffculty o! connectint th Red aidMina. o:aRivers t. no great, itleAstrbatred lhist the i-.pîds i the WNinntp g River bave alwvr disý ouraged tise Czinadian eover'nmeni i-on the undei-lAking. There have be-n seteral onv.ntiona of ci:itens o) northera Mitnnwie ta, Nantis Daketa and 'Vinnipeg booking t e e peular oi th Wiunpeg Hiter, in the bopo that tey migh fin it a short vater outiet ic te seaboard. Foch of Ibee cot.ven. tien@ 1-1b;been confroniteil vith tie bsti-uction la the Winnipegiz mier, but Mr. McCleary lh'taks that if the L aiteà Stale i tuhouli taire.$orne slislova,' Dpenlag up a channel ou Ibis suie ea the bcunda-y Vie CanaiIan g n- erament mighl bu incln.i 10 takre somn action bookiag te ociennaz île W~innipeg Rve. Th- Rs.lt of Vuocinaîte,, NM William J. Garrity, o! New York City, ta vil l ly hnsane as the isult o! buing vaCOIGte three veeks tg % Immedia'eby folihyngr vaccina- on, shki te gan la manifeet unmislak- ibie sigans ot inanity, mai ber condi- Ion bas b'come such ibal she t. aoc tn Believue Hospial. O.atmig logo Seq.. The.Beis-é - u --- le, e aid of hat il u dM-u 'Z'er laa tpn doptiStok«The Royal Baking Powder lu in. ightgb of th. lact Ihal il f héb.gentl a" amith fltl.Pt 0-m8 Ibatla under Inveati- ir- géàtion.-Washington Star. dispensable to progreus in cookMr le. Bitery l.a averj7 wloke i mnd is- or2 fir.ceu.ichjin Mt& l ing lea and to the comfort and conve- '7Y differen.-Waa ington star. S The more th 3 Senate shlah incline te nience of modern housekeeping. 12Star-chamber methoje the quiker .rPoPuis- res*ntm_ýnt will oompel i Ilo ee btara.-Philadelphia Record.Roa kig P w rm ke ht I- Tedie bha.been cal in the United R ylIaig P w e ae o D States 'onate on t ho issue of treois if ~onvrèus tbe augar trust achedule. T~he bread wholesome. Perfectly leav- m- Ugar trust won.-Minneapolis Tribune.y in Te entevoeon sugar *itin- ens without fermentation. Quai- sid gu'.he8 the last faint hope Ihat th. 1, bîenate ýnveiigation of the Étager trusticuia w.Il amfount tb anythln.-Piturg Mtes that are pcla to it alone. Dispatch.F D. The chances are that tht. vil be Sthe lait tinte that a Sénatorial com- mittee wiil evor attempt 10 p. sn Ve cevsper rreop ndents.-Phlle- *ML mePOWD<R O0les WALL Ut, NSw.OL jo phia Pre8. oj It looks vriy mu h asIif the sugar ,ho tru t has "guI nsarly aIl It vanta" in TH4E SCA VENGER. 1; Lire WorthLlt.si ,n. tbe Senate, but il in tobc bopei Ibat Telne lvo MP# ~jthe Bouse wihi flot yteld 10 ils dicta- iRow the liax-Pifflag Tribé Ui»T.. e.r TelneIli."atEv ~~~~e~D t ll n - e Y rhea l .o l d la ff s . D a y S m ni h « t e wm o r e ,h in.NwYokHrad NI one bas ever spoken of lb. cail- that hbitl'he unhaj l* t It la a m i ta k e 10 g a y th a l th e I tr so u e c i n d d -uti n a . o a e d s f ir n l ft r o n la i a a g ttin z Il t he . clo v er un d e r Iis a 1 I l o w e o D e," agan d d uW tl h i n g »m o a a h s e p l r a heo mnstain Senatomi who stand bad f e orwo a I h u lr a. ale more, B-ora ha thte-ru it urarer l. oh S>~rn Rotel, toa St, Louis Globa- thon a bter, thon mcm lut r- ris Airy.e.aasly unal. Democrat reporter. -At the marne dilut» tb.. eoulealt aid Fty W.. ime the scavenger performai mo3tvie. The nazi day Ia1 lu g, We are stncereiy afrald that=ti Impotant duty for mankind, and i an ngigt nh ha, mony with LiiUlan Rui3l hbat beorna eburegretted that bc ta now tom-d e gnd i10 eil hm ho a ha~iLChicagoDIpateF ing very consplcuouuiy absent, T*enty, il, aazlmed for hhdds se Llila shuld eahl nemore anieven ton years ago th.evaste bealîb. Hmepusu f16 L Th sa is l cra show ta tm oreu a a - o~r and rub'i ab f ro mt large st crea Eue ami o u vi reb u - fui Th sttiflessho tht habade ndfmctorie jaasexceedlngly valuabie, trealta" me . illa boi e, ofanv ktad are geîîlng verv scarce.- &ne il ws, a common tntng to tel1l theIbl, iinlte lobster aMI ss Buflalo Express. rlght to Ibis treasure-trove by tender. le auebsb" ià m- Lillian Russel revAr@el Ibm umual Thousand4 of dollars avere pald for ted natumre a.h d h.. "ir prcceedlngs Her-atic oeslo be the in privilegea .<mýle of the figu Ii nubac h a<h - 1 mari-y wbenever the bai lieiure "qutd L.ing Ap' coutof eners, t lb.i4anjt ,le Wbreent ihte -8cM4>aIn order 10 ma emonov l ' dvemanDer nid. frI-ale - tIdes an iopera ani Lads it nana ble Ibe rubblsfh-erefi.sril bod 10 choeebvand bar th. drops IL..The smre vise ru'e ah. 'evrrfragment. mat ed chmesiaide.. Iapplies to misfithuiband.-Now York '1!rie paper and the old cardboard ofbai e bodsuicier iCommeril.bxe ee fara alefo .r- duc. correspondiugnsain Lillian Russell le gettîag a ont n e 4mes mad ______Il_ ye-sbut fill exporernce a ba Nov, however, the oid copybcok The Lidif. ment o! marita mito.1hr r ftas attedmbiin.i su rvie:. lm that paper imade of ragèl la a The lanot effect and peame mupi.ChcaoReor.reminicene onl .for wood pulp, wlth lliuîd ladies uaismthe suppy.-Cicao Rerl.certain vre g llrasses, and other ci&la tdla»ative et ~. Miss Lii fain Russell ought tek0 u a substan-es aie rnuch cbeapor and more der ailcondtios. akIha ha great dca' about matrirnyn, and what'easliy obtiiined. For these and other remedy. To get thé truc 6 ah. does flot know a congrset hfobe resons 1k ero t. no kinger aay mcne.y article. look for the naine b - lat3 buoban'a ouaht 10 b.o able 10 .tela I dut, fan 1itIlIo elîber dumped in foranla FIS Syrep Co., pointad n- her.-Iza.tiiaore Amerîcan. heapi on vacant lis~ to annoy Innocent botîom oftheb package. le j.h,.a BulV& soties anick% pa.ers-by a-id spread germa and O~~l rb&iiiievery direction, or cie ei Novel Isoumbate. ) ohn Ill w Jhn va.rlesonsiie fr Ihal butrned b, 1h. stor. or factory owaers A vomnan In Ohio utilizei am- m, Jhn ull hows romnable or hatand a girat lncreae in the amount of température of ber phtaloal e T h o a' . C h i go e rd, r i i, ý s m o k e e m it 'e d t b e r e b y ue d . I a r n f o r e l h t e e k a e o e i ie Toma . ~Cicag Recrd.incllned 10 think that weauunderrated uslng hlm s an incubatrfS Champavne la Great Britata t. noto-1 the valu, of tY.e ragpicker and eggm. She l-ok a number of f riticly mweet, warm and sîlcky, and scat-enger la bis day and hava now t0 wrappinz each one in coant là arn c8mo! speeches deliverel under 'pay the renaLy for the, ln.untoe." laid Ihem alongside the body o(î 3eli Influence muet bc ternFered with h bah n t h. b.nd, b.ho inho indulgence. -N.w York Cummarclal ta... eLattie Ma..- re.it-t or move -a 11mb. 'f d AretThren kidneM . epérate treaithe blood, as ta numbur cf egga fireI usas a.9 IL ITb"3re are good and suMelcent remeteon sez...throughb ta iIpurittla fer wblob the menl and after be e ve by ve are nul aitogeîher pleased fial medjuum of lberattoen from th. esteasue rew#brded wvtbforty-ai lz .01-r ,d vlth tbe conduct o! the Canadians, bult ilth bladier. Whcu îhetz runcuon l apautende chickens._________ n vo do net vant 10 make s cause cfi diretul rsultesase. AmODef . trops. Fualw'sCowsurumscusae l quaruel out o! a tille ike tbis.-PhUl- Brtbtsidiseuse. diabetes and maslaie whieh garanti.a ham nsiantseî e ,*adpa tervoirsp. toe in aseule oaa of lb..Re. l.ttl unin.- 1la i te be Cossh VU& 1 * r Ilat.awkvard that the Queen'sOvu Ut.acb Dlttai mulates the kidmcym Dot 80 cents andISL e i.Rifles tore dowa the stars :ami sîrip. il aumdkStad steobolie *stllat veud TMmnwowudbie e t St. Thomas, Cnt., vhea the flag va lotieoting thol by sentirh voul ha-. it o. fing In bonor of the Queenm ova tu e 0 d actionimmoi! h bai been thor tnevew birtbda,.. Tbe red coas hbad to omulch 50ao1 ityad vigor. 2hm t~ MO1 _ hee .leui!__la______ whisky. But thbe incerlty of tbe «RI- melnâurd purficaion adthe organ tb.m - Mr disestllow, ich*l a.uag fies" came out wben the; vere d runk. nlv.. r o dsstutl eo Mlis g mqustsybvaybe emlsi.14 stîpatIiteoupisomt.ber voumma a. dàs- They did nualike the fag. =papoa0id rheu.tlsn real@&rufuysy sho u«ss Olas ulph.rfiaep r remestied ~by l ither. hleb t4 morer Mr,. coller. the Matyr. Mostat torouab àmpjer er. gnsaJtoia id GERMANY ha. 320,000 fpuperai' sIs<pprocootèr. st Il reguiarty, flot 8eui- public aima hoa cm. i The Wiashington coastabulary feared o-ainly 1j h. Coxey army would have the hay Ne om' VciaonMKiL it [( fle-ei by treading on the gras.-NewV Ne rmo Vaialn Orleans Picay une. Vaccination Ibresteni 10 become a - Coxey went ta Washington vith a unilversel panacea la lbe Ingenious i neitio tit "hd bots n,' ut b hande of continental savants. Inocu- ýj t tionh f WLa . b i l o m e en,"p tl eva. lation stain it anake bites le the laite t ls barefooted.-New York Tribune,. rdcini bs ih.bogtfr yard by Meuars. 'hisallx and Bertrand e WVHILE 16 ls la jaiGen. CoxeY viilaItaarecent meeting of the Academie h ave a chance 1rent, of taktng bis des sciences. srmy te a city wbre too many doubt- _________ fui chai-acters bhil already bison Sent lu 011 for Fuel. ra more oonventL nal way. -New York Ia order 10 avo!i settlng fire 10 the 'd Worid. pamn as by sprkm tronm iti locomotives it th 0 Mi-. Colteyawrltes g'owing etters 1telb.RuenosAyrei Great Soutbera Rail- id bis friendao! the enj, yment that ho ros a eneprmnigsce.- fInds tn jaà, but the a"y of boboca ta fuihh lbretroleum as s locomotive____ icamp bar. mol beca doiagay brag- fu el, .intention being 10 aubstittte ~ w lb9tr tcyg t.-ttsburg çeti-oleur for is if practicabe KN u i n isp tch.M uel H ave W ater v th T hom . 4-Aotra'7 .nt .,.. Teadsand ifroga carr1y s suppby o!f au la P, 0 Crippla Creek t. bc rinning to sera wtr bulvthlemn ic io ,f at name.-Borton Trar chier. vided for tise purpose. If by aoc en.)- t1he suppiy 1ieoomes exhausted the ami- uaP&»m i Wage ivonkers muât appesi ta ressn, -mal iesO )f fai-nemi, and lawful meaas.-Stresaor _________ ýt Free Pre . 0od foir Sore Eyem. temtm 0~ The rioting mob at La Salle are for- la Spain vater In vblch a veddiag oa>S et A 1- , '; e e wIoould spuak no Englah.- ring a.m been dipped la thought g= ci BAurora Neya,. for ore eyea.A em I«mtoa t Any reamonabie arbitration li btteri 4 mwnobar ( ýantede- sagement of business and 1 Rallem Cautarsit Cure = &"siau -New York Journrr imtakan lateruaiiy. Pnlc. 75cente M maj. fButta. City Populaticu. iaim 09" Ob -mima , 0 Bull,. t.nt recisehy the sort 0 am I18W04 per cent, o!for Population D6 gnu&cs b conjura by, butlit s on aearly every- iired tact4e& a 1893 thgAs Loefted brdy mtnguein Washingtim, Iust the bc 2 er cent.@m Sam_,. -Boston Globe.t - Ha- e tbey alto hired th. gi-est Butta rmVSrT TBLts'G t R ORLDM.N ta decampi' 1! beha.h«done so it l ob lt 1 ya 1.9 a - robibe that heobhm fot separaed ore Uam , 00 ax. pe«» litfronm al lb. boodie. -Mewphis y -e.s -ApI ea-Avalanahe. easy and naue 0» rSw .n t lo. et-n m.â StiALL-POX lImspreading et Atchison, ao,- ounlm Kas., ani fificon nov canon bave beaun i aportai,101 h. Boari of Healh.a ont four a . Brocta 1 go o nt. lte meet- me, Phile- Lies. It te XEO. trm mlb. Alleu a d r. Tacid> a, oth mlab. be-r. rhins, nte ult Pis- near Wich- movnm vore D. of Kan- or Spings, .CoL, oter led George p'c* Creek lied up by ilson alniick 1 Sank Ber bicago pby- disnI*D ,z-Preede at aeleo re yourt l itcur.' o vss 8"a Y.,bIy -M lmain a ah te Clovel : 4 the te1% Tom RaL& tnamp,vr bas accept.i