i RKÂL PARK M TO MAKE ONE OF SMILOIL mm ira£ - eoiome amtd i *WtPa*ue urelIe smelibte é Va - entoatie rn.sd« vu Mates hlerls IbId lie lea of hwae CongeOhi. VgW one t lisaer &UMMe ia Wb rad thossatîedepatier- ,ta wtupar on"lbéasiet bikI as fvez thei,' répnt- ~WO Cuaiit bu,-1e llu iret hunsiren ar-l 4 M bu Ic ti emtIgie aie k sUou u gero sles M*os.evaalcb rtufiau '#à u* i ~ras foto 0tb.u mm ~bi goles e ovru- teW m nfieodtion.althn b viii o permîlteti le et toë iseau ucu mom are" tâeti Tmr 11au 1, bw êes. 4bs tests e as-' la txotsalheine e vst ugati DO& s *nmlier e lseao et Am eyfthe ta etdrlumoe.l aet 5iltheFinaceaiaMI QuO vum le Lsuns Tsx asd I bua te ce héioueatfentiten ode. e eeont et hyîe lac u acos at er.go lthola mie e Jactpaial uni toexe iogsoavStaoespled b,' Ma KpOrI et lIeu hinadceun mmit- ~~ dama e su satfMr. ý4 bbm&t1ho la hoftexput abi 00»M2le os %ou o lb. taxable tvmte .eoemlr,' en offeretth iu-lmi oef a amud ualet l Jipla*ho bol hoe seosîldsla Il.l'St ratée et lleréet. M. fie 60 *m eraeeteti b>'a Vote aofIW *t@ AVENOINTAMINETF. IbesiM iromliséaM»m0WU- o et mulooteet0f oulempaeloT f4 IbbMrait,6iClorado &peutge. *%*al$a are bordeasal vllh W. KILDelav8 111 ioai Crel. aandvu tista troqitre iebowtrnaS a ,'esev.t arai lhetbAe a badi lsopffite10tais biné ouI mcd 04osnl l'are,'bat bssu §burtiecers recsivéd the toi-V b5Iom .aVoleu sbha. cvandir rus,- ataeed caersalirise,' arem b, Monda>. Jour cIl,' di bu t I Sayom etS lb.Amrican Rail -U se, nom audeear. Pollue are raa ae M osd bsecas- sa~ig ur.yputol%0 t ýAqow*deqple b be,dolb t.Thé tmiiBppiB. aucer lie# e le aasc *let ée"bar S"templur &Ilj Mflte mecre the uabasponedà xtOUSeO«à5 I 01. mImaITardé.a ois. Cif thle Animai bojýva out he.le-. IMi be BSimd Tante. The»e oeupilal fi ai cate vo-t - ai 1' Iein poter hais ho., elituole te place lhe respousi' les le »DeStIl gaylMUMes. e18.ers% et At ~bu w àtaieg tedeath by a àoe. Tleuassl lgat- lI aiet bu fsi. Ta. counti b«»,00le eeil. andi theé ,'Una *pdanc «M l and strer, *au$& bt fan"le emele A Ibo dieetd la Otau X40lea"W place tu namlat »Daotwr oafe scas e oes is««IàL b» ho6 a101e Le- 11'so i1e. 0211.Teab bia. I, py~Lmée a PeOM liIDeh fo46b .mte ile le van FA MS itetepOe . exls aiestilaI Ihe a à %4Wto se a lecture isor la A..- allib blueh.ab@vasserlouel.,' canit., *e4 050tissée. *fla oArmoues his dt tw udti4al laser- '5asitifou tfrauti- bu bs hîcon ut l .t iSb* . o i. lie fe I ma ebvu etlIitie1a lsiretiaceti % htiiVU* le, 0040W ee malles he, tgb. t provillmg foris r l l ~blt «&aleset sil wle#i5M01l 5 - ete'Iomlr*ee opposite lb.- p ràseoe lb. Uses as etis- ina»t' piSaret ivbicb viers s0ometsucte4 and oospleed vilbinlb lim ile siplatsti Smth b.gra.aticgs cIe.A total 09 M 0504- ut4 acres of Ipubie l1»d4 ver* dtstaeetiof ia ibis ma,'. Ma liCHashoMe hast l bas ,)wunclean,' ths purpose of Contreill80I usaise the lime ulii, bicb râliroeda abshoîi bui camploeeti as essettai t) soveasu u id ud a t ba tis~ th* poriod t tlMM bad I elPOSti bOrO XUS no poiler ta mok aisiecep oftheb lastie eorerjsdbhulding rondes vllAli the specieti perlia line illaks lu m»a, insfanoas coqutruc ion of landi grant ronde bas beu purpésl>' dela1ed u$LtiLth*b surroundt country bcd beoome sip ibickl>' pdpeiiet l Sa& thsy might bave beu biulîl cîthomi aid. i vsny Uv. ralîrosti opotatons are affeeteti by fiais bliL 1% t. erttmated b,' tbeInterlar Depmrtms'af bast tias, bave talled tu builti 4.598 mlle of noati. sccordiar ta the termeai ot sr charter. aud th&# Iheir landi holdings ubhich coulai be forteltet amount 1054.- U&1.00 acres. The Northesu Pacltic vWlId bu compelledtu laftrfait S.837.000 ac=s the Fotbteru PacIfie 4,147.000. lihs Oregon sud California 9.084.003. the Caifornia sud Oroigos 1.740. 000. the St. l'aU4 l. lune- apoliesud Manitoba 1,1L3.000 the Chicago. Et Paul. inuneapolis and Omaha LU44.0n0 anti athur ronsm ouiti bs. amailer balai- loig&. TrO RE TRIED FoR MURDER. Mxiloers of Rugtsses DBar luielsi 5 Brusit. lsd. Tfftgrand jury' teturusti tinelmesta grnit, lsd.. sgatnst JamiesBooth. Boberl gania. Ernest Pour. Charces MlaCh. Wm. 'ibou anti Wm. Wottos. chagnt.$in tI the crime ai murtier la the Ot eares lautitillas William fBarJunots be crime far mhlch the Indicted mon are ,a u trladti ooi place chUe thea00&al mlrli as ant Cier-béat The deteontiýaateàa îmoh. allaett-p sa %1 a ilet bain, tIhe' by riiag hie huat i cth a *loue. Barr vas [ont'Imhyilmi anal anoîber traîanus aos beti>' oundeti. As lb. affénse la of su unbailsble nature the mes vere %ake, ejoi,. chere they «lii bu impt until the citoter tsrm of court. chuon tbeir cases viII cone op for trial. The courl-naom aos croctisti ith friandis or thé prisoners su nîuciaexettemént vws createti b,'lhe udinga9 o!ihegrand Jury. RDTRATICD DX mis BUILD. Clevelaad SmnLggteu YldS Up a fig Bar- ventt t<slome Juspectore. speci ostami inupeclors Brown sud ooueuw a mas came off the ateamn. ship Havsi. uhich jusl anuIvéal aI Nec York. %ho botau api arsuil,' abnormai Lou.seh. lHe vaq met b,' s ver,' preff y roman said starisai ta Isave the charf. The ispecer@a mlopped i hm aund bagan aseurch. This e h cat Ihe,' taunti: Eleven flue aoeerschaum pipes. Ico marquise riug* sel rua ruablieant islmoutis. Ibreé ring% sel rlth lunquois anti pearîs. seren ub,' andi Pearl rings. six ailentiltIfurquats riais. vuo emeralti aud peun[' rings. tire diamauti braýochos. a diamona seart- pin anti a golti wat.cb. Tht, l- the banner PersolSaI sare if thée,'er. The vouiti-be imuagler gave aI'. Dame as R Fruhoft. of fel Toubullt avunue. Cievelanti&B m laa baccnist Thbe cuman ho, met hlm cas bis vit. the nésl, latMetidurlur tasssoieaol 0 ler &uhMd.l _____ TRetIFs Aux NEEDE». MartnseTrouble llstcesn thi eul CIC Mani aann Rud Prend omelaws The situation at Round Pond. 0. T. trauiloi ou$ of lte complicatims betceei tbe Roui Islandi Railca,' astithu City'. repurtea Io hobusértons anal an outbreai t1 tf.ésrov esuseciati,' commisslaset Dsput] Marabal liadasu ta lnvelstte. andthia latter bas r te nléallu inaluî Uinited khaléeintr cuil hbu aeddte Pre test a serions oulbreai. vhtca viii un iaubtetily reuit tu blootisheti auddamag ta prfpent,' niules nippod al t he buti. Cima e e o omrametetioins Jutige Tub,'. smutIna asa luvrurs Cour& nI Cbloago. ba dcidedthefb.fanion buil oi William Slorgs and vite &agli lobs V. Farutil antCharles R bancs. and fia syndaitcat*s cicabl&t théelTuxe tee* capital. HOomAd& s leà btinhcbibas beculu Ibe counE 3a bath sides of Ias ocean forosercan ec ,'sare6 il concludoti a mort remaria ils trial, te vbich moltera involvîn 46500.0u w ue loft la the arbitra lIon et ailegle juds eWho"a ns eenSa b,' airourn al.1tleelersahibietiu opos sU connenst. Juaige uloe leclion e la viclt,' fan Sturgsa De cureni peints -are alecded - agelis both' Paillesle tié e &0116 -bus the ut sifeot t e t IoiloIo la gmethe Fui vella Wbas the Jotimenfa et tiae cou. are execiateti WUil&m Sturgis asti cite vi reoilve Sd2.3&Sil I u hti uaandtle ,Qui uaieortl possihi,' 00.000.Judo Voie,' profimt 4M deceflcItha aion 01 plasalor>' ramais. go ssil UMn flarga iaai becunimtalufoua teI.proenla bis Cam .A merie of lamentable acfeldo batl puxeaumi la. I lnMiauf il totut ibi u méaesleavitb île Fa Irait s,'aite la t s ullathe8001 ne coul -or deleeturuxsaiMW&'i cib oir' bS maIt guut. l'râee iliciortbal darne ailanybod,'eo fie. bol thI taovog llueM #ècu9 A vusent cmaI le éetéq 15mui doe* et iho:ie.Ua4* p4I lêils asdut asl aslee ccé lIe M*r qOUiPe lia otriare@& Tais'sloneSoi,'M8 vs Weil tule mI! ur nPointe Sau eue glu aq o mxcept Na Seoesss. and ahusaail. lIe et réumoteeessurgeateti empuii,'. T voul t eulaiie , sulfteeed b,' I16 b vent nb,' lie évidés., de i lit"él. l'b. clebs oetheIe j(tieual anadWeste Longues stand as fa ors ia the ehaj010t thtp races W. ILest.! W. U ens le * 0 ont al. W. UeM MauexCiltfflé », M T. S% lit a BRUTA. MAZINO IN. AN IMIDAN- APOLS CONOBUN. Oves a s@»e et zExesoaVlFad Watery grava-Tàe Presaset-et Irise ns n- daeti b,' an Aummbhls-Wsafta gCo- mmrl »IWrons la Suoans Butet.Collerg Uste. SarI Jackson. 18 ryess 09 ce. tesusetithé ar est etHenry Woodforaaludnioans polis andt t rial broul nthtanI betsa;at brutal sycieo 01bsxIng le le vogu*etaIthia Ualle tatutalestaoge facture 'à 'hob tis Toung Jackson veal tu voak ai thé tac- tory woodfortIsud asuother eMplo>'e strippeti hlm o! aW hise cisîhin. cid poluteilm bs rous bond tu fo t %sh tgrpeallne. oit, anti vbibe tend. co- ared, vîtia yelov. Tb*. #&int drieti loto the skia ver,' rcplt'y anti usit l buh removedt ran som*eparia of the btity et &IL 01thlb.stand Woodforti "tiseIaiL Vasa cemmuon cestom u ft feail Dec bande la thot vay chen thé,' enlered Ihe chop and i bll v as doue ouiy,'lu *fou. - Judas lubbie deaonsuce4 lbeprsetoaas brutal anti oaiil thal bu wouiti bu sfnmptei f0 use a %butinIi Sbswu l' ciao oiti beas, no reateti.- H. thonlaitgS ootiord 1500 aud ment hlm Lthelac brkhseee for six months. TWVENTT AIME DSOWNED Farfut..st.et XZ,'Xew Tr Soais,' zzeure"ioitk The ug JuamesIX>.Nichoi. cItii sixiy- titres xcrtouloté antiaa oev ummbrisg te. or Ivelve. @suiSender>'afiertoon tire. mill«off Nec Tork harboit YVift,'- four af thlasOb oard bave hboutaécuat> cd for. T'he "sIvers dtiroei.The lug hati beeu 10 the ftiblg gros"&a Sue bad. ILIolasatd&a licoses to c*«n, lilpas- sengers, bal ixy-tlree iolels vsles slai. l'h. îug resoheti the iiae euos Ume. bul th lsailng va or asdthl. sa ton reni far comterlsu1884 &o" ll ushaesterteti *boitl. ava oia80bWticievl batet sud viuê île ...4aim5 erl gi..to ruanucrount Iota he port aide anti la eltrnb an top of lts decci bouse. lTh. boat earescod a!armingly to port andthlb.voter suspti iover thsrail. Tiasterror-sta'lkeu mon ruaibeti baci 10, tarboard andti he tagsvung duepi,' daosaron lIaï,sida At the sarns moment tiares bsavy lahérs sîruci tebeoast lu qulci succesion. T'he captalis. Wl hMinH.YTt. smudedtheIa wblîtîs ta a prolangeti sras tel' help. Even as ho tui su @ho veut docu Ilks a wtone. Thes vates ehoieti the et,' of the vhlis ,but uat bufure l bait bees board andi beede& .Bosta near by reepaudeti anti savoi ily-four peuple. LIBEL IN ADVEUTIENTS. for 100.000 Damagee. Tvo rival Buffmlo lotilng bounes bave heen saying scauàdalous Motsnof ai ic other lu the advsrtLlalg coluins. of tee local ispei's fur several ves. cati Sac ons of thoet 5l b,' a parlicatari> bit- tcr pereanal sîtackInledltpiay type. pro- posas ta lu votethes curse &0aleteri b. lia- bilty of a nevwspaver for a 4101 prisîad lu lie stiverthlini colonies and palti for by a rival ccouecra. BroutrBrother, bave bugun "seclon agalesl thasiiale COaa- rtcr for 0100,000 tazuages for the lauhilC- Lion etfunalalo;idlibelou4 artice s i 1 0d"et é, telet liisuns & o. M b f 11--- r --- stsrefeir e tb Iol rivaieséas pupptes' andt liaeu oiaI as t banlieues reputallon. Besidet the suit &gans% lias Courier. St la said tbe brounere d cuntempiate au sctios sialuattbIeir rivais fortIlIbl. ___ RAMEs TO THS E scuE Ne Yotik sRul oa Hpaus..ue. ment Gol seai Ose.. brA long steop farvard vus taion Frîda,' y la the movemant amoug tb. Nec Yorka Sbanis go iltanti bslvasn the Tres.pur,' De- apartmont ad furtber dupletion af tht -gaiti reserva Thers bal beauna o doubt - stcs a recnuéconférence of baok pied'- Sdents thst the relief needed voult ibe fur- mnsheti. altbougia the cas <soe stoi nt, bindîng actioa. The latent movumunt amoualedt ta adeflulî s ssurances tat liae Sgoi *hl ia Sb* iubtruasury bs Sot coula etli replacoti vithîn a dey or Ival it car ilrieti ciîb It ai. impliea promise ibalt the I*banis coulai meet furtiaur demandes lu the aisamse ay. 80 curry the Trsasur, avsr liai ,8 p-irtoti oiJul,' dishussessutaFront 1hat wtUme gelai viileho xpecieW ato loubaci I-tiosi Eurpe.___ 39 CARNOT 19 KILLED. s, l'aU nter the Matie of un Ansiviaisi ag Italien e1 Preitissl Carneiof athiasFrench Bapublii 1- vas slabbiut undi,' evening lu Lyon@soan 'el disti fort," minutes past midtingit. Ai et the Preidesi vuas lcsvlng the banqua r- oftliasxsiioln aI Lyon@ausil9:3 nI olock la ortier su go ta Ibm then. Il1 ter lhe vas sabhsd viti a a mît Le, lua Vs stombch lu the reonuofaithe liver go Thé* amuîs vas arreileaianti va% reôog a- aiestionsu lles cho irrîruti la Lyon ,t the psevlous alternetoos.Thé mn'assam, ni le CoeaesGovannil Sania. The crocdth&ia Ms eSm ialeti nu ontas the saa ltuailon It he the Préoltmt bonsaïs inove atask. J. ai sdethsuaq lt lurezItalien ecaismIl I-Lyon& Seporleti Fat@eoStv.u Amerteam. Ou*sa 14caVap eném. la i.csreastifmilb. Causaù l Glo,. et Guarmas. repoviti 1te BUmxelr, Oteau 11te Sloe,' lIaiIco Aserlaaes lave heau iiletia" saiten b,' amlbuie on 1 IJiron lasuti.Lover Cal- ternit. socrelax,'Ossslsm bus asiel the Néxioma Gorueel tu pualîl the ceis lalice h1% labellereal thai anc et lIs, mes. ho 14 aa ecspaper correspondi- ceut, unil feppear viii ga iles S@on hie papeou. erhéee.MeOCIAn txope cin ibovoughly lu uosiitte Isfair. Dyregiobm raeitle MM"tti Messe Brri, s.apm ro vuasbIttes ab D4ewUlta.îa b> a mat dox.emass vomis igo. developed sympîomme et iyalropiaobis. frlgîlmalg hie lamîil sud rimas àava,'. A poua"esouredthIlsmaniai'ÏW Cp I ale bime Ne auecetietilu buechial Io*,* mati dhlaeied ose et the pases. che. la iet.. tellel mmhi. vîa sclub and illet bitin. Girtlle44 4 Ligbtteg 0e16 C. CI Watts. Oiloet DatesDistict Attore,'. anti hie little daughter Lucy, aà suermil etbere tenirefutge la 4 bars ai Olepiesêea. W. T80 le e»cape a ttn A4àbuese A muli et ilgîlin; 'mach lI [eua. leslecil,' illia 0e" atié Ilit ewISn aa4abisMIoea Wlb . tcseal sffl, b.fl lgale au- Mmeussrlouse propotlorns »T" lutéla e - trators si New Yrk ti Cil5'. fma imitl5 tiaer sétid ti obave chat mo"egb 1.l. liane rcontracl'. orteredt fom alroait . E- gland.Wales andi Nova Icotla bainsEtbe principal sourtsor0f uiply ,bh ey sclublt. Witbls $»0 short spliaito09teo deys tmre6&0000 ibm, vêle Ibm.ort.red. This vas fully tour ceeks aue. and or tht, 8&0000 6.,» liare amroty.lte Sarrve about 20.000 ton& fSomase eamship con- paeates bave alto beau imparties coal ab their oven iaasa a matter ut speculatan and are raid tu0 k&vs dont faily voitweIf& t At present. hovever. no more forslga cas- tracta are baismsatie for bt$mnius ooal la arring trams West Virginie at the rats of seventy 10 eigiaiy cars per taey. Front the Cumberland section coal lea&lmo cmm. lui fred,'. Lait vesi sud lb.herni be-o fore coul vas mllîng sasbiais as 84 petttop but It vas offuruti lu New Tork Tuesta>'a# 84&50 per tou. ____ BTE VCK DECAF AN4D DUES. Terrible Effeet or a gurgeen', MLt. eon a Young Texan. William Poster. 20 roes aid. veut la lthe Feal,' Hospital..O.lveâtou. Tex.. Io bave au abeceui lauceti upon one of bis elbows. esuseti b,'the @tint of sone ptsonous le- sect. Afler beimi placetioutas the operat- in, table. Poster caught a sgnes aofliae ourgeos m pratiai butte and i vaelaed vilh convulsions, R. bailmyen il rapîi succession. subt bis vîtalît,' rat. down so that lite bad ta be malntiteti b, artifictal respiratios. 41tes ho vsu te- asctated ilvs tulb ond bsbaIlo@& the povers Of speeCh andihertas. Forerusou leaviaf lbhe ptl. gave notice Ibat ho vus goug sa drovis ib«lnuelThe poices ve e tilidof»noisers brat. li mouned offiert "ir"e la timse ta se Poster lhrac blussli lotmthb ar'. He as fichai out anti taienS oma, Bit Blow etiDanube. Wedueeday eventng Omahba vas .liled b,' eue of the 8Slrangeul galon experiesed i. yeara Much damage 80 buildings See &ana ý.ASu4bri vive 'blousa dowu or broken 01f. andi lacsgnie place graiflevas biocked b,' treeu taillens acrois the street. At Court- land Beach one mas vas caught la a boat on the laie and drounsti At the Ame avenue Street car houes one of the eleetrtc vires vus blown luta Ia troePd Pormmans Purýsb liaubeti up to, disentangle Il. Hie recelveti s fatal &bock front the vira The ranci; serious reporta cogne tram Lncoln. Thosss.ads or Singer, 1OGrman flags floatuti ln the vIcit,' o . 1Maditsn quare Gardon. New Yoitr. Fri- day. la houas of the nationalasaengerfest. Ibe festtvltlee vers lnuuurateti brida,' svenlng vlîh a tarcbllghl procesion. cblch serveilint titroduce the thoumands aifsîngers ta New YorI. Tveniy îhousaud men vere ln the procession, Mari Lee Mine ires et ISnrntng. Tbe lire lu the Mairy Les Mine. at Birm- 'albam, AI& .cotnuesburni.î furnouel,'. ln spIle orf&ah;efforts t ex tlJugulabit 1 t)0 tiho lft1'Dnu ho vers overcomne b, the 1boat. tour are doad, tva more are erVecte< (ta dita agira minute. and twent,' others aare lu a criticai condition. Clourdburt et Sro"vile, ln<. flurtng a cloudburst osear rookrille IF sd..&th@ BItas Crack Bridg vs a sahed r' a&YWMillaSodr. vire andti ela 1 mre on it nt the ligne vltb a wagon asd tiean. tir. iBander vas taien off tira haut- , ssansnemlle bla,, but lIe ohen cure gix iemuen Are Injure&. Fix Eemen vers Injureti b,'bains cruabsai under thé rillasg calteof the *cotton varehouse of Burr Brothers. in Philadelpipel. vhch vas desinoyei. Ora r 0f thé mes vili dia The lats excetsA a $U,.001 Rtobbéd a Rbn nIk f549.000. Emil C. Enappe sesistanl leiher of tbe Chicope National Rani ai Sptnfielai. Mass. vas arrosteti. ehanîca ilitheIlé cu- bezzaheent af 849,.000 frtramhast bani. lHe ilîl bu arralguéti aier. Nelent. CeatraI Di.ideut. Tb. Newc Yorb Cntrailtieclareai an us- ctaeti divîdeud. the rate of 1% ~per cent. quarterl,' belug aiherti ta The sté- ment for the year entitug JUDO 30 show@ a leficit of over 4700.000. *Doses flouses SImd kb,' Ligîlnaing. No les. Ihan a tiaxun boumes cura strice by,' l.atsiug iVsan@c. tia' iBrazil. lad. No oue cas illel. but mérerai vereseritSasly mufti& Ordereti Out. Thé Fth anal SxteeuthB ugimntnan(as. the fherdas Pasehave beun calil eut la Pennsylvanie b,' tSa. I'atls')nfoi survice lu Jefferson Count,'. MARRE? QUIyTATIONS. CHICAGO. CATISCuiiOtPri u.. 04413 flnmx-Fatn 10 C.. ut.............. i f te* 62 0 Â-Ne. B a 6i5 s t %!X-'-N2.................... * I TTIR-Cbotoe Creamen,'...il 0.6 7 le" h .......b........... 9 9Io* INDIANAPOLISbu .0 8 CAI'IL-Shippius ........... 20* à ta HOOs-Cuioice Ligia... 'o 8r CORNu-NO. iWbté . 0Oau-lie, i white. 6 MIT. LOUDIS. CATL .......................0 47 Colnt*-No. 1 ................ 40 CATTL....................... 55 4 HO« ....................~ o 0 e. I21.ai.4... 290 T3r Cex-..s elo.............. m: TOLEDO. WIIEA-No 2 Whit......... ...No a49) UIa-Ne. 2B... ... éï6 **4 a62 WXET-Ne. t White ......... 83 a éI)j =Wlil 02lilet............s a 1111 MILWAUKEE. wia' N i l. .......... il du il teas.. ,. es" 46 ié - mi 9 ACTION TAKIEN UY «THE UNITEDi E8N8GNO STATES MENATL AOTED upo %%thal»"YAdepteantaionis et C,"m- psthy cii thé Peeple out ranse-Tel- ley et fluel Sat lats a r a ikllsai ExproetaiRoundi lPo"i olympatb,' rer tlI Irseel. The follocig usRcls.1 action vos, take b,' the filatsDeparîmeul oe the recolpt ai Ambaseador uis s' oticatLla Of th. cisailla fProsîientl Orauo Ezacvn lfmbou. W&.UMcOj!0Bue- lis, Ambeassaor. Paias. Framée: &0test UiAs mliauerofPont"uaAirle pinsdex soir.. visiwhioa lm. Pm il M rd the [Amegicu s ave bort of thé irosci lne ise. humans andipllIi ue [traIe. iaM . Thé Pratidiens looinotice of tbs "At trsgéd,' lu the fallovîng uemlé taOao- ElxgcuTvx[s MÀsxac. Wsabngls. To the flenate anti Bouse cetiRepensent- sives: Thea skilng tailliesommmuhoasevt liait thé Ptttim usa le rsncb reahlo met bis deela oiei ,'a l.ly"t O55qs mlLin Il agrble eeu chlbse O&='E a flisie e upebl e mnol léilte deeplims-use the sympathies of lias Amerlu nsatien. Vii the violenItermissaluof 01a carrer Pmussm no macé lasi et IUheriudse ltu varnél olvll»im ln alt uM hournmeilas a = =elO Of maont. OovanCLUvILMD.M The fouasp iaterasoàlmg«ullnuniDu cillb tb. Amonlean people la exieeuing té the people of FraeeIheir so-rwvasd s,'mpalhy lu the national boreav.mssl they esesuffeini tframt Ibucruel bloc ot san asesais mbicb vas aliis d asthé peos of France snd feili paus liasheurt Of Presi- donlt a.bot.Andsti, a trk of respect 10 the ummn,' ofthe Preoitimitof thé rupublie ai France. thafeSnaie ajaursi. FXILE ON TUE TRAIN. Ita"d niExre rett ttb a Vol- leirof mollt&ietlRoundiPOU&. lm las Iuliodlu the andt t en.aSci L4auu l usd. Oa.and itiares porions have beeu voundeti Lu a s sirmab btceen the otilosisi force%. The .trouble la îctting mtre sserloume cer,' bour. t Ibo proemce oi Unitedi futé> manitais obas s lbsti the quietlIng cfeet dasirti :The crauti ut citizen%. bsa out the catlle 3guarti au the uutskirts of thé tous Falun- Dday' slght and carpeti thé nafano su at ytrains coulai sot ps aoven for &mre houri. Tbal trains %crmfot dtucheti ls due ta the vigilance a et e inai,'Bar-. &hal& Sanda,' nigiaL tLrse plle voe &hot A usob attaeethie .oulh-bousd *Rock Islandi paseneestrain. thal cl Ibrougia the tlacs ltig. cith a bot fusil- r lade cf buffets rtrm Ibir Wlacbetena .More than s bundreti shot. ces IOuedst 8Ib ietrain. and smofutthe care cure pur- 1foateti. A Mir. Fossett. cf Kinsauer, cho vas standing an lths pistform.blid his bat abat off aud roesied llgbt sclp countis. anti saotber passmier cai trackInluthe t Iroat b,' a bultet. johusin. a nsvsdeaieu ofa Round P'oist. vas bItsla thé lez wlhb fhear,' charie of bucishat. iarthui Fix osa,'s &ailthe powur ai thé Territar,' vilii b ti requiredt faput clac ls lssuneminonai 'o Pond. IlS STING lil FATAIL. Niec Ton SBeleogirl EUhed b,' a %aeue- tees-leur Lomi. la apit. of UNIR n»o*01oStage Entornole- Oint J. A. Liinnrtao conýtra7t,' beetani ai a sivenleeii-ysar lucumtlte pisanoue anti produce. deatb.sys a Nec York dia- patcia An apparunti,' vell- autben ttce'ti trsiaste rsortad. The vielim Is M'es Cartle Holaus,. 10 yeare olti. of Orange Coeut,'. AileseHoinie vre a loc-oeci drete te sciacol hast 'i herais,. Bbe vaitssited at ber tisai anti cassions oun the back b,' one of maerri locustaiataibail onléredtihie scboa'roeni. oon AflercinI the &pot belon to sceth antisibs comnieucet Ioa uffer ei- crucillng pain.$hfiasinso bcîme feinf anti praclicali,' laI thé power ot tocoma- uin.iO btidA uetaieon brame ln a car- îisgat A phiscien ca sommonoti cio admisisteasi rutaudîsefor Ibo b"tsoa poison lae Insects Natta itbstsntilag a» thai cas lame. iemIlmes continuealta groc corse untll rida,' mornlug. ches ml.e duéti lu Orvet agon,'. WILD FOR REvENiuE. Cannois Deaf h Arousee éAnser et tle Militie Nation. Tbe Fr«Wui nation la Convul»]el cta feelings of sornac sut anger. Theaaseasîl nattin ai PrmetuCarnos bas stiret Frnchcbmcuions lu a manmesuigestive orl the terrible dam aof the Com- mune. Thé populace ab L,'oumaid et Toulan sud aI ether cifilessers rlotang liosa,. andin ait i.usght bavé cash, benu precipitateti aI ParIs Huer,' place 0f bus- lutes. intLonse ocnotib,'an Italien bas beetu saciet b,' a snob of Inturla cai. cure- log Fruciamén. Rocs hatreal agaînst ItIalt làs sacblazîin itusadaugerous flame. ce. Botmin Dr. Srieg'. The Vision '1 beobotical Sumîsar,' bat chauigei l1a canstitution. ogtias bo »asrd cf Direcfovs pow o eem»pto, oths t iau arlaîset i nistermasme eaburaof Ihe Sac- uIt,'. 1 he change cas Mode aI the meet- tn,( of liasboardi just belore thé goneral es.smbiy opeset s at Seuiog. Tb@ senu- iSar,'lB Ibus net6eatta un Indéependantt hasts Saoulai ths genessias""mbMr'depo0 Dr. Brigge froua lbu*,mi.istr,' b. couid tiii be retaiseet IUnke. anibisMesa,'poai- hi,' te tecnfr theueSnla ela. oeftlthe trustées. MéUrsde G0mwa Proplettlo At a meeting of tbe local OsI"oS f rail- va>' tainamu asi Lke4att% Obio, -Sacre- tar,' Ptnricflnc»ide. of the Vtiled i Mis Warbm prealtotéd a etrtke cîtuilinthlia nexl, thiée e san Ibsvoulti bu parlidîpaeai la b,' sver,'.orstaie l aber body l thelsUni. t'ed Istea ____ PasrtlMay csms aà Divetos. Constable &- I. Taylor. ai Colombus. Oh1o.le dep lu troubléecaume. b>' a p-irrot. chIieobalais entier astaehmenl ai bis boue. l*e ocer la 1.111. PaIe. @BatIbo btrds vocabular,'l ba& Tbe eonoalei cas reosal,' mairluIedmadti h. btda mil.- tsi uop of bis aume anti Lalies promimes a diyrte)procoeelt. "Mteut 115 5 As» itI Boga. Prieeer 01:0 ugger. Slale slatmalo- gl, ila i bibato. Misne. la uspuse tasa i ati fme théetaintmlu.l las eefabulshed i u4*jeultbu box le propagate Ibm ebluch hisutilesasa A larjo neMber oi1Surmerts brouil li ire bhnIn et anti hostie& CalarPUIM sshfe iite. lThe Onipplo Crach- Coi06. districtlelu@oi- fering Imm ua Catérpillai p1ag06 lu Ibo or atV FPour Mlle le,bav a i Baebu lb. h@-e ai e-4 -O Sema Deéemmiof atmev»W es 0o. &re4 Ibe bi.ole m bMcud amealla i thei iv ac uêlt« iVfllc* 'bone appaete sioai eUst 'f th, bu aà~scla ttes *mm MIMPe bu. lm ot saon t*i. Ub 'tnoa rone la iitllt ha i B.d lbsRtî? me~~~ lsvsBe >P àe lez cvinh. sibales ad "l beedf ~t bil o«Ccet ba' 1 l. oses uritia,'aflris 1 gnéma eoeea er.matie matO. 01 spmmefalvs Ollei'. Wilk5 mis sW~. hil M. Iiebartiaé. u ofwbluai et I.sl'. Seelur estIt lla corntMISS thie inshI tesfeaiMtt sAe' etosmalb.Titindesemaine5ake iuaIb h lu u e Thnstia*0Ssle"" 1 lfoe a the *arne lm» , e O Mr. Aldrich sove t t % ,il, aeé mh emeetex ehouIt r0»»sle De" îLe, l'h.e etdient ve4411b"- b-28oa me30a Bill. Who Ma Ra titi ne"e. The Vi@--s~5t . aMenaineestliaSils t e a- " dur- leg ublo ie *0 lvasW"10rueab aieas2. MO. ca Wi bon a*reeta .ma Pfe tbo aertiau dsataentlie gave ae net 10 e 'a gpad uiielel bo m s ta . vW b" W ou s.eaiei.la al.e om eer 8"ll m meolutms Oreiel vuti Iot M eme a in lufies OP thé mlI-Omle tii. atiM a & 1.stvu.ees alot exlas Isgll ise for deSae or Boaui Fta,'. te buOose an .s deth live-08131861Rol.aisa lé NVeIl laIdh .111hbuie Mtianer fou bât iOn' tu opeeol. Spemeles vete yD- etnfalies à*reevmn or. Weit lea aie.~ ~ t aniBr, suzPorl, 0f the 181.mi "eus ne I-%sai Uet quUtoa As et O'dock ltseiBOUasstjasrnmt T'he tarif ami ntiicOnau-t4 e t 11eh- mucte ai 114ahirial dlamiit Pa Wr>. Eu- septlag a uarIbotvsseu HILL ofew e York. antiBarrIs.of Tenrnetae. Dmel aOt itereet vavolvo& .liarnt-eplestli bisdthé Bose b,'a cole of ie tgle87. r-i.uiacelvitia beailsari lmore- tog chen Ibe Boumesla cSuiflée et lIe sholé. b,' a vote of Si 10 74 adoPleti a &mermenl Soffered b,' Hép-eetatv@ 0. W. stan..of Pes'Vcns xempdaf tnl-ty. optionsirem the puOVIOIOeM the bill. it vas asls BOctti es M N.m flatch asti otheva asti grscoutefti. satiéd Sb* pelI ai of equorum ME. tiateb ssidIbthé mm.dmeul. If adOPt- Bd, couli deftro,'the bill OGasde- Meanti for tellun. the otvoléms %W ftone aème.times 1cas 92 laet .Budsi sae ast b,' a i. lmmtilsls,' Ise110 the6 111m- sge of the bill t"é general delcmeo ap- propriation bill cas faima up BVAfie, a roc miueme$peut la espamatla09 t Il bil1 b,'Mr. tBayera.-vian Su tu 011a&1e400fil lu plga sor M, Erecki ntig.%b.ucM-mib- 1as ruai. and ti Si v* acloci a rmcem Wasm taken unt il elshl ock fibeDIfflht»s'. îlon cW« duvoleti ta privâte Pernsion bult& Both homs o f C(magnmmadjounsti Me - duy aflen stophlai resalua luse t OIMS11pit vî ithébupeople et brasetui. iber bereave- ment. The tteaaie Turetia,' oteret upu lb. tLiralentl cash cf tarif timbale. devulima lisaltnios 0 té ncoe t'. M. Dlii vltbdo the als smesmofetitiou ft tuie I teetonu aifeti faiSS hostie fnom the oporsute of o%ILe e.Asoeboiema botida,' bas bseau sitietoIb héio n Itbi soc existings eraU sCongrus à basle puces t. do 6s".Aon mollon or lit. Moselle I bo ;nae bill mabî.g Labor Bs,'a se- ionel bolida,' cas ps.en b,' the 'Bou& nusas bulsaiis "d tesoinmmtlon p Bu a folloul: AÀtbil entbodatag teUlnea00pu- Hie Gao Lîgît ComPan,' tO a l aeh- uterged or&@ main s, Ibo lb.umisepui River. Bllih 1 gvthe @&ame velabî ami effeet 10 theealb. aof prlvslms anti me- commiesioneti ooeote u peoteau»e ea i tveu8the ostas 0f commissisee oS8carn onnoierable dieui« V»ca peepitatati b,'ausnaemnteofeili ta thé parsurapb 10 puy' latino tiepredstéon club" aAs th*e 8011 faall came oui or tle commitlese Ibo chooetaiepa'amraph resIc etiais po- puiItos et8109008for the pa,'meul orf eer- - tainInde uî depredtIton claimi lleu t Ibe 1111,606for theo asminsation ot lIsse cases b,' île Ationse,' Generist »Onle- ail,' provideti lu the bil. 1Ibuhoos9»eM I&lued the ameatimeut. anti as amsmdud la vus Paseeti. TiGERS AND THEIR PREY. sn»la formtaliszanaste liew Th- maie Ibma Ailel A aat'reépondeni cita hem "Ousa great deai aofarest lift lama %irrites u thesubjucl oft bac lgeu'emecure iheir prey. An a geaerat rut.. ho len u dlteod ito oblth1trithOf lte O om- ns,' ccepte theory ltai the tUger, atler iurktllg tu meub.heptinge Os to lthe t1nauoocitig victima anti, teesiu mavag 1etahl@ lhroI14 e:enl( driake his bgiol. Titis math o alla May sornutitrese .adtiped. butela l tar mare oeIen lb. excepion Ilulisate rule. but whon uther co11cealmeu,61tlà lm l1 possible ho cWin cmeraas6adeerau other selifttooeti &ni"mai dt eOXUrrdiuary a L dA mettes tait 09 2M0 yardsluà Oinle aoting u1o012.su lte critesmeulions 1h. caseà 0»o tigrmes ieh it ue to aCatch hogs Cr tuer aime tdWIl "on&aPerfecl,'ojiOt andi burne-ap P BOi aitaimle amefor lte -t par.% ~lsaIt,4d it a bloc o0li. "W. be ln the Mo thlieUme buikj. ib* te- r lonoed iler, eplng Os li*e lak Of tirW"4 pu 1the neakin u fr..of te wither"vjlh Ide Jace, octe .alaptur lthe shoulder ofthét an" ltbe other fltly extendetiý ,the thrait, Sitoulie eb. nalls t# criait IwWtli.lech he jactmlpptei thon jerk ibe ternd back vWelly p* there<W break; lhé necit. la pesv* hie pre,'lte, ilger fr.qeflalY ispq aimcalphenomeusi stiengt at si lvii'. lu Orne OKte oued, oa sme six: fat h git, vI a mmnutb in Lear.y eloivea atone Inalier . m% oitsanother omotn a maie fU dragired au excepllouatly largehui up à Dent:etiloeai ton feet higit.