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Lake County Independent, 27 Jul 1894, p. 1

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~uuî4q dr~rî8f4 H. C. PADDOCK. EDITOK. OUR AIM: TO FEAR GOI) TELL THE TRUTH AND) MA AEMOr. PRICE, 5 CENTS PEP. COPy. Vol. 2. No. 41. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, July 27, 1894. $1.50, in advance. Lake + onty.+Independent, %Wauc# aInïdot j St&Zj:" i ndoepntent, Ighermervillé & Wh»IIna Editions Vfd Ii.q ViNa et LISBRTYVILhE. ILUNOIS. IlTie Center of Lake Countyt for "re4roi townsanLd 'ricleI.ive aeil the ooaty Ne"a and nunlet eir .trenatb te malle cab and &ail lant-elaa county papen. ADVERTISIIr4ORATESIIII. l*.oellvjw w J loelfmemelyr 1 WOIT.Wi o511,0 iTM ojS IlS fFmm!! 1iSàj m 5oeî iàTà î Mons 1 4 9 1 N ETÎi M1 per oent additlonal for Front Paile or tipeclal poetIon. Loca.l Notice. ue Snto pper ine fi lm a- oertionanmd Ove cent. per Unce for eteli u"di- tlonal lnsertira. Thoae camnlg*.iaude do d eau hase lovais, ut 5 vente perrUnte, strmubt. Logail, 81.00 p.,. Inch for finittim urend fOfty1 ovnt*, ptr lnch for raeh ruhrir.,iit lsetitre. The âlI.osr r.lurlurle aertil.nr glut &Il ~s'îîe~.Nov,,"trartre argel'r banir- mnade Bt1 l.l o-a --i, e ndJ.1, Pi ifing are du--awIt ..bala. I10i of eou-h ront h JoI l'r-Ir.lui ir r q ) aid 'A s,i.r ismeni (,fAtr 'n ii, trier, t' I u lias., i tjîî 1 air i1l. el S.abscrption Price, $1 .50, per Year. H. C. PADDOCK, Publisher. COMING EVENTS. I)eorrati tîtîis îsuîîtaut' Lilrrtv%-ill.-, Siiîtrtlu . Arîg. '25, 94. Laike ('oinlt> Fuir, ut LI.trttvislle h'lrt I , 14, 20 uad21, '$f4 AN NOUN CEnE N TS Candidate for Sherafi. -rîdlute for tii.-oflire of rit.-rifo r Iak. cougiatv ttije't r10 ith'. ar1i' ftA .Lk ttheIieîrîîllitacrtt *îrtîr.îi.A, W_ FtrFilîîHE l l gllai atratk, 111 . Jaîttr2-. ls4 Candidate for County Judge. Ire.,pr*tful[ý anboîtrn mýst-f a l-atîldate for , i o'ffljcr rT Uaaaty J udttî- sUiject to (Iln ec.-}iaf the' r4 Iahe C tiirepuLI,?littitlSLtai t. W4 ukegatn. 1Il - - -1ilt 4*$ Stake Race Entriesý JEUtriera for tile 3rd ataîtîtal -laim;tioia ataîke, foal, 0f Imýi3, lu lac trrtted ut file annual exhibit of thte Lake (oulntv Agrîcuttîral aotiety, Libflrt> v-ille. tii 18i95, willI close ait te olTiir- of thet secretary Aug.lIrt. Sd if[ N Our1 cîttrier. I)rotîs \th. 39 0. E. Cut iw HItLL, St-cretatr% WANT*. FOR SALR. ETO F AlM FOR SALE OR liENT-200 Acres stuated unle mile soutiî-eakit of Gilejer, Lake 0)., [il. Govd Stock, ai and Dairy Fartu, under good c cultiv*U4i, wiUl be sold at a restsort- &bi@ prit;, on liberai terms, or wili ec zonted tir a reirpotîsible party for a _q term of yeara. Apply 10 Il. F.t Wbeeler, soutit of ,(ouîtY 110 Ilse,8 Libertyville1, tr S. S. Wiîteleoîîl SUBSCRmPIO rîan tERs, Why Fletcher for Sheriff? ILLINOIS STATE FAIR.EA L \ H VEW UCN . Seix r.vhoala daeu dro ftIi li75FD!t--WiAt Springfield, Sept. 24 29 -Great- J.iA Norrthi tmade a businiess npt Tberwoab.cgunalrnc on or Ettit Allen or momne otie eise et Fair. on E rth. l Lt l1gt01itTîîîsdy ODe Yogi. Il not paid wthieî3 iuethsa 0176 telliusu itsiwliy Deerfleld und sortie The îîrepratiauîîs furo iiIltoi i uiirroî i îeirrprtatheufitir R t Tu One Yeur. If n«tpald vlthln a montha .. Ot i er, want Mr. Fletchier? Vlit isatn t, fair1t. e ro -uîiu l' grobilda ýrtin ioe emrilitr' .Arutil) Mi ilieý, and irttîe are attedn AU.teneta.opaerdetb his record? W'it tlias lie ever dorîe? tet rrg1ldtigtl rn laîruardti,, bas,' i rgir r- r ,r cuilandi ee1talilli) Mee±itig utlisate. 0<5.00 per yer.m'bat are lis alrilitîcsrýa nbusiness ier spîlelr ilexdare btIi' lat rays t- ake.rr truWti.Iertit atd ie returuedtoe ____________________liasttlile heallmbritX«, eexlierienceya aIe. Illinois. a % 'tIt tr aiukegaîî lat Fridity. mIntliaslie 1usdatîv exîerience lîaihed With l'elgreafeiiolîand intr OeanSpelal public tîffuirs? Where lias lie llt'ed eneîer GRAYS LAKE. Di>. Wells, wîfe andr daughter am Ouîr Speclai eampaign Rate wltti ail lîla du>s mantdlalm e arigood loyal T1n eî<uto ulig 1Wti is larrat tk- tViatit i-tetitertataiig friends Irons Chicago. the luter OoLceati expires next Tues- Beîrîîlicuit. Ha he got pluck and coîim of erevtioî wil i e the lîiticat l r i a.e. Sturdayî aud witue weittîo day, July 31; mo iif >ou wisti to take energy for difficutîtmes. and places, state fair building fil United States. !C. E. %%aittrif lilcai)a, ~s IiiGraîts ILie audyar euie ud advantage of it, yoii btter iîîrry tir. or wjli lie run away frons dîfficultUeb. The lengîl of lte building lm 342 feet, Lake Lýt ý'&edb« Jaack Tagart anîd wife wet to b y Those wlio are paid up six molis or tîtat la lias lîe got - 1 uhmIteetee lil 1 ri h-matSiiiiday lu speîd filîe eîtire meek tbore. more inî advance for tbe INDEPENDENT, ak thece njuestiorts irecaiSe a 900d widtlî 127 feet. lîiglit from the grade Mrs- red Wilbir ciîîlteltdîîtîtg Cl~ara B3angs anîd Mary Badiq can secuire the Weekly Inîter Oeeun marna- eptîblicun voters on theb west lino tt'Ofle foot of the fiagstaif on the tiswe.called til frienuilt Cuba lâat Frtday. six montîts for "nly 25 cents. Tii tille or the Cotînty lhavc a warmfldome l1t;) feet, anîd it wili[le fîîrnlslîed 1Mits Aitîe WIliîtlîrrrc stent il Mis. Tiieruti Oaks entertaiîîed a the lat caIl. Soîérser rrlak .îliî-e b our lîcarta for Mr. Brown, of witb ail tile modern appolntmentsl Atitiocli, laitt Wediaesdut% âïster frontChiîcago scteraI days luat I-rtmont and bail made aîîî otr minds fortîhe accommoadtiont of exhiirtors Miss Lolai Burge iais ut honte fui[ a %%eelk. m. D'a. Take Notice. to vote for hlm. He la ontr eigbbor, and visîbors. ILt klrructicui ltire viâit litât Suiid.tj aflertiorati. Mris. Johnti ast-le3 aUnd soi, ot Gray@ Wc lllmcc utIb Coiîta laîî-ea good man, statnds weil wit tihe publie proof, belng -oitrîcîed 0f stoite, Dîît tiget tf ieeeitgs ifatFort tLake, %%ere W.rttcrîtda vit s lasI Wetrdawll 3 -2s. ttheîet iii- roiîtrucîbas a il,(erecord as u citizen, stould îbric-k, ir-oit, .t at lir.Tut-l il iforc-la itis teek antiixt. F'rtda.î Poor Farm fitoit'var-t.Sealeoi mukeuagarod oflur-et . I-iirif this Mr. fie risk frons it-(. liglît to Irersotîs' Mlr. h îig.r-% lci, alagtlitbv getttig tts lt-g bîî,keiî culiug lhome proprosais for same a i ie ire rceived Fletchecr,of i el lli t-as g9r0(1 Or desîrîng 10 make exhiitils. ctk, frot Car). tii) to 12 oe<kon it e 2Miist. Sîîid more -alijalle mai, wv m fot ttte 0khott The Ipremium listit inow reail> for %i r. 1 l.Walbit taliarîst eais Meaîslear-ctheleatet-ati.triv ailier. prroposaisa cati ,e taîiîrfeseîîin vcure if, for one radlierrrtlies r. inîthie idi-'udistribuîtion adi t- ivig muih-d tt'filt o rtil? o-r Mis riattrsand it,,ii ane v. illlie glad tu or Sîtlr.î sisor Win. 1:. Millet, Lii,.flitua ika irlir-it> tilt, îr lesra flijeaiotfor tfi,(. sar rot liNailarge Natt, Irt.~cioietlct ert3 ville, or dali-lvervd-il a-e uttv ni ll, er thait a- t'Io gLiii .r>rforri" is. 01i-force (of emil') sil s asrtis tîtht-> tain afadznn oi iot ett 0f h. rutmttî'-.[iria tr he îauîtliiig 1 IsIi'a oit ti lkeaitout l'IF.lire addrtessedl tui ulalt-idatWttI., ii(iiti ii oft e of - ifl5 . rt-.- comtflitit- I e i - 't Ilu tlit-i - tioliii Ws',rt l lsIrrl 'W ifl, N rrcat- àsliitiîiaai îrnuansr- t lialtg i ei itý >rita tiacit W les stitir i n»jU ltli i al tIor t- t-ut t i ut. itl in - thaiiil slat ssi -iaî1r r tii,- litlia- foir agijraltiiiiti îrraiiiails liats tsi-etr11itINaiii , 4it't li-astcri ti, 'lToma-, Strauîg, Uommiîr.î rt.tarta.-aiiiS lrIî- -itii iattii- leelî rif(i(ýtiri ri tt'. laIir . if atii> Mis.-r Il. Il. St-s lic ririîlp i lasi A riail %%aUtîtitrer tIf %Xîcoiida, oil liatd il[ tlat al'oi- iii. ý%oi\ w tou (f tilt (,,joli irahtiaIoit offastItiluieltti-ls. sllairitl1,ietrtittaiIiol ltlttis dtlited the e îleeri i'-rrtaik Thoais, rm r nI tai-lstr.eatalrt i,- S i Ç. -clîî a i.aîara i iti iaso r- 'e ildll , ý l tit-e.atta %% ni. E. N1illel. I'ool* Faiia utirler-slair tiiý1 ro% r I.- t f- Ilalr i l it tir,- lliraýi-. -taîte lrrîtrrl raf i Ilitsitt tl i~a kegatai Irt,t St cck. Ltlcrssll-. Ii iaI\ 23 i.iL iita-l iii li %lf gir-îtaî- Nrf ilt arr- libir-raîl f E. l'- sheitiaialte jewelrit 1, îarrst F. jr,îîîcucîa tîai w e Stîto Tia iii. 1 '. aLra l.? S îre iaa r- riTea-i ii til Isriis if 1tiîiig bit-ics a .1-. Sý Mt aie s sirae. pelitathti i.af t tra sscek:, ait Arth Thl'iI ke (jilîit r Fait Il ai r l lirm j iat-c grff irîr i(,f i i - ili St ltttv laie op-tier litji Iair-tti-k. (rank* s tiie d Ioîa-r tntîeittouite ,ît Elgin airt sutl1tiarria, -ilraintit.l ad atA Novel Scherre. fitrmet-, as a- ta-aturi ait -tati' fairs, baul The Laiier.\tiif Sicietv hlnial r ,titli fii jaîdgîs an itî i tulr' otrallier ii ali."- Il l flît gilaitrîtf a r a k, - - fofltr-'nlotî ir-la rîf titi--gran 'd 1 l ietti n it ~ rliir,~ atteilol.11tatrtiile o tmue oad r met-ttrrto er-iisar- their- ra.ia'r-- i lai rA,.iug. . I tg at M ' t n Iil.t it- ta> aîag at fit lletît places. B. K. .,W.tiof ti t, a, tri, \,;,is aair-aî-r it the dtt-îtaottaorith "iîrltt, frit, -le-l tNtr NrittclattT r 5 eîI~ $'pr'.itOl. atîtla fir tliri'iî orrlisExîrtslttriýiaa ONarletîansa, exitrts malle 13 trriiitier-. ss llie i iose %thlti Ia% e lioitti Ex Gt;irs-il(. iels aiîsain t Ile u as-c fltaitilie coula ails erti-sittg. at ian f tvoit list't I' telals eaar-r togotî, ii lai-tflirItof tiste cdi toiiitttt3 nskiîag ai exltiiit t' le C tae 1lîteit-la il l'iit ttl, larrniotatle tr e (*,it atirt.- r f-ir- Prt-miiarn la-t t i--t Io lilasi î'artlias îg er-tila chrlargr- of ftge cordiîg tir lte conditîoîîs nanieri, ilI ti t1rrt (iisrakt anattiti- pilatii tîaaîîr tf laîiti-i pul l-ti - rt tI ig >Ilit%- falit I aufitrag fleit tnany reî-elre $25, iif tdusriltIri-cite orite i lalu tutui. 55 t artti pîlineîtc ;it Laite litataqua, 1.l- r3 ii.'t-tri mrE ls ls~ attiti:i'.lr-taaiagr-r. înr.t-were oftflec thie preminimsoffer-d. I _t % lfitIkn. [l etlthoe ssek. Ttcy r-eort a iii at po ralorlia tl li- 1 Tif--\ dar-as tninivi- asdalai file lremrinis are large antiîr(' offert-l tiîsie itider Lcakeart Iail.(a u-t sehte iîaat1nltaao Oliii lî-rl -nut îoîgrastiîltut- th i - 1 is il , Tri i, e 1r Si r gr elout. for ailE uiti,-vl-' tistarils lîîalîîd ila tollcirr-i tri, e iti It-C C of tire laîke att iresetit tlîaî, et-et waa on-se-rî titiir groIriforttu-.etti--c1Isi; h,'ir ia-t.t ir ilr-(ititeitnlManauger rthis deiasrlmelt t tur,-îl,etr witatai- Is italietsia. ktîoa1aut oît atactne. sevel'illnmoro hard tmes. T er i, wrrrk firrail. >ftlii'gîttt attii . tiic--fr Exîroisl- varietie> of ieil %(rvcN lcl W li oIw ltI i 1 rlta jateý%ltcuetii laroil railsbriiig groi ao 1t iitjt'îrieil..wii ad 1WIi jrt--- rgiie lfarmo. ýa lot, trate herses,or illa t - Clas Barkcr teceived ai teieplîono wtil-taiîiing th- i rowîi, i, S.-r-ItI cuit Jprofit afterr aN tîîg ail ei-l-ires IExa-ir-ioarticra tr ie fiît- trfoi te thlig et-tai', iL tll in, au u It-rai menssaige suiîtiutatlterîit-iîîfrotu N. Y. im-alitit ir tt e) irr-at ttaand tia a rt1-1arir t rtx s '-- io- rufd rîr sil ic gs tittial u- itioi ue lîarrEls. isiln-l r- tasîtixie titt'iiua iaîkm wa igre-lot s-li-atiattrii-tiIari tîtii-[ tti' a tta t îiloi- of friTclt- stasIe. Exiîitar 0f most bort crilairig rn ruta vciatrmer. deuil, but di toutt alle t es'lîthiru 1.eIlttî as triitrlr-tîa h-lutii-r xposrnitionîtone î Suirda\ er---u>ertesripationi rexcefrl horsed.i ilî l'The John Rendtti Iomesîead , bot aftle rso. utat-oîîs itlotu ut SIýritîglii' irlais etcoing tuit hi-ir sairmotit iîrtiittg. r 1w jliatgt'd omt, tiaff r4te 901119guad tllenorthiwe5t of Grays Lake, T . V- ilocutta oui gîcateat bustier wti--k antd nomiuated Ht-tir r lft-r '~The crawdo whIîlh attevniberî tore laeîturnctl ttc-c. For premniam list t uarrt>wly esc-aw ed nlg buu d-îlddIilrIjr;tlîely groui aea Tr-arrirerrand S8 NI. Itiglir§ fur imnîr--Itim ie ttu t reil.ls fraoiaut -t'id 1fîrltlea informationu addires. day receîtIt-.'lie ite cauglît front t 01Dr. WelIir farnt e igl-Udp Siittt iat-iii- ft tlP ubiî l ltrîtiti. occasi-oni, aibove r iîr ast-ragt- liaits\n'rC. ( tusiS'-itix- tLt- tali-oatl butî bciitg iuituelatei l) i r k anîd caInle lcar gril' i 9 Up th llattuk la,- i-ou ti i as îrr aît a.extiiitîgiai ed ai >tuaitl uila i nt la tou I lie1tu11t'A lita W18 i lStf ianrte. rei--'ptas r-rt- vrrs-- $2,'rrrar -lt-uai drur-it -tt. o anm i e o y ffle Ii z ttî q, irrirb-iig driattedi lv IThereer- il-trv tritcultle- niai air i-ial iIil . A. Piçnic and Dance. tIti- rinîg.ta-t e thelltit-lîatoll. Lut' ut- aîtîd eNjît filerjtri'lite tolt inIras îatetltl qiate ia -SENhtii ai istanît Iruetît titfat lîrizr- ulst-rtue chie a mp,tt o. ai 1I7., irit Lui- ,- iîtniutaî îraitt- ai-lt st-t- crs î ;(tîi l tiexpete thirali3Ott cari tra tti ira'-. tlot r--rr-r-r-îatheii,' ltttlit's Exprositioatn 'ai- i-es tîtati$75 si) lit I sle s i îe Iaa uu ali ii îîîg Ilit atîl atp ri tceka. A laue v. tr aq-lirtstT Ctk lt I w t-lli-r-tai tht-s ma\s oa'ltzr'tiair lthe utet jrli r îît tit f lt'e st-ddIîi ta- lats-s 't-ac sti','sract att- i. îiratler utf ipeopIle floitfa i l lits anitii Ie la tittre rrtit -toi3 irl te rieuîd. mi.,-ko trtr-î peitiolaît - M Ile , - - fit> $2.mtm r ia- r-t ainager-, likt'l il(t-' ;it I i;tlkiti Lae,al i ta Wet-i sda3 t-etitt hua vîdîîîîîy ctule i lt t ots ut h N t t rtiîa t eaaî a goodat vitb-l-iti - Intiepedeiit leoit- Sthiig r-o ts't-, tIeýsen -t for- juintitft- A rîgast 15. .94 - Oratrs (tri let-da; îîktt 11 purclînas'tîî IilIag ae uafredoretieb ti-k,.tî rnaîlal k-n-k oui irît ila.oani i-'xt . 3 t-u otigois î- andtituiduit theilt i i'iectartIlin. Jrointî W. Wh4it-e, nrf tire Ktka[aoosilio%%.- tiI tItS Eposutoti ediiiitg' til-tofr 1iiii ittiectînr laio. C. T. leitTdekel - whom you wouldIlike to be beld in cotilitas t'î'rlmarriîl. at iatgatt. hlon. Dewitt i. Joate, IThse Kickaîros t- iecliiiaiuitg sit-llplesament remembrance evoery week for Ltietsili- ia- ut, it ii t(trîi ilIlHum votîltii do rroîrLîeiii lne.ronttîtspae et ttr'd at-tenioninov.-aîîd puiltg Ourthe comn.ng yea.r? Make that peiso frr iberrîtv ire ins 11%soefandinateti rt-l r o uijts dFir Io fe o u ae o e r-teM IAiiientsae. ipeople ummeiîsely. Their Remedit-, arc Ppresent of a year'a aubscrlption 1 foi- n '(ItiltN. oflil-e his fat "liq will ourityFuir popleiiigeegtaiod aimEsi igiEitîgini oeoi ad glite peipe-tte es I th DIND NDEED<TT stick by film to the- endl, si if Nt-,, Hlbbumd and arramîge, if prossible forr i>e baill gaîme, Dotuglittitlliceut saîtafactioti Dr. Black %%iii gise ut lias e uit'.tradinag stock. rememirer a "Fuir Weddingr Fridu', aflernooni.rtFat iet- race, Woodlmeits sttvcsîat'aeletuefo0ailesLoo -t 0k ut the- cd tag on yout paper. we atc alwaTs rearlv for a gndbar- i heFigrud.Tlte "bostrot' tt~Ftt-o-I aefrmi, Tilo'ue8aîay aflermora Jaîlv 31, ait 4 If Shows the date 10 wblch your sub- dgatiotî Otîrgh df -legate ttit tOur couid stol, long i--ougiî for ftic-A\ieril îrizc givemi fir ecdi race' s ltfeet a i eur fie îrlltietî pay pindme ml.Iif yurnlsh a e- dlgto.Ordeatsare t"P 01, wedtiing tereMOri> Und lte crotsîs l- tsliînitla serveil oit grîrlts"tutghtt estl etr I leoit T yu ndw wl uriyoua ew comirinatiois atdutu aangis-c the wouîtî lre immense. The tISDEI'FND- (,rnetît-ile,î Corne ail! and tîlav oitssoi a et1Cmîsttiltetteî ter paper. It requirs money as r tîtîtaiprivitte lecttue aidtha îor-st-lira have as braina to produce a good DOII slurewniest liolititiais alitairle Poitnt- Est miii do aIl il atar 10 Iî ile Ite tfil lVoodmeui's batil.caird if l a-sliete sa.Nitats striatii a e r s . B t - u m e r b e r ft i e n-t e t t o n s a r e s c h e m e a io î g , a nîd m i l I g i e O nie e u t r- __ _ -P & aimaits hl ttehbadLbry stibscmilititi frec,to tlt- bridi' 0f tilt- Scîseorlnctums. - . ~ Wauucoiida taiN>s grelot antd ttuîail tiira ,fl îas te r -tfui-iiLiker- tr r t-irn f tsi.T-ht-Lake Courily Fuir liaaunsuim FORT HILL. lia\îe goItîje B. fi. uraze taîiy. Tey iîîg irrtIA Piano at a Nomrinal Price. l r ntir'o anud bcing rii-rihute-i. MrsHIl.1E.Ktigtaf Fox Lake, a3 grinl bnitt-r.Sttira Faror for Sale. Thre ligie % farm 120 ai-r r-. ita led irait ay leîneeit Warreiutoi i,rssaurd A ri-stiOltlt-a part) a tkvls to G~rays Lake, antfour mile. iiorth ol Liber- fspu ing unias a esul rih ! t-e gmat tyville; Weii improyed. tînder gai-id itate nifIstrike.I alior leadema1n Chîic'ago ame ediltlvntlon. No waite sand, gaan.d s'ti-k or bu 11)g Litthet-otIer antd whcn the dairylIfariri, îîesur faiiing sliritg anîd flowvii ieut lfiîte r vrameing tresi. 'leriuis lis-rai it lphto . ta r-:tdffclie reOerametn BRley, Admr'r.. aRussell. 111.f iii probably be caileul of ailt-be - - i-ifferent heads of labor orguttizut-loos Hotol for Sale.. to take st-cps t.omurd pubt-itg a candi- A l'à roon l'Ouse al,, Iuriâpldind date iii the field tom presiden u ti'lxt good conîdition, doiuîg a good business, mito is know om u i- favoruale 10 thse àocai mater, evet-ytling handy. situ- Iîîboing classes. Ail unionu roc-rt lii LE .at Norfork, Jonctionr, eb., a bo iustrtîcted, tbrougb thie bead ".-, 1d devlsioii ut four roade. 150 Officiai of Ibeir separule organizution, t of land square, 100 foet frons the to 'rote for tbe choosen tandidate, ~jeot.Sleutea cuseo! eiing. regardies 0f polties or rret-d.--Ex. 16tf E. J. FKRoLsoN._______ Colle Promptly Cured. The edibor la frequently adjiaed bo A fem day au owheu I bail an att-ack îriteh loto somnebody, and b muke si- ofe colle lu te boweis, 1 took a dose of orous allueka on certain Insitittons. Chamberlains Colle, Choiera and Di- A dog fighb miliaimmys attracb a cromd, onrhmRemedy, and itit-bmten min-bunooftear llgt eth atms all of my colle pains bail dis- dbutA ny on hm aein thoffee appeured. 1 ara higbiy ploased i il os aysio assli ieofc th Usemiedy ad take ploaure it rec- of a nemspaper mithout a visît from aomendlog lb. Z. BEARSE, Chiathiamsome one wmio bas fauit _to fid mitb ý'M. 25 and 50 conl hobbIes for suie somnebody or somobhing. He munts bbe <by Frank B. Lovell Libettyville anîd editor 10 attend to te matber for hlm. G., C. Robetst Waucoiîda, di uggists. a.Wh)r dont vonu satre 'cm?" ire sas s -Themu lic goes luito details, taiksabuhout rOz.n papers mast the bing for plac. Ibis and hut trciîug n olitage, clu'. lng on te pantry ablves, iayng Wlisen lIte crilor tells hlm ie will pub- ~under carpets or for doing Up pack- hlilsîthie i-noîaiuit rosideuI lie wili jips, for suie cbeap ut- bbc office of sign it, ie satys:"01it, tir>1Iloî't w-tnt LmiE COUNTY INDEPEXDENT, flVe o bput M i roy tttrho it-lun't Wuust t-o a ts per dozen, 15 cents for 50, )r 10O get itito troublre witls tiese paeople, r 2 cets.donut voitrace? Cuuul vont mut lbt iti-' shape of att editorui?t Ht- does riot Judîclous Advertiding cure misaI trouble tbc editor may gel brisinmxy a new business. inb by publitsing bis grievunce but- mayanod business, la t00 politie or too oomardly to as- ~sya du business. anme te respooslbllity bimseif. » lsta business. There are pleoby sucit people in every bualsois.comiuunlty. Thte nemspaper main Chicgo'sIf s\r(ailairi't recels-ci-Ion-iit-n dai s (i-grlarge rmusic îoîuse. Lt ttaiîaigîes al rnti titttnsauril It;ti i %lat &Heaiy, lia, mos caliiîto R amgluili- tais tri tht -secmetam ,.E. 'hurachillst-t-tk. eetle ulig A vhv lLibet-ayv ic, ;or Tort -at aia )Itaîit Oir t'. Il. Iliitt tandrist- Jra',ae a ct-rîtni-w îtîiling 'ibe' luve ltlir i tttia flr-,arritîitks jetttilug a %tr ctk stl ii ar 111ta.1e tuIr'It. nuroher of sliglîîly uied and sei-otnd- rtb. lîaîîd llutio.sr- ttrned( from World's 1hiardre store-. Cli Faim eting. dt,-. tc., mîrici ltae- l ev'i-a) aigo t'e hîcte i iet-îatk -('liaile 'faiYttîîri s liug lias bav-c determoted t avr-iice ratîter ult- tiiat Pulitica arc ruItlira' Ritglitt - hrsi h hrui soe titanrt10 lry to mukc aaom IforThese yoîî are and bhey miii conritinue tuait wt:y GrtasLake. instumets ompiseSqure ian s ais slontg udcalleusesanaud consen- Li.gîttilt îg 4trtt-klit ailie iiitri(rait s Intunst$4,65$9-o$0 n d $125.ltire riant ostnîs are ciudtcted iii thc jresent Oithlie firtrinoh lia iniliî htauit utno it $25, 1.$14>0,u15d,$65,Jpr numtinuer. The people 0f Mclleîry F. DrlIr3andî.ti -Ieitel. $ians0I$125, $20grduit, waii,$15,$1U0, ctîuîty bas-enuumore bu aay regamdirîg IiltrT- Iigers ad itt feu, oh Vauike- *2(0. 225 $20 aîd pwad.Grand the seloctuomi rf Ibeir cotnity ticket gatu, vtsit-cd their daiglîlet, M C.t 1_b pianos ut $200, $25t, *30>0 and upward. t-han Ibcy do as to miro nul ho tht'" Thîomsont, ir8t 0f the meek. Neamly ail origurually sold for from two uext maYor Of Nov. York Cb -iu to four timea their present piae. I mond Gazette. Messrs. M. McCabc atîd Lantg, of Aimot ah maks li Thee ae moe wokiîî da, iiitueChicago, Store giosta rot Win. tourba AlotalpoIj4pt-mks(n Teeaemrewrigd)ii h Wedmesday alternooti rof lat week. squares and utrigbîs, are epre8ent- year o! thîe Americau workair titan uf ed, lncluding amnong numerous others any othor suive the Hungariaur. 'The The Mesdamesc Rauglits, wcre Chlckerlng, Kituke, Steinway, Weber, latter works 312 days intheb. >'er and pleasaurb caliemat oui rieîîds iîn 1h. Docker, Stock, Fischer, etc. This ise-ths bas almost no holiday sssvSuniday. siiîity Of Forrt 1h11l laet Tl.uisday an ojrportunity that mlii not ocetur The oumber of workîng days ln atbernooii. Ameorica s300. TîisistIbosamteastbie Dîot tail to lieut 1ev. tua ('hase agalu, as Ly-on & Heaiy have not I)utch- t;la130 more days Iliumstise Ibis week lit bhe Fort HUi chut-ch; thie movedfo twenb- years. Immediate Engîisb 1dy mot-e tiatanbb Rus8iait, ladies have groatly improved the looks attention la therelome neccrisau-y. A and trom 6 to 18 days more blian the of tlue ciîurch, nom carpets, ittings, gpod plaît wourid be tii order a piano, storking yeam of any tther Etiropeuin wlîîdow shaldes, chtaira, iaînîs anîd a icavitrg the seection t-o Lyoan & Healy. couîntry. Il la tîotemorby biat evets tets orgati. However, llucy iii setîd it lira t ud net'-y arriveai imnmigranuts keela Aieit- -~ ftull paticuulurs rîpoiIalr)iitatiotl. clit hioiidays.--Ex. APTAKISIC. Attiriîupiao not pros-itg sutisfiai-tory rThe euitoruif a larcali palier t, lte Iti atfrP iesr tiir ma)-lie aatîrîurl I I eir xpetare ttost)iruiugli]3, cri tkiseul itdîs iduîal - Addîc ss ait lelti mew ss- ali-'rorîm r rftnuy criniiunit t . 'ITîescape Cri tir isnit W'lait sfi lie tise ai'r i litag ot inIt -ort'r0f Xthran-aa s uit aad rlaoslit- stoutIiliiavtto lubtt a mendierofailltigran tta ale hn lit-utyiati tcgirl tu a ak St., îîiutîgo - us tai.-r -i s 1tîobalstacle i-lhîîchaes iad 0f tiaine; a v.otker i allihott iii ttkitig auattgt' 0f titis remurk- - îrnlltci ai-tics sahd tnii tîrîe; roltîbi- Sis %Veil atdutti Jîi.ats Aithîu lîir ahti' -îîîuc t o ttitutilia in. ori l ititandtuai adrîuiîkaratt the sanie v.'vca ttu('hiatriat- Rit-uni, iletîtt abl cane o btii e pan, or il uci; anutrrtctb osiatîanasitngle tntat i auet, uf Cicaîgo , sisit-ai frieitai proportioni to te saviîsg li le nmadetiail fii one; a PhilaltlhîrOlnis aîtd a itere t-le patt eek. bthe freiglît i--lîrgera are iîsignibicaît-t. genutanatd a fooi; a hiypocrite, a back- il. Buscht arnd vife ceichratcd tlhe If voit do n01 ulreaid3- kuow thero t-y biter, ai iiar. a ruscal andi the- opposite -gl niesr o hi edn eptt-lon, auy trunker ilii assure of oucli. We doiib flliitbe bill and ddît-, 1luly 18, with adance in their hall. youof yon Hoay'sentre e- he ellw wo wuldtryto iasourTh I e Gloason brothers furnishedai alur- sponsîbiity and record of over a tIbrd SYMPtty.-Ex. ing musîic for nimble daneers andai of a coentur>- for honorable deuilg. We can burn out job mot-k as qîîick- general good time mas had by old ând to-ay o a to avld iaaoin-iy as any office ln ther country, Give young. W. wiah the happy' couple as toua a odlouint- . bd enyo01work. tf-. sul yitt n 0 1 ls4S7.7. lm sandîl rat thitn ru iîr owib gîtimuida. 'l'lieliamigliai tteani mont os i tir Il ilin -rtt anad plaîted agaimiat a pitketi teatri rît liteyouiig citis antdt lefl tliemît aitieîititg rnue day !asl. sseek. Look tuai Ii thlie aticotida L I. . I)i~t)eI4 larliît G. Sciairesraf the Kîckapoo mt-aiut'ite (oilirai> 5'. t i htrkittg about tiiwnit Vctedneda3 expîectiiîg tu bring is iniutriit lit-tt, sooti. They mli rbc wccme aslItiey gtve a good show fo frî eu cetnts and it te genîtlemeni and ladies ini every seusai of the terni. We leieu good repoarta f rom tlietu at Libertyville, Waukegati, fall Day anîd Grays Lake ai hope tiîey ili favor Wtiucouîda witlt a viait. Tirere muy be some oune iin tiiaicin- iby y-bu is affiicbed wibli a stoinacit trouble. If 8o, the experleîîceof A.C. Eppiey, cisrpeiiter anîd contracter, of Newman, Ill., miii buboresttl. For u couple of years lie was lit blges troublod with puatns fi the somacb, thal. he said: "S8eemed lis go tbr0Ug& me fromfInut bback. I began taklàgý Chamberiain's Coric. Choiera and Dl- arrhoeu leme-y. Wluenosor any paln appeamed It ttok a dose of bte llouedy. Il gaseeftle pronmpt relief aird bas aiffecteriau-atoijulcte cttrc.t' lb la for saie bT1F.fil. Loveli Liiîertyviiie, andi G.C. Ri trrhts, Watcouda, drîîggîat.* AaIserLAsurs aind correspondents s3iouid remnember that lb takres time, to set type before a paper c-an be prifited ion mwllgroatly oblige by, handssg"lit youm oopy eary. Copy for ada must bot-cafter be la OurlMade, not laber titan Wednosday uSoonair. ean devote Thursday to gottiDS p up f lateet nemi. We esto Pant %d k Dwi m lronto.rq*4"ps oS *u1 - $V ale., )OdS, f goods egan. dition !air at , &21. bunity -y will days, 1 as a ers of of the l>20.00 12.00 7.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 - Line. page or lie( local clin have )rinter's

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