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Lake County Independent, 12 Oct 1894, p. 5

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buh oeyear, for uny , oiffice over Drug Store. i 1 moru 1.1U4 . à5. Dr. Charles Galloway, Oe n Lovell'S Orug Store. le .ito 10 v1îOoakiA. ~to 2 £ t SrM. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Offlo. ove, TrlggS &,ayso@r' tore MOUES: staos. m. tto 4p. m. 4 t5p. ]ROUlE. At J. E. TiIGOS'. LOUanTyviLLE. - ILLIPOIs. DR. E. H. SMITH, Offic over L.velle Drua Store. «-- . là 7012. A w1t11ll 1tIIl a. C. E= -xrnAND P1%». FIIIDAY. OCT. 12, 1894. Churoh and Sooty DrsotorY. mZ»MOIST-J B. oGuba..Paator. Ber In.O~am.; 9. ».. 12'm ..Epworth Ls4rue 184p....: reabug,75p.m.PraYerMeet n.Wed ieday evenlng at " :30. pitiEBYTERIAN -J. F.oe. Pamir. Sriu.Preltchlng. 1050ILa. n.ia: P. M;8.8..12m». YV. P. 8. . ., P*iS . l Fraer Mleetinu. Wedneday eventlng :ls 1UNIVESALI-Dr. J. SCantwell, Chic&- go. Pwstor. Service.: *Irt Sunday eueb monta. a. B.. 12 m.. each suadaj'. L INSYILI LENo» 492 F &A. M. Megula Oo.mnlca roi fflt! mdseSac- urdTsoteas monS. Iflngbreihren cor- tm wlooe.. .m. W.M. 0. a. CHUAoHlu.Sboa. - I Go tu Mrs. H. 8. Hurlbutt's for the istest ln Minery and Dresa Goods. Staver & Abbott carniages and buggies ln ten diffreut styles et. G. H. Schanck & Sons!' Cali and examine Mrs. Protine's NEWSY NOTES. Partiales of Informatti Cathered by Our Rustllng News Gathorers. Mlen yoa go away front home, or have frnids ri8iting you, &l yote are going to gire a parly, i7u8ical or ieep- "o, or tchen your church or aoekdy coniernplates any proceedirag, or ttis yoa seU, buyordiwngeyorrosidmaeor buinesst, or your son or daugiafer ta mai'- raed, or tchen your aeighbor gers 4aSUU baby, or, in a wrord, if you knmow or'hear of any item vof inerestIob Me pbblc, brir.y or sen 1t in, cîîd teI/asIDiil4D- EytT ii gl(Idly pulie/a il. Wood Wanted in Exchange for Subeonlption. Wbeu you want a new Hat or Cloak. buy o! Mmrs. H.. Buributt and gave money. If any of Qiir readers don't wlsh to renew their ëubscription for another year, please notlfy the edîtor imme- diately. We have no dessre to fost penSONAL. Mrs. Geo. Jamison, of Sandwich, is vlsiting relatives bere a few days. It looks natural to ses James Triggs' meut market back aL the old stand. Miss Mabel Mason. of Prairie View, spent a few days witb relatives here. Drop Items i our private mail ko, on the door at foot Of IsozDPs-XDExl sairs. George Wadel, who bas been work. Ing ln Cjias. Kaiser's harnessasboi), le! t tOwu'Tuesday. Steven Taylor and daughter Fannie started Tuesday, for a two weeks' vîsît Lo StacyvIlle, Iowa. Hazel Butler eutertained ber littîs frieuds yeâterday from 2 to 5 p. m., IL being ber seveut b bhy. Henry Erickaou, Who bas been working ln Peter Bockelmann's bar- ber shoju, bas gone to Rockford to work. .Mrs. C. A. (Carpenter and cbiidren, Who have been visiting V. A. Blton's I e MunI<;1f~g ~ ~; vj* ~ tofo Ladies' snd Uildren's shos.orwesuannigubc. family returîîed to Cleveland, Ohio, I.bOItyvilig, - hhlolIS, Tbey received the blue ribbon at the A Memoial service of Prof. Swing Monday. ________________Faie, wili ho beld at tbe M. E. churcb neit Mrs. H. William.s bas losed up bier A. W. ZeIGLER, D. D- S' Wben Ted Fincutter wants a water. S utday evenlng. The paublie and restaurant bere, aud wlli go to Wall- 0841AS0OFFCE elonagan le wli b caefu Do tofriendê of Prof. Swing are cordlally couda to curs for Mr-3. Hugbes, wbo OtBOBOOPIC mlo aai b wlihocaefl otte nvited. la vsry slck. JUO Qcaip MuWom, Co. Sai i* Udi âlSt.. let the grcer palm off a eltrot on hlm. I wlsb to inform the people tîtat Dr. Walter Darby vsited .1Nunda- and tiUbutyvw saturday only. -bh vut. The Epwortb League are prepanlng Goodman, the oculist, wbo repre- Chilcago firsi of the week. He ia on ogce witS Dr. Taylor. to give a course of entertaitiments, sentii himsuef as belîag recommended deck again and bis barber sbop run- Ove Trgo aTaylots Bt0I. îîree lectures and two concerts, in by me, téit I have no acquaiîîtancs nlng full blast. T..eth Extract.d wthout Pain. the near future. withbthe milu and know îaothiîîgbouL t rs. Elizabeth Bremer vaeated 4m^t OK ARNK - j Fus KKENT, after Ct lat, a large lm.R. SHEIIm.%N. Mrs. PelLo's bouse bere qnd went te *OCKELMANN'S foulie îleasantly altuar.ednrde>; For te laitest and more stylisb Chicago titis week Le> cars for bier p.li. R E M N a Ise>Jersey cow for sale. Aîuîly to milliaîery go to Mir. Protlnt's. invalld daugbter, Mr. Alexander. j, weîi eqIppe wîb fRLtna, OR.1- H aye ryou iMude~ ~ b Some people Imagine that the local Mrs. C. H. .Averili and daugbter la éliequppe wih irotýLl»p ooi ý aveyoua fIen orreltiv b)ad, lu Ibis paler are "free î.uffs," abd Clarat have returned homne from an sud Arttil to t> andie themn. hon>à you wouLd- Uke te ho held ln wonder why tbey do,t get their; extended vieiLte Dakota, acomti Wbeu you want a Nitee, billooth iChat . àaient remembranS tsver>r week foi share. Now that la a mistake. WVs lsd by the former'. niece, Miss Lottie Fabhioliataie liair cet. or sbanipoo, t-he omI year? 1(ake that person ,ant pay palier andl prîntera Cramer. Alwaye coule to the IJSSSRTYVOLLE BARBER e p. *epnleent of a year's subacription t 1.1-i swth raffy. We shail be gladi to Little Julian Spoor hnd a stirgical titis_______________l.INDEpESDENT. advertise auy boneelt business, If iL la operation î,reformed ou, hlm iset Bat. We bave a large stock o! Granite paid for. urday by Dra. Knight sud Galloway. and Blue and White Tes Kettles at Looik at thered tagon>you papej He bas been allng for anmeisLime, but AUCTIONEER. Lb. followlug low prîces: No. 7, C9ft It shows the date te which your aub- ls uow ont the road te recovery. ________No. 8, C $1.l0; Large Size, No. 9, serptiou la pald. If you owe, pIssa. Chas. Kaiser moved this week Into lag bei mueS expertiel nA actoer- Q i 25. G. H. Scbanck & Sons. pay up and ws will furulith you a bot-1 bis new building, one door seuth of m. aa;etr$ote ai am eae toI l . Russe].lis laacatedl one mile wedt ter paper. It requins mouey as weu the nIaI stand, where bie bas a fine uew as = = t" orts. -dof W.rre,.gtgia. (ive at bitte Rutsel"5 as brains to produce a good nows.1Iine o! Blankets, Robes, etc. Give ~ euma.vun. m. usa cm.~..place. Aîîy oune wishiiag citriet weav- hma alwe une !ayhr. -1 ____ igor 0Geiiitînrugi male tromhgruhi peer.e n edofay oý J . RU K R. ctrlpt will do Wei tocill athm The Republicans ire doitg Lake' furnishing gouais, trutnits, valises, etc J. H BRU AKER W.H. Apleyle ow sorin oncounty thîs #eek. Tbey will boid ai C. R. Shermanjad wife vidited W.Htgpe u o crn grand raliy ait the Townî Hall, Liber-! Elkhorat, Beloit, Btirlington antd Bus. Pk OTOGR P R Auctioll Sales. He l8as succossful tyville at 7:30 o'clock tibis Frîday ssii reeently. Shierman tLlinks if lie US Gense. St Wauke af. auctioneer, wlîo always geLs the higît-i 10 Gnes et Wokioan.est hrices. andl charges te loweat 1ight. Speakers: Hon. G. E. Fosa, ever leaves home agaîn, lie will not Tk.hm1rslclai . au'k vy. rat. Yu'l no mae amltak ~fa-atidate for Congress; Senator B. crime back, because the people seem atitacionausredto vOyon. yti ecue hm.W. Co.,n and Hon. D. L. Jonea, Ltae te thlnk a jeweier needs no rest (r _________________________ ITu RIF.T-Library Hall for Wed- nominefrCinyJig. Tr erain otitiaialjudge o! tîeir argtuments for E. W. Parkhtirst liasbohtag- & WjFiri drgee ro1ScalQtiiltitags. Iyoiirstlvçs, Hall Day andî viclnity cery ai. 362 West Adams St., C'hicago, -l 1ePe to auj-_ Curb r1tbrwiî raîîy t their cati Satîîrday night.1 where ho will set bis son Fred up lu =1dTem .U't $..a codîgt Who doeï. vour priuting? Doeir business. We uitdersiaiîd the locaticn Q=d & 4 1 1 Special rates for ail beitevoient pur- ueekrstaalattLc a b ao ' a godcune, and<ltiîey are fully corn- e'p l.a~sn-hIv 11111V31111, poses. 52 t lokwbat andwa,ît s icorn te iii> te1ptent tdo a large anal profitable MI,!.., totale. We wiosha ottîres ecorne111tma Peer &W SURI Sani MMUil D.11,. inter Oceanl, Weeklies-lide- 1 your expectatioiî? Cati il be imîîrnved tae ews u xpsmse pendent, Waitkegau Gazette, Ptick upon? It la our rîtle to do nepat, clean, itt~,but h1.01 lie will not1e Fanoy Work Materlals and Jualge. suîd Scri bner's sud Har- stylisb work at rpasoîtable hîraces tempteal te move away from Libîerty- S3TAMPBD LINENS. pers' Montîtiles always oai baud. New No ýsecond-i' work tiaraied out at ville, as wce wisbLu t keel a al uch rýe- Ladies tdeckwear. Ruching. etc. books are coiitantly being adined4 low pries@. Try uis andl be con- sirable citizens. SMT WF. the Library. 52tf nc.- Hou. P. H. DeLany, the democratie SMITH SWIPG. H. Schanvk guIl beut staver & Wit abjout a lecture course for'nomihise for the legilature, calleal on IAbbotts, 3u3 Wabash, Ave, 3 ral floor, thii wint.er? Surely te )copale ofi us Tbursday. He le mal'ing a lively i.Thucralsys from Il te 1l o'clock sud Libertyville have some llterary taent cUV 'as"' aud iL looks iio;v as if our w2l~ III make very close prîces Lo cas- bat thev shoulal aevelol> andial i- iredictiOn several weeks ugo, wottld Lake coOlltyBaa1t e tomers from Lake Co., wh lwsilute courage bigher attainments, espevi-1 prove true. Lake Counity will have Wright, Parkhurst C. select carniages or buggies from a alIy for beueftof the youîig people lu thiree o!rtue louir members from tItis large assortment our milst. Just as the twlg le lient district in te next legislatire-Coont, LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. FOIu BEFiT from Oct. 1, ""4, Lu MaY 1, so the, tree le nls e. If we start IL% ou nd DeLaitey. McHeary aund 'uô. A large botuse andal Larc, formcriy 1tlaem rîglit, Lley iii sooîî aultivilte Bi)on cotinties cati devide up tue tiiri lssues înterest-Bearlng Cor- k,,o*,, as thie J. W. Miller place, on aaàlîtretr, iiglier st4adard of editeation. Miatbotweeat themselves. Milwauîkee Ave., reveeîtly reluaireal li Wat luo %ou thtiajk? We a'tive sjîaee James Triggî le againtoLte fret tjflcates Payable on Demand. goual hape. Trhe uwner'e îtmily o lt-vota-. to the îîuîaîie Wei. ai hlaieolal tand gitit a comnlete Ihie retîiis Ltîje c(ilu 'Osiaetd te gjutca. I -jtéiýtiigltt' la 1 rsi atadtnoel11a j I fvoitwacaa aux l e\aag iti llgti lako resblLa autgs al Snked l .M, Appalv o L V. W.stallord, I itertyvilie. Ii iii uili stvermonts aih ru itai d itl S taes cuai-l gils, Chas. Kaiser. I~r.H. S. .Hirbitte. fiiS lveea hc.Fi il i Cide Mli. al,~a f wia r, a)\ ters every Fridiay. Jais. dii iai P, M. sedan it lil stattis ily ii, Weî ( wNlite iairdv~ t.Une. iiil tkjtLi*~aga u ...AND DEALER5IN.... Tuiasilay. Auîg. 2s, tadrn iiLeverY The coi.titiît gta of Touser, N. w Itlý'j ita$-tvouîiattr csagax H toau,urPNKl«Shlflg*Cooe, : 'ileiieatîý- midSa thiaa lertafterdlir- Mastietates the itardest boue. andl a îreeh stock îvaîelfoir itTRUNKS AND VALISES. ! lt,, the setieui. Briiîg oaa your appjles. The consttat cooing lover, tale .~A~ai god usull k ntlua first- Carnies off te bhîashiug muid. aipe. Fe iauerieal iiaa chiasa Raraiesa Shop. BId. osFrSl. BtteI adets s at rdC Choie Bildng otsForSal. arBeLthe InDesENDET aete re, ()ilattentionti Lua Sîteeimen ortheta ftarsSts FA1vyss lid u Inte C. F- - zitadlditionn Lo 'ieaeLeoc h e h rte lit.-siait thistle wliehlite foîîna lia the' Fietyil . WaIatstaiet o rof. Da1'.vis' d .rom vieinity uf Russell. IL le tl species ior Librtvile.liqiireutF.P. )yaid.have orgaîiized "A League o!fP'trio- tumble weed te seal o! which gais O q"perlng Neatly and Oulokiy Dons. tcShlr, ihRll aOifn Chamberlain'm Colle. ChoIera and tcShlr, lbRlî acifiorigitîally brou glat te ttis clutttrytl LI8UETYVIILEILLINOIS Dîarrhoea Remedy. Pres., and Mabel Acheu, Sec. Eatb grain lmported from Rîîssia anad tIret i___ ___ ____ _ -1 would ritier truset that niedieine Frtday a! ernoon hey bave a debste madje its sîpearance laSouth Dakota. - 'o ir 'o r titan any ductor 1 kîîuw of," asys Mrs. anal Literary progTam. Lst, Frialay I la a Pest wliicb stifes every otirer M 0 r ilatUe Msaui, of Cllittîn, Carter Co., tbey alebaLeti the question; "Resolveal plant anîl if nuL eittermilnated, wi!i CeeSac Bet Pten Flur,$1 o., ili speakmng of Cliamberlufii's that Lb. Lake County Pair la a bene- qîîickly overrnn ailtditis fertile On akBstPtn lor 1xoic Choiera anîd Diarrhoeu Remeil it to the peuple o! Libertyville;" c.nr.TeSaeBado gi Ipbo Granulated Sugar, $1 Foi gale by F. B. Loveil, Liberty-4ille, Ivar Loche andl Clark Wright. affirma- culture bas sent ont circulara aescrlb- tal. Ecn Kerosene Oji, 55C sud G. C. llobert's, WaîiSoîda, tive; George CaLer anal Arthur Price, n Itliwaigthpeleo BoeeDruggîsta. negative. Question decîdeal in favor lng I td wrnlntget i peoe L ý5g,&L Sleow.white " " 45C oftheneatieTo-day the jquestion dsryI eoeI esalr ot 18, Reslveddui Wahingoiididhula. The railroadis bave lnetruacteal çave your cans for 011 and OO&L B "eova tttWsltgoeali r section men te desiroy ail tlîey neadw i fil and We are Dow taklng ordors *for Lac- osfrAeiata oubs' final. Farmers shoulal sec the neces- r he.awatii or Lolilgî Coal Lu hoe deliver- New Pinta. Dress Goods, Sîtawie, sîty o! uprooting titis andal al otîter sal the liat of August or he lirai; of Ladies' ana lCitlLdren,aa atidtrweaur ut noxlouus eeds whielt au greatly ý Our Flou r is as good Septemtaer front cars ait $6 per Lou. - Mrsi. Protlne's. curtail their cropa. eptlse her. O 6. LScinck & Sous Our estemeal co-empore, te Ait- Ll toch News stys: The Lîbertyvilie WDIOCRS - Sac'k and be laIdepeîtdent willi close the seconîd e have Jîîst botiglit fouir aew A carlaaad o! standard piampa extra year uf lis îpublication wltItiseihnfneo cIp yeaa eeva u o vinced. If it is not iroil anal brasgicylJiîders sud pipe for o! ibis week. Lts putblisher bai e Iei sampdes o! programs, gedding Se represent, after ail depthis ind kind o! gelîs. Cheaper worked bard to maire te japer a statOunerY, visitilng cairde, etc-., anal r tit evar knoogit t succeses ad deserves the credit ur. are rtow f ully prepareal Lu cuiTaete t, one-afo thG.HSltic&Sos succeeding wherce many others baîve wlthî any establishament lia Amneriea ormore, bring i Lt Y CC ARE. faileal. Among th Le many prîo- for fine Jui Prlttttig. Wtt mak~Ie orETVLL A KT gressîve papere thut coma teotaur ex sîaecialty o!fmeddiug invitationts atnd or leave -word correod bythe I,ýwa>rntscevery Thii reday. change table the Ittalpenderit ruaks uiittueet8i, etc. We catitprntt Buttmr-tsýg«eai.. ............. .28 *aM well up witb tbe bet of tlîem, ald de. wiit tis tîew type captai to uîîy eu- we wil cail and fè-tb.~oCO lat>'.. - . . .18 1.1:t serves the succeais IL bas aeiieveal, graveal work yoII aver suw, Caîl andl »U«@4pr doami.......... . .17 17 umbl....... .05 an sd w. trust willI live Lu elebrate iLs ses tamples o! Job Prltttictg doue at - mihpta.......80 su golden jubilee..Lb. IND"IKNDEIST office. We eau fur- -4,99,0 a -.,Oin iprsjust th hlg for pISO. ish anytblug obtaînable lu Chicago, . we 4, A' WE ARE READY for Full and Wiattor ràde.,Oiir Store la fileti fro.m laýli te, bottoin wîtbb merchaeudlae bougbt fer Cah to be soid a. CASH PRICES. You do not need to go eloewbere to make your ful piarchas; our stock la large and our prie@ are as 10w as can ho founi. We guarante, our gouIsda au îything fond not au repmeented os» hoe returned. e o ur U nderwear, Dress Goods, Gloves and Mittens. Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, Neck wear, Hats and Caps, Clothing, etc. We 20 105 Gran tiattti Stîgar. . . . . I.0 .5 lOs Roasteil Rio Cuiffeeo........IO 6 Ibt;GrondCoffee ......... .....-$100f 1 Sack warruuated Flour ........ 9 6 Bars Lenox Smap........ . 2-5 6 Bars Juxuit Sosp........ . 215 6 Barà DingmauîîSoap 25 il Bars blaple City Soap ...... 25 i5 IboSe Crackers ....... . 5 ~5 10e Gyster Cracekers.2.5 3 Cana good Oairn .... ... . 25 2 Cens g.seI Salmoni.... 2. Divery.ade SeAlimilt. ~ ~IB.C olby& Gos# *Gl3Al3038 iSflr SUOODM3N -2uiwieqw3 "-, cola "al ni;llj 'Silo 'siliieci LU New Store 1 ~New G, SAME OLD RELIABLE JEWEI.E C. R. Sherman bas movced into the s.outh room of ChasIl new building and added many new goods making.his st eck what it was berore. When in nced of , WATCHES9 CLOCKS i ------------ 1 - isaqs!LueAe

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