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Lake County Independent, 12 Oct 1894, p. 7

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&verof m B . 6ebr P« S.- Q. Bat=<at Duse (Eapbl t0 )emoca asi 209" ,ke neaahol a. Bto I e Ji. eooat (Dm. ude ul(Dess. W. Baepboe, WBp <l'puisitl C. s- N k Deteri. R.t lýteud (as1 - nirilcafl. Iý- so.k a H. Weàwis (Demie F. 1nhru ItlepublU- . ! D.i Aie (UPoIL 1 tltepubleui WBU-cc» ,on 1 it M.r". cari ton mtemooest&f 'iM . ietrt.A1 Lot.arwnh (Demsiaq Dg.p (%r w RPub-. i. ID aeM Dmse Frm ThoPep itebli-) nue Aldten Smi (R. stle Josep Tbiu» )llârtmri 1iDeobL 1)a. l'ortAIeatt*. ilr lDmooei DeaJ illocat.i. '51 Strk nd lepubdilmU> n avtry (Itepb5- et itore lleiclIî.a Den), aiYnton. Pjbe io Sprns tIrcr Rpubi iti.rnI inA. .t .1.,ooaimO vier ifriithe Lel*. Ilte J.r Ualedepti DYtrI in uie5ndsU m1in th Mcclbo fdy ietiaml oâ. Con-e D.eghert dBitri-t noc-rt buon J. E leua it I) ,.i ,cid n whOmn00 ceut Tho ima Show \V 4. Yn. tisn ora tie thernexi Iii, ll aser o10 l the ti-twedies vaseier hto bOdy 1e t-,. T-oar aore roailrrnarol Wdisreu r e'opulitst fonr te- ioel Stie platOnr lr-,cttrnheiehmatn 1 or ttî gvna sil thae t00 hcI s-siv to noo'mo . shag t. These ae th nSla eav exetS bon foîthandow t mer nittiy pin the~ ite re cinae Wree a e Visia.- the MiIfil es ,ne cotl tasée mre atiofAnkiIO t mae are 9ita Valu otme VbU1 .ery cuit nher cia e V. la763u CZAR IS ÉRY ICK enllsted.4he eympathy of many high ln la fl n1f lflIi V FySg .government circles. Tbrough his ef- W W ortsi the Weather Bureau wag organ-1 t." t. IOffle with My temaob for a Jougried in 1870, and Huwaite was Put at i oue sd d uot et suythlns thât wonid RUSSIAN OFFICIALS TRY i-O ita bead. Then Howgate began to 1 c Sumaý do me any Sood. Lnt KE TQIT a prominent fig re in Wahington so Febraryl had K T UE.city. 'lhoeclegance of bis dinners and Inflammation____ enturrtainmnents which even the Prebi- of the etomach andS waa dent attended. flot 'o speak of Cabinet no bail for a week that p,ob.b. Efrt of Ille Des.h on. E.r.- oMeiers§ and r-cnators, ftie aplendor o! even light fotod wouid bis horseii and equipages and the cnepeau Flltie. Taik of "1.s b.n eauty cof hiq home. ail e,n niried to Great DIstresse i-ir pprent14 51ntally ad in.îïirîaUly make hiî a con-i îcuirî- pi-i-s uag,-- Ho andvomlting. The dec- URun rnte pl.rted Death. lef the gayest of lir, i(- -q cnt money tora medicine did me 1 Iavisbly. aud he scemed neither to, ut g<od. en 1 tbenght î.1-îveAil E.,p know i r car bow mucb ho t¶ung away. 1 I ouid try Hooda a-Atirtaweto n-il cngh 1 1riIL henfbd Tesrions illnesof let m--or tijen ca l e tiycispoier. au eore r talion t -o bottez I of Ruiicontinues to alarun the whole lu g scî a t aLusati, nspweCî.- miiiaute foare cou Id e a t anYthing ofFuroy e. it la oxtr,-mîi-ly iiftr..11Iit to 1loJti Olifrcdto give up his -Ci-iearr rttwithout having the ilet anv correct newa cof the tru- Coen fil- psîiw na n in-etgain nd Jlet bit of l-tàen.. 1 bave ortii talion ie bn o!fhbis ui erial Majety, faunir andi t was f iiud that llowLathbail boieand gn. CAIIl he. retrnch oter'"he Most mageýr daily bulietins ar,- ui' sied a systcrniatic couir-euf forgory. lKA&En.CHAMLIX Grt(U 1t1 N, York- i-sued. However, there is nu disgulo- larcen %-and embez.lement and that hi-, L% littcfeta t heCarr s,- e ation, i eache I1¶ he large aum rf H o d~ Curffl n(leed There isa1rcadyafy amorint g i ~nt hmlaho vas ai-reited. HoodA nPlills hnld tln ever hbuoehold. if ajeculatir n on what effect the Em nriprison 1-owgate wa, treated (-itb peroras death will bavo on Fur,,I,(ai eu eeconsiueraîtion andi allow-eria Ior -Cr.îîp tyy.poitici, and tie flucluiti ni of tlire -i degire of liberty. Amu ng( ther The New York Herald quotes a bit moncy market ivan te dii cct1y trartd 1rivloes ho via- permI.itted te 9o of couversation betwcen a young gen- te thie source. In the 1 our.ies of na i -no under an ottlcir, cure at stild tieman and oine o! those very scarcastie uop aura-ndiivr ene ines t,) batlie. Hîagate t ok ad% an- young laie. who, Ji Is to hc hopcd. ex- 9f finance oin the globe there wa-, morero age -of this leiïienc.v a- d escaped. lot oniy tv the fani-y of it-w- aper fi u- or lotie ineaiitisoraent tire reporrts t il{ng witthou iia ý, ung wroau know' m poins . th at came Iro ma St. 1et-rrirg i;hut.ai Nellielifurril, a t ahormi ho had The youn,r man, tf appeara. had the Czar wa, deai. Truc. t,.itpoit, 1 con livîig and ste bas been lately retiîrned fromn bis sumnier out- Were no iconer in circuilationr thaîî vwdbhlmriraeu inre. for six vears In. tbey were denied, but deils from a tli - werc fulzities, row t,aveing li- tamnbler," aaid the young ladv' source wtoe suppression and iistr-rv througt t- fani* outn auJnd no «has jit been tlling me that yo'u arc the ru'e do flot ijeasiu r enitirelv. makijîg tivir vay ttr Lghthebr were up in the mountains withbher And jut euct news bao@ireen eýpectcd dej1,, and un rodden fo 0-4-' r f tte at Montb. ', from St. i'etýrsburg. bas bcen expeet- N rth Wet Six 'New s xtar' uof har "Ys, â nswerod tte young man. -J sd for many weeks. rai.d toriujent. six Vearsof dre-cad of thouj-ht mile wrote vou about it a h ck g lxner Ill., pres'5. iuibmn ad u.pconu ecy lime." fears of aseassination followlng tbe man- were jia sed. and tlicn a, ttuugb «Why, no" was the auibîlle response. Petterhof plot of Aug. il, bal! dead front wiotinz to end bis- surip-n- and give "AIl ahe wrote mo thaj sibo waâ bas'- dropay and Brlghts diecase, his mind bis 4-n[tJl a chance to take birr-,i Ing an a-; fuly tui id tronc, a sbattered wreck, waa carried in a r Howgato anA Nellie camne to New York. Ir is a weli knowu fact thil on ac- cotint of te 5'-r9 r.lpîs,îtirrn (o!the b ood ses,e:s air ankirs and wrists the tlood in cold veattier is cai- lv cbillo i t tjro-,e j oirit,.. For ihe saine r-,î-rrn lu wr rv.catliî-r one oughttt, ke,r tiii- localti,sas IL2htly covr-ru 1 a' ,n Thre Iis is the case watt j ca-d to the wri-ts, tut nlnet-y-riinf-r en it o a huuîdred tav-e thlck leab.r rsng în over the go few ow %sbies arc- caii-d for that it ta ot.n di -ut 1<, lt ýatisfitctoril3 a oustomer wlîr , Jres'Jemand theju. younfi Girls' Sensitiveneçs jM and nîodusty often p uzzle their mothers à nd baffle the physi clan.They wjîhhold what ought to be told. Iyd;uzF 1 egiable (ornpppound sai'Cs young; girls f rom the dangers of organic dis- turbance. It relieves suppression, retentiori, or irregularity of -- menses. Nature has provided a time for Puri- fication. If the channels aie obstructed, the entire sys- tern is poisoned- and mismr cornes. Rheulmatïsn' Lambigo, pain in joint& or an, bick duat ta Urina, frequent eatI&. irritati<in. Inflamnmationl, guav54 ulceration or ctarrh of the biadder. Dlsordered Liver Miulua, headache. Indgtion or <out. SWAMIP.ROOT Invigorte8, cur- kidney diagultil, Birht'e disese urinarY trOubiaL L Impure Blood Beomttaa, malaria. <encraI weaknorodebitl. OWMpVaoot build Up quickly a rUn dowm eonstitution. and malice the weak etrong. Ai Dsuggists50 rente and $*1.00 gSie.. onide to Heaillir r- 0 eo.imo f05 r Du.Knaaaa & CO.. BNoBA UTON. N. Y. The Orcatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S S MEDICAL DISCOVERY11 UfOLij KENNEDY, 0F ROXBURY, MASS., B las dlscovered ln one of our common ~ ~- pasture weeds a remedy that cures every U ~nd of Humer, from the wNorst Scrofula -- down teoa common Pimple. He bas tried it in over eleven hundred Cases, and neyer faîled except in two cases (baththunder humer). He has now in bis possession over two bundred certificates id lts value, ail within twenty miles oi Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit s aways experienced front the first bottie and a«perfect cure s war- ranted when iLe rigbt quantlty Is taken. Whten the lungs are affected it causes ihmog pans .likeneedes pilnO f 1 tlem; the samne with UtheI§ver or sýThis s caused by the ducts being tsitating it. Read the label. 0ftheostorach ts foui or bllous l Wn - qualsh feelings at first. chap edlt ever necessary.. Eal n and enough ofit. jwater at bcG ALEXANOttL 111 . i/Att OF RUaI tl Do You Wish the Finest Bread andCake? It ks conceded that the Royal Baking Powder ks the purest and strongest of ail the'baking powders. The purest baking poNwder makes the finest, sweetest, mnost delicious food. 'Fli strongest baking powder makes the lightest fooýd. That baking powder which is both purest and strorsg- est makes the rnost digestible and wholesonie food. \Vhy should flot every housekeeper avail herself of the baking powvder which will gîve lier the best fo>1 with the least trouble? Dr. Haines, of Rush Medical College, Consulting Cbemist of the Chicago Board of Health, says: -Royal is flot only the purest, but the strongest baking powder wîth which 1 arn acî1uainted." TH- rat' but set te( quý cas wil ne.3 agi itw t'in aih ar. lie haw th( fui nel cr thi Sni th( se, ti Th TI Lit Co of. hi tr il hoepital car firn bis imperial palace ltowgatc han alwavs beon a mairf 1 to bis huntingi iodgo a tpalace itbcif literai-y tartes and a knowledgze (r! S ln ttc i eiowescbkî fastilessos. There books. and so il dot-s nt 50cm unnat- il te ha,- tee-n ince. unit-r the iarc if arr oral that ho stould opeun, a-ite diS a h eccentrie aid physician ut Moscow. second-baud book sbr,î. Ho adopted r -ýaeharjin by namne, ahose methoda are the iroieofo Harvey Williams. and t; the quacks. loughod lit bý ail the mcd- siron became kuowin ta buyers o! booksa 1 mcal savants of Eui-oc. "A Inadonan a, a ii-nteman, rolnned and elegant lu a[ curing anotter" it is whispcred run St. rmanuer. andl as a îeciu-c and studout. gý Peerburg. But Sacharjin cureS the île lis-eS vcry quictlr ;;îlh Nelle as h Emperora baeser ili-, onua pi-esbus ire-',mai and wife. 'but teoumade no especral w caiion, and I thie îrly persan hold- effort at conceaneut lrit,% od adoptlug 1v. ingi the imperial oufidence tr,-Sov. another narme, i-ai-,.'J utîcc hume di Under thi- test of condition,. it la and shod wtt cad, i hast oertook tr gcru;iraly hbelioed that the Czar cao thc guilty man. V nener roeov,- ri fir o t present illne-s. anS his deatt wiiice tainl ' irecipitate APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC. a quai-ici aver tte succession. Tthe__te_ t(;-anSdiluke Nictulas is thc heu- al)- ThiiOgs <rowîig Wee lu the itiul iT.-.u parent tri the itu-sian th-anc but teo 5%%bIne rr niriCarsAre luilt. was noser n rrnîallr3 airing (eitriOr Soma bundreds of peope unte c m'-nt.ally or pjri5cally- anSd15. Is morîcî bwn oflPullmaun. .,art)-egi-ad- ilîrîght t tii li tnrre than likeiy tbalte umî tar-siug liideitt -tartliirg as wili b,. comîreloed tri abuicate in favuîr iîirý aaeuin i siieav r rof bis nime i lir e pi-esc it u-,at Since tii,-groat strike o! .1 rîri 1u.11nnl tlt.d cond iio n ft1-iinroir-au t ai-s the criSeS tiei-o 1ietiere, bav e r omtinprl leath aifte tar v. ilIle omore thaun o! tae ist cUni 'n ,-canre r!fte c lua-it.% r,! u-.ual moment. lnvoiving as it nray. rttersi. luit aftur the puîblic interet crmplicatirîns us fut nuight insrrlne ttc i iluittc strîkens tad Jed arrayi t,-sîrp- ceane o ur niope plies wtielu nseu-ebeinig fjîi teýd la tiexander 111. was tarir Mai rch i Vttc uuedv lu tht tuaoi ai I ilnraji i>ar.F ISI-. lie -u î-eerherlto tetirîr e oui iv. iîy ut steadils' decc-arn-n. Te , the dcath ai hi,. fa h-c who was k illed ci shsnwhi'i e ý,i.ýe r byv tteiltilists Maielii t;. li5 - lieobrîndred peopie wto ap)jrloi rt roi-e 1, was crowned riaI Nirie a- Niaich 2 bu-ead -,arters the otli-r dan acre tri j li.Il,,oarrii-idujisti,, ary eo- that nherim as nollîlugifor theunr d dora Saugutor of i hi- stian iX_ rUurl uýutleS1 r smeling aii 1e ndette lKingi o! Denimark lie uarra;niy -s- at once fou- ttc doser% iug 1oui- ai Inll raî;ed nhah ti th bis atule fîmmll n l an ac,-ideo theiittcraneca-.îii-n 1rail i way in 111 A FAMOUS CRIMINAL.f Capt. tlenry IusgtsStiu »si mn trge th-ti n rIti. It seeme a thingitc-dle thata Man, a uotoiurràrim ion ua, - î iu1d n ou 'cars elude the îrisiit of uticea ,e;~,-~.. thougli ailtutiei-e- N sources if the lawr îu~ ~. - r~wre brougttto ea- i,\'~ agaunt hlm anSil shritld lis-e quelu TRt ARCiADE. i-LLMAI Sew YVi-(t.goting 111 and tout amoîng uen, man. Caunt;- tomumiis-iu -rla;vi atnigta bis oan Iallis 1ith lb-roigily iii earrîest iii ttc ~ ' I bu si n usa vithout vork whuct ta-. talion tron ii .lie of lock and, if oine circulai- t)' thet-ntzeus of!( i iagri. s hoîmîd read of itiu rn ~wii ntot ea-rkn- toi-. \Ve a ii f OWAT.a toruy, anc wauld a-.k for, pruvisionîs of al i kms, auJ Bay -"impossible," enrythiug that commJ i ssulrly 1 - rot Yet that it la iy no mcana impossible an, u o to the suffe ers. Altr ljter lasbown 1 y the case o! (apt. Henryi thinga commence, trmconute 1 ill se-- WHawgate, w1ho vas arrcstcd recent- cure the services aI sevemal charitable ly in New V'ork. bar r teive yars seamen. who wiil vslit Pullmnan cvery moitich has been made for hlm high da"Y rlght aloni Upari o Sers fi-ou and low and ho coutld ott ho fouud. the.n the tbilgatbcy lhiuk eessary1f rThé whole mnachinery of tira Gos'cmn- wil ho sent b3r wagons tdi-ect ta tineo ment secret Lcervîce baS been brough5. homes o! the destîlute. This acheono1 -to bear on the case wthaut as-ail, and wil1ho kfept up througtout the wiuter. yet. when finiy discovered, Howgate or at least until it is line langer neces- il vas !ound had been living lu the sary. This la the anis' way pririsions very heart o! New York for the past con ho distributed ta the satisfactionu six bars, known to many mon as a of the givora anS tho-e wtmo rer elve studlous isud nteflectual book-selier, them. 1 amn goingi ta commence woi:k and rmseotd by &H who oew hMm. as soon as it cau poasibiy te done. aiiS Twbnl.v4ve y a so Henry How. I arn sure 111:1upon the report ai the ..y Wvaulem âm but tee t C punty Board yl gtve rjù W Z m mi U1> 0SBP tt HE GEORGIA RATTLESNAKE. 'iMr lait seeli»of .Aladdin Jr.,' as lit tg pi-oju-eSt tir" thicago Opera llî"ale. arr, a. 1Sti on Emrthlu itg itniness at annouced. and mt belrorrves ail .11. have the O(<trIStind, ni seen tiisgorgeons Irrodlurtion lido arr f'bore seecms 10to r3a good cr,,l 0f et onre, a. it mcli otble se n n IFS12clry tlesakrs lutiis setio rti. .il fier its SQOth performnar" Tk-ai tm 6ttl.ink,- inthiisecionthi fal Och Mr-. Jenderbon wattholing fur a r-e tf our sene-atle frieud Cook dis-snot turre allaeutent urtituis place iran been ern to te in iut.e aor.uxsacs (tieallotted me Llîlan Russell. aniS It c-i lu.a orgia Ci acker. lice ays boa se rler geiine good-tny chen i.AladiSln Je%" takes .5. b utitu *em Ilonsever. anc to or, te rre rt, .The exii-a.t mrp its tionally met ns ith. lHenry toier. iir,etondiitiisin ltect anS 1res an ith bis rsorn sas arit l1ujrtimuc_ squri-rci eritei-talrrmet secrur ta, n-une of? ikund. r, ha torruiliadumit femate clinracters are lri- 3ar (ulrii litariei-r sm.1Ila fi-rndays ironieS te rie care of a quartetr ofo!thle o, aud cimne acioss une sportiug warSoîrn ouln,, otire srage: tSey arn elve ratlle- anJ tte regnilatirin i m- r ti-s, Anrna lloyd. Fiankle Kayffr'itd AI- n. liery ~sas -bhe wa. o e- orunr and leîîeCraterandrl irerre Verona. 'The ire.u halt feet lotir_,anJ lai-gem-than lits snterialtles wmîmch acre lntroducmI in the rn -cent -iceve înnd ail --riejuncr miit edition are quite tnluing au-i m-ae a mmnr o, a -i-t Ii i itiotii-rl anti Si-rdeS hir. espar aiiy .o thtet lodoche as eve lia anintrie wih aQuadlrille' as daned by tire N1i5.es Nellis sl n - n e g , "e r t l n a la n , ît r im . n d w i t . a L y n c h r a n a l r r i- r i E c a n i d ? u s - . C a i n nul tigr îîu-sfr t ru au a;t ndr5Abrahras.Intiujrdan-etii-iNeilid ce tuliel struel..htîrlire marie a sp)ring ,Lynchr has madethe tlt of lrr<lifen ihe illi' six ftet. /act Naies-r. illed one lots caufiitirhe trenirh irea -ndiS anies ai- hb-ie a day ror twrr afleraard that vIth much r litarrd chic. rried uruire or tru ratîles. it is said at durung th,- dog day s s nonious An F-qîmin- Pirt. nakes arce mrr cargcd vwiîh prui-on t' at I-cilatis, thc famaus h i-se of the c ennin- blinded lry it, and. not Roman Fuaperor taùlws or- 3inif rie i-l - rtrii<e at every thing daiuod as a prie t and conmsuli. ad a at c on-ireroi theon. muai ger o! mvors', and wias eliven a gal- lon o! wlue ftram a gold pail every day. NICOTINIZED NERVES. Th.t .loyful Feeling. 7e Totrueco l.iît Q.teku! Broken and Wilîh the exhlarnling se-n--e o! rirnewed Ner.. . Frce ietn B.- tom te H-- linallh and atrengît andiSinternai cian- naulmi- Iiras. wich toi îrws tire us.e o! -yrup A niuaber rrt uir great aud most lu- ut F Igs, j uutkunmn 10te he tew who etei-atu lîrtaLe r smoiers auJ cliensers have flot çrogressed triyond tire aid- iaa (luit tirejure ot îLe thrnhy wed. lime tupdicinra andS the- ciiap s itrti- bhe talisanmic ari- Ile liat iites thet tt o-rniuetinir a offcred but neverac- unik is na to-bac. Th- ttform vas u-epted <y tire vell in nirireS. ai-ted by Aaron Corb, r, wuio vas a onimed Ftiare for maus' s ars tri the Stupendons Miasonry. i uto t0tiictr. lie trieS ttc use The ceiebrated Plymouth (Fnglanii) nf no-tle-i ar, aud to bis girat break'sater contains as much stojie as irprise and delight it e ured the great pyramid, sI,.. 3,800,00,) toual. ti. Hon. i'-W. Aînhcnn.lwh ) baS noen smoking for ' ixtI, yearsr hauro rur fullhaine aniaddress to DarI- ried no-tcab-taand 15. ured hlmt. blnu' tor.p Mfg. Cut, Pbiiadelphia. Pa.. by aoI. Samuel Stouterier, wbo woîîid eat return mail, aniS îet. fi-t of ailtrsti, a ip tobrar-co i) ll- a cow eats hay, Iriedcd oupon rth sereral dollar. if useS by rusvi rdofulron c;, nd s-o r-m-Yreu t Its full adriomage. Donut ielrny. ýhisw( idefultie ed- v' ad een am-Tht, 1. woithyattnition 3ei, aller aIl bu. yc1irs of alan er. uIot ro moe-ire. ..tC. Cotýer, Leeting ivaus. iS IrIETs ii a-bat people are whcu rank Dll, Gor geo l.Nay rC. i r lhey know tire0vYare watc red. r-iIimgton, Hanscn Ifotinett, lFrank [oer-htci-Uer, loliIl nhinu, and athers 1ý BUDS, Socety an o mirnce trucS nu-lto auit, a!.J luevery bride, youug wo- aie tîey repoart nrt cruly a cure o! the men . est enteririr riracco hbit but a wrvnderful li the dioorts of Soci- rîvemount lu thet, generai physiral ety or wom an- ird montai conditilon, ail orf wh.cbhbond, require the coes to show Ibat tte u-e o! totauca wiast coi-e. To had becu mnurions to threo n lumare . hébeautiful and was tînan a'nc. No-lu bac is promrar 1charmiug tbey t mui hve perfect -iîh the druggists, as thne, -il clun- I health, withall i ei- absululé guarantce ta cniror re - Oimplies -a cîtar ruSn the mouey. Froon the Pri-ess, ki, rosy cheeka voi-ett, lia. bright cyesahud ' ohIsperodtireA TIhe irain cburch of ttc groat ujuotas- ti-n o! .San Franiscro, tui Mfa nio, %hlîth, siunve. 1861), taS ieenmluin rot- -tant luand.lS,5.0 to el'estai-cilta Catt- lu r- wiii-- .i Th'lie trenior io rf a iintgagî-. whlnln ccuid nIt e 1raiSoff, brorught intu tiohe uiuuds rof a nseaitty (îtinolir- :ontIe-man the building, tli - r lit scm-bes wuu-e atteirrerl frtti rue ,j(rtiiiie, liy -rinii-hi nî,-rivs. amndl i wicih tira li-st le i enrn r f M3ie'rn nîll uricuco rs' ar ,iebr,îti J. Duuiàt (iTer arlewarrI Fr tourioba îliii-. Ail knoe thst itlieaa rauruairieptueceof et intoai irrty, b. uit -.iy uotoutireexpenoe cnen iiu.stetter*e Stonracir Bittuers wiii reator- it tr r-on. A ceoi-si-efrtira unmnaralleierî itomer asdcoi-recuiveont oniy la- (inir a retîli-f ! te reliri fr ijfoodS. iui cou- frsc umputire eomatirtire powet tu erilify ai vettecirhont unlruceait nen-atirra i atie, martuu'r tire tumrpuse ut quirceoiibi d1eR irn. arîrnerne a Sumnt user ., i- hi rene. amid entAlnlilriog regnlariiy of tire rir u ca auruerulue eau excead lWs genirlu ft ioir(ri ril.in wlu eh the Tinte alcohuil 1i unr eice ,uiiiliciIrshvienrmnt i ihit e rtneileur.n.ritfrire liumuirmt trifacy. thîrd ie fi-ty ennui,; i-S su,in1nîs ot com iree nu .a rune.nn rt ovecoimîing lnactivlly ni nurv ofit îiurnimin ainsvvi- urituimrel anu s, Irletraru. thir tuIers. Tlir orfi-lonilty Marte- ji.rdSnnrelnc rarame int&àalalnuit rieu- mail-c alimnmt s. Tîîo Maîîy. The tintai numinr o! biiîd persîmu i tteCUiteS i-totos anS Enrope la - r îr-I. r atbout eighty-onc lu tact 1W.00i o! popmuation. There Io Nottnng i.Jrst a Ceuni"as Rupans Tabules for ircaiiacuia- îl ur .4niail Siridera onf tire otoimca nd miSlvar. One tainuie <iveâ MODnIEitATIiN laIb e insensiblei votr- paniîî af wisdîmu, bnut witt irmtiis. bas not even a uodding an 1uaiutauco. Hall'@ Catarrb Cuee 1s taker, Iate-nuuuy. Pico 7àicenI» PoLFwho but for fauits Becdom fnd auytbing eise. Titîc uueluudy of music la divine, but h la no mioroeniianinthIan a youug girl'& tare nmade aupreoeiy haotmtui by the usa ot Glenn'is Sulpbur Soal ST. JAO( young womnan la 414. rapeciall sensi- tive, aud meny nervou, troubles, which con tinue thi-ougir lite, bave their origin ai ibis tinie. If ibere hé pain, beaderbe. heckacbe, amuiS rervous dis- loîhaumure%, or thc gi-ocrai hralib flot good, ttr jiidi ouis uise of meiScine aboutiS he eiipioy-S. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescrip- tion us tthe et re-torative ionmc anS nev-- une al ibis time. The best bodily condition results tram ils use. ls a remi-dy spe- ciaiiy luducaird for those delicate weak- nesses anS deratugemeuls (bat afiiet wa- merîkind at anc perlao ranoiber. Vonîtl fild tat the woman wbo bas faiibfutiy ucnl te - -Prescription'lta the ?tite a! tralhu.ste looks weli and abe (ee-ris ri In catarrhal inflammation, in chrouit. dis- placeuments comman ta women, wterc th are symptoons of hackache, Sizziness or fauuuîung. uraring Sua-n sensations, Sisor- Serd storriacl, muodness, fatigue. etc. tire trouble is surely iispelrd andS the auffer-ci-rougiri hock to heatitaniS good spirits.- W« L. DoucLas $3 SHOEW OCAO 45. C0RDOYANj, FREIKH&EMaMF.lEA EXTRA ffEMF&W *3tPLCs U ~çL2.WRIZ vs eau bave momey hy wsarlug <h W. L. Douglas83.00 ehe ,.due by stsinprg ie leure .an 41 ttoro Whlchpi-otiyen azainst bh M 0-.e0 llddleuias proflts.Our aIme.eq COM wrk in style, easy jittug ared weare W. bave them sold everyw telouai ew <lavle<'nthan an!utiler make. Teksm wM sMe. tour dealer canmot muz'pir%'MORAW IF this should .meettme OP ANYONE....., tronirled with tiropsy, IBrlghlrt' ieaS SenInai Weakaes@, Gi-anti. cen linofniUrine. Diseases ni tire Bladder, Lîver or Kiuya. Thmey are troug Iv advised to tae. a f.w ...doses of ... Dr. J. Ha MoLEA9418 LU VER AND KIDNEY BALM. just]y celebrated as the standard tiew sud kidmiey rcunidy of America,. 1.0 0-A .Oîru-S 10 APTER DINNER. %l dinner lai aight It waa, indeod. Pleuty ta drInk, too? WeII1, I should say sv. Headacto in consequencet Oh, no. ttow do yen manago Il? Ripans e Tabule. Wil(2ai do Ilu FI <riS rILSniC. 9.1 as. W. R. BATra, of o'i e Prescripuios. lenit heslb na. 1 ire tsmioubmedl rh wntnen'a hIls' and be biretred"u icce beeti - Mas. RATZ& . n. John HiSi..,-o<f PA It lle,. Mont,- rectum- j~MAi Esam ti dmi Cr«lm Blalettt . 1 ri e cupniazt e ahi$ cent. --ti 4a, ostte fo r c anlirh if e-S s e 0e" r-il »-tRer. F'ri-rue Fi'. 1 aBu h. Helletu.,G1 ýLY'8 CREAM 1BAL- *a ansu îlth aa ege u1&8 AIIAYI PaLtIn0 Innlamnma.trionHoa]@ theMoi-e. i4olecta lire mi isiato iui.y a.irsumeanis <re. AL Prie 50 S cntàt udruwitabor ymail. CLY BatrOTHaaus. 6War êret-et Newreoik. >56 QOIL hua IEE I Md FCE1 17 2c < taÉk ~ SEÀc ,.,osd U laaI~ 1 0 3hgi iaie_ pap?.luI luiha CHICAGO WPAE 10K buWJsaiel Itreet, - Cktq 30.Sol by E. 1 1 -

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