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Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1894, p. 4

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lwemaPay god swaaie.t iptout Worki Mod"abm t t LINAND MAINI for turnlng out the Give us a trial. ~MOL LWC 3à anaBlaU ~Prit À Speclalty. thing from a TO A PLAiN OR N 0cRi R1 ia It to their advantage tain estimates for and br their Job Prlntlng to the »ependent Printing H( tOyer Scbancks Hardware St( Mot ttto: 0Livêdmid letj  Ut imîe km advertise 1. afiJuîd the test medium 1si J!you want handhills, r*~u want evlps Il you'want colored ok If you want business carda, If you'w4nt~ neat bull bonds, Vfycu want tasty letter headi If you want nmoe vlstlng card if you want weddlng Invitati 3w you want any klnd of Jobi Leave your orders aet the INu ýiM offce, Llbertyville, anÈ OUM~ executed lu the siiorteE The coshtntdropi of wate Wears nway the hardeal The constant xiaw of Tot Masticates the liirdestb ~Teconstant cooitig lover, Carrnes off ie ImIiihirmg But the INDFFIENImENT advé are the ones wh',i get. tIe The CJhicago Tin 'Esl.ABLO,,iiEoi IN 1854. -3. . PDDOC, E1 Dm ,A D Piop Ârtbug Kerwin lattes lit about 4000 W. nottied Ce. Supt. Marv-ip's teia L C PADOC, '5> ~~>Ibo of milk dsily. hitched at the mhool boume lIt Wed- FR[DY, EC.21, 894 ,,Miss Aunie Galiger vîited ut Mr. nesday. ________________________Wbite'm Saturday. Now la mast the time t sendi a year's low Tale a~ im-cH-my aucslata owute Elmer FordI, of Wauconrda, called à stîbseptiun for the INDEPRNDgwr to my. ubemut3y tu mlveaeang.- Boano. ..e.. t friends hero Saturday. your friends as a Christmas proeut. quuatIalensatOvetan baoughl me Mrg. Charles Glosser, of Chicago, The life insurance agents are numeti- oiett ib aaîr eo prtnting gdBosa- 1 viaiting a~. James Atweli's. ous of Iste, but we thilîk it la for a good e AMr ... Hw mil te wrid nowa -- bucause, and sca far we wlsh tbem Suc- A.aor...ow ao ii vold no ~ Mesdames Win. Csille, A. Tweed ceais., a good thing unleaa ho sdverthas tbe poliesand master Lee wers G.rays Lako The rain bas ruined the bicycle alon of lt?-VuAdrit ... biy son. deli ocly vstors, Saturday [Y* .jVwh men who amvortiale. You willnover lotel iSi . rldiîîg for the plimitent, as indicated by by it.-Prnktin. Misa Mable Richards, of Lake Villa, thet tact that ot' local bicyclist la seemi called on frieîîds bems test Saturday taklîîg it afoot. We Want the New. also Misasliena Aines. Fora anie vlsltlng cuad or business n y. Don't forget to tell us wben your Miss Lltwiler, of Lake Villa, bias carda give tâe INDEs DE2NT a cali. friends corne to sees yen. If Il 1a toe b,,,, diesa makioig fur Mrs. Nick Fine new script and a nice assort- mucb trouble to 'come to theOoffice, Whîite, the Patit week. men t of carda bore. dropusaUneon Posal ardor, About ffty of ber youiig frienda Chas. Frniîîch snd sife started for MenI botter stîIl, just put your items ln Our gave Miss Ailuie Gilbert a surprise Noenah, Win., Monday, to ie presemît news box at the foot of the staîraItat Wedntesday oveuing. atthe weddiiîg of a cousin,, aid sili eading to ourjoffi ce. miss Mattie Sav8ge sand Dave remain umtil sfter C3hristmas. TAIN' 'nsn obl orhm Tremble, of Fort 11111 visited ut Walter Our achool toucher, Mmsoiî ('mlby la If yuwn ohl orhm Atwell'à Suniday eveiimg. gettiiîg slimmg ilicely with tais Sellom<l, pLpLr, mltaor',Exutor'sLeTaoAle Miss Tins Walsh sas unidîlle to sud we are glad tu ssy that hoe le liked and biotrotcs, peuorsbed 1nsthe returî to lber school huit Moitday snd by lbuth scm i tbr sud parents. and ter noEtice, uised gurntoe Tuesday, sickiiesas as the cause. NVm. Quit iti wasoln tîhe city Srtmr- INE1NET..V pub ication, p tuoîe A number f rom here attendodthie iliiY- It tiikeýs one day of eaclm'h e crh orrectcetfatafamesvu legal pbiain os oieasipise 0on Mr,,ai, Mrs. Owen St Fort for Mr Qllintui ta pmrchoise galiots ta) adfile [tilt Isat Tuoofmsymeeîîing. 0f course ueet bis extensive aud iîmreaiîig lîcli- you ail that trouble. H. C. Paddock, thoy ailtbird a pleasaut turne. day tradie. Publsher tf Messrs Ilarvey Wilton, Joe Ilticker, Our town isn't 80 large, but tbmît wp Tai lie is pproahing.Ion c n tm Gelden, Wllie Atmwell, Frnîk see aud appreciate the I lresieee ofvis- Ta.tim laappoacing YO ea àlaiElgenle Galiger lelil a bacbelur's itons lut nur inidst, aud fi-el thlm ofms i put off other demanda, but yon must camp neetiiig Suîday afternjooni. any cime that çliltce4 tii go mmay evemî7 have the colector's signature on the ___________ for a siogle day. ntingi tax receipt.. VOLO. 'Thle farmerm have Ieen veny hîîsy Lot us repent for the fcrty 'loveutli, Winter sili probbly take tbis în pu wîîîg, as lime truasot i ai mthofthe turne that we don't pnblisb anionymotia Mrs. C. sable je» avi8itiiig lier dangbtei paumter sas litanie at week gettimmg communications.- Sîgn your name aind otîer relatives !tu Chicago.- fils fari in Shape for sprmmicaXopa-, any- net uecessarlly for publlùrlnW-, b' Mis C ri McCabe ia feelinmg very îaiASS BAND NOTES. a ped ge of good fdit h. weîî this week. Ilope sime tilildouta Tîme boys look filite ii ur mesfballot reco)ver, clsadnx 4iigwl it hr A Naperville man predicta, on signa Toms It co wshaig aps aulimext mmuiîîg iiumdtm lOdQm4e-eAcalms neyer fait, iat there C bmio eu a mvu , îî lde mmfmri L ui etnyIbrenrstemstti ec, libuiimig lricks, matad onm teir wmmy willbe went-thee siow stom itismuta fi e sas tryilîîgta ride the Fi'ilay niglît unr lfîmmîma s lmuîîorpîl winter, but ne sleighilug, as the ss otm()y itui toîîýk the (oer fmimnmce simd sitb Itho prvelimmme u(f bottieltmeLake sîli meit as fast as it talla. lfcil front il simd broite bis jmw. ltif Zurich simd himffmmlmm Grimme .tmamimCmiîe TERgailiig again.. bu0t mext timne lie'i11 mgai n bom3 a Ym m ire ilwas yanciu ilsare cf tew days and ftitil of!ride a real lVa"), 1ilik. l'îere la jit ai evemi dîzeif flie msht and wbosoever' la decelved Nçmw votîmg meni shen yomm go ta) abiIomYs at pimî..me,mhty thme rem'erm ateOob by tiicm la Dot wiae. Viben tbe tairn Mefletry mgaimi look ount for thie Iblice addlîition omf iUiiit immr 'slmi.l'ilijil)jinfsm ring girl clmowth lber glum with reeMach lso take tare simd fot getlotom a dimmîe sonie, amrtistie lêrmen-iimg îmîmime haste and stampe-th bier pretty foot, seat. Sa that yo n uut be lpit lit bass 'dnîmn)Oti #emmi mmd îleîîes tii tie thon look out!' Silo cmeth forth in tlme coter btfore vou get homle. Tîat takei i mmùe (liefmthlie boys. * he evclng witb les neek aimd shont Coler la coldert lIim ar ice bouseandsim Ouse. aleeves, but in tImtrDinlg ahe lieth time elegamit meai ut pork aimd meanim a The Els a trmaf l)îmîl niede envr served. Now go allid hiy t. Tesam iaid Fri dmmy -vemmiiigs fti tore) in hedwhiteelber moher hustleth. -prmctce. Tlme tvnd ue'ervescredit for The Vralted States dld not neecive a BIG HOLL.OW. aîtlitigli lîmivlleg a <enîclier blit ('le LieYlageimîgatom mt emrbut tbe limluifeira utfwedmliiigs are ini tie air. itzît eachliweek tlifr îem:îiîiiîc S statiticas îmho w simo ercceîved 41,0 0 I< luioelîe C îî ls lias gaime W- ck tu h l ace i ig tiit dev t i < te a mmm wbo coîtod neitier rend non write. It Volo u u mtk. brlau llîg'm îmeime ,a'lm 13 rlght is bard te m-ake geod Ainerîcan dii., aIolo atrypll ,lùeisp remîtonis Imaui . eaaiImgl t . takutuil the 1--Zens ent et auch imaterlil.- Urcle B100 tiehîmfor fmmctnvPamt iic-it mr ioih musc i iade1, ndi cmueila ii tnt -sili Samn shonld dnnw timo lUno on vice anti 11, I fi ov Embet il. Foxi Lagrdkemmi lhy lm mgm ignmorncme. Bmîtthlie ignorant and wR.a Nesmi rt emuat iSatl o l. Amnstas oie viciouB shouldi be leIt to gros up Wth aueaitAel-ieittmni EI $,tnte 'If jeummîmo M. Dimrbm, the country iwliiV 'li t fi-y si n u . N ick Siiitli.'u)f Chiicia.go . i a lieme j i' ý o ii IF. :tm r"ý iiî.i ali 1 i lu t i> - ________________________vîsi itl itshmmomtier aikod jîtii- e lm ti s. crilmor. Exî'i-lioroit ileho immt s il in imd i o-4î W ien G m-. Grani iii c e m d fromnithe Gaile la xcry aca i-e a mmii m -id- nt C m ei i .i'mmli' iI.i>mi. -iî.oi.miimii-i poilrc ft' îtwo terma of office, Th'î'îdmIe mimi i-fi--et Imite Itht' Cimni>w<,îmri mmýl itmîil') r 110-il, mmi a, alli riat followiîig eignrt years et maniaimtIci-ie<l domt tlhe rabbits. NîîmîmkeEisf te mid Cinmii> mmii - ii'imim rids, n)iltîry lifu', lie wsa mompirrtiv'ily jterms ti'c-m'voii To atao tfor i ust Ni-mik.i of ttmebii' ne ri w. ic..isim nul m ', i Sm il !m me, Ions, im-miima.At tîme enid et une anmd INinimiie 'roimiiig is imone on a vist. ammsmitm ýl ' a-mm io.îmimii mmii i wok, cîe-tiird terras et the îreiideimcy, Wn .5Smies and wi te werccNl(eiiiit-- mi mjummmt fmi,' mmmi) mi iihu. .dEhave Grovi-r Utivelamil, howi*s-er, is 1uo0teii ille visitm-u r 'eiitiy. ('iimi' N. iiiiiî\, Em'--i i id hav woctli $5.000lm,000. Can amy Marlii 1wmîi1i.1t%,A'? seqîirt- it mmli seaitmlu nseshort 'iviig fos lie iii altii-go h-i e. a tune anud be l'onuest? Conktre-itlieiimgfUsmie iitmguav. or, clevemi-lmidscoure witî lIaI t of Evermt Nelami, and lils nmtier, mtof ~ a tone.Llii'mlii, (nG t, Hiyes, Arthumr. mimiii ated itWn.Sisc flac,, nmimmflui.m or oti An.vJohson jene. ertiser' etrade. mes. The Peophe's Paper. S,12, aiid 14 Pages DaiIy. 32 te 48 Pages Sunday. No grent daily ln the United States le soelosely lu toumcb wth thU piepIc jTHE CiIICAGO TIMES. îts poliiy la, progressive, liberal jbgerant. Taz TTmEs holds Ibat exlsting social, Vo1Itical and industrial conditionîs are otfuxded lipon the principle e! - fqual right8 to ail and Special prlv- teoa 0none. 'usaI under existing conditions in. )uotkce necessarlly la doue the mass of G. people. WU£ TIMES has ls owa convie- Mmo as te hew these conditions may *. auended. -: 'lte nrgng Ils own bellefs stren- uoaiy and Intelllgenlly it does net 4baales with cotempt, or wilhoul a - I harlng, the advocatea of etlîer eco- Mmoilcreforms. THE TI?&ES le fealess in ls utter- Alm ~ o and uîswerving lanlâ devotien thUe greal body et the people. ?»M TImiES bellives la troc speech, és itree coinage of ilver, sud radical T"E TIMES belleves la gevera. at control of ail national menepol. ýKM hHTlMESbelleveB ln such aloir *M land values as shai l ighten the àWpdia of the farinos nsud make the ènr O f valuable clly property psy ¶!jjn ZM bolleve ln heUse if YouSue It In The Sun It's So0. 1 W'm' note- iti.ie palges et The Chica- go limes a almîgnlar accession ut eiergy maid In tm-ligemme silico it iassa cdl ito time liaids of its presemit owimers. Simmeorie bits iimfmm-el s nes anmd igerous lite irto theai-pmer. It lias mornie by anc mamtely bounid ta the vm'cy front rîmîîk, anid luire la lia!t jtiilitv ii it that nover fails et reeiagnilioimi. Bramnsansd uiarater wlll net lie de-imiem andI victeri' is cr- tait) tefiilm chu lias the powr.-New york Surli, Nov. 28. Nes is lime lime 10 aulmcribe for Ciark's li i,m-rkýeview. ThoehIdeîen- dent la loeim agent for Lake ceunty. We wil ai-mutbath papoers eue year to any address for only $3, Cash lp &dvance. Here's A Chance To Cet A Start. Virile <mi Früderlck Albi)but, Liid Cunmilissu mier, W iscismiali Cenmtral Rall- nîaîl at Milwaumkee, Vils., stimi lit silI smi-id 3uiîkmu utIle lianîlimXetwlilclî ili teli you luw is d sut-ce to gel wiîrk ki goI mml ges an(u] aaclîamce lu geL samd psy for s faim gmmud ini tell yeans. The Place Where Farmers Make Money. Tîmene la mîme part mît te cmountry lut sliicm fnrmeis hamve made ioiiey duriîg lime haI m-ur, ii, aux <at la Nom'ti'nmm iiWIscumsiu '1'Iîere hbmi emm a leimimîid fur every îmnumuîct lley cani rafise mami el a mr the tiniliern id corilwommd slmiehlmtlmy omt, mt goimd caish îmies. Anmy fmmui s lois lai mmluéius ci igel mid psy for kafar-min lunmrth- Onu W iscîsi kli a fes >euî imîndcmii gel enipluvumeuit mt gmad sages simile lie lis dmmlîîg t. If yemî like <c krow sonetiiimîg about lima counmtry, drop a postal lu Freilerick Aliboîl, Latîd Cümuuimiioen, Wiscuisln-ýCeitral Rail- roatd at Miwaukee. Wisconinî. MauIf Far. Permitts. Mlnistem s sud any otbero ontftled f0 theomi. are requestod te mako iavSodl- ato applito Ici etho a0i(mO< ,#A"iÔO ,.Jmlîî lmzi-i lins rmvilmmiiii riue frimioiulmi sticliie lie wmimleitl list C.M. & St. P. RY Trne Table. as il lias luim-mmcoiimg aulmong vm ile. iSie w,iille m :o>iIh,1ii mm 2 mum 6i mii tIi'c'rim -id l,34 mi 2 441m Il m14 t Vie mmiihiî legel a gmîmîîlimmiciJmeec Evm'rt s 42 Imii 2i 46 i6i h 21 ;e 1 R(' momm ut 8 48 iii;LI, 2 i :r, 'l4l ta Iseil moff Soule mft umr îld hlom-lmiaLIsnsTYI'f' P m Ii, 45 50i t: andum mlt niis mor- lit a imx mf tel)Waomtum .3 miimlias ayemir onmî cel v timilielii'itiIaiilii'idrih sIlii 1 viciiiity. Itl riiglil b le i e l 'il mît imimRusse lirmv)iIoi;1 :.1 seariozi mf mi)out Oiiiiii l9ailgelm m i s Smil : Cii maried . iimsl i. immi.m im.mm mm Wumilm,Itimh O 2i 7 mi m APTAKISIC. îitrnoo ai 5 M à mi W'lîoojî emcoig i ii lt i mies ini ouir 1t1I IZIRTYVIRi.LE t i1,il S. >. 12 . I I î-,14 uid t. ttoi ,t Ci.iii, t4 .... 44i 3mii 5 F.voei t mi6tii 7 54 .. _ r12 6mi i l :fil Miss Wîmlf la spm-midig mu few seekstikeritotii >S6 32 L .... 12 52Iltm(2fNm3. iiCiuo.Shernlrfleo, 6 36îo m (V mi .12 54i e m1,î4 in hic go.Chicago. arrive,.7t5'a N)i li mmi I 1451 ieni) 6 lii Acccdmmmg tlu utr imtet statislica, SUNDAY TRAINS. lim mixt m-uerîimii m'ulllueaIlluoa. Lv. Liberiyvitle.5;lOP.mAri(indouitfi-20P.r tbeilxtgtiertiiimil ie ilbos. LvLtbmu-t'vlte 9:10 minu, Ar. (iimimîgo uu i .Lv. ChImmUio 1:4p. m.Ar.LitertYviluo :i a reineea? Illeas îe'îiimmor lulaus Lv:Llimeryvilli-2:4> p.ui.Ar. tiomdout 252 - Clils. ntimîu li hms nmimiel Iliéastock k Wlsc.Cent.R.R.TIme Table lIme Eatîs fai-m asim pads lIhe GoiNa NoaRTI.1 uilter mt N. Votzs. abicag p R.q M. ).M 18la Iaallime graveliîg lImt's ge-. Apmktmgilc- ....7 3i5 e9S16....OÏ5it6ma. nii PraliVIew-911 B. 19 5 20 s12 16i img lu> he dont? The chlldren ought Leltîuuon - 5 8'43aSel) 2 ý5 5l:; 812 '2 tu have gmod road lu aand frein sciiocl. Rockefeller ....... 5 it @980 mi243 69si'ai 1, Examinue G. Weimumen's stock of 0o'"s - sO 46 "M 5 M s24 Christumas gcouda beture engaging Sauita LkeVila îsO fl.'i 51U4 1s. 4 Clais elsesîmere. Ila lias a cioice a.rN arnT. mmn*p. sealei - -Lake Vîi - . ..4 28 7 m4ii I30 12 :12O6O56 holtnm...........MiW! 70h2..... ......P7 0) Vie claim 1i0 greiî"t-mical dis- Ua Lak ......&1137 8 (o 1206 ... m7 06 Micion]li hve ýea dug toe Sij =Ifeltr...... É 478 5 1012 164 .12 54 s-.m Ilmtloiim lacs adugstrsLî thton- ....04 51 8 23 1 C3 .. @t 24 <ur rEinedmy liii- stounauli Iruîtîles PrulrIeVie;ws-...m ins a t 1 l'a...mi7 30 worked he a charingave-iimsaaiiîAmtakî .... ..5 tI 5 1 19 it.... 87 3L relief.Chcago...........- 02do10 45 fr't 5 845 relief. UNDAY eaî,v. 'llie Aîilaisic lifml boys 5have tmingsoilthTritulemvez Oravmilâtkemimitp.m Rocefeller 6557 p. m. arrives Chiugoa8 80 p. m engagem I s eamIier frcmniRiver Vies *Daly exoept Snnmlay. PAtm se nmy xiert te hi-ar goud musaic . Stop 0013' on signai. as fi-M IlIaleigilmonrimig barils. D011% give ui) boys. Elgin, Jollet & Eastorn Ry. Malt! lummher aimd Illei Vouiz & TIMS TABLI. Woldiier*ns the old Stanud. Those ~ SAtN. GiOiUE twb i-ntfprmlmm ycîmmm mehhaver 4:Mim arrive ...Wankegan... depart 7:001 am eemtiy bouglît aim elevator mt Arlilglon 4:0(1 Pmude ar 7:80(1am lieoigbts wbillmtlmeylare alsô running. 8:16 meuar . o ...ude""'do am r S :5 Pm........... Lethton-.........&Wam - b. forthe IsNnpmuîmnuand 3:44 P .... . fl.a.......ae . t57 arn ldyr, .all the news freio 8 î...Ginna ....@:1n am as ±l.3t0Pm e o1 T~h~rI'b - r h j~Ai~m - 1-Pa'amu ~"'u~ ,dlu-S a Tem perance- Temple,. C hristmas Shoppers Iooking for Useful - Appropriate Gifts that Men and Boys iII ta receive ought to, in justice to-them- selves, examine the many Beautiful. Articles shown by "The Model. 'ro-day wc place on sale claire new lines of N eckwear, Iii tt'iîr-immhmmuda aanI Teck--iu tile moal popular and lato madoIs '15c lu $I. We turîmiali s file Iace'flieua box for esch tie of 6ft 41 Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, ,Ïu tar se have simîmî18 dozaii of these 50e llarîilkerchiiefs at Se& l havP received 10 dumzeî more li oeil ntthlie summo price. Thoy M $ta$ ai-J size andm equsl Iii thast 50c gooils sold amyhere. M ufflers, Our dmeignms mue lmlthe ith Ie mitr'et-CLlimere, Woot and Bitb .50c. 75c-, $1 tii $1 2.5. ,9h irts, %Vhîile an muiFemy L:miiimýrl d Udtsîîîliei, Wmmlen and (Jaaham IAe es ultimi hes aof eci-y kiimîî. Caps and Hats, S11k lliC aps tmor Menianul Boyg. ofthleipilasaips wor th som-Clotli Caps ii tweîty diffenent qîalilles. Mid wiiter style* of Gloves and Mittens, Lit-J or t'iiliiiei utf<fie kîismsed for mreas, plmay or work. l WoPrsleml Mfittemma for Baysansid Girls, aI 24c. Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters, Oui ur asuctn et ftlise giiomîs rimmt efen m-ciie appneclt.d. 1loumimimi al ýimm ' 'mîîi imr goior mnsella tmcm cliemiler nimn se do. The Bicycle %ve give away on Christmas i.. now on cexhibition igr ç nflmîv It's a first-class Prieumatic Tire Safety of the b,-at make, and every boy who buys a Suit ai- Overcoat from us gels a chance on il. Veun boy may bc thtc luck> orle The "Model" Clothinfg ioise I'Ile il iqu i- rfor ltum4andN ie's e a er) Temperance Temple, -Waukegan A COMPLETE STOCK Lime, Drain Tile, Farm Wagons, Bugi Agricultural Implements, Etc. \Ve Jhave a nux Stock of the faînous Weber Wagois, -And the Bloomningrton- Harber Bros. Buggies ý; Carriagi Cail and -See Them.-.... --%Wright & Sons, J Weare always. readv te Supply your wantS ;n ou' 'ina Lib ertyville. Ill. PREPARE FOR COLD EA When You Want ta BUY YOUR HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges, and FURNACES. HR. B. EGERI We are Agents for the

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