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Lake County Independent, 28 Dec 1894, p. 8

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fpiture i Zffig's Furniture Emporium, Mffer, contains the Largest In Lake County, and Prices r than ever before. From 60 of ofthe, Latest Rockers of al - A Full Supply of Dining s. Chamber Suits, Extension s and Fine new line of Jewelry 4olday Coods.. .. .. ... 4,'~ ull Line of Undertakirig Goods dn band bod Heerse ini connection. Prices Reasonable. ~Cpige, ockefeller. âà" FOR OOLD WEATHER! à .Want to .e37. CES. We are Agents for the Warrànted to be the best on Earth io IDEPENDENT READERS. WtNDEN isl anxious that its subscribers should have 'of everygaod thing going. Wlith this end in vvkw urdwith' the Hosterman Publishing Co., of Springfield, &yof e dy subscriptions to their two great month- *t$mi à~Rm NEws," and "WOMANKIND," either of Pfes>ted"FREE to every Paid in Advance subscriber Sang his famity. bly , bas gained itsc glation soly on itsE umnal f&,th4 practi-« ýt aimto .Wprtscnt ta iartidles aï will bb. m aceta thern in fpcon th4 farm.< bu~t 6f the lrm la fi rd, andi an par~- ý'«iet1th paperi me-bs 4 For Woman and Morne. Womankind appeals to the tastes of the greatmass of people; its edîtors aim ta fil it with sucb bright stories clever poems, inter- esting sketches, helpful hiats and su ggestions that no woman cati afford to be without it. "Sensible Wear," >'Motherhood," "Bright Homes," '>Women's Pragress,>, "Child Lite," "Floral," -Women of, the Day," etc. are a few of its interesting departments. Iýt is' sensible and practical in ail things; "<Able, Bi ight and Clean," is its motta, and that't the reason it is the favorite paper for waman. go the expé'iae to which the INDEPENDENT has been B ont$ oli e sent* ta s&bscribers who 'pay uP ob ont yeoaen as2Wnce: 't4isoifer lu made ta aid a ualike. Do n at, fl o taise dvantage of it. Tellih t. so tbeyt may secure, in additiop ta the be a state, a y M, la subscriptiot to a great journalOff a n. t pli t' nom, à e im »Me..rrm W égor13ugls. ea4Oaxri01 The INDEPENDENT B. C. PADDOCK, EDIrin AND PILOt FUIDAY, DEC. 28, 1894. Dr. H. P. EWING, DISEASES OF THE EVE. 8pecial attpintion gît en tu ftie correct i ttilig or gi c,.S. Untit 10 a. m-i 50 2 p. m. an d after 6 p._ M. ROCKEFELLER. Stella Anidrews ta t'i.itiuîg lier ,îiîit Mrs. J. F. Clark oýî i Cli stoms,- Master George liai dci is hoitnel stpeîidiiig Christumas w itiil is parenîts. Mrs. Jessie LiII îand iatîglter Elhel, of Chicago, are vlsitiîig 'Mi. anîd Mr8. Route, W. are sorry to tte that Mrs. Norton la very ill. lShe bas beeîi very po rly for eoinetine * Mary Norton and Ilattie Iraiiîard, of Evauîiton. are homne tpendirîg the bolidays with ti eir parenits. Mis. Walter Moi-se ili eîtertaiîîingi lier brother Mr. Wood alto lier mimter Mrs. Hatmiltoni and datigliter Ireije. Abert Kiigge, of Chicago, is Iine for an indefliiate turne. Ile wst un- fontiiîate enougli to full andi break flus riglît arin above the wricit. Lester aiid Cora iidiek alan Litila Elerscibergcr tookh a trip to iaaîî last Friday briîîgitig Miss CuraIlrl- berger booule with tlieui to Sijendfilei tiolîdièys witli lier niotiier. Mr. and Mrs. Beasley anid daugl911,1r Mîky have retimied l rotu iîîa wlicie the)3 lîa e lieeî ttel;at twii Ire; iii 15 Bel une thle place oil %N elunuîgigoma Lake Co,îîiî empi>. Do for lie wiul fulhl as eVer, 3.E. Hot, Coîîgî egatic It a Wîitl mutlty t>iP mit lasithetie that th ic and look fo our cbîrch. been purchi of oui coni ch;istilla gave a verv The chape lîstenens as Young lad t upon tisai prograta. 4e proud o, &Ô wll.1 presevits as N. Bogi day. MissesC gura viti August1 conda apei Frank L tiser Willi ly. Ask Vour * iGrocer for Cooper BakngO Powder à PURE CREAI OP TARTAR POlDER. Il North Canal St., CHICACO. WADSWORTH. Mary llagerty speut Xmas witlî lier paret . Chas. tiroutier aîîd wjtc s4pelît Suin- day witlî J. 1IL Lux. Menibers of thie L3'ceîrn miet as mm- ual Dec. 25. The Iiay suit agaiîîst M r. C('lier. was'scett1ed Muîîday Dec. 24. 'riie plaini titf wtuutîîig the case. Mîike Slio serlaguilg tu raffe 1t aagoli, alil wtshig a t icket shlih u rîî 11 étiase betore tiiall iitiiiiber8:at' goîle. A faruil3 reunloîl >aas lîi,! ar tile resid1elice of lMr8 Lux chrai una1.s u mterous ,uîd vallialIe 1rei.ta'Oiiîg mjadle. iiige our fiiinit ur deler ciEVERETT. risingtsîîesareeti 3. Viieîl1 300 aIliaip3 KeW Yeîîi. l li.11ii535, tii M> ijito lis Mi, iîi i Mrs. Zt-Isvtr s1ciit Xiias inlu iihave thuîglit lie htad Chicago. ld';il, suiply a igood part ot ty, but nîii, hluoksite Wlîat lId Santa Clati do fur >3OU, ait let titis keep youî away Tueaday? 1have bis store packeil as Boys, watcu for BIhlls birttîday. Yoit lT'in a tcjw îlîis. kîîow it contes t) New Yeat-, iaai aN ucîîmnb re.elîtly srItu thie g.tod tiuie gieratty accoiipaniies ut. ioîal soclely thl ittle cimapel. A great mniy Chiceago peuple spett îg the desire of tiec cîui- Chîriatmtas iii our litie kirg: Arthur purcliase titis bîuildting and Wthitniey aind wife turuncmly of thts S efunds were raised, %Wa feel place beiiîg amoiig the utîmber. uoiiy lias been well invested frward to great progrets iin Tite imeeting(of tlhe E. L. S. last hA îew lanip and table have Saturday eveîiuîg wtt well atteuded. 1ae to add to h o rsThie debata wss wonî by the aflîrmati %e. imunaiy. tm oufraWn. Wtigsut, ut Chicago, was preiet and pok ontheieiegative. le is a las eve the yoting people very, able speaker aud afforded tIhe vr initere8st netertalnimetit. audienîce mucb pleasure. Be titre to I was crowded witlî etgpr attenîd the next .uietuîig Satturday c andl great credit ls due -the evaiiing, Die. 29th. et whuo Bo willitigly tool iIt brselv es to lootk after thie Tîte dancing party giviî by the Our village has, reation to Missies Kittie aind Mitc Yore 'tiUW~ay if tJma iinfanldaa wio did avpihiig was a brillant tucceat. Younig Ttîe tree wis fuîll of ustefnIi people for utiles around asaenjblcd aiid and ail wet b orne satistied. tîelped inake merry. A good mMq ~ Chicago people were présent; lidso GILMER. frîeiîds fr011 ottier cities. Dîîriitg the eveîîkng a bouantious tupper was 8erved ut returned to Elginî Mon- upon, a brani new set oif chiina an Xîuat pretent tu Mms. Yore fruin Bier ciiildîcîi. Cuora Markly and Zoa Nims- li thte wee tins' bourm of tlîe mornhig td li Cthicago receîitly. tBhe zerry tuakers weudeti .tîeîr way- LMeyer and faiatly of Wau- homeward rejoiciiig. 1.14 3t Sunday at Geo. Queiititî'ts. DEERFIELD. Ulîricli eiitertaiaed bis bro- and wife of Chi cago. recetît- Mit. Le Clear la ili. Adartiaa your business. Fannle Morse and Eutie Christmnas ci 1894 lis now hiatory. home f rom their acîtoola for Submcrbe ioe the. EPNBir eeksvocaion.Louis abd Henry Aliardt of Chicago, 1Mise. H. Morte and 19is. M -A. spent Christmas wtth thair siater, Mrm. and childran dirnad Christmnas Rommel. kit. J. P. Clark et Rockefe1.îl n eh bwdbiaata ~ndrws outdlik tlrosaaW- et,îd during the Itolidavas. Thera Idrw ac oulditrail s ettle a rumor thttone of our/yaung la- ocommence the new year dies in the niagnet that attraits hlm. The membait of St. Paule church Clark and wlfe and A. M. have built a uldewalk. front the road id W!. pan Sunay orenorti t kthe cburch tai theeeary. M. A. Andrews, and atteîided Thiluamcneddmpomnt ,Fairfield in theataternooit. Ajax. Allen, af Lake Forast, and eastg acidet ~mies Auguste Lange woe marrieu as of. G. Small Wednemila Dec. 19.aItahmaitibrdap- ci, ec.19.194 Uewàliatheratite. Thaby, wlll reaida at Lake Forest. ;tng or foddar wban one of The Christmas oelabratlons of oui os got, loue and caught, stop- Swiday tkc1bools ware ail van fine ibis lo rnahlb 'o suddanlythbatpeu. The. tiret ta coma <on was et 8t. nos wbaal broka lin four pelacsPaule <Jburci,which w»aaeau ifillad, tich @truck Clam, felltng hlm whan at 7.00 o1clock thei S. S. achalart lar, bréakng bath bases of te nterad thaecl>urch lqý a boMY, lad by a simkuokln of a hea ofboy "Miryng a sualir ahriatmaa trea. r ca mdbady mnging riaAiter materaI Maae y lteasaambly, as loft hpw.a' bdybus taechoir, untiar the effaclant direction MCl broblan M ea onatsuppos- or lb. Pamtou. s«ng Prof. Burck's fam- ghbarm waré moln Kt te ueaou amotten: "Thbom care tSepharda incdent dolng wbat tbçy could Kt Boehm."l The singera "t1eV lte suItéi1gs of the lnJured gpeat crodit for the. ad 9Omle iaMouliner bere was mamn deiay In abtalu- in wbich tbeY preiarrned this diflicult j" m asatnc o 0il cwsqulte cark. Âftar 4bIu a numbar oi pupls light befora the wowids of the revhted morne aPPrriatO places fol- could b. dresaad sud te brok- lowed bysore mbtglng. Thse naxi feu- a set. Mir. Sinail la the abject turceau tae llgbting up of the large àaympathy- and wtîl bc tanderly, and very - beautlful Olir48Lmas trea. ýr by kind neliisrs. The M. Thon, thera waa more singîngsuttd bave shotMW . much - titereat tn speakln«- Tise aI but In the ayas of b nd wcli aloo renderaasietanci. theisacbIren, the moalt important set rtise places, of tihe broken wasute Iltrlbuttoà o! the presetîts. vnt through thea aide of the a rn alsit .ld recelvad -a box of caîîdy fouri atuck in tha ground 300 and book or toy. A eoilectiu for thie îy, aiother plece went tbrough hênitf t!fhé St. Louis Orpisan Atylunt 1and a fourtis tirrougî the fio0t natted 87.50. a atomeut. Lt Is a miracle tisaI mil aacaped wlth bis Ilita. Iikr4ND LAKE. _______________ .eliol Hnul W. What la tlh ýWeâcllrna Carde. Mattiori Wharel'lastisa nawa frotu Dinfflnd Lake? Be un bandi early The MJODELY, Temperance Temple, .«M-Wlu kegp Receîît Cash Purchases enable us to offer some rcînarkable bargais in Meii's Beaver Overcoats Of gwsa l >jiiflity, nmale up ini tie latest fasflioîi. 'l'lie lwest. price Iliat tiiese ~îere ever mold for f was $10. 00, wc ssll ie u n1W at - $7F .50 Men's Frieze Ulsters 'niey aie f illy worttî 8l0.00-we ofier tiieul ut Men's Siîits Several lroku lots of Men'a Double aud Single Breasti-i ýit.-regular $15.0(1 goods-sall re- duced îîuw tii - - - Boys' Double Breasted uits (Long Parits, tizas 14 to 19 years) strong polis, weillmielt. -the $7.50 kind--re offer at - Boys' Cheviot Suits, (Lonig ll;ts., sires 14 to 19 years), elegaritly îl ii gî, wls tlîat you are asked $12.00 for., 301 ii i ýIY uft tat- Gouisl(18;,(t )vecIoits focr I»> t HeavyV 1' teis for Boys '(iesfi i t6 to 12 yeas), a>. .n i iîuig, big clli, - - 8.00 10.00, 5.00 8.00 .99 3.00 qeckwear, 1 il r-î- "dl, al le l Ita' muaosîîlx)plr îi;l laite ,hîlfromt Ù, . ti iii-oî, uelîclîit ,x for eîtlu tic o(if,(î. ior over. nitial Silk Handkerchiefs, Su far %%e lunve s,,1l t l îtzeiiof <it-e ltt"I îîlkerclîiefa m;il 3.c*. have 1ee; t1) ut zi-l>iîimoretu selI ai itle saisue price. Tluey are btand- ai i 1size aîîd -uqual fi i) t .,t 50t.,g> sx s ( l ,b ut a )h> trt'. Ml uff le rs, Ouîr demigis a-e tue latpst ini the îîîar'iet--Cashmiere, Wotol sud Silka, at 50c. 75c, $1 tii $1 .5 Shi rts, Whiite and Faiîaî Lnuidi ed and Uiilauîudrie, Wooleisud Cashmere. We shlow fult luti" of ever) kiwid. Caps and Hats, 511lk Plusti Caps for Nfeîîand îoy4. oftht- pîuhar sliaples worn tits ea- soit' Clotlî Caps ini tweîîty differeiît quahities. Mid-wiiîter stylem of Ilal. Gloves and Mittens, Lined or Uliiîed of thîe kiiîîds uffe,1 fdr dicta, play or work. Fine Bický NVorsted Mitteiis foi Boys aid Girls, at :14C. The i"Model" Olothing 1101180 (IleadO iarters for Lkeys anid Mensà Wear) Temperance Temple, THE INTEROCEAN L-; TUE Most Popalar Republtcan Newspaçier of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. <DAILY (w.Ilbaut Suaday).............6.oa pety« T RMS DAILY (wltb Suuday? ................ $8.oo per « BmaI'j The Weekly inter Ocean ý$1O FEPR YEmta ....................$ .0 ASA NEW.%VAPER THE! IMER OCEAN keeps awat ni titbes la&Il The Weekly Inter Ocean AS à. FAMILY PAPER 15 !40T EXCELLE> BY AMY. W Lt as muathlgui nturet teeacb emba ot iliy Il ii YOUWS DPArMB4T I,~. et U Is lo iTSU1ERARYI* *8 R:SPM POLITICALLY ET 83 REPMILICAN. 1d a" tsr.adm the. b..m t th ahietdacussione onu cal ive pouticai toplces. le givas tbem TrIE NEWS 0F TMB WOaw. ST IS A TWËLVE-PAOE PAPER. VUITE iuiOCAN Wpejs MI ~.BAO""IIH Iws AND> ColVlRUAL CENTER 0F AU. WB$T 0F Trelu. 5 ONTISA! ADAPi E!0TO"%l6NHEfI)b ilPOOLq 0F MTH éAT %II.int PANER àPARTIE AST. k .lBula mord wita the 0 het sithe. West bah la Politisand L amu Pimause mber tklt tien prie e1t th.W..Idy Inter Ocamea I ONLY ONE DOL- UR VER VUAR. Addmsa THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. -mcc The Weéekly Ipter Oceap,@ Price: $1.00, per Year; The farners' JVlpthly, of lloekford, Eti Price: 50 oents; Lo om1 ,jý le 1 Waukegan.

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