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Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1895, p. 2

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J- W çit, u mm OF-I0 0.O00a6601 Ilà eail John IL. &arls, prýwaatiÇ5iittesUu - ~ 4iiiO<ltu4' otthe AtneIlefu SBgar B.- hem~ Terrible Logo off n li** ienivoe iIlu Comlpay; lbeIoh bnlver ant e. ra.flr eh.oti tt'&a e de- à'rt t vaoi-evmel,~and ÂMla UL.Scyaeîr, stock l>roltr. Wbo et e p- VI. iesen Sevu.a.woro l ndieted for rfadd, gto ýalUW0? mteWiieu W.Ti o- VS radnBee»quesations apketlby the.goutee outitteo ceut ptulsor-appliltei te Invetlgata the relationss et ettu iriM méat produti Tiiey want tii, folidns11t. lI. tcggrIiu oSntr nilg Of tblýl . - Pau MayrJohnson 0f Iiýel-, Oble, tige. judge Colo bald Ibal tihe marrera XI 80 e te epe»oanmarketu ps ao pa ., filellle he Uic fenatsate ti netmietusac( danti fflatul, belng lins bagnMitve work as attefli. for thie gaillet thein wcre volîl; andt tat thesy 1r1 fe e. Roce Il IPIght bhien, scated ait over <the country, e uIsan raoofleofne îagd ç »ttMt«biad at the aqw Haifibarg lie James Hoimes estale, whleb le SaMi J'g uebi rciah edr. ~)bthav a lalaen earns o tub. al t Iabout *WM This s~ imuler tidelsioni ln thi.cases ot Stock byt commnerce. Sncb, iioweyet, lialangeir lu money lai the Bank, of 1FÀ*- Broient Mneartner andi ciopmian, te .#i15 eaem teet.hfe eas% at lendit tiat and. A bit meeting oft she ire, 'À» etiie onqaise switaemmsé, andti t dv la i ithe tou piacedi n4 l t tthe led atDee.tur. TU., resutin: lu Murer déision wadd afftrmed b! the District ai iwate Dfflrtaitw. tTiie anlllia ohason'a cmploynent. Habilles waddleCourt of Appeahae, Thee Macartne-Ohmie- lat tb, te wIs at the. Original onder s oUttltîS outh SmaIsland trader la 1727. :An mentcase will b. laktela 1ta théUnited y- ot <bot ettWe anti mete frou eintrmn effort was matie sixly yeafe ag9 i> Amèri- ftate"suprena. Court. onue of the mmiti- jý iL~e waddmadie moitienougi te tiover jean boieste eblain poseoesslon 4f the pr~oe-bers Of the alru willl b. formally 'l'hin a- hpltents Via,, Englii andi Iriuh POta, erty, but Il wau abandoneti on accouZ of dere'i by lhe bondamninlaonder tht a anitatn upleîaenlal roalge or de- thi e ath of the. prncipale. Among de habens corpus may be.. tppletifor wh e el oe. were necuean!. Under condOits, proinnut heis lntenested lalhe tcaue arc: b. la nomily In castady.tt atbeyc~ have exîslti for sevenal menthe, Jndge Alfred ERnis cf Chicago, -mm. ,li-- trep, ta- mn a d xci hitI asg ford of Newa York City. Charles Niniroti, INDIANS ARE SUFFERINO. of 0M trt stated sie. was conlexnpatiig enaier a niulinalre of St. Lonfis; Dr. Alex. -am, e ew aonder. Deinite and fuler la- Holmes Shaw cf Cincinnati; Dr. Jamels Frectîno, anti Starvlng on thlit8use-ciel ~"formation maLy put a worse construcetion Baldwin, cashier Commercial Banik of ton anti Wetipeton Réservationt. cou on the Hambani bnlletiana ilsdat Préa- Plitlsburg; .John Baldridge, coal otierator There lu sufferinîg amons he Indiana lthe un eunt warrauted, but the bout information cf Sprlj»gleld, Ohio, and Dr. T. J. Mc- oni the Sigsetou sud Wabpeton réservat- -ec fae t to ia i doTe oetwr r enou*. ls _____ lion in South Dakota. Tvo-Son hmd to ma àt owti aletcn. Thde. totrdranrlytse- uîi.kili a pouly takecp Itimself alla famlly au ~.Great Brilain on tie samne bas ii the SCOTT8 DEAT R RIVEALEI>. from starving, and before thie stormin et- or %le 8nl. ttswt eadlteepra would pick red'bernies that grow on rose chi int tti 1fctl antiswlne ta Germany. Fouad ila lie Niobrara, -ith a Rolle bushles andu eut thîcîn. ThaI' la ail the ne, 'eTistI beng an item of nu men importance Aronnd Ulms Neck. food tiîey have tand for over lîvo taes. tuI sn la tie British lraide, that country may h. After th. whoie countrv wtis searched White Dug aima, tas lînd îîotlhing to esaltlb oni expected ta mki a louti noar uver the out- over Barrett Scott's body iras fonnd Sat- except a deui horse lie fouilna and took aui cdei rage. It gives tuis country a neir and tir<lny nigil at 10 o'cleck in the Niobrara home the other day. 'nelindiens bave nu If Iry poirerfui llIy i litc figt for fair play mi t iver, about thirly feted l'oivtic bridge mens le by clothiiig or provisions. They gw ïOti the stubborn Teutonie authorilies. of Boyd Couaty. '.eb.. close ui)tot the hatve net Lad na payaient silice hast Juhy cul ties ba tink anti in atount sevetu feet of ivaler. aLd their er<îîs, like Ihose of titeir %vh]te FIVE CARS SMASHED. The body ivas ta suint suceves, but Scotts brother, iveri- a Icli failltre, Ilîtd Ile , 1 - alch andi Chain anti chier 1ersoinh cef- iakes flint once wetre fult of mater haveW SSeriqus Ttrn in the Sîrhke cf te, fecîs ivene fouii just as tie iore thleul in been dry for the lest titre, ycîtrs. There' lu Brooklysi Trelley LinéesMca. ife. A newir efin rope, aboitanle anîd is itothing for lte liaits 1ta Irai. The Th tii rulley stikeinu Broklyn hook a oti%lf luihes filidianmeter, ivas foni'igovrtîmîît ita lhIavee'tulle lent a seios unFitnymlnag ÔîtR11 learound il ;e eck of the 'body, ttlte il(, cn NIlo,5, u I >dt 10 y' le In failuare cf Présdent Lewis cf the. Brook- #bout three tedt long, %vus danîgiing ln the been mntide. lyn City Company. andi Président Norton of wtr r -h Âiaicoiii terermie.A wte.ScotirasImangeai uY vigilants be- SugwihFmos.bi -'"-- rtg coAMr t tvr icbrd e thieSunwt çcs.b 1~t . -uni s, ahpror gmisse.u t e r t h î le r a id e t i îlam iio-o~ e r un t iime [a br ri Hëià e plice expecteti no, trouabi mîtaide oe thvails defent adasbylle"Ailld whe atever, a rkers te tic auraber of sev- whc iî -isdfnd n as:"l i the ~ ~ ~ ~ h epyfv aae asvafgb iti i grazet il. this afflition and trouble is because tac(.i oaple- non- nion mà, and hhreechsidwiere fired WxrCH DOCTOR IN TUE TOILS. atrc univorty antd bave eniployet i ufit, n tom by a Th dsorer eca enmen. If, h,îvevr. the % vorst coreg antiD 'mi-n theUc stulier. MTic Seorder bectcte se ,thce eemy seelire our sacreti nuirs, liien st treinWp etatu fourlfact e i esaartt le uu fDor Met uSereter. ersthene remiaille îuttiug fr ies but te pcrish b it. i ors wen! l frierfo einut Ies, aintiIre o asin .a t thte altar of our fathers tund be gat- n ~ umr c.fihee iedsrigter Sonu-Doo, Ile noterions wiidocfz.tn1Creilhm otetuihiu etlelslsr mild -arc, au roule ant ilaainîg atran. Fire of Alaka, nrrivcîi ah San Francisco tri- thome le liteutie, ihur le lituntai rt poîIt cars ofthle Cempany mere partIr demol- day litichange of United States Maral uîthytibo erWe us.ton tr mpcuîtntry alrn gunt isbed by the aagry strilers. Williams anti mas aht once takenl te Sait >ou revboitlr. Wlei ttflime roues. mw-ay , el4- Quentin te begin serving a tbtrée yetîrs'g o eeetyecrtlt mrs oa ïlot Ba.d SlIdoretAffaire. sentence. Tic olti medicitie imta dtinîngager mestîvartianiid lccl a iorthylatna ti. Tic siarehobtiers ofthle Union Batik of obyurepolokat hescd SI. oin, N F. me hoeie drecorste pasîtiozen years bus teen gnîîîv .,lf1"trc yfour cer. r oevien t sacrt st iJohtis,.., metit-buelmanageetrtIntcausîng thie tiatît of maîîr Initîaisthe ~îalas(foratctr.rei-'luut taplac.ef lge banwi te anaugmeant. ruathaeteyiee i i Or :tiantiiville out thîls terrible disgrare." long the hoevalisa Ihé Untitedi Stateî Auotber Couiterfelt Dclceted. À acta board cf five keen business mcnautoiisb n otévlae i h ertsrieofeauhv icv .JdwSO eoeted. Tiey will have, teacosul tieiotrie.byLati eig e lite vaes t. Tt ertsrieofcasiv icr .wllh te Guvertiment on lie malter otlef nor atsrn. pavn tereti a tiew couîilerfetîi $10 Unitedi States togilaton. he oyenmen ba a bll hilwt, .the tiotor causetl thc deati of legab tender ntoe. The note is of tic nt al provlding for lie winding ap l*, *Omannns a tatch. In July lic tans tr-ofMrh318, eisfISOCec aldeti ~~~~~~~~restei anti taken ta Juneau, anti iis trial, Mat3,11.SeisoISChc thebani, but lb insopposei by tie a- etrBW.SRocrmRgieE.r hi olders anti manft cf le ditooe6A iici tans conducteti before Unitetd eler , W. S. Roaccra prtistofE -salltactry 1 betiwiîîh." egol ateti District Jîîdge Warren Truett. re- II. Nebeke rsurvlinprtatt , 'w h. loiYtiigba i~ll W t*dlneft.i utt scnvcinfrtauughter. Webster, havimîg a sîttail. pink, scallopeti IpweS cI ltzyleI. te Lgai. Thîe ioes matie their appenratnce iu > t e tatnwLgmatie 4bi lite ex-direclors cfthi-, DEATH COMESl AT LAST. teWctai reptbclopuîtttcr Ildni. FoqoÈt hem cîveti$1,750,000 onth e adlrpindonul)ae. o-erd,, epaurd eange.' Of thi u nn *tiest Daugiter ofrîeitghieeiappentîe l bt] àW i, 4% loes $1À),00(0 hopelcimhy. Tht.oftueV c x.l. t~i valle0f nio baik ote Is deu- ntss ields te Diseaoe ut AoheiliY.1 unucry Mca nln Monîreni Mccl. r t«ge stnlly.eFnindan thesluena wtth Mary (G. Stevenson, the cBlthenîre ivas a great demnstrîîtimof eut- ~- at ~iil o le dllrbut lie bai dangiter of Utce'Vice PresicttOf tle cnipioycd Mtuîtreai muorkz)ngoei.-it N Wdtî'- t l~a'1 e eietd tea ' about 80 cents Whou il ntttttedeia1BtcyPr day. About 4,0<) tof te fille mn as- la ve qn, up. This will taie about tireTIlotel, nt Ashcviuie, N. C.. Fitiay afler- smbled nii froti f thit iy litîth demaitti- ra leaw fit o Goeratient bas alroaded noua e ahrnohe nt îussing n-ork or breati. The NMayor proiset i ;tta5OUtS lough both houtses,appeai- fers sîrroitntiet her betiside nien lic endtil aiI ulemeigo iiest e ~' ~ da~erorlolSutibill~lil~came the otly absent i ember being lier t.alptbimeinetciets0 - wt*ar, anuthe other politiciaus wto betiside cfhils sick ie fil BWooringtoî, IRan Awny te M.teet Deati. wor e4&Ugalet for corrupt practîcesd. Ill. Misa Stevenson. îvhe mas in lier Wulilam PitI, Thomit Buck. anti Josepih -_ e l gterlimc s"tic wiite- tîvcnty-second year. iras taken fi ith u;mnr tctaot1 er fae a t~si'%ËZ1 Tii. Gorernon lias beau ii- a severe celtaille at Bar Harbor, Me.,. 'aay fromt St. Viîîet*ts iidustriai sehtu'ib ;:ctd troîn, Buglauti nul te gît l',q itmliher motter andi sisters faut sommler. a lt Utica. N. Y. 'Te boies otfLBtck anti til ttheo bill. I'lie attack dicî'coîed intu pncumegnia Ermiiier ivete foi'îtflu the ittotis neur To Beal tien Goverument. of a eere type xthiet seriously affectet Hcrkiuîer. Ttcy tati becti frozea te Tic ral ebapten la a scheme hlhîi ____deatit.____ iiesri #100,000,00*fllopen ah Omalha, cuiISISIN BROOKLYN. Foanti te Be Inoolvent. luS.1oifor lie forechosure ruemaldt idl unigtewitse ome dependenewnpael XL et lhe &ira mortgage on te main uine Of Trolley Crs. tas uk'cn toîtat te tic ingolvent. Liibilties, 1 tde union Pacifie Rairoati. Tie pétition The wiohe cf tic Second Brigade et $3,464,9W;1 assets, $3,4614,90b; asseta, $3,- Is uupla s odpta ihave boec preparctiaItithete Newr York Nationtal Guard iras or- 171,773. ____ instnée othbetrustées of thc fit-t mort- teredta tbLe tnder arme ty 5 o'ehoek Sal- M'itî Say- Fair Wous Iusane. VI II gage bondhoeidln thet.Office of Wuaulnw urday morning. Mayor Iscieren matie, a I isbcimtecertn înt bera1 . lere. f etaTo. I i.snpoad~réquisition Friday erening upon Bng.at îdîe influence iili hthle groîtutis kbie- t0e mbody tfletct lat as due accralng tuer Général James MeAheer for 700 or 101, cibiecît's fhemliu L t La nbtcness et the colpan!, du SJhy l8 of tic Brooklyn militia ta Le in régal- ate Sntor Ilair iii Le baseti. Ta thé rMil be tiar$T and0the0cura-d lis a u h Boky rllycr.i-_ sêatiol lngr ieconstanti! docreaslng, îîla pro- na l cp utti roky toly as Co %» pst, lu lieInterest of Uic firt mort- Tie eauiv as matie upe lte dcmand of TrecLives Lent. . cu sggflstiole, liaI fiat mortgage be fore- lie trolley rond presidents, mmc cdainm, an Paîroîman W T. Birch, ofthtec Green , . g leti . Thiismortiage irepresente aboutthiey have ton ire tunys. tint tiey have Run. tcfstin ; Cuharles W. Baker anti .g ~ 32$0.O0 ad the mainlia.ef ite,,mea eaough ho u ail ttcronds if pro- Charrles Hudson, n-cnc tromneti near v >atgo W hîi 1hcovers, le not expetelta ho ted. .Lemes, Deh. 1 The lifo ft amounmt. This. WU!l tlpe îlat TWO SCORE -PERISH. Explosion et Homtned. tie t« &Bail thei lndebteduiess, lncludîng lie Gov- Two mca mena killeti anti tiroothersinu- oinnenl's daim et M =.32000, tahici Fou-t> Pasuengers 'on au Ohio River jureti by a boiler explosion et tie 40-inch igatit ahÎdsOb <5 Steamer Meet Deati. mibu ln the. Carnegie Stel Works at Repbl luDaner.Tih. greal Cincinnati anti Newr Orleans Homeenta, Fn. ft "l ae tl. s o tn lot modtteatmer State ot Missouri ment lu lie 14 Fac elaoetiu bottelofuthelieol- River ai Wof-Creek, MAgRK=QUOTAII&U ý olple. s.i'onds c nise l is bttry. Tic relire. tîlrty-five miles above Hawcsvihhe, Ky., Tet nien et de uai niastr, foilowetiby aI Il o'chock Saturday igit anti forly CinoCticmu epie 19 i t3me'relsutien et Président Casimir- people met deeth. Tic teamboalt ans CiaoCtlcmo epie 44 te Pelrm ndaiger thé very sIabillity one cf tie langeul steamers belongîng te $3.7ffl.75; baga, siipping grades, $3.00 1 1i4w~e t tiof puti ueim. 411 sortaef nse- («alnt at eihs ailCm 4.50; aiecp, tain ta choice, $2.0003.50; t .l~a ru r rc sogt, ati It làeupany, anti was anen.mboat wrt wtaeat, No. 2 reti. 54@l5,1w:cern, No. 2, &W4 tiiit lieroyafitisèrec préparlag la Wo8h.W00)'4340c;also, No. 2, 27Wfl28i4uc; ye, No. t wï taie adilntalsge et, esiluation te *xe- mc d about hait a cargo cf farnilare, 2. ]S1<dj2c; butter, eboîce crenmery, 24@9 nulle, acides, etc. lc 14i. el ca cl* up ti'te24Wc; eggs, fresi, 1% i%;potatues, (hbua es Eaat, la pauttYM61 ltui t.e-t et Luisjpti itba As, W arresteti white gtieul uwla a a lot cqf p rovions. He bt masul4 tii suifMaolboi«,tokeùto.t i w bJ>Ilï er" inss 9 frothe c lu, ,s o t.~woeulflthlmUDllhAYN been ials- e tdsiatteI4 5* sa d ist tiiehotel table n. bas ban Iréy 0pt1tbi JOil capie. Abüat ta1.WJ8SteeiStOtie <Të iduOc co-tto-A*'oBuB 1 rea tIl:> -1 =y &fn M. Feuix Faure, Minster of Marine ln the. Dupuy Cabinet, wbil relgn.d at the beginning of the present criais, won elected oni the second ballot Thuraday to b. President of the Preneb republe. Faure pel.ild430 votes to 801 votes polled by bis neareet opponent, M. Brisson, president of the Chambel' of Deputie.. The. socialiste protested violently when the resuit of the ballot won made known. Kiii. Three Peopie. Samrel J. Hotellinh, a young fariner of ItolIlng Green. Martin Couaty, Mina.. won the 1eadlDa ebaracter Thursday nlght Ilt the gifatest tr*iedy that laver oeeurred ln the çouat. He klled tbrée persons, and won siio dead himoelf whill trylng tu slay euîmpof bis pannuera Soutiierà ]ROa4 Mortgsged. A nRtgag W r$M0000 bau beau fIL-d ln AtIauli, Ga., by the Nashille, Chat- ýî,taaooga andi St. »Lus Boad, tu cover au Issue et Income bonds on the. Western n4Atmantie >Rond. Tiie bonde beai ln- >ý 7jt *t14 per cent. and Wlll dot âaI lbe ne- OVIe " un t "gl t VM9te >w à j-Ta'Çoa. E% fet 5M3; hogs, choice llgbt, $ffl4.50; sheep, connon ii, prime. r-U3.50; wheat, Nô. 2 red, 53ti-Ac; cora, No. 1 white, 410 42c, Gats, No. 2 white. l2V<â33WAC. st. Loulu-Cattie, $3<?'.75; hogs,$3 4.50, wheat, No. 2 red, 52«5&; corn, No. 2, 41@42e; oats, No. 2, 30CO304c; rye, No. 2, 51@~52c. (itiitt,,,iti-cattie. S.t.5005.50:. hogg. $3.5004.75; sbeep, $1.50tbJ4; wbeat. No. 2 ~5ayz; corn, No. 2 mixed. 42(443c; oûts, No. 2 mixed, 32f433c; rye. No. 2, 4.50; sheep, $301.25; wheat; Ne. IiYblte; Gffl(7c; corn, No. 2 yellow, 43043%c: oass. No. 2 wvhte,.833l4c; rye, No. 2. 51059-C.' Toiedo>-Whent, No. 2 red, 5355&; corn, No. 2 mlxed. 42@43c; oatu, No. 2 1white, 32ffle; rye, No. % 52034e Buffalo-Cattie.,$2.fl-550; hoga, $P0 t4.50; shbemp $2@4; wheat, No. 2 red, k t'@593We corn, No. 2 yellow, 4M04e; omi. No. 2 whits. 35634ce. à waukee-What, No. 2 sPringj55 eiCe ora No. 8. 43@48%c;o-ts. No. 2 whlteý 31033c. harley, No. 2, 5869W; rry, o. 1. 61@52e. por , ames, 110 N York-Cattle,$0.0 imI4 $20J1; wie*,NZ 2 rod, ~, 51~4~ 0 , OENZf A~LTNZ CHARGÉS Ji "Fune Gale Stacepq Thoub Cl. f ireet Car Strike Or*-*w egeul* Indus A. J. Ries, of Cleveland, ()hl%. o anied bY hilecomun$e. ha s.tld Wahngtn te appoar before h. coin te. f the Boumeofe epreetenlallvsst w.r te ebîg«eg PrOtred iagaînahibina lie Central Labor Union of Cleveiatd e.nsen10 oquestions by a roprseta so t fie Ausoealed recs, ius ii i: The. subtace of the cinige made h bhat I have netaineti fo"sclainéd b! me, t virlue of my, former cierksblp, tabIci 1 t ald haive palti over Iii lhe United &Ble.. e t, in ab ol ulîr o tra t hI nla bis mnge. Tic tale accusation embraces ie Items cggregatin $7M<1.andi la MY -orts for tie year 18M8 anthle firet haut 1,88M1 Iclirgeti mysplf tli bis very tonal as part utfaMY'compensation ae mir, tic charge belng matie UPon ac~-1 ant f records In tat are known ns i te flintsel cases. Ttc actuai makiag of1 -urds la cil clerks' offices in alîrnYs tut> menth e bihtintedisposai of cases, i ad in Ibis îvay it hppuened tint lte t-c- in~ tahlieecase it ieh 1lcbI adl se arged miyseli nitîî $7(WI beforeetuahîr :-ehvifig lthe saine ivere net completeti un- i atiiter my aîuîstiitîucut asjuige. W11011 bc tees lu tic case ivere liaidti t ne bter moiuîitedtiale$1,792.15. For itis uanîcunt forîrarie hie Irolier deptanettut ftic overnitent a full statlemt tunti se- ont.", FREAKS OF A FIRIOVI STORM. arid Blutas SixI>' Mites an Heur la Chicaine. Onet of the fierest ivindstorms on nec- utiay ni caied greut daumage b p 4>'y anti lite ad it1mb. vSe stroug iras the asb luit maiking %ma% io"t- itthlie n-.%atest dithciiati utimenaci- te îVhoie ,J r î Efgiiîft rp r fihlrru'Wt¶' cm'tp f cati froua tie liying tebris et-n itteseneti [-ue s.-affeudittg biotan tY te i-intifroua nie ufthîe toI t alrtes tf bte nev Fort Dearboru lBuildiung, Clark anti Meonrue itreetà;. This iw5tihenMost at-nous acci- ent cituiet by the sterm. nThetnt- mentipus gat-le oving front ticeîvest di- rectetiils force agaisîtiche valis ofte uiis oft Ulick ltourk&s ofuniture stuire ccntiy turn-ti onl tinWest Miadison atreet, anti lthe Lciv tason-îvurk, col- japsins untier the sIaili, sî'verely injureti tmet- murimen Lusy ontheticjob etfivreck- ing tic building. Iliindretis et otters, victim oet lhyittg igi-titartiaanti other oWi jtces pendanet frout builiuîgs. bear umarks the> %iihicarry an îg lime te rentemben the big wn d by. Titis gale wms ire- touticete ti c one otflthe mont tunitns ver kîmonn-It slunanig up in a tew mnutes tant inereimet nithi Iicrediblé FIRE INT> THE CROWD. S%onday a Day-of Riol sud Bioodsbcd In Brooklyn.- eigtth lay ofthe Brooklyai î.l-ctrit str'-.-t railiva> operatives' sîrike. Threv miliit:- aienaîîre in Ituihtit aus it liroken -a. tîvo tavilîg auff.ret lit lte bauds ot tf rul- cita mten or îiomnît-u.ilthie t her iris lie victinuoft us cirti -itrelet'suies. lia- lng fahlen eut et a set.tinîi s§tury w'indoiv. A. s- o r e o r o e e tof . t- î î- a rc su uff , r- the head and tody. dialling themn for the tinte being. 'ru wht e\tet lte strik""r have sîîffercd ennîtot l1w conjt*cturL'd. If tlîey eseanped pu.nishment it Ivhs Dot th~e fault of the iîîjlîtiaincli. ho. lis accord- ance wvîth orderm. fired as directly at tb',ir nssaiats as a dense fog. whicb complete- ly hid objccts at thirty yards' distance. Ioud permit. The strike lsaflot ended and order la flot restored. Tite cotire force of 7,M<) soldiers; and ail the POli' departmelit prove inadetînate. Wou OKISPOR ]Big Revenlue Deficit and More Heuvy thipntsmOf GoId. R. 0, Dun & (70.8s 'eekly review of trade saYs: Thpre are Boule good signa. but they do flot as yet exteîîd to btusiness generally, %vhieli besitittes muc'h ns it lias dune for illonthm. Gold ,ontinues to go abroad, $Z,5.55,000 baving gone last week, and the deficit of revenue is alréady tFer $,0, 000 for the montb. This etnte of facto, witb the failure of Congress to make pro- visioîn for hýorrojwing' or for iucreasing revenue. still operates tu retard a whole- morne recovery. The volume of domestic trade represented bY excbangea tbrough clearing-bnuses Î@ again about 7 per cent. larger than last:year, as it Ivas lu the first week of the inonth. but lu 3:1.7 per cent. amaller than two years ago, a bigiier rate of dperense than for smre time pazt. The Honsme of itepreseontatives, by a voGte oft 197 ycas to 51 nays, pamsed the bill authorlzitir the erection of a goveru- ment building ln Chicago uPon the site of the present postolfice-. The bil le the original bill wilhout any appropriation. The portion of the second section of the bill, wbich provided for an appropriation was stricken out. The bill goes to tbe Senate witlîout a dollar of appropriation, even for the' preparation of the plans. The theory ln tiat If the bill shaUi becomne a law uo mach as shahl be neesary to coin- mence the work apon the building during the first fiscal year ubaii be lucorporated la the sundry clvil appropriation bill. The. amount invohved ls $4,000,000. .Myatery ln Ris Death. A man of 70 yearu, wbose deati occur- red in an obscure boarding bouse at Paris, KCy., recentlY. turas out to bave been B3. . L. William, an Englishman Of Mani- tuba. wbo was reputed to be worth over W. F. MeLean, M. P., proprietor of the Toronte World, was flued $1 and conte for pbllshiing on Bundy a aewsPsPer eoutaing a report of the Globe lfire. Royalty to Have 0a Eeuad'up. The. Court Cîreular ay's the QucaWinl go to, Danîntatit lu ApnIl, wheve mii. wlli [ aeetUi the r at Czarnan, lhe Phaperor angtdUmpre»aeo! Gemnn.eX-BOf upe Vr.dýeÏ e ii 1)*.a" iDucheM OtS5X- = -w%,and the Duke ant ula q.e en ,e to as Il ai im b; t, t t Al Darln i" thét*b o$ th* nbw - lu a, dis<îsI et I# lainendtl iatins i i Ls ef ommss Dkligte w»e tex. The ini 0111 .aes by boti Ou5lt- ytii. Preedent i0 fouat er.O T'he eurecy qitestion was thc able lu the Sonate tharuday, tbo ,sag general. Tne pension bI, et ý 1 ,o o o , o ,w a e . T h e $ 02U 7 »ropiatis $2. OM1988 tdm-1 .-, ip. At thie opealiig of tiie sessimog 4 lange a bill wns plu Md on Motion et s ffnderson. of llinois, Il> gf4t r,' §rab A. Clapp the. iar and ailolWCiCe~ surgeon for services as such ln tk@ I#4f- tI llinois lnfaulry. T b Ç t tuehdmeat s tn the urgent deSi ý W ,b ere disagreed to andi the bill sent te 0OM mIttet' of the ivlole for the fîthet U03- deration of the indian piot St6 m 7n The genate Friday passéd the. armiY - propriation bll. carryting l,OWOW~<, andi te bill whicb in effeet gdvanecf Geit.ts Sciotleld. lu co"Wmand of the' army, te thé ani of lieutenant genernl, held by 001F, eraI Shermano and Shridan. Aide frein is the dey iras given to the (lebelesom te Nicaragnan Canlal. lut the Houa. thé Sonate biil grauting te hee aileValley Railread Ceuîipauy a riglit of WaY tinOugi the lin Caries Iiduan reeviiliof VSA am"sed. ÀlmaabUltioe»n oto ôtýbeappropriation iW~nteli river sud lbarbor act for St. Josepit'B ba- ba, Michigan,, te coînipete te coni. Ion betweqn51, josclà aud Beaton Rai- b a r . 2 ir s fe t be o n o i thsn reuum . At 'a nit sessIon thora ag a sharp contention ver the pensio The'.%crann ill eppropriating $4,000, 100 for a new pstoffice for Chlcago passed the Bonse Mondny by a vote Of' 198 te 53. Bill$ autherizing the.Isue Of 3 per cent. bonds and repeaiint the leffal tender art of u18swere offered ia the - longe. Mr. Frye'm ilaivailan resoltttiofl wns again debntéd in the Senate, Mr. Gray vigoroumly defending the adinle- ý tration. The Sonate pntçtud the Io mrfe lions appropriation bill and ngreed te th* confeneuce, report on thIlëie eflcy bill. The adininiâtration'.4 iawvalanpol was 'igain the ssubjee-t 0( harplita and lefenspe in the 4sente Trîay , nailroad 1stvliug bill vRE favorab1 ported t'> the Senate froni choe on Interiat.- ('o)mmerce. The' 7 passed the luîdion an.prupriatiehi thill o1l es4t.tllisIt n national pa-rk at Cetsuc A bihlut abro dliscriiniatiiig duty onu sugar was ed te the flouse- f romtht' Wua, Means (2omitte.%fte-%4itpntQ3 slateîiîelt l'y Juilge i- cks the inuse le- diciar! .uuîle dfentcd the renm tien-b îi tît ii h it. NAPOLEON 0F JOURNALISM. Tille A pptîed to Brilliaul and Br&alar john A. Cockerilt, John A. ('ockerilî. the brilliant journal- lat whose naine and faine have pervsded this continent, heaves for .Iapnn a short lime, te tee the war correspoindent of th*. New York Hermnld amtoi metahlitçb a for- eiga eodition of the llerrId. Colonel Cock- .1 ,pnul bas ticen termed the "Napoleou of Iournalism, andi he deserves tihe titi.. ro him more than nny otiier Man lie- lons the credit of building ap la ta9pIt sucession the Cincinnati Enquîrer, Ot LouisIs Pea-Dispatcb, and New York World. Colonel Cockerilhla bralny' bril- liant nnd original in bis; methods, lînpul- sire and qulck-tempered. but seldoni vin- ilictive. Ife lu about 45 years of nec und a man of fine physique. Place Namesl. -Ononda.gi. the naine of a New Tork hake, menus tbec "Marsh at the Foot-Ot lie HUis."1 Sarnaca, tixe naine of lthe New YQpi, stroam, ineans. "iver thal Flow* VU: der Rtocks." Cape Fiear wns no named bY Sir Wall- ter Raligh, wbo found bad weatbmr thcre ln 1585. Thc Coneniaugh river, Pa., Wa" ntu- ed by 'the Indien&. The word milans ,,otter Creek." Nanseniond, tbe came of a VIrg"l river, signifies the "place froni wbIeb*ý w. ran away." The Kentucky river was final nasnM tic Lioalsa, ln bonor of the Duceuue*o Cumberlanld. The. tianehiitl-Oiof Poton-ain lac»,~o of tihe Burnlng Plue," an ailasoWni &' grand couneiL. crotoni leau Indian word muI* '-Th. Wlr#d." The rIvrer wu Aa ý au nduiean ebef. ,'. The. In4lans lled lbthe D river the. InyaasýbOi-5ihwOI*k, er of Red Stoneei" BlackwlVS 4.544 vu 04, a unit trét 1 4OU >fber tia 14 uc sasWh" 0ii 0UTLtý()K IS POOR- 1 . 1 i

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