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Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1895, p. 7

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cd~e NeW aiMsPaCket State 01 MbmsowI oes Down. gý1. BOAT STRIKES A ROCK in -Ot eupper, or worthils t Wm, origiSilUy appled to the- igd by làuM Il. at the- Iub- ý itwShuadue eoflt-ad, copper, wt, any otlier metal he mo#àW@.,. and oon bt-camne ~*U the #etoplels mutumbog, or ku wus a niekamme appllt-« oqotW @ilondite hotht-m t-ne- UçiptiuLas.Tie name menus bô ont trot- bark." Tht- terri- lr*wn a" the- Adironilaeks i by the IadiansC-oughzarage, le wibdoues- Rillousnes le. "0 'arth,amer stmacli, bStrt- eieb4dy*Pais, ou-in »w. Digestion ~êsg -BUfS, pin u It litng la tht- ss= otsi1i, InSu a iat. -, 8 or Appetite imif "yEn a"toay sd iprmt Oe Su tu totate agond, Urait. U ail Uisl, waka, é.ebity. bu»tib-P quichir sarudov m m mf tt- W«ob-ug. ~50 t-t.ud * 1.00 atm. Emus ft6somadtoumf&M C., Buuon-Mr. N. y. E. k-W' -ANPInkham's Vegetable Comipound CURES ALL IJim«Un of Women. b * émére cmurstht - oeut s o OM = tgli1S.&H Ovuruan troubles% sait hJh Ulceratiai, Fallig sud ààmE B«o f the VomDI and convoquent lia hl sdapted euriei1nu» esseso! Lt-nourri n" they ols sanb a8s si hkoo ~immib lInscb mcass. Il trýfITaunes ram taeUte ptrub«eo! developmeuil, snd t-li tconoreas humona.Th&, 1 ing-dowmn Feelin P91114, veight, s and acha, la - Unier ai oircwstaitace CI vush thea lawss1st gaent-i qb l aMu4Mdislaas hanileos as ssi UTER BAKER & CO :Mts U Hi oN O DIt NISHEfT AWMDI anl d Fo rt*gywmiKRL lea 'n. dis- mas ig hy lni the ter. Thirty of the Passengers and Crew Are Drowned. Paaic-btricken People Traiepie Bachs Otbéz te Desth ltu TIeir Fr.ntie Effort* toEnKcae-OVne of theT- awia Ovstrcrowded sund Bank,. nie in Sight of Short-. Tht- great Cincinnati and New- Orleans steamer State o! Missouri irent tu the bul- toma!f tht- Ohio River nt Wolf Cnet-k, set- enly mileshi-low Iouiaviiie, Ky., ut 6 o'clock Satimnîsu' îîight amduit .1, e ot that thirty peoplieut destîl. Tie itei- boat was ane o!flte hsrgesî uteiunlenalue- louglng fa the Ciiîî-iiiîui und Mmlii Packet Campsny. nîuîlnus aa- ewbatt worth $(iOIflX?. ' 8uie hi-fbIloutlili.. KY.. ah 10 o'clock Saturday nuumuiiug, botiildfor New Orleans. w itlitw ta--ty-higri- iusn-i geru sand a treîr. nakilig seveilui -eiglîî peoaple. Skie huidaleituîtlila -a rgo of furniture, nuite, aüid.i-e.tcaii ai nl amoolli u tiilîî.r ddol u eaciduit t hiat sent untuny sauls lu (tliýi-miIY. The tnip wn-iivtitfii fiuit> ii i'irui- t-d~ puit kuiolu nsm1wtht> uarsii- ebiewh nt-ar Aiton, Iltit., a-ius r-t uti. tre the- pilot slowf-tsidovii, asuthe -urreiit ut:1.4 very swui!t, andtîtunnel luhs t'Aies- S>teti avoiti an hstruu-ii,ii iti-ia-n us Builîî-k -rock.* The rudiltrs fail-i t.u >piidtl o the- ua'hmbeians- tt-ne wuut a-.,iu1. emashing sauui. Tithlat isouli tilitti andî The sdock w-es t h-andtîlheî-bout trembleti froua bouîtu atm-n. ('iuauurma- thon seized upii thec 1asseulgern d uîî in a marnentthîy tu-ire frantiý.'%. 'ithiauit ni- garil tauiîiî.uî-eslui-y rushi (ltii)ithi lipper det-k4 in tj lioiiîw of îia igthe-ilu th lte t , is rapielly sinkiuîg. WVomen ün ut ii liii -tvu ir>- t ru>uiiii tu, iii, but il s la e-vf.-l ti11 gît ujt ofi ii i-ahina Tien tle sî-niiilihî f-r ai-da iin the ýuluth began. Il utas a l4ihilfîr ife. inu uth ii- îîîuuy canîhulu utsi4 r i I ci.> i tetat galue ho thir im -atlu. "Tefirî. Au htned -alu s s81111k uui lii uî aemil y fi-i-ttir a-hi-ne ih arui-k lit1vher. Il isIi hilipt-ret ev-r)-ont- iin silria- iuli-il inî sighît of tthi affrighîi-d i-opieiiiiîîîîlîl d îîgthler «menîthe aiukiag steami-r. A ioeî-iouil yattIwua lieu lpait-iloff. il cinilîuilfotur w ut uîî- Thins il§ belileet tii luivr, enîehdshore.' Just w-leîtii-ni- wiiiiuiiiie ti-hopeliat by measmuoîf titis a-Iliithe1osugi-r. coulhi- sari-il.the steamer guiti- nîotlier titu,-ueurt-i sui t hii'alhy lînke mu> pii.ct- anud iii te-i iiuii-freuntheiimo- Iment tie r.gis- ut usstnui-k uîîuhîîg huit the il l nioed. "he e.-i-ai. icîts and into thue w nier erýe,'~ îii-uiiiu ail. 'lhe liugher fni'iglit usas tual lfmonithe i- îiu I s-k. antieti] ii-Il, ut aiiut i nd<-lili de cluîug lis lhi-rt liîy vi-îiil iiî3. Ilîîu i-ver. onI3ll, fIt lLa-k it t i-ih's iý-> i- limacë eei-i-r;i.i iiiii b> t ilis ticatil il, gettuhi in lth t <huitsaui tre4-- 01 tin'resvued hy f-aruier-t uniti atsitii s tenini-ra, Il q~s tlan tell il uinuul-î fruia3th. iiili> ttwi oul inutk ahi- liait gî>ii.- i il.AI Itockîsmrt andîl (tuî-usiirîi. iii ut%,-Iltas a ai i iitcnuciin lu' iii i 111,,I l it'u k is li, wtih skiffs ii-kiiu- î1i1) ievi-'a of fîîrul lei- sudn-ai -hiiîg !îr ls l1- dies. huit lt - i-m naIis toe, auvift foc sill vt-malte)ig- ont fur. F-our Jîassiuengr.-rs t--n-stiete) cliugingtg o nauuuiutlii-htiîaitn ihný Thbe pasaei-ngra ut i-ni-aIl t icL-it iI iinî 1tu Ni-ut-Olnis. 'The Sîtua! iof i n us liuilt ut Nla- tlion. luI., iiin fflt), btri li-Kaas:i--li syndicale. fur 11wi Mies.îtri Rîiver trade nt a C-Ost o! $4u>t5Sb. Shît uviul ue oa! trio o! finitu- Simiiiiint Ilt1-y ili,- titii t-omnnyi-heStat- r>!Kanslst anth- A. 1. àMusarii iii ig thi lu-iiilu-s. Si>-%%u! 250 )fi-aI tong. utili a forly-ufouir fiut hlit.. anti six faulu hld- Sîti-ut-s uîîu ,rii u- ed ui nthe- i -seiibuit lhu-il ieuîthi tiiasudît N1isè;issii)[,i.. uiil iîg l-h t-e,) tCinîcinnati an(I NewutOrlîtans, a-ilil t-t-c Isionai trips tu si. lattis. GENIUS AND MADNESS. Jurieu, the- bihlia tutlini. burau crazy frotti atudyilig the- iuioculypsg is Ht- fautled lit tthtl- 'î oni-lKit-aj iras lie of! iil. IýaiartUne aas af nu cxcct-tliag 18 glaamy teupapenttn. andsisinîg lu Sspolliaof dejection nothing cotîltilu t]: Mdlens aise la hspirit. Cowper's madnt-as l-thIknowi Once lie ttsidtoanc îglilmself. tanuià a. anothertlIme t-udt-avant-illacommit su clîle by tirawniîîg uimuseif. SBth Chartes sud Mary aI w-ei dl-hers lu tht- bordertanti o! madneî Tht- latter uas frequciitîy phacet ii syhum thIe formeir lut once. 39, asaniehla bec-iue er'zed by tht- su -ceas o! thte revalutian o! 1647 lun N IpIes. IHa gavenimny symptoma o! h aaniîy litfore le utas assasaluaheti. Descartes a-as tht- victilunof atdiloi hallucination&. Tity alîvays eai when hie vns grcaiiy fatlîgeti, anti1 -iegariled bleui ns a igu ta cesse w-ai Byron wms bellert-s by sanie o! i contt-tnporanlca ta ble uîeîîallyul, nr. acel, andti ls caret-r>of strange a-lt e tdnsse gave mut-i colon ta Ils suppoi Robert Burns ut-ver utas a-eih h anced. Hî ext-cases t-erldl inti -S'extravagance sud utens geuoralhy fg lawad l1y apasma o! repetntauce an j melancly. ,I oine. daniug tlthu ya o! Non applas a-are 2 ct-lts a dozen; cherri w iere 1 cent; uainuts, ýA cent; c W~cumbers wa-easuilat twenly for * cents; el±îtce, ah twenlyht-ails for cents, ad artichokes aI twt-nty f &A-nIter lu a Paria ttteiical joani à8satrta that st-dtntary occupations i disposestu, tuberculoals mare than a oh ors. Aranug -Eagiimhand Itali atudeuta hé arts that 45 dt-atiîs i uc,«,sre autatlus caUMe plodlvu la a blm*tk po-wàer caiIed lodle of aitrogen. Wben it la dry the. mlght- est touch will often cause Tt ta explode wlth great violence. There appearu to be a certain rate a! vibration whice tbiaecompound cannot resltât In experlments ta determine the cause of!lie extreffne explaslvcies, some damp podide of aitragen was rubbed an the strings of a brasa viol. It la known that the strings Of mach an Instrument wlll vibrate when those aof New York'$ Chimto.sl a simMlr Instrument, havlng an equal The Chinese laundryrnen do their T tension, are pl*tyed upon. marketing ln Ciinatawn On Sunday &eM lu this case, after the explosive hld and Sunday nîglit. The gSne at sach the! becoine thoroughly dry upon thet imes li ery llvely. There are Chinest Sti Sal strings, nnother bias viol was brought liiundrymeti assmbled frorn ail parts test near, and Ils; strings were saunded. o! Ibis city, Brooklyn, Long Island a t At a certain note the lodide an the- pre.. Clty and New Jersey. Friands gelta- a parel Instrument exploded. gether, diseuse business and buy and and Il uas fonnd that the explosion oc- selI laundrien. fan curred ouiy when, a rate o! vibration of! ltU the course of the day sud evening ehs slxty per second ivas coînmunlcated ta they buy teIr lionsehoiti supplie for w flic prepared strings. Vibration a! thet-hie eoailng week. There arq hat a w (» string eauseid an explosion, white dozen large compajales doing business lar that of the E string bail no effect. ln tht- quartier. Borne of theni Import anc rnany articles frant China and Japan, jf, MICHIGAN'S BENEFACTOR. and tht-rt are other stores whlcb dent i exclnsivehy ln Amerlean- supplies. 1 S AN OF REPATED TORYOF uuong the supplies thic stores coltlala hie AN FT EPATE SOY 0F f or the bonsehid are -serubbing Of! TRUE PHILANTHROPY. boards, soap, tien, sugar and ather gro- - cert-s, aud sioues and bats.« What Chas. If. Hackley, Han Donc for Tht- purcbases or tht- taundrymen are Western Mchigan. pait Into large paper bags. These bags be (Fram Grand Rapîd.s. Mteh.. Erel'ijng PeSJq arten c4rry as assortedl a vtriety o! an- an( Tht-mugi; beautiful spot in ail tisitociy ticles as a womau's sbopplhr bag. haun- b3 is iîîseîîcrabiy imsociated îîith the iame 1Il o! iliakley. Chas. il. liaekiey bas bei-n drtea o! laundrymenrniay le set-n due lit the lumber businiess hart- coltiniiout§IY eînerging fram Pelu and Doyen stree-ts tw, mince 1t, and lu that ime bas amasse"l carryiug tht-se bags on Sunday ight. aibu a fortune whlich gir-s hii eti rting alliolig e tu(- weathy mnlo! 1he îîatiou iBut îitliand liiey are a conimoisiglit onuth 1w e vealh tera did tnolientuaI ighteiiiltg surface and elevated cars. owr t- ofth puelmre strnigs wiîil is geinrlly a nîithnight the' exoîlus frotu Ciiinalîvn oai ma ;rked cbaracleristiie o! aaithY meU-l. te-etst ll ihtse un h Til;no wonder. dien. luit the îrame tof , faet I s ili eilo i l Cliarilo iH. tlaekLoýy is knio t bouhale nditolhier night. l kilhrîad. Ris iiitiilcîe t t uski-gîli -ci ai-te t.reetsaut otiay of uottrly hlai! AS-TONISI$INQ, SUT TRUL 13 amillion. For th e past jîvofi.ty yeurs lu-t lias liteu aconsant siffercr fromut-uai-ir tgis and tltwjaaii, also ubiiess cf the Soute Wonderful Thinge Can Be Ac- 1 10 wer limbs, go mut-h su thaI il lias at-n- com ail ln Th is World. sh ousiy interfered wilh lits pli-sure in lie A uiiber of 01W great and niost ln- tr For orne time past bis friemtds have 110- veterate tobacca arnekers and cbewers C. tice t ient lbas s éemie t tagrow )yoinng have quit the- use-o! the ltliy weed. aguin and toi have reoered the- heaiti The tailimanie article tltat dot-s tht- whtii lc had lu jyoutli - Te a reporter for the- Pi-t-s'Mr. lIacklt'y work il No4o-bac. The reforun was exjlaiued the secret of thiii rciusl.rmei- startesi by Aaron Gorber. who ivas a ait *lion. *I bave suitered for ovr- 2)ye ca. î,lrmfeit slave for inany years ta the 10 lie- said. 'îtitti pains iluiS iuwer.liibs ga usefo!betca. Ho trieditht-use o! No- Or si-t reiy that theouiy nrlief I t-îiih get ut to-bac. andt i tls great sur-prise andl de- " îigiit was by IitiLg i d îiat-r Corel liglil il cured imî. flon. C. W. Astîcont.g I>res4e onmy imis. vis btheed i r wu lia had bei-n smoaking for sixty years. aIut iiiit tha n tuhie day lime. rTn- trîc No-tla-bac and il cured hini. Coi. ,raigie nuid rbeumatic piialîs iiin y limbsk. n- hivi bail lbemugrea-ing ini itteusity foir ISamuel Stoututer. iio wonld t-at UT)ta- I yenris, finaiiy liame i broic. 1 madie bacca lîke a cow eata liay, triedti Iismi , tlîrre trips toth[Li lt Sprinîgs, %viril aîîly wonderful reniedy and et-en Samuel, c partial relief, a i lIeu feil liai-k hi in>afler ail hilsyears of slavt-ry. bst the- originîal state. 1 Bilîî it sill, nuit n'y desire. J. C. Cahier. Leasing Ev-ans. sa * uifferinza hegan ta make life look verY Frank Dell. George B. %May, C. 0. Skill- A: *h.îîîîedauoi-eoîiiîto laDr. epeibifr 1iukington. Hansmn Robinett. Frank Hersb- 20 ýtPilla for Pt 'c ~opie sud irbat tht-y bai berger. John Sliluand mOalers have doue for others. and icîmi' cs -go Iîealy slnoe tied Na-ta-bac. and ln every casem T reseminîîe mine îlt~ien w inter".scd, no they report not only a cure o! the la- t 0 1 %rote ta a- holiaitgir-n a t bacco i= babilbut a ivonderful imprave- moniai, an emineîîî professor o! musiç in men lu teir general physîcal and -Canada. Tht- reîiiy 1 received l'ata-e mental condition, ail o! whicb goes to e ktnîîuger thiauithe - îinted test imonýial sd saî ht h-ue !tlicohaibe il il gave me- faith lu the- medicine.shwtateueoftbcbilen LIbgîîtîing the. tila nut found injurions ta tlîem la more ways titan i tu-m bchoailtai lit he profeàsor Lad tbld f«ne. Na-ta-bac le poplar withlte nie li-y noulbli. it %vas ta-a or tir-e driîggists, aj. ty ailtatil nter aba- i urotis hefore 1 experienîeid any percepti- luât- guaantlelta cure or refund tht- bl,<'bettenaicut ot>! uintiaiion. NMy disa- woney.-Froni tht- Press, Evorett, Pa. - ease a-as tIf sîîc-ilong stanuding ta t 1hid ,_lot e'xtiet ei-<hey rect-tery, and %%s TbTh-lcteCzar of Ilussla was a grent tiliiîkfiiieveîî un hi- reliev-d. 1 progrcîîoed rapiiîly. hua-t-ver. towaris rieovery. unit rt-adi-r of iovels. andi lie andi bis wl!e for thie lnt six mouiths have feit myseif fouîid lu tht' readlng of them anec c< kg a erfi-db'velliin. itiaver nsoimettd- th,-uc t-ief sources of enjayment. A ed thle îpilla to mati%*y pt-opieantiarni î,îly ui<.< o gad tb assisu alliera ta heu tbrouigh îpackage if tht- nea-ct Elilit, Frenchi %t uhe mediuim oa! hua aoundefuil mî-uiîue. anti (eicîan w orkle usedt taarrive regu- 1 4-anilot siYto) muacbfor waiilbas îarly utaheiiiiptrlal rt-ident-e. Dr. willii a'iikPilla contain .ail théltw' h, - elî-îîînts nt-t-si--dry ho gire e tw ife aîîd o' ls r- riu-botsa tu the bioodansd r-store oint- We offer fOae llunidred Doltars Eewarti for -~ ît-r-iî ervi-a.aar aie-ot Catarnlî thag cannaI lbe cured by tere teres.Titiyar for sele iy ail Ituitîs Catarrii Cure. b. mlniggisto. or unuiy lia nit by mail friim Dr. F. J. CIIENRY & CO . Irops. Toit-do, 0 WihIîm' edi-ineC toîiiipiv Si-lie- We, tie inderiii-dm Ai-o l*einos-a j'.J.Client-y inily. N. Y., for 50 -. per boxi, or six boxes ortt athyars. aud bt-litva him perfemtti hifor $2.5i0. it-uoraleîlntait bus.leg-s raosiutfoi anad fil- îkaliy able te, cary omît any oblgation nilet by A- Looked iitke n Senator. lesiirai. li-5t-rigSS.OtdiO tv O llii-tu-ahi froîîîî i 1<ago to New W~altting. Knuan Se Marvin, wolcaalet- bnig- iorl th othr dy w-f e taL file--,Ltg .Tolt-do. Ohio. t, Yirklb,-aller dy ner : tai. lai- Haut' Caant Cure III atteo ltteruially. sard ~ îoigmati. î lUi a gr-ay niastache lanit 1tretly ulios the- blool ad mut-oui surfaces i 11 goitue. Iii. looketi t<îery lun-h a --per - î. ysteus. lrlcec75e. pir battît-. St-Id by al 1! uagt-'Thmere itas eti gîîii l eal of ,rigts olmsasfe- -osýip u te tainas o hs ientty. Tht' irsI regular standing arnîy %vas lièr Tii- e thlImi- hlîî laliuiniat it' in Eg3-pt, about 1900 B. C. The- first he mîas ut îiitt'iitais Seuîauar traveling umoduirn standinîg fartcwas lu France. e incognito. Soiue' one lalmnî'i ta recog- Ilu 1445. Thefitrst permanent iiltnry uize lim as utelt'ui-ral lu thte regular forcie lu Englanti was the- Klug's Guard army Fieily -t prsevi-is adeut)of Yeomen, t-tabhhslied in 1486. an iîi 'î1 Ioti-eîporte-r ufn uiout vlîo S.Ni oum fuhiîante aîîdaditrestoDob- litiiisunwu-a. lie proveil ta bt-adtiuî- Iinust-a> f%.C., Philadeiphia. lPa., by tuer for a urali haut-r mîanmfatory. r-turnttiuai t fret- cf c c s. a cai te l ion iorîl si-i eralto'lars. if usatl5by vlla ta e. Bt-fre a Full He-ad of îeum lils fait aduantuge. Don't delaý. 'rbis is Ist la gatie-rei by thit trImienougly d,-,triic- wortby attention. lire englune, malaria. put -o the- brakes -lith T ileja ts wicked not ta do rlglit as Il la 'l ilcstetter's Stomuich l tttfrà, ublct l l 10do wrang. , t-litr- i kprogresasa dlvt et beugter. Chilis ils ait lever. blicus i-mittemt. duisîblague uit WEÂK Lt7Nau AREC STRIIOTUEED, bie ague cake are promptly relit-rtil and ulti- Pleiiriuy Pains relievail andi Asthmmitiît iuat-iy curait by this genist spermie. wicb seymptoious sulidueil by D~r. 1). Jayîîe's Ex- utipeeily utiefuilalucase. cf ayspt-psla. tillIons- couji lesand Couda. mtB ues, coastipation. oI-k lit-uitiii enycua- Na nîs sltt ta vi ut a il- kk rheîîmatismdni eu aelgia. AutaisI t ilirage 10 stand ahane. thlie hurtful effectt.o f sudîsu ehaligem of terri-, ne~ ~ ~ ~~~~~'" ptraue.apu r iiselst-lln coe p sa. au c- -a- uit- )ry ie -k,. hls mi- c- aifr roh- m, -les eu- 6 30 ,amI re- La>' out plîcato to l ahurlclus mna purislîansd ollier Influences preIudiciaI ta heaih. it1@1,s most lrustworthy saft-gsanl. hi fnrtîttes the sysieni gaînsl dîsee, prmt-lces apleêtle aunîtBlep. anid hastensiuconvalescence afler detîhltatlng ad S-ah wastag dlmita5t-a. .Mlisissppi a-as oigiuiahly 'Meche St-be, "Prallier af Waters."* ila-as Tinal sixlied Misisipi by Taboîl. a Jesuit ex- plrer, anti ans consonant ftcr anoîher buts be in stucsadilcil ntil 1h la now ltiatedO~own. Tht- Clpitww called t '-heLonîgt-iter;" tht- Iullos Indians kunei Il as tht- "Great Fiah ivtter;" on aidduuaps Il la desîguatesi as La Grande ltlvlcîe Conception, Rîviere Bande, Fleuve St. Louis. Rio0 del Espenîtu 'Sau- ha, 1Rio Escondîda andl uany aller uamt-s. The Intila tibes tînt lit-cilon ils banks naunedi lItretnIsection# ha lease themseîves, andTtI la sail tînt f rouitlils source ho Ils mot iti was oîlglnaliy cahicil ly more than a ha- dri-I nmes. Some philohogials doulit lt-e correcîneso!rte translation> givea above andl coutmanly recelvetiandi lhink lie original uril mestîs "ahh the rivera o!fct atI." April !ool's day hadItIs ont-m luaa Roman festival. tht- Fealuat Fahuorum, 1or faal's hliliay, which wms celebrated .about tht- lat o! ApriL On Il ail orts ro! practîcal jokes, were played. Tht- àemly Christin»t adopted thp festival lia ta moditiedto mi, discardiag ils relig- Loun fesotrea. $am0 for a Naim. This le the smn we hear the Seizer bd Co. offer for a suitable namne for eir wondertul new nts. The Unjted atem Departrnent of ilgrieultmr says izer's asis the beot of Mo0 varteties mted. A gireat man farnera epart test yield of 200 buihs per arls ýar, and are sm thia can be Wn nd evec more during 1M0. Another àrer writes us he cropped 112 bush- [of Baiser'e Marvel Sprmng Wheat on ao and ona-ha1t acres. At gueh yt¶ld rheat pays at IiM erbu.One. ig re know, and that euthat BaIser le the 2est Farm Beed grower ln tii. world ~sella potatoes ut $SM 0per buTraI fYou WIU Cnt Thia Ont snd U.ad It ith 10c stge ta o John A. Salzer eed Co., Crosse, el., yoti get fre3 Li mamnmotb catalogue and a package 1above $300 Prs-l aOte. c. N. U. And This la Whàt He Salît. "For several years past 1 have made rom two ta four tripe eaoh nmonti tween Chicag and New York Md a ammot aliays aSoarpaali %from ne an athree or four oters. believe (as 1 arn înfarrned by yeur con- tctoniýthîatI1 have made more trips be- weenhieiroand New Yark than sny ber one man during the past few years. 1, ive always traveied aver your rond in reference ta any otlier, becauqe, by careful ,mparligan with othier@,, 1 bave fannd not; iiy that the road Iseif is far muperior, but ie table and the service are in every re- icet thie hest of any road 1 have ever trav- ed on. Tite conductors. stewards, wait ~and porters 1lhaive found ta lie unifarm- lcourteaus and attentive, adding greatiy the olémfort of those, wbo am obliged ta ai-et as mucli as 1 arn." The line referrcd toahabve la the Lake bore Route-Ameriea5 Beît Railway. A trai wil convince you af its superiority. K. Wilber, W. P . A., Chicago. "A Fresh Englieh Complexion." That beaiîhy pink uind wvhite rnight just as wîel 1bIthe typicai Arnerican campiex- io, if teo ffle wankl take i.e oen el f tut-jr bealtli. Itipans Tabulesgotth 001t of the trouble,'hi-cause a stoniaeh in aad order pýroduces good bload. Sqneczed. Mttlcan bet weltled wvitiiott fulsilg by aiîplying strong pressure for cou- iderabie Utie. 1 BLÎEvEý Pisas8 cure for Consuruppon Saved ni M oshe last aummr.-3 Rs. Ajs:DComSi Leltci, Mtch., Oct. 20, 189. __-__ _______ Beilin la ta bave an Internationial miatrimonial newspaper, prluted lit liree languages. A Gentie Corrective la wiiat yos net-I when your liver becomues inactive. It's what Nol, gel when you lake Dr. Piýrces 'esu< l 1 tta; tbeyýre frie-front the v lice- an te gniping t conme with the ordins - put.Tht btat edicai situionities a"rt la lin regîuiatiig lihe boitla tailid unetiios arse pref- t-rahie. For every de- ranugemientl oftht- hiver, stouisch sud bas-tla. tht-st uy, sîlgar coateil pilla are tacet O(eeCi3ZM. TIbe aFabout Ihîcir 11< lit a s! an d waltrai way aîîd Ibeir 9001, las/s. ènoe mcd, tAon tt-cy are airays lia <k- Ilieo ver. hleiîig canposed 157 of tilt-chaîceet, catit-eu- blues -trait-il î.getablt- e- M i<h1 tracts, tht-y Cost luch Xli more Ili aller pisl Tck foulîti ilthe- market, tus a yel front forty ta forty- wl four are put uip l a sd -st-ait-ilgas, viat, as salI thîroîîgh druggisls, at the price a! tut- clîcaper made puis. -Picasant Pellets " curlint- biatiesq, sic',EW and bilions hmadacît-, ilîiiit-55, cauîive-Ui aras, or consWipation, saur sioniacm, los% of apptite, coaledtotuuî, inîdigestioni, at-lys- pepqia, wiîîdy belcihmîg.. "heart-iuiti," painu anti disîness afler catitîg, simd kindre Ierauigemt-lits of tue hiver, sîoîuachadT 'L bas-cia. Put ap tist-ait-Iglass vîais,iere fore always fresli aud reliîîblt-. Wht-tlti Netoitt as a laxativ e, or iiil larger (lot-s, as a geiutlv bî acting but iiearchiiig catiîartic, tht-se litte Coli a "Pellits" art- nnequied. <us As a " diiioer pili. "ta proniate digestIai, I8KV take ont- tadi day afler dn uer. 'ro reilee 1 55 the distresq arisiug ftoui ovt-r-Catiilg, iiollm- ing t-quais ont- of tht-se little "Pt-lil." Tht-y are îiîîy, stigar-eoatt-d, uti-bhlious g-ranules. Any chilI readily takes thin. Acceptn o ubtute thati îîay bte remcou. mnendeit ta lit"' jut'as gond." It nmay lie be-Uer for M, Jed-a.le-, bt-cause oa! payinER bita a btten profit, but km- la mal îleone H o who ited-s ht-tp. - A fret- sampit- (4 tu 7 dnqs) ~om tria, laThe'a.is mailed tola ay address, post-pald, oi receipt DoPu5t of namne asudIr-saan postai card. M«b AddresWORLD'5 DISPEN5A5LY XMICAL AssociATioi, Bfinfalo, N. Y. UnosMd -lm - ~ ~ ~ ~ J sr am s s s i --z AUms <a -r- tends. aroalqjyu l-mepndihure, by Moo . ~lpi~Ite wrld'a beut $r, of pysîcal bettg," tht- value ta heaith remei, SyupotFig&~- > It x lentl due to i4t lu tht- form Mothacceptabl 6- ant to the hante, the rcfreelou beneficial ProPerties of a a ative; t-ffeeheally cletîuuunagmi dispeiiing colds,hedcs and mrmanmtl cotlinos lîhbumpiven us wa ta to üw met vittihthe- spprnva1 ti-tlu professon. bffana. ilt a nenaLiverlAd Bowelà i h1W enng tlam aMd hI. efc every Objectitu u** pfactauie thaue at accept aMy mbith i have t c*.5 d; dsrk sut-i kt mauitntuM -» ai tisosa 0»a tif theI U b -Ir Nma. For TwenitY YVmrs' Scott'a Emulsion hasbt-en endorsed by phymîcianu aoft" whole vorld. Thtr. in no secrt about its ingredfiuta. Phyoïians prea"be Scott'MS.EmuIsig because they kno'w what great nourithing and curatt ve prop- orties it contains. Thay know it is what it lu represent.d ta b ; namely, a perlect emulsion of tho best Norway liver ýi with ltae hypaphomphites of lime and soda. ]O c bO4 Oold8, Smt Throat, Bronchùiî4 ,Wsk Lu%%, Omou tion1 Sozofal, Anuin, Weak Babies, Thin ObiI4!enRio*p qi m-ua, Lons of lesI4 GmazulDeliV, fl u 0dit&R d 'WU«II Ml'. .i.COBS O -lorýl

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