noer 4ttte (bal ER, , 1,letl -~it obleslm l" Oacutagemefl - f miaste tat reý -.stie chartacter t. ou." (Laughter.pý i Ieyer theu anuounce6 th egiumittees of the boue <chainunan). Cen e. Onrabm. 00< vaS eenche, Piotke. 1akm0iofOr 1 en Pcice--- Umerahenn.W Cormangis, 1 wJrey lu woth, O r 0 Cem ~-ook.1 udoc us. ud xRso. Orabau4. D'ý - Grocer fçr «M I01 TITARPONDE] Pwth Canal et. iOI~ 0 3O 0 ff C P AD OC KÇ, MIrfOlAND POP. S cie for toi i 'Dp EN E Arisc u lo Touesiymr.g2 below zero ~i Dock BlehMehilje slck with infjamta.l FUID4Y. FEBRUARY 8,1l895. I. tory rbeumatîsm. E ? 1. T T 1 ' ____________________ Miss Marie Raymond returiued home Mr ndMi.C . uikI T "U n .... .5.L... luat Saturdsoy. Site lafnot weil Vtt. Mr. adma re oC. t.e eck u d Or. H. P. EV/ING, Our bunker took a ride the othe«r L dasaeunteLic it D*efl0511, * »~gg, ay Hi rg we wo-eged ores ast * unday evelling a revival goes out, 1 wili put in 1 ISEASES QF THE:EVB. and a lîand asied.etlr ntiwa etrtd u te ioî c = 'I' O. % , k Pca attniog gse . ghereat hW.ovre aveuptl set ater n asa eaing vaee W. Ctonrse &aetpetlta social wu field at C. G, Mohike'sq Alwaps on Peck and "IJp to the Titnes." tîeinslck or ayear tt'oheuut Tliurtiday evelling. Sixty wese unthh 10 a. m.-I So 2 P. M. He will be missed very mucb auiong peetat 1.> elzd and afier t P. M. fois old friends. [lis remainîs were The revivai meetings are stili Col, _________________________laid tu rest In tiie.[vanh)oe cemetery. tinuli>g flu the Betlhlehemn Evaligelical ROCKFELER. rs.,N." Aamschurci. 'rhe meetings 'are iincresimîg ROCKEFELLER. ii. ,XY Adamaageti 77 years, in lîttere8t at tedue r wother 0f Bli Adams andi Mrs. G. Wît>î aim inittenwa i ev.r Try A. M. Ilrigga' new brand of Rosing, (led' at lier bomle Mondny ay. C F. Kiest, 0f (ilwa, a esi taî >r ard Itle arrnte O.K.Sile was a great sufferer; but lias been [1ev. Thmren. Foui, Pouis have hest> A good trne k> advertlse ls right caled torest. Was buirietiWedaîesday saved sand tlwre are etili soins seekiu>< no*, and the Lest mnedium is the IN-at ho Volo Catlmolic Cemetery. uness. Everyoîme lit cortlialiv itvited tu DEIDE4TQuarterly meeting at the Volo M. attend. Meetinigs every evsnig ut 7:30. Thk py t îm omWf .Amsafternoon at 2 p. m. quarterly con,5<><city Feb. ý9, '5: ttos W e oTepryattehm fJ msE hucFb 6ai 7 audy Porm frDete Literary edah* d i tlin of led é a r ve g I a f r ge I ere tim will be billot at the re idence o, GJIJ LIA Ain we A ne O fld~ at" 110 fo t. 0o f C. G. Huscon, Sevi Ilp eaiigBlography ..........Eda fHarper nootuortlng slevening wljoabie îLeslding Eiderliaiguit will preal 111 Recitatiou . . . . .l nr uîe t toa i -chetthoE sa . le u Lcimy vnnl ey et cburch. Sunday mornlng ait 10 a. EHen........M ry limeimUid rt k p p E n a ln euaar he tts oe of Mise m. Love Peuit; 10.30 preschiumg by the Qîîery Box......... Albert Osterman Pick- Ely. IlhreofHue. Tbree Eider, tollowed by the Lords Smpper. Chrds.......ssEsI can serve you at reasonable prices. cbran, :1aff reprtig PesyigEider wilh preacb again on Seet..........RessMe ter, tons-P -oyable time. Sunday evening at 7 ('clock; give hlm Auto Bi(grpls.......tieParoî lin :r ;IMao Iardeinm 3ant Blnchen R,_on .. . ... ..Doisyiggete R nokefeller, Il. reeumc. -Itler -o h ik]lt.Te(utyo l Re ad o oig eect evl, To nile weather (lues iot eeem tk>n Eegay...............Llodeserl lento. ham gýhCur pole are in WsIgo .Cne o, At eol. eW shIn Bonk .. COvrne CoBiarogr"d Fîsh âWab, So1dIs y will soon recover. Wsbr>I roOîi rîg oDay(i ekMarss Welche- K I DE 11sne Hidn eund oteVt., Marcb 24, 18-14, antidied alit ie Vocal noliic.. Mary.Dui.. y Iso d. Dulâhamn. Bt home February lost, 1895. Mr. Con- Instrumental nLsic. Messrs Flinit sd .%ibj'. roughe, ;day morning. st a 'sionu Fa- tbe absent a week from ber verse may truly be calleti a self made Walters T rlea c e pe 'son, ara blete abseo bssucu adue to bis uwiiDe eJosie Woodmaîs, Laira Jouias Ila- alacoon ofth 11 eathofefforts. At the early age of iioe years ?JuînGlatier, Fredtipmr&om. 01w Uoer wo'is fast improvlng. orhnmdtotît eIl tertalned Mr. ia, nd rom" W au ------a SOtic l k- i anti Mri. E. A. Hall, Df Ridge- time be hall to make lis owîî way in9 1alv.jletraedM.anti Mm.B. W. tbe world, ait Lest lie coulti. At thseWA ON .I- ----.- iler of Iloomiugton, sand Mr. andi age of ulueteen years, he left bis native Mni. J. D. MeCabe ls on tihe eîck f' w daj'e st weèk, makIng a plasalit eti by way of the rie Canal andthte Don't mietnoies x husa urS r iAnn al famuly re-unlon, faites k> Detroit. Midli., froîn tierméevellîng. U > i L ast $abbatiî moriig Rev. Cook. poceeded on foot 10 Chicago, ahere lie Tweuty tiegres tmeiow zero Tuesday uî was caliei tu preach a funorai epeit ouemisaon lit the eniplmy of morning. sermon uat Grays Lake. Hlia pulpit Lsaac Cook; the two following years lie bore was supplieti by Roy. Duiav from worketi for E. B. Ward, Cote of tlie . >relaui o.F araeetati-es C lea ltp g @S a les, Nebraska, wlîo telivereti a very Promliuseit meon in that earîy dam. At igritvs iuteretbug sermonî. There was no lengtit, like îttany others, lie doter-1 Dr. Dowimer, of Chicago, was bere proaching in the evening as thte C. E. Kiied to try bis fortunte lit thme goîti ast Saturday. society acceptait the cordiah Invitatian fieldse of Califoruuia, anti etairteti for the Mins Langeusîmeint was home for a of thie Ivanîsoe gSoiety k> attend tliçir i'acific lope, traveliîg by way tif New few tiays visit hast week. R ave be om w ell kno'w n as Christian En deavor DaY. Tbree York City, dowii the Atiantie, across 60 k> the Waucomîda Studio andt eleigb loatis went anti we feel sure the ItIolnue of Panama andi up the Pu-'- have your picture taketi. (3enuine P oft- S c ii e S l s 'eaci> were well pait. Tbanking the cilleCcoast k> $an Francisco. lie ex- Asoter îolitical questiona w.0 de- Ivanhsue Endeavors for titeir kintinesi;perieumcedth îe usuai lartiships o! the aeThrdyviiig l es efo t t ur o rg o ein we wilI take pleasure in returning theoimter, anti after two )leurs returiiedti mbtt lusiyeemug on s fo t o t r u o d u Compliment. lois olti homle, baviîmg met wîtîî excel- Meuse ilimail & Kticktick, of Lauke The many frientis of Irving Paynie lent successaimi is uuitertakitmg. Oms Zurichs, werO filtre recemtlY. to m oney as quickly as possible gmtered tbis i honte laut Thurstiay Lois returîs, titithe priiig of 1854, Le L. Brunchoon anti Miss Jua ilîmmîgli surprise. Tiue happy Young people cousisteti of 220 acres in tise north- y s li g t e un r c d teU gathereti ut the lm3)me of Walter Morse, western part of Fremoit 'Townshisp, HermnFisF'her anti two dauglîters twenty fiisunther anti from thalre Lake coumity, Hie first homle was a eeWi~îd 'soslitStriy cheap. hastenedto the home of the victimn log cabin, sud th ie primitive structure Mi. and Mis. A. Northî are enîter- R.finting him verv much absorbeti in fois tul stands ipou lois f arn, ome of the tatitig tile oruer's trtier undt wife,S u h aal is n w inct e open anti neyer was a bandi of Young teli of thse prog-etiss ud advîmneemett W. IL. Stayer anti A. Stevens, of I people receiveu mnure hospltably that maode sie@ pioieer datys. MaY à 1854, Mclietry, visted ieâfnicibers over onneratinn at OurSt r ethoty. 1ite eveuing was spent in Play- he wus uttiteti foi marriage witlm Miss Sutiay.Ste lnggamesafter wieib cake aund fruit Jaite ilazen. Sue lias boeu a true Miss Mahle Boomer, (if Nutuda bas were: Ira andi Liura Doolitile, Fransk om tIse (arum beiîsg due, iti uQ suiail de- twmj weeks. Ey ry 0a o and Aunie Cronkhilte, Rob. ani Zoa groe, to ber able assistanice. Thus, for Th ilgjhudlaIpselare( e c Loucks, Lester andt Cors Burdlck' forty years tley hauve shared eachs m il aehudlisuuse su Deausoutid Lillian Aynsiey, Chias, Auto,~ other's joys anti eorrows, umtil the lotions foriiditmg dummpinmg asies iii andt Artie Whitney, Bertie anti Tieo. mneseenger of deatit came anti cliedt esteets. R Swan, Fiat Cooper, L he Goîatlt iiibanti anti fatiter. Five chli A nummier of Waucouida boys tookE 4ueila Herschberger, Cit,. Brown dren blesseti their union, fouir sousosand liitieetiehate at Siocum Lake siclooh a nid Gertie Morse. one tisugister; alt survive bu, excepi hose fst Friay eveuimg. lSI entie. tietr yot-oget on, wio dieti Tiere will e s grand social lt G. E e r 1 1 m ,i o s Hile chiltireis were at bis betiside, k> for Lihe betiefit o! tiseM. E. ctmurch Tise taxes for tLe towii of Fremoîmi minister to biscomnfort anti laut wisumes. A PartY (rom tiis place atteuideti êtare nuw due andt payable. 1 Watt Le Ho retaineti comsciouens until tbe chlîmrcîstoit Palatine hast Sunnay eveus- eavstc,>A e iai the PooL Office ini Ivanhoe every lait moment, tisoîspasset peacefully Imig.Witat'e tho, attraction at iPalatinie? no v e hn 1 ock we ofe at Iowe i aturtiay for receaiviig the same. away. He was a devoteti buebantt, a ieteWuonapoorpe apie Aa IA a ewcnIe *Jan. 28, '95, AsA loicas, Collector. kinti ant Iindulgent fatimer, titougbîful Gv+teIacodapotgadL aisi ha hes meq aflity c n ossibly b to the lait for thie intereste anti wolfare cal' if You coîitemPiate hmsvitmg Phîotos FREMONTOENTER. of Lis famihy. He roalizedti ta bis matie of wintor sceraery. Prices reason b u h ta yoh rsoe Veda Dtcher uidJoeDorierofstiulons from earth was near. Heablle.-o g ta nyoh rsoe VèFemusi Ceter alet and othrerNof-atviseti aundicouriselloi bis oblitiron for The enasquerade le busttetifor tise PrEmNt ENTer alMd - betth e xIe thoir materlal wefare. Ho ativised ilii time beiumg. Tuie G. A. R. boys woî't Any price, no matter how Iow, made aniosttwe shou furnih tem refrenetbi funeral. b% n Udfuio have their annual masquirade al ths dti sfo nn u raay gIlt o heM W .Masq ueradoe eerypatcu .Durlng iporc-year. during t ssale, i n tfor a o rora'y Bilai Commercial Hotel, Liberty- eti iliness, ho was neyer beard k> mur- The cieken picesocial wbich wasbu u ti th en reso k1 sod vile Friday nlgbt, Feb. là, 'W. mur or complain. Ail titat ioving given luet Wetinestiay eveninumtu tltee tiesoki od IEiher of them coulti- furnisb an hoarta coulti devise anti wihiîsg bandat attendeti by a gooti crowti. Receipte induatious girl witit a 'comfortablo coulti perforai, was dons k> aloeviatte about $20 clear of aIl exponse. home amut congenil buebanti. Now bis sufferlng andti mooth ilesiyiîmg pli Look out for the announcement o! To secure the best bargains corne early. 1we've been thinklssg for a long time low. His companioms anti cihîreis, thse play entitleti "The Yankee Detec- that there la more money in a matri- witb sevon graîîdchldilroll, are lefi k> tive" wiich la k> be rentiereti by tise nl monial "gency thauth ie Prlnting bus,_ mourut bi» s a asoune sister sud one Waucunda Literary talenmt lituie leuer I ica lieu andtiIf we eaun seumo a charmîng brother, tise oniy two lefi out mf a future. Thell(.ef -1U.UttIiIons vivamlous yousig lady to take chare a lyoft mle nmlryen ili tany Tise followhîîg is a partial pnice liet of it, periuapa we can supplyth redltwo m oyliwl iv demanti of titese baalicui Young long sfter ho bas passeitithitse it !Phuotos whîIch you cari bave matie (laqiresfrBy n o er tisai ilil know film no more, forever. at tise Wauconsta Studio util furthser (etqatr o osat e' er bachelors. As a frienti ant iueghor, bis ma ' notice. acte of charity anti kinduiese wiîî aony Minetts Per doz. 75 cents, Temnerance Tem le OILMER. Le remembereti, for listithe hour of Minett8beet per doz. $1.00 -a k g n Jay Morse spent Sunday withs hie trouble anti distress, his Landi was ovor Sappoo 0 e 10 paet tL4DerLyyilse. r k> ,to aultte oppressatandti nadatis per tioz. 81.00 Millie Hucohtnson was tIhe victi ofnto!eedv. Thus ho bas erectei a monu Carres il*,8.25~ a piesuatsurprise part>' Tuesday moisi unto bis memory, wbicb wiîî lait AC0imax -LE 01.i0 CE A mIE; T 0 .7 ven. from goneratlon unto generation, for isaie$17 noble anti sighteous oieele wili live for- Mantellas "" $1 .75 -D. F. Wheeler anid wife anti B. Cook, evor. He Was Weil anti favorably liait Cabinet"" $1.50 ( :e Llbertyville, were guets O! H- kzown ibroughoîtt Lake counity, wici Cabinets $ 2.00 Morie's faml eety a vdn ytetrn fpol aiesb 25 Mrs. S. P. Morse anti sons went k> wbo gathered at bis home Monday, tu 0w is the time tu ihave yoîmr picture Çbtalg recemtiy. Rhie will return k> pay the laut tribute of respect tu tîmeur taken. Ail prices reducedti >make R I ,S E 8 Glmer before goimmg to Montauna. frieîmt anti nelgihor. Notwithstamsd_ way for new stock. Take ativantage l'ai