09ayo.tht osoo l, e-SrO ~nwDveàin%, but by is iaw-in uetslke ber to HuIDSfor a luttle is pI mn Imm hU5-f~yer w o Intlleduaro. Slirn wbil"Lueeom$bcbyWU701But11A Mm u.Sinclair be&Mrf et malnrings ly mervsane asomoeakers Sruy-mLt ,rnn,that. would b i..Bt LodCana*waliPrw e1 a I ~~~dise ivery with a calinneeswheb sas- lioal dlo0t %Egland, A tew dy .-yuU oneoo!cse o ii1b.gyil e ii b.vn I À bit of Ish, air, sud asapatch-ooektoihehr aforadn1e. James Wyatt a deat.h, on bis long- woudn't. like ta b. partait trom. ber. » before Lent,. an akl hit«Usoi tiUbeieusly. Nothlng casnbdOibst'besaid;and a elegramwas dispaitched The year woro round and the borror qui te ai tiret..1 irnght coule afterward, rol e~t the Hotl -rIstol. neU M toilléit.ud te obtain an ct-der wbleb la wthout doljaddreesed to Gilbert. St.of James Wyatt'sue ie eath pbpariaelorevey a bs- _rid I _h. aghte'sadvatg- t.hé Walter,$ ruling passion. hehte nSt aes.fded oui of the national mi-11, ai a11 ne»s taattend to. ouly snd hurliétswitsand flot h st «E'hb-ffeh-suything," eried Gil. The pol wore on the siert by tbis solR boltor do fade wheu the u3e- CntneWdMnb !M.S-hemsinblbo eopihd bor, kcklg of is ><>'~-I ime, exarnilgiescn Ito u-nçeebv 'Y writing about tbem. claie'. deaih, but ngl a word of Ibai that lho wa% trc te maie, tifis way "A salmon outiet. Eir, with Dutoh de.' The coroner appoiutod 3 o'occ Cntalnce li-ed lber quiet lite at M arch- impO3Uowlbbdje enr-t h rv poasn ae~i lubi. sose~~~ lu the af~otel nfor hise lnqulry, wblob brook as shbc lved a avenant, vealle l t6 ber.MabahdeusFrnJaayte ac o10dbi «An elophani, if Sou 1ke..Cet me w.. teaheu l i tl'e bh alletDevenant. baopy wt lier eblld, yei mîndful, eompletely decsielv ai ab leh d, no oued stops traveioed osilest overthe tbe cab ai a quarter peat seven. A This woli giîé lime for auuiroing wih amsudd.rl gpuy of tbat tri n&- dolbi Constance orgueil. for the knew asphali cf Fortsa nds pour on- hantera, wIth a gond hersethlb jury. lems wandrerdoomd thbea the brafld h wasvutinlunth. glrils Lonest naturestnew bpy ihbraotd "Yet, air. an *anscm end s asi osac maetga rfasaso!GinCas.ma arean ase.te aisistlni a déception. The lîkonese cblld, hotofit no strmples aalet.lesy- Yes, air. Tesq r Colifes.. aie" vory pae but quite self.poma.ssd, snd for Deuily a year she bid.rominei te the osi chili bai deluded tbernlng ber toenojor lire ln lber ove quiet- Mr. Sinclair bangod bis deol lnthe vbenu.Glîbert Sinclair valked lu fromlin gnorance o! ber buabandurate. bath. wvo. vaiter'. face. telv.Thon came s leter i sre bad, "1 auppoealoldo tl.mreIeS ovuu "The 'Baron Osyv' easint ai ogbi t- "Gilbert," ahe cried, "vbat folly! 1 but signal by Gilbet, Sîncair. mgo sud compexion are adlk," thoughi -- t ~-- moérole,"saiGilbert, noferring te hbethon et yen v.re miles sway-acros DEcAitCoNsTAN;cE-I ardovn with Constance;,"*ad yei I fancled my ba -y -IF, FLIGHT 0F BIRDS. rBei abou t he onsly . "*ur ieharb the cuannol by ibis lime." a malignant. fever comumon le ibis part. vas difflonet froom ai other eblidren: - lu Auverpo tantl. II"N, onslleaiat obsue apo- tihe vurld, sud gendrally fatal. Be- She vlsbe o tenod lb.ebild &layTb* .Wooâortui Poweroe ia Ses ?h.. t race. 1Weiavenot beel s very happy fore 1 die I aboui like to ask Seu ta lu order If poaibie, te cure henself of ,hregIre-mf f... Then. alter a pause, ne asked bit.- couple Son and Ilî and Goi kuowsa1Iam n orgivo me for &Rl the Pain Mny jealeue the bab<it of lovlng s chlld that bal M mself: heaý-Iiiv tired of my life in Ibis coun- gave geu lu-isys one bv, and te t -Il ne dlaim on ber--to love wbom vas a The aubeci o: the Migration of bit-dd « M«htIt ot o wserte hod m out h 1 owbel îe tat jealouply te blet ef treamon agalsitbe b.!oedLa eue 0(abiorblng luteroat Bird. Ir b hnthovs r of &m- ry,blà I amn Dot base enougbt esveave u tainonsoe tw watedlcmend bapcuarItita4 V1-CSIIDOiI rouind sud trui te ohapien ! you lu the lunch. LWho con tell vhat nv e asls.hvsva b ed on u ~b eulnisIc.a- en o U i iis vorld cients? Who 13 te bring thatt iattln , candailrnlghi arise againat vou? No, thieves el s 'put Up' business, aud The préparations for the jeurney sent to-d*, io-morrow ib.y greot us > on ne axtricable del hhome te me? I sleop boesta- my delin 1 &hall stop, veuIf the end Wyaîî as the lage. He setsatrop for Wollohuriedolver; Marthe, was de- front evsry trasudibedgerow. Their onaeos letton hai ni hi. No oee Bhvme lit Daveneut.» hht.'~np.-me, and gel snareIlhlmehOlt. o end. ligbied te pack and bc off. The chili departure sud arrivai are egoelcib 1 Wion te tcb He vent te lb. mantel-piece, vbere «Gilîbert, for more y's sako Oh, Cil-. "I want. 10 tell yon somctilg pesé, vslease te go, but ciled et partlngaoukiw le;terorej 4.lt tion bai bop sare!otax candies wve.burning br' h nld rul brbne hicb rmal perhaps disîree Syou, but froul "mamma."Ai Ivo o'clock lu lbe thrugbthe patbleu elkyore dlmeti Itab elecid rnig lir andl La ine oeao! mlles r, "ine ho bai nt v wl th t,air 'of étie nt. luxury by "how couli Sou do ibis ineaiful thet le ne faliof mine. The chili frafln the carniage drove Matha s me c rae vlhol~a subtis spectacle or wblcb jour skilled boiel-keep3r seks thîng?,, jon an. eo tond of la net youn ovu. sud lhen charge ta the station. wvl thie t 1$> towmâo mls la mo$ater solog te rotehe istmomere tatee i x- "11ev couldI1? I lbougbi I vas do- ±'cor 11111e Chnistabol vas ;oallyseliy Coli Msrchbrook but1erl for -*Inter home, sud lu in en t e e- ___ ~ o! bis cange., sud teking my duty as a man. I vas told ibat dnovned, oudithe liii!. girl bnoughi thenecn.B a t esliig ur utona !th rodn e mn Jince..amesWjal's etiens oui o! bis breasi s man vas to bc here-youn secret vis- Davensnt wvite you vere ili la achili tor tbom, sud te make aî tbînxs eaiy Volumes halobeen vrlttentoexpbain #sM~niroeed peke. ier The manwvas bere ai the vony adopaifor the purpee o! bringing for ibem, sud see the or.fu.ortably Ibein anystenlobutappearances anti led- £ssl*ugbaudun- The tinal ihnee or four hb eloet, lheur 1 bal beel toli ta expeci hlm. 1 about your réenal This plan vas settled bel e b.camne back te March- a~rios u sy~Srlnveg i sr bneo e eebusiness lattera, chboriy entrealles rav hlm entern Ourcon m ub Isuggo etoe cby youn faîben. Ho brooko ef t lgbl of birde is very lmIted. oosethl ulte 'reuev or caryovror provide stealW Ibai Cou I n unt tol 1 itabout l. Constance bneatbed more freely W. knov that the and itde vhich foc Born "lk te litl o onflîl jus.Ilfîin u o? And thinking as lI al a I have made my vill, sud sent Ilteavhen the chili vas oui o! the boume, migi laie by nlgbt bichaei. wboo ,.ng t? I di dnt x liahu es e o d fei v . oe ib t i l b i hm . - m y London la s y et-e 1 leave ou and thale as n e chance of e al n ore r ?loisre in g disp oshiicii.w o» yoo bit*atm. lite Giblnilaidslde alter a glance.:b ut "Gilet o a ie oeeyhn.Sa, ifmaliens go velilun iba i lgblfooistop, that clear, eveel, comparatively hbnlted paveraoe lgbt. t hra vas on ai vhicbh sarted asschil"NovoGlîboett, no.re Ctd basldgîvonr tne einvicimenfo ouddl xfthà hMtud eaeae.Iw ithoma. 1 vasted s good dent ofmoue bigl hboue. scomned inii'scl17udie bird. o! pr3y if tbey venurnd faitfret. gd aappoiniment thai maie hlm s murdorer. frya ie enh ntutto o ur qu.et tifs, ou vil sec. nel liuttenlng, changin ul n adaflteduil, wte le ugibrushe This, la plin v va Iogisotasd henor teaches eeybo tJunan ui. core ouyl mia blslr témaeareund or ivreie a MOI t heo iter,:badly spdllsd, vîîh a or-te kilt the seduc r i vreor C. D. Weil. I cant hohp ihal, I eultfamUly of doll-tbe menaserle of warblrs, sud V I ie.ait ebe ee wsa l ineu- e a elrs uncouin onelegsb:cn-îo în'o i ie inover te have ibrust myl! beln oolly animale, ait attlcted vith the night ai tbe lmcet advantaizee.ailwe #0%* «s»e bli. ousy vorded, vib sa mixture of foc- So* O on sud jour irai love. Nothing but samrneunnatural squeek,Cand intelllu lcba aeien ogsu-u ïto-Mýelga Idiomes ad illterato Englleb. Tho inquest vas held ai throe. Gil. miserybas Col eo! our mrnae. noUe ver heard te issue f rom auj nuai pilgnîmage, white sucb bold roi'- - OubeendolngP "You tell me that al Sour promissbert aud sovl of bis househohi, nota- "Goibleue yen, aIgIve Sen -a animal lhst eel lved la the t-salinofel rsas saahova. ev fie, sud hal *mi- cahu>m- aol ual te nothimg-thai Sou neyer bly the gal, applor litethse you #_uli ver bvezooltis . graeexlushvelj bv liraln momttoarrv e. Hahorverdetoxamlued. Dr. Webb gave hb ta pent ithas n ir yinir huebani, "Iî vouli have brokon my hel ani le Tb ------tle5)pic o ra Ion lei ý,gipplaw ter vnist, discl cvrtblsattr lenbv nursoi my eecee ihousofo!the vouni, "ILBER'r SINCLAIR. koep ber neat- me,' lhoughtCanetanceaalokuevu that wheu on route, birda t tilan te loi dohusion sa long. 1 vas ta ho a lady. esudte c a tecthe dealb muet, lu "P. a.-If I go, the mai vue vwrites "siai Ifeel-as If h rnut break my homrttravel &auaaltitude e!ftraon eete L lt-oPb.brel I was to lako my place lu the vo l aIl probabiit.y, have cuurrd. tis Toma Gec,îobei>cogrowen, te toile hon." Ibree mUes atove the surface et the t.~af~q.8I ~ 0111an: l ie>!LI.-, Uko jour pro- 'DivSou alec p ai Dvenant lust viii sndI SoncertIficate o! doelb, sd Sho sont Ir Dr. Webb. Ho vas in partt. -*-*oab lioe ateuied leve-ycun pretendei admira- igbt, Mr. Sinclair?" ael the coco-ail neoemssny evidence. If1 IlIre, Soute plot, doubtbes". It vol ai bis ai- Unthl vo posal t omeo exacti me.- gili bc mater bore tien. 'fou ast me te go bakk temy non Iallait bear front.me aalu."vice, perbapa, batiis hearliema de- cige o! the distance te vhlckblhidi. country, sud prom"Il- 1 consent te 'No; 1ICoui> came up fr,-m Ascot >ye.. ceptiobol aibn practiced uapon ber. au ace, sans s vniter ln Populat- Sci- laïcth* nb ul rocul, ibis 1I shah bc prevhdoi fer-basi- tns'e ansd speut the nigbt linIf It. vers soele ho teL atsth e muâit.oece.Monthl>', wvo nnut etimte the poni ayer or L eneiug, CHARTER XXVIL bate hlm Pli ber lite. aid ibeir viion hi te thora white mi- sooel-vih ltbtf i d ay el frLedn.caRte. uwast ma violent, Gilent. iI -vhotbet- I reoaingle or ml> hr? hibtrto.brdliheai Thelilttle vilial F urgeon col 3 bnîsk- grating. We know, bovoien,ltai i re yen pleasa" sbo -an indeone fer a girl lit, me, "Athlrei' loeJemnle T hot v abtter frovnt ler Conelhsuce S. 1'enougb, expecting te fini a rUd calavisu oye in tair moespeanenfuiihan jeu s»Y. Sit.But vbo la te coue "Dtli e dîne ai he b trel clbithe onsva Ite unstne n of messles, or snoéther iIantill3 ail- ours, aud le la fa'n to amunie th"tte ribev a p al forte m e ibis in o irse? haps . No; i dinei ait Francateh»h l euIo; the knovhedge that lber lovelv ment, in thIb ancbbrook nuusary. saineextenlibeiri' o-no's st-ediro».tet t of h taia e o erijaaehap- This vas a venture. Fraucatelli's ch idliebd veniîy sunk boueslh tbe Cor. What wasbis astenlehmmnt vben b. bi as aibh i henablestilleulte ftpî- ry of léoemw sud then cesse. hitmuet. that 1I eveledoi t be.ahave heen crovded on m-n river nover te rte éagain ae as a found C- ustauce pointhebo l-g 1asinountain cbaIii5, river volte ind " jeu dpusocel jeu, M. Wyatt. h muet I boerof tbe nigbi mlter Ascot. sud l vould bc spirit amhdmi tbe choir of anrels. Thons drean>'draving-room, paoel ib tva comlet linos, sud te dletiugruisb ism= t 1r. ehotilosibe jour ov.lips vbat Sou men. Year ilcultifon the vall ealsethiat vas the do huilation or knovingburniuspsonber cbeek§,eycs bright beaileuis or Islande. But. aivoa thie ~ Ise."soit longue la tonestccug for me. YnM ieatwa 0 le hre htasbs ondpd hyb i vliblever, Impulse o! direction, thora ns l Rtile s tahostairs, coul p7r unieé me te dosuytilg, ta ~duda rnetlla ir ao avuaee e mcîo u M orMa inclaIr, wbst liq tho eldoubat one cf the best guide r lm s ad deug te go anyvhere, teasse-ve sud ohe>' jeu a tai «o i" at eue e!te lo.ureth conola bon v fbhi.er baciobn dmalter?" lghl-flylng binis la tho ion e et oar- ý he, t ff. iaoinoyeut- @love, nbucnno oo t jurrural innocence. -tooede oeved sud deluisi, an bu antoeyt o ata e n ftejuywt osld e ihale.Sele l *verythiug," cid C, newsce.- -My iung. Bin csa eexceedinl uimeute. %Itqle fa pwerd tu botera. Ide1 udt iii.I vaul tl ab lan eturn nPic- chîud la îeluuîeîlot- ber goosulier pn ushandià sdemi, sud oubisa dth- Trie ssaIily del«omuudsble onus >4bý mw t eu tiile e bote-l sudverestaurant i. balwrote m etrtligm h ýLuI1.Ameivralte q COWraa7m . t e bneceryebv orcilY." seulroseup againet thia mnocklng et f ltontoîlgmeUt re spdo Mmit utsi>' Sfbevr r vievi explahnei te me. cultot.Yu ikdpoh ee = Cbrlltluz YensMy Ihat î1 arnpasaienate -vin- "Mev long ver. Sen ai Frsueatelhi's?" consolation "la bîttereai nal e r. icre rt. lies, lctod; pot I is . i espoWhn 0u lmii4ioii t hIcn Le. i.dilie-su iat be lstvome.-ased the Coroner. very thantagivîngs te Beareu-thoodsoee. evce; o h lstntly chWbennder viand uen con MlI4 bto, i bâ i uaht iv tt nut as e ut- àrah a e eI.M es a pout-ing fa 5malhr'grte!ul are victod. Yuoueun nt do evhl thai ist>c Irpsdea, osud i anrvo me 1ýhw hss coneah l ko a i m oua-ofvIlnte Ilo.riluaisoontybrne lid anooroinmvilavelcorne o!fi. Yen siarimDISlabo lotoconsiecto blsua '1 .voenebauraav t u e feprillbut vbat a lire! To iuni poser sud thoîn abondance i llih ïdltô re an lm asittighteleiSon. Be ove m, Iw oevbsi eel1. tma .jo-ai been offersi up in vain. Seta aeI l m ,v io nwy fm rtoI gpolbeta w4m i M- ioovil Do 00offnd ësi, Cmehiutgo. ite ,,.-......i's n tt.sud- alnoroante ha làankful. Heaven l that t ba bsrishêd m>' b'vo dpon a vyso! ieg rin.the probe i air * get, oaexting ou once more-ouiy core nesdamsure me gons, ot âag aainbeunas sd ion." aid es1ttbbai cou ,pired lliII iretiug DI )nmfr;iabavho Iînted eCi4 to f i e l o i liun t y raelo viadlannet seoel apnoerfleali seiedno ratuCerneEl u Te ne CiIuR aoneipo&lsee vth jour evu 11- Ibhat ibis mieerablo "And !rorn Francstol y eu vent to ber. God bai tatou ala>'ber mt-son m ue o i oneu eds u fhahgc i ebvtset "voe 1 aver doe lai stplitueabsl De pahi te mo bonorabIX jourbl '? udmnaiin.siupnho 01 aircitfrein Mes lt bL nothe lio ei fiîgmbly onc e o 2ebd Gilbert, feelingutna hi>' er ui sonneth.;obut elleholotrsteIpresu1ahi>'sb butoycu 1 ïk nu theviletoif Saerby joy -lvome but your vora "o"si lb ,fei~ialeo We ~nerhcul h vrtut-e u>mu>'t or nbai pajed aansd more experncd hi rdaItlonies 11 r - ?r tisasd 1vill go bock taeDIS. vms s bia il, t scouple oet ours bore. lagal<1 v en ove.n erftli ba 0do--YPoe c.sdbipeeiit r omptitî aymle o h haut.t iios, OR-fia.enl.sui !Fa -ah--.1Ivont ie ibeheHaynisret Thester colve ber? rveu anhllpted t1o-acmptilyul atrfrte tiiuvih oomm rine in erheinde oI, Fr a i-frabotriv. i hnbbuislecrnceo ftrn s miracle forcm>' mae. itvas a novice te iu tl b. liou>. "ltud e oU esr ondeti il m - fra ou rto »bt rub rslett rrcamebte "1vsdsge 0Baeju te~T-p 410 vh S ou nd ou sabosot ofme nover &l n. "If Ibis felow aoks me vhat I av cetiie of bis deltb.Thesame et-ual, infaarntsdecepln."ateTr " a w1wid. tol e isi euartnhlng rab. r=udonelfor," ho ihought; but 1post ruhbea et rinGlrV -Iwmd l osv yrlrP- M hlm ha in arie fn"cilth Mr. Sinclair, adsud n thho '~et-»ornrvas net en0 mul lsvjera, te lnform ber o! ibeir r-sde va i ve ep- ocbous Iban Ontibhug bam is e nvenutr more ~psand.aRhuheverhion.heMrial e u ts -et"n cl' o! bis *Ili, executedon.hbis destin- ie, jour reason, r p lied Dr. eb !-uniyecieii lgui>Ib See vni so e o jeuh muoland ithi "aoye u ia ht roh bt ounded by lie banesso! lis .ai- lie mikiug of icaps te catch uiselîs 6as toi-u.Bou erwn to eeu That leuet osie1iBe oset Idu e. iha n îreytrioe es-egro t b tunlck."But vbatev banis iny at- oue insecte, animaIs*uans.o. The rat for Mè. « ome to SolThot le ne possible he deci, tberutbliushte ye nihtulAI etrtsche tealb. sîrattegeinn- jeu tua>'e apuregebasyrema &vereeaspeclaivattentionnti bo. So toG, ierlevhutttovng up My place ait. - vie. jeu verse nownte bc absent?" tmlydtabemevotswrefllo godPOtGibr awthen or b ostse e.io thr tvn enie. ne.Seui. ttorglve.1 un cosue.Ihlbed ne:hing to do a!the coutrivanees maie for bis unu- goitai bairbehe hhX riboe lhooferaan phyeiclCie idebemuanoeng*anslelcboratot thri ne thei-e-t- LeW Iealaod i lm. I tRi ostiiyaulci.su vos nese-- «"Be tlideuuugb te telh us ml jeou ol haIl iissdue rato sve ber vour fhe h;moughysoreno, s.ad otInrdae volitgo nartR .ll. A t. .easdswvbse Iant eav teabset brs~t, sd IvîlIClire1.. vser tfaini ior lie suggestion came, trop necenil>' soc. consItet s adoul, eataLuti am 1 ta net give up tble service until I amrnea- "Ccming lrom the statioenthis metnaele siomnltmust aeBesdjulobe ailiiloib-caber.i. une chan bas sm aglss zapo sureti of my future. ire me, lion, a ing b>'a soloo- th irougb lb. park, d 'Bloliiter ra si ltitnte a avee dy thsm. i ba i bite out ou ihrougb irbicit Mn. BlRa;t io- Ou u b M proot of jour go:d fsih bb>' cs>iing the vi>' b>'vitocit lbo.doeased alaiW>5le nbaieponmei hs"seloonsdvth the oed ctof lb. or thriins ion en asboving s nîco, f.a~oJoCI,'osk or.Give me mu>'pittan. oa jeau cm e ousve1b i ntksie po e. thaias mosl lime viit sa biteof Chatte. Wlisbing te aivead eh wvume hw te to cdrvrontth saton, I foul au b byI eb rv .. li IStie bl h.mivt iletsltinbpv"jointleul, ho rnens&rtoued thobox, a wIi a corpaés on the altorwr ai sme, ani h will tr-.ubls vitich itgl emeleme that lie muet open hefare lber. abaudoecite a test- "Tise Cerman dector." ssii Cou- koaets uo lb.othor cbambqr andtisi el owolu4i7 ta" jeu no more. haro dropped ibere tlstb. - leusdelieps ie isonc'evolesstance, vondernlgyy..>'e, remeni- caugit. There are numerons devîom 9 fA -It lli e rdestb -hti yl b. rt-jelsfocryoi ta0corne "Yeu t uni s '01ter dro ped iy the euiii l.cridr u h atiber it fainîl>', as if itvere s ireat. vbicb emplo>' mira l oi- the puapose à* te, Glhbesi.There on the eveûing o et l 1t. Mr. sud deceaei lu Daveuant Pare sl. o i, wll oosip inb vje-laivîcorridoremae ueeigandîunmialeb-a tboardi. it qt~viylbu tabk Ma-s.Sinclair are gongte Ascolt o he "I foul tileeîersidnssmei le Mn. mâle¶iet-balttbill. To-day i tnEt rckdi iienoe:Hie voliedbai aMesmer- nieuots an top et s barrielau 1seois 'orleOnta ,Ithse> vil ho absent soe oday.. Wyatt, vhicb I Colne ude muet have ber vIth su aclual pain. Sons u c1etc p.me. i ebeyed bu lu- lootheeme bit of cioe..As heoa&P- Irak t-il,trembling.yen kov vour vyleioblcOdDjbeln droppedb hlm lest nigit." outni'sdi elt or s ouinl.Hepoec ois epc aches i be boRs anoihor rodent grouni reellug undirroo h'lb atu ot elore Giteri hald tb.Coroner Mol- bail beanou autoeet lore motg.mecnfisrlerbubb.-uns isoueleto In boteau10 udIl on Thus-ay >'evon- ine's boter, vhichbiednov asaund lber i, rejolcing ai the chili's &p.vas.- it vas ver>' curious. And thon Plec !i oa-la-oiiigfothel. Ibo salerai equenc.ignmi Iylso igltlh rupo u tapsaei hbut, vItà er nad upon t.he ebont aveirme and vhispered hope, cea rmtcopst ieto.B Ass jo.ss-i- conter vludov as s signelt ibethieasue., sasofet bter abat bail l&I Z- a Lestopledsudieni>'. sud trot. liai instant I toit hapion, matles adaph lu gel there finsi and s s ae rugi'Rincoi5iI% cdear. nlgbt in lie dev sud dIatoIflbhet"N'o, I vontseleober-Uiit'. impoîtor IAnd i vasmaia mocter>y'oaller &il; t pirotoi board draps hln loto tise ose vldosojorem «Coenoif jeu visi me ta trust jou. petit uniet-thé tram. -lIving le-to have stoln mv love vas a tilck. Tel me «oeasd vbat vblch 1; hall lu l of vat u lnrv doe l oai5~»>'~Coeeif jeu do net visb me te betra>' The Coroner puzzled through the sdm ia hl ctiidv pnIecid le, Dr. Webb." suces for cstchlug Ible Cee are more yen Yot-,sou t-est me, bie.rahgh aoi ihvnesme trou bearen ail tbe vblle-boobiug "I uow noibing of!lber oengin. L-i u vtu u br adsgc i. couti no anavr 'I latt riMEANtis DupeR." mutate. and pullingi Ou> sud t-jlng'ldovu le oe.lber place ilaiby a siran-Clatijarie ireugiti ber taDavonant.tedcurgbm ust.Tisnt talle, ifanting, io h sTi beteaovediGlîbert Sinclair bacb, the na-y ieed ope-motbed. ger-lonolu hesvenpei-haps,foa- vaut Thoeait aIl IeaulbSoye."p-,t li> aud ln 1hr.ugbithe inRIa. a lh. diabolical totna li blon.set - 'hîs efeani>'indicatea thaist-r. f sarnoîbec's love, asud eeinq bec "Foht! floth! fol " et- iConstance. viniov, mani uninttuiiioialj s tuates s e niii-t vhonUr. Ion James Wyatt and forhmself. Be Watt caeebore b>' appoinmt," re-mther'. beart gI-en le anothon. lth paoale self-nept-oacb. - te ate meciaimin wbieh causesi a sie t Lpie i s o el-s rn"M si booneaumaie the Instrument et the ma-tai Ithe Coroner. cagel>'- "Who le Thelght-tilpp ug stop came nos-en au en m te te mu>'lbei-rt sa îuînîîv, la spîkes ta close sdden y upon blis ps tes, chiofi>'affocteti b>'Prenoitvornan's rersugo. tis Melsine Dupent"'"Mamma musmuma!" caîelithe glati ait nequestionlte bell vo vthout andi lIe It. A Ira? ai s îOmevbs la tb. lace ot thîs reveintien irbal yvl a "jui oe.p-o rvtea ia evnbipt-similar chai-acte iâ a steel sholter loi .iesos? Yos, et course vas bo te do? Canto ut it$ Intention; It Was explahne tte .Ceroner thai Cootane îocbeî tbe doon. fcrmed a miracle for- ni>'happiness. n boute windoÎv, e dipirulseci iti as~ oleuam y.teney. îe tSouh Am n ud Ibare bis Mlaîus Iupat vas misine. "Go irs>',"eocied, boarsl>' at-ighi bidI1ta euppose ltai uoves-hug aifne a el iea îI éi eîuov. Yen'b v ifs la ievaspovdt!iI 1.i - Altern Is, tte jury baving dol>' donlvaut >'eu," VIhaFî..l0 ouud cane se much toc rdar'cti.Ifabrga-tesl b. alinslIdava netba"enougb for viewedt he body', o, a an>' raie, maie 'ni-e vas a pause-complîote silence, m?"enta - ai nil. iit utsidovuupol hbim. tha. blioe e vev libelasuel an-5i -sud thon s buret o! solbaiig. The "Y ou bave giest Cause to . bctaub- lb. spibos hidien b>' te fa-le uge e so osi, it," sai the "'ltlbl, u oic0Dvensut," jeurnedir e v.the local poU1co lime ta strangens etfthaltloue lised îhi florte ete a flitesudi-s- g l ad hlm 'ta' . nivalaRlie sai, mat, their investigations, tbougbtho chili'. boani.LIi hba bill-thson, Mnm Sinclai-," raid the Docit, vlbs "Hev do I bnev mhai Ibis vrotcb vhal the>' veute inroil .gaie se neoR'beah oe e d yspt.teptoachtully. l: M e et Kilis nMge mlgt oSh dmih bla'ronlevée'ss aMoevbst puzzliig question. wvîî heIboaccntso! hatIe, stinct -Ntif lite labai-cen sud hopelesé! "I aav anu ille tillai luaenmer madea, sIpGýobhln,@IL 4destb at m>' vîe'. dot- icg my vIte'e - "Tbj'li bing somo Lendeon delco- olb.thechili the greaétuell of the netlIf ceason telle me insu I amu chihi- liq naiber a tiange i a>'"eitiFred J. a aM.ie te ~theo ~uses.DU lu tRie guelt. ho; aisu al h- tires, vhe vilkitot nlens>' .liseecChange. Ros." Hanoc. o! Harrisburg. "-no after. *1l aIra eluie t-Oad-te myseIl i muet b. toRieoilu, If tboe guise, sud Ihon out. tir e dive Tblitho e elrereated stl>'dovu "You bave tael te love Ibis noon, vil ouosi unting. I notic u toêm au bu ous- usmar>', ibis letton muet hi choir. aitogeUset-, ougit <>lb.trt. ' Il dol'itise corridor-net so0lîsît of sltop Ibi s stange etili. Cannet Son taire 00nso- Immense colefiyhî< direct!>' over-> air, 4ait fni festin tRéi lei.s up osmy alibIui w ou elivalor ai Ime -tIhe so ded aa>' in tedt- Rtion lrom thai affection?" Riéad heurtirgla île talons a t*rdrl - onth* agacet. lihe assîtes.A mc>' ould vant soume tance, I-No; I lored iber boaalse I1bblevedthst apparenti>' orniedit, I noliosi p4folioW. Tise ground cIIAPlEIt IXVIL Independeut eridence te 5ustaluMy IvI wi neyer se. bier face aaI.," @ho irassu>'ovu. Il vouli b. ieneSsthat t ie bici légse le sbovlaigus et b lA-tos boir i caovnsu'OQIYfl?. so of Mye ~ tiroel il <>lck criei Canstsucel »Solc vntchdcbhiÏd 1 sgsast ni>'dasd chili 1010,. tiilmu- veatue ïsbut vas eevhal àtseg'ps'lp "Wats orai tini"p ~ an sd mi4dsght yeteraj.» tàap he offaprinofetsin-bas lekti.ibonnamomnt or tvo Inter tli bed te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l libe-oialebam-ma ani wbe coIa i bes doa * * O O* * * * a oa** eOl Ii o ae-u e a on vilI tut-nlber out-ol-doorabgndsoilgspdy h * b.hei i" oseilis selet, e s uyse! 'n Crosr Iqeatdrgii islteatsu'cetlel neo linos i. e.IeipSmudmu elint- toIt te lb.i-rud.Hmsaig eh ý L,