"IArn Cured" OMM" aa red bre Fe& sagof. sud 3mince t b.. 1 have red &HMokde ot remedies toi lb.us »01lthedisesseaud hs.d iven up su h.o o ve, huma cure&. At iaI IvWs tl e tloi floodà arsaprilîs md I9o0d8 Olive Olarnt. 1 di se sud I arn hippy 1 Amn Cured t be ds sfu kia diesse. 1 bave taken V sitesaCoseor qood's g sgu an&Us smd lvd wboxsso1 the O I et.1would nave itttea beone. but 1 wlted l wat Hoods~> Cure S via w onadent the diseme ouid DOS niera acain. Itha. Rot, and 1 eau »y Itueclyeured.li ladly reco moeud MeOde ,Plilledo n.t purge, poln or gripe. but otiwrornptiv._.5,1v sud effientlY. 2e- KNOWI1EDGE Binga omfort andcInrovcmnent and! tends epesnal egjymcat vien ,,t,,l uaed.The m.ny, ho ive bet- ter là.. others and eajoy its more, vthh tusepedlre, by more prompbiy wdpigti orld's Lest producba te 5henad f-physical beiag, will attet the value ho o lth o! the pure luquid laxative prhîriples embraced ia the reaedy. Syrup of Figs. Un excellence in due to ils presenting tu the fri mot acceptable andI pleaâ. &nt lo dsmtante, bbc retneshing and lrui y benedmelpropertica o! s perfect i.sx- aive; effetually ciean8ing thc system, d lilUg coide, headaches snd foyers :rdpermnientiv ctîring constipation. It bais iven aatnfârtion 10 millions and àMa wM theb.approvai of the medical pmu<mýn, becau-ee il acts on thse Kid- M Ms, Uver sud Bowels vithoul veak- tuaglem n sd ilb bperfectly f ee frora *" oy bjectionable substance Byrp of Fin lafor aie b>: Il drng- <itin SOc u! Si tlbottles, but it b in sono ufactured by the California Fig Syrnp G. .nly, whose ane la printed on every package alSo the name, Syrup of Fige, iud being veli informed, von vili no mScpt amy mbstituie if câ"red ~Y Pinkham's 4& -. r sýVegetable Compound CURES Orr.gUtarlty. Speedor Palatal Mnstruations, Wealr OsnigEra Dbillty, Kidney Complnte ln etthr ux. Evey time t wMlieve Backach., f alnmne», E22ume Lasstude, doete" and "Wat lo be left alono " teçllng, excllability, irrita- bUiy. nervonanesa.i" >1 issfiatuiency, msaahoyort . - in.CO Thesea. mueIdctoso F«mmne Woàeànms one demgSmjxet o th trus, or Womb Troubles. Evrw mau mrrdieeeulgle, lold Ovu snd m ai!"Ontm seauty, Peril, DuIt'," an illustratei! bok o 30 pages, con- W-14în impr t intoesaatboethai eve voa hud know about lirelf. W sendh fes 1 -ry rader o! Iis paper. -11, h .ii l . lkh.. ,ndii,.s. Âddi,..lu Lys IL PInkh5ns I -a. CO. 25 us-s. COLO rIREADF97 iktemsnedIes.o Yeured omnv tbousatud ho .prom OrI m es vno ý- dimppear, ud la ten days et lemt Ire. ..are ftrnoyed. 11>K o m '~talous cures set 111gb rey aont Furnl:sd Frs by Mal. MiL £s ul& la KLis àTI hui ia iMl UNIL * ,.No. 6-" RUT.POLIIK au THE w ORLD. lIR IIST ÂAT "EA Four Huudred PeoPle. Perlsb Miserably. ONLY TWENTY SAVED. Cut Down by the BritAsh Steam- er Crathie. wfut Panic Ensues-Tho Ill-Fated Boat sinks a Fev Moments Allai the Craah-Passengere Caught lu a Trap by the Inrumh of Water-The North San thà- Place, Early Wednes- lay Morales the Times of Ouao O he Mont Frightful of Mauitimei Dimastera. The North Germen Lloyd steamer Elbe, !pt. von Gosse!. frum Bremen Wednes- y for New York via Southampton, w'10 nk lu collision with the British sten'.n- rCrathie. bouud fron tRotterdam for LerdLen. There were about 40 Per-' ns on the Eilse, 240 of whom were pas1- engers. 1l0 officers and crew andI a nuru- er of tbe cattlemen svho were returni-àg sthe United States. Twent#-tn'o surviv- , of the wreck have been landed, andI a '.v olliers iay still bic'aimoat lu a lifeboat. Il the uthiersi vveri I'ust. The dias-tr curred bt'fure daylight WVednesday acrning nt a point iîome îbirty miles fr.nn he Huuok of Holland. ,'lbe Elbe vvas sîeainug aIlber lusufil mle oi sîeed andI keepîing the ordlriay ojkouts. The îîigbt s'as dark, but there was no gale. Sudeleuly the torivard iouk- )t oz, the Elie reîsirted that the lights f ! teanier ivere close aboard over the Bpor bou. Before the course of the Elbe coali oe chutiged thue ap1îroaching steamer truck ber ju abaft the engine-rooUi, going througli ber plates as îhougb Ih'eY were pastebourul andI sticlkiug lier uose aI- îost completely th rough the hall of the Elbe. For a lime tbe Crathie beltI the Elbe on ber usu-, but tlieu ber engines were revertied. andulhe hacked out of the perture shee bad miade. As sibe did sou U.e waher rusbied mbinthe E-ibe in a torrent and site hegan inumediatelY tu settle. The officer in çhurge et once saw tbIt he wass doom,,n andI gave ordere 10 clear .avay the lifehuints. Tlîree of the boas were lowered. butol oflCuthein caPsiz-ed, and it le thouglit that ail occupants were drowne.. No Chance for Saloon Ps.aenger. Auso.on ais the Cratbie backed awaY lhe inrîîsbing water IIooded the aft of the 'uigine-rooru sa quickly tbat nobody be- owv deeks on Iliat port of the sip had an opportunity ta egcup)e. 'The sboek of the collitiloîit as comparntiveiY sligbit in vie.v of the damaîge donc, l.t Ibis iisi exPlaint- by the fact t It il 'i a direct, cuttilg Llo'. Nearly ail the Passengers were asleep nI the timue, but many of them wsvru nwakeîîesl ly the shock. ailighit RB it nas.- They eoulîl hear the rush of the rapid 11u- flowing waîer. and i lth cries o! terr. sougbt te) make tbeir wOY 10 Itie uppcr deek. The steamer heing loaded by the sterii. ivoler naturally rusbed aft, and titis qllowe(l maîmy ofthe pjîsseungers for- n ird tereacb the deck. lit the caise oif the saloon lîasqeig-rs l'unvoecr. the resnIit nas ftal. As th'-3 ni'lied froin i heir statieroons into fli, sa loon tlley svîve met hv tbe torrenit îîîrainst whvit-h it ivas imnpossibîle for th'ui it. mal.e heaiîvay. Tlîey w ere ceugbt i nýuu sivept oft to'.v;rd thi'e ockîiit. wbert they '.ere' lrobatiy l> rvviu-d before Lîh, shil f,,undered. .5ltogetbi.r abouît fifty of thic passengor: reàichîei the d&-L. '.vliere utheivildesl ctok fusion î-i Wc. Vld rushes Nve.re malI for the hîîals. tîut ltheterribuleteNeitCiefl prees iliîîg iiu îsýdtýl Itle effort s ut tIio who sveru, tr3 lig to elemur lhem awmîv 'Mo tny h.uart rend i ug. îu uijs n cru il be,,tlltweeu î,arcrits anîd tildren ii te lue !e m nuneîmts îîrt'c.'d hit t leh ikin: of the' vusseI. Mleî,îwhile the cry w as raised on th doonietlvvýess1fur the o onien and chi drv'n 10 go ove-r bthe t' her sidefth !l steamer, ouay froîuî the port sBide,. i svhich nas the gri'uit gajuinîg hui'emu>.' 1» the t'ruthie. 'rhe liait tainling wc mien and l errur utric ken uhljdren harrie tt) the starloiîrul ide, bol ihcv liai! acarci4 ly reached the' lsats wlinthlihutigevvi sel lifte.] ber hiovs bila hini tieair, an theii siuwly and silentl v u.aik. utei-n fort nîOst, beneath the wîvives. takoa;g nil ber ber huatui freighit. Biarely twelly miinutes elalused hI tiveen the collision anîdthue sinking of Il ;teamver. A lieivy seai was ruining iii th(' winid. wliceli va4 frouathie easî-souti eüst. nwats biiherly col. Il is saidIl Crathie 1ookeul uuîy Ilier o.ovi anfel and stfflicq dt,, >li, sLouis, iiu-liaaàd, oniyiighl ly daiîugud conditionî. Soffieringi of >iirvi% ors. The tiinal l ,ootc-oit îili u the s'Ir', volu iouîuud -lut i it 11il Il i i ii Il îuariiiil. . t' i -ralI i su.els ivîte sipIil lit thee meanitiuî,. lbit i 1v iîmniii- nu rcp to hIe signi ia t %% ru' aet for thîei TIie'suirvivorg w-c.- uu':îrlY froi uit.hvii baurdly auy elotiimur. anud i lîîir su ffcrii w.as intense. Evcîîtuaill3' tie fuslîiig 9sinaCk Wi F7lower saw the ' uuiiuis; anîd lore dowîî i the huaI, lu a ,,liort tinte the stîrvivîî werî- taiketi abuard of lier. whviîre evei thiîîg ossile oaa donc for Iheir coi fort. Scbools Ini Mexico. Somo i-ceu-nIstatîstica of Muyxi( show thaItti-ieare 7,200 ucloola mvit ln the, rcpubllc. The land! of Mexico belîl lu feudal tenture h>: about 7,0( familles. Patenta i-c Issued to ail wl ask for tîmeun andI the Goî'ernnaei beaves the îquest1ou o! piority tlu fouglit out Ili tu- courts. C. H. Newton, agent of thc Wak Rond eah Fort Wayne. liai, been eiett President o! the Young Men's Cbri tlan Association o! Indiana. Be hi -doue mueb 10 lucrease the work o! tl association among rahiroad men. Narrganisett le a corruption o! ti Indien naine Naiagannet l'aitt] point."_ ~m~~4qrt bts, and YC .MAI& àlaffl .Wýîl ci Y-ý Them e W.AIways fHave. A critlè uggents that a mass meeting or drainatle eritics be called to, proteet against the further une on the s3tage of the subjolned expressions: "You wlll learn to love me." "Listen (music). and 1 wlll tell you the story of my life." "He was the ouly man who ever spoke a klnd word to me." "P'apa, kMOmami." "I must tell you one àiing before 1 go -flot very mucb Io you, perhaps, but Io me everything. 1 love you." "Be brave, Jack; you have ME." "Ah, lIttho one, you don't uznderstand these things." "For cmre weeks V've noticed a change ln your manner toward me." "At lat, liobert Gordon, we mecet face to, face. * 0 A-h-b!" (as he la stabbed lnthe back). "M3we c-h-i-1-d r' "Wht was that! O.ly a snap, of a twlg. Ilow feint my heart feels to-day. Borne superstltious dread meems 10 be over me." "Don't be afrald of me, little one. 1 once had a cbild who. If ho had but llved, would have looked just as yori do now." (Looks earnestly nt the lad'@ face andI toya with his hair.) *11 see Ir ail now." - Pearsoli'a Weekly. A WOMAN'S NERVES. STORY 0F A WOMAN TO WHOM NOISE WAS TORTURE. Prontrated by the Leat EXciteinent -Phyniciane Baffed b>: Rer Case. (F.,. th. G. Ciy, Ke.kk ouai 3Mrg. Helen Meyers,.whose home l01 ah 3515 Vernon avenue. Chicago, andI wbose viil lu Keokuk. la., wifl long ho reeni- bered, was nt ouqe time afflictesi with a nervous maiady which aI limes drovu bier neai>: ho distraction. "'Those terrible headaches are a thing o! tAie hasl, Bile sai! the other day o a Gale City: repire- sentalive, *'und there i@ quite a storY ini counection wihh it, 100.", .. My aervous systeru susîained a greal hock sorne fifleen yearis ago, brougbt on. 1 believe, throungbtoc, mucb worrying over fenu>: matters and tIlen allowing MY 10lve for my books lu gel the better utfni> dis- cretion where My hoalîli was concerned. Wby, wheacver my affaire at home diii nuot go along juet as 1 expecteul, i wouii! iuvariabi>: becorne prostroled front the ex- cilemeul oai!dI1'.ouli! cousider nyself fer- tuoshe mdcci! if the effectl of the ntack i-ound nul remairi for a nc'ek. i vas obliged to give up our pleusant home net far froun tbe Lake shore drive, becouise 1 conid nul stand the noise lu thal localiiY. 1 coul! fini! no plat-e lu the City: wiicb 1 deeused suitable ho one n-buse nervoos systeiun-as aireY; on the point o! explo- sion. To add tlomymistonlunes, mni:cu- plexion underwent a chaneuni! I looked su yellow ani! sailow I hall1 vas a hamed tu ventnre froin the bonnse ah ait.'" "Meadur," sai! uMy doctor to me s000 afher su uniusuail>: sovere nteck o! the malady. "unIess yon leave the city ani! seek soute pnce of quiet, yen iill neyer recover." Su I coiicluied 1 vouli! viil Myunucle, ,vbo lives lu Dallas Counl>: Iowa,,and '.hose faria i li surely be a good place for one in my> piiable condi- tion. 1 pieked up the Gale City: one day ani! happeueil ho comle ucroasaan luhereat- ing recîhal o! the recover>: ut some womaal luinNe'.v Yonk Shate who nas efiicted as i b ai! been. 'This ivoman liait been cured C1 b>: Dr. Wiims' LPink Pille for Pale Peo- 1île. 1 tiîought that if Pink Pille curci! - thbat woman the>: migbt do the sanie for aie. 1 began 1tuke the pilla accori!ing tu directions, aud 1 began ho feel btter f rom the start. Afler 1 bail taken se'.erai lioaxes oft iîmn1I ns rend>: to go ba-k lu Chiceago. MIy nervousuess '.as gouie aund my> complexion nus as fresh as tuaI of i au>: sixtt-ei year-old girltlu Iow'a, and in likPilla s '.vbt luit the tuior lin My checeks. No nonmier1hamun luiscb higl e spiritiq andl feel like a prize fighter. And nuonWonder 1 litre an couieIt, Keokik.foi if it bai! nul becu for 1Pink lPills bonglil frocs a Keokuk fi-m Iisotili! nofohboy k-ehen lii'.e no'.v," iaughingly cooclude,] te the lady. it Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille contain ait th- îe cliuenîs ntesa!to give nen life anu! riclînesa o lthIe bhuod and rt-tore shattere' tnerves. 'rhey arc for sale b>: ail urig gista,. or mn! bcha boluy uait froni Dr n Wiliini' Medicine Comipuny, Selienecli tg il>. N. Y.. for 50 cents ver box, or sii boxes for $2.501. le l- Foliowing "A Galet>: Girl" ah Ibe-Cli c' cago Opuera' Bouse, anud opeîiîg oui Mou il day nugit. Feti. 4. cornies the Aneil-ia tI qu een of benut>: aumu of song, Lilliaui itu (-seI. W ho. suîîîîorted by a splendid cuoi hdaul>, '.îiii beglu a ilnited engagenieu '.vWitt, a suiunituouo revival o! Offenbach' luamotal opera bouffe. "The Giran Duchese." It malter> Little linbat veiu id cIe Lillion IRussell elects ho iisplay hi e-chamming persunialil>: or ber wonden!i lh vi uce, su slrong ilelier bol! upon the publi thot she weuld ble able 10 carry even uai! opera if robie shooli! se desire. Buit tl he fair Lilliaîî lm a painetakiug so!a un î-niuus artiste, n-ho iu conitanîl>: un th id 1loikont for sometîing worhhy of ber Bilie, h- 1 dii! abililie,, uni! o!the mugni&enî aoc ie ece'> .vlicehecrail lwas e îînaîaný ýy lu offering a revival of '-The Grand Duii- in es" sbe la ri-udering a great service1 art, for that opera, the luct even unrit by the unnter o!f ne uopera 4comique au the liest o!fia s ehool ever produre!. bé i- liever herutoforo bt-ciigivî-u uin adenun ie feqenluti'bi i l n ericft. Horleuse JSchu . lcr electiid l'aris 'w.lu-.. suc list creat( the roi(e ut "The (Granud Duchees," ai "Ythe opera lbas long lucen a favorite ilu I ligay: capial. As il buts bean donc in En IZ ish. bowevcr, tîmre has beoii a i-ast di ng ferenue bel'.'..i'o La t.ranîle Duches aui! "The Grand Ijiches." MisaslRu Id éveil bas bdatl a eîEnglishi libretto wii ontan f~or tht' opera, tylichle i.sai! tuo >r uhbrigliterlIa the oh! version oui! sadhre ilosel> lu lime oenlaiFi-en( y- liges. The 1productioni ivîich ittyli he a fl om!ed the liece t tue Chilcago Upcl House nuil he the most elabonale et givea an opera upoiuia Chicago stage,.an the compmuny li support ut Miss Russel leo au excellent one, illidig Anule Mye th- as Wanda. lluherI Wilke as Friîz, D'9g la Bell as Baron Puîck ani Ballon Muet as Gen. Boum. Dnig the IRussell e 4>0 gagernent malines> ili bc given on Sati ,ho i!ays only. and Sîuuida>: night perfurs ut aoes wylîl be omithed. bc Swaiiowm Nover Fly b>: Nitht. As far as la kuoWD, swallows' mîgi Lait Ion>: fligbs are aiwIaysecarried on1 ýe day. The fnct Ibat, tbough warble .1a-8 andI other migrants are constant lsfouni! dead around lîgbthouses, havil th tlaghed themeelves against the w- dows o!f'the lanterne, swallows ha, rioyer been known to raout thoir fate th bisl way, furalabes strong prestimpti, he evideuce o! Ibis pecularlty o! the BWv low trible. Tb voiWo does aot46Ok ahe ho it." St. Jacoba Oil n'as suiggested ns the world-rcîîoîvned cure for it. Dii! she hry il? Ves, andI was cure! b>: it and- miirrici! "une o! the fellowa" afterwari!s. The use of tbe great renie!> for pain wili mt briag abouut a marriage, but ia lIe cuire of pain il 'viii bring about conditions of bealtb tu mnate lite mure enjoyahie. No Man or w.onian ougt ho mmm>: Who le a sufferer froni cronic pins. We shouli! not vo! wue ho via ni>: ywrelcboduess. plso's CuniE j> a vondertul congh vmcdl- cine.-'aNIR. W. PICKERT,,Va Sinisa andI Blake Ai-es., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 28, '%. Iodehoyou fouhavin bee .. ncn, .der Providence, of restor- ing me to leath, for I have been b>: apelîs un- able to valk. My> troubles voeeo! the vornb - infiammator>: ami! heaing-dovn en ations an.! h. o=ot aIl suid, Ihe>: ckul!not cure me. Tvetve bobbies o! r R CUIM Pierres vonderful Favorite Prescription has rared me." If you have Aonitako hance ~ SI.3eOll. fbrtwmti Ora>: the~ ~~.s.u nalitls b ain-k lln ve, Ie Consumption was formerl y pronounced incurable. Now iii is not. In i of theearly otages of the disease Scoà'sEmulsion wilI effect a c=re quicker than amy other known ospecifie. Scott's Ernulsion pro- motes the making of healthy lung-tiusne, relieve. inflammation, overcomes the excecs- ive waste of the. disease and gives vital .trength. For Oonghs, Oold u m Lugu, aom Thycat, BMooilO omumýutAa midsrhl, Ânazia Lm dlFlu.h Md Wuting Dimmas of <IbiLau Buy ouly the genumne with our tradaW murk o d-ouat,..&rod waf. et lhe bouusbold. Be.daceiî. suaonses.. is-l AIL DItUuOSTi or b>: M.I, use boutle, uà osnel rg.f hlOSI. UA$CHEXICA ver ibl, A an et BUR cw Speaking from ber Experient 7 After years of practical use and a trial of many brands of baking o y~ der (some of which she recommended before becoming acquaint.....-1 with the great qualities of the Royal), Marinlalndfnst .... Royal Baklng Powder ta be greatly superior to ail similar tiong, and states that she uses it exclusively, and deems it ana. 1u justice and a pleasure to recommend it unqualiti -à American Iiousewives. The testimony of this gifted authority upon llousehold BErx2 coincides witb that of millions of housekeepers, many of whIl , from knowledge obtained from a continuous use of Royal Powder for, a third of a century. RMAL SamONS pODIR Co., 108 WALL 8T.. go bon 617 A Bad Bank. Long TAie tnder Ouane I town Tuemday. About the close of the war Jesse P. Mary Elizabeth Kyei, a Lon ~rth LiGrIppe le spwin pdb Ayer accumulated a consîderable num- who passed the century ma,95 hlntbla ntgbbonrbood. ber of bills, amouatlng ln aIl tu about years ago, bas slept 2-0,000 Digitn rn Wutse Olao a $M0. Those were dangerous limes, one roof.__________ ag OtFranW te. ofuesday. and be wanted ho put the bille wbere ST CT ATLEOzlu tbey would be absolutely safe front LccAs CoVNY. la g Ams .Cunlngban la eunf thlves fie, r aythng lse gohe FnÀNitJ. cfeuiuçYxmaltes osih that UB brotber front Indiana. theesro nîlges.S e oeaorp rîneroft tue irrno! F. J.CH<INeuL went Into the woods andI borci! a hole doing business la Ibe City: ot Toledo, Cc Jais )3ohmau entortalued, state a oresaid d tci! lh<il iriihi! afroi b it a Into a big red-oak tree. He wrapped sunm of ONE hUNDRED DOJ.LARîîîLy ruth iYlawek the bils up la a piece o! paper andI sud every cese of CAT-ARH that photOS at A'. Cali on pea.u4q stuck them mbIncthe tree. He then curai! b>:the useO fIHALL'@ CATABUI u lfrtorutî. ni4e a stoutptob>, and drlviug It lato Sworn te hefore mea su imicri ed liali» the hole, sawed Ih off close. Somne lime e e iset "Ae Mr,.D.. bI, AL RI Lie *Ill} ao, - A. W. EA subacripuion for hiii apg afterward, when ail bad quieted down, 4 ,>X.A I R Fai aier.ehu he weat ho get hlm moaey. The stob i -- ,-ag I ..-k 11111 o b oa was ln place just as he had lett lb, ani!d BllO nîyarrh Cure 1> lalten Inleruailly snd sitb a aevflq ofgi Ibety nte bleui! and!mucouâs urleb ofut1h., gfler considerable trouble lhe remtvved slalom. Sb. ur * ,* CHnEX &o., olde o it Then lie raked for bis money. But P. Jy.ruglts 7C. - OToeo .sSff0 bd lie dldn't findi i. Be found onIy a por- flSMb ngt,7c tion of the paper Il was wrapped la andI Diogenes was undoubtedly a harm- -ri e. some remnains of paper and i oney. Ia legs lunahlc. HI> tub, bis wallet andI somue unknown manner aearly aIl bai!liis drinkling cup are kaowa ho every been desîroyed. school boy. Luno COMPLALNTO, BBONZCHITIsl AunE Inll la Terrible Visitant. MA, etc., are speedily relieved and il hakcn Pain s ays s terrible visitnt, sud ila lime, peninaneutl i ue by Dr. 1). otten domilciles lot'.vItIboeefor lf.. This Jaynem Expechoranh. on viii findinlail lofhution lm preventable, lu cases o! rheu- also a certain remedy for Cougbauni! Coudsa niatism. b>: s twley rmrt te Bometeras tu-inz ;ya-l o fLb sîornach Btiers. wblch ceeks the encroftcb- At n.i o !L meut> uft,11<1 obstinste and dangeros mal- anion, Pa., die<l froi thie effeeta of swai s5- s!>: at the outaet. The Ierrn "dangerous" iowing a tadpole. wblcb hie littho cont- l la osai ivsei!ly. for rbeumsatilar siways panions bai forced Imb bis mouth. 11,1<10 t0 sllack tbe vital urgas and termi- 1,0Bu oaetPrA e.i amIe lite. No tentlniy ia more conclusive 100B.Pttu a ce NE moi! concurrent Ibmn thal of phismlclsWhuo onderful yieids in potatoes,0Sats, t..stIfy le the excellent effect o! the filtera corn, farmi andI vegetabie seeds. Cnt lu this dlsease. Persans Incur it weting la Ibis ouI and send 5c postage to the rinay or 500w>: vesîher. soi! wbo are capes-JonA azrBeCoL Cos.W ed toairaugbtis. shouli! une Ibe Bitters nea onA azrSe0. a rse preventive o! litI ffets. Malaria, dYspep*ia. AWin., fer thoîr great see book and! Ilver and! kidue>: trouble. oervouonfs8 sud Bsuple or Glant SpUrry. CNU debilty are aseso moug tbe alimenits ho m icb Ibis popular med lcine la sdaphed. For____- the Iinarmtles. oreneu asnd stiffueaof theO ~4E A aged l ibgbIy beuefilai. O UECAI .5 . -ta 1 recovery, the A Wise Girl. young vouisit A litle irlla rpored t bae wrt-ho le taking A 1111e irl > reoi~ttI h hav wrl ..Doclor iîerce%' heu lu ber oxaminiatton paper: "The Favorite Pre. Arctlc ocean la cblefiy used for pur- aànp ion l poe fexpioration."-!,Loui tGlobe. ql mainood, vo- b rod a uuomth- Griass ls Ring! fh d he"Pre. r Grass rlmica. la t he nmuet valuiible 8- ti la a acrop o! Atnerica, worlh more Ilian ne mP rIuli tnic . cubtler corn or whoat. LuxurloUS meai!- /' Iai a pcula 0w>s are the farinera' dellght. A posi- / adape la ber tii-e Zîay 10 gel theiu. andI the OUyone f - needs. regulatiog, ee %V( k now, ls to s0w Saizer's Extra Zrass S'tarengtheniig and car- so Mixtures. Many o! our farer readers of<j iite ee%. net s ilprmi i y ipralse thoîn andI sny they gel four t10sa many vomen o! tier sea Wy tahr, il m ué = ue = mi o tzagnificent hay per acre PierceS Favorite Prescriptionr $ecaus froi Slzr~eseea.Over une hundred beauty of fori and! face radiale from hie >r tîifferenî kinds uf Grass, Clover andI coliion ceiter-hritîh. The heel hodji,>: ot ,rPut od resi ySaizer. conduitioni results frout geci! foodI. !resh sur c odrPatsed r odb and erxercise coupied nilli the judiciotîs use d If Ton Will Cnt This Out ani! Sen I of!thec lrtmi.i'. Iwitb 7c postage ho the John A. Saizer If ti-ne tbc ha~ pain la the hart, te SeetI Co., La Crosse., Vls. you will gelbetg ousi'aii. or genenal de- Ilasample o! Grass andI Ciover Mixture hulit>:, or if there be nervous disturbaure, andI their manmoth catalogue freeC NU nervous prostration. ani! sleepîesaness, tlie "Prescription " icaches the origin of the r. Turu the' devil out of!th chturu-h autIrouble and corrects il. Il dispeis aches on1 oo,.d eiil ueptonadffer- andI pains, corrects dispiacemneuts sud cures ýX ee dorand e wll c pu ona d catarrhal inflammation of the liniuq mcm- Cnt cn ni oma aohr branes. faliiug of the womnb. ulceration, un- regnlarities ani! kindred maladies. How ltMay ilappea. 'Jeminy crickets, she'» gel the rickets,'" FALLINGO0F WOMB." l' bwispered one beau ho another in the Ms Rr As icoînpany of a very pretty girl. Truly she FiE ,o!fEast Di. kin- Is was verjy heauîiful, but the re was a so Faikl'ugî Co., N. n-twithing about the nerves o te ac soan ts I er iFA! ABIm t whiu'h shos'.ed anffering. "No," sai! Itie ,,t.ieecn.eu.,1, otîer "t' neregiu.au!sh' ,a ary i!ee he rt.e gna qu inl li he ci- o- ýu- di- id las te wi- td id le tif ie" ri- be to Ich ae. er ýni ers hby Lyi en- r- ru- by ers n- Lve ln vp rai. Md! 10 id