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Lake County Independent, 22 Mar 1895, p. 7

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n ockwood HoarJ ea uvalut copoaeiit or and because of thlis op- Voodl Philhlp at one urne a bmtter attack uponth ie judge. j<tkis ftllng ramne whnt l, per- ileoar'iq best-kiown reoîark. JEMIPS' death, Som(î one met -Rogir and asket hlm iIf lie lu.' t go tu itho fuittŽtai."o"a. the0d icjudge, 11I tiot't but 1 np- ~vmt" Anotiter reinnrk necrîb)et »p Juds Hoar ln regaurd to Phuilis dspUi-tbat, If-lielitati Joinedthe11w lta. jolrity, It was for te irst tine tie jiadge denied makinir. _UrinBd a Ilundreti Arms. NU 'Vaomi.sa bas ait m.ty qui'er yitliîii t ïwha-tever titesa tîtav hi. the), une and titi fZeswt la onstuentrfCf'c!ite aoothiig. in% ig- 5uInfluemeeet f outettiiruu titoauaîii ih04- b a*iihtotn« th* ytl iti tiironigh licence- On fthoroagb dîgewtlîtîi sît ntiitllntta,ri. Ibeta seres .ourn t'qîire ,tesdtti.umli * lpromolpi5 tetantd apîetitte. anti oaisio.tiettimiaii andi kiitey trwit- bis.orere icUestdb>' I. lhnaory tuettions asinitgle liahîlelii wbcre oneekng w:s 8siain and uts SU- occur crowuued. the' batik of Bottti"tti Fild, !ouglit 0otue fotrteenth tof Augutt.1485. lti'iiaî'tl 111. wtt i luiti. andth de I'arl of! ilciitîiid (lwat roX ed un Henry' Vil. We Oife, Oaa liitidrt'h iîars lit-ittrit tît n em o<f IAt'tili'lt asi itlmtieuirua b,) IIL'a <7atarriîiCure. y. J.1. IIFNFY & ACO.. i'riiît'. T,1.1l,. i) W tc a îiîikr.tgtieiiba'hâ itt,itt (.llieneiy j« C.ei1&t 1-i a an I.-aI it' le Mnperfet'll> LoOOIDbic n li i and n,;ultt:tiil ttiIuan- elallyable lu carMyOui ait> blgation ui tiauu: p> "har fta. Basat1arrh (tire 1t' l'elug Iierai). St lt1 dllttly uiioîu theti itotiti atid îîiocl tt'u ihe iyteea. Pire 7w.. ur taitte. ,ld P) Ali The4'eîiîslaeiiauii.tub' eglis nt titi' back o!fihe îmoult),î. t li ita n -which gradunlly i>'diiislies lu sizi' ai t appmatelleite vair. "Té.exisli'îtce of this tube JusiIIIes ite iiir's- titat£àtituu '-.it ear bettr wit it' mouit Uli'u. Pwrom te Land or No. 1 Hat'd. Fargon. N. D., furnisutee anuotiter In- staace of teuterits tif No-tîItbae, ln theu person of Frank M'inters. miio writes thc Sterling i(empdy C o., of (Chicagro. te my that blunseiftandi aîf rienti, to wltoin bc gavc a box of N(>o-o-ae, were tcoul pietcly cured ofthtîe tobacco habit. le says the dntggisle tiiere are seiig large quantitieti of No-tobac. A red stitlfoir-t'e ldry'tettir becatise Ilt idtait's Oit atliie:ir lonard tc west. fruin a hiil t rains niuîy gî'o- craUy lie 4t'xpet't.I'î, -iltitîs iltif.li uil- ture. m ne anN a tiotlir'.' hbil. S. F. lil 'diii. Hcpkine l'la'e, iaiîîtt,.Nd.. Dec. 2, 1.1. SERVED IN TWO WARS THE GRIP ALMOST'WON WMERE lb THE BULLETS FAILED. Our symspathie@ Aiwaya Euiisted ilu thue lutifiitieti cf te 1'terast. Ttiere la ati oid soidier lt in ieoi~ Vi.. wlîo aerved itnte ttar stith Mexic-i antillt the war oif the r.'b."iion. Mr. Leiî i-it i l,_-" iaseed titrougit both ilti' ewars itthout a tttritiie îvotii. The harditîjîs. bhoeiver, tbld ierloilsi>' .,Yi ilit. for wlieî thtie'gril, attaî,ked iblti four fi yeh'tert go it neari>' killei bien. NWlto c'it 1 looîk .lite infirutîl tieN tid a veteruttik ilt. mt t t feeling of the d"lejttsmaly Hlâttowepeoiîit' sl Iinie onfinil'dto klsi itîtîte no prvettî' wit great i'rvoug-8 ieNntietthi coutu t îthoid t inkife antilt fork ait ite table, ta'ari'ely able to walk. t to, andi ait haatii'tapted iit, hi' tfîcîtsttim- p bledi and felli. The)-al hent treateti by tlle best tlent t10 ehi'iat-but salllhe un! fi'reil on for four yeartt, antd gave Ili) filainl desitair. Oue day. howes'er. le si uts ntrtlt'k ut' the acteoutit of a (-lire whir:tn 11:1d bei*a i'ffee.tetiliv the mai! of Dr. %Will- î itlitik pilla., He ittîedlati'ly trdered et 1-xa tndt-otubtaieed takilîg thet. lHeb taye hi' n'as gri'atly relit'vt'd wihin thr% 'ct ili 'titute. The bloti foitîtil ils n'ay to 1 Il ii lingers aud i islitatia tch iiad I e.'n f ha itied sut eii;u i a tntutrelI color. atîti le %ils tiCutof t'îiahle tulisge is knift' andi fiirk alt the tablie. Hli ai; re'vered )liq aiith î tu10 uich uixeluttthiat le in Ablef ti ,p woînood. itioek corît tnt! do bisi reio-P lar ttork aboliitthis hoine. Ili tow ssa I he -titi flot i.lv îiak tVc <îîlitok. but l eau witlk aî'ro>tq the nooîltaitis. lie ins tutu' 1to lift upa ifty-t%% ,otoinitweigt1, vvith oni' lan te ndi sav-s i'doett not knoW I'. at Dr. Wiliii [na. ltiiîk Pilla have dtînc fier ittiens, tbut knowta that te> have 'lone a irétren orli for bium. lue watt ini owo lRat Monda>', courti a -. ý d , oud (it ispraises o! titiy lief. Ili e rtilased nîothe-r 6'îi"d ti)toK il lîtînt i' th flinti. Nr. Nient. "' nt-:î- ing to trake affidavit to ilm*es farts. é1 Pilla sîtt'that the>' are-mot pate-nt..xuI'i- lî'îîîe but a prescriptiont îiel for onà:, ya yeu s i'ai eflentt lraiiititiflir tt itt prti'Mi'ti the mont wonderftîi remutts wh î-kinueuriag ail formet of weakn-'sa ariltiîg front a wletery coaditionuetfte bi,îod or oibattereti nerveut. two friiit'i 4cauîses tif aligost every ii to which tlesh lit heir. Titi'pisa re almaian epecifie for the troubles peilîr te feunules, sutlit as sleppri'aions. ailiforma of '.eaktîttss, chroate constipation, betring down pains, ecii., andtinthlie case ot men wii gi'e - .eed relief autd effeit a prniaetctire in ail cases arising front maentl worry. 3 overwork, or excelt'selle f Nitlveruna- ture. The>' are entirely litarnilems an I <auii be given tu weak andticskty chiidren wt'th the greatest good il tatijothut te aligittt'at danger. P'intk iliutare soldtelh> &Il deniers. or wili le sent poitîpaiti on ve- cipt of price 17,0 cents a box, or six boxesm for $2.Z.-tliey -are tiever wmodintii îlk î'r1 -by the '100) h>' iddretiîtg Dr. Wiiisms' Mlediine C'ompîany. Sceitut"tty, N. 1 ILAt'erlng b NVlito. ail art-a o! a quarter of an Ina.'h t'onlaiis 2ýMj. hairs (ifi tielt'ieai, Ilitrty- ni ne oitéthelien u Itwent%-tthri'i'où ln lue f,îrpaîi, ulueteeýn on the bai-k o!tIti'liantd. Spring. Medicine Iosso iportaant tat %,,i siioniti lie sure to get THE E 1Si'. ilotid's Snipa- rilla bias pritieu its uttequieed nierit b>'1 ita thousatids of remarkaibie î'ircs, andîi the faet that it litas a arger sale Iîn t any other sarsalîariiia ur bli,il îîîîu t fier shows tegrua'.t cinti-îite the people have in i. [lifaet, ul is '-1111: Spî-ung Mtedcine. It i-tres ail bluiîiul diseusvs, biis up te îî'rt es. and 1 thai, as fmie ld lits . . it ',e1ie t., 1 rnalt.e ie uien.-" Itarilla fi-r '),,tir ' Mert d iitu-i-. , ful iiîait)> u.it>sî iltc. uc Beisucet'î gel "I 1 îas aiu brolien doininealit tîi- kanti Iertouna1I as liaruil>able ho ie up, ilînd sut ere paits ini mv sîde and headachtc. In tînitioften have 10 stop icien goîng ttp-stairs on account tif piapitationî of thîe heart. 1 huti no appelite ad a distressed feeling in ni>' stîmach. 1 Iresoive-tito try Ihouais. .sarsaianila. 1 took tîto botîles anti htave îîut hati a speli tf sicke etiri fuit four tuiiiths. feci nei, wtirk ail lIa>',andi cat hearîil>. -Ni> frientis ne- umark hou tieli 1 ahi Ioîkîng. 1I Iiuk ail iîervîîis, rtn-dow-n peopleii'otltho Idkt-,il. "seiaiiy nuîrsintg iutluiurst* HOOD'S SarsaparilIla "Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Witted People Use SAPOLIO Abovc Ail Others ~%cre la no sp j inte worid Ihat stands Sa high in the opinion cf dhughtful wcmea am lm CLA For waaling lpthe.W equailod. Try iti.SoIA 49m- iTHE SUNDAY SCH00L' NTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE LESSON. teflectîcas ot an liesatluz Character -WholesonC Foodi for Thougitt- Studyloig the Scriptural Lesson lIn- teliigetly anmud Profitably. Lession for Marccl 24. Golden Text.-."Prutày >e therefore the L.ord of the harvest, tisaI ha wouîid se'îd rortit lahorers imobhie hart-est."-Iitke 10t: 2. SThe MNitteiop o! the 'Seventy is i ti aub- cclt tbis week-Luke 10: i11. Thle tiis- sion o! thesevenî>' waqtthue missionî of tihe swift-flying evangel. 'rte>' were itot to inrry, bot 10 go, andi as ye go t"u-i preach on tite go. 'Theirs itot 10 rî*asou wly. Theirs baut tn do andtieid,." To theae aerenty "formard tuutenient" men te sole inqulry wa, Vhîît tart- lthe arhing ordipro«t"' Tue>' taited ntti ite stimulateti b>'relluite. They 41>oke their message andi pamseti on, ('hrii-tl ita- iteiiet. I f ttc t-nabut gatiter iuou .l for imlei, aiiy test ittons'. niti-lt of ils fi-sîingi' unmeen, froin thua, il will bel- si-Il. T1wti f lritttiut. Sw titoin tBai tiiîoir'. g. i forth on miission errands. aliproat liii poor, si' otman, st'io muît'hiéitdIi'itiiir lîelp, butt evideoti>' reaeîîîed it. Flti-y ieft a littie leailet with hlm as th-i.'>' 'tsi nway, witicb leie oanetiaside. I it ut lotiged wniere. Romne ltte aftêr. i-; lie' t urnes! in lus liainf, ii, e 'i gîti-s! iliii il. "Do you ivatît a frietîti ?" it Satîl. " la iU'lie i' jikeî it) pthe liti e Irai-t anti rend of thte "1"rienîl that stiiskeii h '" than a iîrotter," Ife mutiaîow thasvt'Oie Bible, whiî'it lis i fi' trîti glît atlit- i u ii.. ions soliciltatiou and lie îru'senly'tutil Christ andtI lls great saluu'tion. Si, lie' ija T -ollter stuer, cpi-ail tth i' î-. - 1 'n ~ ~ . ~fnith ini hope, ifi lte sage. Speck il ' 1 ~ ~ kuî and titen leave ain; t. ii. ie- .tti liw o b ring tii nom. (Oit. 'scli, a diligenti>', lra> urful>; (.ou tk c¶rc of it. "I'lere&m out ytone thinîg thatt siîoîîiîi t -tn een us. To (lot icjisl le task tiîut is ours; Aindl thenl,liai ing foîtidil. 10 dci it W'lit ail cOr Goti-git-eti iowe rs.- pointe in lthe Leuson. iiAftir Ilese things." T1he time' for an aiggreinîive evangeism hiati cote. 'The dustitîles hall ttien iautlricted. Thitinkîg- (lîoin watt irelareti. l i this flot the lime for lis«! "Tite Lord atîpointeti other s;ev- eult>, aiso." Aripointeti menusho desig- itati' or met apî:rt opetîhy. For sncb pion- cer scork the Lord gilet ait open designa- lion. There are certain Ott'nlin every geti- crut hou ihot (Goulsceau1s t pei'inly or- dain for atîcance svcurk inilthe Lingdonî. Il le so, itn c tigri'e. also, ia evervcoin- nittîtit>'. Gos!lias his pickîti men for îticked work. *Tn-o ant Iwou." Titere is wi,îdom la il -diilite nistiîrît. Ant init-h of btînau î'î.îîfort. Tw oi itîil, siti îypalthy not oui>" heit. nîil strengîhepn ent-uoilluer, ibutt mak. as iltci'ri', theî'bîîrne-r tiis betîeen whost' puoints the iiglît tî sl wui "before ii faee," and 'l *iiluto lttîse rities anti tuae "i.. N uitllier lue I cif icît ildotc' 'rTere la no St irk w lin' aîî,-h tarci's in.ed î'î as linîîiîînet'ri ug. iliere lt hel urelite ceaseiess ttrluer. Fur itiesa itl he lutfore lîls fate andîlai'tortliît the Sîtiril'a di, rt'ct ioîî tlsillt îonue iite-it îgli t. X' e fk tutus 1hiî'cuti %e iii ii,'kittis h tf rashi Hoiivenint'tc it iit a zutrîloît sroundnuln lun the' disile tliasit u h-tt reîian-'ttanii tittrc tils no iltuir vii-e say ijjg 'tt l'lie libunittiSî'îîitilihamil unît iil îlt uit t' lieuî of niait ruitir ilituicici hiiof lui if Satan. It us ittileeUlu to Co sw.-i. ttumt lcutk itîtth f-r tleii'ltiarietithit'leitr" 'sidnt ti' i ltriiruttor> . 'I'tut- n tri'luait iiî lit. us a tisill 'îîrit'rs, tir iiîrutlul. The ' v N *'ri' t. 5i't Ille îîtî- t'rittil,, fori the .1l,. 55liiiîî ts is ui- t t ni. Aft,'r- isar nilsas lt i îîîca iiwre lliriuliiv'lut huit sutry 'atdti tut' 1-uller pntî lttitîtt imîi iti' i'11iit ii"f ... ih tt ' in a l .I ll' ttiti - 'titi ssttrk, uîîîu ttt'ait i utr Il. ofli'r' it u ul uit -tri-iti-,' a s lit' ti'uat.tti' iutu "fua t l,stttt' is t liitutîtîl Ail, r ilîft iii i i' îtit'sj.t'c'. f lie,a't-rvs Ci t:ir,lii tlîi' ntiýru i. t i-aili <'lîiml i,'u lifu ' t, eiIl1tus liii. . Aîil )e't il la uit 1ir 11s t.. sa ,ý, u i îits .- thieir ii,,-Christ uui.îtuuslii t11itlits ie.'laratiîtis r.ri'-uriig lits aihi tIilitît tl]it woniil the jpromise tuai lit's'%u% at-1i1t1' agaiti, Ititits andti iusrat init A lescota la aggrvSSit-t' es uiugtiii.t 'r- t aitilt-te -41i' iil - I)o thlit;ée 's-i andu tt ttthe evaigeii.u At Titissa liva on lt' 11-a3- the t'r,, nus r,,ise.l. "Tiie«e thuit ituise turneti tht' itîrIiti itudte titi %.nn u 'e tiue hither ah--o7 Aits as ii., Il.) hinil cîttî tht'ttudos th ias wi>-. ne 11"leusi ,tati ,s ttîrnianiajifile ilti piîe ilitwîîlutor- d1er tii bexîiglit cule oi. Eîîrît' - att ti-tit and nieedeul tii b.'broiight titlire, entd il le W'orthu uolitîg tluut tite'Word fbr.-npsiile dliwn here ie an.etams., iesliiag rt-'iotrre'-- t li. Thesi'e nn re E tti's reurrut'- tionisa senst t i a deittiss'triti Andtihbîir licier la>'lt inti, tlt tlthe>'tttas e batiiteen raisel. as; it were. f ront tbie d eadl, tu wnlk ini aewtii'so of lifi'. (>î'ertou'ileti ta ordrîît'rttlt<'>' iiilit tovertutra, ovt'r ;iowere.iof (hodi n i rer thtt iîley ami,,it lie lnipowereti. May'lthe ILord grant us Highest of a11 in Lcavenih- Po'wer.-Latest U. S. l!.ov't Report Baking IW~IPowder itu"OLJTIELIV PURE Chbicago the IN>orid'o Porkopolie. An EmpresseCpies aiAllier cati. Chicago is 'liîe îorkopîîlisutf the' worid. A nd thet' etst î'xitelneint atth liii er lest year tIlle pactkers oft that 1dIaeù- lin t'oîrt is ltis: sltiv t- fe week,; agt lhandledoer5it)Ot hogs. at Invrea.se the Emîtr"s. :t at tieptlitt, ttttic,'d ti of 1,10-0,11)11 it"ad (.vr thle prêt ios ttilill ie'îai i 1Z V. l ivi îi Mis year, and the iîorkers titst $51S,9JJ000. .John B. Jacksoîn. Ile itanîisoine anc What becane of ail lilese iîogs lthe partieularly etgttglng wite of the tirs, Anterican ('ultivattr exîtiains Ilums: secretary of iliei,'îîtriran etîîlassy *'EXCeIlnsve or th e 8tor 11) ier't cenit. oif wure lier liai r. initre as tou w'io wa! Ille itoge îsed for tlressed nment and Io- ber iînirdresser were set afoot. andf oai t rade, thle talipatt r oduliitn t few tItiye la 1er titi liaii rUresser i n que, lt-as 7*2OiS (A I10 i,îtiis. tof whiich :t64-ion 111wîis IiddtliuIltthle E tut îres* biout <100,(5 iVert,îîîîrk a ndl 'lUis, i :l,0.îSi)M (oir tu the lie%%- lipalaceit' tPot sdam i l itaîns, lx;43,00,ttOsiouider, a nilI 1 - " do" 'lier i i t. Sit e Iliheu lie *tloes'*i 0100 lardl. To îîrod uce a il titis retinirei regiitlarly. lie reveit es live inarks earl' the work of 20).04N) men a t tIti'puaekli t lime and ilà.. i a s i tîen enit hîied to Pti liotiseg. Ii iaddition Itoitant vlate andtiti i'trveyor t, IL I. M. thle E01 iis.o jierfeited ibr.a mtîîacinîes.-' lis si gn tovir Iti'eIlI tii'S Itli. W like fioetrt fade cîîs strlil rilsci h> p.t('111pecihiarte the hat htcy of ccacîit hie race b> lit hus untht won'l face. fuiteyes tht saio o r ri kîd fae anti risc i tht terang tet iliiitgulitsn pecutlis ta 'c Pains 'r eti-loatti- 'ceakusses iwone, cadthe n ad ith Dr~~~ ~~ dlresFvrt pr wnuoy or lite youg grl îts eaerig anni cinoforn li tred othe an tite bol l a ce Donte Pescrtisllon isin wit laiefndt il aid nafeelin freakuiag thavtye tefr rnl; inhnge, lt's a itdicue riescrietfor peui#r -tru ilt dusn.'reses co!nîa. de- litii>' ' encor, chie! c eu bl ititiT itha ho.lite uval'Favorite.pDr.crietcon. Forrthe inuTi d Eufat 'in,"eth craic inOfIlle- Prs ripton i - Cis , bast wlucb casee l in ate liing meping 3uithe tyeai.o sncý ba eusiîtIq mdrain i~eplessncsa.fo ut rl cues non-oua prsraiof ...l oiers ates.Y%, Perco ehiot tid"V e1-talea Dr.îinL fr.in teran aendt o! P. Ins-. tuegn at ufa t ýts, roic nlm Prescrtion 'ill c ' ; t e wi 'tcus wstinofor erthnirg env o h yt spneli. paipitalieti i iyadeef tht-in hur pila u ge lite itas ad fheati s Ir 1 ttiteslpitatio bn of st n a irdri biag auu lle a np an thse moruiig., s11(1 su lunes nerm'.i chilIL. Titie phy>sianît dii- féee .i u10shah us> dieft 'as but ne of titan tit i e amy SOMa. As scon uansi-1" nintutiaicedt akiat Dr. Plerce s 4Favorite i're- scricit. I blitgE 0 Na. tLAt guitt. .Tiutse welii iightin aud tisai b.d îtet'u-is feeing anud the pais lu -tvback soo e 11nite. 1 eau waik seer- ahalis tuthSul etingtiret, ItSkitait thtee bottles of' Precption 'sud two cf' Discoery,'Il FLOTIN SQp C-NADE ATIHOME *lii Zieh. FORVU oltt.WN u its. o01. Ms Mkils.Tueller, 44 ii»mage .St-. I ewark, f.J. I~nonud thM there is one rhumalic, na remedy, as ltanmle8s a8 watet & .Jacobs Oil-uamed by -every lias bettn fîîî'u'î'Iobgi î't'11î)îail hlst t'. - iluIs iegutlair itit itîl of hiitîr c ., ue ti iîtîî'î4, lîî't'îetlit- i' itîtîsî olU latinsu.if with Pagoi, UàMaeWhi stain lth)anta, injure *h red. The Riglng Sun Bt., liant, maci e. u Xu&s~ contalais ai Oune; -hm i make several bo..s f P. I MAS AN ANNAL SALE OF il t: )II ini t'î'îîliîess. nigb inti nd ' ,tii take 11ite Brîngs comuort ands uapwvmqu Iiî't t rut) nf.r ir ' iîti Iii uid t tend 10 tends t e rsotial en*7USt~ tuke waults o! tle Etil"slie hias lbe, fîghtly uw th le many -1 oini' a iîîeluincîîu'iîî iiîîu î, iîu'îk-n in ter duan aduers and enjoy L Ilucaihtti ndfortne-. Sncb iit ere-lesu expendittire. by à .ë Nwarti of riiy.iIty. eine e o uysial bcung. wM F-ree A GiftO the value Z Vacaîth of th. u Fuii ui orîs Itit lon'tr ~ ~ laxative principles embea.m b' ornsorritýiii.tiii, llInoratonIlw o 1r remedy, Syrup of Fige. for ti s nîîuîtgis gett xîti îeuîa Itit excellence la due te Ils ~ ginis-llislilttt'xii-t.-e iîlilit iîn tte forai muet acceptable aI)9ointel>' free tri ail reutiers of tils ant to the tasle, the refreshing pattr onl aines of'Plie si','et 't $1.beneficial properties of a eh- tao.0. W SIeti ainsof. iu ends, ataw; effectaally chsanung 1 toc.NVrI tue.- 'Swliues.0i é dis Ilin coida, headaeles C o 0 Ilhettti , 1Ta' lc 't te .a ' tt'n s t ii t . ", '. an d pè gi a ne n tl >' c u rin g c M cao 1. wes,17lcroi iel 'il, thmi ivee satisfaction tu, -g, met wtb the approval of W" Not a Wogtitaa Nor a Cat. Profession, bcasq t &et$sw TI'iire le a tiioing <amp ilc'lied i-Bacii- ne 73 Liver add >wla elor's Remtaibout sdat>'tailes inortil,!eng theai and hlipt etkfî Tuncon, Alla., antîtiHephé- îu-n-V--aayojcinal usao iiumhcre îît'ari o!fI teet it S-rup)f Fige le fer mie b a wonian n or a cuit Ii Illttecamp.i tndîl ts n C n&$1bottleaibut 200 f Ile iles hav X1Vertýe ufaatured by the Caifoeila7%, 2(11 ! ht tuei iate aivrîiutifor Ç.onlyuwhoeDe i uprintuuI îîit'es la a Tutson itter. 'rhley' Oit pa ckage, aise 1h. are lie o! gttod charcuter, anti tiniicrslut iand D belung weU nfred _ the (lutties tif a ltîiiieltoiît. The richett acpt &Dy iubatttute if oaw mîine'r ofiers îa uoîî ry o o 1,IXS._____ ___ Worme thtan Ru ta. DON'T DE POULED. - u!nligestuoui tsile utore lis filitnrani. inkia.'îui laveit"iuntuia" or Ili j. or sîttilit uung Iorset. Titi trosilile *gritip d'a~iigesctive trai-t.IMilians 'rab- le tlin snti uuort of Ntiiieniiti th îîiea lring "~irelief, ait heir lhabitui yoti neig gist --- in hole, Gel __________ Plant On te lEgllstli'S Iriatii .1jtalluîst' lai iî'oade uit-q etsec- ilisin~ tt'Eglhlluu'.' 11 Lks. Risuiovalfo!Tieket Office or Chic, 1. Mllwukee & St. l'nul R>'. - (in March i udie t'liieuît.o ticket cilice o! i uwut s@mRIPAW the 1 'iîcazo. NMillii'. anl'.S&îtiaul Hyî. &ili 1- h<iuifItta U~LY IYla e lu' iiove t lthlie ne'uc-Marquiette Bufiding, ea5 Dit mjustaota mrner Aitantatîti Deirh)Trit creels.'rThe -du ba>Iis Il ni]1hberofil f licl ce w'.i11lxhe95iA da nis street. wN d o atpitn C. -N. St iiti, Tic kelt Agent. lic ttaba 'tbis opinion, But t0 expeb It. %V iel lir' MbS epion May' bitrighi6. ~Butis statemlent ouralgie,, edatié, and ail-pain î ,r, and~ sure as taxe-lt is Tet humvoIL for YbodY,ý-sold ever-iwher& eidsr W ALER AKER& C. HNORES OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS The Iargast Manufacturers of th - ». - t l . " î. n tu «. .. ht.ttgi. CaOA~S AND EHOCLAT[S - l I on t bis CatIssa. bh ...n-t.d lî...let.,. n hu. HIGHEST AWARDS f- t lodîstUibl and Fond 8 t. for $1 5 EXPOSITONS àM IFWr~l',y lEurope and Aee P-. 'y P-cuS h..,iu.1-, U'tiîketh D-hit P e,.tAlk tki NIT E Stt s NASAl Liii NALmE TI Thit.lu... tIÀ i'i OCAi*.Otl3 iiESth. ),.- l i RE, TN A0 ]' n TO iOO . -d.ln.en .1 olii .u-d j a ANE BXor.i.fa.."A .4 1-là- -olns.. a sn .It . piaEO.o %iU.T'agot14001»M ~ WALTERRAE à 0. DORCHESTER.NMAS& ~L.geatuuuio,'ua,~ Ey's Cream Bah - d /1 COLO INHEAD d, onotA di.0- Y-j'b- P- -- ___ __ ___ s.,..~ Lit îU ts li*a t je.hà.% . .. .. alte-m-kdt-C . , W nS. uuî nl.euî Il7 'j'd.hoiL~.l «b Feeu-. .' th.,îu i.A u fNini.t n. iabiSaosiS5E~O.îtnn~~we a t**i g iNue. i,*lfN4 it STAIAIPT't p- i NtlSyN. tStSSAEL (.1Uu:KLy tItili tOrLit SAU, e lE. t!Oel t]iS RKEMeTISM AND IfURALGIASI-El' TI OPPStltA L.SII SN i PtiAI T' 'kt.gian i rai. 'l 'ir. OFF Rt0), 414Ait pTR~E iti, v y s lqt SF"" 15C.r i 1 ajt ,' fitttîa t'u izb m Ii 5 A. WISNÉLL .OFFEtiTiit ttlhU OFST9ILL nue ii bt E ftIr.DIiINt~ C.. hii'go. EXAIE ITIS e ormotor CO.. (:his. (WeakcMothers adal women who are nursing, babies, deî te a]Uin)St uncon- Iceivabie benefits from tite nonrisliing propîrties tof Scott's Emulsionl This is the most nourishing food known to science. It en- riches the inother's milk and gives lier strenglii. It &leo makes babies fat and gives more nourkiment to growing children than neifjha rest cf the food they eat. Scott'a Emulsion lias been preacribed by physicians for twentyyears for RickeN araamiua, Watng Dhsease of Ohldreuu, Oougha, Oo1drn% 'eak Lnnu Emaciation and Ocnmnmption. Smadforpî,p/ld atn Scuui's EAudion. FRÀEE. 8001t 111,-N.y. Ail Drussistba. 50 cOqMts end 08. s8w!~ *L*17 vO"r is. au W. L. Douglas 'oia~rettIi. aud L.1"A=~s RE" lé ;) . CtLIAritCo Itrasi s tu "is vasu .1 eM s"enth AU AND RIDOLING 5MORSE SAiU oPENys APrn S3. 155 vorue Parteiema, write bàIsa*a FOR SALEsVain;SumIo -8=1 Tha raIsn toc s1t-lin.st ne.M Adli. it stAtitsi. St b5 WIflEU rmon DO YOU W^14,.' ir.upsrilut mt.tOs> ~Vu ltt, rotus'dtgim S.N.C. h~swi KNOWLUKDO 1 1

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