*. a i Tor w o . nu * i . tl a w arç ;c ý < %, j miv t t. PAboCK ~,>ncrn i(flL.op oyd. Loc:al Editor and Agent eout, ed anu totls ri, o fi L ' ord w t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - " Ii Î O W n ' a r d in to th e d e s e r t i 1 f Ç ) W FRIDÂY, MARCI 29, 1895. Miss Boiastio L. lloyd le suthorizeil to ropre- "'IIIre was twenty or the carte to every " U UI~L& IIUIî' -~~ - ____ - ~ làIi.lt the INDEPENDENT at GayB [,site, onmit bldfollis, tfil lur an' beidin' a-i11 ( DEFEL.furtheîr notic'e. Advertisements, Subserllp- cookw' flims fer ftve tolkts la every cart Tick't. l Ioar mlnsfion. DEEFI'LD.tions. Locial Ne-wstItem&. or orders forg lobBn' ilve teRiN füeveî'y hundrfd ba-uUOWin NoTICKET, BY PETITION '. ' TICSKEt1' ]Kima Joula aliti retitîiedl fi Evansa- Printiîig Ieft wth lier. or at thet 'otttoffiice w111 a wagon wîth thret' yoke of steerS ta It. ton WedIîesday. reîîjlve Pîromîpt attenotion.i Over haIf of everyhiudred wat winrainaFrSîevsr Mrs. N. Wells anid Nis. 1.1LeClear _l e htth trîgoe hi fr e I an'- ebden, ht ti oi osfîkafa pl u l 5 0r $M 8 a p e n W e î m e d a 3 n i l~ î i s g î. " d î i M o r s e w a s a t M i l w a u k e e , d a y g t h e m w a t! W h a t t i r o d , lo n g , f e v e r ia h , , Irving lielint» sud Eli it 1'iisîîiday. dusty, awfui days' Mile ufts3r mile we For Town Clerk, fro. Clifîeago sptt îîSîîl~llf;yieet. 1i rgeo'adbu ft ludyatr Ed Ilîaîk il hoie from oEvanstoii on dy n oe emy on te udrt-I Mr.JchWetfot%'àeit i vcto.daYggcIdueard, bour ri tcr hoarder o. ~.fIIN Mset ies alitettorgle iiiîg shot aatonards the end Tw, or the aposties an' .PY E apet Wednsda utGeoge jiIr ~Eîgeîîe Metcaif ati] wife. of Giirnee nom eleders watt wit.h us titi we gel acr A Riaglisl. piayer îmeetinîg .'ery Tuesý ý- 'r iitu1Fra.th.e river aICouncil Bluffs, then the apos- lirsesr rA~e, JiefýleIeý. ll twli rilj . ics antmsof the eiders left us. They ForAsssso, Fo A,,,sj- day venng t 7:0 i flc Bîhleieuî Ben îCusmnan was a ('Ihîtlago visifîur!ha thr e er four- cerriges amonget 'm obue' ,tw pring wagons withbhres 'e nu4bal GEORGE IRUT, L J OI b[T. nd Ms.e, .. Mller.Misay.dtheir provisions, ait, e2,a squad! of cavalry For Collçctor, -ip x. suMid M is a. lo i ller. t i. r e d M is. '11 lerW ito<1lis eitera i ii iig lier ! '0 ws o iu & o F~în i . b y W n al n ,J'o r C o lle c to r. .Frtac su Mis Sral SI3dîr sents-ter 'is. Reher, oif Chiceago. an' was in "at Laite lonîg afore the snow r- ni îînr Moisl4ay in i Cicago. ofdew, n.... u i ILOl Lolie ihofIlilevile asth n"u what bail we afore us but work slEl JHN]R89 FRANK( DIRTI. Peer uhi nd fm2 y e t gue4t of Mrs. White last Friday. sufforin' an' the plains strotithin, furever FrCmisoe fHgwy.i~iiioi' wedding of lien Siultz n Misa Lydia NMert Sitlî, Of Beloit, WiS., waS tilt couldn't malte furinlaa day, net more'n ton F'or oilisonrf jga-, Forkel. ~~~gîlest of Miss Morril over iSjunday. or fiftoen mile. Our shoffl wore tbrough *I.~ LY Z ,~ ~Joli i Miller soid datiglter A1d,îlk iss Grace Smith ViBited lier amiit an' our bands watt biistered an' clréwkeian fhou Chicago anid Witt Miller front Mis. E. P'ayne at 11Yckefeller Sattur. raw from a pallia on the carte. Thoncaur For School Trustee, naeii()lvisjted tla'ir fatîmer last îîay. provisions bogun te run Iow, fer we VRAK THu,3 - UunW. 1) . Ford, of Ilortai., Miel), is vie- sufferin' f rom bungor an' most ef the timo lira. C. F. Kieij and childreii fi-ni if ing ouui frieîids at Gages Lake anîd front tht-st. Most on us prayed su' asoentd FoCnsalt l vcin * <,lIcagfo whejuave l1e011 speliliig a viciiîluty. ta, kep up faith, but ail onuns bogun e 1g o Cntbel 11 atn~ hdllor-eyod and silent. W. soed tbat fe :few days wtlî frieîîds liettb, wCut f0 Mis. Gilbert Frazier whlias15. been au ' death wu&aeffores us witb file the furd- I I88arMerville Wediîesday t'î visît witli very sck for some time paSt. la abl est wyanwosanelor'sdastr Mende~l before rewritning home. fi)lieont "ywitb oui- teeth sot a lrayln' undor tAit nhe funeral téervice of Mr. .Jellllilgt3, leugebgn ok uCîcg breath a' sufforin' L. For Chngngplace of hld(inlg 'I uwn cîîîl i J.n 11111tâtofMr. (iaewho(ledof' Lnij Bogebeinswok n Cicgo "Ailtbrough August the sun cone u F1 Chnîtnr broherof is.('lsse ~lîî iedîîfas ail enî[îoyile of aui electrie lighit Out Of 1the Plain te the east os reil os blood cOnductiod la it W. udn at hie colupaity, April 1sf. an'tiet bl"zn' on over oui- heade s os SnucedbyRe. ;oti a tetollit lnard throulzhthe sanil, as e e ainst, P'resbyterliaii chuîclî lard Friday. The NMiss 1,11y 1Hook and sist0r Mr,. blod suek foi the plain la the west, an' j]A riaîns tarre iiiterred ini lth eerfieltl Turner, of Aittiochi, were inthe eCty sanmed like we'd scuroely moeu. ~ ~ 1' l.Mn~ 4Ilrjc w6uId jeslt drap dowu enter blankrets or Oie <Fi-n sspe-iîl .itnsis,îdîiîî 1ev. Cilîkuian, wîfe and Soi, of bare grounil, an, lay there tau th" buraln' jst.' Illici.1s, I.o Rockefeller, attended Rev. Dalizy's Io lo ofeblza notAart MisaeNelhla 110w .itayiiig at 1,itu- recepthîîufasat 'I'ursday eveniiîg. frion tie Oat l 'w'det a ttlesoothie-...IA sia.an' stagger on. It wasttrrible iaoetetla ____ Tepeople of Grava ILake tendert'd oeo wl ftepnyoe dbedulw o ffca alt ono l.l f i iln~1 t ~p i.2 8 E'Jeu'ylasqly is getting retoîy foir sîîriîîg a rereptiont»t 1ev. L)azey and wife alit rnin' eonei, an' we'd bai-y 'om in the 'work. file clireli lait Tlîuîsday evening. snd an' loave 'oem. lit sSmUeoin it o waai fiilBloTw fEaiDfn i i m lo ,_Loi . I3 5 JPXI neito oka i ig Ms hfe etridls atrlyturever a droath le that d ,ssrt; dry, dry. r w or I I Tz~ Jaof liestsî lîi f'ie îu i.Site eundli amra deail dry, an' always th1e waves of hbt ~ ..Z12 ~S village. Tilesulay. f roni Ohti, ahere site was called lîy thât soemeil a million wriakles et bot meit- file deaf lutif lier niotiier acter4i week8 l' glass, woid bey -ian' hover, an' qulv-eDR O RR I llusa go. a' bure an' beaitellU one's eyeballs Usw f Maiie t i, geffiuîg licter, sielie e UNIO && TJe aK eedTt te (1111)a' 0REPtJBLICANI, . lg rc ormer, Drk. mj'ktlî fihaslla-)en u rnred tiiat Mr. Roas mumbleil of Uster an' shade an' iest, aun'O TG T ATC1 MatWIlrni eite, r, iiîtisîtors ot 'filiecity is tt0erect a tiuteî mon>f[le waadered la their mînda. An' 500tfite, 1Tu h (itric<et. site rceîîtl purcîascd f MissSusanaway upia inte stagnant air we'd sus the, N o teia i;g alVt 1N le h tehe ad. ab e, an' hey'd liker an ' glim amr an ' contetîbis Ira'ija lis lîeioiii lits Mia.Wilmiîîgtorî drap down cnteus nthin' but doaéd &bll XLFCE tOry, ]Jet) 1Ilme l iN )syiiig liî]iii Paksvelasllenmlh ike "abita of tinsel. An' the strea titwe waa ARNM ET ,EN8 .BO N building feijea 1 akAe.,lasli*i iiitlm tryin' te foler gel ta ho no",th a' a I poe ualaaic i u ain st-ing of gi-non pools spriekled wth saales F lor Asses-tor, [i \-~-.i Cs'etit la tue il 1e Osteiinait Iiy fuir aroiiiltlle rersiidi. an' dry fish-eyes, an' we'd ci-uap dewn te i t building Iliaf sîdewalk. Iclilie goi t i lîîîWa8lilîujriî claitiis tiihave au' slpa t iwth cracked ips n sagr-, ffPnniEG, DNILnnK work go oni. 'aîh lelretllc ii iecp nai.lpasagrDC . ~F AIL LK 1 canffil fil largst back asa"SutrcBt lasi wo drwed out ofet uIpare Twonewus-ila-i wee s-etl> i ie i-i>te waters il) Lake COUlity. Oie deseartleavin' aur por0 edmi hmni, For Collector, Fi ( f 'Ii Ut, 1- ir ('lltLtYt,r, Udtted W St"i. 1l>iiils elîiic'li: F. iliniili; 1 >sege-l7 M it(] udwits plilleil but lit wa tAie test of Septemnber aloi- e anld Atlg. Ziiii-ii. ottttif Graya Lake tluriimigli ah lole iii meuutlngshoein stght, an' thes@un eunkE]JLUBAD,] OM 3 AIfSN ] ED R H.W k8 Aug. Wiîifer eitertai iiedil Atig. Xiii [ieitee ast week. dnefur a wek Bmoegaîitheoa e ULU BAET OM S DAI8O.E DAR H W U on, . i~. & t. . a-ifttii fi ~peaks; 1 remembor, afore wu roached lhd en .M us.1.îîuoi oeniltf Clsimele u e lîeitratjît laii eiiig we was se sick an' lame an' wore eut, 11J lor Currn issioner i I of ' 'Iu ( . I , ' . iu i i --;ti fIihas Everett, Siilinay. male1fi- Iami neifrtainint e i wgiVeni midthat ait l teul days rny beail secmed1 iini-ocrfIlgwas The trlisteesf-Sift. l',uuih's Chuî ntii î U e urîtMoiffay eveiîuîlg Aliriî i8i.goto' round an' round os 1 pulied. an' thel loti- trm. uplî M muiy fcriîiîi~î. ft hutr 3li îr'gttn 'li hi* iil a i ood kep abuzzin' len ait cars, an' oia P.A.IVSKEEORGE HOFFMIAN E JOHN H. LIM BERRYS pstarHe. .'lh..îuigk Thîei'i-îiigriiutiltlîug if riedtî, a ' 1limes 1Id gel blad an' couldo t 500 îiary P . ISKY pukr e.W h iig.iieetlg(qls4ii roi at lung aforuî me, but a sorter cioar sonne L. o-dî'lIrîtI' r IIIsî M ass l'dila A ia liiher iiandiihoîîîuî 'Ilils hi3 a iiiiiîii i uf lttle kep alive tenty bead, tee, for death was JacetiAities, la t M t. t leîiieui, M ii' lu. gili i-mintlci asvi ll iiîuiu tsit shereiy afore us if wc gin up. A good arnaty:lFor Cointi; lssîonu-r of 1Il u glu uil)" withî lier gratîiiiuuîlir. litîe: ttai. îiihci iejct lltgtii d igu up, especial 1the oie au puny unes, l 1VaualnuyGRAD8H ECH NYEFI rait the- $10 , îv tle yui"i' wed soldera leave a c-anipgriuoiiin 1theE] ER RU S RC. E] HNY E RIG I ýI 14.) ]ait.1 foill llsiui's'saa-k,-burîîd. IL watt turribiel Wî dIin'ji. oHARES ME]R ilv'is ttt.ti -l ii it- leitit' i cCii iithatsiîi1 iît tii t îhitW eaeh Othors faî-l et tLi,-ut bury-Zi iz a a o , Joihnuiîlliamieiii-u o iuse t-sîuaîiot a Sîiîiî'. eitlîttaedl of ailii le chuIiriL lus lfe'rwe kutowud WLiet was, aborius au FrShu lr',uj ii ui finpeea.lIe suilfflauy -sicoil. i-oultlu't bear it.o colTute.litrn Joî0 (11 f.thas lîeen u itî e si-k, bilefi 1.ailMi.le Grîîul e evi '- il. et lst we draeo I tînt. treil e Imifruvilig. t1 0. Siitivly lui îîîîtîîî I tîî-reîfl E FRED WILKE, f pUBL6~NN~ P R 01 l,'icilPariulias eitilislieul hiiiself alitîiiuiî-eliî iit fIllieîîl iiMs.Ild a sîtplîtvof pii oîI ,ttOI iU IU't. IFor Scliiol "î i.u -t muf1 'i î t;tLIAN ON t.T D tis hîiîitll Mi3lie plîiîîaîîeîtil Santi .'.lns, of' Chicagi, whli le,] but iiiîtiwattTi,**eS \,gau (<( t.TIKT.B 1ll getijuu. ii >i'eîuîs i lcreflu-y îua tico oliiacstkWt aut,,,c f,.joreuj7LWl. S.HUTCHINSON, lieu. A mîte-t, >1 .rv Illli t u ii il lid peî il lig flue w li t er. !l8ai a; crittî r i( tiota v ItUtiIi t .t t Clri ii Aites imte>ill cI lite lime ra i i f liait pe i t filîe siiuii is flir miesvcî 1: ü a.ýtIvt J O Il S ta .-àodlî a euo c at2ntu lit thi el ittimhil (,i'u. ltit I )iiti, i it i ýe.is t Nir. Gtîrw s'iml. N<'ile tIhîmi pouittiofet I Ur "et.ti.iv- d i î l jttdI- go Weiîiicuuitt. are puiepatringto miattendullier fiiierailfui lit tw'eti vtWttw, v ii ti.tt e ]THOMAS STRA N( E] Ni NlA N WRLGH, yoircorepodet am we Ifo.wili tooik tplace ini ('lîucago uî1tesda u l - nti~or tlit uendiof itîr JtW"trtFt y tSi w I fr i.v, aif.,ar t i i it M.titi sooly iî I li ti sha;iu,~ re<-uci Nis tiiedeMitIt mî f ueest il ttslIou .B RSO tt i kii;Iî.iCc watt '.i:iitgat shit fvsîkKemimshia. l'iieyii compaîtiîîv wu.i eU'd id vt w iir s trî-îîlî ij.1, Mabj*rnteE ,g ENIGRE '~lHE g part h? tie eolierî - ut l;Iiyed vs II h . oi Lc tijlîs, fi II-It igieii t ') I kl ' vury Lairie wo vouý& .a l t i , M atti1 ra it fieepeso tc odjltlltulatendtilhe littie'- iîî;îelil., au anith i Lliasu %Vounivc ~-ito F1 t('tr .tSO S tlt xssîuMll i atvi moied talent aemhil ws ifour t-r fivt- iiti;c o -i it lt t'ly ilurtiMON UMENTS î n u u nlelisat simc'i am asittatm fI" itip'ttiS itIerti3i l' i i - ]~ i '~~ Siltoperievere ilii ie atudoml s IuiuiFOX LAK E. ElrictîUiJitA.t i .-l -itv. ludto- slie nîty Iîc'b le a hu Iti-l 'lic dt'ttîk alItLeî r wi- c it u .wI1- -icChe rvwi o tî ao l beautlftil vit-tl solo if Milas Mtm f)t ' I L (si te d i; t-t L i ttil4ult1îiivtr. tt it tlo t r ma tit1 eintry Decripo u l ttt r Was a lsvu veri imukea I hy Il tesuribe lu 1e - iilt.iliv ait'raw uv t' dret r ic . tut, bi hudDts pto bitte lauu a ille Vuutue ttîand îuved I iy . Mir. Ket'i iili aid tiltlitsia l.I t t iî- ii'iU Sautt 'tltdbai iî>Iî-j or flitfiioa b"eki lier siuitiig tiu tt slui kimas lili),t NI uidaiy, foit ie brtî iiy roti k i tlle pîî1; ail' attyituc ywi3e oe iil euaihà j~DAVID JMIIRRIE E wu ett a l d , ail ' tes tboy couilu L oreKp 'l cfI.i t I Malle oofi ase tifitl'lwieudiecie T le Ei'a-IDEN'T la thie 1titithaultlt' utagonsa thu aî.y through ti e FrCCil 1 i'ýoiro Iihas enjoyeui Miss 4Ott iigiilggreal. lîkee' au lt. l'stiîus ltuîhd sut he.vy. a sattk o!fou nseS. WUE Wiflae [lshoîrthil mista tif FVieil Schg, Iferuutyeuaeî îuuofslîtheii tuk citiily t s t. it iifintî-îonr o Ilghwys Fran oIt Muiy (lt aîvl ieir~ (13 lde :Siîîilsit laaîulN.I.l. Giigu-i aitPut t ilmuus, IL watt lîko deail tself tu ] N ,LX ,Kendf. utîtu~~mlleil buinsits fii p lii iiuttgîM iiadi tttitli-r Poundto bthe uviglît cf 'cm fer E ONA H ,îv. lots cf -s cottit scureduly holti Up the iieu- As k Your r tSuhotîl Iruoîtu( l'or School Truistee, lirs. Eliinia Stîmnemler s dlaliglutlrd llu-tiitoch lots Pull, but thl we uî î-îait' of Mr. simd Mrm. Mieliaeilliuiîarc iss a y Gaiiger, %hilsi t vrkititgclîtîdire ou ush d 51blwtui t>nnoewctulîiGrocer for "u'sî'~uwîDînp IIlW7 dled K a h e (Incf liar perentl 1ii Ifuir Nrs.'lIeri,iu1tu,'.jateil atfhomie gîtt ilîic dthe tudie,, att, pull, an' with 18ARC 8. îîWuî,lifllh IIITIR, tMoiiiuay.sotoet-rylsa,tutCe cprayIo', eun' soines __ day niorniiiagotflrîuîî'lîiîs. slîe' aai Y.Jfu'kin' btîia uov- truggled cit.r born at Ieerlicid, Aluli1 12tlii 1863 atdiiil uiuer i ut Iimplaluce aitetidetii About thet titi,-. I1tuititi, oî1c day a party * .0 aciieved ait ags-d uifoui>' *i I YCia l luhefqîmiuit oNI r. Kinugsley ai, Ltuke wîtiîhtîrt'csinar. rerrigci an' aime lig it O fc a i s ' E wc Il moithsansd 6(i <aya. Marchilà, 1 Villa hast Suiiiday mvrniiig. s;i-ng wagons corne adashint up b,,hiidus. o o p r >O fc a a Glc), -pr1i , 18 5, 1882 able was married fl Fred Schuneidler ILttied tont te bethbret cf 1the Aposties ~o- of Glenico. Fouir ehiltrcu have lire- -NIrY. A. Tlwee-d atîvl damglter Mary and four Eidors an, a sounetfPi-osdent llvlîmg. Rse.uItlaridt pîceacîml tflic tl Miss A lice Graîicrl siprig al'Wtur thi-ough the Sotuthi. WOilI ,1107e boseaidltv Jiikoficaei t uliddTwe, iiaibsaui 00cr night vitIr us, au' luthe or cma in 6INuR P NDRNT, 0People8 Ticket lieue smd ls-. Jîig oiicluîei ahAiîauii~ wecî, îeaaliie.Apostle Ricas recuhed te us, rebukitn te clitrcit. sîme s as lutieds-itcîu. Te liitiseonithfle ftîrnmbimgiî us for the- sceaint lau-k cf faitb eîmnîgstus- _ Herdeth lwsas a lard himua- 10)lis- rM s. Il tuitil'arker, ln the sîuîîîî lur- an, teilla, us the Lord wculd kcu- il 1e TICKET, BY PETITION. Reglar Nomlnatoi. mnay fhsitht lIhave lbat a truie tivumi of tuistl uî o f Iuîlans îîurîîeîî tote bal-k if edr u or enottmt, nF Furlor Lomlllia olc-r ofn 'Fotr Town Clerk, feiid. Siev las fttiîiiy fmitlel iîdu . tii flîi u uts-ut tri1be Iliyd 1v eriul' snt oi iim utU . îttI ' lier~~~~~~~~~~ ealm'miIul îîî.iim)gst tistîî s a- îmgiii t f flicliti.us aiSouth Pl' Teu -ictthcrvrode aay ti]WLIn HGNE . .GRET l i e r .v n g n*1 1 1 t tl l i r c i i i ' , ,tie u i -u c ' o L o a r t w t s t oW-LNL' t h IArtl ' o r A s s e s o r th puc ç l;%efltliitttî4UkuhePrvsifion oit t ' cm. tlwtho rt. e al i z U E CR F T R A ber.O T.ti iu':tu-ueta1 vorîrsn ,.- ttu tJlU i