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Lake County Independent, 5 Apr 1895, p. 1

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_ ~-y- PRICE, 5 CENTS PER COPTE £moEno. 1: .'TU FEAR GOD. TELL THE TRUTH AND MAKE MONh>. 9 25. Libertyville, Lake County. Illinois, Friday, April 5, 1895. $1.50, in advance. OUR GILT EDOED LIST. WARREN. ,ent hpin .I "I hs.Wb*has aut Pm dthe sibu,<ripllea ules slierniail sports a î.ew top on to.la &. m IS M, or ai t 1" te Jan.1, 'I. buggy. We set the date one year aheud i M". Water 1ufflap visited in Waw nt. consideiation of $l»5 paid by ecith Of kegau last week. du te foliowing, ince the lest publila- J. Safod of Waukegali, visited T. ion of sarne in the I1<DEPEN;DltNT. relatiVes liere, lest Week. Du tLIBERTYVILLàl.i A. N. Dicksiul, of Milwaukee. was' 8. 11LUNOIS9. Budoiph Epker,* John Baumnanu. callitig ,pil relatives an.d fiends ee e CmalllftOt8OTO)'st Joseph Boehm. lest week. 1 tr gg uteogayN»LAKE ZURICH. Miss Tidynuin iiistied lier %visiter 1 e u » u sdS Fred Wlke, Chas, Wewetze r.,1terni of achool in district Nu. -5, Mon- Ad mine RATES.1 Fred Kuckuck, Berman Sneider, day, rli25 o. ilasIcm l aî1uyr Henry Hillinn, August Bergman, F. Clov returiteli from, thîe nortlîpi mulid 1Mî1sa Geo. Llntiemau. lest week, w ith a carloat i f Yountg cat- 111161 11VOLO. tl. Tieyaail aold, va bellove. 4505 II ~Frank Fisher, Ereti Converse, Mise Mahiol Beekil, wlîo attend@ t Jo hn Valley, George Vasey. schooliiWeukegaîi. bas been home 4M11il1HALE DAY. the paet week, eîîjoyhug e short v9ca' Ch si 0 C. C. GJerbert, Fred Gerbert, tloii. John Limbery. Little Eva Wilbur, wlîo bas been ne ad4fto" foLrmER.Pue quitle sick the pest week, is impnoviîig, Henr onne Ueo.under the cane o! Dr. Tombauglu, o! Per Uanie tiafo r a u HnAon e, ,Quientin. Milburu. a !, e rsa ne ln for elleh adl- DIAMOND LAKE. MsD .Ptm netrand ' mm W Wstand<igade R. P. Wieoi, Mrs. A. S.Aîdrews. tl iesD. B.ing att netetained.et - sta petlier s.guetralgt. tteLaIs ewngScityletvek.5 pu gangs for Sat ure med Bty A fair attendauace andiefesatlm skfoi, e" hm ulîaoqenti neertlon. Marin Waguer, Geo. H. Radke. are reported. w watee InrluSe advenliung Inait WAUCONDA. The entertaitîment glyeu et Grange no -a hrOcb '-e--4 -& Nitcholas Smith, Harry Ford. Hall lait Friday evening, by the Mill-d sruan sd b stnttng . Win. Lîntleman, Oreshian. .Neli. hurn people. vas highly spoken of by d 1 Or 1" taoef h ofl. John Bouse, Or.. Rockefeller. tliose wboattended. à* a Co. .o.ff avtoian oe sa Ueo. Rockenüach, Deerfieid. Thse parlq given et Grange Hall last E. B. Neville, Grays Lake. Tlaursday evening, by smre of the or- ,01p1111101,aww a offa Mh, 26 for OL Dick Tonne, Long Urove. clietra, vas a ver>' plemant affaîr. fa .SO pe Var. Cio. J. Voix, Aptakhicii. Al report a good Urne. Prime $1.50,_pr____r We undoratanti that Ceo. 15rogdeu s 'aPD O KPubimeher. OOz.r. bas been quite fortunetes in fading Ea.erPADDOCK, l14'5.pleut>' o! vaten, by borlîîg in is old B -Village Elettion Tuesday, Apnil 16. wel. Cha. Dogad , of Chcajo.an MeolEe inSaudy pi 0 Mrs. Fred Mitimore,vith littîs Blaucb Dlcloary__ ___ __and Ruby Miltimore, o! Wankegan, di useful publication, and Seasonable Suggestions. vere guesta of lin. and Mrs. J. P. bIsa vat &Mount of vahuahle Delightful moon-light nlgbts. Wooley, one day hat veek. l jptattoa Itci cati bc found ln No need for street lampe this week. The Reading Cincle met vltb Guy'Pl book but, notvithstanding March wasn'L ver>' tamb-like, either and Mabel Backus lust Fnlday evenhng. ~êdue aGaines, music, etc., vere iudulged lu d ewoaexpense snd yeas of uIsarvI rdprue for a time, after whieh -a aumptuions el uCllem.ry te produce Ibis mas- Hoy many day' vork viii you do- lunch vag served. and ail report a toiem cpiece of vork, It nate tovard gnaveiing the roades? splendid ime, t ~ UlmtWe regret in state tIsat Mr. J. Don- I Plgatu failre, The DEEEN la the oficiai hem, of Gurnee, vas autidenl>' taken ~-Uoe s awok o fitin o con-paper o! Lake County. Senti us youn iii lut Saturda>' morning sud te nov -Iffl r m awork f fitiono i om legai notices aud have theni publisheti undar the cane o! Dr. Carter, of Wau- k$* MtAe purpose for vb'hi acodlg Itav recover>'; but shle la no lietten at >apubilled betten than any other Board of Supervisors. oeo.L)deo!Mlurvsoar vs kwaof, andicovers the eni- e.D geofMlbrwsnou a àel-a aulctonn'The Couunty Board for te ensuuung streets lest veek. Ho la agent for a i year viili e contposed o! the !ollovlng patent vlndmiil attaehment, a spring I l mananqmembene whlch connecta pump and mnulîlilusnobt puIVsVviTOWN srRnVîift. P. o. Annstz»5. a v>a ~to do avay vlth muet of the Itontor, . an'.(iit, waukerani. jerk andi jar o! thte pnmp rod. We be- l - --Ie are trying te do the saine tintg Newpori. *Tbrs ltrmi, o. W.d'.wOith- liai e tisu device te lbe a goodt Ling. comnlunty-to caver the Anio-'. :i .D,. Antlich, local nous field to the antIre! <I'Mn io.rp w&it. vol,. Items front another correpandent. e# action ofour patrons. ILs our t a-e , *l.unryJ i Aigll. Crâju>Lei. The Warren Cemetery Association1 ý»W.« -.watu o.r he.b r n- . D Naukegan. imet wittl lra. G. P. Rose, Wednesday. ý-,e8r s of this tovu and count',-10- las1tAot.' r à*uture lits ndutri' (s te tr ji l i'd' Jn- uru Lake For-O.,. Mies Emnia straug. te Warren1 Ll5rts.%r0,-, -%v. . iler. Libertyvili1. .dress-maker wdli ev a fav veeka fur 1 ««pisfl Foi-c ., 1'. PT5oî,,a-. Fnr,'iit Cs'ntx'r. familles ini the vicinit>' o! Rosecraus. w'auc,,ril.,'Arthur Cook. vauvonda. N. F. Vuse lias licou isiting friendâ i,,1br. iioH. C,,,î,t.KCk, larringlofl. lnth iciuhty o!f(jeneva Lake; gaia wa aoud anmbr that lon t0îrr *t . vsî,.[liryvse. isiteti Dr. Bacon andi fantil>' atSalemt, foéita are conumer,..and th.t thiS. .!ri-,I . .il.t. a,.n. deefni Ni pu pet reâches AIWs:tr-rcl :.'. FW-i,-.r lhai a Retîrlis front elections dlaim a gond -- - Thca-ua~~~I-keIt sld vr,..*r1i.-tl.iround najoity for Page Hlli as 11gb- k"GEO. B.MASON, nuiîw w. ay (0ommissioner. Congratulations, PtIiETOR r 'rhie vio have tîteir Sale Buis Gog uve.i l rsdgt I îriîted aI the 11,DEPENDEN-T Office geL erePra. not eiet ;m erc1i I a r- LTry funi list sud ternis pu cd utrte passeti ave>, peacefuil>'eand quieth>', Lake count>' ievepaper, v ict. aîvays Sunde>' afternoon, et the hoile o! John Bonrd by the Day or Week tras a large croibvd and everything Strang, Sr., of Miiburîs, aged 86 yeare. Spbai Accoulmoatiois for Tra%.eling guas let g"ot prces. Ve get ont tise Several o! thue Warren fermera are met). 'nicest 1bill andtigue thse hast palier. 1selling and dellverlng hay to Liberty'- IBERTY VILLE, 11i.LINoIS. Pirces reasonelle. Try us anîd yoît ville parties. The bey market la salid wi te couivinced. (161!) tu0blie btter lu Lîiertyville than in PRAIRIE VIEW. Mr. J. S3. G. ia qulta busy'. "' see. "Hlave you had iltie grippe?" 'o *eThen Vois are nt nul lIe- KutlrBras. begai lIse irst b>' MVing coal, anti doiîg i ittIa relaîr- 8. E.,Ktuedier*s baby 1isi> lias gune o lve vililits greîîtimoitlier, lire. Tb@ gfe!De>' Lileran>' Social>' will Aisys Ibehr let meétinq Saturtia>'night. E bHafDay Sanda>' sclîool le still ~upsrlngWe undanstaiti tiietthe>' Swno preparing for an Lester Cou- cçu't. on ia> it live anti do gondi je lathé visb o!f 1iANSY. m"MI t0 thé M.mory of Sarah K. I 5,éPllmohr, hou hast let ns, 7 44lbI wrid mais darli adco f', 72 * know ihattihau art rettig gjjWj a thtie avlor's bld. -tueWâdâondens iytug athe KIinfri- s. Uwsl i tt you vere -w51Il us. ýhh Oe~i ur once liabilsy lîoîiîî mil lt,1roni8t. visil, 0U bah.. -ythaortd of s ii r-rt? ,. in Wl>idrosU, wesec Yoi t tirdit ()tt roff golden shri'. &t*dqm affl1 ta ear you ray5uîs. "DO" eâo$4 trio" sfor mni n ur-. .7.My%$amnUn wetly rc-tiiisa UÀavo bo tsworlti so col d; aavaulg for the combat jho e fosa othe fold." gt beatfttkt YOu Is-us. i ~ svUtwllàabest; 'ljelpuVW'll sivo tai Jota yOu. 7 cd Yoftbe bues." Mrbéatuan>' other bIaay for lomal news. -vMOs It la f reai.t 10. It ou vant ta hehp yuîr borne parier. ordar ail your: 1Legels, Ad- minitrator's, Executor's, Tex sale an tît aler notices, publisbied ini the INDF.PENDENT- We WcligUerentea correct legal publication, post notices anti file certificates o! saea"sving >ou ail thet trouble. H. C. Padck, Publishter. 1! Who dues youe 1-rntng? Doe it look neat anti artisIic? Is the paper what youuvaut? Does IL cotte up te, your expectetion) Cen it bli mproved Upon? It is Our nuhe to, do neet. cleau, stylhsh vork ai reesonebie prices. No seconti-eless vork turneti out aI 1ev pices. Try uîs anti he con- vinced. A.it'ertust-r.îandi correspondants ehotild remember tat it takes lime te set type before a paiper cen lie priuteti. You ili.1 greel> oblige by bendiag it your coîîy esrly. Coîiv for ads a usI bereafts'r lie il uotr bauds not leter thau Wediiescda? Ioun, sri we cau devote Tliursda:. Us settiisg ni. lh- latest news. Ve aim te, prinithINl- DEPFtNnENT Thursday afternooî, io i will reaich our reaiders un ltae Frsday mail Pnesn;um No. 1 .-Farmers Mosthiy. To et-ery subseriber who pîaysc 1.5A stnicti>' Cash ia Ativance, for lte DIuIDPENDENT one year, va viii senti a yeaa' subscrhption for the Fermera Monthi>', e 16 page fart journal pub- Ilseeta Bockforti, Ill., Price ficents; but our Cash-hn-Advance subeoribere, eau bave il abuolutel> Fain, Chiarles Laumb vas in Chilcago Aprhl aIs, buying udertaking supplies. lie vas calledti tePikeville lest Fniday. to liury Davîi Matheva, an ageti gen- tlemian, fether of hlerbant bMatheve, o! ilhbun. Lest Tituretia> eveiig a pnivate party vas given at Grange Hall by vwo ladies. About thirt>' couples were n attendanze. Muuic vas !urniabed j>' the Warren Orchestra, anti ail bcd un euîjoyable Lime. "-MELAN0R." GU RN BE. irene McClure la sick. This veek le examinations in the sclicol. Jobît licarva vent norlth Sanda>' a! tel nooti. Frenk Lumber liasgone 10 Sbermer- v ille 10 vurk extra. Johni Floodi 1810 move back to Gar- bsec, lunlte neen future. Frida>' was the hottest day for the limue o! year, usn record. Drn. T. R. Butchiartl iass receiveti a large stock o! mnedichiie. We aire glati lu learli tIait ttcaire t- hav1%e Missa McCracken % th Ur s ansullîc J tcck - Miss Anisa Stralsg. si Vadswortil, catme dowis lu attlîsdtise reading i clî banaquaet. TIse schsool pecuple aie very busy jînacticiuag fur Friday evenhrsg. Ar grand, guodti ime is expecteti. Niext Sundev le the firet Sunday in Apuî, vhten our Suista>' mehool beglus at 10 a. m., church at 11 a. m. Thé Bseadhng Cincle closet Iis year't reading vith e banquet leist Fnida: evenîug, given et the home O! Oneo 0 Its membere, Guy' BacbaB. UXCLE Joefl. WAUCONDA 1uSEBTa TRI LOW T OIET 11CM-my sucete aowIaf Wo Rai cmeai lt.One year, cash in advance............. . g1.5 My liberality ina dvertising.- las.J- Sixj came et é, çaln advauS............. 5 q1luni&Rd constant advertieIng beuS" a# L)erk nights and derk streets. Tbine mont.a, cash ina aavance ......... .. W ait 1 own.-À. T. Stewart . . . Snoaa d E. Green wes e Clîlcega cailler Mon- One Yeux. IlflDot pald witbin 3 montha.. .. S1.75 "iponiailbti'il patronage a rtsg sm. ay. ~One yeur, il flot - dwithi.6 montbs ... St liâtai .... How can the warld know auma iY*A AilMotlsmenta at stoppage made at thelrate la 900d thtng unleetIlle wvertaau " ip 11 Mark Bange returned lest week fruin of S.ioo per yer. Mtanof it?-Vanderbtlt .... My Wun. "dau lis__________________trip.___wlîh men wba adertise. 'l'u Wi n r lm John Roney, of Chilcago, was on our LAKE ZURICH. WANTS. FOR SALE. rieeslt awe ek. atagy Our towii lias a boom. D EVON BULL C LN' -.~I~ id et a w a ys. e ch ns~ Y La Business la pickng up. stock, for sale eit th o mt dMr tin ' fMHerw Chas. Suip la Convalescent.- 1enaît calter laut week. lira. J. Sneider la very iow. REIts, elisa>so adéw o a C. W. OakS made Wauconda relié- Wm. Buesching 1a building a fine by, MILLER, CAT sIAMDY. ves a short visit, recently. bouse. Ueo. Wregg wlll move bis family to Il. Uillmau vas a Waukegan visitur T EAM 0Fe MJES oo A hbicagu, inî the tier future. Fridey. and eId aaô drat ad v Mfr. and Mr@. S. A. Ford visited Coming events cast their shadowa borses. Aý1 t jet.Jo^ Adalfns Gap elatives in Elgin lest week. before. Corners. The ice diseppeared fro.n the lake in There wes no opposition at the poils e EDCR 0 SL.1hv avery short U.meIlut Fnîday. Tuesday. smaîî CORN FO ( Lra-cle avéIo Wbat s the matter of ligbting the A. i>erinn as a Pelatine vi.4itor Dent Seed Corni farranted te grewt sreet lampa, theme dark nights? Ibis week. whlch 1 yull mil or S -per buebel. J. M. Fuller bas moved te Chicago, Wm. Pretîm had hie child christened Those who come' ith the cash wliere hie vîli work thia summer. lait Sunday. . get it. (21-3) PrrRLTuvEn The Lîterary Society adjourned in- Sherlif Brown, of Waukegàn, was in AI 0J'~EorR N-8 defiîiitely lest Thuni<dey evening. Lown Friday. Facres wfTjveui, good gralnf Mn. and Mm, C. L. Pratt are enter- Louis Fîcke trensacted -business ait dairy, or stock ellote mile west ce Elg.inthis e....L'lhln~C.io..f WIô'~ Witt Harris bai rented the Turner fanti.lie took possession Mondai. Miss Mauti MuCormick, of Minne- sota, visited et C. L. Prutt's reoently. Mis Jese Green commenced bher wbool in tbe Sî.ieum district Monday. lira. Eutie Woodbouse and Mis Elolse JenkB were City visitors Mon- lay. lire. Besley, of Mellenry, ta spend- ing a few days visiting relatives in this place. The Niegara Fire Co. met Mon day evening and elected officers for tbe ensuing yeay. Chnis. Hlapke and A. 11h11 moved tbeir familles into the aId botel build- ing last week. Tlmotby Bacon bas retunned froni Ilcfenny te bis farn nortit of Wau- condeaud la prepered te supply Jerseys ti &Dy Who vant thein. T. V. Slocum bad tva auction sales et McHenry rmcnt>'. Shocum ha do- ing a big businoar and uo one can stop hi.. Ilo ia a bustIer andi mani o! in- The foîlowini ha Lbe Citlzeis' ticket, vhîicb vas nmriitsd since te eu- cus: Pre8ident, Arthur Cook; Village Clark, J. A,. Nortb;,Trîatees, J. B. Turnbull, E. A. Golding eud IL Mai- The folliug caudîdateti vere nomi- nateti ut the PeohIe's ('auctîs last Set- urday. 1'nesident o! the Board, Il. B. Bannîtt; Village Clerk, K. V. Werder. Trustees, E. A. Goldiug, Wni. Titi- mareli andi Ueo. Glytîch. Thora cii li e Easter axertises lu the M. E. cliurcb Eastar Suudav eveu- ing, April 141h. A gooti program ha liecu prepared andi io turne vilI ha sparet in makiug thie entertaiuiuant e Ivery interestiuîg une. AIl are cordial- Il> iuvited. ouI>' $2.00 per doz. antIthe Wauconda studio. if voni vant a firet-claies photo, go titane andi you viii gel just vhat you vent. Portraits furnisiiedt 10 oder lu Crayoni, Indue Ink, Water Colore or Pasteh. ('an furnish you enythiug lu that liue, et reasouele pricas. Salis- faction gueraînteeti. The play, autitleti -The YeîkpooDe- tective,-chîlcht vas given lu Oaklandi Hall, lest Frida>' evenlng, for the third turne, vas very weil attendeti. The pIlay is a good one anti the charcters vere veili utained. The com t any aboulti take tihe pley te Boule O! Our neîghborntg tovtîs, as it surehy le the beat play tlîet lias beau givehlu iititis place for a long lime. GILMER. Mis Zoe Morse ia attenduîîg scboo nt Wauconda. M. A. Andrews' condition is couisiti- erabi>'inproved. J. H. Ctonkbte, of Rockefeler, vas et Gilmér, Saturde>'. Charles Philipe visiteti relatives lu Ibis place, ovar Sanda>'. Sheniff Brown vas e ploasent cahIer aI M. A. Andrews', racentl>'. Mrs. Frnk Thsomas entertainedt w-o ladies froni Chicago, recatîtl>'. Mme. D. It- Imeq ansi dasihter spotît a fsuw dsinss Clictugo, recentlly. Mm.s. S. Wlscclcr<r! liherlyville. speilî a fev diys at tise fan ilss week. si-k. jDr. EN% ilug,so! Rhockefeller, s is atteudauilc. Mrs - A. C. Batîge ai MIS. J. E GI>nch, o! Waiucouda, speut Sunda>' wltb relatives bore. Mlies Ida Browvn, o! Weukegan. le assistiug lu caring fosr lion grandtitolen, Mrs. J. Ayasqley. Who la qaile Il4. Mlis Fannie Morse la eujoying a tva veeka' vacatioîn, aften vhich siée vIli agaîn résume ier achool dallem et Prairie Viev. The béat photos for the monoey et the Zurich Studio. Courtuey Bros. shipped seven'el cars of stock lait veek. The Exchange Corner people bave put up Mme signe. Separatoru j _We__beeu -put in tbe creamery this week. J. F. Clark, of Rockefeller, vas a Zurich calier Saturday. Addreus aIl locals to box 45. Muet be in by Momday niglit. The funenai of Mrs. Biermaui oc- curred firet of the week. Tbe butcliers' are kicking because everybody la eating eggs. Emil and Chas. Nckoley, of Long Grove. wene liere Monday. Arlington Heights Fiday. james Snetzinger wilI vurk the J. C. Whitiney place this yea'. Wm. Eichinan vas transecting bus- iness et Barrington Monda>'. The atone masons bave begîu work on a building er the çot]@L Wm. Ilinerlierg, of PalatineAs lus (wvn on business lest Friday. Fred Wilke had a nov building erecteti ou hie place lest week. load of lumber for a nov bouse. Our chIsernnebave neceiv'ad a ssipply o! vater wvieli vas mac i nedteti. epply te the ovyner. (22 W. A . GA ?iNKt. Gray Lake, 111. FRSALE TT lr convenlent te, depot, o ellas, von and clst*-nn, water i hUee, everytbing conveliient. For rticular., apidy at tbis office, or writfMrs. H.C. Morgan, Highland Park Il. (22 28) FAMFOR ALE-1571 acres, vefi improved, Good ImjdnstÉ.never- failiî.g sprlng Gond a"d Da Farin. iocated on sct<18 toue or Fremont, th i mles ot Wauesn- da andûve, lies w k fou., on Wis. t.R. N"Ten rodeatrou Scbooi B sud f orty rode han Bisckm iSbop. Termes reaaouablo. Enquire of Ovuer on premima. NiesoLus aurT. P. 0. Address, Wauconda, 111. Saw Dst Fr le. The udf Day S4j.jjestartet agaiii anti lies pleîslT Vdst nOW satîtndf 4000 ofetWOOdS. For sa lu tnies te Suit. tF. .Dy-uond. SmalI Farm pr Salé. Ou a scouut a!fasi ness I vent te .sehimylilace, 7a e tgoodibulld'- hugs, etc, ane ini sto! Liberty-. ville. Aîipl> to r on promIse.. 17-21e ro>Vox BaxE. Ileîry Riîckeusock, a former Zurichi-- boy. was lu town iret o! the week. $10R or a Do«. Spuntien Bros. sîtippeti e car (of liva rs-udy rl 0 ove stock lu Chicegu markets Monda>'. Libertyv'ille , Hall ay and Everett, lutenr y B etti es ad l.e t ini ere a black îand vbi unting dog, about il he cin 'bninessîti i el Ca months olt.i. nder vîi li e Pau inta. above revard delihtery o! dog, ai T. G. Fox le building anothuer ine ilt oFred ebroder, ietvlz cotg o ayrW fChilcago. (24-25) Johin Sumerfeldttlas nioveti outo tha Murphy f iri whcli lie yul %crk lIis A Goodc Bush a4s For Sale. year. Groeery', lirlasd ijes, GOMIb C. L. Iiockeme>er lias reivedth Ie Furnishîitg ( etc., k andi geo atone for thie foitîidation of!loise t ievWl lu a lit- oali wu of Labn reeiesace. couîuity, fo r e aet b ailn. Goal Irade. Bu îîem lan inspoctiosi. Chase. Koli lias piii-eliased a lot (,a For parti luares p the11wdition, thie leke fronît for * 400. W'hooîlI hie .C PADDOCK, his bousekeeper? I cal Estatete sudLoata Agent. []Jake Ilermathtie haressaker, Liberty'ville, 111. wilI enect a store ou ilîbertasu lAve. *- lu the l10cr future. Executore' Notice. Thea Ihingsten Bros.. Hlenry adc u i Iil IC NOTICE la hereby tveo tiatbte Christ, tof Buringlon, 11,r,,:t,,tlv' vis- and Ttamen't 'o' ChrWIan S=h Se ccaod.will attend th. i(al o iteil thoeir parents. V ouny~irir u a * b Do't forgot lIse grand Easter hall I... Srt lndaWo. et Ficke's Hall, Munday oveuitg, andwher Ilne a Ap il 15. See large bille. tent he ,saietaaii WetiodMai Lee Cevlr@u olora- dethof Miee selntfor br hein. lr- 'O'f' vIuoe A bouse vanining vas given linlte Farm r le. nov store aI Lakes JCorners Saturda>'. Thie HgIe>' fa -1 acres, stuatel Mr. Neidilardt il liconttict a getiaral hait waY letve enton Grové sel merchiandise business. Urayg Lake, sud lies north oh Liber tyvîlîs; Weil imp ed, undor goal sttta t Nov is lte tineta t gel yuur broken esitîvatiln. 'Noagete ]and, gond stScker boals out o! the lake sinco youu era 80 dtry terni. actve fstlî,g epnng and Sleutg cet-eleslu bave tIsant fruzen inth lis treain. Ten ibIheral! AppI>' ta E. J. ice lest cinter. l'osshhly toit c-ra Higley, Adan' ., Riseci, 111. tlaurisg uts lire wsrod Lu kitîtle chou- - dry. The laNDEPE DENT Office la in hape .1. C. Ilîans, orteriuîller, satys lise pro- ta prilI Sala Bills on short nottee., poses ltouos a tirsl-claîsa zuat msarket, Satiîifiictory work gîîanentead. Prem anîd willie î.eased lo u ipply tIse Iub- notice in lte palier witît every ortier.' lic w itîs tise hst fresî.s ait andti skett - uiaatts, lard, saulsages, risis suit uy- Trust? No! Psy as you GO. alOis ins esas, lie tvill put a tvaigiij Many o! our cilonners, vho wot1&4. son thse rrsads, csii. l'strotsize iim aud nel îhhuk of asking us 10 lentitAd help maistaulta a gout imarket liera. moue>', oflen ask tus 10 "book' a lob, ý Ouîr peopîle tire gromwiiarIe aussî nol îlîinkhnug thal ve bave te 'o a mtore ln the habit o! looking la F. B. for our stock andi cash teouf Lot-l, Liberty villeandut G. C. Robants, aven>' SaturtIa> night. We sbtte Ôj,' Wauconda. lnaggists, for,-thé lateet pr - vfr onok on « andti ofst>t veryîhiug lu théetirug line. nprgces nfor job n beftMv« , Tlîey sellI Clamberîaii's Cougit remedymni at u ttuui gp famotia for Ils curas o!flied coida, crup ollect Cash On Delivery, tua. t(' .and vhooplng cougli. Wben ln need t lprompUtiafter yard. lu y" uf suclu a mediciue, give luis remeti>'Dot have lteney t0 pqy trial anti you vili ha more then job vhen itlelu 4oae. aheasei vth thé resuit. vhen you give tAieo 4 aubacribe for the INsaNDs"f. e uaad-ea0" be. s Is Ind bmé«». ý (X-M

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