3logle t, la prum ola t Upra d"ha iàcffl out; aMd deoyen__" Ths Bebcp tbre* up bis bat. tlmy drsak, pedn adrose and witlh flushed faces went out, - 't Duie . Byd.Loal ditr ad Aent Adre CTomsn tUhrien W Fulert endike a Softly-unméiug fleeM e. bm mantfle me mbthe Prophlet'a face as heo i ame . odLoa titaan Ae t.nOe 25h23@on25 hlk i Hgland Parkil 2M100ueUr t4at uddcly rode a train Of Car- sid Iis, but fil dled &way Bcd the sentence o»TRV tn I lly9 23, to 25 li k A1 Hi l ag s ud hehicd tleIL a cav lcade , BOU eeded w ith a m en a ing uod. D Cchco"hou e je M c e w s 1 w MiesBesie . loydI, utîorîJames rpu Kelly ' ti pih 5tk o lîti e Putut f gilstening and whiteuug lue b. ue1raleg atand,"said Parla'. sruture, so low a talln mmght ay hie Uleatilt>ePL.ENd Is thrirutys0Lae uctl tled ...... .... .... .... ...........d5(e0higt sasthey came taPOn the Pateast .1te Aftr a tie the Prophet pushed the baud upon the eavew. ln this regard its ' furgtber notice. Advertillemeflts. ubeerlP- John IH Lealle ýtu Frances W Parker Pt lis oeeyon'B mouth ie some gigailo stage books froue hlm wlth a saisid ok. I01, comlpoition w» estrlkingly Mormonesque. Lt)cai News Items. 0 It~~~~ was a ProPitiOtas momentfrth Parléyl" be queried, pttig bimaecf ou the g fsige n caéad h of wlhleo thtîtprîeton i.. .,iame GCozuens 1e Trustee of Seoo liropbét's outrance, howevor unworth chant over bie aidé coat-poctet, wih a par- jW efeb ringesdd, phn ifoardsUicnroof printingloft ttelt44 12 1ts 2 to Il bh6Lake BBluff Holghts hWenirautahngnrqetnthsI ,,trelvéPrenat iattetion.î W d..... ... ..... .. ... .... ..... l4110hé and is mission, for ±he people et teceptiblé deepeieg of thé. sat.iated look as egofwmnitrg rois ih ____ Calotte Kllltg te Wvlllman Sanduatî sght set up B great acciafi. gichard, his fut band tOuched soméethieg thoré. "BY anroceio sf amellenoftering M normotion 4r jtao, grew lntéréstéd, and Ioclngdo w&wad théehi', have you a glanasnsu teméugar a c~iOii ictc atl nomto aBWthé froe al uarer.awan.....héagae ins i t iehanced to ho in progress. tbey Sîmpli' sav thetpnotoe Tront eilitutrtierntiw5rb- heedy, .ar.éyl. hoqueriéd ant sbsadjoîurned. It natteréilelttle anywaày. con- WiliamWod i seiOISI 11 a Ils C 'pIttilor .1 . .... P l,4 n ib l ueltetethé main attrétif0thé tOWIV J baud weut tunder his coat lapéi and brought suèticr'uu theé tetllectual pap offereti home est(f wl TIte o dh îliee thec a amart cavalcade. with ,,.8.OP *..Y forth ahlttlé hasit. Ho shook it up agarnst thnett unfortunatc auu.kùniga. tec 12 MiésMay anîd Elvia Gilluaîre are % tIiilz nPao)rk i...............b le and Dr. Duhtté lin a carniage et fitnfront, thé light. "Christopherfl" hé exclainîed, Tfpaeeavr it nid Mis ýIsi)T1 akI ....- IXOset eut acrosa thé valléy, Bnd meeting tâtai "but that's as eaean ad yller alas wa ven n ie.e. quite in t3îc Mormon way. The fliou- %as ltou tsci 6Maell g.. .. . .. ...thep rt' sorCdihtyu.Ezoh Thé'Bîshop's epression change.d insieut.- cf Natures nvefuruiiuhirg. paclkd solid by Mrw.sh i ie etorliedf.oul t *î%I 1a' i lîud ... . 1 .. .....>f. Arsan, thé iahope clerk, wheu idsmaster k froin uueasy expetaecy te mouth-wa- couctîcuta foot-8trokcsa uti, wnu- the City suiay eii.F.lik od i( I ,on Mus- addparty haddeparted, formdby ie- terleg délighit. "Uhuh, yen; lIl gît yen eprîtîklet. risug often litittle inAsk Your la. Mra. jantes Atwtell wlla ei in&m M'Ntaiîiuiî e u,î Mary C Kapp from oe trluuepharote te the otlter, ai turuéd ovér hi» chair. Hé did not wait te hv eiiIawy ebi bu h te er ckj eoeîg.I 1tel lu il P w dti....... .... .... . . 10%standing with haréd héada Bcd with flowéra rlght it, but waddling quicklY round theéfuorhuleI& oetwy ebbuîg 'ls'teawa '.ove c i y ott est i t f n. dî1 IeoIx:tt N T ltker and l w to Chares C in thétr houdes uad hair. desi te a cuphoard hé b oan fum blng te thc e oree u ntg teatun-. il hi g at e hr c o lvira Dr. Wigtuol] Oufe'Mrc. Ï ( o t(hîtquapîi w. ... .. ...... Iwo Présetti'thé Propht's traie rOiled ilb.."I've got suthin' here," lhésaîd, pant- wid;ie~ttd tdeel poxn te groiti, aiec y Mrs. i'. Wituioe, i quit sick .1 al il w te. Blida LivlngstnIt 85m iowly up the stréét. Thé whole populace lugly, lhat'sfair, but cothin' lîké asfilue obvions enuîgh wheuî the lt-lis ofhilrec Julius Clriteuseuî went te Liberty- fh 2 J $i'tiiIl'. Fteth t u i..~ etéaiyséudsamugtée c ookin, aarticle as, thaât iuyour hanti, Près, e inte settîcunnt were lkn l l)Ien dl White dowe thé lace froue thé houge Echard SaW i dectîîîlutte- Mm ville on business 1atWedtîesday - KOa fthr hsteIl, e ob t or ppérluLlvta 1 Icoutit. Indeet in u Moruiiotît bUl.c o p preacott Clark calléd on frientis at %ifar)- latdie to Edward Be yce e% swlei séétttlg more orant thanlettf woet, acd hi me a case of thiset wèok," sail thé Mur- ar uhîuea:ty téay ,,~..... lat week. mii a~ ewt. 11511tie iIii nw face lt up wth joyfui axticdptlOst; Yé5e radeam saau h ls bî up.at uie ie g Evanetoîsad ukgulstwe. an l ws4a mn.istet t *sain h îaksîin11O adbrie lee 'W 4 2 0 » W d ...........4" 0gly hateneg te métel the mac *hoe ga t the light. 1v got a collar full cf Mrntuascu hyvt i aevo Mr.IelYWlsaddatigbter 'dîîrtlmerlotgkinstoILeuluta Hdkn g dadfasehood ha" broken hlmtt, hmdaglaf hs beuPautoe e' bt1do orino .UI. iiti tayve tut el hé Bien^ were iniiCîcago on business at - swq saI.atidi tîivle' nwis stctl 1.4310 lai hiwfe lu a loceli' grave mog sarahttue l- i ahété oi, o edrsavé matie wouuais s vaton "rday. Eizbeh d thé oh Soerptls lvn b e, clet ebs hld' boo k " l; - eranllpaieéPdpetu..lun large part upolthéecucher - Jateswa tîegust "0uS diand teI l S Sutîderlin st lead0 Aste a' J' '-"of hodies site furnîshes thé spirits yameetj C. s w lstetnavreover s Lttle' Fort wut t............. ..........i As thé Prophte OB"rYage, tI e est In 1.7 as hé pianid glassés anti sugar mnd thal watt ta page thueugi tisexoige- amer Mis. C C.ai etta j lirn(ylimrc the Torritori' and drawn bi' four whte spolneson the table; "thé beste aller& théeonce te thé iet. l'The iuposition siui P jalld, We bl t oJ Kanya ato herbes,etored thé throcg the people bt,thtinkil" H seemeli toe chi expressible. Tient night lifterlte Prophtes &mdav. i t - vill ff e L ittIé ot 2 tells....................partedt and steold wlth uecovered hosaie. in grai part, upon both grammar Bdpo eît hoeeptociisho s a JonCurry formerly o (tir illge Thée or ........ou ...s..3Mw»aawethOr-be@Ata, &su-cueclation in thé presecce of thIbis g olden a hdaoek.,thé sd ec bailhi n réal uow of Waukegau la wot-kitîg 0o1J.- W. eré- el ti1y0-l e'4ué' 1 burt eue, famUiir with the so14 sérvlltiî, oee1 bt férabupr raw hécl oot. u aylook.Te keawthallt-eon r ant 6~'12w .............. ............. .........sudbu payle bgpe o tw thtvoe-moHèreil(, ell théfdwmmcgee.ran Ilook'a newtbe d.iWillisoB Gîweentaet aIrtiEhiaha Cymae Roksnwbr iisHGlete lt lsaCWr, amoug thém lutnwhosee ar(od whispered th d lo or th e pt muid s tniokc Bar-à UEcéINO TB I Any miat.akb inl itemis at any time, vIti wi 4 &Î12 w t ....... .... ........410 thé secrets of thé hésravansd théearuth, fao'bek laitesoai-e asig Ihèt ivadette RAIO TRTA avili cheerfully be correctetl, if t h ie ha W' Proctor tii Stephen Taylor otste héy thought; who aaw visions anddbhad ce- . avre dt, aciiai-ook oian d gritie '. -- ---- iluiy scribe. 1i2 ndt3hi 8 C F Wright& atititu Li letareveatioca, they were tAught mcd he hand Ibèraeua gouthori cutie ofache oaeswl oiY e W (who,. ....e.y..k.ew, vme sthé spirituai and loe- .Tébi7wsèee wl ryr oJ air utf agea Lake, leas Belr- of mical Raticp teGeorge Antes poaidictatar of thé land lu whdci the 11 iesîîîré hc ~an North Canial Watrpue fC t:t;ea444itlw ti300 pond> swa e -andi that xîgbt Piri.lte tisgusititg pastime -r throwe front a cot eule day recelîtly lived. Thé rud arybalet eeda ycung Otan %va k cld caie CHICACO. ueoeVî»g sone quite serions bruises. - ~~- tham go muéof bonns Wçrouslegit. - thé flier. c andftalit e tani-ers were ré ig huée FIe and Mande Il den,0f Read otir Subacriptlon Terme aud Th le ahe, -o tS m« 4with drunkeneus. Quite ail ufth11m were .AIMOI, er pésnt ord sgovere youreéif accordlugly. YOU lreai5,0 togaéssc,- nembene cf tite.Mormion Churcit but tnut ýywill save f rom 25 to 50 cente by pay- hard, arbiané. austare, or palskiasté, mc- *wr hitat iir cto hr r wt fllemveral musical aelectiotî Monday le Inadvance. coroieg je the demanda of tâta moment. iluplénty. but neyer ('briselitMurniocc thé *venin. kg .About thé moutb a ilook of firmasta6a"ddé. béhifs of thé latter vanid tlite holl ren- Bd Hook will flot retr oEas i mi uld s Et- gether in thé caméebéant. to frth ~Igtemof school, but fe'cnlyg aei.--Mormnotîsm uste t a religton: thosé fiue, t S o tlo Lteri bsl u ,are m uî d e tr op d o ispiritual law s that tuankinti. cftar cé tu - l a e g t o d ri e b u f o th e G ar illi r TIE A N , w l t t o ws o th e sm a n d rod e draw a *rie n f sifti g . hav é f u nd p itre . go d at it ée flot lnd ivearnted-ORet Sundaybsg d oa rc.hé msoil te w a am- bottt cf experiences are iackttîg.A shuf- of MORMON'Smednex Sndré lss n iraIrcn l " Wlaof fling anti repuisive assuimptîcut of wership TH M R ON AUH ER eaid te ai isb u héir hee t" - 5 llu of le put tforwàrd hv théeitriethoot ce ail pub- à bell ri»ng n eyour 6e1078-It ia uly traie passed tbrouigh the humalelamne Oéi'__ Aclie Occasionis, nu malter how se-ular and un- to remînd YODufthIe Sabbath and that A R«mantie B3tor, of Lite AmoM e tosir mestreistbeore the Prophiatte ad41 qu£ea. :_ hou'y. Worehip la vulgaruzed. and ife le tleéa is vaant seat watiug for you the I«to.Da saine. ebldren wsling beloette, m ariage ",oftA aX".OF 00n on. TUyAKR ITr rnTlargéhl ntîtafixéti lu au the éwha réglons, in 1the Lord 'abe sdtaty are strswed hioomm sloag tlé grcussilto per 5MA5rLT. where the contact land rt'étrainticg plO5ie - a bu welcome 10 attend lfuma the mairm»d s a mth ualngwhsie. webbed conditiont of i intellect. as ,itb cf the grilltworhd lae carcéhv fait, this aeeîc Bitr n3n7g.ALVA MLON EllE. eeou the iurb Un tthe g m iW» éYtuenmét liabitu" ariekere, seéamod improvei. fMature turemoet teward one. Tiiere litin lVéf hertyBy n lmait Upe ~ me éliOtt. Ii Yoag ookdathlmkeéni',as é Ieisétifrlgbtful. At thé beet il is a hom-detrey-- amisconcert morig oedyeeiit wsa (i.tsi il. iigbutet oI II OIU&l ongloe t îunls eliihd g eystem. a àlust-engecdering. ove-aceul- ~ Th onotModyevun wsathe traie wee mes willameWh " 69bu sMB thie aotiraseomd tembier. hng. béant -puliutang cone. but Ibère iflài succSu Bt ilpte outiadruadeanid ~Mcd agade beau wet 15111buffas bléo0d. "F-Ior a mam cf Ood i'outaire to it reti bruîtîng anti steUwafyeg. Tierelhfe, ikie oiffloeincy of weatber. Sonne of théeOsnîg5ù. 5Ce. AU5, d et .i.Lvelt MBenosle msdatreock W Ui mdte lis- . k udal ,fh, ei h n tie t estv pr g h res vere mnable to ieopresteuit; but bel hééem i ver. d hiat vt U é »emsrbli' dmg heigcu P rl"hélahd n . a pd ia otfétus upwlard for te, iaduahîe are r-o ' ei W tila rmsnin tumbers vere Weil CEAPTER V. s»Ub* ' lilos er,- r 4ffi .ao Bisîm tboe a ng baiste blg fr 10hift D thvu u Oerite f a a rintehlpe doultPo r rd iémdered epca -te op rl y TUE commet or POP Tusa é shm hsPRé0ecsm o n151 iliacs5,"owu l lhhs' pn lef nitutehepesl.bu crdtl ue Thé Mormon Propht me mkdeg h.oue.slw P- le U pCa nSth- hséfUthebldit e brcht whoopé"' anti hé lu tic dankeessansd the lith. Yiuth te it w l p yyo have let whîo grls Muci edpt idte uanaltour through thé settisments of tUn .uta,1illéof 0tiélb M*09Unir '11-S" hébonde l Ogera lubo the Propliét'e ritemcnd uddied titrougit al l s feebehge by prerept il a n .Whié itory, sudotas bcokétpfor to-da &U MM ttfk*6 P5Obét hlli5élf "h1 mmiSU éSyPu vttlaughter. anti exemple, anti bécomes a hiite-buting hrove wo)rk ts uperiiîtendtedrlsXooekIw»avstf mrlnddioat wlucb îmeded ranchi attenîtion, teu. btnt tirdtheraseives wth tfo ret ee sa an a Buppy yur tmil witt god rad-dama lu il& mticipaation. Paul Hchard, ton, mdc ted, with a itori' clotted hi' crime thé lrophet, limklcg round, a tbîî-k anti bèatîng auipti-ri Suply ourfamly ith900 re -wseoutftheflrstt dee hie unéven aléaliegaoh, i'e, 1Ite ta, filemtwheîî wè aia. t uiing tte t.blaiti. ,Iiîi-(keing tno Times, enables us to make thé follow- aauofg thé picea oe thé alopé aboyé thé lectivé neck his brutal foM rlustaiagrO. Brother Young; just wate in if you féel bopele,. beut i'ruîuisc suity ai w o Ing Th reentcutlu riceo t bseesati, rre thulon icig, eblus mort - a aé tt in rpime ane, o n wbo'romte ed- come l" sl alti Ac elaiatt. p lleîu hurigit es Ihcîr i nta Ing uneurpased Club ofr emousg s ireii hélntéllu mr-gtf iliond p Hjedtakofrteoue e ry "Au-umnitnderstands the bus ioiog ewt et té illage. Afvrmu ac rme tto h éal i *Well, one glass more wll do," eau ite Mcs-y. Tit,-iceh -1t.1hiili. iai piluer- fureisb four firut-claes tîmiers-Thle séémèdtu tpervadé the tboroughfare t itigvaevrscu h eite erProphét. 11dou't nevèr let te stafget fui.,i-nttutes tietis îsîv. andtîîi.reitutoces Lak Coiit IDEPNDET, hand Théabid f e c. w aen stagiihletatby yéar, for th. fend wus éntrlyin lubisthe bestof me, Parley; 1aienttueképîon top. are passedth iroug loi aittha takitaI flCn(_sS LaiteCoutty IIflIENDET, Cicag) tat itpen n twnalienslagghghales.bauts, sud durleg bislilfe asesttléméu% Was luen'frali yen are gott.îng c ltlt 10ft-arve tîiîu u uici uplITéiu iaver' onîavening teute numb anqsiéepi' uever maté, and erected a reaideecé ie with it, aiu't youlf Muet look out atidtactgel Iiug fittns îof ibts grave Thi.iraiy are yerfo ilywa veveri' coceitérabie tewn le thé Teariteri' us lute troublé,. mi mtî.11 ciaketi wumb reliziliti. andi livet.%biedtig. *.0O Cash lu advanee; or wo wii B midmoring twc triomphal trrcee andi put a "wfe" te t; batl farmes andet mus Don'tye.u fret, dent you fret, Brother eswngaeonitil'eadpwr vereeru acoasUic tret mte eénanti t.ovramuetbonds. sccretly boughtt Youug! I neyer let ilget me dîîwnîAcea.searpérsuaihiuiécn.uv sustetneuhpon tuggon the same larmes,thi e spg g titébore Illey t a r an ftimadel g-keen.'uii lt ies tésl tmwls, Oeatpsedofté twining vinies and îl ooming sprays, wmcurtai uteithé blun et 1like itweij eeougb.but l'mn kus'rfuI, Bretit thé falseandi li-herous heurt I ente cf IjIes Ie 'rmOes' Monthly oute dandi hoartng légenda cf iveloome wrouh nbshen flving; badt celliuûu Of resu- orYoungi, l'In kefuh, l lsn sperstition. feur. mlitr.muid a Pue i- hiwea:onlie ti -ai plalatial for thé lame, t ait al ke t"WhaVe that" astçe.d Y geiu ltng guilet fait. itid the"o extrcuuitîete lté al arm Neya toi ail who settie top Anoinleti!" anti on te citer -Thé Lod'sCity, Witte more th"a dtozen wivea te ing attitude." Parleybîie-ougheti cndi lark- kuavtsh. pr-iI»stl.J hoih. wltit'it tîlie 1- a a an arrarages nd îamy one yemr strict- Prophet ta Our- King" Many cf thé bouse- gu-aest or inhrathr d ct-.ouad, unthéen Ovs e' reci epet.tht-tv tituîanîîi uember, withiun île catit- C.M. & St. P. Ry Tme Tiable. 4o fronts, toc.,ivre maté fino with floral gréé- lrétc bc ébi or u uttei "h e;Le rahi1 iépoIeinketi -hin.Thtis s IMorni,)itîîsu a white f Iy cash in advancc& env and wlcomung tovices. But ail Iis wasethé affara of Utah totashieown gain anti over n te méetiti bouse par;k J t batllaî-ery. c fair fiuust ice and iti îeit. A (41%.0NOROTH: Do___ ~.--nt quite se sponitaneoua as wouit sem 51r; batl mc oath-iaount baud cf reti- Arsén put up a pIatfonm Ibèere. tiin t housandistaîtîs epti ts hial.iry. a titousmutiIarm. s.m. p.M. P.M. >p» RO LN .Bshep Parléy batl necieieiinotice tif thé baudet tele swbo lu thé aulnc ofthé Lord tbey'd expedl soeé peakia'titis aftep- aigite brealte 'uer i. i- uit tliugi t iIi-lé Chieo. .av - , 5St1i46 t10 4f comieg of Ibis mme whù ruîeuithem te evri'drl i wy ihhervi tt i cu. on Ibîusanti l-ara.les iiaon tan nover Sitermens illtel l m 52 3 Grayalake sensé, sud knew fuli weîî lieeigecomies, wiie i'ear sfvér year hé rode *iYes, tta's rîgitt. '-h at u- fu stlftte- nî èa sterlieht m' 34 lei m 40 '1»4~ houaak e nshé and kew fllteti povte, emt hû amcng Iis péople, a sert of laelu iéat 'é'agt hv al tutBo ;rch o l shahwtfor tre t ers«upEverett t 210 28 2 46 161e àUnorSays vo are tu have a Ibotter hooraehy bis wmcte ituIrovdand fbs oi- Paln ieadlv rne ohv al nadaoesalwol rair tu onutut 10 i 5 eloel hi On ad heintreta f isaol "t-king, briegies thé Almighty'a vill thé scbool-bouse to-nightt for te brettrn agmlncl lita future inîî B icl.ptesrv 0 LauurVILLE . oli45 .... £501 low fraude kulget upolet. lcucétmg ttentdirect froue Hie mout, Took il thé @st& oul anti batl er ganhantictisilence. Wrrntac S 5h 3(0 'Clair. C. Etiwarîls t is hme f ronti owsad thon a bitter intile flittét mroe auh mcd antih bi bIlý uo aawrh 4lu31 ~ap~ts.th a fthepl wthckag h lun u s goac.m os who-ýe"adteBso y;acmist, un wbtch tite niQuiitalis sîod Ruseeli'enrlvei 9 1t, 3 tu MIs Mtiem le viitugba a er.u iteret adéItlitI aile atil héfore Bieitop Pariys bouse. andt '-i- brhedagmin. îhedina eraîtîîg aemfmtV"ly eavh i (uNî OTT BIIIIiy MieMary Mde s iiig a ertain , ntet a tht ha t e- iug thé Bshop'e profferot haut hé tepped ThéIle Propiétlaugie lu a e sni *r-upon the werli. ThéairKseéniesi tloggétmiamP.. C ccualadh acedi.Tesii fad s-aroely respirabîle. a strcuîgé thiug im maa. u.pms, c Mandate tbe ity.ri îiéa suffocatlng miel hung tr tw c ié ruemdwt aatilmmbryorciinamcug théelUtait nîootnlîs.Wheî Elihard Muisa-Il S 3Si 617 SU lr.C. W. fuitni iiigathèse moultaus valys; toee lh ileW glow of aem gs esiic n bs 1acbé "nWeil, that liquer ' yourc. Président, in woke Treàns imter 'astrampteg ut anmud edýOt WSUPsci. lwes tlrgwnan punch;w hé couitlva ased atlyotiake arrenhtoct, reteewin 1otWareno a 1 8661 1thé arlately.peseddon yitîl y cgdwn. h a ehé LIBRxgTYVaL1E 6 10i 30 ... 1280 ... ril9 lira.. Kinvisibleiitig t tem. pour dupes, te feellte grap of bis fat on, lu a husky wblsper, layîcg bis inger on béant of lte monter a ite dance, ton, anti Rendent 6 20 4 .... 12 40 à6 mc wégî.amiho<mx alogwhite baud, thé luve teucit of Ibis well-féd thé Prophct'e kuo, Ibèeres lhe lnest girl wasrésîilesesuit stileti. Trean batllnet Revértt 6 5 '4. 1244 àSa f. A..1 Lotar l beaitg rtîmîdbréath andmatean invciuntary movemetit annmalthissiulessbeingwtO,theY'thOughtl up theércat a piéce itère yc ever saw; a beau Ibère; hbc sglati cf tact; noithér Sleruerviîbe e6la:16 2M M il8 Àk.J.Leturd s rekig gotnd01expulsion. walluoiianti taiket with Co& .hactisoe, tetI sottof Young 'coman. but batl lle ébeen wtt lte rost tegreet thé Chicagoi. arrivele. 16i 4 00W lom anot.her îe os.A asmooth wlnd was moving te balslunic H feltt ewéeymcl h e-soier anti stattehy lite. titat 1've bue imin' Prophet ai bis coming. anti hé stook bts SUNDAY vt lira.Cîmurhîli dward us Isimg spires cf the puies tol e a-hea c hoU51bgroat fltoty, sdali, ceveri' alter, tloil lHéte baveassiedtet me for semé time, but sbsggy béat witb trouble. L.Ltotvic5O e&.atuBph masses of snowi-pure cloutis were brémkun g patte li ee sies utpecther béaofte mcdshé ruthértr temuueothé colt ahoultér. 'd After an oppresivebreakfast Elchard Lv.Llbert> ville 9:l0a. LAr etman II, . ; bu mson at Grays Lake. open aI thé zénith, lémvng vast huine boes, bssniu netéee a hle te t tyou te belpe me c bit witb ber, wénî oul, ant i wth a suffocating sesé Lv. Citîcago il 15m Ar1U='rty0flà.1111 Ernest Phillilp, of Chilcago, calied bdil-e WsWni c e.rkigbeor dedthO, anwho d the ka0Gim Btsntguth attt lmeih ees o~ann~ Lv. Chicago 1:45 p. m.ArUhéLibnvIte 111:14Ii thémn patabes cf lgitI slept upon the Mouant- spirituel kaugdom bore, and itciet at will in aIputher weak-kmaeed, l'un'f raid.'tint, anti cl' for m îéw yards about cout The Postoffloce lias not been moved. aie sites lite thé white steep cf Heaven utalle the spieudors and mysterieni of the tac- IWeUl, l'm goiug te preacit te-morrow, u)bjectabhédsictliy seon. Il w» loir w IguorsmyIl a oirg t, he taio osoén worlds. But wbee hé tootd ulae1 sud Vllai'dowu thé doctrine for 'eue on breathin« Ibère, howèver, anti héafai te .C.nt.R. R.Time Table mec âH it it ih hatefuluese 1tBauop Parley's office bis browdarendséveral pointe. Yen can tell ber l'va sééc tinking of is uccaret for affaire, and boy 00150 HouTa. Vred Croker. wif antd dattghter, of lHe feU te - tudylng for a lime wit bbis bis li'es grau, barildc ced, sud hi& leaSéiirvI hteé m csa éme r'mdg o bunotlgcm u 0 .,utterance: I"Bisbop wbat's thé mualter wlth . frt eaintaaela l ihame tyad oo we ord5 ae 1 1- in *ý V Idbertyille, isited ill Edards eywuptouthe grond, tuning ma roundbrighit star dunZVont acd that ts héer duti &gain; thén of thia sedad Aet beau....tafui9 girl. m . Librtviîe vsiet WiiEdars yestaonth gouttuntg merondthé tithieg fa-cm your Sta"l tl l hsrhly te héoséadette you, me one bavlng a5toty it'thére le thé muiitt hlow hlm. 1lould all ia- psùl - w ..... 13,a - --1 Bunday. ~and rotudtelora hlm with au oye te Ihose frouehi&ilips. Thé Uiod-ie ele hait goe; t..itbrbo.i. lc0l9h vrtta aoonadl lire. Caisus Doolittie rturned h.g at adreturnedtutahimel-a brusque mcd come." w ààlathén msileat'tO theRocLeler.. . . 5 9 1M* Oea bclelait wk afIer v*sti ' 'riendgréody cletrof tithes. oitbcm el e iilo lta lUn.....9201 $940 aa hue s i îie rluaicllce thake h Brother Younug. shekelIYou're aùttadtela a nd1Hers p-dé .maBea Oit>. D~~~~îJ' ~~~ -j. Parley ck.ed the.doter. WirtlIa crésas s tianees ibéif te your servante," mai41 the aat ct bts u érs i961 S8é.04 0 la .theCy. vlIrl e îtirh celrin bléal cuetealate and a par- iehbop, ieélhigiy. GeuoOT. 0 oln wl euetorcpil wligci Un tarit sacta imiter 'Yes, I tnow, and 1 éxpect yei' ou 0k IGSO s.u.-.. mp Iaffilu neit holiday after a i to'éeta u ac mechiecf Ih lte beetithes préty closli, tia, IPar--C V&laM--&M. 5lev coule iourseélf," thé Prophetavent on, "or "Y-e, certailhi; uew ,criJeYl"Iql'at......8487 0e tic 20 .. W. underimd C. Dloolittle le about ' Arme s' yenare let 'ledieg te your tait- "avey oci ftUn eiders coueselétber 10 r ......- . 4753 2 66OS M m 4 " ~l' 881ia.. oeectt-unsnew bare ounlis faru ilihé,BoU1Yoe, éUr, alt"r' iy-ul"quereéthUn PrpliI.alo.vs- tiVi0....4 os 881 118 .. asar Lahe.Pariey, obbeq'àously, as ho a ddieiluo; forwmarb f'f a o .I ie fftl ..:: - abO« é,àl8 1e .. 'We were glad ta. aee our oid îîeîgh- 9- -2 e élthiuéi v' collécteti a I've talité ta behr faUnule, sde of cush 50.6005tI 1 St loc«fllrê T ..srVésLéao 8pm. b«. ,Walter ,Godfrey. and dauglter Alî - f 3r -..V tentât part 0fetvrrythlng they've ptousd :in*_j Bté_sAlab, bel sA_- asit J (jin ôuh rineae O /Litfà:_ -