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Lake County Independent, 24 May 1895, p. 3

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The Bal vrs orebvIoWy aiEj her fait frtheson "ad hoir. sud oah. was for the tinte unallalniblie. It woulti have been but a word, or atmost - a bried hall hour by ber aide -andi thal probably wlth Cecil, or saine eoauty of Cecll's on the otîter bide. lit voutti b. andi deliberate conviction. 19i9 but that if bc iront on the secondi dayz *ovu feeling for Geraldine vas and on the eveuîug of thu secondd a" .- of the calmeat and steadiest. Ho hati the ladice wavae te rettiit i town. He always beeu fond af her-as§ a child ihe decidedti t stop in townî. tut lprescrit bealiseen hec- open to liprree *. imacîf i l ount isti-et dur'iug that and lha aaw lier oînnt lrrennte av1n i ng. Dow; but he admii-ed anti vas attracteti, The moment the cclalon liat been aud the fact tiret the match would be aritied at, it assitrcd afoirn thattmade one ta please lis parents anti alteria un for ail the paiït. Bah. the idua of *did flot in any Wise dott-act frian its teliinz a lave tale amidit the i-oie andili n-eritaln bis layes, as sucli facts [tavee i-ot of that horrid place, beneatb a Il been kfbwn e do.scorching suni. aîîd sîtlr-uildt 1 by gap- 'T Batt ellendeîu hall in ail pi-obabiiity i ing crawda' True, :ho hall incnut ta n idea, of a match ut ail. Bllianden %liait, andi hait bopati foc the be-tt-for watt not a mairyiiîg man. lie hati a sortie oî enir, Borne chance invitation manar: [t meant notbiug. H1e hati whivh îtight le-ad ta a twiligbt spent emplo cd it with Ethel. anti it huad in ltaradiýe, 8uppoging .1ru t ~cîa -~ rutle herandi ber mother. Hie vas' for instanc-e. hudtlros'ed tae b3 a goodu. nov making free with Geraldine, and i' fatucati, lîopitable valuant, anti lie had CnAPIIER XV.-Conttnueo.. she, foolisb chilti. vas once agaiu fauit- one ba k wîtb the patytoTlielawnt Weil diti she.recollect the suiden inir luto tbe snare. Watt it for hlm tc But this htale hati faded aav a din# blaze of chillalh fui-y vhich bati risen iand by andi sea bis dear. sweet. love- the long, hot, fiaittes searech. andi at vithin her breast vbeu Caci, galty able cousin thus trifleu with? Assuretily tire close of the day ho had feit hln-ý tauct;ng, bad avtsPerd about knghts Dat. sli.bo re 0t a'oentertained wbo loveti an 1. rale away. ers, his own CATRXI it. l'ho littie balcany tir \Mottntati-eet. reeftment bal been avakeneti by the COPraXI. r, iui<g thne bine pats- of ielti daisieii preductionhtaving beençertled. Ceci YOr ARlE A PATIENT MAN, 91R1FtEI woiild do ai veil as.,ao- botter- than the. lied beon right, ana illehe been EliItK. laîînks. of the Tharnes, wrong-auce. Wbho vas ta say'lihich 4If Geilndine adtionly kuoon wht >t wouldandi 50 it might htant vou a bc the truer propbat ruuw s<as passing in tbe younig mans îîieastt donc. haed the o la.er not been anticeN of one tbing, bowevier. Geia'dine ISire fanei, as people have dîue, Pted. vas clei- abe net-y eninestr de&iroti andi v Il do to the end of lime. thrat It iale for sonne people, eariy for %bat ( e il laynuond liboula not lie. wbatcvei- migbt be lber oaan doubts otleI-o >n brief, it iras past r) o'clocl< avare o' hitifr i Beliatiden had ai- an f ear.), emations anti agitationîs.v litit thte annourreement o! >rl Fred- ready gat- how oiten thte two hui tty ver - aa'ely hitiden in the [ne-, cri k llcllenuen's Dame madie Gerai- met, eud Io what extent they bal ait- i iost recesse-,,of ber beart, sature frian dinh' start firn the chair int whih vanted in u lîtiinaey. She nevoro nn- estrry ana's ken but lber owu. it was he hadt throvn boi-self toweau' aut the tiondi to bat- ousin -jic Frederi-cks bei- one comfaî-t that no One-n ;t reinninderi-oa a wtetceeidayàà. She liante. She looketi as unconsciaus as caren bier pour dear--dreameti of thaoso itad i ot dicamedohiaihis. et- a! any one's elle cotuti if lie sacre casually rae i-ied nightlv miings anti the daiy str-ug- coîîîîng lun lit that ho ni-: ant iber heur tby othaî-s. Anti if @ho kuawlha go.ani hat Cecii, Ce. h 0f ait p.Oe. 1 ilbaitliet-tOunloosati. let- bat, glavea. voire to be nnv pliace at any fleuc on t'eil. ta wrkant ahb ail so long beau. anti lirasoal tlîrown dowu auyîrhci-e, tire iatI'lu for bier andi ieady ta oin afler-heî mauner. sali. et, of wha-e ani ler- landter-chicf, ivet tht:oiîr ber. hhe i"oild hooner bave givon up o pitton elle stili hani a caiti dreadt. andi ati thiaugît, alloweati o dr-op by beu- the tbeeting alto-etber than thave bailfor whom êthe stili entertaineti a ce*--ile. as-, aile .anet iber lushtidface ona 4~c othot' bide the piavinate of lici tain uneasy resýpekt that ('cil abould upon fe baatu, thinking avrr ail that youth. bave made the tumultuains upheaval of bal ukan pke. Wîtb a heavy heurt she nom, pe- 1ber saulthte subjen-t for bis cajin. dis- I Grauuy hall reticet fatr the nigbt. retid for a tira taya' vi, t aIAunt 1I pussonate dissection. vaulti bav-e been stillIl moi-rin out anti extiausteti: fîtr il W1s. Sbc knew basa it vo'd bco1sufi.eilctt to let us sac what itit i da the' family gathoi-ing hall not been a ,hcît ,,, gottlidt-a. Site coutti ali-el when the tiiglîlful tr-ulibba-st upon Ut'5 anti bath sbc and Get-aldined bear liir tira auntut vhiîîperings, ant iber. hat is,'ued froîu t as t Weua, tn dis- n tiik the îniiunaitrcanueti IAil that day Cenil was an the wa h. gia-e. i ant th plîtaf ha-espgineci-arnIHis baud vai- the one ou vbich she I 11r twa dauglitai-s bati alika restant- il M I. Foi- Mi--. St. Gea:ge havlng no hail 10 depcud for- supîport, auehe fully lîcîti lier et ai-m'a Iceith. Mafia % cildu-en of ber own, andi being we!l steppeti athace tpon the L;reen batik, lid-ul ectet iber ta questions and il afleî-teul towards ber nieces anti ueph- so veil knawn at tienlev, whe.ae the commienta, Charlotte ta innuicudoes. 1 enrâ a biencrieland Cecil Raymond inlufavntre-ti ew are î,eî-nittad ta excite She hati seeu thamin terchangeY pacticutar, woud te only tac muah the envy ai the multitude. vbere tbcy glan aes nov antd agaiu an the tecoli- otec.oyed at belng caliet inluta assiot can feact spaciousty anti luxuiousîy, L.iîiai er replies, and li hy degrees bin àCt tis ail-imîrortant juneture. in the long, col grass baneatb the Ceta gi-asp the situîntion in ail its Caoei vatld b pauretioffaivtb bis ishada. unenctîmbcrcd bv the vuigar, i detalati, anti topenetrate intothe se, ret cousin aitltir dner-lalale. in the boat. andi viece they can at case promenatie Of thîe dîspîcasuce vhichbilte hat ibei-- lut the I nuhuon party, thraugbout the prescntly. unt ostiedtr y the clamorous. sein incurrei. It hati becoîne plain thal entire sa-ocediîgs. Sbe caulti Pio- Ceci vaaslis cousjins escort lova-t intaie wat, 00w unaer tooti ta o ifuavor-t phetîcaily bcào'.d bim carryîug lbar the spot irbere Aunt MNarias veli- able tut the shters' views. It Iinti hali- sha l andi fetcbing ber parasol, wait- traluet servants hati aI-catis aimost'came asritull obrioathat thoce views Iug for lieu- if site vere t;ebiudband, .aitpleti thiroi temptiug ai-rang-e- hiit met irittisoea r-et andt unex- anti ivitinir fer nuoanc aIse if sibe ere mautri. wbai'e thea lamb. anti chicken, t>t(:redl chec-kt iu fi-ont. She knaw fot- wiat purpause anti lobtter. and Falet. the salmon anti1 \Vhen the bouc facdeîîaîtrroat ai--1 lc lied liagbt a vhite cottan caver cucumbet-, the îîle anti the pte vece rivet, sha anti liai- charge bati heen foi- lits unîlitelia. an t aliuot faIt its repcitet uop antidavu the auiowy table- ait ricre teI a ereithouît an>- of thoee abade bofora abc bad erer seau ft un- cloth. anti vhera îthe champagne bot-cheerul praoticat:onud it pleusant fatlad. ties vwere i o ta their neo-ks lu the ica- irorda and i vieana ution suaih o.ý- Ail prot t-i correct-ouîy 1on correct. puits behinti the ti-ce. 1 caians. Thace bati beau rio littie bar-. XI was Cecil bat-a anti ('eil there. jusnet Gea-adines place va-zsaiectat iun the inZ attentions ant illtterles. anti a- ba bect anicipctot. Ccli a diest corner. behiati which thece scat-cely lavoira recapectabile show af directed te look after the %Iount mt-et aai a niche: flot yet taeh tliet up.but tesa.te ta ber î,wn thanks antifat-e- luggaae cran at the ialaystation, [uta which barne anc vautti by-ant by Weluisteati. there bal beau an omi- - and ho look. ther tickets anti fouud [nser-t himacif. borme ane vbo waases aaslne oeiglaa nicl thaî- -mîirtmnt ubaquetlv Haopenly anti palpably ber cavalier fat- kises anti Cecil liad becu uavbci-e te it vas Who Oak .on the box-seat o! bis the nonce, tbat Dno ta e I h îbr lhefount. auts a-rnage, looklng dowvutrack- youug men o! the Party tut-st so mucb That bat]i nfot-meti bel- of the wliale - ws4juts.oiu ou tut vlw ati hatas aller ber- a piece of bread, aithan gIh trutti, anti Cei-aldina,s.-heu tasket, bat tb'ewa oiethlaaiietent Dot al ven saught tato deny[t 'N'es. it atbywhirleti aug the tiusly lunes. ia sg-an a uinieiCd anti bis baud vas autstretchati te heip vouiti fain have doue mao. r asas; gboy bt atie blteif Ceilc'- thein ta alight ccc any assistance coulti> noDitandebvent ta go ou tohe ruer, Thofrd uceo en r e Iig roaaldt-rty i-nde. lha lie~~~~~ Ineei a î:hohigoeCal v I-in anIti ba rvcany gt h batobent Ceci watt toit off ta show the cousin, ha vauld ti a 00pi-tiatita lkaber. r tua' cnyrngtaeuae1 wbo vas a stranger. the beauties a! NO? Woultisite prtec tbe Guards' - ber eycs. She i t dever knan'n Ce- the sbady gai-ten. witb itscool retreats iticiodurte? The -'istbmian" inlc .suc1 cil Raymonti cate in bis lie. WVhatf The uuLrrian wer plain ihebouit bie bcrilfor Dow! anti î-stling weter baniks. Ce il bad hun1ran3ee iyngi .n -icatise 1 cotuid not ngiee iiti t t ahrfor ber the evening huttîtu- latter. but aithet- incleanre vas open ta baie frram bise ut's ttower bats.Anti bier, as Cecil bad passes foc both. h n nd - ue od it c a Caci vas adi-isedti tatake bac out un! Whet vas she ta Bar:' Any încîasuu-e py anti a alanterer.'l then bat bulat1 the lîtte bhast that ouiy haidtwotva ter Ibrut incloact iher. anà axciîtiethlna? faî-th Cerelduoo, witb checks a5enie:t on in tre evenig. Hall'tluat vas viy- oh, that %vas w., That sba taclineti. but escape tram Woîlti sha then se the next t-a--e setotliedreoîledn. tsinhavn the iest hati lîcn impossihle. ,rosat? If 0, lhe traulti show lber tthe he"luit my tamyuatlng d The naît marning vas a ieptition iglit place, the Point lrom whlch a'undertanyd a, asantr-liai î1iou-eti o! the sauna Shb loriot ber cousin lu ineOpojen view, uuncutnhoî-u'estn"- o ode li ou l the seat 1,eci-iolber et the breakfast-1 bouse bouts, might ne abtainet?ib' lady mail bacn umitti d 1 untier- table. ati ha folowet iberout inoa Oh, sitevas 1ue tiredteta alk. stand that Ceciii. 1 oui- falloir. foi-ini theretanîa drcîI>'themea onr. 'out ae tka set? her veo aion very sol'r * -poor, ilau-bov, 1 the erada iree]y he l o.or, MOlu ahu tane asatongthere wre : avl) hahati htis tonguai.t it pa- 1k-foi e the i Ci-3tie-firfning of the fray scats naunea inn h eý enritlnaîis 'f irîtlistaînl îluatyoî Fl i tissicl- lu thauth of t, ai him, anti uni lu ha sure thar aa g-lace on the enuttaefcli ttleto- a-ri of eve.--unu-. uriver, il voul ha cao'ec uint ileua- cno1tutu lsatr lt i you as r'le uso su n The [satlatîtacape erount hechati antertelageteameng thuetracs en ýas atNvhl:*,\i sl olno no henînîr-in lier aIres. The blt-'. glit- bha spoke. sho badt rcnet an-a>' fi-an btat'.irand ui iv 1aiîîl on lt tei-ive îir, aining ils va. betwcen hlm vith an exclamation. Sha bat quttyat rîî iscunf- n Ils wîllowy batiîks. srlth ir.s usuel1 re- fancid he sair iellcuden. 11lid -ttilcnbt o tni pose lunnken by the thouseuls of ti-' - lrevianaly, o deot e tand ha liedai -no.no ni a Wt it,,dholiday imukers, ailt ttring manîgitudea of the festival bat entarat uentapknot ulutlile Oar anti sait for the saine point sel nohrmnadsite liat snuîaauu' Iiii, tlî' pur -lII rtÀiis -"nd stare,art-ut-ealook upon il. The tbat, once thau-e, site vouulthare batl s olutisui' thpuanti uî oe ia t eptu vernu ne>-: aIda, merry witbh eymak- no diticuit>' in bcbg. folutb>' onae o ii ara, silli tuait- LackLyrcauud af salemu mindattolte bache. A reaftaver> ual omiui10 toliaea, ailtaoia rilky. iriay-gcaen hua'aanacecurse, aba bat arguiet: eana Te lO BE 1-ONTuNUED. lu the ml>' sunsitine-ire behaît the bat been et ceirttas beflai- aviug SO E ARAYSQlT fait- seene as tua igluil vawreabnigbder vtastafvtl ahsauiaiM Silent autdisulian shaeset, scar-ce lft-'about ln the Fitlb aClyda. andti.0oi ing ber gaze fi-nm the vaer et bier namng u~a ev huntret sPectators ta sec . an ttsuaiiy Strnggl'int-h af Sittf SMade1 sida bei-1- go sunsîtade screeniug lber Iben c ortna lu lvicb uey neve iuj-t . he orpfflSneeze onthteStage. froin the oh--ration o! the ceaI bacr but o! the gu-cat regretta of the sautir, ~î tboughs eseibeca.ou the crovd, the tin, the confusion auMacausly as a yaumis rn Cai aruowing, anti iaakrIlbi anti strifa, tha Babel af tonune,&, the classical draina. ini bluînk verse beli th te hast lu bis nice nom, fianls. EaeWvas ditilcuilty cf nmotemenl, andtihebalamost stage, says London Figera. Ona af not altagether batipy. poor fellow; haeumposalbilit>' of meetinz vithout prie- thasi saus "Entilius; ar, thne Fait of bt a gnaavluq sansaofaisbting un- 'ittasapilutinent. elle bat bat nolItoie.'Amilitîs was playeti by au gi-aciousl>' met eut repellad at levery sort et conception, witle Balientienactai-itnati IPope, anti the exigencies tut-n that dayanti as until uuw biebail bat beau aeually Ignorant. Est ha of th-, lyrqic int eboih nover axpeienced anyactual cehuffa ever beauah eniaeReetta beau ie a ha e st eon auir hlm taha hrotîg anti bat neyer beau ablea toasacertaîl voultilhave knowu, indeeti, te continul nt.ltg uaia- upsdydai posilivaty It at bie cousin bat aven bis eaacch vithin certain limtita; but anti Fiavius, actet b>' Macreatv, spolke vilfuli> avoidai hlm - since excuse anti ho batl notleai-nat bis lessan, ani batl an citation oser tba body. Papa waa explaiatian bat alvays beau se gllb soiitaov picked utp a vagua Inîpres- au invoterate sntulftaker, sud juat lbe- ipnlier tongue-the lied af roses hae :ion tb5t the ladies' quitrter vas near fore going ou oue nigint ha borraved a batn praposat for himseif in Aunt ibe bridge, ou a large andt irongeti pincb frain one of the stage attend- Maiasa vina cavareti cotage, vus like platforin. an 1 Itntisng noua of the Ha>'- ants. Ha vas eccustarnedtit a nit to rove but a tbocu>' coucb. mouds thara batl sontahat tuscon-' . ' ran, but the banrowed tabacco habtç=kne nGaa-certled in, Haebati, hawveetpro-ringrut .îne baie aIl ls ou Ifoha couitceetautl lh bis seacch, scout-ad the wit5 tha liery NWelab stuif. Polie was oince*Bdetnactli rtsrcivl Ifhondn. u vae-----i--Ih ncosr. ea-t il>' raîtght (authé, stagre hb>' trasi 1 )UND A' BRIEF COMPILATION 0F NOIS NEWS. ILLI- b"88 Blrocken'& GuIftaeIllinals-Trau- edy Caste One itife ai Fi-capont- Canal Comnalss»ioocrs Iaclinate set- te-Ratvaes of lita Iteasion ICI>. statue Illico laeitheStalc. Piat- clel >-the laî.t oflut-iu I ut iot cf hIlte llîtais 4iiteu's expîsitiuîttn m ai fthett M'OrlîF ('ai tlmuluutt l Exîoti b n oru'îreît 'iThrsatty nt Sîritgtield, e'hi-uIliîîi uns iîeniu-ted e ta luiete of statîtary ;preai-It itg l'Illinois W~~elcouiigtghe ,'onrtd." Vic preseniatiîît peectie am ruAde by 'stIri. Mai-cia Lotuise Gould, pi-es- ient O! the motneu's hoard, and lthe #pecuitof aî-ceîtauuca saas umade by G.v ,lttgeild. Thta exéricises ivure hbt-inluthe eOtunîla of tht' State leuse. Thte statîte s ou the grouutl floar, tlirectly bencuttthe XILLISOtS WLL<CONIItNOT -Iti: EY .'PîNq. lainc. Tie artist s NMiss Jlia NI. Brack- en. of Chicago. %N ho %asa prosent and waS nt rodîicpd to fl(, a -semblage. The sta tue is of bronze, reîiroseniig the figuré of a ,r<înan wkth armis cxenl,'d iin a wetcoîn- itg attitude. It uîîupied a ltromiiieiit plate lu the Iinoiiis buildiinîgand blias beeti vieired antula ui rdi t, t itajîtrit r of tiile s-îqîie of the Si a ie. Tirelba se a tof Ten- liesseeniai-bic. eiîgrare.ii iîi hit'i i lan oiithîiie o! tih htî,r of the harswork. Fatal Shootin at Freeport. Sinday afteritoît Fraink WV.liar-ris, a saltoolkeeîier of Fi.îîîrbt C ha rles Beiîglie. lt]iitiîîg ,w îiiis awiv wii ipria e fatal. The tworamon ha i troubîle over a woman. andl IHarisa Iiet-ting Beugle ou the atreet, oielîcil tire. A fier tiie shiioting liariris wenit te tllie et ti ity jîtil antitigîtve hnself ai). Haîrris la 37 yeîîrs aid, anud is father-iîi-taw, John Bilierbeck, la one zof the m-ealthiest mten ini Lreeîîort. Hlar- ri@ is an old-.time profemaional hail player. lie playeti third basme in the Pittsburg cangne teani, andt while îrith the Itoekford uine Ilîrce e ars aigu le juit the diamouti oa engage lu the Éaloon business. lim vietitfisla32 yvnra iil d itaas emiloyéd -i the Burdett orgaît fnîtîry. Bath are suarriet mcli. Owners Sant a lBig Prîce. A iondemitatioiiélase now ou trial in the WVill ( 'ounty Circuit Vourt cornes from Dut Page Couiîty on a chauge of venue and iiîrîlves about 100 acres wnuted for te Chivago dtrainage cantal. Oni the firaI triat flie owners of ftic lantd,.wiuo are îreîlttîy luen. were manrdeîi $150 lier acre for tijeir latnd. The dîrainage commis- ioutera depoaite< l lte ntîtnvy stîljeet ta the orîler tof the wn lera. Ilt s nîiir ciaiincd b3 te latter thtit vait ia tle sitn quarriesI ltare becît develaîîet1 l bt igging tîtrotîgi lthe lanil:fliat the atulît has ticen useui ty the drainage tt rtetars, anaittuact.in- stalentoif îciing . îrituîl$17A) tper hcre, $t1,54) watilît le n rery miîîall lirici' ta jîay for aiteit ralun [île prolicity Hainous ta Crop. 'leIl esit îttfyig dla îls ti lîr th e irlictt in i rtbeîlaîî iît iiatîiigîiiî lits. The (-lt nlîrîi il t îîiniig tri arît lv.lit i Irkba te damaiîge itte bl illeitti bsuttîtil -tîîpliINl li Illeic nroi.of tintl- il. [. i>rIrIiig lthe îîas we c.-uwtîcîtta n etc iitttreut a t:l Itofi( 4it k lteiîr n jiless tutu dry as stiibble iii have leitît lutn imiîieri nd ait lîltin i couru. The lly atutl [i-y wtntlhtr havte rn- ii os ir 50> lier cent of thie'%% livat tif Motr gttîitr t'tiomit * v. iîrîners tn luic esttt- cr lart tif i t îrîty rire îlîwiig tits if the iiiianiliieriî4t111l îîlnîutiig col-il (111 tht' landi. stuc New@ lu Brief. .1'id tiRosItts, a pîiituîhiIfauriner living lîu'l e taP-tlirtairie- City anii] Avn , lins myq- tu-rituualy nli4aîîîereti, lu is thlutiglit lus muinîîl la affi'tet. l. h'is a suit of Elen, L. N. Rtoss, of Letistai. Ilettiry C('bihnaii. 45 yt'u s ofni ge, anti u r,-siîl-îut iif îîk ford. aitvus ntanîtly killeti ai iarîdutle. aatîiaîll village near l'torîa. i-le iare t'tiring ut stealîl sitoret, asitî the abord droupetion luin. A feas years ago there moi-a 100,00>) bai-sas lu the atreet car service lu Chtictago. An exîminatien of the vriattarins hy bealth inspectons receîîtiy suoivs ouly 61,000 of lb-la tnuibai- iemeiniitg. The suit o!fltae Carlyle creulitors0et the dafuitat Ramsay Bank againat the Chi-r cago heitdanen o a! saay vas conlinued îîulllIthe Jonc terni o! tha Circuit: Court. The compromise butîeen Se-ler, the ex- liauker ai Loba non, anti the amsuay hantismen la abot l 10bhaeffectet. The case nay ha tiscontinueti. Verdicts o! guiity wero relurned itt the Circuit Coutrt et l'ria ageinat lHenry Kassens, Fr-ank Smith anti Jacob Pitt, andtir nputlislient e-s [ixed aI fine years, tva yaars anti six utenîtis andti tv yeans, raspectiveiy. They wcre cauvicet of robbiug Pater Bickat-dtas tailar shap anti steeliîîg $300 woi-lb o! clotha. Jouas Weaiss. vo acleti as the "fence." anti Ihan-y Pierce, a local biekinan who ilii lthe hauliug, viii bc trieti turing theatern. A Vaudalia repart says: Cougreasmait Ritentaua condition la sorucarbat Inupror- et. le resta better ant ibas leken an lu- î'reaaeti amoînt of notîrisbmeut. Dr. Hughes, ai St. Lotuis, the atting phy- sicien, noains hopes; of Mi-. Remann'a ul- timata recovery. 1 Thetaairutst o! F. G. Arnotti, af Chi- cago, a 1eiv tiys sinca ion adve-rttaiug as a ruc et beas vto vantet a tuabaut bai brought la light the qieet- actions of oue a! îLe le"tng halkeepenu of Maraball. Re la a wldowen anti bat beis eorroapoa- Churofet PLllIIp.Hoidewantwr, vas lledl by a Wtabash Italiroudt t di4 The 11ev. Henry T. bas been calleiltthîe, lji-at Preliytctumn Chuleb At 'Monitt Sterling: Edwa 21 yt-nrs o! age, commîlteti ahirrnug. rThe cause aas &lo1 At Annia, the 2-yean-oid son- Gai-tiI tits pleying about a cluuthiîtg caugbt tire anti h va nîtatti. ThlicAttorney Gae"lYa' the îlty o! eity t r Il. -ste large imîlerest as possible ou pu Tiuughb c kuotr o! ne pi-ocom aîtcb officers cîtît hacampelied le for bita, Il is Ibeir plain duty te batiks anti make the hast possible ment». At ltamsey, Bai-na) Hanley for an te keepiug. Hel boy EHu of it andt crealed tLe hiiug pl coînrata. Houmen James. 'fole a trip, James retucning tirat, 1ew <laya later. Hneley accuset taki-ig tha mouey anti James leffI Hle iras arresleti St Decutun anti trial. Ha us o! a goodfauily. The walI pipér trust la bave Ils ta do business in Illinois te-steti a Attotrney Oeneral Meloney anueun otîuld begin a proceetiug lu chan obJecît o!f whicb ivoulti-be ta e-ici trust front the Stala as a violalor laîrs fgaluat combines vhlch affeetZ polic'.H' as-uIt tule the pape-f eariy day atai-cuIt ptîsh iha saItV ouay. 1. F-ruank E. Antiu, a haggage-maa Ii4 emnfltty of the- (hicago, Burlingtoq " Qtui-ita itroîd tîletthe Qîiney U - pot, ru'î'iî t-il munIfi-untDublin, 1 tlîat is elaint ais an heir te thea w Antrim estate lut Irelanut, îvhh ha int he Duinucutrt.@ for faut-r ara, beeit lioreti. anti thît haie uetitWu shuare of il. the estate litg aes $7 00,Antnlmtasaate luthe arlt lue buftmiaen $100,OtjOO anti HIe l 216yettrs ofitige. maried ae tarît clilîlreu. Ilesili lot go la ta pi-t'ssbis,'hitl, as a relative unM ivili lue itutrieet aith thntumille-. The State î'nttuntologist writem thtv many oi bis correspondants atere Pa extraordiitary numhters of chineh bugs, varions prartions of the State, auklnqý ail catse" for itutterial is-lîL vhlchto tithe-thé' contagionts diseusae! ti Is l amntat ic iehitteitbugs nov lu the whea A slitple itîttho] o! distribution 1lib îîaeîoi tbims sîrittg-more @!iple than tbao ot liaI et sîiii. Either artifictal cuitera aS the fîuîgîîs or ebineti bugs fouet êýA4 arlîth il luntthe fuitls is li haistirbutetid dl, rcî'îiy te aîîîuicat-ns, ai plan whlch vlM iîke uniit't-peaaary the sandiug lu of lia sifefr inufet'tioii. Applications vIl) bq tiliinlutht- trtier ai theinr rceipt. Sauitemlinea fepreseutatlv a wtm- tîtet intraîlucati lu the Hanse Committ$sit ont Building anti Lean Associatioaeasq. lotion makiug serions changea siuof M= agement agaliut îthe aticers o! the sate Butildling anti LAt Assodmttiâ -l Blaomington, o! wirbih ViN Stevtentson la pcadeut. Th-a -. tee nmade a report as folloi-:'. miltee. a fter a caet--tl research I lthe affaira cf said association,, that the charges maite lu no w1r on tae business integrily of Its ils standing as a safe lnaîlliîule building andi loin association, aibOw ils standnlig as a buildingaud Jean ciation tloba ene of tha bout lathetag Chic-ago comimision men aduliltt rumor kitîsaal] the fruit egttlary- ep May. This year I11le tiffe-renit hey oit. Titey estîntate thein lasses hy ftr ait $500.Stirawherrin willmlie ha cret paorarîndilearer. This vili not aufse% lteai vîto esa tsrwbarcy shorte" et the dîîîr-town lutuet couriter uW he flia liisbarries untenrtipe. The bakowe andi the luîuchnman aili lose mouey.eh, lpera aI Ceutralia, Walntit 11111 aud eb i-t reliai-t the sli-aiberry amop cul w h> otio-liaîf ene--thîrti. etltheru inç atultnitl n's.Blackbernlea anti rasphai. riet-a ire are kil eti outright. Cuî-' te utile dlainauge ta strasbiorries vas ne- pîîctî'ît muni Hutmboldit, Tenu., andti he aaiible siupply sas being bougbt great-. J ily. Michuigan fri-ttslippers suy chat-nie, n iII bc a4 anarne as poîuu-guanalea, Petchets bld fuair ta nuake amendei for oth- n n-r sîtnges. -Early reeetabies are suf. . fi-rira. 'arn andîpuîtatoî-s a»ove grount eeaeut tîîvî itnd ust lbe replautetd.i., lieus atndibt-n lis have beau gratily Injunei,. but lthe tîtînîtu, ecumber aut cabbage m t'ruts aiflthe truek farmera iril) net bie hurt. as tut-satire transplanits, and hat-dlyj any of tttla truîck hati beau laken fi-ont'41 te gru-unttup.s At Spîrinîgfie-ld, Scuator Moriiton, chair-: mtan o! tIte spen-lal connîttea appointe-t ta ascerîanîtte a-batelxteit ltaeeding o9f c'tttle oit dlstiltery stops isla rrild opinl, titis Stale. matie tis report as foliava: The teaetinton> giron dintstrates tuat cattie fi-onu riehta mllaintakan, ant iàaie Iluase itteuttet fur honian foot caissuup-- tdon, are fat on refusa trom linaverId»,ý tîlatilleries, starcb anti glusece'factgniis. tite i-attse- ai the final tva, Lowei'er, bain# titis refuse-. on helng analyzeti. lu a nne ltaevei-y largaiy camposeti ai the- hit a! coi-n. or wteerrgiainwaus oed. iL. nutr-itive mate-iais being elmoat nil. 06'ý This val i-efuse- in sblpped hy fre-igLI, aud-ý itlai claînedt Ial if expose- tolathe air fe-. thi-etisys Il saurs aud ferments eut b.iw carnes put-lt, aut vLan lIn ls condition' the inedical experts vers sgt-ced thst tt vas au unfit foodi for catlle; thdt It had- tialelartous affect upon the milk, am!t* upon the flash, 0 Your cmmflé reconnautis legsialion whîch wilI$Nt_ bîbil the feadiug of vet nefuse- fr. brevet-les, ditillerit-es or factorisau l e- i$ naIs a! the bovine apecies. hrgIt i inîttthia, havnug un nie-vtb Lealth. * *Tour commllle. mnnts lagislgion which vîli abelUt* prahibit the teting af suimtai*, iu Isr* numbens ou the pramises of tust«Wjl4ïi The- praclice islthunan, anti ahanAie*ý ha Iolarzatad lu a civilise-t commuauly. 4W Iu a lile titnday uîgbt bravlidJm Dukea, o! Gotitiey, fataiuy abot Siringer, a! Alton. The vIl« l e andt he minuwbo didthîe shootinj'fWj ed lu the- city Jail. HoecIalmdÎik. vas doua lu seif-defense. Dotk q* 7 urimarnle-time-n. Davîi Jahn, a e41ert fenon. cammînttet suicide 17Iag Iimliofa a re-le a veut of Mount M Lavorn » ad-u

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