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Lake County Independent, 11 Oct 1895, p. 2

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-out Tidt!WUVO Wipe Ont lie ogers Pi aed for fPen- .kedîag-COid Coufort for àUCI1111lIt u (ho Ariues Ceea. l.itaarlt-aPinet Wsit. Conregt!oalHome MUi&qîouaur la lu nauuselstriýlte llnuacsily.. * <bt 1t th anko$179»0, Ite in - l empty.-asudIhtaaîurkbas eloaly U the indabteduase le eecunt-d i9<At4hta-I(ha boulnabava refuedu tbrlacue-stilusns.Thie salaria. ut 1h* houm aeiouarles ut-t-nadue Oct. 1. ,VWlliwete recele. tht- metnt-an umany 7M»% es boeumg ot local batikes t higi PUOs et Intare0t. The welty le absohute- 4EB*Pendent tor the lIme being tapon tht' "'fI et. chlort-e.satdi hdieians. The- R i.t eluatiomule due not enly (o (the Imne,4 but (o the omission of (Con- &0tlualciturehles (o toile tht-i- mIe '*bM* eulections lu the saîmmen anîd Io& PAZ 18îit§ituOyID. ,OPtt. et Lowee- Caîhtornia Repueted tu le i l uina. Pieat. dîspatchles rt-e-t-tu at San 'wie MY>câtai bt a Pau, Mexi'o, bas StE eSsaPlelY destroyeti by a htiiri<'aîe. ïkh M W1eu l aa oUlowetiby a tidi!wave. MUa ýWte la (lie bayey nug tu aua- *00400lténtdight, lneadlag thal hportioni *ptheelgy frouting ou (he bey astd ena-ay- 1Q8 gtt te e.men, animaie ant iofu W't*êad buildiugs e a thetie ostbmsltl Itexdiue la Sas Francisco Bay blini tht-y tu-dI~F4tehes abouit a set-cri' ;tUurt "tle reîi't'rIed ail along tht' con? t early lvlfWt t"Thet-logee utlitelhi repou'le' SW-,but datalun uttht-tihater or, I~k~ A Paz l in e Capital ut Luit-tr and usituatteul os a bay uit the' .#"ua*@e. Thie port len well seucteneti P« amYefl tetssble againel uttît'kf tu et* The City huta poptulation .f -a elltbetiral. a governuituent iou.e Êat toma bouse andthue piaeu'autont-e 'a btide out xiii->, as t-vident-ad by the- qudeiiene ifge ut tht- moiihhy claètis. weactyuealfto onct-eetittutextt'a- bl-e WrSiI Sherleu, silvt-r miuig une ex- #OftgIl eta gagoti lu anti tht-eomct-ca <-tePont mas aul incuîuidenable. 'CAP r- ARMES WINS RIS CASE. 1 la Os'dai Dincharrget troua Cutotiy --SchQftelti curoti by the Court.9 -Iuge Brdley out(ha District Sulrame1 Cé%ft 1a Washington ortane thie dis.- d(asfi-fou cus(udy ut Captain tGeorge1 ~.Aiten, Whirassarreelel u onrt en bi Jetausut Gent--si Sch»ft1ld jiielpiion là tha latte srtirament ft n om in1i uf-tW tiarmy tor havhuug wrllteu buta an eWOuktIugletor. ,Iudge Bradley seont-ti 0 Ott"of ut(he ategêet-is!futtht- uraly, eaoeelig Iluns ulawtî,h, tyreutiaite sa whos eu---t sud coufinemett "p5S-ofit-idhlre rtiieti hivirtie a$~Oli; a ctung geretlry utfte-si, 114*Wsdey siiti "Thei, un-telsuaié, *W&vY et Armes lutu custody. t'ai--J e *t aaerfio»>bis home lu huqr-U Md holdin hlm ilu close ai-i-es 'e. » atet Cageb o f cri-lae lu auy ut 87 gainet hm wîîs làit4usut, unîsuttul, arbitrer>., tyran- E ntI csprlu-uuue ouatht- part ut (Ion- W,8e.hoeltin lwuhalever eapaci(y bc- I w4,wltether acting as lieuitnat gelu- Is "Io eta eci-ttai-y ourî'u. Tht-polI- il ROGERS WXNT ON STRIKE, an 45'e.ettoBeadTeti.onyin Dus-ast bl 1 Çaee te Iaie Wife. o M-.Susie Rogers, wlte Ot Philîi Iîog- d M MO piSlaentd trum SonFninîco. Wt biîband hls enan ch--ing 'for hr. IK$týe meeks. anti aow hllaves thhaeTic B)ouetii t-rlu iscasl. Mn. Rus'- n 0kj aStaln that tht- Dunaant e"bati r( qtl-to du mtlsthe mrack ut is ti, MMre.Rogers wss t.ai-3 e inuil- la the case, anti cu>mpletilii-r 't - a it doms every uuoanîg sud be (ha fl report ut tIhe ta-l 'Sualhy t eet oui strike, tt-i-a wasaab, -tandude ismie lait home. He I if -If aiats (o returnu eecau f ga!eau spend lies' elole (dune ilA -10111? ePort 01 tht- DÙriaut te.al if ~ - Dllar foi-(ha ret. stAse f or China anti Jspan,'ia plx th The total exportations ,n(le Iset fiscal yeros- eie ide-ad as toîiou's: Unitad MI~9i; Rugleui,*2,95, S$7,706,~000; Germany, sa,- Zin. *2.832,ffli); Boginin, 4and tha remahudan to minci- b-~emsems ivu-thàa.fortimun ber, taconlder semas whleb rie eah- mitted but net det-ded ut the. lest teru. Amnonsthee inh hthe t-aton ut the Cu- eoildated Blet-trIe Llghthug omupany, lu- volvlng a aumbler ot patente connecetd wIth (lie electrle light Othet, cases lu whîcb datisioas are expeotati ara: Tht' tUnited States agaînet thawetern Uniotn Tèesrtph Comupany, Ilueveiug tht- ques- tion ut telegraphie rates egniut teogui- enmeut ahuag tha Union Pàti i hes; the Sioux City sud St. Paul Italruat Comnpany agalast tie Uniltd States, in- -oleing the uwneîahîp utfIland gi-ants lu Iowa; Gildhhan agaluet MeKee, iue-olving a Part et the unoneye eppropriatati tu sot- tic te Cboctaw cdiue; Meyer againet Ricèiands, wmcli la a suit growlng ont -t tb* -je-reuhar rehessauca ot bonds whi h Méd1 beau caucalati ly the trensurar ut 1-% sesa. Anlhnteiie.Iing cae- imain- ing to ha decîddalethat ut John G. Mau0re agaînet the. comunissioner di la' tri-as reventie, aekuuug that the commis- cloner ha aaJoiaad troat entor-lag tha col- ladties ut li utouatax. Thîssla o'f the thi-et-suite beîu utet(ha saune lIma. The. court passeeti apu the otheh' (mu. but Iett(hIeundecidoti. It les ut itthe fui-tien cuasaquenca nom that tha lsw lias beau doclareti uacouetltutloaal, yet Il unsy possible afford a bais for anuther ulng Ou lbe lacome tax. not on the' unarits but on the raqtet orian lanut'- tion. BUSINESS Ie STILL DEIICEININO. Lund-Offco Report Shows Pawer Làanti Betrîes titan in 1894, The Hou, S. W. Lamoreux, Cammis- clouer ufthIle Goueral Laad Office, bite made hies annuel report to the Set-ratai-y ot tha luteror. ýI'be decline ut the land- office huafiese, as nutati lu lbe laet report, etil1 continez. Compared nith 1804 there bas bt-en s docî-esse j»nIandentrice 19,0951 anti uf 6,01,68a,5 acres enteret utp- oa; ac a-it-s. ut final cutiht-e othe uuum- ber ut 6,58-i sud 3M,059 asditeentent-J twOa, and a deci-ast- u cash rt-ol-pte ut $734.370. Tht- business ut tht- office for the fiscal yri tdeu Juane 30, 1895, n'as se tullou-s: Cash cales, 417,878 acres; homesît-sti outies. 5,000,491 acres; Sîsue selections. 6(1,1(g)9ases; railroadnt et-lt' (huas, 1,907.479 acres; oemsttland paî- et-ut, 244,774 acres; hatiat allotuiente, 83,455 acres; IndielandIse olti, 42,54S acrfs; total c'ash recehle ,$2',083i,454; pst- enti unr certifieti witb the' effetIoutpat- eatIng lu railrouti cunîlanies, 81-.3 st-res; etur-eye ait-t-pIed by tht- landi office, 10,123,(15M acres' OLNET WILL NOT TALK. Set-ratai-y Dli "îes $u Dîses le h Ve- ezuelan Boundery XMatter. Sot-ratai-y Oint-y positi-chy refuges lu "mY aaything tout-bing ny correspond- ent-t-ho a h'ad un hatuis tbhave rein- lie to lire sattlepunofuttht- Veîtexuehan bouiudaiy dispute, su Ilt annot hbcîiosi- tively ascertalneti mbethen hhan asket aýY stops rect-atly lé induce Gi-est Brtl- sin lu sabrait the malter ta arbiti-ation. It t-su haelateel, humever, thet mince Sec- reîary Gneeliam's eath anti up to a et-y rat-eut date (lie depertmneatnt idual matie a single usove lu titat directi-on. But iu- u.sac4 Be auqeese rmbY rasulua ondirect. edthe (heXeea**7 to use Ils be.d efforts to lînag the- disptute ga arbilratioa, itleine-ery probable thal, hae-ing lumiraie neut- attjuioaci ut the assembliug ot Coagreps, Beerete.ey Ohney bon bt-an givlng thaeîsul- aetth ale ttention il demandes ad in ton»>- ulatlng bise-lwt- o b.hounomualcs(ti (to Ambamidor EsBi-ti upon (the refui-s uf lue latter fi-o»> hie evacation la Scotîsuti. DeaBti Rgoroue Iuqulry. The reprasentaleesouttht-Ési, potuers hse-e sent a collet-tii'e note lu the Titik- ehi Governtneaî calling atatîcuiou lu (the inadequala messuiras taken hy the polie inthorities (o imeintilu publie tranqult>- an Constantinople and îlea uburbe. antidce îutuitiug the- Prompt hastiltution ot s rigoi'- uts8 iaqulry Inte (th e-euet riuliug anti 'hootisheti, anti wloemale imprisuîmeit of Âimeslsue P nladitilion, the îsuwe'i- demanti the rt-laae utaiprisutiors wbiî nre innocent ut wrongtioing anti tht'e eesit- ion ut an-se. 8tuitiPatelî, tht- uue Turkleh mînleter fur torcigîî affaire, hue alletiM t(ha dîffernt embassies lu Con- tantinople sud liae preene4 tluthoecuIt- oeatatie-es out(he pewe- ecommunic- ion f rom tha Ttrii-k Goerarnttepeal- uig tht- assturance (lual a plan toi- returut sn Annionis has been aeeepted hy tht' portes. Il leaut behît-vet, bau-t--en, (bat thie we-hl etlety tht- poeuttis. Tht-r-hae at-n nu fui-thon ext-asiee, nthugl s tei'- ug ut gi-est dîsquiot ethîl pi-ae-aile, antI i-teh temunstratlone ution tht- lai-t(if Aranusare teareti. Nlany quartere tf Stamboul lisee bot-n pluardati milb totlu'es inclting tht- populhace agalus "lthe alidels." IndIens ta Bc Trieti. IndiaAgent Tler, ut the' Fort lui Agent-y, baaa-lied lu Poua(ehîu, Idahou, liringing lwo ladian but-ke u-4o w ilI ho takea (o Evanstun, Wyo., aîndti -ed as a test case. for tht' ualau'tuul kiling of gamne 1u (lcth 'sue HI-cuîty ut-bou11wit-h 1led huo the- Illing ut su Indiau n(]t iItappxoose b>. wtieeseveral utetke ego, anti îvhiieli wmss tht- tuîdation foi- reeitl ltilî st-a reel. 10a1liti the Pay-Rolle. Nae-al iRvohutioaa. ý*" ave lie-lies arrestet inluBut- TIie Northî AtîctUtitu quadu'oîî ut-hIgo lu à. _tc-ti mti aunhaxSsing large at-a agailn la afeu' ta>-s tro» itea. fo on- rou tht- cl(y b>. pati- Iako Bay (o rastînue evohutione. Il Is »MImyrofthle staeaî bureau witî probable (bat tlie enthre sqtuatrouî, ne- msau. Tii. pisusers aun Hu*- untuieed by he.laille anti Texat,,s ad per- Seetr vamhhauof the departnOftait lepsthe- batlheshî iuhlaiula. vili 'oninue wébsE John M. Dauahy, ude ît .tht-se cuolîîîluue ou ilaart-i-et-uaIe it enaidentut sftreats: nd astiJotp uuhhe-n wutalrs du-hua tt' helun)out'Ilitg esmeir yan laspectu,- ut streets. wuntî'n. a'ý,q PmOir DeandeBandits tuob a Car, lw~e- Vraol »ee 4î,, Fouir maliel asti snîîu on ît-belti îuîîa tIluas tale- elu tu.om th-e t-ettt-a- un the Evuinsotui aud(Cbit-ago M!te ubtrmeeury aI pliladel-tlt-tiu'lin. aI 8:3h0 Mouduty aigb ln truie banie hieue-boul PeunYîe-auuîa Weternt-stylo. The$'su'touu'Iit'ai-iy- lsed lutrest. Tht- lihpmetut lus off halu'een $200 anti $300, hî'slics t-bmuk tii' ix ohetre: seuvtral goitiansud ell't-nat-boa. ()f tht- PUGAT.Tj Ily -n.38-,M>.140 lw-eua-lrepe rous aboarul tht- cr onthu ~l.lh>jt> Aguut .444.146.8 trüe. off'eti reisane, anti utie utflte 80054).40Sep. -..402,84.00 utas shot andtt1he other hwo bath>' lueuben Nlt;*îIl Dollar Pi-a. Att-rage Susaud ut 20.3 Knfots, udci l*oived fi-utaCiiolgaridîT he'iblig îîcenuî stt-amship t (. hîtutîh, huilît fp e~ nom Auîstnnllil uu -bu' tht' Ci-amt, of Philuihohîhin, as ua mi,;- aeu-thst aLuuhole loc'k (ftif ur eip t,. the St.Lotuihs. fuir tht' huuîîr- (Juana %4ae u-ueib> iieu-hi- i îtonal Navigahto laivslue, le'! tirougi tht- »îstsîlîg MOf a umadeienttuavera'e epeeilut of k aîtetu t fa tetlmâteti tant tuje tuic uîat'l.. oir ini bofufichal thi-lItnp )ot tilmtiu ~ut*o$1,ZOooe.eiglu>-.eigluî kuote. ti >ro-xhan tiv ýlBrige. Ileid Under tht' Newr Lait. ô ~Vti auû itue i BId '. A c'enliii tvas crettetl ut lfillsburu, 'O~gtAdi mb tht'e î.ta >o l"tby (lhe art-est ut Juek Dlaugbertjy, t4evralpermim off a t'ira t-unt-st lu Vi'latsionîî)uthle nete- xQ ftJiltiexe r rt-t, lae- Uave. HMnPeeh(ng~~*Per<uiDentit- ]Roll nf -n Anal-ha Wreck-Turke Are Maed wlth Rate anti Rage. One Deati, Three Yatelly Hurt. Au alarni caliat ho Cinciannatifine de- partinent lu s fiee--aloi-ybrick toupinent Wedtnesdsy mornîag, lu which wore eleeu- ing torty teants. The- Jauned were lu thWr, fourth anti fifth eitorles Woiiou sud cbldren wera screamnîlg plteuehy t tht' ttindowe. AIl the. polcealtlroi tu'g- us lere quhckly on the- stc ansd lte work at iesc-ut- hga». Tiiomas O'Iilsher- ty, s deat man, mure deat han îtliî'e froîti suffocation, juimpati fro»> a tourth-slury window into a net ut-Id by t(he polit-e. îu'lhont furithar mut-y. limotlîy ait- tt'rward lbodies wut-t-olaken fi-o»>tht' fuurth anti fitth sturle8 by the firein»on thi- laddt'rs. Mre. Mary Hoiues, ageti 80, was deati; bar llaugliter, 11ise F. . Pt-ud-iy, and an ectrase kuou'n as May Etiwa-ds, utfNew Yor-k, utere takon otut tuuçuust-Ioie ro»> suffocation, but not se- rlouely lajureti, Tht- faally hujanearenit: Rachael Davi~s, sgel 4 yas; Mondle Putneu, ageti 19; Mra. Emma Davis. Il la balieveti that nli there escapet i -th littla or no injury extca-pt loslag nil (hein housebolt gotis. How tht- fira startei le ut knouvu. LET'S OUT HI@ IR£. Lord Sackville Issues un Exti-sordîn- ary ]Pamphlet. A epecial cabît-graun tu tht- Ne'w Yi-k IVorîid from Londion says lin e'ttraui'dia- ai-y pîublication by a British uliplouut ban bt-eu diacussetid urimîg (ho lest ft'w dase aunoug (lie toreiga representatives (o lthe court ot St. Jsmee. Titis is a bandmc.ie- ]y printeti pamphlet maa'kad "Fo- lîivete circulation ouIy," aud entileti "Niy Nis- sion tii thet- 'niteul States, '41-89 " autl hue just bt-en ueitib>' Lorâ Saujuuillt'; wlîo as iri Lioniel Sac'kville West, K. C'. M. V... vas lte Englieh Minixler Io W'ashingtou fui- tht- pet-lotinanîcti. Il u'ill h -euembeî'd (huaI 1'resideîît <'hei' lantd, îîluuust oui tht ove utftt'e u'hctiu uit 1Sfl sent Sir Liouteh hiesluasiurts lit'- c-ause ut a letton ut ritten hty huitu tg un allu-gotiEnglisbmau n lu('litîrnle. to-on mu-ntil»5upuntihe sîipi-au'biug olecîlî)n. This îîîuîpbleî jeis ord Sat-u leuu îe- feuise and 'xplainnttion, atte en u iyptai-s, ut thel inidntii. B-uit the'tupe-uut c tit tof il. îhich hue aroqltg('41t'tru-exciîc.i comnutîoî, le tht- treedunt iof luis stridturèe uuîtutitht' Aîseu'juîîpeople a utîlAmpîeuiu-a puiblic nuen: ant i bisowuî exhti-gesil idig- nuationî thît tht- Brltlsh Nliiislutry choulu have aeueptled Mn. Baiyard us Aînhuîsiî- dur lu Ibis t-uuntry, ut-hile as Scetburu' of Sînte outheb lUnited 'States',Mn. Btiytnild hiat w'autouliy utlît-t in pësi-eut'ls an'- erediteul reprcset'nati-e, 1.urd Sactkvillue WVest. DISASTROUS BI(LGIAN W'IECK. Rigliteen People ICilleti ln a Collision ut Trainenat Wee-re, Dîsputches receu-etiIu Bitssels tnîuiî IVavra, ut-lera tht- Collision hiutwpeuîa crowdtielPasnenger train iaîî uengine oceur-eti, show Ibat cightî'en insteati tf tea hersons u'ara killeti atutithat 1(X) lit- suas, anti not torty, n-eoitjurei. Set' enal ut tht- wondtd are su senlouîy ilui- Juredti (at their leesara despuinetifu. Thora are nu Ameriesue ssuoi>g the du-ad on inJureel, Tht- passenger taia s j'ltuetPaseug thie ralîroaisttion nt aI ous- ty n-heu au englue comiug froua Obtiguties aI fuîllspeeti collitic i thlbil nntl- scope t ha-a. ottht- carialges. Itiefu' gangs antitntdit-ai aesistance nt-e lîromptîrv sent lu tht- set-ne fronai neigh- borlag pointesud t-voiything possib'le tins dune lu stuccor tht- nout»ded, at lt-ast thir- ty ut uthum n'ere in ut-ad ut prompt assiib CONSTANTINOPLE IN A FEhIMENT Araienln Refuse tu Conte Ontut fthe Cathei. Il le noportedti Iat serionts dll-istutî,'i'.s btlut-conthe Armeniîîns and itht' Titnkc have i' lroken out et Sivas, Vu'it and tii Bitîls, thret' ut thé lendiîug îitlistof A- inuuuîa. 'lT'e gua-t shtipii uttht' usius pitueu'e are nioo-ee nt Galata in ut-dur tut ho lu position (o rentier aid lu tue tciieigii rî'sitente4 in case It le ufýeu't't.A t-uîituil ut ministene bue bt-on fild nt lthe htli lu Constantinople in unden ltocunsid4,r tIti tortue ut tht- note eubmillttdtii lthe ilune b>. the- euvuYc ut the' cix tuontrut. Tht- Armeulan sbuîps aI Stanuîl tatd Galtiu are eloseti. Guardlag Xthe- Chut-clu, At City of Mexico sonue exî'îltmeut htut hten crealeti by auaîUa- (liaI prote'ttt micelouaries huid couspincdti o hum' up a i-hurt-h î-utainiuîg the' utirauhouse imatge Vu-gi lsuatiniuuipe u'ith dynamtite' hoiiti or lu Set fi-e lu the strîu'ctu'e. A secti-on ufte hhietyfntir eîumnî le unt Guailu- houpe uer the' chui-uh. At'Express Safe Blows Opcîî. At yrlt, a suiilti- tU%'1af(i-ut- mi-s iS front Toronto, Ont.. uuukuîîîuî-îu rolîhre- . sautîtetitht- night opertluir n'udt'ritig liin inOüusiblu'. 'l'lie- cati'%tas th-ut>hluîîî'u opîenîsud $2.500ofut(le Doiniton Expreu-ss Cumiiny's ftunds etoheut. Tht' oîcrator uvas bedhy injureel. Paal tRam Over nu Accounl. W. H. Gehoru, editor of the Wihhutus, Cal.. Joui-ual, fired Ibi-e e huts at aîui ktiti dJ. IK' lîutian, druîggist ail îuii- tient ut tht- muniipîal boardl ut truieos, Tîupeday moung, la ait alte'rcationî ovet a dîsputet at-cotaitamttuiug toutILeut- dollari-. IlIItonlc Ia-ucttre Detnoyt-d. Tbt- ohlPresbyteriauitti t'a Ahîug- ton, ['n., tounidini 1714, tueas hune'u Sniua>- uuith ai l Ie contunts. '7l'ut tualie, 'aiseti more (hunai a tuîry agit, uit-oecstul- lîg. Lutes, 2,*4;lîtunî, 10io The struieture uîill ht- nulit. Floode in Arizona. Felootein latht- Agua Fila tuuul (,i: Ilit-ers bave e useti ser'uinst'euuks liti- bridges oft(hue Sauta l'e andul .i1ricoiitJ andt l'eluix hla'uluv-, aulli-tuto iyic -tut oiff Phoenix, 1; rail commntichat ion. Big Tht-strient Sr i-ue Il u is Slît that Juîcepîî î'islai-r>- alltl bIig biicutrieu-sh ieîitîîe. fluis ult'uutît', il le 8.t141. tut t-tge ut-tut- in tihi Pnohtu is sud AutgutinutDul Raf t apsuizeti. Iltla reportot inluMwict-uthtlîtlij'- titis r tutrt-ttoutnet iur the'villaîge,-, f.1 0ter'Y huY tht'eaenIàizing uf a largo raft ou lb he iriver Oka.? 521 ver lirait, &aignât $10,028 liast ye or about 15 pt-r cent, more. The rat falloresfor @Vary 1,00W firme lin busho le ower thanihast year, and the prop (ion of defaulM Ilàabilitiae to the soive buseines« represenýed- by payantl througb cleariaig-houses la but 2.491 1,M0, agninst 2.77 haset ypar. Theq taulted hiaiiiies per firun n laleine average $26.92, against $26.89 liast ye The defauited liahhlituee of the mnu lturing cime average $20,8W5, lignine $ 7(kl in the sanie quarter lut e r;- trading $8,577, agalutet $6,443 lest yi and the banking fnilures, tolua:iclu aebove, haVe bee» thirty-onc, wlth avea iahuhiticeot $114,000. agaluet 8110,0 Ilist Year. lie thet' (ird quarter, wb failtirea are itueually iow, the' average liaiiblitiee in proeperous yeart talle ha $10,00; the aumber beiow two iu 1,0 tirais; the defaîilted liabilities beluwi jIKr $1,000 exehangps, anîd below $251 firia lu business. Thun the- anelysis ilu catles a condition approaehing, but noty reacbiug, one of general prusperity. DIiATIE ]UN A CRASH. Awful Dleaietr eat an Ohio Chuec Corner Stone Laxlag. A frlghtful disastter plunged Lorai Ohio, into anouli-nig Sunday. aud iii was topant to ha anil ncident outg rejolelng becaine ln an Instant '_ àeaiser îîhe Ot aîîpalliug hon-or. One chlld wi killed outrlght. ten persons were ftal iaJuréd and betwoen thirty sued turty où ers were serluueily heurt by the uhlklingt a section ut tempotrry platturmn bulîtc rotten timbers. The accident happîe't ut the- outeo the cerestionîous laylugt a corner atone for the non' St. Mear Rtomanu Cathollc ( 'hurch, sud ijust ifet the- pi-ts hall hushied a crowd of 5,(X Peu(ple Intu solema silence, the ulul Cnti lie churi'chî.a feu' rode distîant fri il tu'w. ivam turnt'd iuîttj a morgue andi h. ital, aud moine ot the' iujured lie'reî ivere carriedi ito the pariiul cciiio uIext door uud there wade ane îunîurtil an»Výossible. Twetuty Ihilyticiiis e i lhey w ere këpt hîaey utulil sundu ivn t arin for the' victiuub' tvouftdsl.. Pralse for (Ur omeinte. A letter 10tote l'ail Mail ;n.'hte ri. Nuî Chenîg djlutî's utinle t' ittt hut ti a àlrauge tIi ng ttit 1 leon:yîfig, t;ji 21,l41 seHt te Ku (-ltcig ithilti'.' 1iiiiiii of ltieioiiaries watei'ît'uîi ~tl Ecu tua, out ho Unîite-iStat es r Dj'ue troit t.til, uihitt- uthe u t h la t to ii i' wiehua ts ivere l.ving utlut o n 'fi' c'orresponden'ut atd enat ,jh..n t lie,:Itj arriveh at Ku Cht'ug. tte IRjlalil comulnd Itlitre retîused l b il lw h h" uiit. berse uft(i commissionulIouattendîîîthîe tria of the' ni'cnuscd egetariann, %%w'ltretipt .1. Couirtîijey liejtilt' lFuitoti 8letî Congo]uin t Fiou, (how, îîlîu unstht' 1llo0 'etergeli e niuer uf the ucomision iePremptiiriiy uIemauIdd.ini tht muet ig Ortoue lagiiage, the' riglît o'heing pri-eeui il tht- triai. Ilt' seiti lic diii îot titre îuîî greut a pereonge tht' Mandarin wue. N wiotuld etir pail ailie powers unlees li wits atiîtted, sud gave the Mautidarin four houre in whlch tu malle up hlie mini. 'Friscu Train lield Up. The nuortlî-bud 'I"ritwo 1jiaseugiý raiu wa'î robbedeti(Camio».n.1'. T.$i tien diii tht' wurk. Tht'eexpress car wak eut loose fron the' train anîd rien op Ili rRck. Tht' rohbt're ftjled lopen Ili through eate. and goI unly 87) cents trou thé local ste. Tht' paseugers wéenu tolested. The train waonIîermitted tI pulli out aftr lthe bandits faled bo open the big cite. It le thoîîght tu hanve hepn the work ut the' Christian brothers gang. Conuplelcd the Tregedy. WVillim leury, (lue 1%sliasll ouginer t-ho fftsally shOt hie wite ai SPringtild, Ill.. and egcaîtod, uns found deael ila cornfieit suthoel t ofthe' iity. lie had eut tIi" urtt'ry lithie left wrjst asu t hinisei thrugh the' left tettpie antd tht- 'ion Fasilun aFo-. in 't -'tttut5lirtuuîuui tig tutu fal i na hi-tt î't'uitii,î-î'triî' tti' -ti i siiltiitg !Ii tii thtutioIimliitig t lof tî titnîtît tht- ijîa- of a dîlot-it itisuns. i tfut l>'. Sisru Calte t Upun Iou Settit-. Tht"c, niteti States hae caliliolu tit Sianuesie Govertinteut to geltie uthat i, kntiu'itas te(lut icek diim. Instri-ttons haive ut-en sent lu Sir John Bar-ett, Mia- jeter rt'sident nt Bangkok IlAIIILET QUOTATIoNi6 ('llcgu('tttecornilon lui prime, $375 lu $5.75: ut-e. eluiîuuiuîg gi-u $30t(, $4-50; ehceep, fair lu chuulce, $2.50 (o $4.i; tilictit, Ni>. 2'-î' d,5& tu 59c; cortn, No. 2, 2Je lioOcolte., No. 2. l7t lu 1S8'; ryt'. No. 2, Aorto i 42c; builter, t-huit-t'ci-eulicn, 21c- lto 23e; egge, treeli, Ie (o 18c; luotatous, hier hîtehel, 20eto 3(k'; hnuîîîn cus'u, u'îumuuîî grouvîh to tlue bruue.h, 2i.îet,(tut4e rut- louiti. i nh iu s u ", 11, C "i tIc , eh i pi.in g , $3 .0 0 ta $5.25; hog, -hu1it-e liglut. $3414)tu $4.50; vtiîî.toiibn o lupilit, $2.00 tu 3o tibouitt, No. 2, (12c lu 11e; co-t, No. I ulile, a30to l3:2c-; uats, Nu. 2 white, 2 to 24c. St- loulih-Catîe. *3.00 lu $3.50; hogd, $3-50 t.. $4.50; tubent, No. 2 i-ti, tilt- t (;;le; c,,i-t. No. 2 yoilow.',211e tu 27e; ustâ, No, 2 n-hile, 17C lu l8c; irt', No. 2, 36e (o a8e. - ('uidunnî~Cabhe$3-50lu$5.25; hiugs, $30 1tut $4.50; eheep, $2.50 to $4.001; utheat, N.2. 67(flu lUe; t-onu, No. 2 luixt'ul. Me (o 33t- se, No. 2 ii, 21, te *-c; art', No. 2ý ,et.lu47e. l>ei'ti--Catl, $2.50 lu $5.2n); hogs, *311() lu $4.75; eheep, $2.(X) lu $3.7Zi; w-It-uit, Nu. 2 tced,11;2e lu 0-lt; coi-i, Nu. 2 >'ehiuuv,32e tl&-3; osîs, No. 2 wiute,2)c lu 22c; nye. '42(- îu 44(é. Tîu)leulu- Wheat, No. 2 reti, 64e lu (15c; t-unît. No. 2 t-lIon', 32et- u 34c; outil, No. 2uttt' 22e tu 23c; t-.e, No. 2 .3e (o 4e lhithuîl-Cbtl,$2.50 to $5.50; hige $te) ui $4-75; shu-t', $2.50 to $4.25; wu--'t, No. 2 reti. hIle tii(;7c; coi-ut No. ;V>ljotw, 37e îu 38,; oats, No. 2 Ni-hlle, 25e "i (;Q. Nlittstke~~N,'hulNo. 2 sprint-, 57c tu e 5 e n, Nu". ;j. ;b2-tu J;3,;t-; Nuo, witie, 'Oc tlu*)Je; ba-lu'>-.Nio.I, -It' lu 4;3-; n>-e. No. 1, 40e (o 42e; pot-,Itei Ni-t Tit-('utîble, S3 t0 u$5.75; hîtgs, b(to u$0-25; ahe$i 2.50 tbue-3.75; iclîct, No. 2 nud, tze to lui5e; to-n, No. L2, 'lti lu 37e; uîtî, No. 2 ut hile, 22e t(o,23e buttier, crcen, lo6et- o.24e; Cggt-e,4et ?ru, !Se lu loc-. I:I C t- IV tir ci teaof This Duby WIii Be Paaous-squatters netes Muet V5Cte-tepvca(tlv. cou- 'eautela and Moisro Detr«~ lion- tentante Are Dtlatory -Àogruery ihe Enghlsh prise seaunsd ent Chariret i Buffalo. ridicule the iMonroe doctrine. Bat entel land may souta learu filatit le go lgugbm. per lng mittter.-Boeiton Glilbe. tes Seoteamedrcanedthut(ho staer, The question nuw for Greant BPiala la liars Rptote Owointe liondnt.,e teter iî coasîder lm whet!ior It saitbe a D4- ýear ria, f Oe Tht'n, O t,icn aîîd (ith avnfluika, au srbitrstion of the uyueuq. fac- a t'iew ot leven. TeArca ary dispute or lruueide and coffee.- F19,- tituhînîtuer Severun, ut Torouto, ucre oun Wasinigton Times. In Lake Huron, botunti îîtî witb coul trouit ,ar. Owenu Souati IOL.ly uight. When lîveti- The St. James' Gazette wants to know tit ty umiles off Cuve iluîiîd liglît h<tiîhuiots ite hat the- bieiqed Mouroe doctrine lot* re were mnaiig huid weatber li tho hîavi' % Whén il sctuuully fande out It wilhl îrobebly ,()3I northwester rsglaîg, sud fthc'seaminer letî use at hardler" adjective ta doscribe It.- -ett gîttifher ücuuîort. W1hen test seitfrontuîNewv York Journal. j uto the Severn the' Atrien wuîs rollhia ienil>' If, iiowever, theire biegenaîne igaorante 10w and éeuddenly dleuîltearoti frt»> tien. Tite' Onl dis ubjeet anîung iteligent Eagilsh.- ,M) Severun liiially tiiove ait ôu (t'e beach fit' la", tre are latfllnod to belleve that they $2 utileautrîlu utLoyal Islnd. St,' lie. stanid lu the wsy outieiving ample Ila. i lier (-aluie a ttal lotie. 'î'Ile eîrtw wetn-î' ei'l truction on tilsePoint in the ut-ar future. idl- îy Boue fiseien lafter ht' lî tuheo i-lit-Mail and hExpress. jet tlîug twely ueure.'riit. .Afrietu'ti lîfehoaluts'Tlîough thena Is ao indication (bat Our and llift' îirte'rv..râ wte' îiîkedl tu)uouilte dIplotate have dtoue auayhiuîg la partit-. lelaît. lai- (hoelpeople have prepa i-ad an ultmnatum, C<î%~E'T~ ~ ~ and lare ready to enfui-te if. It la that C0NTý" OR MCAT. Egland sa at-ver coustrol the moutb ut 'ch the Oihauo or euy othar Aunai-bn river Thilrty Cames ta Be Declded by (he souîh of (he Canadien llne.-New York Éii, New Congraue. World. bt Nuittille (It the te ',ulesflled atralust theî To Aneiens gt-ernily it st-t-us plaiily iait aueiîuurw u(lf ilt- w Iluuce utteirteseuu- evident ftat1he British Govramenot's ro- (correspI ondn li to fte. hemyfiu e eshiga cIl>ro ua lsmait foundation; aud 'ascu-rspnîlnt li iiiet.î tt-i (ut (uti.If the British (lovi-anent ahoutit sent! ly aioaîy turailhed ou bi-hutfout mh file auai-.y (o (neadaVenezuela, the Jmtie tii- conutesant sd (hi' îolteteebihumelue'n and rpit fteMno oti r f dî'îeieiteuj 'ith (lue t'lei-k. but Jl% nulle îuave'ud ieopayiut tiison.e otll un the' contestants filietIthe'i- textîuusl3, nwouudha rohtlqupin.'Bsu ied rubutta. a ho e. Adui-'ut'anrtas'.______ ýYs <lauuuhans uot yu't furtised 'thlis tehti- The'lUited States hy gotiidhe ought toi- uîuuiy. whie'l. acoi-dluîgfio la'. lue shuîlil le racogaîze the Cuban bolligrents. - [M0 bavte tdoue wltiiiu fotîurv uau'eftî'r fiet ut South Rend Tribune. Ili) t-li"îuotelitîtuuî. Altholgtit(ie Ilite lwi'. Al (bey agit for le munitions ut war lu"' ii fi" lOnNte isi flot alwu"Iyte uiiled 1o (ho Aud suc-h encouriagmenat as Spain moet 'o ettitutu'if uatietui(iiry ,tiaînitsfoi- luste to give the- Southefl t nît'ilrau'y "ls fieda l' i îru' fqurîî iglitt.' Ilt ie;îuîîlî'ntoîî îl ilu 18(11, sud uc hi1tîte lu'r ili gi-t îvat 00 i titi' lî'rk'q etihlî'ctlua( It. A. Clp they want.-Providen-e Telegruîari. bl "t' lgltit G 6)(41 t' oil. M c ('i î i . f co uten t h hi s countr y- ehotîlîl i tit tly roîg uiz e eîid '('t ist i X ii r . îîs ab I fii it-l lui theC uban patriote ud'itale îneaetirî-s t e n , l i u î , u u e t s N e %%u Y oru k , i n s- t w N i h m n e t f lh e n t a g a n e ls a h o r d eI ' f o u t e es t s n cuîese Iite tiuîaiet w'alNewluiolik hu. untr(usti-alitui uight ttrrtî'afin inhal casesIth; ittîii 'u jîe'î giu îs Whthla er. itu Armuenul. This in i tsi's ruwniag' fil lut lu hi' ciiuit'cteee hait.uttIl i> " i T Alan tue Îhni tîuîl r tiiî iuuî. tiv f, t..iîîit . a it lî. This idate utf tuffaire e i tutit ikî'li te inVe p n i -lvii îî' , ii u oitîIhIrsît.mIiî, tlii- tru'gt heu tht- Span uiiiht hltitilia i t 'tilts, 4111 W'îswitlii nhu'uipting to iiil lih.,tii'asd til etoltutally i. îtil- rgitveruîu'îent .0u Al of titi-. î,iiteettts ciuutâte h lt'iîi's tu pért-futthlis î'iuuîhry t'. hetime sa - iii cît'cîtilg C'itîiet l ii t' i( l., u-wh îch utihiisonou <rish the' hitît rutf Spain- e îuîuia tuuuî t't.uuihi'ii. ut. e c.tî u' t u plij thet' lhauîd.-.1iat nît<îuu 'rimes. 11' Ijî--ce'ît -thj ituuili .~ Spauleli effort s tut prev'n t tilu e netia te l'adil(i'-î'thîctub iîîirtaui ' ui l tion of ('uha indiitîtri blieft hsî Ourl Iy V'uiîihî,-i hra îil ls ttiau ipi-ldeutlct 4.111-ci t-au-etun w itud uvl te n ehiiim more îuI critit-c tuîdiditto, thbatu'umoralh suppotrt.- W'tiat tht'îtppri-osst- ni-loDi t waut in a rett>-gond lhleug for iah T OUOtST u-LtiUtNOY Il.. '-ile gain ho do, sud thé <'tbaus wil aj,- on -Preu'the if he» it je doie-i'il(sburg MS Indian Agent fleck Ex petted to Eviet I)iispati'h. it Setticre frriua Omaha Lands. iCcr IHardie, Soclalist. In It ji'Nhtt't'ttd ;uftihti' InîItin i oftcht t J. Keir iHarduielias turn e h ts toua. t9 Ageîtt rutk, iIlit' is hua îî utWiuîei--:;tri-epec oilgi.levii@o ut lii.ritet'rvi su ouili Ne'bruaska, u Iv ltiuk. fnitotut (lthi' - attnut get a cogr,'ga- ýw telitlitout- Ireiovesetleg n telt itn-Cinviinuati Tibtîue. e lanusule ltstd firont tlie Fttîtrnoui' ('îuî.suu i li Actiutg C(ouutiuies eKoih îîe(a ~, ein lHarie tsa3's lit'e l cn oma hi. in niuuî'uu "ying i lit-lands le unit ent 1h îd *counti-y te les-a. Thîj isuledown (ha l*. fi)tu synîpathv un ai-tuulit ut their trope, as curidlg t(o hiet-he tbjpct ut his vialt Iti i'e e t- itil to lugttotff tir maki' nîti was LO ta t5k.-IMilwattkt-e S,'utilttcl. leuies efîcîre tilt'crtisver.'.tîhaltel. Il Jatmes 1eir Hardie, (ho Britishi social 'r isposeibhth(ey ii inte'giveut'i111 lpîr- le.. 557ethat ('hit'sgo le reelonshble, for 'x ttuîity tii malle noe- leao inst îîvuît-e" ie visît tu Aineriti. atîdiChicago hm"- tewilvwite eueîave luit bî','îilet'il-. iiapulogîz eilei-est oftife coutry- of ~ NA rt OE York. Jiudgiag front thelimted annotant -) Anuerican Daby Firet Socsn the Light ot op-,,,, at'iorild)Ku'ir's dougsu m- ,n un lierren Hearschel Isiauti. ings hy the uluwetpahteis New York Ia aise n Ani Amet'iiiu huuhîy lias eeoubora un disaippoiatt-d wilh Mi-. Ku'ii HardIe.- g. hiersi-uel lelandi. se cloîse ti) the aurth oleiPittobni-g Dieîiuteb. asiet Fuîi iii. is i)i iiMazuîthîîuu.Ir". ' 'Tle pi-osent-e ut Ku'jr Hardie 'la Our nuîîtlîîr ilte 'w if.' tuf ('e[tsin A. c. Shî,'i-midett" letotne ut the'îitcturenqiue t-xcroê 'r tiiin. tifit'-steauti uhaIîr BItliga. lier- cet-ît-t-afuthtie'labor muvemî'nt lantthis. l itihil Islanudtimil bart'nuspotiht'i-Arrijcdountry anîd in Eughund. The finie hem a Oveat. het itwti' hreie nitiiru'rtîii"iuiîlgonfby whe a ay taikativa pt-ason posing Li ouf Alauska tanîlt]uf Bruitishi Noth Aierit.î. as u apostît- ut lebor or a champion ut ril'Tie iihîaii'i. lit t fihi lihauit hee 'thlleivorkingmau is receivei eoiioushy.- ?a :tuui>trotîîîhonme fît'-tîore' lîliili iiglittit Ne-w York Mail sud Express. monai viin htîî iy tva s lerua. uer.' gret:yintres-,' iutti.' ii.liaitî Ali Ch ina's Latest Disgracie. ilinypreens t tti.hapy lirtinlaateome mufori-nlathe ri-ct -bo a ttltu- C i titti ii îo i lii. u$Clujas will bh o tupelled l ta pa 1.1 ouhd Be Grover's Boy. heavry' indemnaty. -Balfi more Nev<a. le A fier natieuiîii tf frcetlitiîfriuitli ii The anti-sgt-s upon (lie misslonariie ean- ày fliutîtie sauitliîr î'i-tîîk turii-iid op i tt tiie bonul ha aunduneti. Some mesue shu.uld b. W'hitte Iiîîts'Tu'iiu iî'inl e'r'iito f 'famid fer- teacbing tht- barbariains a sai- toie ou-en Joieiu' lîiliuîg ftî Newv Yori tai-y leeeu.-Philadelphia Lt-dgt-r. Sftuîi.lie hiaitîirevitumisy iiddulieid a In Chinaus terp u ne kaows. aucl out- te tlrti-'tt'lig hle'tii titfi'l(hute'.M) Itlt'breaks novertcunte without the oncutur'- la ii i-c Weei-t'atilt ht' ut ti i i trion lt iii gement sud direction outIhe lllç-raîi," or 1- piî'îlîî'r'nti aud uuithiliîig tinheiilt-I educateut clans. -Ph iladelpb ia IPress. - jîlai uiiy hwt'ie s I suri'tilfnuruih h' o îî The Ka Cheng uiurders reraind unsthat mueutnt ls titi( ii'.d'îtboy. li' wýgchin, le etili a hibartos blo on aIne- iironitltly 'reioii'do ftic' uîî's't Ili tt'v'uth 'euîIr' *ciîlization. Tear dowui Journal. * Slther'itîatenau Deil. 7%'Plopapiîg off ut s few Celesîlal ht-nds Guiieral Willhiai Maliuîe îied'i lt lie anti peymorit tif a nîîîney indemniy are >honte in Washîjigtoînat 1îî'îlî,îk iTiues or* I4tensc da ftrioi. i hl be fli but surry cal lfactioifrbratl- u- dîiysttruîiiti. -lehitti ieutu tîlit), hulisiose iriflicteti un tfile haplesChristjans a teiiily sit-t'le ut iti erit'kî'uî wittlîpara- in Ku (Cheng.-New York Ht-raId. i lsis fiti-ly Niliso a u estsr. uîlionutîs Tht' polit-y ot the Clîluosa Gevet-mnt ktnie.îte vuaItiitiit tfiwe unl a uuu'etitîotf Juttae lias Iteen 10 strike teri-ri iîth le iîîîî'.Thît'v'tî'tîî.liiwmt'vea thtti o- earte utf freignere sand pi-tvent tht-tu untlt iuule it teitaIu aveant' t f-oimakiug ue-uft heconcesions guan- fi3 tiguiîttît nt :g'.ntetel by thetpelieteaoty.-Philndelphla G.A. tir. Appulntmente.. inquirer. * Counauuulr-iu-t'lit-t M'allier-, ut theT' 'his Chinet- people, whlch let-ks cour. (I-rand Arnîy ut tht' ht'îîblt'ia iuBai' sget lufigbt mon n laffle but cas merier 2nutuiceti tht' tolhuw'iîîg uîîoiutmenîe- i&.1.'anti hurnsleeping women aud chiltlrea* jutat general, Irnl ohblin4. îuuiliati1t- ouxbl to bc uu'ped out or tstîght a lt-sat 1oils; uhuîtrmsstt-r geuîerah, A. ,. 1 B-- thal u'il etunt iinlutha waye ut ciuiliza. batik, ChittugoIn;lupeetuur gent-iah, WVlllnuiî ion.-Louisvillt- Commertéîai. M. (>iitî, Boston; atîvocate gencral, AI-. htPayAconîssj fred Darte, Vilkesbsnre, Pa. Tbuih be-trne wl(otut inuelefiu iliona toFght Cuba. ]l@s Arctie cxplorations, lho has eeidenthy T'ie Spaîieh Cabtinet bas elgnet a lutun.letflnu effort untriedti l neeoniphigh whatl ot $15.000.000 uu'th the Banque -de l'aris ' lie tîntiertook tu do.-Boston Harald. et du Puy Boa, whtihly for Cubautex- Penny gays lie wilI make no mort' Aretie penîses. explonutlius. A wiseodotisoa. He hise accoutpiisbuid utlting. anti ebuuld retire Paye Tribtte(o..c.oth ruft. ft-d-t-Lui Go1-ouo

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