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Lake County Independent, 11 Oct 1895, p. 7

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of pneommasor typhoid 7 flke you an Invalld mli .h.1ail be ure tat your bWAo friiath depends upon pure A 1mw bMtes of 114ojd'a S.trapa- ýiiw91se apaying InvetInnt uow. It 1 jcmyo pure, rîch looîwd and 'nvîgo- ~omrwhoestsîn.lemember Hood's K-ý,Sarsaparilla le te One True lltod i 1' tiller. le. isare t rt'iets. mlId ïishtning'sPowe.. r.ofmaor Hoppe reports lu the "Ar- tur Post and Telt'g-ripie,' a new hipe of the meelîsulcal power of 4blhtning dîsciarge. lu a storw that r.mat Kiatiothal, lni theIliartz moun- td4sb5,& boit enterlng a house struck n W<ldeii post on wlose top two metnlle mailsoue-slxtb of an Inchl ia îmeter ~*aft nelted. No forge could hiave ef- faued titis; ta bring It aboutt an elec- 1*~ eurrent of 2M0 amperes lntenslty 'B.d 20W volts tension must bave pa'is- _4 tbrougb thje nails. t4upposflng that tha actIon of the llghtulng lasted a sec- OR& the dyuamic power tbum devel- qI.Oed was tiqua] to 5»K)M horse power, %Wt 1.4 as Io much more probable, the , *d1edarge lasted ouly one-tentîl of a ~mon.we get n rate of work thftt does Met fail short of 50.9(.m) borse pover*. A dude ln Phîladeiplîta was turned .t ot the. club to wliebli e belongtŽd bm*ùse lie plad liiittllnrs bIhl two pys afler lie gouIhe lecotiie%. - Jhav-1-e aza ufttle babue, sarn i wel. i tlîank Mrm l'inkham for this, ind so could othe moîhcrlcss wornc . i mas a victîm t fFi>- iaile troubleL.. L,:dia E. Pink- l Nos 'egtIaNl ,,t Con il cured tu." Mn.GaO. C. 0 0 OretcSt AMedical Discovery à> DéiWO, c"Oimpa4steu sert- :il was fortunafe fer the unfortunate the Sunday Intervened ta stop lte layln. on of banda by Francis Sehiatter, thq Ne-w Mexico "Messiah." 11e bas rigîdij observed the Sabbatlî by goiug to St Patrlck's Catholie Cliurch, a smili an( unpretentlous editlce on the ut-baide w1thin a eton's îbrow frorn the Foi realdence. where hlalustay iîg. It iras expectcd îliat a crowd of largE proportionts votilt attend tItis morniné for tbe Salie of scelng and totcibng tilt garînuts of thie heaier, owlug to th( report ftiat aliiost fabulous cures bar( bepn effetted lu persons wlio iar( merci>- iooked at the faee of tlie straug( mn. l'ite storin kept persous awta; froîn the chjuteh. Tlie fat-t that there would lie no tront ment to-day lad been mwldely adi-etls ëd and thie srowlA flitI lugered lnu lb keven wlnd of last niglit meited atra3 before the full bt-tnt of the storîn brOkE oýver the lty at m'dulglit. l'h-e luchel «f snow cevetred the groîînd titis morDý Ing, antd had tliere beeri one of the 1 IslACIS ItATTE-I. or the Age. îTe it- ho. inîieuîài. î al KENNEDY'un01inii i te-etitt i-ir' s wut-hi i- ebe -MEOICA DISCO E RY ~htii-'ti-,. tf sttftt-rrî-t-' fiinte tî'uiàiea- !ýK 1C L ISîî-htire h,îwIdi- lt l l.tltîthie fr'cz- itu lthtt 7,"$M MINEDY, OF ROXBURy, MSS., ht leprsec fIntense .t old and ~tI.discovered In one oh ont- <ormon rt-ut lu it!-ors-n b>-lte fat-t tiânu aI 1( Pas te eeds a rme that <ut-e et-vt--lo-kto-nii t-cttsns ai-t- hogiînlitg -k .o u ,from te horal Scefula l okti'itti' re i- r eleNen huudred a liq t- .îAii he t'2tly Miilî.Tut- 1"fd vrfà Jexcept lu two cases ct c'l:-îtan hteter hl it'îîîutrtotît tluttdet humo . Hela-e no ina'lu i- s' tli -'tittîtiildti u-hange oft t-îîîteira tstire =in over t ao hundred certîfitates h iiiion. Fyl-iýtitsa iele fivalue, ai w lthi twcnty miles ofi-ittîi~~ilieiit eeu . rosi>1 card fi -r [%0k. ill in- as ni tigîtt i-.iile lu nighil the met--tirii-> tdu,-ii lu ti i t->. .61bnei Is ..i ays e.%crienced f-t-m - en bottle and a£perfmt cure 5s '.-at- îiltatlidutt-Ltlltî-lluie ifad when ilnrghltquut'ti*ty istaIten. p î lot- ii iilht'ttît I>al it> iitalit.fior Wen lte iungs a. e a: eted it causes to- at'I arcc"-- ii b ihle t ià'î'g te ;*ousîg pain-, flî'e ipeailts Jautsîîtg foruî tî'îs liitti- lllit. 1n:1(I tiji d> qat te *oshthcm; Ilis s.n%irtalhthle Lit-et-ut-j ikilll-f ruj -ta liy ts 3. bseiS1--. tiec t ' * .,It't lt 0-l--e l',c- s.Thisîs kc.îttss ,cn g z -~ Ii tîltn.-îotf tht- --topped, and awi d is3p:ioteat n a i. ee;.< i mter takiuug i!. Rca.i ýh l A .llLlt- lve. Io1i . a.utol-îf tut ahli ittpurtuî- b l iti'- u:l lit-t-t hiat h l -u î Ifthe stoni l-h is fa,.A t-r bîi-je-it will tiiioii t ll l h ,touse suearr.î-eiî feelings aI fit-t. E t ,ig i a 'yllei 0li>ofie w ho rio haiug of diet Cicr rete-.ary. Eat -tgi thtfb , îhîtnoo tt ,ta~ best you can gel, itrlJ enougutl tf il. ilin î àt Dose, one talthespoct.'(tl :n.a -tet-at beci. . ?.I:tttyil' ile ha.ve it-oIurliie ;tinim SoId bv- ail !Ftý 't'.lilttert- t t-la lit tothja'uitflanhi i lai-ge.- ii t ttt li a it. l hu-ilas Wevld's Pai .IIUMIIE3T AWARD. lît'î-îî ored -t,- ii ii tiI,'v Ilis-- e srston w-uitlbavei-fa!tli Iliafils, t iinue IM P E IAp--tr. I i iftit- tilàuu-t-thl li- tif" ts. aitil mahta insât lot lit *.-1-. Fallt-r" ttît i hit it tvea itil il iâ'pituir. nui Tryiwhcnthe igestion- >YOPI II Tlesphlham hisinSvvc IS 'EAK nd 10 F0OOD i lctcdl tslo-ul â- Tr t w e th iP SSI ,C L ive lilttsi- iti-t ttfllieuiî.tu a fori1 iraste m. nC«Nw on Il WE WadloFOD i wn findthe10 n ulltrh s b linta pt- >. Voe--th-taed. est s>trtoo te--tmate-0haead îîî'l'l aie t .! tîn ov . i Ilt-ni a e Ic- " 1 i b l n k 1OO i , N E S t 1 . t h l e s a î î î î h a l i o n . ge l n t o r % f s r u i - i i v k F av ma a in in îu ee l a.'w 1rote N. V. lît-ralî r. dIwawd E.verctliait-. bont hly-; 01y Illantrated; plate-peper author Wetl. 50 cen t. a y-tar. Sain pic W' tha asklltg. Jobhn 'anamaîaker, Phtiladelphie. UlToWineL Ntiet.rytoi11ti -4t. Ae... Y. t-île lu ttta'ii<t'of heti- ilt--tvs-t->'of "argo.""'eliiitt7 tudti olîr like ssiI .ttita ttes. ItI, ltih-e t d il tt t.liii grs-t tr t issu vi'i'ht-ire uit-t'tii'iiL1)li- itade. Stîtîte - us-eclt la lt- thtt --theaet di Iity tof luettls Nli arssîiî îîîpesy of til'ct-s'ît .-îtnuittioosof a îer> fou Simplte -litiîto-âtr it-asîilioh oul i>- ett. it 1' lIIlkt1ititit tt-oa a-tl e ts I Io Ii-ip oiti foit- i .ot- sti ti it-to toint-il, Tite best reniedy Dl~R. J. C. IA Yi1<IS fur ail diseases Ti-t Only Permidtted at World's Fair. of the blood. Thec best record. Hal]f a century of genîlîne cures. t CHICAGO ELIEPTRlbI PATrRons EOLDLY PI.UN'4OREO. ly urderon. ItrutaliltjyShown lis the lIstinig Mu.-uudere-Psmscngerm Au- monde Talion nitThleven L.cupe. AD OL TE Y UP lVretched Vaittty. Iiow He TCook Ex 'e Bandita 1-Ioot te:uI* .Twenty yenrs ugo a poor iRr as Poor Hart-v Sheliîiiîî. tg Four masked anti armed men belti upua left a wido%, ,liatile- dty of Newr york poet, wvho dresied i hs en le street caru1t-he I Evanston eleetric une iviti t to chidren. i-lie wau iîonest, resonîbie Buffalo Bi. ai le at Edgewaîer, a Chiceago ulot-b, lion- tIergtlcaud au exîtri-ilauuidr'sýs. Site fac-t, startllîigly Ilike tO ,e day uight lu tnie Western style. They succeéed Inl keeplng a cornfortabie scouts, useti to tell tDf n1 ,e aucceeded ina tarryitig off betiveen $2010lhote for l-r chlîdren and Ilu tducatlug of biu wbo liat a nort-i ni, aud $300, besides st-vrni golti anti silver thent, lier ambition minantot laI they exercise. Hus irork-sijop watce e. Of the tweouty-three persi'ns sbulid lie honest, euergetlc workiug top floot- of biii bouse, y' aboard ic car ouly libres, offered resixtî- xoi but a "lady and a gentleman." noise of tbe street, aut suce, andi onie of the t.is shot aind thet îEuhna, the daitgliter, 'vau sent te a write about fifleen botit oteB wobdyetn private tteîiooî, tauglît superficlal ut-- wan not a Howielu or at t- The hilivaynîen stopcd the car la eompshesadtplyo te r w s okigbts ae Evauston avenue at tie corner of Ber- pliiins n opa n1wad roewrlgbu y wyn. Evaiiston avenue between Mont- Pianîo and dance. Sbc maie lber way, four lu atîy one day. Il :e roae boulevard and Etigeivater lu a lonely thi-ough sorte of lier school acquaitît- labored; lie tolleti. He ha Splace et igbt. The street i n nt paveti, ances, into familîles who woid nol a bicycle and could fota -except in the car truc'ks, and there ls no lhive recoguized the poor wnslierwom lHe Iated walking. Run travel elther by tennis or pedlestrianm. an, and wore gaudy clothes and ciîeap 81111lit' nmutshlave-e xec SWben the. men topped the car tîvo of Jewelry w bitb ber mother olaved 10 bis dicîlouary lu the base them jnniped on lu front and two bebind. lui- for lier. She inarrlcd a salesînalii thesaurus lu the kîtelien. Tiie front men wtreomeaketi, witb white la a retaîl siiop, a man weak lu bodiy both i-et-y ofteu It was hatndkercbiefo tîed over the lotrer part of andi linti. lils sceuty salary sile iast- ialle mtny trips doma their faces, whilc of tle two in the rcear one had a blaek lutait and lbe other a reti dou fiuet-y for horself andi ber chu.- agalu, and lu tlat waY ut one. They ail carrieti revolvers. The dren, anti iheu be lent bis situation a lu epleudîi piysicai cond man evidentiy th. eadnter, a tlu, niend.-r year aga, she came beck wltb Ibm e I tar once Kair hlm dasîbl feilow, witb deep snkeu 0aes sud iear- thet moîher whom she bat so long <le- lîke a mnadameiand atitio ing e llght overcoat, ordered the inotor- ciared wias too, "vulgar" t0 e know- lîke a kit-. and mas dist mni, J. 0. Mferrituen. into the car, tbreat- edge before te vont. fornied Ilb- Jolu's witîe I ening ta shoot hlm if he disoheyed. Merri- Tom, ber brother, was a keen-wittt'd slmply litntiug for aw mati, hoirever, obeyed itromptiy,, eut tht-Youtng fellow, wbose oniy ambition iras fotidIf. iobber, following hlmnilu. imniediatel>- te be "sireli." - He bad a place as copy- commanentc everybody lu tue car ta give Iug cîerk lu a shop on the Bowery, lbut That Joyfut Pce ua mitatever of vaiue bt-or aIe bat! in bis te u elun fIi ar îts Wt h xiirtn or ber possession. tath ermgoftehr ie ih he xilatg lu ht-mentiie 1wtir role. o lt o yeîrs asi.andi remalaed idIe. de- newed healtlianti strengtl t-air ttatforintlicd lo driven tle vot-pendent ou lisi .ther. Wbeu lier eni- ceuieu ri oi dunttor, W. GI. Oshoru. luside, snd tht-n -a Pioye- offeret-e gi-e hlm a situation SyruP Of Fîgs. isn nknlo- roblier atout]a!at-at-h doot-t.treatenîng -1o aslua mtqspnger or porter, lie laugltlily WhO bave nul progessedb shoot art>- tne whu âatteutîttedto bget out. t-t-lur il. ,at be 'had uot coneJuto lime meiclues iand lte, inuit-. the- otht1w-o wenî deivuthe "tle., lte wmût-Id1do meuli Iwork." tues ometýwje& effet-ad1 grablîitig %%vati'lîà-s f roin the- müi.stacvh1îlîg Last sprlug lte old w'asberwomn, cepteti by lte reil Inforuý h-r utk-sfr mtair. nandi oizittg îvhîî- woru oît at last, fel li11,and Tom fotîîd Tedfîrîtt uvl eetr wîîneî.i'u "îkîbiksappetie t -iliu s intring. lie pieket a iuotn-T heîfeecei a le iii oliî. Afi-r Il: t lite rollers liati ait . sPtit-Ift o a ft-tryboat, was cauglît erty ut thec lait cetists, thiîtgst ttir tw ît c ay. aid rttietitht- pas- inithtetc lt-lred and seutencedte tsix mat-kabie. lu soute Statt e-iit-r't at lt-taure. More tîtîtu$5() nmet > lumr tau2 trs«,iai Itt-'tîttrty ant ii -y %va ~ts to-thts' Itprlsonuîeut. Iliii tefelîse tm etlialueitofreth p froin t i>mtoe-t-r«-. bSoîtte (ftltttl wias tîî:t t e as starring. tetclvleo iepo htitîl ar-ritigs ltîntfrilt titi r cars. 'ucottitihai-e soltllte expeusîvi- ttht-r cases It h s-Ileved Pot-s-nace Ar itucd. lothes 3oii '.ear, or Ilînt scatfpIn.' as bigli as thie selling prl ra.mnuce Ar I)zct:îlid hi, lawyiet-. tVit-r a ,t -tlt-Pii~ tIttteii n - "No, sir.-'1Tom fle;'l na cu- The saine effect pt-cdu-e TI e jc;j' t'orunae.rut Itslled: -I m>- b nu-phur hali are ttceuminjte rcto isi-.. v . l- iti- iea r s,'îintîd 'ruu e oî hha t reas a nd!Sulhur Suait. tiazîtiandth I.- îîot-n. of î ît Ibire ihart-likt- tilt,- gentlemnt at i nrn." *Hili's 1-air andt'i hiâke ttere seve-cIi.]ii ttîîstîer-jbit s-earnlng. l'lte'ls a snd, If uoî a sîtameful tu- or Bt-own. 50e. liiailv. %% lie'nitle r.hLbers tine tO N. t0. tiret- for tlit- ltoy or gîil-ho hias ueu-er D luty (ld Heliog Gl. .lonsttn. tof <alesburg. Ill.. irbo In litle-attiri ait nte ht lntile Iîîtepeu Heliogabaius goetraIll- ('i-gî i-sitiig fri-tnd, il Etgewater. dent-(' i-e lut t-rtItan pole ulilftlesises. btaiof ts) tîtînhes. anti ivîtose % îv. w ii n vlb Itîti. he tt-unr-AtI oi-ihilstealel-iysii 1>- otbje-ted t turtic ittta vuluableAn iddtohs vlaieruyad wat-tat.!$tt wtît h-bal uhi ptLt.Ii , mnnn uit-lIter mîtolissbeen lu- If the- hait-lis fallîng out Th'le roîther rttît-t-t ltthte shouidertt difT,rcut to tIle cardinal iltnes, anti gi-ay, tht- glatîds ut the- sli î'laig andi colttt-fotod, andth andi Mi-. J- tiitn'iàt 'l-ltet1; lîîiin wilh bsliatau ttglît lier cIttîtren ouiy the graces adntimulaienla llalî,s Ilâ fiei.l.'lie rnlltitîr r tvi-' ml a henvy ohftais-e geutilît',-. lia hati bitter reason blut i îîthe iit itt iI -tifhlitarevolver, lu regret tilt- reqstltîatliav-e foiiowet Greact oaks frout lîttie av st-îkiiig MI-.Jtthnuîîî î t-r the letfleYe ber ttîîwse le-te<liiîigs.-Yotti sCoîn a 1109 pt.îi tli thtts'n. and ti t tesane tnt- i li -iioîaniont-ant paulun. FT--lîtate-t-e, hinu bath>- e -t itilebi ut! ut tIen A. E. Ny.eetoa.utl5 ler Westman aittît ffvn-ý-I r--.aiî- nt! ias A Dîme lis ii Hlm tas .e ue-es. Trýýenet.ad *Botri WînFilpe. asew. $end ie.tDr.Klitne. mi t sett-pt-r. R-. is. t, > ' -:l'-. R.J. in-bî-iffit aneirapaper solicitort- He- latia rane i to.- lî;Lt icîib e nt- ou1 ittsbnrg. aller eart-ying a iliver ~ tt I I tempted 1 to tit'aithtiù riîbbeis. lut ture nel lils wiudpipe for nlearly tiru une (th tht-ut to- t i f .>htm hlm anti yearq. coîlgîîl Il up the- otiter nlght. i THE (INQ Ç iss'd iî agai,-it hinîta-If- ie-t tht-n Ttîie. iLaqI Dereuttî't-anyear ugo bis eblîi. Wi P. Neititi inaliti(ls tvoligîst ftght ai hii-lt tbIesîcgo Mur. N etloit lsa autanlliv six îa.-î taI, piaceti a dinît' iiO bi seatbn tiith ltunro!aîîdt-s anti lotîil lue anl playiîig lu lit-fathler's moulh, Hindi- atîhtete. Hliittîtîie-tiilt friiuthtet-t-c-t chef'. Iîy n uitre-ntuotf lte ut-ad, accl - -nd oif thec iar. tîît-rt:re%-îtn(- of the rt-b- des-ully swalioiiei tle coin. Doctors ______ tit-t-t %%ho mat- àin hin.ty. gave iiîàtlit'ttoIt hiitlie utet! nul le mort-led, as the t-liea Oi-m n i(lt-l tuk-tdIdija alltdinît' ould dislvie anti pasaway. tht eIti- f ht à-r.~fe- iîiht-t i ltevltrrefusedto lu îerfîîrtîîau operation. light t-i sri'o-'. nlio ct- nedto tult'tht'e ieî-lfwa -bjttl -utu im0 le'ader tof tht-e î.It attiýldbis t-evolve~r Ilc iewssbett iln iso at luit îàt:ti firi-d ue stit rit le it- otigIitg aliitter vtliîig the mouey, -~ tisékieffeti-t .%Ir. Nteits letflthigi. anti 112itiiairtk-ndfi-out81t01) b>-t anti. n hue init-iig tîrti a flest-otwuunti, sut-i a fit lt'e tîh'r evenlnig. Jîîîîîîîiug 13il i ouglât is lu thle grti tnt. Ou1t of bt-il.iii. oitgli'i ad li te dli e. ls Thte mîttle affair loti Si-e uiutt'as. sturfate lait! bot-a t'urodeîil. illîît-lî-llff f Whbei tht- rîîhe-ry wiîta onîplpeetiltt-î' cttrryiu ite piete as a souvenir.i bighwnaynteîi ail got tiff lie frontt plut forai, I lat,.îtg trîilt thi ite lt- rit t- tîtiiiti'Steauna UuiThe moo.-lnge cet-sotff. lncttriiau eontrollot the nît<,r. 'lht-v Màjesolati1v tltegreai orp-itn ryàuît also ttwang te t-cll- off tht- %v-re maid lt-aite i-diiik lian titui e otithe it ir t-lt tht- rt-pt-. l-iing île tcar l i tît-rknets Jttiiîî-iboitiaoî. Butt are >xui. îîy de-ar sir, anti stationar>- on te track. itel)attdfrthl eaiittt e - aîtit lite a tilie àtitiiii-ltti'. HeîlereeItl,nai-li bac k or olbj ec-tion to' iIft- t o'I it. - -x tie t l ito ii e- e-ti cti nid. - UNCLE SAM'S MITTS ON. p tit-st .îe. àt taliiti iudsprox-cd, a th - travt ti senor ln,1.etîgranho. ltitesz. _________ Ctoit-ilttait li-eliiiers Itt'i,women arc usîn te Prize FIgrhtera i INot lBc Atlowcd Vîttel! reitteeleah it-ie. tillîoti. pilyw lu alet onFederi Domain. pepsiàt. rtîitnuttic t vittgt-anaed îeî'act1>tyof one of them, m-ho te Mcet en Fedral Doissai lte LIdueja.aesb i.Mau Comntissioner i- rewn ing if the î*îlit avsb u. 1\a office- as tîtken litompt iandl ttcli v ,i-Artesiîa Wells ltir Souh Dakota. 4 tion 10 îtreveît t lii'- ett-t-lzdlitîiin-t The goî-erttîeuînt- sent art-caai itrize lglit taking pIiin the IcInduuîîà 'Te-well utar-iiît'ry to the Riost'bui rt-t-àr- rilor>-. le lita tt-i'at-t'ia ]cr of Li- on ad11aiiii ont-ce litt diu.u aln tsiri.:l___ Arcte Viîitn atMtusâtge---.to (teterutltIlt-lter tîâtit-e--tutu a.-t!Lýio ' e I. T., dit-et in n hl olu0<e that lte itîmitexîcutîs ta litIpoitil. Ir sui-î-t-i-ftiii s are etifot-cot!andt utje-t forî-ittly aîy 1lur- Ibis an tîîîîtr of ivi-lîs mi-l l l ic-ik stn Irtiders w-ho tua>' ent-r tht- Indiitucliii- thc varionts rî'servaltits. T'ret- lo Aviuur tr>- fiât the put-pose of ereîàîiîàg a tis-A od In lut-lance or etigmging in tht> t ilàgitut ont),,ilihalitaIa nfew yI--:rsltesuttifat-e niay bl e timenillte the- udins. 'ruh- oftlintelrîof lte State wiiilibe dol- commissiottert- e-tlss tIlînthîe uatitea if tetllivitittht-se spotters andi uo cou- the United States at-e anmple lu toi-ethlit r>-ounlte glotbe miilecaaiSoth lDa- situationusud lu pt-tvent the ight. 'rite kîtta for sîîe-ssfiîl Irrigatliou anutin-t agent wili have ut lia hack nultiopi>-the- tif raite-tl. luionî police lut all e Unitedt States_______ îroops itecesartîr> 1 sje-t the- fighters. _S Tht- stetutes gii-e the- Unitedi States Kate Fielid It Denver. S aulhoriîy tu ke-.p ont of the Indutîn Terri- Denver, Sept. IO.-Miy jotîrne>- front or>- ail petsons irbse itrosence woul Chicago wi4a îvt-r tht- Chic-ago, Btirling- ' * * le detimental 10 tht- peuce anti pros- ton and iQîlin->- iilirtiat. ont'ofoh îe lest pt-rit>- of the ludia ns. Tht- commismittuer ttaniagtd systeits lu tht--eountry. i ebouit R A fi Émym tht-eneo t-doubt ftint tht- prespnetsal', jutging 1>- the iilil>- tf îhe cm- 'I c ' of the prize iglters enti tht- gong thut PloYes, lte ct-o1t- xîieritiîetl, the - - aiouid folt-w them iuto thlitîdjn Terri- exc-elt-unce of ils roatibei. andtihle parle- 1 tory moult! le ver>- trîinienlal to tle tuatlit>- of arrivai. 1 ictat-tl>- rt-ai-ht-t gIh Inianotand that iltlmth.rfureite:t:y DenverB Oînatafatime.iThe sCill àDon indian oficeIluRoute ils-maise the lest lu St. Patul, Min- Teiof >t niaff ire tî -iiîcei trui e., * bt- "l lu Omahaeland Kansiacus.ty i-e siii t teatînt ite>-utluitastt nl<kbi b-ttil l Ie iosiiut i the long-baired mttre person t10 id i-ho tac, lu eh, greatest of 1iitelrary frienti 't4Ilo' of takiug op wap on tbe ,far froni the nd lie used vo ru a day. He Bronson How- s never exceed le worked; lie had no tume for afford a horme. t lie could ual. ree. He kept semuent, and bis m. As h. used S necesuary to astalré and up hc kept hîmself dîtIon. A vis- ug dotrustairs aring np agein stressed lii lul- that John wai vord and had mense of re- ,th and internai ira the une.of mu to the. few beyond the oid ecbeap substi- but noer -ý nation of pro»- ;was very re- ites the assesa- 25- per ceDn. 0f )erly, whlle lu ,d t bave been- r c -e. MI tt comtiy Sui itij by (lonnes 'r Dye," Black )abaluo. s uîiped on lte mt and turning in need etimuti- lie lest remedy [ir Renewer. cortna grow, If Arch St. P'bIa P. Iforme Brou.. Provo., Veules.Um*m. W1. IL 46 Milas Lucy W. lewis. of- Ran- doiPb, Ma@»., a weIl-kaown and buSh!7 respected lady, write. under date of Jan. 2'2, 189::1*1 can speak onlY ln praise of 'Ripans Tabules.' 1 amn troubled by wbat rny phyui- clan bas calied Nervous Dympepal& MY work, tbat of a scbool teacher. often brings on a state of intense nervousness, wlcl preventa digestion and resuits in neyer. headaches. 1 have found that by wgtching niY feelings, and taking TabUle with meais-as 1 feel rnyai becomlng tired and nervous-I get relief at the tinte and prevent furtiier trouble. 1 bave derlved MUch benelit durlng tbe tinte 1 have used theni. and do Dot latend to b. without theni." flisanoTaulm anre syautbruotsiM b lieL Io0 mot THE BEST TEST, [aelaa e1w mddextrmets fronete"., *'ttad tfeau o&" bm*t. Man qn rui1ul1th" Il .j pIT h~orLshint.an sd C lie uet&. Tum NIBOMu h»u Me dn wftm Alter Trial of Ridge's Food:- 'Il meet. aminm neuine expftsdut. &i of Io me Il whenaer OeCasien ,ffpr.i -L.erybodl thilkthe 3 l smfflh eider thon tb.W"a-j grgfat, btreng. I.ealtby b... A Àgreut MIma Mgieds te r@ 1%us tetilJuee me toehanar. Lut Il as vu temOn 1101u1.s, buthbilta nub"Ms Liu j.ieE Lyun.àItami Oud Il Ut Kg rPCeiMMen&d-d lu fati. twutd Dtse uibout IL", -bIla bott. AY: v. itUXtord. fIL seud tu IVOOLRIII a Co. l'aluner. mens.. frHithitt 5fn a~ XTFW tohaew w ht edbaM ar sy lb" h It's only a question of time Sabout your using Pearlinc. So it seems to us. It seenis as if eivery bright woman must sec, sooner or later, how much casier and quiicker and better and more economical is 6)Pearlinie's way thaîi any ~' other known way of wvashing. jjYou can't think cf any draw- it that hasn't been met and 1O sand times ox-er. Millions of Pearline nowv. Ask some uses it Pightly, how much shec r factured only by jas. Pylc. N. Y. Is Aye the Cheapest.t' -nitations of and Sub- stitutes for ýPOLIO Washi le rherc< kP. tt nhi ng. ween unu RBANK com yt, - W.FWUWWWWVWWWWWWW

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