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Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1895, p. 7

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GWANIU sLOST ÏMATWN801X. Mgaie etT1w. Empty S*boue sud H« a Be*e HI.etegy thet Nobody Kflows. ÂmatChbox that moneY Coultiut lapei buy la lu the posaession of Policeman animai Goulti, of at Francisco. The match- the stri box le not worth,1 larlnslcally, any Japane by connecteti. The for- more than thousauda te l'e found la COWs-1 alimpiy, sole'y, soidly apon any large jewelry store, but lit owner nor es If t l pue heyam ro- willi neyer part wltb 1h If he ena belp bot-es, Mud ttsea10 noc 'evomums." IL. It was gîven hbly the late Oeu- for lhe lhby ae ledon refums m eral U. 8. Grant. carts1 hftoftiarvons prostration resait. Whea the ex Preident vated the pualacu Id BMDafrlu on pare b:ood. Make ' nages I~bo4Ma&bet pre bytak ing buttev t as wat buntlat Thea wool Il aril aCotton eôo nwBIoo4 urll.pg-r dlet-a te-inrputandl -There mimi or be Mokig Bled, anti lu mct remsarkable lhlng about a ie Mg blrti la lis way of laylng out a tfe I a thie entama Il gees South"bga "abllbe. Iulef on a piece of musea i that vul yield berrles aad other mangL ~ gbtu lamath the followlng catea The. tract la determîneti re-Reo ad bonantarles vilhas much ac- ras a Ulflg- prospecter vould ftaklng ot a claim. Perbaps Il Fron w only fitty yards square, anidfil have 1 ave a length ati breatith of sasand ai a M 0yards. The spaLe tiepentia transi Unpon the. food auppiy la siglat, GNEliAL GEANT'5 MATCHEOX. phant lit oeking bird la a great gtton Pacfelfcceast la 1879 lha lid for bis carrl 1Btes ten times the quanitlby that bodyguarti Orncer Geuid, who attend- On ber b. neceu.ry ta keep hlm' alive. ed thedstlngulsbed visiter talthtully. temal g laid ot bit range, the owaer Oaa night, latter a trip over the tty la larger, *aud Il wtb bis litead no other a carniage, Offien Gouid fouad on the traînal Milngbîrti la allewedt t enter l. seat of tihe carriage a maîclibox made It tin Y.mnkob *"O ees..' eut of two rifle-sheila. rive ordlnary wlsea .Ïugkege halai'ya bâti the rep. matches were la the case, mhleh vas tht-ou iitoibebig an lagenlens teîîew. amade on the princile of a tetescope, te go j a been credîtedth il dolug a gren t oaa aheil liltlug over the othier. Bohh t-t'lab *inage b. neyer did, and hie bas shele bad been exploded, as the dent The e good maay thînga hae bas neyer eft he lling pin was pllaiy visible. Evea'y mredîteti vilb. But lb receetly de- Tha langer sbeil bore the mark -F. 88. te the lUpon a realIVermntTYankea 1t oi 2-o-tu-nwhie theasmaller 10 cou aecond-hand bearge and ura h uone. wblch cted as the cap, was un- the hi peiilr'.Cal. ieltxd l uermat-led. The matcbboil measured tw thelri le, boerded ni) the aides, aud and a hait lachea wbeu losed. dhent led" a litle rcd pint la several 1Guuld kncw that Uic unique match-ohe te taite off the tuisereai air. liei box must be the property otftieneral squui noir off the plumes, and bullt a (irnansd hastcued alter hlm lu nrehuutraIes yrover the'divers seat. I t. The' General was n is room l'y A ______________________attend the limiae Gouid eached bis apanîmenîs. lef lr nmrn, Coluimba, Pa., says *rhe orderly carrled a message labo the l a "That noona, and lu a tew minutes tie Geai- cd o enai appearemi. Ofiteer Gould hlcd eut roll o, Bea ring- the match sate aud told tîme Gencral Down that lie had tommad It lu tbe carrl th ue Ili Feeling 1 Geucrai Grant looked St lit lu sIlenc@ tieir1 anddlzzy,lslnt, for a minute, and la is klndly manuer, the Ot faslplag atiacks sald: -You may keep IL iome day you Wh ef me as seon iuay leara the blstory ofthUe sheils trmin ddmwr as 1 began te w-iih i bave mamie this rmathbl'x.oft tee takO Lt-dia B. Good-algl'î." tant t Pnkhaaî's The (euer.al turued on is bc1 and five It Vegetabial trd asroa îhu nother Compound. 1etrdbsminIihu rp wuMstick wth word. Offleer Gouid hast neyer learued grass& woanb trouble lteelîlstory of tie shelas, but lh reaa- esci imaW oer could M geL uh." mres hie souvenir mat as mue-là. Curirent Condensationa. If th AgîOAn authority au bypuetistu aaYa Ibal NEDY~S laisterleal peraoun arc very dilticami t n - E Y' Influence. Tbey are se wedded te thein Y n taucle*-mental and phymueni-ha L IS OV RY * lhey prove very ubstinate' îylpotie lia L Iio In tetusEven If au influence s iuv flhDYSFBOXUBY MSS. 'he iuugtb ut etl'cr day -3n niglîtea » a~erdlan necf Our common l' e ailiy andi acetrately reckound l'y orwHedS a remedy that cures everytetoolu sipe-i: uiui ifHmer1 romi the wost Scrofuia the ialo ut t impleusrlu tîNtu, ti3 tea common Pmple.th oroth u' sngbtwai astricti il ln over eiei-en liundred t will glV ie eIengtiaofuthte nîglît; mul- Md never faied except in tlic ases ht- yhue hiuoftarutang by IWO, aid tluanderbumor). He hasnowin his get tb, en'gîh outhUi day. Tius, tak]e sIen ever two hundred certafIcatcs ,I a mvwiamu te ue afi t-las a 130 and ývalue, ail wthln twenty miles Of i et4a5M.Aplthruanyo fi. Send postal card for book. !hae sa it o. Apîiytue t-uand roa e"t lsa mwavs . ienccd f rom dhave anl, u T ut lten imlouraaada ibottle anda pret cure ilarn- dyu ..e.Tem-wi ' oi 1wbesn tecrlght quantfty is taken. alisuiutu.iy acelirate ai U am en Of u wm the iungs are affected Il causes the yeir. cgpan P~1lil<e needies passing At a toueraI auar Parsons, Kan., the ttiem; le sanie wth lie Laver or otiier day a littie son was l'uried in the' t Ths lk causMd ly lIe ducts being nelgiiorhiomi eemcetery. There l'mlng no b4analways dlsappars an a wee lacarse. tiae'remuains iere iuîntetllu a tkitig i. Read the. label. spring %wagon. Oaate way le lite grave lestoapch la foui orbilieus l wlii a swarnmortif ecs galbered ounte id of qucmish feelings stirs. the coffnu anud there renaîned. WVben dang. cf diet ever necesary. Estth e trywiracdalefos est you can get, snd eaough utfl.thcmlr> mnidal -fra on tabeponul(n weter at bel. le drive thie becs froin the coffini were Sold by al Dl'jjjgNs. wltbuîut at-nil, ad thie pIlîbearers vere - tt-ceai te take charge ofthlie coffià wiîh s P-r-1 usma.oS iAWAOD. the' bees awarmlug abiot t em, and p >T E T betore lime emalus ivere deposled lu the grave cvery palîbearer suffered, ALbeiug tuatg lumoi-c thanuone lplace on the tace and hlantis. The beecs dung se ~~R A N U teuatiisly luote cornu that matny ut bIc FOOD Il sick ,where cither 11111e ir aGult nccds dcli- eourMsIg diet 1!l NO. 4550 théni vere buînlm'thtlubhie body utfte boy.- On Jly 14, 1865S, Edwand Whympen, tbbc tamous uouaitalu clImban. atten elgbl munsuccestul altempla. won bhc honor ut liast nsccndlag the 'Malter- bornu, Ho vas accoipaaied l'y Lord Fraucis Douglas, Ite' Cbarie.tHudson, Douglas Rtobert Hadew, and Ibrea guides, 'Michael Croz. Peler Taut-val- der, and Peter Taugwalden, Jr. lu de- sceadint- Hadow lest is net-veanad hi feeling, andi Hudson, Croz, sud Doug- las, wbo vene tastencd te the saine Vope, vere uragged uiblhlm. Whiy- pet- and thc Ivo ethen guides lunt- desperabeiy te te rocks and wltbatood bhc sheck et the tigiteant- nrope, l'ut lima satly rne broke, and Hudson. Hadow, Crnotaud Douglas fell 4,000 ffft dova the preepIce sud vera dasi- cd te pleces.- V'S SARSAPARILLAl ii, aiter'- mas afiictetl ea svoer. case ef acrol- Our dector reremîanuied eta siaparilla as belat- amSJlowt-puîler vîthin gpltc.- We gave ber t"ab dje a complet. 't cured these ,MOU. "ÂAfflicted for seven years, villa viat appeareul l e b.a cancer luathietac, other lreaalaunt halug of no e heet, 1 triatt Ayr's Sarsapariia. The reait la that lauancgear, ail trace of cancer bau bien remov o"- tro-.JouaB. Rxvai, bu Wbýr, 1N, E. moti aduipt twle as jus tag 0o cana. A Deadly Dose. "I cnia neyer uadcrs;aad wby to anany wouid-l'a suicides resont le tint muaI horrible et dcadiy doses, carbolic ecld,- says a plyalcian. "Il causes more pain. more gecnine, llngernug agoay. than auy deadly dose 1 cau mention. Ycl ils popmtarity continues to lucrease. es- peclaliy amongthebbcuntortunate atuin- bers oftheb hait woend who have lie coma wcary ot lite and seek the coin- forts oftheb grave. The antidote? Ohb, an antidote atter bbc acid ha. bt-en syaiiowed la ot 11111e avail. A mixture of flour anud iater sbould l'e g!ven; aise mnuclaglnun driiks. 1 oa-e bcd a pa- tient recover afler lakint- a satal quan- lily outhle acld, and she said shc thouogt aie vas avalloiovng molîca lcad. Il la a horrible lite destroyer." Net an Imbecile. Befone bis deali Motrond xvent1 tiront-h tic tonan et a conversion and made bis pence vitb tht' chunci. When the priest asked hlm: "You prol'ahiy la olti timea uhlcred mauy piensanînles at-aInsI religion?" "No," said ne cooliy, 11i bave l'eau acèused, sud Justly accus- ed, Ia my lifelimaet many vices; 1 have neyer becu accused et being an imbecile." Moutoud waa an lavet- eaae gambien; oaa day he bati a quar- t-el vlth sorne people ha bad been play- iag vill ata cards. Ha fiew St Tniiey- rndtilu a shalaet great agitation. "lWould you believa l," said ha, I"tiey bhneaaened tle bit-evme out oethle vin- dov?" "t11havealaiays ativiseti you," naid Taleyrauti, very quietly, "Ineyan te pay carda cxcept on tic ground floot." Under the'Sun. Sek-Ihe sunlight la the advlce ut al pt-aent dayhlyglcninsa. Patients ou the sunny aide oft he hospitai yard recever seenesl. The penson wbo aiwaya vaike en the suaay aidae ot lia tret-claout- lives'bis shade-seekint- brother l'y Ian years. Sieep la moome whcre the sua bas shed ils raya ail day. Bask ln tie @unalal yen eau, and your druggst's and doclor's notes viii go te proteat. "lif 1 vas oaiy prelty," siée slgbcd. ..iou eau easlly beeoame s," sald han hast trlead. "Hev?" "DiRappear mys- terlousiy. 1 neyer rend ot a girl whe dlsappeared mysleriousty vbe was net pt-tty."-Ciicngo Peut. "*Jahnay la iaarnlng te l'e a statieaary engineer." "Ishe ha aning tasnt?" I shouIt gay se; vban ha quit vorli lait migltut lsface asqrfnuy as a evepipe aM lgobai maebjne 01 i lovw lhW 1 * -@Ai WashtlîUseti as a UonI. A Portînlad, -N1..tian ru-m-m'i île isle a- gaise 11111ta miSm-Iftby m uiiga dis i tame of six maile le-il miiorditav va mIaiill. It %vas jaisa 111r9f. emîmuigla t. emable 1ilita le mun bis l-gs 111) lai and itm l ipim ai sniatl m-n su min mot suainIgs. 111omuer Iom pilte'it t aipsizi ng Il vals i mmu'ssiî foa- ilie migai 1r Imi ait iiett-y niatimI. %%'lien scul l mg lac mulnî at looîmk mI-)er h la silouider a 'asvec wlen- lie %vas guimug. for fean oft îljml:iig ut-et-, aulie uarrlmd a smali mirrr, wtyliia alled i huai tu mec atlierotate milucamiuit laut ii aanlng. lie aiso maarlet.l a suiali stil aboutl a yard sqiumarae. 'Tiis beumseul a liron oi2 thliIlnie, but lis mmmin lm-llai u-t wais oaa thbe suiallio&:, w-I il' li lie lau' sl mm. Like a Venomous Serauent Hlidden lanlaie grass, mualairiua ut yaits aur apîîroach. lui eprimguat aaid fauitemimls tag upon mu. Timure 1,iowv-er. a ceraini anti- dote tt amavumna wliiimtirender" Il poiWiiCi for emla 'nt cers Smauiimii H i Io a Ibi seiiri ut edaui jyrîi-fuamemad umim andut 18. , e1e th lms. a tiiormuaagà m ruml>t- for rheuiaatismn. dyspepala. Iluur î-omaiim ct.iaioa, la grippue amaau-rmimmi- .lu couva eaceCIC and age il la vu-ny sri lu able. We Write Many Ltters. Statlalles prove Ibal neanly bye- Ibirds et the letens cana-led t Ib ia- lui service oftIhe world are wrlttep. sentt te, sud rend l'y Engilali speaktùig people. __________ t dlaIe actionof u tseaais Sialplmr "4ilii'. Hain andi Wiisker 1e" Bia.-k an Iftrow n. iNc Experlmnts hv tso hnlant id chrrentla ut electrlclly may bave a tiéu-- eficial effecl on thc growtli ut plants, but. et course, a blavy charge vii ll 1 a plat just as iigbtltg viiikliU a ti.ov. Haltl'* Catarrh Cure. lit takea mtemaly. Pnicuu 7i cents. Ht'Ioa nnmnd vimboul that la lanoceit withia; be Ibis îhy sat-t-cendmIbis lbv vali utf brass.-Horacu. 1 vout.D net gel aieaag mvahout Piao'& Cure lot- Coniamunyttea. it aiwaya euru. Mas. E. C. MOUT:vON, Neuhiant, Masa., <)t. F2, 189. Mlusic vashes away from thebcseul the dust of evcny-day lite.--Auenbach. We are neyer no happy eo- unfortunata, -as ve hhlnk ourselves. The, cleaning of carpets without taking them up. That is a specialty ivith Pearline. After a thorough sweepiulg, you siimply scrub them with Pearline and water. Then you ', wipe them off with clean water, and sit down and enjoy their new- wness and freshness. You ought to be able to do a ./ g ood deal of sitting down, if ini all your washing and cleaning ~i ,/I - you use Pearline, and Sa save time and work. Use - ~ it alone - no soap_ with ,it YU Puit Yur F<oot InI Il when you buy inferior soap instead of the genuine 5ANTA -CLAUSSoMAP The favorite of every woman who ever used kt éither in the laundry or for ail around the house cleaning. -Sold everywheme Made only by- TuI 1. IL FAIRBAIII COMPIY. ' o U~u APAN MA$ NO ANIMAI tic PoesA" Unkaown ln the Land of the Mikado n la a landi without the demeatle s. It la thlz lack which etrikes anger go torclbly In iookiflg lpoia leae landacapes. There are no the Japanese neither drinks mllk ita meat. There are but tew 9, and these are imported maiaiiy te use of foreigners. The frelgnt lu clty streets are pulled and id ly coolies and the picasure car- sare drawu l'y men. There are vw doge, and these are neither used itdb doge. beants of burden nor lu ng, except l'y foreigners. *e are no sheep, in Japaai. aud In flot used lu clothng. lik aud abeing the gtapies. There are no -pork la an unknown article of -ad lard la flot used In cooklng. are no goats, or mules or don- Wild animais there are. bowevcr, in particular beurs of enormofis One et these Mr. Fluck saw, !, In a, museum. hie describes as EL an or." Bealde another atuffeti um bear la preserved la alcohol the rd body ot a cbild the heur bad ibefore belng killlcd.-New York rdPr. Elephanta la W&r. nm very aclent tintes elephants been aased bot lan war operations a burden bearers ln commercial tctions lu limes et peacte. BIc- st formn a battery and emeh one s a cannon secureiy atrapped up- ýr baek. 1'!ey are ailt enares,. the e@ beibg chosen because they are rstronger and more easily &d. maet be underatood that elephants ila lhe milltary service, are' put igl pretty severe trailng ln order fit tham for wtork that they wtt) l'e 'le wben criti (m Urnes corne. eelephants take morning bath. ,morning lhe big beasta file dowu triver bank, marchlng accordlng nniaud. As solon as tbiey arrive aito ethtem are told to Hle upoit aide. This tliey do like the obe- t 9ldlers that they are. Then the hait use Iheir trunks as hose and rt t-cama of rater tupoi iîe jpres- torna. the waler faits upon the animais iante ucrub lime lough tiide wilb ,of sontp atone. Wbeu one aide aied. the elephanmts nire conimmndu- :)oll ovPr. Tlîey are assisled Io ver by tlic otiier elephants. wlao ,der tuaks for this pîmrpose. %Viaen rst hait of bhe ballet-y have had bat, the proceiss la revtrucanîd behrs get theirs. len breakftast tinme arrivea Uiey are m up lu fine betore a row oft piles od. Encb animal gets tor is break- en pounda et raw rit-e donc up in wo-pound packages. The rie le )ed In leaves and then lied witb gAt the comnmnd *A&ttenttu!' animal t-aises ils bruuk and a age la throwu into its capaclous h. 'ria method ot tccdiag la ,d In orde-r thaîl the grain rnay not îsted. ihants la the Indian armny are ted ea day, the breaktnst being or rive, igt shated, the atternoon ineal lit- tf lay and swect reeds ut augar Migbet 0onaUla Leaveaulg Pdwcr.LuU . S. ov't epms J/~L N X STeVE lOUM Ila 15>lcakes for goeraiâ IR T backlg of a tove. POUSN for a qlck SILK-MAKING IN OREGON. Avf'ui Accusation. j5tae ater- dinaer hiai., A terrible accusation vas tint con- ieTsf idâ W.hC Jclatt New Ealarzmrlae that Blde Fair te Be taiuac ln a complalut avora ont yes- Moerm Ps.& jr0..OUl,» a ». V.3. A. Succeastualanthe Nartbwent. tcnday l'y Jacub Gurgoscillimîz at-ainsi t ___ NV. S. Ban, au Inteligent and wali- George, Steve, Franki andi Jack Thida, educatv-d Japanese, vie speaks t- as veli as i.ttimi George. ut thesanme glisha flueutiy, hi lie pioncer la viat lue taily, gays tie SI. 1Paul Globe. Mn. beileve.s eau ha made, oaaet bbf othelea-GogoschIlitz stalag, swaransd avers - mug linut-les eft bila netiota, le vît: silk biab thic furegulag five and savèmil culture. Hae wna a ranch ot ten actes Thidas "did, ou or about tic 7th day ot bau-k utflioftand heiglats, acar Meuit September, 18%f, speali. utter, enuaici- Zioti, al et vbIch ls piante t ilayuung ste, use andi empioy. wilb felonious and Untier date eof it. 4, IWO3, Mr.. ialberry trees, gt-ovatg vlgerously andi unauthorlzeal reteene te hiansaifthle B. Ingîe manager efthle White- ranîddy. Ha la geUlung a b'ig ceienut Of aid Jacuob Gorgoschiliitz, certain and bail, N. Y., Cbronicie, says: *"1 knov silk wurmas under vay, andi bas alneauy divers vords sud expressions vie et a case vbere the Rîpans Tabulas nanutaetnrad a quantity etfailk, viiela wouid tend te premote an ausault, have 'doue vontiers' Âctmmlly Lac proposes te exhihit aithle comitat- nameiy, te vit, tint tbc saidt ive Thidas saved a man's lite. Given Up by tali exposition. Idld, eue andi ail, deacribe and apestro- aUllie docters. Toi te gel raady Mr. Ban bellevas that hae bas fuliy phize tha saiti Gorgoscbillihz as bolegma te die. Hadth le verst torn et demeust-ateti thal aflk cuilture lail e ue- sausage." The warrant vas Sit once dympapala. Conltin't retain any casa banc, anti la enthuastie over -e't placed lna-thc banda ot every datactîva tfod on bi. stomacla. Waslad avay reanlt bis expertmam*t. Ha Ilvas 31 et Chiet O'Couaor's terce. j te nothing but skia andi belle&" 445 Everetstreet, vhare La manufac--__________ turcs the rav .11k on band machines.ThtJa-ullteMnie~s T.ab am)claum.tto TaiorSuum Ha exhibited somne et bis produclu te a Wlth lha exhilasming sens.of et t-c- =1m10îo& 5L5STt N" l& im reporter yesîerday, anti expined h0w nevealthmt and 'rength andi Internai lie cama te undartake lie axperianal. cleanlînesa, vhich ttmlevs the use ot "I arn tie fitst te und;rtal-e silli cul-I Syrup et Fît-a, la mn'uun te ithe wT H E BES UE@I turc here," raid ha,.m-I obtanud a pré- wh vbe vnet progncssed beyend lia olti8 S ty tiereugi kuovieulge o e induatrY i- Ie medicluas andtlP'a cheap aubsti-, .. ttra ssuSu . la Japan, andi vian I caîme bat-eIlbi ftes aoultimes elTetcd l'ut neyer ac- lsalvié @ttruck me tintthiIs viluily had aven>- cepted bl'ythe velliIuoruîed. "iS ub~aeari,!~aSâ requlsite tut- silli culture. axeept icfj.a<,aLailtioamN, verme and thiemulberry tracsl. 1 vas Aimogt cvery simip bas lîlt-bînutrod,j z 1 ea. kabg M1ean.uae advlsed nfl o uattempttheUic eraimauleu iititii.î t u -etitlglînn A as Il uouimi amrmy ret u afallut-e. Imb abse uter nAhetlirana down liahe àuo bM aaais Homeever, 1 vas confident limni aad- aia I m flic butll. After Trial Of Ridge's Food: visera kuew rmuet- laeaabeut thai- a iesiin xus o u a ea- 'Iia tan thman . au lieu eara toIim<th<ipa u aeiery vimia a grizzly beard alue .tma 1,000 muiberry t-ces froin Japait andi tht' ntroduiction of Buckiagham's Dys, l aM& bt bàb b pisutemi tlimnit tihie proper distancea viici colora naurirbouvaor hiack. immlare l t spart ou niy eu acre ranch. t teuma atllea i nner, less.1.ua. 4ppecai. baiToms.-Mss thie sotitand Uie climata tu be very suit- Ent ittiaahMdiuer. eFOOaDstherPM 141, S"am abl. umili m-ce telirulvitmomîsIepalott. antd youu -ll live long. 0and ài i s. NOaa.ad ud. Imm11.=baiS Ie able andthetrée tok rot, ithoit uSosl lL-ma Dcaà S&DAa. oui, nut lie loss ut niai-- $eclug that lima t-es @rsAliîso drsDKla'GetSad te WO@LUICU à Co,.l'aimas. NMm@. Wor uer Saut d. FtsâE.ppib uift byDr..Kline**WZEE% ivcre smccca-,ul. 1 gmt a lot et silk ve Nome ','lTesi .N aleint aéu-Lmtste. Mi t er "Hd6fiins BN .poiied oaaIbeeuvage. l la very dliii- cui l biai çerustcg-stron hiti a a Ira. Wlnaow SoOTiiio STEu' 1formtiidm-@.I v toAdvoowaaslm s.a lie cut o rig erec egsfrm oothilaI aOtthinhl ligma l ama u-se. llammatîoai. Ct=na Sst1ilapapas. Aditku fl" liatance. ns amiy cunideable variiiu iation liai. cir. Vi ilau. 25aSasa a Sofas te baew wbSsdmokmar th b lu tlumpcmaaurc on tha voyage la ruima __________________________ tûte lmi. IS Wb hAs S luteer.iea-l-la-nasmt Feba-a- 4 OTIiiiIDOfas at-y vila lethulr sc-aad, athen keeua- IJ I Dê L lugte hieggs li a umaîtortu tlnperalmîre IPESOW if 73 or 74 degrm-ms troan tîpiliF UE hiOU May 7 1 Lad ticelîleasure ut secià. ST 3 about 2.000 liat-la Six aya inter a4X. athe lke, DO more bnl-icd. 'llime vuruls did fi- ly,Su an at-é expuirationuom et >-y-thru.c day wntittheat1Z:;tns. Ilbave W HE N YOU WA NT TO LOO K m'ile c-enative tu Portland. "I am satislied tint ailk culture viiiO H E 8 I HT S D one day becume a greal ludushry laa lis__ ration, givint- caploymient te man2y pe- O F TH IN G S, U SE pIe n-ho ut-nîid otiacrwtisee l'a ei.hit la useiess for auyoueho say nov liatIil ca nol 'e ita îe a suet-ess bera, ton 1 hava demmotemmatcd flac contrat-y. i _ SP OI w-I affordl cmpoymcuh hote amaera' SPI n-lves, aum niauy -omîlier vonien yl iiiut Il a mcausof a gai linig a tuiotuat ale lii- coite, as ilue uama-k lasu liglitand ant -îi-im imyel.ahlg' fui and pli-tsant as ho tmc mmlli(alaqltpl cm kDGae kpt me Ire.l havlag lu nomlen andmi î-illcIeu. quick CcasbamptloL"-Xmr "'riis sam ît le oft am il k. mtlaici 1II[D. DARlLING, Beaves propose t)humaiblt I teil hmlen akeimîs mtofa ns . .,le 18. 1895 i)yt amaiutat-ure iit'rc -is as 1f ie ns ,fiu>y P uA filât n-as et ar madeamy ear'Pmt limd Oregumaan.I

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