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Lake County Independent, 29 Nov 1895, p. 7

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on wee srmdapâufa. euuwn UUg andt tJ»ar r:Thé eidamfii*tlom .et(the sigiba 44d_ eM seor«ofet ta banks and other Aql T 0ia f goldais:Do ' tî ' el oe, ambilez hoa&s a t b ad beeau img ~~ dAIL. *11l,371,949; wore, uneut £u n- ~ p'.~ on Ic 'ut o tllated goid coins, $19%=5; fereigà huit-. ion and coin, $t,6,S golplate, UYOG Ilto there aglon shut up sirop. ýýjM aa Oust Ogtie o, ewr tc.,icago213,SMeBut thre lawwws taken to the Suprenie Usste t th Cats'i -' ~u ~ Thre value of the soliver depositedl dur- Court et thre State oni a test case, and a MoÏni t tb Cztra Muie allon ng the fiscal Year tva. *1,714,36, of wcek agoi the court decided Ihlat thée net, Um 1h. O sera et Four am-Ris whieh $15,Z14,701) were original depositianti-ganubling law la unconstitutlonal, sper UO BcsReeiaed with Applas a. and $479,665 redoeosits. Thie value of andj the old iaw, whIch livvinsetl gant- the deoists of donwestialiverballin t lnl tl nfre h fen te~.s. Leméet' ~ thre tanits durlng flhe 6Osai yeur 'vas $8, nL tl ufrc.'h fno Laiti . es peae Cenral uslc804,3W3. sard 'vuru and uutilated domes- of thre day on wbich the drisijeon 'vas Bot Ch'-selara., th ia g t folowàng bisL tic coins nt silver dollar value $3,800,- rendered a score or mnoro g:trubulug '~ fl5 rom jail tQ " audiéace tiret 31,foreign ball"on d «'un $,8,2,bounes ln Butte bogan bî' aoi nd 'fUa4&tb~ e ming'aad standing capacity Id plarte, jevelrv, ùe. ~5,6.thîngs were runnlng 'vide 'ia gain ilf0b. hall. Montîd lthre leadilng lairor or- "ie moiage hy the mnintra drring thre by uigliatall. '*Wautloas we*e repre.eurled and the re- year wn,: (jold, $43,W33,475; %ilver dol- _________ *itou aAMliiSIdd u the leder -of the leirs, $3,97A,011l; tubsidiary iver coins, Chicago Opera Ilouse. ASran Rlwuay Caie,4waa ent*a- $5,113,4W9; miiror coins, $71'2,'k4; a total efaigBnyN .17attI&C- ge10 lethb etretae. IigIât carlOf ateoînage of $53,715i,5-49. la addition te caeginntaIngiuda, Minv.Camil le DCi- »slu' trlondu uWent t.Woodjttockto greet thre coinage executed b>- thre ralurtardurina Il u us xeleterpn, fhn hi~ OOIri i'les trn an sd severel fthe vlear ofbrr er and fa r'trd'artiats twill prescut for the firbt irra.c in tb stiad Me ifesu tntdire atalion.ot &ree o vauof$1i5.7,adile Chicago Ludwig Engiander ailaiJ. Ciree- brfthe aluae onalaîn îîreé l T ver Goodwti'a historical comire orera, "A Th aergeLndn rieOf av Daugiter of thre 1levoution," w itli Misa bullon duriug thre >ear iras 29 Pence, D'Arville and ber company et eigbty. A,5 .eauivsleart t 63.8 cents. Thre ighest thre titie indicates the stor>- followvs bià- 'lce of salIer daring the yesr iras 68 tories, Incidenta eft 1776. American Pa- 4cents and thre iowest rne518cents. At tniotiam nu Iaomic opera ft should hoe thre average price of silver hallon during succesatul. Thre.twill bhie an British the fiscal yeur, the ratio of gelai to silier and Hessian urilîtar>- officers, colal j vra i to 32.5, and tIhe brîllion velue Of.£ dames, Americn officera and trootas, who United States silver dollar wag $0.49.168. will make thre icone mont realiratre. J. 'lie total euninga of the Inintra and au- Cheever Goodwin, who wrote the libretto, say offices during thre yean 'vas $'2,088, la 'voîl known bore as having wrtten 372, end tihe total expa.uditures *118.5 n"Wng," "The Merry Monarch," "Doc- 435, shuwing tire net earringa from al tor Sytar," and other succesaful oipera@, sources f<j have been ra 9,936. and in "A Daughter ofthtie Révolu- tion" ha@ made a spécial effort aud CANA&L MUST WAIT. muclu comody lu action ina> hocex- pected. Miss DArville iras a great part it Great Njcarairnan Projeot Gi-en s the titie ole. Sire bas three changes of j btnggcrrg Bncksct. costume to make dnring tihe opera, %%hich Aceording tr tIre Nt,%vYrork l{erald IL gives ber oppotunity to appear as a soi- 2 scrieiis bluw bias licou -mt thre Nies- diér, servant maid and grand dame. It is ECORN V. Dnt. agurru (Cala rrrrl pricet for tire one ef the mont protentions offéinga tirat orrrtruct ion ef a Ivaterli Il! rosa the Mise D'Arville iras yet been seen lu, and àuetwestemu [tond wireuIre train, eur- lalirmus lry tIre report of thre Niearnguarr ber voicé ibas névés' been richer than this Î#g~ Deb anrd i friends. aniveil at 7:110 Ca:rul commrissiona. lrrvitutrie deirry aud season, and one oea>-look forward te a *edoeiL The receptiora giî'eu Ieb. asnire a frrlîrr smomre tîrarraghir irvestiga- great operatic aiglit on Sundîy andl an- â'toiped trom lire train ixrlral on tire tioea of tire eutire surijt-at irre darlared teatirer brilliant triumph for Mlisa D'Arvillc. *smte. Huuslreds of mni Iusired and tac n..tai-ry lwfarrr a"tire engneerring obuggw. te get a gravi) of lbis baud, fcustrtlity of arry cnla r<rotis Nicaragua pow's Tfiaisl hou>- ot thent hugged mur sui. dmme ne c ec ided laran. 'T'ie report is at W. citer Oas It4undreal Dolars Bavard for Wuugte tire tngir cf kisring hil. Finaul- rra-Ir varianrae' witr tire nuruerons rîrmori any case of Catarrir tlrat canant be curerl 14 b'h.as atosaed ni) ta, tir e aruiders (of sud lredirtioins whiiirhave f ra.rrrtrie ta0 FJCur'e.&fpoao C o en u andl toliowed 1,>-a dense tirng tinre ber-jr publisheal (ioar<rrylrilg it tîrrt it W. ltre uaderstged have knowa tV. J. CÈepé>- tbat neyer for onre inrstmart itoîrîreai its willi carrae great surprrise ai disnpîrrnt- for tire l la 1 ears. andl belle-mo luira éfertly QMo~blin laal iriuistranrsctions and Suai>- âbouts andl cieer',lire was esrsartr d te tire mnai tong tîrose whtcir ave lropr.d fer a blan y 4ble to c4rry out an>- obligation maude b>- hu, about a mie distant. Tire wurmtla ga aerally favorable reirart. anrd who huve, *niÉ ot lIe rer'eptaan gb-an iti it tire detrot t pearailared in rra ut hase ni- axWiolealeflr~saTiraO trasnrepeateLd wirie rrrterr-d tire hal, rrrrrr. wI-hîsaraliy stuted "on tire iigtr- DmAI.IXTeiedô. 0.ùýà *Itb tire exception haunt tIre ira-n w-rre iun- ast nirraroiity*" tirat theo aonturiaasiorr fa- JIria aar trrr ýe là taken lntennally. a tin JaIbe to get close tra laia ni rtentîa-l von-tira'hearoute larola.il'by tire comn- dîreil>upon the blood snd àrau-ouasarfn iresr ù bmumslyes wlir ehecrirag andrai virrg pany andal ahreritire cart of tire-carral t Die tstg eaPIsmc e ott.Sl i thraie buts. 'lhe spta-<irdalîvareal by abouart lt.J0Ma. »sebs Iras received with great aplause Tiera.rlaart litis out ttjrt it is nerbehr Thé Fleas Lance. b> tire audience. arti<ul rorr av':Io~r attararlt tire Thre flea 1, prot-ideai w-tih a lancet and M ne cOmrmenc-ed liv snyirghat ln tire r.rt ru-tiaan cf the* Nizra:gua Carrai up- a cuttlng apparatus whlicb looks almost llabt of recent judicirl irCt llr ire ou lire datan t liresr-rt ui-ailatrie, enîd thast exmctly Ilie a mrinrature razor. Tiree Instrumrents are carefully tuckvd riw:ry lu *s robsel ad uracaifor bmoudl lettlng Iurposes. A nistake wili atirrrct rttenU-on to in; ~U wlren a virtre w-uld't. DEILS' RELEASE FROM TIIE WCODSTOCK JAir. rstood stripped oet iis constitutioasl igirta M 0 tree.min, sud sirao f tIre uust »eCreil prenogative of Anîcinu citizen- ahip; andal tai'as truc cf iimmeif iras tas. of etery ocher citizen w-ir a a the %Mrit>- to pn-itr-st scaiit corpoartiorr rie or tire questinuof tîre anialarta away q thtii moue>- powtr. I t %vas not tire laîr boS'tira administration of Ian',ofet selî ha enuplaincal. It w% astire flagrant vic- i"ton ef tire rarotixtarktion. the total aire- Sgallon cf law, andl usutrpatiomn cf jualiai and deupotfc pour-r b>- irtîre et uhicir * le anal iis coîkeagries eere committcd te Jail againat irbicir ire una-ai iis pretest, *anrd an>- irnest arrlyîsaetftire procecai- Itaganmuet sustrain tire haggand trotir of sthre lndietmeut.' lie ai been denie'd trial. Me. wam ciargeal now w'itir couepirme-, ana l Ilt>- siould goa tetire peiteutiany. Mie waited te ire tnier b>- a jury of ir paons, aud ail ire nskeal ias a tain trial and uo lavor.-tTiree cuspimne>- case là stW undiapnosinluthe Unitedl States Court.-Bd.) MONEY SYSTEM IS BAD. rIlirecter of thé Mint Soya Sensible Carrency Legilîtion la Nééded. -Tlae-aictoretftiré mint iras arrirmitteai bia reoret ta thre Secretnrry of tiré Treas- ty. Mn. Preston, i a rerlei of tire Uçrtarylégislation ofthtie ciitrtr>-, states tirat the real deinorrtizatiran ef silver took plae ui1853, wlreu tire velgbt cf tire divialonal cors %ras reduceai about 7 r e cent. Tis, lue says, was net an Brci- dosnt cr an oversigit; it 'vais expressi>- de- elà*adla thre House et ltepresentativ'y ;>abMt tie Intention was te make gola tire sala' tandard et value lu lange înarnsac- -tiens, ana l 51er, aubservient te it, for .- lloses. Tire set et 1873, ire aya, -.voly nominal. <la il. report tire director of thec mint - afP tirat tireresutîtfetthé cumrene>- legis- Jtle ofetire Uniteai States ton over a nIM-uD*td yeans ibas been sncbl as te leare f'--O bolerent monetsry s>-tem, as lu- e'., flaIsut illogîcal sud expensive a can - Ille Inuagineal. tIratinspres littho con- n- tlhomeé and la mot couducive te é0persdlt abrearl. ard its retorm la oe ~t_'- Mot important andi lagent political " dancli questions of tireirour. * ay.tirat om tire date oft lI>-1, the date oftttir esumption of specie atmtire cul>- currnc>-, except coIn tés, nequireai to ire redevrned lu coisnIras tIre $346,681,016 legarl ten- ýoteo thon outstaudiug, whIcir the -éeuetan> ot tire Treusury- 'as cf oÊ*Ieu tirat s gelal eserve ait $100,- wtauld ire sufficeet te naimtain, 4~the paper curreucy redeemairle on tatien Iras ireen iereased te tiré of $155,930,000 issaceainletayment iliterhailloeu ptrciased unden set - '14, 1800. Besides these, tirere oûtatandiug Nov. 1, 1895, $3M3,456,- M - alier certlticates, andi as tire et 1t, 189. declameai it "te ire there s- -lat>of thtie Unitedi States te etwo tuetals nt parit>- wlti - , hp re adnoir a total ot resting on thé basls of lte ef 9100,000,000.,- f a tire e iposited atthe 1 abS . UcIunluugtire fleal the uudertakitrg wuli bie fraught with liazarals toc cOavions tai dianregard. T4rat tire îreaessar- kuarailedge nma>- be md of tire îalnxicai and topogratriicai conditions rrffectilig tre Caonstrucitioarnsd m:rinten- aice cf a canal arrose Niiragua, lapon wlria-irte forn a filial juldgalr'rnt as te tire fearnbiiitY, ipermuanence aud rost, tiré carmurisarion r(-,mnmetrds nuarrropri,. tirru la>Conrges oaf $70<)>for extensive aiditîirnal sarrveys anal exirminatrons, ccv- 1erinx a persid f eigltaîa'-tnrrantir. 1 With tire data nt Iraud. hrwvvver thre comrrtission miLes a provisionial stiuinte Of fire coet rof $1.331,472.s--i,3. or neanly double tint cf tire Mritimre ('anal (loim- tratrY"s uliarrdjoitiarnal estiruate cf $Mi,- Ca.i0 The coulruissia 'ta uak,, itfea- tiuerte "provisiorrat," foar thre cutnairasiou- ers -"Y tIre existiag riata lire inadeqîrate as s biais forr estirniatiang tire a-st of mcany st ructurres. htarme trartirans off ilIe îvrirk mn>- cost marre. otirers tess. Tihe report says thre offiriaI estimuatilay tire cempan>- Oft$l,8W,tiGO le aasufIir-iexrt for tie uork; tlint "iu scieraI iniptnurrrt cases tire quantities iturttbIregreatti- increased, sud lu ntrurei-ao ts gestireutit i prs tnt rîrake raroîaer allowarrre foar tire differeuc1 tn cisat cf nvork beto-cen tire Uited Strates -Itrd Nicairgtra." Thre gerreral1 treand of tire entire report ie certaiuly very urrfavrrire tr tire canal courpany. Tire comumissionr refrains froni atry direct dritiriqur of tire company*a prorspectus, but its report sirwfintht cer- tain festrares, wiinificr ompan>- ban Irersisted iar assrrriug tire puablie tirougir Cougress were knownvtr t ie absolutel>- arafe sud fr-usible, if put ln execlrtlon crigirt jeopardize tire practicrniility efthtie WbOle aaYatem, and Possibl>- destroy for- even tire hope of a-caual h>- menus cf tire Sun Juan Rtiver aud Lake Nicaragua. POSTAL REVENUES GAININQ. Postmater GeneralinlaHia Reort, Bay% the Inerease' le Noted. Postanaster General Wilson iras made ie fret annual reprt to tire Presîdent Tire reeipts of tire Postoffice departmeut for tire year endiug June 30, 1895, 'ver. $76,171,090, sud tire expenditures $86,_ 700,172. lit le gratifyiug, saYs tire report, tirat a large prortion of tire derlciairry. oc- curreai lu tire first quarter of tireyeam and tirat revenues are illrrn'sing 'vitir returu- ing trrospenlty. Mr. W'ilsou ostimates tiré revenue for tire Year euding June 30, 1897, nt $89,7W1,120, and tire expenaîltumes ait $94,1t17,O, tire differeuce te, be made rap b>- Congressionai appropriation. Tire postmaster general refersa'to tire gra-tir of tire free deliver>- service riad sayseire beileves it le good trciicy foar Coui- gness and for tis departmnelrt te tester tire extension of tis service lry indiciraras administration. Mr. Wilson reiterates tire necessit>- for legisilation to punisir train wrecking anrd obstruction te mails urgeai b> iis Iredecessor, recommeuda legisla- tion autboriring tIre use of pnit-ate postal carda, and says firit tire civil service rules should bie extendeai 'vierever practleable. Ruatem Pasira, former>- Tunkiab« An baasaator to Great Britain, dieri lu C»- staitlnopl. Powder Butterfiles for the flaIr. Thre sillersmnitirs report a blg run on tlae enurueleil anal jewcled bodies cf bt'rie.Tirete oruaietts irav-e an arrangement ut tire bac whicla ler- niits tire ribbion 'vIngs oethtie celer et thre gowu. Thae deniure maai irei cllugs te ber crîmpless part, anal cuils ber bnir very iriglu on lcr bond mu>- thrust meeof these butterfl!es lu ut tire back oftirhe part and 50 relleve its severit>-. She may esaen go turtiier anal MiI bier bain w-ltirver>- narait nameleai andl jetteleai butterfiy and flower pins, antd se obtulu au éffcct aitogoetier Jup- anese. Tire best foreigu fur for irat-maklng la pnoduced lnn urtirel imates. Rus- min, Sireden, Norway, and tire Domin- Ion et Canada, togetirer iviti Siberia, are salai te preduce tire best teîtiug turs. Astirniate troubles and aoréneaa of tire Lug rTiroat are usuail>- overcomeb> Dr. Di. Jayne'a Expectorat-a sure cur - tive ton Colais. Thre man la traveling lu thre w-onufdi- reton I e otlunk8 money eau mak-e him happy. Very Low Rates to the sontir On Dec. 8 the Chricago and Eastern Illinois itailroad w il seiloune way land settlers' tickets 10 ail points ln tire Soiffth at very Iow rates. Fe'r dctailed ifura- Gin addrens City Ticket Ofllce,20(lrr tetreet, Chicago, C. W. Hiumphrey, Nortir- ern Pasenger Agent, St. Parul. Minn., ori Charles L. Stone, Geuer.îl Paisevige.- and Ticket Agent, Chicago. Piso's Cure for Consumption cured a case of Pneumna after the family doe- tor gave up ail hope.-M. p". McD)owes, Conowingo, Md. Bnchýc gham's Dye for the Whiskers in the best, hanaliest, safest, surent, ecaneat. muet economicai and matisfactory dye ever Invented. It la the gentlemen's favorite. N1.A11temu> r 5b v ia' ai 140. Ntorer. liétasat lai d - "ras.=MS Ru1om afues. 1rotfùi d VAs trial FIi~ r.t &O. lui.m*@UnFO iio YXP for Chiidren ames collà S saut bota. Timely Warning. The great success cf the chooclate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (ettablished in 1780) bas led ta the placing on the market many mislsading and unscrupulous imitations - cf thoir name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker & Co. are - he oldest and largest manu- facturera cf pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Go.'* goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limlted, DORCHESTER, MASS. Mforne Bros.a Prolia.. £"aa..N Woridlt air 1I IL4OS Aways INE FRIENIJS whercver Supcrlor Merits bSo knowL It lsthcS FOOD for Convasc Mr. D. M. Oobby, o 14 nIon avenue, Kansa City, No., unales date et June 10, 189, says: "Fer a number et yeatra I bave suffereai from constipatien lulits severeet torm. Mly liter fadinug te act fer- week, I have trlod an>- nunuber et apecîflca anti have aise bad pbysyalcîs prescrie for nue, but- ouI>- necelveti temporar>- relief, Dnning tire early part ofthtie peut wluten Iirati mn>-attention calleil te Rîpans Tabules by a amail aigu on a telegrapir pele, wicla sal 'Ose gi1ves Relief.' 1 procunedal brox and was at Once attracteal b>- tire neat tort u nwblclutluey wetrb put up. Beo re 1 irad taken anl a dezen doses 1 began to teel tIi. geod efreet, espoclall>- tram tire WBl I 'veulaisufer wben u>- lîver tam- trylug te nct. 1 bavé uow takeil tirree boxes and have ne more trouble. My bottelsacst regular, sud free and as s resuIt nu>-healtir la luchrImpreveai. (Slgned) D. M. CoBB" IU Pia TbuuOs arn SoM b the= (rWe1 atae b) laàseZWI =a uoura,*é lui spacnca Sm îlots iasii10ul0"- "The More You Say the Less People Remember. $ One, Word With You, SAPOLIO Mrfslilln Homos. Tiré Volume of Tire Comparulon fori utgS-theo loti year ef ts publication - wiil give weekiy eutertainmeut sud inatructuon lu abondance for every mmber of tire f amily. Notable Series. Serial Stories. Cabinet Ministers. Tirs Lord Chiet justice of Eng- Ponr Fasclaatrg Sérial Sténoes Poplratce o njcs i1»d and Judge Oliver Wendoll bats beau sclocted frmtruag aaal l atn r ttea by Halmés have contrtbuted articles sumber offereda viti tire fafowiag Hou. Boire Smith, Sec'>- of thellste- cf nationali mpet etgtrr titesa: a"The Ventzllsqust, 'Il th ior Bon s. H. A. Herbert, Sac'>- eof withrthèsge b -Ba it. . Clutcir of tireTsarI" rl Rosamoud'a the e v; lHon. J. Steffiag [Moton, Reed and Juatia cCartr>, M. P. VIOliI sud --laU huas Meadow."a Secay 0f Agriculture. More tiran 2oo Famous Men rand Women havé contributeal to thé méxt Volume of The Companron. Senal for Pull lllustrated Prospectus anal Sample Copies Free. XIEMARKÂBZEOIPER CA ENDAR Fm E-lktei0't'Lrs CaMaai@,a""res> ék tw IJames>-,"la IFR4e ole d a . ta9 g ccents. 43 $ .75 KNOWLEIXGE te Igacotoansd impno'ménént mec tends te .péremal a etut hen rightly ue.Tire maary, whe lire hét- ter titan otItersand énjey lité more, with reiepndituré, by more pnomptly adaptingtheireield's boat proalucts te th. n cf thysical beimg, 'iii atteat the value te heaitir of tire pure liquid laxativ-e pincipies embrace in atire remedy, S rup of Figs. Its excellence in due te ifs presentiug lu tiro tom met acceptable snd pieus- anît te thte taste, thre rot rcsiing sud truly beneficial preperties cf a perfect lax- ative ; effectualiy cieansingtire sysqtem, dispelling celais, headacirc ansd "evers sud pénmauontiy curiîîg constipation. [t has given satisfaction to milliens aud met wth tiré approval of théetnedical profession, because it mts on tiré Kiai- ne7's, Liter andl Bowels witirout 'veak- enrng them aud lt-Lin pertectly free frein ever>- objectionable substance. Syrup cf Figs in for sale iry ail dnug- gi8ts in 50c and $1 botties, but it in man- ufactureai by tire Califomnia Fig Syrup Co. ouI-, virose name in printetion ever>- package, ase r name, Syrtap et Fig., aud .en well informed jou will not accépt an>- substitute if offereai. - %g~SB' TAIL>R SYSLV tI00M ,a. N~&1>1osaite Nt EM si so= zrrîe. rf notmas reprataed mn- tr0 ot) a. OKA Y TAILORiliG I9N~L~?D~ Syza isba w.,, la ~ha att7~s. nothing lost .Scott's îmuIsion makes cod-liver ail takIing next thi"ngto a aple-asure. You hardly taste it, The stam- achi knowxs nathing about it-it dacs nat trouble yau there. You feel it first in the strength that it brings: it shows in the colar af the cheek, the rounding of the angles, the snoothing af the wrinkles. It is cad-liver ail cigested for you, slipping as easily inta the blood and losîng itself there as rain-drops lose themselves in the acean. What a satisfactary thing- this is-to hide the odious taste of cod-liver ail, evadv- the tax on the stoinach, take health by surprise. There is no secret of xvhat it is made of-the fish-fat taste is last, but nothing is lost but the taste. Poirhaps your druagrst bas a subslitiute for Scoll's Emulsiom. Isis'$I bs standard aU oiirîrs IryIoe qualIbto brsfor Ycu to bv 4P 30 cmnts Mad 91.,, AU Dcuggls SÇQ'IT &BQWNE - ~ beuasta . * Newe Yosk &S. NU. Ns. 5«-«5 Iciliy that you bhave aread thatSanta o n e o f t h greatest labor- taCgvin fVen- 1 a in f the time. Tell heu wil a ler lier - - - - - - - aOUWiEjJ r that it ngth, Save time, save e merits cf ANTA CLAUIS, flat Q- t teu7teb*ubltsum.. fl'Stbg bho, M.euolssapbpowd els!twea tO ksew vra ctM a at1hat --L-

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