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Lake County Independent, 27 Dec 1895, p. 2

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*,ae4 de I.Làâ Reyes, Mored aWest- ILtftu n othe railway I-.UO$u,,disatant about -ht-otrplace. Gen. M*W Pinacrosa the coua- ~p~,oddupied Union i~kobject o! Gomez sud t0e tros'the ricL cugar e- Country to whlcb tbey e orts o! a flaxxk mate- rethele are incorrect froni a 10f vew. Gen. Campas Las caixipg, offensive or oe!en- 9oluiusa are chasing atter *ho b luira l daxng the on'p der bl-e lrcumsta nce1 J I% P m0nt Are Orextit ~Nt~ sud ecrtay o!f'Net 10 bet 8Le serous>' oulder- gilto!f-tltmtcîng Gen. inQ~xenffl b>'tht lu- -. ~ t dh eneral o! tht I 1%regard ta tht ~luubllhfY to go toa r os ucee au Le ais- B.. a.-Hd î ot been fao the ln WbigletiLer bot held mx an beir I"dIposition ta lu-- Cuke ouen UIa~ BU xi Gen. Miles, b>' Phllaelphis, Las et t0f Ueir for- - àâon out tho bist onntry,bu f o!hiestalk n'os lmb>'thie Presi- oraqlrluxg the titis ai. Etc., Etc. .,MÇHir^,H & 8< = math ofR et- keooke d d tete ck o. fIe sEurltigea. pesseget train, No. 4-%, e fr*it train et Searard, ~ s the ti desth et aiGrand Ilaini Ixilt>'or 3. B. M&O tht ftelght. Bot [inx*k&ed sud. man>' Cars MISÉ " «. CuIt. riis - e hotu lu oilialoxi eirsue o« te ba,- et fb. Enill c utî'1res, i6ot.e net Y s, 'et Glas- béutkvcat orthe TRIO of ü1clock Simday mornlng. »le whol.eMW o! thirty- ned., H. M. &. Blake ar- meue 1t 7'o'clock in the prked np o water-logged - lhted the Berlin. bote to, the crew o! one of thxe Ber- te whlch bad lut cotrol o! In tLhe evy seA. Loter the Uint officials telegxaplted f rou as foliowe: *"The Red Star Berlîn froîn .twerp for New' retnrned bers wlth htc bon' Od ay collision wth the.wllbow- t 1>ue rew Wae sated;,Ignd are 4tBerlin, lncludlng the captaiu'e *t the Palmauth pilot ou the 'Nil- wbo weat lelow to save hie &wae diowned." UJOTPROVE A BOOMERANG. at~tu& Pîxmsclat Leaders Ialk of toffli Their Asmercan Credit16 A l»adon dlspatch sari: A gravebut jI4ucttabe cosisequence oetl'reuldont (>tdand'a message- upon the Brllsh- Vebrguelan dispute bas arisen perbapa aenber thon migbt have been expected. ,& meeting of prominent fluancial leaders 10%o baLve important lutereste lu the Uni- te4Btates wae beld lut a Loudon bauking #Moe for the Iurpose of cousldering the idisablty ot unnted action lu cslling lu thoe American credîts. It le undonbted- ly wlthln the power of Engllsb capitaliste by sncb a combined motexuent to deol Amerlos a bînît whlcb wonid, temporari- b', be terrlbly embarrasslng ad diâas- UMus. It would, however, prove to a upan ret a boe ansd this vIwbdilaluence upn thie majority fthe hoattesdedthe1meting. The eonference wee prlvate sud it .was nôt latea4tîl eten that the fsct that It took place àebonid be sllowed to be mode public. BGBUILDING COLLAPSES. At Leat oué. Mst Ktied by au Acci- S dent la i nnaeapolie. Tho econd flot of the Palace C'lothing Compaxxy'e big store on Nieollet avelnue, U14lxneapolis, collapsed just before noon 'Orldey. Gale Wnltere, a dli. le deuil, and, a dlspatcb soya, others uxxxy be lu the irqins. The store la ia double front, and -the entire rIgLI balf of it collupsed from, the fourth floor to the basernent. The bUilding leaun old one, ithicli was re- modeled for the P>alace Company't ose. Cuit Mouey 75 Der Cent.- There %vas a jrnnie lin the Newv Yo-k atock manrket l'riday. The lresideiit' special mxessage t0 Cýagress on the N'elle- sucla affair hnd the effeet of friglxtenixîg the foreigu investorse-especialiy the Enx- glah-îx Ameri<*a ileecuritiee. Bef ore the Eaeteruinxarkets opexîed cblIes fre"In London evineed tîxat tixere was si. el.i panîc lunfthe Americnudepartmeîît on tîxe British Bourae. Stocks anxd bouda îrere throwit on the market regardcess of thxe price aud buyerq were very fei el-en nt enormons concesions. At the clone .,f the excbange lu Chapel Court the "Yani- kee," were thoroughly subverted. 'l'lie Sellerai list fell froux 2 to (; points below the final New York quotations. lun'Wail etreet the effeet of Loudon's closiîîg fg- ores itas sinîply demoraliziug. The li- portant and activ-e properties oi)ened ;l the o-sy fr'.xn 1i 3 pointe off and up te Doon contued to fou. Ench socce"eexce cable ladiceteil still lower figures, and ît n'as finally reportedl that mauy "Jobliers' on the London Stock Exchange Lad re- fused fo acelît ordere. The unfarorîîlele news wages olucident with preparatiios by the gold-shippiug bouses for Satturd.îy's exporta to Europe. The Initial tradinîg was blgbly sensational, and declines %vere made ail idoug thehUe, extefiding to 4l,2 per cent. A siîîlster feature was aunad- tance iu rates for cati, mouey te 75 per cent., collecting tLe cafllug of boans. Three faîlures were reported on the New' 'York Stock Exchange and -one )a the Ponsolidated Exchange. Ouly one, tbxît of S. S. Sani & Co., wus of linaucil importance. The railwny aud isieeila- Dlus bond mnarket n'as also deîuoraliuil, declines raugiug up tu 15 per cent. 31 was runîored thât s single ilinselad dnxnped $400000 of Reading bonide on tîhe market. Wisconsin Central trust re- ceipte eored the extreuxe los@ oted sud lu the leadiug speculatives the mecesmi.ms extended to 1iJV per cent., lu Kaîxeas and Texn eseonds, to 47V>2. Around 12:30 the' selliug pressure abated -tud re- coteries werc made iu the stock manrket fromn the loweut extending to 3 lier cent. BNude n're relatlveiy active. Peter?'itloo 7ela emes to Puevr etiveen D aud thtetUnited States tht à«,,, ,haro taencounter internai as feguftfor tLe IeLshare not tlook pasalvel>' et such a couiflict. inhnt ereat Eugland's affaire nlu To- k.>' sud tie far East will not wear so favorable anx aspect, sud there -ould toîxi. the haut o! bitter retribution for the pt po i eh Englishmnen prîde thoîn- - fogellngthal successes gaineel etforce are neyer enduing." COett remarks: "The onl>' *xoneie< fin glaud to ex- - tros Utsaffir la a rote o! ttarquIs o! Salisbury, on bltt îgi e able ta rectif>' - oo Its predec«eore." Cait Armes for Veterans. Ai cuIte the teterans 0f tht late war -It *etfor the dettlse of Bridgeport ýt=irla thterent o!rarar wlth Ebglsnd bkibo sxised'b>' James Il. Smith, past éomntandtke t'sWId-evort, Conn.. G. A. IL Pott. e clO Idhe caI n'as Dot la- tended especal4y fer Grand Aria>'mua, but for ail arbo. fonght for the Union ln the civil irarad arere Ixonorabi>' dIs- cb.rged. Cleveland 1flue Aother message. PresIdMt lClevland seat another mec- sagl e Ct eMV xrta rIa>. in wbie ho re- qufeîd ipmedat. luIslation te protet th* OUl rM-a.Struating that Immediste demande fhmetentd te pul>' dopete, f Dot taeul ently aripe It ont.: A rtrizioa et tht curr«eer ystem la asue ask.i>and b requemis that no adjoàrixment Lehau- fil tese l'o neeoureu are àccmplso leai l etnt fVouer. lu Denver, Colo., ie broke ounth * Uichp Block, ýa twoestor>' bulhdret'a lOtit *Id Curtis streets. The t t Ectes Sixo. Company>, BaebBm> fers aid turrers, Cnt! Tucker BunÎK, 1w Ws iggoom . er. asSIed. . Nat e Dtsseutlng V*O Ce, AWFUI. WORIC 1 1 XPL Metroieoltoxi levatei Notor- ut hl Cago Plunges to th. Oronnd-Kaxi.a Prodîgfat son M ate. lrauatic En. trance-Sultaxa Orders a Butchery. Two Killexi, Savon Hurt. Tn'o men were killeel, tve others >10 badly lnjured tbey msy die, sud tlvo others serloixly burt by a premature ex- Plosion of dynamite Monday ou Sec. 14 of tLe Chicago drainage canal. Al ie victime of the Mabsier n'ere laborers u1p- der the foremxnseip ut iRichard Poîteri. Accordîng tu, thte tatemente o! drainage canal employes the gang Lad just coui- Ixieteel s drlllixg and Lad flled sixteen holes o! the bIast n'itb 250 pounde of dynamite. Investigation indlcated the ac- cient iras due to tho carelessness or mie- fortune of John Bowen, a workmau, wbose dnty Itn'as to explode the bloste. Bown x ad prepared fore biset by pluie- ,luthîe ectricol machine toued la ex-> plodngthe dynamite lu the Led ot the dltch. To test tht machine Le Iben miser- ed an explosive cap sud turned an'ay for a »Ment. Coming bxuk be pulled the lever sud there n'as a terrifie explosion. One after another tLe charges of dyne. mite Plsce<I along the face of the rock LIen' op wlth reports distinctly hîard at Joliet, eeven milles away. The laborers %vere -in a frenay et the kiliing and mangling of their conirades and, it le ssid, sgtarted after Bowen wjtb tLe atowed intention o!fn'reakiug vengeance on hlm. He n'as srrested hy the drain. aige Police before the moL caixght hlmn, however, sud Iocked up. It ls usuel on the canal to give a danger signal before explodiug as Lissiby Looty notes f rom a0 litsam signxal. No Signal n'as Lion-n Mon- day, however. ]PORTE OWi>ltRS'A MASSACRE. Dispatches Afnýnnce that Zeltoun la 10 lDe Dtatroyed. A dispotch tiram Constantinsople te the }'rankfnrter ?eituxxg, Berlin, sawu "The po)rte ba@ orderee M ustepha Reniai Pasha to attack n'ith 10,.000 troope anxd tw'o bat- tenies the City o! Zeitàuu. snd fo boni- bardl sud destroy it *nd to massacre the 12,000) Armenianixn uthe cit3." This or- der folloîîed the rectipt of au officiai dis- patch froni Zeitoun, îîhicii cid that -the Armeniaxîs tliere eox Suudey lmet massa- cred ail the Tîîrklslî soldiers imprisontd in the ton'n. This îîrobably refera to the 4M0 Turkish troops avîe wei'e captured Ly the Zeitufflxîîvl rbexxthe oprising irat occîîrred, al(hoxghlx ias been annouuced thxît ail the 6cxliîiýre, excep& uixe who avere dead, Lad bevîx nelensed. WANDERING BOY RETIJRNS. Discleses Hie Identlty Juat Betore Fauxily Prayems Seî-eîx yîxîs ugo Solomon Romcteod, thie 19-yexxn olil sun of A. Romstead, o! Frankinî Coîxiat, Kan., Ieft home anxd no, trace of lîlu could Le fooad. Thurs- day xxlhî xi or§eman, dusty and tlreel, rode ul) to the old iîomestead sud asked quanters for the night. Tht stranger dld ixot real hie ideutit>' util just befare tîxe fatîxer wxîi ready for tamlly prayera. Tîxen there n'as an affectiag scene be- tn'eeu lparenîts sud son. Tht young man Lad coxîxe fron Oklahoma ware heo onns a tixie farni. BURNED DfY liaT SLAO. Eîght Men Injured b3r an Exvloion of GI, an &Blut asFrna"e At Pitbung, Pe., b>' sa explosion of gos at Shoemberger's roilihig anil, ou 14th street, eigxt nme-n aere burned, one of theni fatally. The men n'ert worklng at the bottoun o! & blasi fumnace. .Wheu the gaz explodedt h torel tht hot alag, n'hich facçumulates lu the cupala, ovrer the aides. Before the men could get ont a! tLe way. the Lot mutai poure>) ont over the-m. Bo'moxx n'as badîr bnrned &Il over tLe body, and the reut astalned ce- vert Injuries about their faces sud bande. Tara Men lnixred. The n'orst accident lu thltory of tht Cic'ago M'%etropolitan ElerAted Itailrond occorreil Mouds>' morng aeben a n'est- boxxnd uxotor became unmnnagoable as It mexred fixe 48tL streel terminus and pluxîged to the graund. A distance o! t'en- ty feet. The matotaenx and cuductor avere ixjureel. Tht motor car stapped at the West 48th avenue station, 'irere ses- erml 1îa9seusers nitre lt off. Motornian Braîdy receiîved the signal ta go on, and iv ieu Le sppled tht current the car stat- id forn'ard îrith a rush. IaeforeTè §eôuia ' j~~Jes ed'IdlverseotLe curruit lever the cear rau lIe tht Lumpera. Tht bunupers arere brokenad tht car p1lumgei downnard. Tht front end o! tht, mulot laudeel lu tht street, nihile tht rear auheelu remaineel on the elevtd structure. Notedt Poeuse Unnter Buied. Steten Rots, t.egrentest po»um u» n. ter lu Ohio, aras burled at MailmioN Fr- day aftemnoon, éttet harving lired te, tht age oftI1I8. Hien'as tretd froîn qlgvrgy inuVtandi came heeLefore lte war HeΫ-siest sw*eelebrtedapd lis. tnotttd baif * of7g-up Ma&Uii)s. UaI bie knoe. Hg*mq à formula for &wiuhg, possu» ep aoo iIr tetaure Qu,,ii n'as to Ut. * SÇ*it b . stteuiîpgra the b6illesg 4to4tp a àm Thoçgi en$*iid îliildlesà eg in b e Tol*»&W ttI.0 si e xe , skio tumu55 Nor èMare ttro Ia1#xl rldeceathit- bi Mau xi~ tie~umply f»* a demre o~s*et atminal a" to but kt ýiow traîlplt at Hsr 't.at least thxee persèqe, characterile U statement s Pe*' orles, W. W. Hay- 1'ard, bis-fater, pu1lilues a statementi ln wlxlcb b. dacIreathat Hsrry toid bis parents before Ihtýotsuslon that ther xeed not Worr abewht he said; It wss to Le a tissetof lie constructed tae Meet the demand for stnsstlou. He. Usured tbem tLot be huit. told .tber n ad them alone the wbole trutIt. Aiter makiag the etatemènt be told Ie tt*ney. Join Day Smith, that he bad taken certali wneUl- ký»n f acts and woven around thexu '1lenty o!fleu. FINANCIAL PLAN PORMULATEIt. Congtrens.Respoude .50 Profldente Ruquost fer Rtfor. . Washington, D. 0., dispateh: Fitt* mil- Ions o! addltlonal rertinne ta be ralied Ly an increase 0f customs duties; defloltu- cies lu retenue to be snpptied by lutjret. bearlng treosnry certlficatea, sgoi for greenbeekesud payable in coin; long- time 3 per cent bonds ta protect the goid reserve; greenbacks redeemned ln gold to We keptIintact ln the reserve; national Lauka ta be permltted te Isue circulation up to the par valst of their bonds; tai on circulation to Le reduced to V4 or % of 1 per cent; the minimum capital of national Lanks to Le reduced froxu $50.000 te $25,. 000 or legs. This le tht Republica i fua- elal Program as agreed upon hy the Ways and MeneCommtte. or the Hcuae 0f Repreuînatives withln tn'elve bours Bf- ter tsePmeident's message n'as ead. Welcormd to~xiucialpa. United Stated Mlnîcter P. Mi B. Young bas arrlved aut leguelgatpa, Honduras, tînder lustructloexs tram hie govermnent to arrage certain malters pendlng bW tweeh thetwt'.governmenta.- Hten'as aecordeel a dlstinulshed reception by tht goverumeut an& by tht Âmemlcan citi- Two trikera Phot. Durlng an sttock by PhiIadelphla strik- ers ou s number o! cars a t 1tb sud GIr- -àrd avenue William H. blatthews eud Samuel G. Croey, tara motormen, Whbo arere in a moL 0f trîke sympathisera, wree aot. tht latter probahiy fataily, b>' a Policeman an one o! the cams that n'as attacked. The cars arere badly damageel. Cati for Bonds. A cabinet meeting n'as held atthîe White Houseguuday aternoon aud a de- cieilon reacbed ta makte arrangements for another sale of boude for gold at tht tarti- est pracîlcable moment. Aroffiler o! the treasury n'as selecteel ta go te Xew Yomk at once to conter n'itL tht hatnkers and make arrangemuts for the nen' issue. Cruehed hI & Car. Fivo laborera arere lnjnred-oue fatally -at the Dayton, Ohio, Maileabîn Iroix 'Nonks. The men wre at work on a truck betareeni the buildings, wn a car loadeel witb pgiron n'as poshed ton'ard theiu, crushing themn agatnet thtearalse until stopped b>' tht brakes. Master of Excbequter Goru. George King, ninster o! thte echequer o! Monitor Lodge, No. O8,K nglita of Pythies, la misselxg trom St. Louis, sud aloag witb hlm. it la epottd, have goe $92,000 of tefunda o! the lodge Flghtissg te ne iPorctd. Haa'ana advlces gay. Camp«sa-î malte decperate efforts to break the Pon'er O! the Insurgents. Ht bas ubter- mtued ta force tht lighting beeanse t urgent orders f romt Madrid. Manatred b>' Armenlana. An official dlspach tram Zeltoum gasy@ that t.e Armeniena ther», on Suuday last, massacred al the Turkf ch soiera lm- prisoned In the toara. To Ruan hpWave-Power. Another effort at barnessing the waves of the octan and makîug pac- tical 'ueo! thelr tremendous energy la betng mnade on tht Pacifie caSet. At Santa Crus a molor le Lelng Installed, whlch le ta cost about $20,M00. h 1la expectedl that 11-w111 Le completed and In practical operaîlon b>' Jauuax'y. Tht power obtaned tram the araves andl ,ildeel&to-he net for..gexerattugeic tnietty ta suppIy lîgLi antd ruauthe ctreet cars. MARKE OTOATIONS, c.lcg-cattle, commun ta prime, 850 ta $fl2; heç, sbippîxtg grades,1 4&0<0 t. $8&75; she, fair to cboet, 821501 te $8.?5 arbat, NO. 2 ed, 55,c to SOc;1 eue. No. 2.3Me to 26r; oats, No. 2, lect t. lea; rm ?,No 2 34e to 37c; butter,1 eboltuertkta27c; tig, fresb,1 3ctu 2e 9>1' aftset erbushel, 20cto be uts. *»0te $4411pet ton ter Poot toechoit.. IadeeaeII.~. leU, shIwppîn.-3.0te *&OO;iqe~ otcetgti, $8,00 1 *e~¶0m.o.te rie, $2J00 t. $8,50: i~~kg, Né&.dstu,. eS; ora, tIse1 *Ix$et e, UtNr.osas.No. 2 wbit, n a. ,î .tamtM.,a. 1 UVA~SP~ATîON IN f ove eallora Itrown Un irtgb Coast -Great Darnage hI Wtoods--seious ýsnte on a Ttrain. A rmin 0f leadea bultete ewept the snxok. ing car of thoeet-bound Motion exprese as il plcked lits way ont of Chicago Ties- day eveuisg,-and the panlc-strlcken pap.. sengers erâ*ted benenth the @est@a I*' tboughto ol0f tinrobbere and vint~7e eternlty. Tht occupante of the lt> euoving coach mwueutartled bfy lW rupt appenrance of a *ê $mx who eu- tered the forwia 1 do"4tMbput the @âme tîne that a oue-srmed amn tepped imita the one at the rear. Tht wlld-eyed man flourlhed a revolver neslie enteetd and au Instant later leteled it et the approaeh-' lng one-armed man podil lrud. The one- armed man wae ieeu ta stgge? tfor s me- tueut, but, recoverlug lnstautly, returnedl the tire, striklng bis antagonlet lut the left tirai. The paseengers by ibis time were panie-strieken nud feli over one onother to escape the supposedl train robbers. By tht. lime the t Wu supposedl degeradoes boid grappleel sud were struggtng des- perately for tbe masxery. lu a ràmmomt the>- were pounceel on Ly several pameb gers and tralmen sud the wlldlWoki»g feilon' n'as dixarmed. Wben ail]n'as otim aud eafety ossured the frlgbtesed pas-. sengers crnn'led ont fîiniunuder their cents sud sekeci if the tra'n robbers lied heen captured. li tthe mielst o! the huit- buit after the capture, aud while Ckouduc. tor Byere wxîs ,-oîferrlog as lte where te stop the train sud notify the police, the madman suddenly lespeel to bis teet,' broke f ronthIebisîxtulrm sud houinded ou1f of the open doorwny, dleappeerlug la tke ds.rkîcecs. Two hours Iater bie wn'acp- tureel lu o saloonxinluEnglewood, where. hie nas tbreateuing the bxîvtender and habitues with al muainer of dire thingi., The niodmanu le Johin Weinhsrdt, sud lhe bas but recently been releoeied ou parole from the Indiano State usylum for iu- Bee t Ind.iansapolis. The oue-aruxee mnou le David M-Qiniid. xarailroail de- tective in the e-uiîloy of ('liief Audren' Hailey, of the Monoîx rouxte. IIIIAVIITAIL PEIRISU. Vcaae Wreckcd xy ithe Terrible Gale in the Irish sen. The British shile 'More sby, <'alt.('oonx- ber, waséet ra udel off t tlx iaiîîînrt*s lighihouso. en.iîir liiigtiean- inEit it atuilei sud a lait front thei-Irish ,dore. iIer cren'. iomleri xxg lx irt y-cixmnx. a'. re laitheil mto ber riggiinx xhruxîghout lthe nlgbt, sud il n'as fi-un t-l the-Yîroule] lier- tob, as the sea wt a sufi, iav aste) remder It Impossible for ax lifeboat to live for xixx Iength o! timie. Aftetîrdii liglît ta lifelston nsuageel lu ise L rthemlie îiîx. ldtîok îoff1 njineteen of thle iinxîcniltxl sci xiîij.Te1 v -eIewattselirenking ti .lt he i ttli lfelciat1 n'as compelleil lu lente lier siediilcent lu lîleces shortly tifternroi, îLe remaiîiug1 tiexenteen ineuxtersi of the cri-w going1 don'n with ber. A large three mîxeteel tee-1 meli bas Leen ceeu filyiîîg signale of distrese lu Kingetown Bey. .4 lfefoat whicb went to ber assiditatielias tupsizeelansud bier eren' of sixteen uxen n'en- îron'ned.1 A secondî lifehoat n'blcb starteel for the9 resceue was milieu overturneîl, Lut the crew 1 nîsuageel f0 <ing ti) the bout. lrblcL nas1 flnslly rlgbted. The fate of ithe threc.9 master la not knoîî-xî. MIISSOU'tI FAIRMS SWEIT. Ostioee ad Moreau River Valcymi la Danuer of levastatlon by Flood. Thi. e ety roui lias causeil grent alarui lu Mlssotri along the t)sage and Mtoreau Rive-r Vîxlcys. The nlready ewollen stresme are rising. axdie l in feareil that the bigh n'ster ut ]soi week will Le great- ]y ougmeuted. Bottoux farineaore-.n'î'îit o! feuclng. haygtackeg, corn lu ehock and many outbuildlngs. A gretit ainntiîo! stock has been dîrownxed. Set cml lites are reported 10 Lee ltaloug tLe Osoge Valley. Word receireel from Tugcaîn- beis, cixty nmiles al) tîe Osage, enyb that mopre thon 100,tNf.i biiebele of corun wlthin s amalradius of bottoux land wat'ashled awny and tlîousixids o! rallroad tii-esud bridge tiniber lihave flonteel aIlay. Tîxe Osage le noIt Iigher tonibaî I as ix 1882,1 when Il broke the record. TLe XMissouxri le not dangeroxxsly hiîgL. but is rising anxd pîromaises tu Le teooxxxixg couxx.f .11AD NARROW ESCAPE&. Taro Men Drasged tram a DuaIa0 Baild!nir autflnrlington, Iowa, At Burlington, Iowa. Strieklan.l'e liv- er>' and boarding stable-s caught fie nesd arere totally destroyed. Thirty-eight head ofdhanses Irere emotherted sud tie men a nanron' escapes froxu death. A stable employe îvss drogged tram Li@ Led uncenaclous, tnt oonrecorered. A negro lu an adJoluing building n'as carnied out b>' O1remen joat inx time to sove is life. Mbout twnty of tLe herses sînoîhereel n'er. beixîg boarded ut the stable. The AAR=a express borne@ Ladl been lu the «stable but thîri>' minutes n'hen tLe Ore hrok* out. Total loce ou stock, buggies arod building le $40,000. Utock %ae -aIsOves-. -A Nen' York dispstchsrs: WNall street la rpIl>' r ecoverlng froîn its scare, Moi tk&feeling Moxdaî n'aslai- Aost u 0 ltenormal malrk. This aras dM1 tit*""çIpt of early cgbles ebowlng ina4mmql Americon steeks at London ~hS$~ei*Ibpo! tbe New. Tork Clearing-r ge*seltiou lu glvbhe fi. leariug- t~ou ttee o! the Stock Exchange ifttirbue clearinghouse boan cen. <Utte.s t anunlmited etlent. AIl MeV Go iè Pse.. Adietfrom Haweii sa>' that Prei- dd- Pole snd his Cabinet are no areil 1 st4Ilth thten'sy in n'hîch ex-Quetu *4ulaei bas couducteel hersel! slnce ~ut~eonproIethat the zreutlug of t luitPar"o to ltem le under consîdera- 9lied Acainet @paixn. io! tht Porto Rkcan revolu- t>', arLo Lave organized a muta tconJunction witb the Cuban îmcaslng arma sud fi ttîng out k*'. Ky'., a demerate but ~twa pd t ta,U àoier Mitrg. rlthe k»iI let urge. Reviioxi et the FIàOi~ liequasta thet No R.ee.B ad Uniti C olO ReserysIU Pm e IrnediaLt. Action la âSougbt._ Tezt of t4e.3t5ege O The following moisswiras sent 1wCm grees by Presîdent Cleveland 4W Ire tht congres.: ligy lait, e 'amuae the evils et oux prusent fimeUr. iWtem were plalnly loluted out U4 t eeçs0s sud menue of the depletoi of 98é1 éxtment goid n'ere explined. It w- tlxereià stated that alter aIl thétij that had been made Ly thé teeCutlye brauch of the goverament ta proteCt sut Soid reserve by tht isesanet ofet bds amounting ta mort thon $lSo2AoAS aucb reservt theua aionnttd te bat UtIe more than 879,000i000.about *8,000,- 000 hod been ,nitbdrawn f rom suecx te- servaetlurlii tt emuontx ixit prsIne on i tbgs4ate ofthat measage, and qulte lagge n'ithdrawale for ahlpmuit lint.eimtei. att future wert prediéted. Tb4>coutIn«ency then t.ared has retel.- ed us,.tsud ibe wltbdlrawal of golO stuc. tht communication raferred te and otfièM tat appear luevttable threaten muuxh a de-. plttion fa ont goverumexit gold rusarve u Mage os fae ta face with t.e noe- odty of furthg action for- its vproteto. Itis conditionà la Intenslled by thé pre- valence in certain quarterao! suxide a an ailmsual arpreLens.on snd timidity Ixi busi. nost crcleu. W. are In the midet of another mess. of perpltxity caused' by our dangueru and tatuons financlal operatioiu. Thè»s may Le expecttd taoecur wIt eertalaty a s long ast theme la le. arend.aat loi sus fiaanCWalYstenî.If . la a e t l is-. tace npredicaaetieat ail In*eeu Sa recent Ilnaitpnct upen tht e ltlte aeshould omcpy lu ont r Mats" té s tain questions concernlng ont forelit poé. Icy, tiIs furnishes a signai and tmprisave wae tat aveu the patulotie amati- ment of our people la net re iatteguet. substitute for a sound fnaneliaolle. Of course tere eau Le no doubt lu amp. tbonghttul mInd au te Ute complete sol- vency of our natiOn, not ean there b. any mai eapprebenalon that the-Americau, people n'iI Le sstsfled With lems. li.au heneut paymeut o! omît publie ohligitlou. In tke r"cgalzed xidney of the wtrld. We shouli obit overieok tht facet hsever, that aroused fuxin lanreaaoalng and munt Letaen luto aecouai IlaaAl efforts teavert public lois and the saerUIfiet our people's Interens. Cure for Recurring Tvoebue The re-si aid sensible cure for ont recui% ring troubles rai; onli Le effected by, a couxplete change in our financlal acharne. Pending tixat the executive braume of te goveruxixent w'ill not relax li. efforts ixor abandonits determination 10 uit evtx'y mesawithin lis meich te maintain hefor, tLe worid American credit, nor wMl thms Le any besltation in exhibiting its-Ste.. fidence iu the resouirces of our coutep- aud tht constant patriotlim so! ont pe1> ple. Iu view, bowever, of t h. pecuilar situa- tien uow confkontiug un, i have venîmirt te Lereinexpresa the carneut hope tMat the Congrese, la defalt of tse inauguration ot a hetter .751cm of financ,% wl ot take a receca troum isa labore beom eit bas, by leglulative tuactînent or declaratlou, dont sorxiething not ouly te remind thos. apprehensive amoug our people ltat Ut. resources.o thiblagol-erment and à acrup- nions regard for honest dsaling afford a sure guatrantee o!nquestloued saouet and sounducas, but te reassure the world that with these factorsandte patriet"u o! our citisens the ablity and determma- tien of our nation ta e e la any efrcum- stances every obligation hIt luer do not admit of question. 1I aiattht bauds of Cangreueh prompt, aid as it alone -ban the power te give to Preveut lu a tie.of tsar and ap- prehenelon any sacrifice o! the peuple'@ lute4sets and the publie lundi or the ira- pairmeut o! aur public credît lu an effort bY executive action te relîeî-t the dangers o! the present contngSucy. GIIOVER CLEVELANXD6 ENATE 18 AS. UNE MAN. IPasse. the Bi for s Commisasion Unxininxonaly. Neither the bluff sud bluster o! Britisht financiers no- tLe threata o!fIWall streot operators moree thxe Unitedl States Sen- att from what it deemed lis path of duty l"ridoy? ltepublicnus aud Popu- lista joiued with Democrats la giving the strexîgth of unanimous support te tdo President, wlxo, it n'as eonctded, b.d but performel Lis loftiecI duty In att-' liug forth lu forcible avorda tht concret. sentiment o! the Amox-icen people la hi. mecent nmessage ou the Venezsc Ian houn-w dary dispute.1 The lieuse bllIfor as Ven*.uelau conx4 mission passeel the Sonate by a vIva rc tote, aad not one a oic. îras ralied agains it nom a single aniendinent urged. It n'as openîy and braî'ely statid ou lb. Stuate floor thrat concerteel actioin'aos belng takexi by the moue>' magnat«s of Englani te Lring pressure te bea ta10Sîe asIde tht threatened investigation pW,- pouel by tht President throughthe etory that notklng- but Iarty boitice Uda pmpted tht Presldent'u actioi* n;ud l' n'as al»Is.rMàcimed that WaIll'tet~. whlle the debate aras lu pro;9e> h beau Seo&ug"tb Sonate chamber witb teieafflxlu meage Proclaiming lte direit pailc ou meoord if tht Songaeli- sisted open adoptîug týIteHoof. biS. But tht Senatoes aere net. ta Le lstnxlated. A"d Mr. Lodge, o!fMWau"uautt, aud, iq. Chandier, o!fNon' maupdhlr, t"o occasion to serve notie on tc emwf

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